A great read Ian. I,m a fan of "The Thunderbolts Project" videos on youtube.

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There is the occult - termed from bigoted religious fanatics.

Then there is the esoteric & exoteric - ie CRAFTLORE for practical crafts-folk to retain trade secrets- the education system of today is akin to this- with the esoteric reserved for actual company research, and the school system being the exoteric medium of learning. Also things beyond mere 'physical description' often have an esoteric environment to convey various states of 'truth'.

Then there is the ARCANE....

Of course some things should absolutely remain secrets among certain groups , only indignant idiots would imagine otherwise, or those using devious subversion tactics.

While many secrets are actually in plain sight- via HERALDRY and Symbolism.

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Love u Blue Sky Maiden, Blessings🙏🌎

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Fuck that was some real illiterate shit I just read. Couldn't understand a thing you said mate.

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Ah you poor mess of a thing Decrepit Warwhore.

Are you mentally crippled .... or just a disingenuous liar?

What did Nushi write above was clearly stated-

'What should be secret fucking obvious to child -

IMPORTANT DATA & resources /STRATIGIC Matters- such being: military locations, weapons quantity, designs,components and manufacture, latent & manifest in the field ability, personnel identity's, sensitive family data.

FAMILY CONCERN CRAFT SKILLS, source of materials or ingredients & types, preparation, actual making of tricks learnt from experience, costs involved.'

& you couldn't grasp that ?

Get the fuck out of here you pathetic time sucking piece of shit !

I've read some of your posts & you are a fake ass poseur playing the smug anarchist role, yet with no clue that you are in an Anarchist system where the 'bloodline; families are the biggest gang & can make up whatever social 'rules' & constraints they like.

Your content is as shallow as your tolerance for informed opinion. It is clearly you who is triggered here while busy projecting your own disposition & insecurities onto others.... you must be so full of HATE & frustration

Nushi is laughing at you, & yet you claim shes angry & hateful towards a non-entity gob-shite goader such as yourself... what a sad existence you seem to be trapped in?!

Get a grip Ancient Warrior, you look like a dribbling goon writing such junk .... or TALKING it out loud as you type as you seem confused as to what mode of communication you are using.

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Cool story. Whatever you say.

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🥱...yeah cool maaaaan.

Phuking hypocrite hippie ....🙄😂🤣😂

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Jul 29Edited
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Ancient festering arsehole connects to this clart faced bore


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Funny you say all that. I was referring to your content and not your persona. But since you are going to pursue in throwing ad hominems at me, I already won this argument. Not that there is anything of me to win, or that it is even a contest, but more of a personal challenge you lack in reading something without taking offense or taking it too personal.

Thanks for projecting your own hate.

Good luck with that.


You might want to use less emotion and reread what you are about to say. Don't be afraid to use a little bit more punctuations too.

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and who is Ancient Warwhore to pontificate about such matters ?


Put your mask back on your spoilt posh twat, the anarchist pose is so shallow & feeble that it is obvious you only exist to give anarchism a bad reputation & waste the time of your readers -stating the obvious while evading the meat of the matter.

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May 26
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Prolapsing still ProLie-

What a curse you are in.



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And no one AT ALL wanted your comments or opinions, yet here you are with 3 months work & 1,000's of comments later still tROTTING about in some deranged spell of decomposition!

Look at how many people like your comments, NONE. What a pathetic worthless loser you truly are ProLie.

What a desperate , no-life Psycho on a anal vomit wallpaper mission.

tROT ON Sucker. It is you LOVE & LIFE now.

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Jun 14
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Jun 18Edited

3 month stalker pervert obsession from the Proteus 8 Prolapses Team of Dingleberries. is light entertainment!

No wonder you'll never get married or have children, thank god you are a dried up sterile old jaffa.


You've been in a obvious rage since you returned, is that the crack pipe effecting your mood?

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May 26
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May 27
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ProLie demands- ''Why do you bother breathing, Trolley Collector?'

Is that another death-threat from you ProLie ?😂

What do you have against supermarket assistants, why are you so elitist and conceited, who is the trolley collector here. It seems an ironic insult as you are obviously one of histories greatest SHIT SUCKERS .


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May 27Edited
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Another deeper historical insight into all this tells us everything we need to know about these monsters.

The ancients understood. Let's just call that 'pagan wisdom'. It's what used to be 'religion'.

So along comes 'judaism' followed by its two offshoots 'christianity' and 'islam'. These 'monotheistic' (i.e. exclusive, racist, fascist, patriarchal) ideologies are not just about social control (and trauma-based mind control, starting at a very young age - hence the association with the child abuse Network), they are 'anti-spiritual' or 'anti-religion' or 'anti-wisdom' or 'anti-knowledge'. Once judaism was established for this purpose and proved its practical worth (from the point of view of monsters/the cabal) they decided to infiltrate it into the rest of the world via the Roman Empire, in the guise of 'christianity' (the spy known as 'St. Paul' being the chief architect of this). This was then forced onto Europe for 1000 years.

Thus, ancient knowledge was destroyed and 'kept hidden' from and denied to the general population. Along with a 1000 years of progress. If you want to make people angry and righteous and all that, then tell them what the world will be like in the year 3000 and say 'that's what these fuckers have stolen from us because we should have that now. An interstellar civilisation.

In their lust for world domination it was then inflicted on the non-European peoples during the 'age of discovery'.

Then the resistance happens. It's called 'the enlightenment'. So the cabal had to infiltrate and disrupt and degenerate that too. So, rather than embrace the ancient wisdom, the 'enlightenment' threw the baby out with the bathwater and denied all magic, all spirituality, all paganism, all ancient wisdom and knowledge under the deceitful guise of 'rationality' and then 'atheism'. They were right of course to reject the evil social control aspect of the 'monotheistic' ideologies, but in so doing they rejected the ancients too. Nietzsche understood this.

Now you have evil atheists like 'Dawkins' et al. And all those sick 'gender crit' types. The worst kind of 'materialism' in other words.

The other method they used to deny the ancient wisdom was inventing these new 'occult' or 'esoteric' pseudo-systems. This fulfils two functions - 1/ to make it ridiculous in order to discredit/debunk and 2/ trap the unwary with a honeypot and divert them from 'the true path to knowledge'. So curious people are drawn to the false 'occult', not the genuine ancient wisdom.

If a truly enlightened humanity ever acknowledges this true history then, well, let's just say the day of fucking judgement cometh. And it won't be before fucking time.

And if humanity never acknowledges, understands, and then acts on this, then humanity will die.

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You are an incredible thing EverLyn' , I admire the strength you've shown admitting your MPD and arguing with yourself in your essays , once it starts that flow of yours seems hard to stop!

By the by, I was reading some old interviews with my old friends friend ELANA FREELAND about how sodomy was essential in programming , and it is obvious that you have never exorcized the STRONGMAN out of yourself fully and your deprogrammers did a shallow job by only destroying' the stronghold' , so the Joseph(S) (or the like) are still amassed and active with you. this may be why you've been suffering more blockage than usual ?

I also wonder if that is the KEY to PROLAPSES state of mind here ?

I hope that information helps you reintegrate, as you have a lot of potential if only you could be more self aware and honest.

Good Luck with it , God Guides while Christ Shines a light within.

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I love how team Chronic Moronic regularly have team members retire from breakdowns, have to reset their tactics, disappear for a few days due to exhaustion, and spend 4 hour shifts wading through the comments------ then they write the shit that Prolapse does below about not being exhausted , having mental breakdowns,implosions, resets; and instead make claims about us wading through the comments to find their crap (we dont, & we dont need to either as we just compare the day to day new additions from html comparisons ! 😂).

Look how triggered it is about it all, STILL 🙄

It got so excited it made 3 pointless comments no one cares about or will even respond to directly anymore !

Its been tROTTING about in a nightmare of its own making for 3 months doing exactly what we want, getting more & more wound up & frustrated, and still deludes itself it has any control over this.

What a pathetic psycho loser, cursed, crippled and chronic.


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Jun 6
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SNAP ! yet again

The hypocrisy is almost suffocating from you ProLie


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Jun 6
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All the best insults you use were from Dub etc aimed at you Prolie Prolapse originally .

You really don't have any creativity, imagination or self awareness do you, is that what happens when you become less than human, and also less than a functioning machine?

I just caught up with your PURE MANIA here PetFeltcher, and the CURSE really did hit you hard. You stopped long rambling self obsessed replies for several days. You resorted to wallpapering emojis despite your claim they made those that use them look like ''vocabularyless children''. You wrote out 'laughs' & expressions of hysteria. You resorted to infantile cut & paste repetition. You defiantly seemed to be shitting your pants in anal rage and frustration.

It is quite a sight and proves you are feeble minded, exposed your crippling hypersensitivity, triggered neurotic spelling fascism, and caused at least 3 breakdowns for you in the last fortnight.

When you work out what the word HYPOCRISY means then the joke on you will be all the more amusing.

tROT ON- It is your only love, reason to live and talent these days.

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PROTURD I like the fact you are so unbelievable that everyone here can see right through your tactics. and you know it yet are so tenacious and literally pig-headed that you dont care , and with the utmost audacity will keep going, because you are PAID to do so .

Obviously you really hate the job and keep giving the game away on purpose becasue you actually HATE your controllers, and their child molesting rituals and abuse and wish to expose them in some way.

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May 21
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Yes I do , because you agree with what I wrote 100%, Proturd.

What a total cretinous creep you keep proving yourself to be!


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nice one !

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May 22
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Ah - so you're not the same RAM I blocked a while ago - that explains it. Funny how you have the same name as your sister, though. Is she aware of this, by the way, or is there an amnesia wall there?

You lot are really fascinating, and I noticed that FAW says she's a hybrid AI - that was one of the options I did consider for your group. It would also explain the repetition, the inability to answer direct questions with direct, simple answers, and the need to engage/provoke responses, because the more responses you have the more learning data, of course.

Anyhow, I am still going to block you, though, because I have more productive things to do with my time. I would imagine you (or one of you) will be able to get around that again at some point, like you just did.

Still, I do, despite appearances, wish you well. If you are an MK victim then I would absolutely be on your side. For reasons of both personal history and in-depth research, as I'm sure you have guessed already. It's just a shame I don't think I can really help you. But take care, anyhow.

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You cant even help yourself EverLyin'.😂🤣😂

Look at what you just did there - a masterpiece of hypocrisy !

Evade content, waffle, project, and mention yourself as often as possible.

There is no way to stop people seeing profiles as a new account can be made , you really are a moron.

Also what did Ramonas sister write on her profile , you snivelling pathetic goon EverLyin',you never even read it and instead speculate like the bugged up, coke addled cretin we all now know you are.

Ramona has also mentioned her sister before , when she exposed you as a FAKE GOTH. The other day you were exposed as a fake MPD MKUlta/artichoke or whatever victim, as you didnt know about Twilight Language.

We also KNOW that you are an AI (sic) interface (or think you are and act like one), or desperately try to APPEAR to be.

The most interesting thing about this (as your team OVERSEARS will love) is that Iains readership here are so sublimated and shallow all this is passing them by or they are crippled by ineptitude.

Why ? some may ask- because it is ALL ABOUT FREEDOM OF SPEECH AND EXPRESSION .

Just as HALL is being persecuted (apparently) by the media , what you and your PROLAPSE account are doing is the same MIND SET AS HIBBERT and Mis Dis Info Arse-Face-Spring.

And that is why Iain Davis has proven himself unfit as a journalist of merit , or person of integrity.

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Sad but too true FAWB.

Your recovery is quite startling !

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Jun 3
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Here's a song about your mum FranCess Loser ProLie-


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Jun 4Edited
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May 24Edited
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Yeah same TEAM= Chronic Moronic pet feltchers.

ProLie is her pathetic offspring, the biggest runt in the litter of mutant toothless wolf guppies.

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Jun 6
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May 26
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No one's confused except you ProLie.

Everything your team does has the same dog cum stench to it, like FannyCist Loser, GARYs, WORD TURDER, and all the other impotent social media manipulators on substack.

tROT ON, it is you LIFE & LOVE.

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I am not a victim of anything EverLyin'. It is very obvious that you are the MPD/AI hybrid lost in a limbo of perpetual bullshit and blistered anal tossing. You do nothing productive and no-one reads your incredibly terrible writings, that read like a precocious, but seriously damaged & inept poseur. There time vampires and time rapists in your team , you appear a combination of both as perpetrator & victim.

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May 20Edited
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SO , they may be American ?

How did you know ?

What of it ?

Who is Splurge ?

Is that another infantile name you use to try and dehumanise everyone to the same level as yourself ?

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May 26
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Your history is laughable,

you have such a meager knowledge about this that it is quite shameful how you go on.

Too many errors to even consider rectifying EverLyin', that was quite a feat of insidious junk you managed to dribble out !

Congratulations - you are my favorite internet' typing turd time vampire' at the moment!

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May 17
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you are very 'meagre'

Did that word act as a trigger for you MKUltra programming ?

I noticed you seem to be an OMEGA programme,

How did you become so inarticulate , yet psychotic about spelling?

Is it because my sister cast a spell on you ?

You are a very obsessed and disturbed thing, I doubt you are fully human, more a CYBORG . Are you a hybrid ? Maybe a large maggot in a tank that can type with its rectum ?

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more self description, or spelling fascism from a petty nark ?

Lets evade content and be pathetic instead !

tROT ON mule clown,

Thanatos needs more fodder.

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May 18
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None of us are interested in what you think,do , or write anymore.

There is no point responding, it would be seen as more pathetic baiting, we disagree and that is it. Live with it or lump it.

You forget what SUBSTACK IS FOR - writers to express themselves and explore ideas- not virtue signalling hypocrisy and malicious stalking.

Goodbye, and may all your support for Hall get the appreciation it deserves.

Anymore baiting from you will be considered a deliberate infringement upon freedom of expression and personal thought.

Use all your anger and energy to write about your stance & grievances in a article or note if you wish. This post is not directly connected to Hall and all you've done is wallpaper it with your petty hate agenda, while distracting from the substance of the comments.

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PROLAPSE has limited parameters of 'conversation'; what an abuse of that word!

Even if we stop it will continue in the same vain vein .

The irony being you were going to stop commenting here, and PROLAPSE is busy trying to ban you , inciting responses to its insanity!

It can get away with it here because Iain is perverse enough to want it to be doing what it is (there goes his credibility into the sewers) , or is under pressure to allow it free reign (it has just confirmed his consolidation) , whereas on our channels we would probably simply block it, like you had to last time with its emoji overload ! The hypocrisy 🙄😂

I've got all I need from them, they did the same programme errors again.. So, lets leave PROLAPSE to it, and enjoy the show !

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May 19Edited
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All the words you highlight are appropriate and highly relevant to your state here .

Do you not think they have done that on purpose, as they all have good spell checking software?

It looks like they are making you look like an absolutely useless, self destructive agent of abuse here.Is that due to your OMEGA programming , or the strongman persona trapping you in a 'sodomistic' loop of rage and frustration?

Did you undergo BETA programming first , as you display all the HALL-MARKS of being an insatiable 'toy' rather than anything intellectually serious?

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May 20
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PROTRUE - what a hypocritical name as usual!

that is desperate, petty , & anal.

You spend a lot of time trolling here, and have only written one comment out of over 100 not directed at Ram & Serge.

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May 20
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I can still see it , you are an arrogant idiot.

How can you ban accounts you dont even know exist !


I've got two other account I use before this one, and there is no way you'll ever find out what they are as none have ever commented on the same page or have their likes public !

You cant write long responses anymore can you.

Their spells and command controls of MPD really messed you up, and now all you can do is stalk about being a fascist spell-checker.

The Irony!

What a fast job they did on you this time.

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May 21
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May 23
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I love how team Chronic Moronic regularly have team members retire from breakdowns, have to reset their tactics, disappear for a few days due to exhaustion, and spend 4 hour shifts wading through the comments------ then they write the shit that Prolapse does below about not being exhausted , having mental breakdowns,implosions, resets; and instead make claims about us wading through the comments to find their crap (we dont, & we dont need to either as we just compare the day to day new additions from html comparisons ! 😂).

Look how triggered it is about it all, STILL 🙄

It got so excited it made 3 pointless comments no one cares about or will even respond to directly anymore !

Its been tROTTING about in a nightmare of its own making for 3 months doing exactly what we want, getting more & more wound up & frustrated, and still deludes itself it has any control over this.

What a pathetic psycho loser, cursed, crippled and chronic.


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May 24
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Very interesting article, Iain. I think these numerological games are a kind of signalling, amongst those in the know. And at the same time a poke in the eye for plebs like you and me, as we try and figure out their dastardly games.

There's quite a lot of it in relation to 9/11 (surprise, surprise), as I'm sure you're aware. Years ago, I read a book by Kent Bain, all about the occult significance of 9/11. It was an eye opener, even if it some of it seemed determined to make connections from the flimsiest evidence.

As a matter of (marginal) interest, I was born on the 22nd of the month and grew up at house number 32: I'm still waiting for a call from an Illuminati insider.

Would it help if I rolled up one trouser leg?

One small correction, if you'll allow me. A couple of times you use "infer(s)" when you should really use 'imply'/'implies'.

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You have hit upon a number of really important points here. One of them is about convincing the masses that 'the occult' is a load of rubbish - meaning the cabal can then research it ('secretly') and anyone who says they're researching it can be easily portrayed as a loony. This is of course one of their classic tactics to debunk 'conspiracy theorists'. Which, as you suggest, is one reason why they imbue their 'events' with inherent debunkability or straw men (which, naturally, shows it was a false flag).

One of the great things you do in the first part of this essay is talk about genuine science (Tesla etc.). I'm interested to know why you didn't mention Miles Mathis' science (the charge field and so on) - is this simply because you're not familiar with it yet? One thing I find sinister about Mathis of course is that alongside his very rational science he indulges in a whole raft of ridiculous conspiracy theories (like the (manufactured) 'false events' narrative) - it's as if this stuff only serves to discredit the science. Which has led me to suspect that Mathis was made the proverbial offer you can't refuse and is now working in one of their secret facilities, and it's a committee writing his false events rubbish. I do find it difficult to accept how someone with such clear intelligence can also write rubbish. There's a cognitive dissonance there, of course.

I totally agree that there are so many 'inventions' (if I can put it that way) that must be being withheld from the general public. This is part of the point of the DEXOS thing on my substack (the parallel world I describe is one in which the occult tech is now un-occult, and available to the public). The 'occult' is partly to give the cabal an ever widening advantage over the tech that is 'publicly accessible', but it's also because if this tech was publicly/commercially available then it would be liberating for humanity and thus the cabal wouldn't have any control anymore. Medical treatment is one such (e.g. GcMaf).

You are absolutely correct to call these monsters pond life. Normal human beings have a natural desire to share all this wonderful stuff. But they don't behave like normal human beings. It's why I do in fact think they are a different species. Behaviour is governed by the brain, after all, so their brains must be sufficiently different (or differently wired) to constitute a different species (fMRI comparisons would demonstrate this). Utopia will only happen if and when these monsters are exterminated. Unfortunately, normal human beings are 'good' and so they waiver or baulk at the idea of 'extermination'. And the bad guys know this.

See, I'm really good at launching into digressionary rambles.

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you are really adept at uttering an endless stream of utter bullshit

and are now actually unreadable EverLyin' !


for those unfamiliar with EverLyin's ways - DEXOS is her 'invention/group' in her other dimensional place of origin (she claims !) , while here it is engine oil by GM !!!!

Also Miles Mathis is renowned for his 'false flag' work - which is superb usually.

his 'charge field' concept is not original at all ,and his science is questionable.

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Also 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet. 😁

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Only geometrically. When motion is involved, Pi = 4 (because it's motion in more than one plane).

Just to be pedantic, you know.

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Help! The pedants are revolting! 😉

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And now we see the violence inherent in the system!

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Are you referring to the violent flatulence and toxic feltching inside YOUR SYSTEM EverLyin' ?

If so there are means of mitigation.

Maybe try using a large cork at first?

MisDisInfoSpring has a double anus allegedly, she will certainly be able to help you out with your issues due to having similar problems.

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Jun 3
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Just a reminder of what PROLIE wrote on its previous account that was banned, in case anyone is confused about what a sick, pathetic, hypocritical hate-baiting psycho it really is.

These quotes are from its 6 weeks campaign in March/April-

The bit about posting minimally is impossible to reconcile with any angle on actual reality.😂


'''' I changed my name to make it clear why I continue to post here.

Simply to feed from you two fuckwits!

The whole team, that is - all 8 of me working in shifts, just keeping you on the leash - forever!


And I'll be here to feed from your juices forever, Flubby - I can't get enough of this nutrition.

Yum yum!

Cheers, mate!''


And I won't be 'stropping off' anywhere (nor me, or me, or me , or me or any of the other lads, girls or trans creatures on the night shift!).

I'll be here, just feeding at my own pace as I have the appetite., and I know you will be here on my leash always desperate to feed me.

Yum yum!

Cheers, mate!

------and more-----

Im still here feeding from you - every post you think is insulting me just makes me stronger and happier!

All you are useful for is feeding from.

So that is what will be happening.

I post minimally here.

And you feed me with your juices.

And we'll play some new games too.

Let's see how juicy you really are.

Yum yum!

Cheers, mate!

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Jun 14Edited
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Gloating in your decay & demise again Proteus 8 Prolapses.

How are you going to tell who Serge is ?

Are you going to confront all the 6'2" Dark skinned security personnel you see at the High Court ?


tROT ON , you pathetic goon.

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Jun 20
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Are all your imaginary friends so cowardly or intangible to type any support for you HERE ProTwat ? If they are anything like you they are also pathetic losers without any substance or influence.

No one AT ALL wanted or supports your comments or opinions PROtwat, yet here you are with 4 months work & 1,000's of comments later still tROTTING about in some deranged spell of decomposition!


Keep on having public breakdowns for everyone's amusement, you cartoon goon.

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The curse upon ‘Team Chronic Moronic’ & ‘ProLie the Pet Feltcher’, resulted in them ceasing long winded, insane comments full of desperate lies and projection. Instantly they began making a multitude of ‘cut &paste’ 3 line outbursts of insane crap instead.

The comment below was used at least 30 times in 4 days by them-

''Same wallpapering anal pattern then?'

The use of the redundant question mark just adds to their obviously triggered & enraged state of mind.

The hypocrisy of their actions seems to be beyond their meager scope of awareness.🙄😂🤣😂

There they are ‘wallpapering away’’ in an overt anal manner while claiming others are doing the same.

There is no point in responding as the responses are never comprehended (or even read fully seemingly) and simply used as potential ammunition. Such as pathetic spelling correction claims only lost souls indulge in usually.

We do respond tho (in like-minded sensibility sometimes), because we wish to document this social abuse & blatant hysteria for future work & gather definitive proof of what is actually occurring on social media among the controlled ops shills.


ProLie Prolapse is cursed & crippled, desperate for any kind of attention yet flagging badly after the ill-will-magic placed upon their team.

Look at them still tROTTING about for us on Iain Davis OCCULT essay page of comments. ProLie has made over 1,000 comments while stalking us.

Their previous account did the same ansd was deleted by SUBSTACK ADMIN for being a criminal act. This time they allowed it to continue, so must be under ‘orders’, or willfully complicit. I think the former more likely, and SUBSTACK in general are sick of scum like ProLie/Chronic Moronic abusing freedom of speech to stalk & bait any comment they take offence to.

Anyways, hypocrisy & mania are regular features of ProLies team MO. Seemingly they hate us and claim we are stupid, repulsive, sub human, illiterate and a waste of time.

Yet, if that is so then why DEDICATE 3 months of their lives so far to trying to pester & distract us ?

Why do they spend 8-18 hours a day hunting for comments ? Obviously they think we are very important & dangerous to their bigger agenda here - which is ?


To do so they will behave as the biggest socialmedia (sic) stalking, pervert pests possible

Trying to manufacture a new conformity of SIDES, just like the old crap of Labor/Tory/ feeble Liberals, where there is no room beyond the party line.

Look at all the top alternative commentators and see how quickly you can find their overt BLIND SPOT.

Jews, Nukes, Ether 'tec', Fake Space/Nasa/ Flat Earth evasion (or dodgy promotion !) ,Chem-trails/atmospheric engineering, Child-abuse networks, Vaccine scams, organised on-line abuse/consolidation etc are all contentious issues that will be hyped, hidden, or mangled in a variety of ways.

There are no 'popular' alternative voices who can be trusted anymore (if ever really ?). They have sown it up & locked it down to such an extent that they are now terrified of even the slightest dissident from this malicious game they have played upon the public.

That is why I and several friend have restrained from doing more work here. In real-life I can go to a pub/club almost any night and play music in front of 200-500 people (& know maybe 50 of them personally!). While here you get 5 subs who never interact (apart from a couple of mates & family) and insults from envious psychopaths trying to waste time & energy in responses.

Maybe the simple fact is that people are so socially crippled these days that treasure will always be treated as shit, or folk are so 'removed and numb' that they are incapable of any form of appreciation- unless they are already besotted with a established media personality and familiar with previously established (usually controlled) perspectives. Which is what controlled ops do so thoroughly these days as well.

Here there are many gems of hypocrisy & madness from ProLie that prove my points above.

One gem was when Blue Sky Maiden mentioned secrets being necessary in certain organisations such as the military.

ProLie tried to turn it into 'so you are PRO MILITARY then, which is an insanely simplified assumption of a complex topic, and typical projection from a compulsive liar such as ProLie ; who with that assumption has claimed it can read peoples minds !

If a Military Organisation exist in a country, by nature it has to have secrets! It matters not if you want, or like a military presence, that is the MO of military concerns !

The Blue Sky Maiden is from Japan which has been a MARTIAL Nation for thousands of years . The Military there is a simple fact of history & culture, they have secrets and without those secrets they would be open to various forms of attack etc.

Corporate espionage is a fact of 'capitalism/mercenary exploitation' , just because any of the public don't like that fact doesn't mean it will suddenly cease !

What we see with ProLie & Co is the infantile ENTITLED BRAT persona so epidemic in films & TV shows.

If they dont like something they will try and eradicate it, abuse it , gang up against it , and scream over the top of any discussion taking any other angle of view.

ProLie & Co are anti democratic, anti HUMANE (except as virtue signalling pose) and ultimately anti life - Life is too complex for them. Life is too messy and disappointing for them. People create too many problems for them, could be a threat, have different tastes, needs, desires and inclinations. They need to CONTROL other people like animals/pets/performers, and that is an important part of the psycho-dynamic of these damaged social navigators appearing in every nook & granny of modern life.

Once they were basically religious fanatics/bigots, now they may be science bigots, political bigots, or fashion bigots instead. They are not really concerned with humanity progressing in any way except toward a STERILE LIMBO of XEROX personalities & designations.

Sadly they seem to be succeeding overall and sublimating peoples spirits very dramatically. People are not 'waking up as claimed' , they are just going deeper into the living nightmare of deceits & psychic mutilation.

Here on Substack they keep losing like the desperate masochists they are, making themselves laughing stocks in the process, while going blatantly bat shit mental in the process.

The curse upon them was genuine and now the results are showing in the actions & features of those who thought they could hide among the Chronic Moronic umbrella. That umbrella is now on the operating table and about to come under the effects of a gigantic sowing machine shaped like an elephant and billowing steam.

A common feature of the fake opposition is their contempt for Freud, in turn a denial of the ‘surreal’ nature of media & modern life. It is not that we should all simply agree with Freud, what he said is very pertinent and important to CONSIDER.

Anyone who dismisses his work is a pathetic idiot, or devious shit. Freud was the catalyst for the philosophical movement of Surrealism that dominates the visual environment we now inhabit. Wherever you like it or not, that is the arena we inhabit and it can never be comprehended adequately without using the same tools to scrutinize its nature and trajectory.

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Jun 6
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Prolapsing still ProLie-

What a curse you are in.



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Jun 14
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Yes Proteus 8 Prolapses, you are still here, but you miss the point of the curse & assumed it was simply a 'death wish' because that is your nature, inclination, & shows your lack of creativity & imagination.

We may say what the curse involved to you. however why would we EVER be honest with you in this DRAMA ? You have shown every reason to never trust you or a word you write so many times already, so why do you expect us to be any more fair than your own actions.

Remember every battle YOU are in is one ultimately with yourself !

Who watches the watchmen ?

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Jun 18Edited
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Proteus 8 Prolapses,

If you read wghat was written instead of being lost in PURE MANIA,

then you would realise the friends of Serge are not there to protect HIM, but YOU, from propelling yourself into terminal troubles.

The only threat YOU pose to anyone is from suffocating them with the stench of you shitting yourself, & thrashing about having some kind of embolism.

Really what can some fanny battered decrepit farts, like Nickerless Kollostomybag, FannyCist Looser, bumwank Hall, Banshee Germy O.D.; James Mark Court Dingleberry or Flabby Plumface wasp psycho do; except 'rolling on the floor being hysterical' ?

Maybe you'll get Martin Hillbilly (your 'pink film' dungeon chum) to try & run Serge over in his wheel chair?



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You are obsessing about all this most of the time then Proteus 8 ?

How is your imagination so trapped in childish insults that were cliched & crap in primary school, is it all from the script you use or can you add your own ?


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Jun 6Edited
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Prolapsing still ProLie-

What a curse you are in.



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Jun 10
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Laughing to yourself in hysteria still ProLie.

And you thought that was worthy of a comment. 🙄😂

You values are as redundant as your opinions.

What a curse you must be in.

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Jun 12
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That is hysteria Proturd!


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Jun 12Edited
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Jun 6
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😂 More hypocritical outrage & transference from you ProLie!

Why haven't you simply killed yourself must be a question most people reading this are probably thinking ProLie?😂

You are clearly suicidal & a desperate , terminal masochist.

You abused Nushi like everyone else who says anything insightful or humorous here, yet you keep crying like a entitled brat bitch when you don't get your own way still.

Where did Nushi even say for you to kill yourself , what proof do you have, and have you forgotten that Ram, Serge and all of us helping them have stated CATAGORICALLY that this a FICTIONAL ARENA of CREATIVE WRITING, and that includes any insults.

You have transgressed several laws here with your stalking, crass lies, and attempts at misrepresentative abuse. Who cares anymore, go to the police if you think any real law has been broken. They will see your previous BANNED account set up to stalk, read these notes and tell you that it is you who is certifiably a stalking, humourless, hypocritical Psycho who should be locked up !

You also claimed a death threat from Serge when he ASKED YOU to hold your breath for a count of 18, then stopped at 3. 🙄😂

No-one can take anything you say seriously, you are just a boring (inadvertently hilarious sometimes) , pathetic mess , and maybe should consider ending this campaign of abuse you are so inept at.

If you decide to play in traffic (I certainly do not recommend or encourage you to do that !) , take a long walk off a short pier when the tide is out, or wank arse yourself to a premature death (which you seem to be practicing ) is up to you.

I am sure no one will miss you or regret not making the most of the opportunity to discover more about your miserable, bitter , hypocritical existence, as all they need know is here in all its anal vomit, festering monstrosity.

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Jun 6Edited
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Prolapsing still ProLie-

What a curse you are in.



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Jun 10
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Jun 4
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Speaking of dyslexic old twats hows your mum FannyCist Loser ?

Here's a video of a song for you made by someone whos read these comments ProLie-


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Jun 6
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TH's mother ?

WTF do you know about her, nothing, so why write it ?

Look at your mother that scabby old Shill Fanny Cist Loser, rat faced fink for pet feltchers .

What a pathetic mess you are in ProLie.

tROT ON it is all you have left now anyway.

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