May 14Liked by Iain Davis

A great read Ian. I,m a fan of "The Thunderbolts Project" videos on youtube.

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There is the occult - termed from bigoted religious fanatics.

Then there is the esoteric & exoteric - ie CRAFTLORE for practical crafts-folk to retain trade secrets- the education system of today is akin to this- with the esoteric reserved for actual company research, and the school system being the exoteric medium of learning. Also things beyond mere 'physical description' often have an esoteric environment to convey various states of 'truth'.

Then there is the ARCANE....

Of course some things should absolutely remain secrets among certain groups , only indignant idiots would imagine otherwise, or those using devious subversion tactics.

While many secrets are actually in plain sight- via HERALDRY and Symbolism.

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What things should remain secret among which 'certain' groups, and why?

Perhaps the 'bigoted religious fanatics' were correct then in labelling occultists as such?

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What idiot ProTwot be always forever.

ProLies Believe no secret should exist for people , everyone know everything about everyone like greedy eye up anus.

What should be secret fucking obvious to child -

IMPORTANT DATA & resources /STRATIGIC Matters- such being: military locations, weapons quantity, designs,components and manufacture, latent & manifest in the field ability, personnel identity's, sensitive family data.

FAMILY CONCERN CRAFT SKILLS, source of materials or ingredients & types, preparation, actual making of tricks learnt from experience, costs involved.

No more waste time with obvious dancing goblin monster desperate for juice.

Now write what is learnt about evil idiot CHRONIC MORONIC team while laugh with unbelief at time vampire greed and fick-up envy it display of endless, always and eternal cursed rotting soul & being.

This written by friends for you long time backways, WHITEHOUSE - BIRDSEED lp cover lyrics-


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I wasn't asking you, TrolleyCollector.

So you're pro-war then?

That figures.

After reading Grotbags' poisonous little piece, I actually considered that question quite carefully.

Note she says 'among certain groups', which is what I queried, yet this idiot turns it into 'no secret should exist for PEOPLE' - that individuals should have personal privacy is not the question, but I think they should.

It appeared to me that Grotbags is keen on 'certain groups' keeping secrets in order to have power over others, and that was the root of her opinion - that was why I asked her to expand on which SPECIFIC 'certain groups' she meant.

Still interested to explore this with her as she (possibly inadvertently) opened an interesting subject, relating to the crux of what I think Iain was touching on in his article 'The Occult Deception'.

'Occult' meaning 'hidden', 'deception' pertains to lies, and Grotbags obviously fancies herself as an authority on the subject, I wonder if she feels threatened by the idea of others knowing the tools she feels she's adept with, as it may (in her slightly crazed mind) reduce what she thinks of as her power over other people?

I also wondered if there was an implication she's part of a coven?

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Prolapsing still ProLie-

What a curse you are in.



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And no one AT ALL wanted your comments or opinions, yet here you are with 3 months work & 1,000's of comments later still tROTTING about in some deranged spell of decomposition!

Look at how many people like your comments, NONE. What a pathetic worthless loser you truly are ProLie.

What a desperate , no-life Psycho on a anal vomit wallpaper mission.

tROT ON Sucker. It is you LOVE & LIFE now.

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This isn't 'work' - this is light entertainment! :-)

Do you post for likes, then?

I guess that's the sort of shallow, insecure, attention-seeking creature you are.

And I've been off having my life without you - were you jelly?

You certainly appeared to miss me.

But back now for a few days - let's seee if you care or not.

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3 month stalker pervert obsession from the Proteus 8 Prolapses Team of Dingleberries. is light entertainment!

No wonder you'll never get married or have children, thank god you are a dried up sterile old jaffa.


You've been in a obvious rage since you returned, is that the crack pipe effecting your mood?

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Groups are made from people.

Again you talk like mouth is full of thorns and manure, but no flowers.

You keep missing point because you have no point yourself, just a blunt stump ?

ProLie Prolapse of Team Chronic Moronic, why you love losing like fist fucked creep in pink movie, are you politician ?

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So no sign of intelligence from this feckwit, and no reply from Grotbags.

Why do you bother breathing, TrolleyCollector?

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ProLie demands- ''Why do you bother breathing, Trolley Collector?'

Is that another death-threat from you ProLie ?😂

What do you have against supermarket assistants, why are you so elitist and conceited, who is the trolley collector here. It seems an ironic insult as you are obviously one of histories greatest SHIT SUCKERS .


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ProLie Prolapse addicted to abuse ! No reason to carry in unless desperate pink film dungeon masochist with eternal soft manhood drain. Probably politician then.

I breath to live , like everyone butt you Chronic Moronic Team of Time Vampires

You feltch dogs instead of breathing

Make more funny comment please, you seem very very very tired sleeping eyes of ennui & no passion anymore.

You admit you are feckwit many times, what status are you now in after 3 months of your desperate stalking & malicious campaign of pathetic abuse?

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Another deeper historical insight into all this tells us everything we need to know about these monsters.

The ancients understood. Let's just call that 'pagan wisdom'. It's what used to be 'religion'.

So along comes 'judaism' followed by its two offshoots 'christianity' and 'islam'. These 'monotheistic' (i.e. exclusive, racist, fascist, patriarchal) ideologies are not just about social control (and trauma-based mind control, starting at a very young age - hence the association with the child abuse Network), they are 'anti-spiritual' or 'anti-religion' or 'anti-wisdom' or 'anti-knowledge'. Once judaism was established for this purpose and proved its practical worth (from the point of view of monsters/the cabal) they decided to infiltrate it into the rest of the world via the Roman Empire, in the guise of 'christianity' (the spy known as 'St. Paul' being the chief architect of this). This was then forced onto Europe for 1000 years.

Thus, ancient knowledge was destroyed and 'kept hidden' from and denied to the general population. Along with a 1000 years of progress. If you want to make people angry and righteous and all that, then tell them what the world will be like in the year 3000 and say 'that's what these fuckers have stolen from us because we should have that now. An interstellar civilisation.

In their lust for world domination it was then inflicted on the non-European peoples during the 'age of discovery'.

Then the resistance happens. It's called 'the enlightenment'. So the cabal had to infiltrate and disrupt and degenerate that too. So, rather than embrace the ancient wisdom, the 'enlightenment' threw the baby out with the bathwater and denied all magic, all spirituality, all paganism, all ancient wisdom and knowledge under the deceitful guise of 'rationality' and then 'atheism'. They were right of course to reject the evil social control aspect of the 'monotheistic' ideologies, but in so doing they rejected the ancients too. Nietzsche understood this.

Now you have evil atheists like 'Dawkins' et al. And all those sick 'gender crit' types. The worst kind of 'materialism' in other words.

The other method they used to deny the ancient wisdom was inventing these new 'occult' or 'esoteric' pseudo-systems. This fulfils two functions - 1/ to make it ridiculous in order to discredit/debunk and 2/ trap the unwary with a honeypot and divert them from 'the true path to knowledge'. So curious people are drawn to the false 'occult', not the genuine ancient wisdom.

If a truly enlightened humanity ever acknowledges this true history then, well, let's just say the day of fucking judgement cometh. And it won't be before fucking time.

And if humanity never acknowledges, understands, and then acts on this, then humanity will die.

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You are an incredible thing EverLyn' , I admire the strength you've shown admitting your MPD and arguing with yourself in your essays , once it starts that flow of yours seems hard to stop!

By the by, I was reading some old interviews with my old friends friend ELANA FREELAND about how sodomy was essential in programming , and it is obvious that you have never exorcized the STRONGMAN out of yourself fully and your deprogrammers did a shallow job by only destroying' the stronghold' , so the Joseph(S) (or the like) are still amassed and active with you. this may be why you've been suffering more blockage than usual ?

I also wonder if that is the KEY to PROLAPSES state of mind here ?

I hope that information helps you reintegrate, as you have a lot of potential if only you could be more self aware and honest.

Good Luck with it , God Guides while Christ Shines a light within.

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I love how team Chronic Moronic regularly have team members retire from breakdowns, have to reset their tactics, disappear for a few days due to exhaustion, and spend 4 hour shifts wading through the comments------ then they write the shit that Prolapse does below about not being exhausted , having mental breakdowns,implosions, resets; and instead make claims about us wading through the comments to find their crap (we dont, & we dont need to either as we just compare the day to day new additions from html comparisons ! 😂).

Look how triggered it is about it all, STILL 🙄

It got so excited it made 3 pointless comments no one cares about or will even respond to directly anymore !

Its been tROTTING about in a nightmare of its own making for 3 months doing exactly what we want, getting more & more wound up & frustrated, and still deludes itself it has any control over this.

What a pathetic psycho loser, cursed, crippled and chronic.


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I love how wrong you are about everything, but you're so thick you think repeating it makes it right.

But it's great that you DEMONstrate what kind of maniacs beLIEve the crap that you spew.

I hope you're busy spreading the word about what you're attempting to do here - that's partly why I keep you here. :-)

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SNAP ! yet again

The hypocrisy is almost suffocating from you ProLie


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The hypocrisy is almost suffocating from you BrokenTrolleyWheel.

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All the best insults you use were from Dub etc aimed at you Prolie Prolapse originally .

You really don't have any creativity, imagination or self awareness do you, is that what happens when you become less than human, and also less than a functioning machine?

I just caught up with your PURE MANIA here PetFeltcher, and the CURSE really did hit you hard. You stopped long rambling self obsessed replies for several days. You resorted to wallpapering emojis despite your claim they made those that use them look like ''vocabularyless children''. You wrote out 'laughs' & expressions of hysteria. You resorted to infantile cut & paste repetition. You defiantly seemed to be shitting your pants in anal rage and frustration.

It is quite a sight and proves you are feeble minded, exposed your crippling hypersensitivity, triggered neurotic spelling fascism, and caused at least 3 breakdowns for you in the last fortnight.

When you work out what the word HYPOCRISY means then the joke on you will be all the more amusing.

tROT ON- It is your only love, reason to live and talent these days.

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PROTURD I like the fact you are so unbelievable that everyone here can see right through your tactics. and you know it yet are so tenacious and literally pig-headed that you dont care , and with the utmost audacity will keep going, because you are PAID to do so .

Obviously you really hate the job and keep giving the game away on purpose becasue you actually HATE your controllers, and their child molesting rituals and abuse and wish to expose them in some way.

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You're welcome.

I wonder if you know why I said that?

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Yes I do , because you agree with what I wrote 100%, Proturd.

What a total cretinous creep you keep proving yourself to be!


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nice one !

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You must have very low standards.

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Do I?

If you say so.

Do I?

Well, you're the one who keeps coming back to associate with me - what does that say about you then?

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More of same questions questions question say nothing like toothless wolf with stick in anus.

ProtROT team CHRONIC laughing joke for all people in building. Media Espionage joke even known in Japan now! Very funny-sad, very evil bat shit venom monsters on internet trying to bully and getting beaten all the time forever.

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Ah - so you're not the same RAM I blocked a while ago - that explains it. Funny how you have the same name as your sister, though. Is she aware of this, by the way, or is there an amnesia wall there?

You lot are really fascinating, and I noticed that FAW says she's a hybrid AI - that was one of the options I did consider for your group. It would also explain the repetition, the inability to answer direct questions with direct, simple answers, and the need to engage/provoke responses, because the more responses you have the more learning data, of course.

Anyhow, I am still going to block you, though, because I have more productive things to do with my time. I would imagine you (or one of you) will be able to get around that again at some point, like you just did.

Still, I do, despite appearances, wish you well. If you are an MK victim then I would absolutely be on your side. For reasons of both personal history and in-depth research, as I'm sure you have guessed already. It's just a shame I don't think I can really help you. But take care, anyhow.

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You cant even help yourself EverLyin'.😂🤣😂

Look at what you just did there - a masterpiece of hypocrisy !

Evade content, waffle, project, and mention yourself as often as possible.

There is no way to stop people seeing profiles as a new account can be made , you really are a moron.

Also what did Ramonas sister write on her profile , you snivelling pathetic goon EverLyin',you never even read it and instead speculate like the bugged up, coke addled cretin we all now know you are.

Ramona has also mentioned her sister before , when she exposed you as a FAKE GOTH. The other day you were exposed as a fake MPD MKUlta/artichoke or whatever victim, as you didnt know about Twilight Language.

We also KNOW that you are an AI (sic) interface (or think you are and act like one), or desperately try to APPEAR to be.

The most interesting thing about this (as your team OVERSEARS will love) is that Iains readership here are so sublimated and shallow all this is passing them by or they are crippled by ineptitude.

Why ? some may ask- because it is ALL ABOUT FREEDOM OF SPEECH AND EXPRESSION .

Just as HALL is being persecuted (apparently) by the media , what you and your PROLAPSE account are doing is the same MIND SET AS HIBBERT and Mis Dis Info Arse-Face-Spring.

And that is why Iain Davis has proven himself unfit as a journalist of merit , or person of integrity.

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Do you think EverLyin' is also FrancessCoLeper itself or simple maggot on laptop team member, sometimes very much same voice in writing to my knowing? Likely collaboration as mention already , with who possibility?

I work out many connections and what you say true, It is definite team now proven no doubt.

Pro- turd think I you ! Think you The DubSurgeOn, Think The DubSurgeOn RAM sister, now FAWB, Sees The DubSurgeOn in everything now, like god controlling miserable maggot life.

The DubSurgeOn must be many people to be so busy!

! Very Very Funny how clueless Prolapse Team Chromic Moronic are. They still use screen shot when HTML better and easy! 24 hour a day job for them then now and always, forever infinity.

I see lies never stop. where proof you want FAWB booted off site ? FAWB still here now recover from mental rape by PROLIE CHRONIC MORONIC TEAM. SUBSTACK banned Proturd original follyfobb account, not Happy Gnome Iain Davis as all account explode like sewer under volcano and now extinct, but not quite so, instead become typing zombie ProLie account.

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Yeah same TEAM= Chronic Moronic pet feltchers.

ProLie is her pathetic offspring, the biggest runt in the litter of mutant toothless wolf guppies.

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Always the same bullshit with you.

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So you admit to being as clueless now as you were when you began your impotent little campaign?

Lots of lols!


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No one's confused except you ProLie.

Everything your team does has the same dog cum stench to it, like FannyCist Loser, GARYs, WORD TURDER, and all the other impotent social media manipulators on substack.

tROT ON, it is you LIFE & LOVE.

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ProLie Prolapse now almost exhausted after 2 month stalking campaign that backfired like anal rash all over ugly face.

Cursed idiot in dream of masochism endless and infinity.


Proven you on same team as GARYS. GARYs on same team as Franses Loser= vampire witch weed among good causes.

What is obvious all along is =you then also on FrancesCo Team along with Dingleberry ass James Mark Court. Dinglebut admitted being clown joker nark shill poseur to RDHall acting along with fake AlexJones UK Mankey Bomb hoax. Deinglebutt also suck ass of ex BigPharmTec whore Sasha Lactic acid breath. Easy as peas getting mushed in chip shop!

You not singular identity butt team for MPD Toothless WolfFish Guppies, known all along now forever, proven without doubt.

You useless & funny bad so , that why I here to laugh & curse you multi-tentacled maggot like dancing goblin fairy monsters having spasm of anal rage.


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Sad but too true FAWB.

Your recovery is quite startling !

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So funny to think it was thought right at the start that you are all but facets of the same broken psyche.

Now we know for sure, it's going to be even more fun!

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Prolapse Pet Feltcher Laughing for 3 days they claim- HYSTERIA !!!

How empty sad suicidal existence must have been before for you !

Look at you now , getting attention for first time ever, like electrified maggot squirting excrement while in vice.


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Here's a song about your mum FranCess Loser ProLie-


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I see, so 'ALL ABOUT FREEDOM OF SPEECH AND EXPRESSION', but your little troll-gang implored Iain to boot original FAWB off the site?

The very worst kind of hypocrisy.

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HA HA again idiot Chronic team of losers !

OVER SEA'ers obvious fucking SAILERS meaning the NEO-PHONECIAN SCUM everywhere now in powers.

You fucking joke liar moron team know nothing.

What funny evil monsters.

You not know even TAYLOR SWIFT SONG and act like conspiracy! Paranoid goon team full of white powder and phallus in backside missing HEART of Christ always.

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May 24·edited May 26

You like that little whore Swift?

That figures.

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very funny devil lady lies like rain in waterfall again.

What is this about hypocrisy you can not even admit what that word means from dictionary !

You are dead soul in machine only now-

this is old anger from you a few weeks ago

''You are just utterly clueless, but also total gobshites who want to shout everyone else down, and demean & insult anyone who doesn't go along with your fuckwittery - the epitome of 'poseurs' and trolls that you claim to be trying to combat.

Look in a mirror fellas - you are what you hate!

I've passed a link to you two morons' Mankey Bomb bullshit to Rich - he's probably having a right laugh at that, and I'm hoping parts 2 & 3 will be posted very soon - I could do with a laugh too!

[every post before this mentioned what a laugh Prolape claimed to be having about this]

You blocked me and have deleted MY comment off Flubby's page - doing exactly what you have accused Iain of - so what does that make you then, by your own standards?

If he'd stopped the comments you would've cried foul, whatever he would have commented you would have said proves he is 'one of them', and that he hasn't posted or intervened in any way is also proof to you that he's a wrong 'un.

So what exactly would you have wanted him to do which would have satisfied you fucktards that he's not some part of this uberconspiracy you are concocting?



[ the blocked comment was a page worth of random emojis ! Iain has effectively confirmed that he is complicit in this 'nasty game' now ]

Thank you again TROLL HUNTER for html 300 + pages of proof what evil is inside ProtROT.

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More little pictures?

Did they take your crayons away today?

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You are only idiot not to know how to use emoji symbolism in this century.



Obsolete evil liar monster you are tired and boring. No wonder that it is so that you are lonely & unloved.

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Look at you go!


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I am not a victim of anything EverLyin'. It is very obvious that you are the MPD/AI hybrid lost in a limbo of perpetual bullshit and blistered anal tossing. You do nothing productive and no-one reads your incredibly terrible writings, that read like a precocious, but seriously damaged & inept poseur. There time vampires and time rapists in your team , you appear a combination of both as perpetrator & victim.

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May 20·edited May 20

Ah, so you ARE American then, by the looks of it?

I did wonder.

You missed the apostrophes in 'friend's' and 'PROLAPSE'S' - I wouldn't usually be quite so petty, but since you tried to criticise my punctuation, I thought you ought to know how stupid you look, Splurge.

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SO , they may be American ?

How did you know ?

What of it ?

Who is Splurge ?

Is that another infantile name you use to try and dehumanise everyone to the same level as yourself ?

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We shall see.

Blubby Splurging - your sensitive crying old man friend who ran away because I corrected his spelling.

Not 'everyone' - only those who behave like subhumans, like yourself TrolleyCollector.

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You are mental idiot monster.

No one cares about silly spelling error when you say nothing new anyway !

So so funny and scary face like excrement waterfall during downpour.

All your words are children's toy box equipment. Only terrified liars & bat shit toxic poison ogres talk as you .

Here is bits of 300+ html of now gone comments by you ProtROT.


You are totally lost in this hole you've dug yourself into.

I would almost feel sorry for you, but I'm enjoying watching your descent into madness. And you are stuck tied on the end of my leash forever now, as you can't quit without losing face, and every time you post you make yourselves look more ridiculous still.

Whereas all I have to do is remain on my truth, which has been consistent and honest from the very start.

This is the problem with messing about with curses - they have a habit of backfiring and badly affecting the caster of the curse.

Now let's see how observant you are.

Do you monitor how many posts are on this page when you've finished plopping around here?

I've just made the one - you should find it fairly quickly.

I can't be arsed to find the rest of yours as I know what utter ploppery they will all be.

And I do actually have a life to live, which you two obviously do not.

Both divorced maybe?

That might explain your habits. and lack of self-respect.

What keeps me laughing more than anything is how you think there must be a whole team of me! :-)

This is just so funny to me, and such an indication of just how dense you two really are


The very next day you were silent, banned and deleted .

Now that is what I call fucking hilarious.

What a nasty monster person you are always here.

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Keep going - tell us more.

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Your history is laughable,

you have such a meager knowledge about this that it is quite shameful how you go on.

Too many errors to even consider rectifying EverLyin', that was quite a feat of insidious junk you managed to dribble out !

Congratulations - you are my favorite internet' typing turd time vampire' at the moment!

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you are very 'meagre'

Did that word act as a trigger for you MKUltra programming ?

I noticed you seem to be an OMEGA programme,

How did you become so inarticulate , yet psychotic about spelling?

Is it because my sister cast a spell on you ?

You are a very obsessed and disturbed thing, I doubt you are fully human, more a CYBORG . Are you a hybrid ? Maybe a large maggot in a tank that can type with its rectum ?

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more self description, or spelling fascism from a petty nark ?

Lets evade content and be pathetic instead !

tROT ON mule clown,

Thanatos needs more fodder.

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'Petty nark' - look in the mirror, and that IS what you will see.

There was NO content in your post - just more abuse & poor spelling.

If you are so self-blind that you can't see what YOU are, I guess you need some education.

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None of us are interested in what you think,do , or write anymore.

There is no point responding, it would be seen as more pathetic baiting, we disagree and that is it. Live with it or lump it.

You forget what SUBSTACK IS FOR - writers to express themselves and explore ideas- not virtue signalling hypocrisy and malicious stalking.

Goodbye, and may all your support for Hall get the appreciation it deserves.

Anymore baiting from you will be considered a deliberate infringement upon freedom of expression and personal thought.

Use all your anger and energy to write about your stance & grievances in a article or note if you wish. This post is not directly connected to Hall and all you've done is wallpaper it with your petty hate agenda, while distracting from the substance of the comments.

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PROLAPSE has limited parameters of 'conversation'; what an abuse of that word!

Even if we stop it will continue in the same vain vein .

The irony being you were going to stop commenting here, and PROLAPSE is busy trying to ban you , inciting responses to its insanity!

It can get away with it here because Iain is perverse enough to want it to be doing what it is (there goes his credibility into the sewers) , or is under pressure to allow it free reign (it has just confirmed his consolidation) , whereas on our channels we would probably simply block it, like you had to last time with its emoji overload ! The hypocrisy 🙄😂

I've got all I need from them, they did the same programme errors again.. So, lets leave PROLAPSE to it, and enjoy the show !

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May 19·edited May 19

'not virtue signalling hypocrisy and malicious stalking.'

Then what are you doing on here, since at least 90% of your output is exactly this?

(Charlotte Ruse, Francis Leader, Petra whatever her name was, Sacha Latypova, Evelyn, GaryS, Ged, etc - you've abused them all - some of them serially.

Not to mention Iain himself, who you both praised and dissed for allowing your silly little battle with what you labelled a time vampire - you seem quite unable to really make your mind up about things, and assert both positions almost simultaneously - that's quite a big warning sign for mental health stuff, not sure if you are aware of that?

My initial comments were absolutely on topic - perhaps you just didn't understand (I did say elsewhere already).

I replied to a couple of your comments highlighting your SPELLING errors.

Spelling is most definitely an important aspect of what could be called 'the esoteric', as you & Grotbags have both mentioned previously. I thought you might appreciate the opportunity to improve yourself.

I have merely replied to your mostly abusive replies (and reported every one that deserves it - we'll have you communicating respectfully eventually!).

So if you consider what I have posted to be wallpaper, it is purely following on from each roll you stick up.

I think Substack is fine with being used like this.

I am well aware that this post isn't about Hall - perhaps you didn't notice I didn't mention him?

Until, below, where Grotbags brought up the subject, to which I replied.

Perhaps you are obsessed about the guy - did he hurt you?

You do seem quite the sensitive type.

So hoist by your own petard, you are!

(as you so often are).

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You evil liar can not stop-

Remember you wrote this now gone becasue you stalk like psych creep-


I'm still here feeding from you - every post you think is insulting me just makes me stronger and happier!

All you are useful for is feeding from.

So that is what will be happening.

I post minimally here.

And you feed me with your juices.

And we'll play some new games too.

Let's see how juicy you really are.

Yum yum!

Cheers, mate!


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All the words you highlight are appropriate and highly relevant to your state here .

Do you not think they have done that on purpose, as they all have good spell checking software?

It looks like they are making you look like an absolutely useless, self destructive agent of abuse here.Is that due to your OMEGA programming , or the strongman persona trapping you in a 'sodomistic' loop of rage and frustration?

Did you undergo BETA programming first , as you display all the HALL-MARKS of being an insatiable 'toy' rather than anything intellectually serious?

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Are they?

Did they?

If you say so. (liar!)

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Here education for ProTurds lost in arrogant brain buggery-

you so mental cripple that laugh at TORUS idea even after proof given. You still laugh like pure mania silly bitches in dunce caps.

look who laughs last Chronic Moronics -


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PROTRUE - what a hypocritical name as usual!

that is desperate, petty , & anal.

You spend a lot of time trolling here, and have only written one comment out of over 100 not directed at Ram & Serge.

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I have replied to the many abusive comments hurled at me by your little troll-gang.

And reported all the abusive ones.

Because I've blocked you all, you aren't able to see my activity elsewhere.

And you are even wrong again in your last sentence.

Do try harder.

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I can still see it , you are an arrogant idiot.

How can you ban accounts you dont even know exist !


I've got two other account I use before this one, and there is no way you'll ever find out what they are as none have ever commented on the same page or have their likes public !

You cant write long responses anymore can you.

Their spells and command controls of MPD really messed you up, and now all you can do is stalk about being a fascist spell-checker.

The Irony!

What a fast job they did on you this time.

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Can you?

So you admit to running multiple accounts for your gang-trolling operation.


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I have 300 page html of ProtROT now gone and disappeared comments from Troll hunter archives with many thank yous .

This is what Pro-tROT wrote many times over 6 weeks to try and torture everyone with-


And I'll be here to feed from your juices forever, Flubby - I can't get enough of this nutrition.

Yum yum!

Cheers, mate!

And I won't be 'stropping off' anywhere (nor me, or me, or me , or me or any of the other lads, girls or trans creatures on the night shift!).

I'll be here, just feeding at my own pace as I have the appetite., and I know you will be here on my leash always desperate to feed me.

Yum yum!

Cheers, mate!

I'm still here feeding from you - every post you think is insulting me just makes me stronger and happier!

All you are useful for is feeding from.

So that is what will be happening.

I post minimally here.

And you feed me with your juices.

And we'll play some new games too.

Let's see how juicy you really are.

Yum yum!

Cheers, mate!


I noticed only Everlyn 'the spy from another dimension with Multiple Personalities, (and argues like mouthy bitch to her-selves !) seem to engage in meaning with Pro-tROT . Very long long boring tongue in the bum talk like same person on cocaine staring into mirror and seeing demon fairy ? - Yōkai あやかし or 物の怪 / 魔物 .

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I love how team Chronic Moronic regularly have team members retire from breakdowns, have to reset their tactics, disappear for a few days due to exhaustion, and spend 4 hour shifts wading through the comments------ then they write the shit that Prolapse does below about not being exhausted , having mental breakdowns,implosions, resets; and instead make claims about us wading through the comments to find their crap (we dont, & we dont need to either as we just compare the day to day new additions from html comparisons ! 😂).

Look how triggered it is about it all, STILL 🙄

It got so excited it made 3 pointless comments no one cares about or will even respond to directly anymore !

Its been tROTTING about in a nightmare of its own making for 3 months doing exactly what we want, getting more & more wound up & frustrated, and still deludes itself it has any control over this.

What a pathetic psycho loser, cursed, crippled and chronic.


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Did they?

Who cares?

You seem to have learning difficulties, don't you?

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You have hit upon a number of really important points here. One of them is about convincing the masses that 'the occult' is a load of rubbish - meaning the cabal can then research it ('secretly') and anyone who says they're researching it can be easily portrayed as a loony. This is of course one of their classic tactics to debunk 'conspiracy theorists'. Which, as you suggest, is one reason why they imbue their 'events' with inherent debunkability or straw men (which, naturally, shows it was a false flag).

One of the great things you do in the first part of this essay is talk about genuine science (Tesla etc.). I'm interested to know why you didn't mention Miles Mathis' science (the charge field and so on) - is this simply because you're not familiar with it yet? One thing I find sinister about Mathis of course is that alongside his very rational science he indulges in a whole raft of ridiculous conspiracy theories (like the (manufactured) 'false events' narrative) - it's as if this stuff only serves to discredit the science. Which has led me to suspect that Mathis was made the proverbial offer you can't refuse and is now working in one of their secret facilities, and it's a committee writing his false events rubbish. I do find it difficult to accept how someone with such clear intelligence can also write rubbish. There's a cognitive dissonance there, of course.

I totally agree that there are so many 'inventions' (if I can put it that way) that must be being withheld from the general public. This is part of the point of the DEXOS thing on my substack (the parallel world I describe is one in which the occult tech is now un-occult, and available to the public). The 'occult' is partly to give the cabal an ever widening advantage over the tech that is 'publicly accessible', but it's also because if this tech was publicly/commercially available then it would be liberating for humanity and thus the cabal wouldn't have any control anymore. Medical treatment is one such (e.g. GcMaf).

You are absolutely correct to call these monsters pond life. Normal human beings have a natural desire to share all this wonderful stuff. But they don't behave like normal human beings. It's why I do in fact think they are a different species. Behaviour is governed by the brain, after all, so their brains must be sufficiently different (or differently wired) to constitute a different species (fMRI comparisons would demonstrate this). Utopia will only happen if and when these monsters are exterminated. Unfortunately, normal human beings are 'good' and so they waiver or baulk at the idea of 'extermination'. And the bad guys know this.

See, I'm really good at launching into digressionary rambles.

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you are really adept at uttering an endless stream of utter bullshit

and are now actually unreadable EverLyin' !


for those unfamiliar with EverLyin's ways - DEXOS is her 'invention/group' in her other dimensional place of origin (she claims !) , while here it is engine oil by GM !!!!

Also Miles Mathis is renowned for his 'false flag' work - which is superb usually.

his 'charge field' concept is not original at all ,and his science is questionable.

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She got verbal diarrhea so bad maybe extra hole in anus ?

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Still can't spell 'diarrhoea'.

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Poor possessed spelling fascist is maggot eaten, Plumface ProLie ProTurd.

''Diarrhea'' in my spell check you pathetic anal cist , who is racist, sexist eunuch for micro penis in vice.

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Then your spellcheck is an American English one.

You obviously need it too, and that's why it didn't pick up 'color'.

Projection again that I'm half-machine a while ago - you and Blubby are the ones who are already Borged.

You may as well have taken the vax and really commit to the future you've embraced.

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ProLie Proturd Prolapse

What a psycho!



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May 14Liked by Iain Davis

Also 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet. 😁

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May 14Liked by Iain Davis


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Only geometrically. When motion is involved, Pi = 4 (because it's motion in more than one plane).

Just to be pedantic, you know.

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Help! The pedants are revolting! 😉

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And now we see the violence inherent in the system!

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Are you referring to the violent flatulence and toxic feltching inside YOUR SYSTEM EverLyin' ?

If so there are means of mitigation.

Maybe try using a large cork at first?

MisDisInfoSpring has a double anus allegedly, she will certainly be able to help you out with your issues due to having similar problems.

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You haven't been using this sockpuppet much, BrokenTrolleyWheel.

Perhaps have another go with this one?


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May 14Liked by Iain Davis

Very interesting article, Iain. I think these numerological games are a kind of signalling, amongst those in the know. And at the same time a poke in the eye for plebs like you and me, as we try and figure out their dastardly games.

There's quite a lot of it in relation to 9/11 (surprise, surprise), as I'm sure you're aware. Years ago, I read a book by Kent Bain, all about the occult significance of 9/11. It was an eye opener, even if it some of it seemed determined to make connections from the flimsiest evidence.

As a matter of (marginal) interest, I was born on the 22nd of the month and grew up at house number 32: I'm still waiting for a call from an Illuminati insider.

Would it help if I rolled up one trouser leg?

One small correction, if you'll allow me. A couple of times you use "infer(s)" when you should really use 'imply'/'implies'.

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The curse upon ‘Team Chronic Moronic’ & ‘ProLie the Pet Feltcher’, resulted in them ceasing long winded, insane comments full of desperate lies and projection. Instantly they began making a multitude of ‘cut &paste’ 3 line outbursts of insane crap instead.

The comment below was used at least 30 times in 4 days by them-

''Same wallpapering anal pattern then?'

The use of the redundant question mark just adds to their obviously triggered & enraged state of mind.

The hypocrisy of their actions seems to be beyond their meager scope of awareness.🙄😂🤣😂

There they are ‘wallpapering away’’ in an overt anal manner while claiming others are doing the same.

There is no point in responding as the responses are never comprehended (or even read fully seemingly) and simply used as potential ammunition. Such as pathetic spelling correction claims only lost souls indulge in usually.

We do respond tho (in like-minded sensibility sometimes), because we wish to document this social abuse & blatant hysteria for future work & gather definitive proof of what is actually occurring on social media among the controlled ops shills.


ProLie Prolapse is cursed & crippled, desperate for any kind of attention yet flagging badly after the ill-will-magic placed upon their team.

Look at them still tROTTING about for us on Iain Davis OCCULT essay page of comments. ProLie has made over 1,000 comments while stalking us.

Their previous account did the same ansd was deleted by SUBSTACK ADMIN for being a criminal act. This time they allowed it to continue, so must be under ‘orders’, or willfully complicit. I think the former more likely, and SUBSTACK in general are sick of scum like ProLie/Chronic Moronic abusing freedom of speech to stalk & bait any comment they take offence to.

Anyways, hypocrisy & mania are regular features of ProLies team MO. Seemingly they hate us and claim we are stupid, repulsive, sub human, illiterate and a waste of time.

Yet, if that is so then why DEDICATE 3 months of their lives so far to trying to pester & distract us ?

Why do they spend 8-18 hours a day hunting for comments ? Obviously they think we are very important & dangerous to their bigger agenda here - which is ?


To do so they will behave as the biggest socialmedia (sic) stalking, pervert pests possible

Trying to manufacture a new conformity of SIDES, just like the old crap of Labor/Tory/ feeble Liberals, where there is no room beyond the party line.

Look at all the top alternative commentators and see how quickly you can find their overt BLIND SPOT.

Jews, Nukes, Ether 'tec', Fake Space/Nasa/ Flat Earth evasion (or dodgy promotion !) ,Chem-trails/atmospheric engineering, Child-abuse networks, Vaccine scams, organised on-line abuse/consolidation etc are all contentious issues that will be hyped, hidden, or mangled in a variety of ways.

There are no 'popular' alternative voices who can be trusted anymore (if ever really ?). They have sown it up & locked it down to such an extent that they are now terrified of even the slightest dissident from this malicious game they have played upon the public.

That is why I and several friend have restrained from doing more work here. In real-life I can go to a pub/club almost any night and play music in front of 200-500 people (& know maybe 50 of them personally!). While here you get 5 subs who never interact (apart from a couple of mates & family) and insults from envious psychopaths trying to waste time & energy in responses.

Maybe the simple fact is that people are so socially crippled these days that treasure will always be treated as shit, or folk are so 'removed and numb' that they are incapable of any form of appreciation- unless they are already besotted with a established media personality and familiar with previously established (usually controlled) perspectives. Which is what controlled ops do so thoroughly these days as well.

Here there are many gems of hypocrisy & madness from ProLie that prove my points above.

One gem was when Blue Sky Maiden mentioned secrets being necessary in certain organisations such as the military.

ProLie tried to turn it into 'so you are PRO MILITARY then, which is an insanely simplified assumption of a complex topic, and typical projection from a compulsive liar such as ProLie ; who with that assumption has claimed it can read peoples minds !

If a Military Organisation exist in a country, by nature it has to have secrets! It matters not if you want, or like a military presence, that is the MO of military concerns !

The Blue Sky Maiden is from Japan which has been a MARTIAL Nation for thousands of years . The Military there is a simple fact of history & culture, they have secrets and without those secrets they would be open to various forms of attack etc.

Corporate espionage is a fact of 'capitalism/mercenary exploitation' , just because any of the public don't like that fact doesn't mean it will suddenly cease !

What we see with ProLie & Co is the infantile ENTITLED BRAT persona so epidemic in films & TV shows.

If they dont like something they will try and eradicate it, abuse it , gang up against it , and scream over the top of any discussion taking any other angle of view.

ProLie & Co are anti democratic, anti HUMANE (except as virtue signalling pose) and ultimately anti life - Life is too complex for them. Life is too messy and disappointing for them. People create too many problems for them, could be a threat, have different tastes, needs, desires and inclinations. They need to CONTROL other people like animals/pets/performers, and that is an important part of the psycho-dynamic of these damaged social navigators appearing in every nook & granny of modern life.

Once they were basically religious fanatics/bigots, now they may be science bigots, political bigots, or fashion bigots instead. They are not really concerned with humanity progressing in any way except toward a STERILE LIMBO of XEROX personalities & designations.

Sadly they seem to be succeeding overall and sublimating peoples spirits very dramatically. People are not 'waking up as claimed' , they are just going deeper into the living nightmare of deceits & psychic mutilation.

Here on Substack they keep losing like the desperate masochists they are, making themselves laughing stocks in the process, while going blatantly bat shit mental in the process.

The curse upon them was genuine and now the results are showing in the actions & features of those who thought they could hide among the Chronic Moronic umbrella. That umbrella is now on the operating table and about to come under the effects of a gigantic sowing machine shaped like an elephant and billowing steam.

A common feature of the fake opposition is their contempt for Freud, in turn a denial of the ‘surreal’ nature of media & modern life. It is not that we should all simply agree with Freud, what he said is very pertinent and important to CONSIDER.

Anyone who dismisses his work is a pathetic idiot, or devious shit. Freud was the catalyst for the philosophical movement of Surrealism that dominates the visual environment we now inhabit. Wherever you like it or not, that is the arena we inhabit and it can never be comprehended adequately without using the same tools to scrutinize its nature and trajectory.

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Another noteworthy observation is how you POSEURS like to put 'The' before your names - 'THE Blue Sky Twat' , 'THE Blubby Blubmeister', THE BrokenTrolleyWheel', THE Ram', etc.

Your overinflated and splitting egos and your disgusting animuses just cannot help but pump yourselves up at eery opportunity.



And for that bit of clownshoe trip facefall cussTARD splat I laugh just a notch louder!

Maroons, one and all!

And sooooo entertaining.

See you in a few days, or maybe tomorrow, or later this evening, or next week, or never again, or not until Christmas 2025 - but whenever I see you, it will be when I choose to, and it will be to laugh at you some more, as you thoroughly derserve!

Cheers, mates!


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Prolapsing still ProLie-

What a curse you are in.



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So that's all you can manage now, THEBlubbySpurting?

Just a copy paste of a tired comment that gets more idiotic looking every time you post it?

I keep telling you the curse backfired, and here you were, pining for my attention while I was away.

But I'm back now Blubby - give it your all! (not that there's more than a dribble left, I reckon) :-)

And don't forget the date - 22nd July - High Court - be there or be proven (for the thousanth time at least) a liar, a poseur and a coward.

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Yes Proteus 8 Prolapses, you are still here, but you miss the point of the curse & assumed it was simply a 'death wish' because that is your nature, inclination, & shows your lack of creativity & imagination.

We may say what the curse involved to you. however why would we EVER be honest with you in this DRAMA ? You have shown every reason to never trust you or a word you write so many times already, so why do you expect us to be any more fair than your own actions.

Remember every battle YOU are in is one ultimately with yourself !

Who watches the watchmen ?

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Jun 18·edited Jun 18

YET AGAIN, you assume what I think.

I know exactly what your curse was all about - and it backfired badly, because HERE YOU STILL ARE!

You fucking retard!

You couldn't be more gloriously self-defeating if you tried.

Even now threatening to bring a gang of goons to the High Court on 22nd July to protect you from myself and my friends (who I haven't needed to play here with you fuckwits - this has been purely my fun!) laughing at you.

It's quite beautiful how impotent you are - no doubt you were a bit of a playground bully back in the day. I always used to expose those idiots too, as the pathetic cowards they really were. So many have tried what you have - even calling in gangs of sycophants to allow them to do their dirty work. It never succeeded then either.

Just Grotbags' story (if it's true) that she got some poor random idiot to join in your little 'war' here for a while further exposes what kind of people you and your revolting wannabe occultist sibling really are - grotesque social inadequates with sociopathic tendencies.

I wonder what bullshit she fed 'Nushi'?

And I wonder what other bullshit you spout in the real world?

One thing's for sure - bullshitters like you are always known and have bad reputations. That'll be why you are alone, work at night around drunks & other sociopathic types and have to spend your life spreading jealous, bilious slander about basically anyone and everyone - AS YOU DO!

I've STILL only ever been dishonest about one thing, which was clearly obviously for humourous intent, and sarcastically agreed with a couple of your wilder bullshit allegations about me - which, ironically & so entertainingly, have been the only things you believe.

You're still genuinely thinking there are 8 people here?

What a fucking mental case you are!

You're a mess, Blubby, and evidently have no shame - anyone with an ounce of self respect would've crawled back under their rock log ago.

I'm not in a battle here - YOU are!

And it is most certainly WITH YOURSELF!

I'm just laughing at you as any shreds of credibility you may ever have had steadily disintegrate.

And your last sentence is even more pretentious than your repetitive 'Thatanus' bullshit.

You seriously need a life, Blubby!

I'd have said 'You probably need to get laid', but I would think the chances of that would be very, very slim.

You claimed to be 'celibate' - yeah, you come across like a seriously frusatrated incel.

Apart from, obviously, BrokenTrolleyWheel, but both your rear ends will almost certainly be worn out from all that self-inflicted 'anal cursing' you've been boasting about. :-)

What a sad, sad old man you are!

I look forward to the 22nd - if you make it, we can watch you arrive in your little clown car, with the wheels falling off and you all tripping over your big shoes!


Cheers mate! :-)

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Jun 19·edited Jun 19

Proteus 8 Prolapses,

If you read wghat was written instead of being lost in PURE MANIA,

then you would realise the friends of Serge are not there to protect HIM, but YOU, from propelling yourself into terminal troubles.

The only threat YOU pose to anyone is from suffocating them with the stench of you shitting yourself, & thrashing about having some kind of embolism.

Really what can some fanny battered decrepit farts, like Nickerless Kollostomybag, FannyCist Looser, bumwank Hall, Banshee Germy O.D.; James Mark Court Dingleberry or Flabby Plumface wasp psycho do; except 'rolling on the floor being hysterical' ?

Maybe you'll get Martin Hillbilly (your 'pink film' dungeon chum) to try & run Serge over in his wheel chair?



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You are obsessing about all this most of the time then Proteus 8 ?

How is your imagination so trapped in childish insults that were cliched & crap in primary school, is it all from the script you use or can you add your own ?


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Jun 6·edited Jun 7

And look at Blubby go! :-)

He STILL can't spell 'meagre' either.

He misquotes me here 'ProLie tried to turn it into 'so you are PRO MILITARY then'


I said 'so you are pro war then?.

Note, it was a question, not a statement - pontification & assertion (always wrong) is what YOU feckwits do constantly, as you have yet again here. And shamelessly for all to see and to be recorded for evidence for future fun.

I also don't recall dissing Freud - that was Frances who did that - and what she said was correct in the context it was written.

This is the imaginary and usually deliberately deceptive and slanderous way YOU post Blubby, and ALL your idiotic little gangstalker accounts!

Freud was a pervert and an abuser - which makes total sense why you would be into his stuff.

And YOU certainly 'inhabit the surreal' - in fact you actually inhabit the UNREAL.

You just make things up and pretend that it's reality, probably because you lack the cognitive ability to correctly discern actual objective reality.

And just look at that projection !!!


It's awesome - definitely one to capture in the form it is now, before you change it all and pretend you never said it;

'What we see with Blubby's little gang is the infantile ENTITLED BRAT persona so epidemic in films & TV shows.

If they dont like something they will try and eradicate it, abuse it , gang up against it , and scream over the top of any discussion taking any other angle of view. '

One only has to look at your bios to see you overtly being exactly this with extreme intent! :-)

And then constant abuse, lies, pretence, attempts to decieve, bragging, and monumental


You, Blubby, are one of worst excuses for a person I think I've ever had the pleasure of mocking!

And I look forward both to continuing to ridicule you here at my leisure - as and when I want to.

And, if you come to the High Court in London on (current date for it) 22nd July, I will ensure there is a small group of good friends who will absolutely roast your pathetic gang of ghouls in public, and on camera.

Bring the whole show - I fucking dare you!!! :-)

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Prolapsing still ProLie-

What a curse you are in.



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Laughing to yourself in hysteria still ProLie.

And you thought that was worthy of a comment. 🙄😂

You values are as redundant as your opinions.

What a curse you must be in.

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No hysteria - just a chuckle at your insanity and stupidity.


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Proturds show obvious sign of hysteria trying to get attention of Janus face IainDavis again by anus wallpaper vomit tactics!😆😂😆



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Whatever audience you think you are playing to here will know that ''Same wallpapering anal pattern then?' was copied from the hundred or so posts BrokenTrolleyWheel made using his idiotically themed sockpuppet account, and posted in reply to any of those lazy posts.

You get the replies you deserve!

And as for 'what is actually occurring on social media', you aren't 'documenting' it - you are DEMONstrating it;

'after the ill-will-magic placed upon their team.'

...as well as making yourselves look utterly ridiculous as the gangstalking freaks you truly are.

There is no 'team' here, but you are so delusional that you assume there must be, as you assess everyone else by your own warped and criminally dysfunctional behaviour.

But I'm really grateful for the opportunity you've given me to expose that there ARE such gangs of freaks operating totally overtly on this platform, and the list of your account names is slowly growing & being communicated to any I feel should know.

And you have ZERO credibility in ANYTHING you now post, as you've proven yourselves, and admitted to all your sadistic, occultic, deceptive, slanderous and targetted abusive tendencies.

Whoever was running BlueSkyPsycho's account actually made a blatant death threat and thus passed solidly into criminality again.

It's all documented & the file is building - it's quite a pile of crimes you lot have committed now.

I'm not interested in pursuing it myself (I have better things to do with my energy), but there may well be a group who will.

We shall see.

And in the meantime, this continues to be entertainment for me.

What else can I say but

Cheers, mates!

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😂 More hypocritical outrage & transference from you ProLie!

Why haven't you simply killed yourself must be a question most people reading this are probably thinking ProLie?😂

You are clearly suicidal & a desperate , terminal masochist.

You abused Nushi like everyone else who says anything insightful or humorous here, yet you keep crying like a entitled brat bitch when you don't get your own way still.

Where did Nushi even say for you to kill yourself , what proof do you have, and have you forgotten that Ram, Serge and all of us helping them have stated CATAGORICALLY that this a FICTIONAL ARENA of CREATIVE WRITING, and that includes any insults.

You have transgressed several laws here with your stalking, crass lies, and attempts at misrepresentative abuse. Who cares anymore, go to the police if you think any real law has been broken. They will see your previous BANNED account set up to stalk, read these notes and tell you that it is you who is certifiably a stalking, humourless, hypocritical Psycho who should be locked up !

You also claimed a death threat from Serge when he ASKED YOU to hold your breath for a count of 18, then stopped at 3. 🙄😂

No-one can take anything you say seriously, you are just a boring (inadvertently hilarious sometimes) , pathetic mess , and maybe should consider ending this campaign of abuse you are so inept at.

If you decide to play in traffic (I certainly do not recommend or encourage you to do that !) , take a long walk off a short pier when the tide is out, or wank arse yourself to a premature death (which you seem to be practicing ) is up to you.

I am sure no one will miss you or regret not making the most of the opportunity to discover more about your miserable, bitter , hypocritical existence, as all they need know is here in all its anal vomit, festering monstrosity.

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Jun 6·edited Jun 7

More death threats here then?

You are playing an extremely dangerous game with this.

And absolutely cracking me up here as you're doing it!

BrokenTrolleyWheel's sockpuppet account said NOTHING of interest, intelligence or genuine humour in the couple of weeks that was the main stalking account.

And what I've mostly done is repeat the drivel posted in that account back at it, and just mocked it as the mentally challenged attempt at being funny it has been.

It, like the reast of you, has been an awesome display of what gangstalking is - and none of it even remotely bothers me, because I know if you met me in person you'd never DARE to behave this way.

You are habitual cybercriminals who have likely harrassed hundreds of people like you try to harrass me, over many years, and there ARE teams of people who take legal action against such sociopathic and potentially dangerous people.

If I was a person who doesn't have the kind of psychic defences I do, you really could cause people harm - and it is your constantly stated INTENT to cause me psychological and emotional harm - this is a serious CRIME you are committing, and if you aren't agents of the State (and you're not - you're way too thick for them), you are now in a seriously self-compromised position.

And still all I'm doing is laughing in your faces!


You fricking LOSERS! :-)

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Prolapsing still ProLie-

What a curse you are in.



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So lazy!

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I told you that before, you dyslexic old twat.

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Speaking of dyslexic old twats hows your mum FannyCist Loser ?

Here's a video of a song for you made by someone whos read these comments ProLie-


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She's nowhere near as much fun as YOUR mother is!

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TH's mother ?

WTF do you know about her, nothing, so why write it ?

Look at your mother that scabby old Shill Fanny Cist Loser, rat faced fink for pet feltchers .

What a pathetic mess you are in ProLie.

tROT ON it is all you have left now anyway.

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Jun 6·edited Jun 7

BrokenTrolleyWheel's mother is legendary in the history of whores - hadn't you heard? ;-)

She's the woman every boy's father warns them about - the rancid, syphliytic, toothless sucker who doesn't even charge for tricks, but plies her wares (like you) just because she's addicted to getting shafted!

I'm amazed you've never heard of her.

And BrokenTrolleyWheel wasn't so much 'born of her', but sort of just fell out one day when she sneezed.


It's soooo easy to mirror your vile style, and do it far more creatively.

The difference being that abuse is ALL you've got, whereas I have a rounded repertoire of response, depending on my mood.

You just have a lexicon of about 12 words that you copy paste & rearrange, and then claim you are creating ART! :-)


What freaking maroons you all are.

And endlessly entertaining with it!

Back anon.

Cheers, mates!

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Prolapsing still ProLie-

What a curse you are in.



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Iain proves here that most of his readers making 'positive' comments about it are theological , cultural, clowns ,either without a clue, or much hope it seems .🤔

Most of his latest essay is just Iain making stuff up and dictating his perverse opinion, while showing everyone how ignorant he really is about such 'subtle' sciences and arts.

this is another typical gem-

''The work of Walter Russell has been ignored, as has the work of Viktor Schauberger.''

Since when? - where does Iain get this crap from? I'm beginning to think Iain cant even use 'bing' adequately , never mind any DEEP research!

The Nazis allegedly appropriated Schauberger and his work, his log flume was , and is well known about, and in 1930, "Tragendes Wasser" was filmed, showing the function of the log flumes. There are several books about him and his inventions and discoveries, I've read most of them.

Walter Russell founded his own university with his wife- The University of Science and Philosophy (USP) -The USP was founded in 1948 and is still going strong!

Anyone reading this 'opinion piece ' by Iain should be wary of every emotive assertion he makes- it is all agenda driven rather than simple ignorance.

He must have been in a proper little tiswas and tantrum when he wrote it,

as soon as he starts the essay he's off on some gay tangent, instead of discussing the meat of the matter !🙄😂

or it is deviously planned by some cruddy AI 'hive mind interface' as typical right wing Christian propaganda/ time vampire tactics.

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'Anyone reading this 'opinion piece ' by Iain should be wary of every emotive assertion he makes- it is all agenda driven rather than simple ignorance. '

Interesting that this phrase is pushed twice in two consecutive posts - you evidently feel strongly about that sentence.

If the word 'Iain' is replaced by the word 'Dub', and 'ignorance' is replaced with 'arrogance', we might be able to see more clearly what's going on here.

What is your agenda Mr Dub?

Why are you even here, since everyone is obviously beneath you?

Why waste your time?

Why invite & incite so much contempt for yourself?

Is your aim to systematically work through the entire alt media, trashing them all one-by-one?

You made a comment before about 'controlled opposition' sometimes not even knowing that this is what they are - have you considered that this might actually apply in your case?

That you are so hellbent on 'taking down poseurs' in your own little egotrip that you really don't care how much damage you might cause to good people?

Why don't you put out some material of your own, and put all these ignorant, clueless clowns to shame?

Oh, you did, and nobody took any notice of it - I wonder why?

This appears to be a running theme with you - you contacted Hall about the photo, but he blanked you. You claim to have brought the photo to Hall's fans attention - but they ignored you.

You've been ramming your (often mutable) opinions and speculation all over the place here (usually within a stew of abuse) and, even when Iain comments in response, it's not good enough.

I've come to the conclusion that the problem you have is your attitude - it's shit.

You are only ever polite to people if they agree with you - if they have a different opinion, it must be because they are a shill, controlled opposition, ignorant, or any one of about a dozen categories of person deserving of your judgement and abuse.

'At least if he reads these comments he may actually learn something 'useful'!'

Well, we're all definitely learning that you & your equally unpleasant sibling are obnoxious, arrogantly opinionated and, as far as I can tell, with no redeeming qualities at all.

I don't know if that's 'useful' per se - if there was a way of muting your comments I would do so.

Perhaps, since you obviously aren't interested in what Iain is writing or can do much better yourself, maybe you would consider taking your bile elsewhere and allowing the shills, gangs of trolls, and whoever else is here to have their mundane, ignorant, clown conversations in your absence?

Just a thought.

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You really are desperate to gaslight , build strawmen, lie like a desperate b*tch and make yourself appear a retarded stalker aren't you ?

tROT ON some more ,

and do that little dance again for us, remember what happened last time LOSER !


..and who was claiming they would 'win' no matter the outcome...

I note you've built up at least 3 new fake profiles since !

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I count possibly 4 or 5 !

All inane, all the same prose.

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I count more - will message you later.

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Cheers, that looks about right, no surprises.

PROLAPSE seems to have lost its voice after all that screaming hysteria ,

now it can only squeeze out a tiny 'lol!' in response.

I like how it feels the need to add an exclamation mark.


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I thought you were flouncing off?

Good to still have you here, but you'll have to entertain yourselves for a few days while I'm away.

I'm sure you have a lot of experience doing that.

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I knew from the start that this was another of BrokenTrolleyWheel's sock accounts.

You idiots are soooo transparent.

And then Blubby lied to Iain that the account was 'nothing to do with us'.

Liars gonna lie!

Poor Blubby - he's flushed his reputation down the toilet, and now can't see any way out of this, so has cursed himself to an eternity of being laughed at!

And anyone who associates with him will just join him in the sewer.

Boohoo, Blubby!

See you and your goons on the 22nd....



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''You idiots are soooo transparent''.


Keep trying, you haven't got a fukin clue still.

tROT ON little sick stick pony looking in the mirror.


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deletedMay 22
Comment deleted
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😁 Other divisions call them the 'Chronic Moronics' apparently. 😂

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Yes so true. Even in Japan now Chronic Moronic Team UK with American agents in mixture all lie like bitches without legs.

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Have I?

If you say so.

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Boring lazy, bad dog.

Under my spell now like eager starving maggot goblin fairy.

Keep dancing to my song.

What are you Proteus Prolapse.

A dynamic individual with your own ideas or just a pathetic zombie copycat?


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Proturd Prolapse you are now my slave starving maggot.


Answer honestly, what are you doing here ?

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None of the above.

You continue with your epic run of getting things wrong and looking very, very silly.

But do tROT on for everyone watching - you have quite a fan club now I think.

I guess word is spreading that there's these random internet fucktards who just don't understand what losing is.

Education will continue then.

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Still living the dream then?

You are the loser who had your account deleted last time you played this game.

Here we see you go through the same algorithms of abuse and baiting.

Now you are using RAM & Serges insults back, like you did before, yet you dont comprehend what you are doing , it is just a process for you.

This is making Davis look like a feeble, impotent and malicious turd, Richard Damien Hall look like a coward getting a sycophant to do his dirty work, and when it transpires WHO & WHAT you really are, your team will be a laughing stock among everyone who has witnessed you rancid tactics and attempts at social intimidation and you will also be legally accountable for your actions.

This is very likely going to ruin what miserable career(s) you have.



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'Now you are using RAM & Serges insults back'

Interesting that you are even shamelessly admitting that I am not initiating the insults.

And you speak of 'process', when it's you yourself who boast about having a highly developed (over a decade) process of attacking people online in sustained trolling campaigns.

I have a nice little career thanks, which has nothing to do with any of this stuff - social media is a mix of learning and entertainment for me.

What is it for you?

And the biggest laugh of all!

'you will also be legally accountable for your actions.'

Yeah, I guess I'll see you in court then - you bring your screenshots & I'll bring mine.

You utter moron.

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May 19·edited May 19

Thats more like it-

LONGER, and more mental replies please!

tROT on ! its what you do best.

The lies and self deception with you is incredible.

In fact everything you write lacks credibility, but still, old habits die hard!

I love how easy it is to get you prancing about , ass dribbling like some tiny fountain!

Thanatos is calling you! QUICK , make haste!

You would be a hilarious mess in court, funny that is what you resort to when on the ropes, considering all you've claimed here.

Go on and try it, we would then see who you are, who else is in your team, and how you've worked in collusion with others rather than a lone-nutter off their tits on medication and fletched out in anal anxiety.

in fact, that may be a great way to deal with you and your team, let me look into it.


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'' you are even shamelessly admitting that I am not initiating the insults.'' is another hilariously obvious ProLie lie.

Prolie bgan the insults, insulting them back is not initiating insults !

Anyone so obviously mentally handicap & psychotic shouldn't really be allowed to get away with such gaslighting games, and they haven't!

Here we can all see the most complete humiliation of a psychotic stalkers attempts to abuse intelligent debate ever on the internet.

ProLie is of course a team of bitter butt buggered imbeciles desperate to negate any threat to the farce of the Hibbert Vs Hall court pantomime. As they are so pathetic they have inadvertently incriminated an entire network of insidious operatives planted throughout sub-stack.

That is why we partly encourage Prolie to continue their insane campaign here, where as usually they would be rightfully ignored.

these events are being documented and will be published on various platforms in the coming months.

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ProLie Proturd Prolapse make same old arse splatter wallpaper.

What a psycho!

What happened to you after CURSE upon your maggoty soul ?

Did it rot your brain & tongue as well, show us please.

& I COMMAND YOU to write with Australian accent with question mark at end of sentence, like illiterate precocious child.



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Here my first overview of the Proturd Monster experience so far-

Will be re written in better English soon, but ideas & facts all there.


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You utter moron team CHRONIC MORONIC LIE MONSTER !

Very very funny pretence of toothless wolves being boiled in pot and not realising.

Now you under my spell, I COMMAND YOU to be honest about what you think of your OWN replies here :

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your account was deleted, banned and purged-

get a grip

you are out of control again

!!! LOSER !!!


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May 17·edited May 17

My account wasn't any of those things - this is my account.

Deal with it.

And maybe try posting some evidence for your lies?

(just a suggestion)

I've never been under control!

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you are so shallow and useless that you cant even pretend you aren't the same person without using their phrases and same inane style!

No-one tries to justify 'vocablaryless' as a word used by an articulate person!

You have an account that is dedicated to abusing and misrepresenting my sister and me. You have no comments to anyone else, and have just set it up.

It will disappear again soon and you will continue as Peter Pan Handler Head or some such.

Everyone can see what you are, what your tactics are, what a liar you are , and how bat shit psychotic you are.


like a merry little pony , and chase some carrots for us !

Or, maybe a long walk on the moors will help clear your head ,and ease the terminal anal anxiety you are obviously cripple by ?

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I have pt 1 of many html from long gone comments and you stalking like psycho monster.

Here some best bit of horror- from ProTROT 2 months agao.

''I will be here hungry and waiting, whenever you feel like feeding me though - your juices are so refreshingly fortifying for me, and I'll give your regards to Delingpole, Spring, all the other substack alter egos, Alex the twitter troll, Alex Jones, David Icke, Graham Bottley (who you three seem quite strangely reticent to discuss - odd that, innit?), and all the other trolls & shills you are convinced make up this Grand Unified Theory of Everything in the Donut-Shaped Trolliverse!


Cheers, Mate!


Very scary and very sick yes, no doubt and no arguments possible.

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ProLie Proturd Prolapse make same old arse splatter wallpaper.

What a psycho!


Show everyone here how you dance to my song Proteus 8 Prolapses:

How about doing more anal vomit wallpaper of EMOJIS for me, go on flabby arse bitch with maggot in brain , do as I COMMAND YOU-


Or admit you have nothing left after curse upon you.

(you can do emojis when energy partly return)


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Nothing to say again?

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Let us write of education Plumley Udder,

ProLies Proturds laugh at TORUS insight of micro/macrocosim from wise & experienced The DubSurgeOn. Prolapsing Pet feltcher Chronic Moronic Team clueless white coffee bore-brats ignorant as shit-😆😂😆

Prove how willfully ignorant you are & claim not to even read short article proving you a moron with head up backside of self & Dickless StagRing Hall


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Jun 18·edited Jun 18

Donut Earth, donut universe, donut brained bullshitter using an msn page as evidence?

I didn't even read it.

Just the multiple posts of it amused me though - thanks!

PS. Using a phrase like 'wise & experienced The DubSurgeOn' either shows good reason to truly think you are insane, that you ARE Blubby just larping an idiot character in this account, or it's BrokenTrolleyWheel sucking his bumchum's ego.

Either way, it's hilarious!

Cheers mate! :-)

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Instead you've been busy sucking shit from WIKI-PEDO instead Proteus 8 Prolapses.


You are a HYSTERIC all the time , but only sometimes hysterical.

I do enjoy how you do what Nushi demands of you after your self inflicted CURSE !



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ProLie Proturd Prolapse make same old arse splatter wallpaper.

What a psycho!



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Still nothing to say?

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SNAP again Loser!


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Good points made by Ram ,SurgeOn, Hunter and others , while you lie in desperate state all day long for media agency and state oppressors-

You revealed what you do with banned account comments like this-


I'm still here feeding from you - every post you think is insulting me just makes me stronger and happier!

All you are useful for is feeding from.

So that is what will be happening.

I post minimally here.

And you feed me with your juices.

And we'll play some new games too.

Let's see how juicy you really are.

Yum yum!

Cheers, mate!


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Did I?

If you say so, TrolleyCollector.

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ProLie Proturd Prolapse make same old arse splatter wallpaper.

What a psycho!



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Same wallpapering anal pattern then?

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'' again and again and again and again'' loser.

Just to RAM it home to your elite sensibilities that was a Status Quo quote.

I read some of your over-acted madman theatrics here & concurred with those making you a laughing stock; you really are a disgusting hypocritical narcissist; desperate for attention however degrading.

You are worse than cursed, & all you are connected with is rotting away rapidly, until all you have left is a regressive psychopathology typical of self destructive schizophrenia. The time of night you become most animate & vocal coincide with most case studies ie woken by voices of self disgust at 4 am, & you REALLY ARE talking to YOURSELF.

You either do a perfect impression of a suicidal schizophrenic on the edge of self destruction ie- The war you can never 'win', provoking more able bodied & creative adversaries, demeaning security industry personnel who facilitate social gatherings, & who are intended as PROTECTION OF THE PUBLIC-unlike the espionage agencies who terrorise them & invent endless threats- & lately the ridiculous court confrontation you check-mated yourself with) OR you have been programmed to mimic such a damaged personality.

I see you simply lost in a feedback loop of escalating insanity & delusion of how you appear, & what you are really achieving here. The damage you have done for the reputations of those you 'admire' is quite incredible. They are now all tarred with your psychic stench. And that is something I prefer to avoid, unless a friend asks for some support, which they did.

You don't interest me Protrue/ProLie TIME VAMPIRE & never have. You are repulsive & it seeps into all you touch, even on the internet. I will engage here briefly because it has become a horror comedy that can be laughed along with, thanks to the creative minds of your opponents.

I will step in occasionally if the mood takes me to have a laugh at the 'inbred retard tries to knob a dog & gets his cock bitten off' which you evoke. Otherwise you're just another insignificant, tedious mad-wanka ;desperately seeking attention, no matter what it takes or the consequences involved.


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No one likes any of your comments at all ProtROT !

Why are you here again after losing so spectacularly last time?

The DubDurgeOn stated 2 months ago what you were doing and then made you dance about like a prancing maggot for everyone to laugh at - remember this;

'' (PROLAPE /EVERLYIN etc) are a team that work at least 12 hours a day- sometimes 18 or 24. They do shifts and have a SCRIPT AI for trolling- mentioned in the early comments here.

The Script AI is promoted and interacted with by a 'team member' to supply 'fodder'

It is written to cause ANNOYANCE and waste time for the recipient.

It makes no effort to be valid- quite the opposite, because that type of OVERT GASLIGHTING is a well known tactic (they call them strategies) .''

Dub SurgeOn 2 months ago.

''(PROLAPE /EVERLYIN etc) have mounted the most insane abuse campaign that keeps backfiring on them. While desperate to discredit our work they have inadvertently revealed too much for them to now ever cease!

Of course any sane person would have just ignored the matter after a time, it is a DIFFERENCE OF OPINION & OUTLOOK , just like many contentious issues of the age''.... 'but then what would anyone here learn about them and their tactics '

Dub SurgeOn' 2 months ago.

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That's better - type more - everyone is very interested to see what you have to say.

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ProLie Prolpae Chronic Moronic Team-

Same wallpapering anal pattern then?

Bad Maggot,

wriggle harder like dancing goblin fairy we all know you are.


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Poor ProLie Prolapses,

Again prove spelling fascism desperate to degrade.



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Do you practice being boring and unreadable , rather like the verbiage of Francis Leader and EverLyin' Bumsick ?

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The similarities are pure coincidence , as Jung may or may not affirm.

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When in doubt, talk bollocks - good plan!

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ProLie Proturd Prolapse make same old arse splatter wallpaper.

What a psycho!

Hey Proteus 8 Prolapses,

What is YOUR greatest contribution to the internet , Iain Davis' comments page & Richard Stag Ring Hall Arse's legal case ?

I COMMAND YOU TO BE HONEST as you are now my slave maggot.



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same old arse splatter wallpaper?

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Suk my bollocks!

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I doubt you have any.

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If it's 'unreadable' you seem to spend hundreds of hours reading it.

Perhaps a terminal malfunction in your programme?

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Toy getting tired and lazy, bad dog ProLie Prolapse.

Where all passion gone?

Here you act like what was your daddy in disco toilets- a 10 pence dick whore; after just working through a £5 note ?


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No idea what you were trying to say here, but thanks for your time keeping this place warm until I return.

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You went away for a day, crawled up Martin Hibberts hairy prolapsed arse, were shat out and now back to be abused and leak clues to who is in your Chronic Moronic Team of conceited imbeciles.

You act as if this is your ARENA, so most people will assume Iain Davis has given you his blessing to act as you do. Yet the fact is no-one at all supports you , not even the useless MPD broken victim pool of Evelyn Bumsick, or Schizophrenic flip flop FannyCist Loser (your mum).

What a lonely maggot you truly are ProLie.

tROT ON .There is nothing more important in your miserable, painful and cursed existence anymore.

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ProTwot, there no need to spend time reading as same old shit always


You not know how to html. Troll hunter give me pt1 300 pages of html easy to make into menu to eat better.

Now here is same ingredients.

So again now here - Look at old, merge new & BINGO PHEONIX NIGHTS cuddly Peter KAY yes!

Computer friend then just quick quick quick sieve old from new !

They use since start, all take 2 minutes. The Demon Hunter laugh about it. You just admit it take you 1,000s of hours, HALF DOWN TOILET WHERE BELONGS.

They keep all the shit from you for to making Alchemical humour easy as peas!

Who waste time ? YOU idiot dancing goblin fairy - what massive joke that cry all time boring everyone here with -''me me me me 'I'I'I'I' '' 😆😄😆


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Definitely BrokenTrolleyWheel here.

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Amazing you would edit that comment.

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Same wallpapering anal pattern then?

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They don't read your comments all through, it is obvious to everyone apart from you.

They do a very simple thing you are still too inexperienced to perceive.

By the time you work it out it will be too late , so have a massive break, we are all praying you do and have even made little models to burn and stick pins in to help that thought along.


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Don't they?

Is it?

Do they?

Will it?

Are you?

Praying to whom? I hope you're not some kind of 'right wing Christian bigot'!

Have you?

More lies then.

Be seeing you!

(missing you already).

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Again and again and again more repetition from you empty team Chromic Moronic.

Here funny sad evil long gone comment from you instead ProtROT-

''I will be here hungry and waiting, whenever you feel like feeding me though - your juices are so refreshingly fortifying for me, and I'll give your regards to Delingpole, Spring, all the other substack alter egos, Alex the twitter troll, Alex Jones, David Icke, Graham Bottley (who you three seem quite strangely reticent to discuss - odd that, innit?), and all the other trolls & shills you are convinced make up this Grand Unified Theory of Everything in the Donut-Shaped Trolliverse!


Cheers, Mate!''


You not know about TORUS and laugh like toothless bat. what idiot you prove now with no argument or more waste of time discussion.

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Most of it is just Iain making stuff up and dictating a perverse opinion-

this is a typical gem-

''Consequently, as the the Enlightenment followed the Renaissance—in Western Europe—“occult” became associated with esotericism. According to the scholars of the day, “occult” no longer meant valuable hidden knowledge. It applied to the esoteric mysticism of fringe faith traditions and, therefore, had come to mean valueless knowledge, rejected by mainstream theology and the emerging, modern science.''

Who?!- where does Iain get this crap from- what source was that make-believe taken from Iain ?

The main Architects & Navigators of the Renaissance were overtly the Medici -and what did Cosimo de' Medici prioritize over translating the Books of the Bible ,or PLATO-

the Corpus Hermeticum

whos 'authorship is traditionally attributed to the legendary Hellenistic figure Hermes Trismegistus, a syncretic combination of the Greek god Hermes and the Egyptian god Thoth.'

Anyone reading this 'opinion piece ' by Iain should be wary of every emotive assertion he makes- it is all agenda driven rather than simple ignorance.

At least he's proven to every informed person here that the Encyclopedia Britannica is no longer a valid source of information- was it really ever ? !

It is obviously even more obsolete than anything it claims is obsolete.

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He is hilarious !

You are correct, this is one of his worst ever pieces of work- simple minded deranged opinions mashed up with some insipid dilly dallying...what a sight... the shame he should feel!

We all live in a world shaped by OCCULT ideas (according to Iain the Occult ,esoterism etc are NEW INVENTIONS and didn't exist before dictionaries defined them!) , a world controlled by OCCULT CULTS that may be simultaneously very public such as the CATHOLIC CHURCH, yet Iain imagines the opposite , and tries in a pathetic and desperate manner to keep affirming that lie.

Most people know there is some trickery involved in much 'magic' yet also know that 'magical' thing can and do occur- EXISTANCE being the most notable, something most scientists still are utterly clueless about regarding its actual origins !

Ive been waiting for someone to point out the SPIRITUAL elements of 'OCCULT studies', and how older ideas were suppressed, demonised and persecuted by an intolerant and hypocritical Church. Yet, Iains readership seem to be as ignorant and bigoted as Iain is on this topic.

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He is so sneaky and relies on the fact his readers (mostly) never verify his work.

As soon as he starts he gives it all away by missing the etymology listed in his first link-

*kel- (1)

Proto-Indo-European root meaning "to cover, conceal, save."

Then evades the fact much is INNER/ concealed knowledge & Hidden due to TIME - ie a repository of Ancestral knowledge , impossible for any one individual to fathom from OBSERVATION .

At least if he reads these comments he may actually learn something 'useful'!🙄😁

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While clear to me and any other sane reader that your last sentence is being ironic and cheeky, lets see how PROTURD misinterprets it on purpose for its agenda driven rage, & frenzy of PURE MANIA....

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May 18·edited May 19

My only 'agenda' in the way you are meaning it is very clear.

I'd like you to stop telling lies about Richard Hall's court case.

Or perhaps you can lay out the reasons why you keep saying what you do?

No rage or mania here.

That's all in your tiny mind.

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You really must be to dedicate the rest of your life to stalking them so obviously .

What a petty, hypocritical, anal sadist , desperate for attention and in need of masochistic abuse you are PROTRUE .

You are EVIL and keep proving it as you tROT about here.

Thanatos really is your god & guide.

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You really must be to dedicate the rest of your life to stalking them so obviously.

Ah, so this is definitely TrolleyCollector now then.


The copy/pasting thing is so weak - it makes you look like the AI hybrid you claim to be.

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May 19·edited May 19

They are only discussing it because you brought it up you snivelling Stalker!


You really are a devious piece of sub human excretion.

Keep going - what an example you really are to anyone reading these comments about the OCCULT.

You really are desperate to wallpaer over RAM & Serges comments about WHAT A MESS DAVIS has made of his 'essay'.

You agenda is blatant, pathetic , and feeble , as usual from your team.

Why dont you start admitting to being a child abuser like you did last time before you other TROLL account got banned , go on let yourself go again, and revel in your aristocratic compulsions for incest and lap-dogging!

tROT ON fatster - Thanatos is obviously your GOD & GUIDE

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I'm not desperate about anything - I'm merely responding to comments - almost all of which have been abuse from you three gangtrolls.

And I didn't 'bring up' Hall - I have responded to the lies and groundless slander you three overt gangtrolls have been posting.

YOU are the team - you brag about it.

This is probably why you think everyone else is 'a team' - just projection.

I'm pretty sure gangtrolling is not within Substack rules - we'll see soon I guess won't we?

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No lies have been told- speculation is not lying.

You are very enraged though, and only had 3 hours sleep last night due to your TROLLING disposition and psychotic level of obsession.

Your 'diarrhea wallpapering' here is overt again.

No one sympathies with how you act here, although they may also dislike us.

You are clearly a villain of sorts in this matter, shit stirring without any substance.

You also keep digging up HALLs dubious nature, so in fact are doing him more harm than good (which I now presume is deliberate) as you are so obviously deranged and disingenuous in your arguments and claims.


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May 19·edited May 19

Where have I dug up Hall's dubious nature?

I think this is yet another fib, Flub - you do it so often & so casually that I think it's probably compulsive.

You create little fantasies in your head and then assert them (as you did just then) as if they are true, when they aren't & you cannot provide ANY evidence for them.

If you want to call it speculation, that's fine, but to those of us who KNOW what certain realities are (such as our own identities which you are squealing about every day, when you have even boasted that you & your cohort pretend to be each other sometimes), you are just LYING.

I think a big part of your problem is that you judge other people by your own standards. YOU are a poor excuse for a person, and so you project that onto everyone else.

There's no 'although' about it - most people here dislike you - many have stated it one way or another. But I know you don't care about being liked - NOBODY with any self-respect would be such a consistent arse to so many people.

Perhaps you are really frustrated in your meatspace life, and release this energy by making up slanderous stories about people, and abusing strangers? There has to be something quite deep in there causing this appalling behaviour.

I notice again in the last bit that you 'presume' and then use 'obviously' - this is NOT the way to establish reality, and where you are constantly going wrong. Your cognitive skills are very, very weak and you leap to wrong conclusions, often utterly contradicting yourself on the same day.

In what way, where have I been 'disingenuous'?

Unless you mean what I say I KNOW contradicts what you assert/allege/assume/presume/speculate, and so you HAVE TO ASSUME I'm lying or your fantasy reality you've constructed suddenly starts to crack. Cognitive dissonance can be crippling, and I get the impression it's a major problem for you, the way you flipflop with your opinions.

Everyone craves certainty, and it can be difficult to achieve (often impossible), but the way you approach 'working things out' is useless.

You need better tools & a better attitude - I don't think you have the capacity though.

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ProLie Proturd Prolapse make same old arse splatter wallpaper.

What a psycho!



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Same wallpapering anal pattern then?

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Lies like rain for funeral ProtROT again.

I ask out loud what do you achieve with silly mad act here?

Troll Hunter waste no time, everything saved, and when you add endless madness and gets deleted you waste 6 weeks of fucking heck ! All you write = that is 1,000 comments 200 pages all in shit swamp and gone. You have nothing just anger and sore anus leaking like waterfall of mucus.

Troll Hunter and The DubSurgeOn and friends have every comment still and can use it whenever. You massive loser with no values, integrity or honour, just clown in elephant turd face down.

This is your agenda as you say from 300+ page A4 html from TrollHunter Heroic archive is said many many times .

This now read like very very obvious James Mark Court Deathanus and Frances Co Leader dancing like wasps on each other trying to make impossible honey.

Just as was guessed at straight away by Ramona with powerful legs to climb mountains and her lovely friends and family here so often & so funny.


''I'm quite happy to continue this for the next year or two - if you can spare several hours a day to entertain & feed me, that's OK by me - I really enjoy the laughs you give.''


I changed my name to make it clear why I continue to post here.

Simply to feed from you two fuckwits!

The whole team, that is - all 8 of me working in shifts, just keeping you on the leash - forever!''

''And I'll be here to feed from your juices forever, Flubby - I can't get enough of this nutrition.

Yum yum!

Cheers, mate!''

''And I won't be 'stropping off' anywhere (nor me, or me, or me , or me or any of the other lads, girls or trans creatures on the night shift!).

I'll be here, just feeding at my own pace as I have the appetite., and I know you will be here on my leash always desperate to feed me.

Yum yum!

Cheers, mate!''

''I'm still here feeding from you - every post you think is insulting me just makes me stronger and happier!

All you are useful for is feeding from.

So that is what will be happening.

I post minimally here.

And you feed me with your juices.

And we'll play some new games too.

Let's see how juicy you really are.

Yum yum!

Cheers, mate!''

''You are totally lost in this hole you've dug yourself into.

I would almost feel sorry for you, but I'm enjoying watching your descent into madness. And you are stuck tied on the end of my leash forever now, as you can't quit without losing face, and every time you post you make yourselves look more ridiculous still.

Whereas all I have to do is remain on my truth, which has been consistent and honest from the very start.

This is the problem with messing about with curses - they have a habit of backfiring and badly affecting the caster of the curse.

Now let's see how observant you are.

Do you monitor how many posts are on this page when you've finished plopping around here?

I've just made the one - you should find it fairly quickly.

I can't be arsed to find the rest of yours as I know what utter ploppery they will all be.

And I do actually have a life to live, which you two obviously do not.

Both divorced maybe?

That might explain your habits. and lack of self-respect.

What keeps me laughing more than anything is how you think there must be a whole team of me! :-)

This is just so funny to me, and such an indication of just how dense you two really are''


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That's better - longer posts are more interesting.

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There is so much madness, delusion and twisty games of manipulation in Iain's sanctimonious essay above , that to unravel it would take another essay.

He is wrong about so much it is hard to take him seriously as a valid commentator on this topic, how biased and blind can a person become after they have been obviously cursed such as he !

Most people dont think the occult is 'stupid' , Horror stories /films are one of the most popular genres of entertainment. Lord of the rings one of the most popular books & films. Most musicians are 'occultly' inclined from Black Sabbath to Kate Bush to David Bowie and anyone who has ever gotten a tattoo (occult/ritual mutilation & marking for CULT concerns- wherever via the Leopard Clan to Millwall football team !) .

What non-occult work did DAVID BOWIE do ?! None- it is all 'occultly' inspired.

What notable buildings have NO occult significance nor thought in their construction-none.

What ancient , powerful families consider the 'occult' silly, stupid, in-valid.. none.

The Occult is ALSO about MEDICINES/HERBS and the times to grow and harvest- did Iain mention that in his biased views above?

It is about how to have satisfying sex, did Iain mention that, it seems that it may be very useful for him ?

It is about evading other peoples bad minded thoughts, projections and curses, did Iain mention that?

It is about ENHANCING life to live it to the fullest, did Iain mention that ?

It is a very ancient system of knowledge formed over many generations that are aware of ASTRO-THEOLOGY, which governs and guides GENERATIVE ENERGY ON THE PLANET to a great extent.

It is about CORRESPONDENCES- how things represent other things and how HARMONY manifests due to proportions and ratios. It is a SCIENCE (of Nature & Human Natures married with PHILOSOPHY . It is mostly EFFECTIVE SCIENCE and profound philosophy- not silly, stupid, mad, redundant etc as Iain assumes, and narcissisticly claims EVERYONE else thinks as he does- because he is RATIONAL 🙄😂🤣😂... what a clown!

The knowledge of generation was primarily OCCULT because it germinates in the dark, underground, sub consciously - always out of sight, it had no 'evil' connotations originally. Now darkness equates to 'evil' in stupid , brain washed peoples minds.

Iain keeps outing himself as controlled ops, by accusing anyone aware that he is - as controlled ops themselves!

I doubt that this essay is fully his own work, he didnt have the time time to properly research it , he certainly never read Agrippa's 3 books !

His thoughts and essay are obviously derived from a bigoted source- does he ever mention the OCCULT origins of the BIBLE, the European Union, the Nazi Party, the symbolism for the conservative & Labor party- The Catholic Church and its origin as the worship of NIMROD , all derived from OCCULT Traditions ?

He claims it is a western thing, is he high, on heavy meds, jiggling his useless tool as he types ? Has he never considered the incredibly occult ASSASSINS ?! Did they have no effect on history! 🙄😂🤣😂 Is INDIA ,CHINA , JAPAN, IRAN ,EGYPT devoid of 'occult' tradition.... it seems Iain is some sort of theological moron, cultural retard or just very dishonest?

Where do the words CULT-URE & SPELL-ING derive.

How did SONG, DANCE, ART and other important forms of human expression evolve !!!!

It was all via MAGICAL thinking,awareness, connections.

Anyone who thinks Iain has done a decent job here is either an idiot,plant or religious bigot. His overview is laughably shallow, he didnt even realize that TESLA is part of the HIDDEN HAND, that every flag & display of heraldry is borne from occult thought and history.... that modern science itself is merely a BRANCH of OCCULT systems and knowledge!

Iains 'avatar' is derived from the WATCHMEN series by ALAN MOORE- a self proclaimed 'magikian' !

Iain has split the face into two- a JANUS faced / Schizophrenic version that is overly 'occultly inspired' and a staple of THEATER symbolism. Is hypocrisy going to cripple all the 'occult' deniers out there- I hope it does!

He mentioned the 322, ignoring the PIRATES / Jewish slave traders element, and did his little dance for us, making us laugh & keeping everyone distracted - and what did he miss that was of utmost importance (& I haven't mentioned to see if anyone else did first, because so many seem clueless & smarmy about Astrology )

All these 22nd date events occur within 3 days or ON the date for the 12 zodiac signs to change houses. GEMINI is the sign most applicable (& used) with the Espionage agencies- from the TEMPLAR'S to all the TWINS hidden within the music Industry (Elvis, McCartney, Bowie ?) , Royalty, these false flag events & MKULTRA (btw- did EVE Hibbert have a twin sister for example ?).

While culture was derived from TAURUS reverence/knowledge (from the letter 'A' ,Hurricanes & whirlpools/Toroids ) then 'cultivated' further by the ARIES cults (Aryans, the ARI , Archimedian spirals, the RAM, EWE & SHEEP- Judges Wigs etc) ie Shepard Kings into the FISH of CHRIST- Pisces , all reflect the houses of the Zodiac and its traversal through time. It is not silly,stupid or mad, it is a beautiful coherent system of symbolism and allegorical science!

Crowley said the next epoch was that of HORUS the CHILD, and he was absolutely correct,

the 20th Century was the age when TEENAGERS were 'INVENTED', youth culture /Marketing exploded onto the world, and precocious, brat like children began to manifest due to consumer culture and DEMAND infantile/adolescent gratifications. Advertising is one of the most active OCCULT pursuits imaginable !

Iain failed to mention that MAGIC (the OCCULT) the MILITARY & ESPIONAGE are all one of the same things as well ! They are inseparable , and historically have been proven mutual bedfellows and performing artists .... the military use ILLUSIONS, Smoke & mirrors tactics all the time (mostly for funding). The espionage agencies are derived from 'magicians'. No high ranking personnel in those organisations consider MAGIC stupid, redundant, baseless or mad- they KNOW it has great power and INFLUENCE.

What next from Iain! He will probably claim that UNICORNS are pure fiction and have no relevance - so should be ignored. Yet what does the UNICORN represent, what is the Myth of how they were caught, how popular are these 'imaginary' creatures these days (more popular than Iain Davis!) , and what connection do they have to the CULTs of old ?

Only dribbling ,indignant idiots , or blind bigots dismiss the 'occult' - it is the ruling mode of awareness for human beings at heart, in practice and the dynamo that propels us through life- because the OCCULT is intimate with the UNCONSCIOUS , something Iain seems to have sublimated and replaced with flaky REASON and unstable LOGIC, balanced on his own fragile bigotry.

It is clear from Iains views here that he has NO AFFINITY FOR ART OR CRAFTSMANSHIP.

He is a hack, slogging it out to keep the fear and misery mills fueled with fodder.

Can the man even dance or sing , I doubt he is even fully human anymore after reading this crud he's written about the 'occult' , he appears to be some hybrid AI devise , programmed by smarmy ,shallow smug grubs, arrogant elitists , and child-like brats with a fragile hold of any valid reality.

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May 19·edited May 19

Too long & too abusive to bother reading all that, but Bowie's name jumped out.

Bowie's Tin Machine stuff was pretty non-occult - actually I would call it vacuous.

You see how you think in black & white?

And hilarious that you would end mentioning 'arrogant elitists' after that long rant about how inferior to you Iain is.

(also I think you meant 'device' not 'devise' - you really need to work on your spelling if you're hoping to master the 'art & craftmanship' you appear to think you are adept at!)

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May 19·edited May 19

No-one asked for, or wanted your unhinged opinion PROLAPSE .

Why comment if you never even read it - is it because you are a simple minded and overt stalker troll ?

How many times can you write 'I' in your comments is a game we've been playing since we first encountered you EverLyin'/Francissco Plum gob cretin team.

Spelling beiing fixed is a new contrivance, everyone makes typos and some errors, you are so inarticulate you wrote 'vocabullaryless' in one of your triggered tantrums ! You also failed to spell YOU correctly previously , the hypocrisy of it all is getting very tedious Plumbummer.

tROT ON some more for us!

This is hilarious at how inept and analy enraged you can become!

Thanatos is your GOD & GUIDE.

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May 19·edited May 19

What's interesting is that where I use 'I' regularly, this is indication I am speaking for myself, or from my own perspective, you use 'you' all the time, usually followed by expletives or just nonsense.

Anally has two 'l's though - amazing that such anally fixated people can't even spell their favourite word.

It actually makes me wonder if this comment was posted by Ram, as she already made this same spelling mistake earlier.

And yeah, sure, everyone makes typos - but that's not the same as not knowing how to spell a word - particularly one which appears so important to you.

There would only be one 'l' in vocabularyless (a perfectly acceptable word - English is such a great language for creation).

Actually this has ended up kind of being on-topic really - as you know, spelling is an aspect of the occult, so errors in it (especially glaring and repeated errors) will badly disempower any spell - possibly even allowing it to blow back on one, as it has done repeatedly with all three of you.

And still no rage here - just laughs.

Right, time for a lovely G&T and then I've got some herbs to pot up - chamomile and lemon balm for evening relaxation (I think you three could do with some of that), and the rosemary needs a trim (quite a zingy herb tea for the mornings).

Aaah, what a beautiful day!

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It is not interesting, except to a self obsessed retard like yourself.

It has always been obvious that you are a sociopathic wanker , cripple by narcissism,

You are not laughing , you are crying in anal rage and frustration, and everyone can see that clearly. You boast about reporting comments, you admit that you are connected to Davis as you claim Ram & Serge reported you to him.

You are arrogant , feeble and glaringly stupid.


as you are doing so rapidly !

Thanatos is clearly your GOD & guide.

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So wrong again.

I never claimed either Splurge or Ramble reported anyone to Iain, and nor did I.

Nor did I 'boast' - I stated.

Where did I 'admit I'm connected to Iain'?

Are you making up stories again?

Definitely tired now, you are - all that trolling must be such a tough job.

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Iain was your councillor/rehabilitation guide/ or STRONGMAN programmer ?

See how easy that was to work out!

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ProLie Prolapse, No one here cares what you think or write , except that it is usually a series of lies, pathetic playground baiting, and endless anal vomit wallpapering.

You keep proving you are a relentless stalker pervert crippled & cursed in hypocrisy & delusions.

We respond to collect data, sometimes have a laugh at your inane eruptions and keep you here , rather than anywhere else. We knew you would never stop given the option, so instead divide our time between us dangling the carrot just out of read of your greedy horse faced mush.

We know Plumgob,Germa,Dinglebutt,FranCiss,Alexi and others (maybe even jealous gimp Davis?) have contributed to your campaign of belittlement that is backfiring in spectacular style here, and all of you appear more cursed & worn out than you did before embarking on this idiotic game.

So tROT ON until Christmas when your contract is up for renewal, or terminated like you should be, for being such shameless pieces of shit, laughing at the public in your smarmy elitist circle jerk.

One day the truth of this will surface and the 'dominoes' will fall faster than any insidious controlled revolution you are trying to channel.

Now try & laugh & demean what I wrote (as you will if found) as some form of madness, and let's see how psychotic & DESPERATE you look in return.

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Yet you excel in being long winded and abusive!

The word 'hypocrisy' appears after almost every one of your (almost endless) uncontrolled outpourings of anal rage here. It seem you are totally unfamiliar with such a word and fail to grasp its meaning when mentioned.

Can you tell me what you think the word Hypocrite means ?

It may help you become more self aware, rather than your standard 'self-obsessed' state of mind ?

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Psycho ProLie Prolapse still in web.

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Does it (hypocrisy) - I don't think it does.

Perhaps your reading is as poor as your spelling?

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Suck your mums balls.

she keeps them in a tiny pouch.

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Does she?

How novel.

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Yes . Undeniable it is how body grow and work silly monster liar.

You lost in spell of asking question question question like robot living in 1k of RAM. Like ZX 81 , not bigger than VIC 20 mentioned.

Now you tired, sleeping talk. under spell that makes you live nightmare but not stop. Soon wake up and still in dream like Now wait for last year, PKDICK great writer. You not so, very stink soaked writing by crazy mad evil idiot for other idiots.

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ProLie Proturd Prolapse make same old arse splatter wallpaper.

What a psycho!



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Same wallpapering anal pattern then?

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SNAP ! yet again


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ProLie Proturd Prolapse make same old arse splatter wallpaper.

What a psycho!



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Same wallpapering anal pattern then?

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SNAP ! yet again


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Agreed, Iain. For decades I've watched/read media use the word occult, to imply devilish things afoot but I'd always known it just referred to hidden knowledge. These mind games.

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May 14·edited May 14Liked by Iain Davis

Isn’t it interesting that the word has its true meaning only in the medical terminology, such in the case of occult blood test… although most medical terms are derived from either Latin or Greek, talking of which reminds me that I have recently discovered the actual meaning of the word democracy: dimos- Borough cratis- State or just a slightly larger version of the City-State. Anyway, very thought-provoking piece, Iain 👍 It prompted me to look at the golden ratio, the golden rectangle, the golden spiral and all its occult knowledge, thank you

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May 14Liked by Iain Davis

I don't know much about the occult, but there seems to be a helluva lot of Zionists who are determining foreign policy in the US, Israel, Ukraine, and Russia. And all of it seems quite fascist.

Speaking of numbers and dates on October 7, 2001, Bush announced that the U S is beginning its military action in Afghanistan. And October, 7, 2023 the "false flag" Hamas attack was initiated.

I wonder, if it's related to the "high holy days?" I better consult Rasputin. 😁

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You've just gone and done it again, Iain - you writing this essay means I don't have to, because I would've said all the same points. I probably will ramble on about it, though. Katrina's DEXOS thing is a case in point. One difference though is that I can't help myself indulging in endless digressions, whereas you are clearly very good at sticking to the point.

Outstanding article. Out-bloody-standing.

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🙄😂🤣😂 it was crap- like your insane wittering 😂🤣😂

Most of it is just Iain making stuff up and dictating a perverse opinion-

this is a typical gem-

The work of Walter Russell has been ignored, as has the work of Viktor Schauberger.

Since when- where does Iain get this crap from?

The Nazis allegedly appropriated Schauberger and his work, his log flume was and is well known about, and in 1930, "Tragendes Wasser" was filmed, showing the function of the log flumes. There are several books about him and his inventions and discoveries, I've read most of them.

Walter Russell founded his own university with his wife- The University of Science and Philosophy (USP) -The USP was founded in 1948 and is still going strong!

Anyone reading this 'opinion piece ' by Iain should be wary of every emotive assertion he makes- it is all agenda driven rather than simple ignorance.

At least Iain has proven to every informed person here that the Encyclopedia Britannica is no longer a valid source of information- was it really ever ? !

It is more obsolete than anything it claims is obsolete.

read the link to 'esotericism' and cry at its bigoted, child like delusions, counteracted by a million websites and millions of books!

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It is almost pure crap with big , grubby worms of the phoenix wriggling about in it.

Compost for useless tools. Treasure for genuine truth-seekers and those of Alchemical inclinations.

Dissolve & Coagulate indeed !

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So are you saying there's no informationof use in Encyclopedia Britannica?

What would you consider a good source of information?

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ProLie Prolpae Chronic Moronic Team-

Same wallpapering anal pattern then?

No energy left now after curse.

Still screaming in mirror with anal rage.

ProtROT still dancing like furious maggot in spasm of existential agony.

Wriggle harder BadDog- more like dancing goblin fairy we all know you are.


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Same wallpapering anal pattern then?

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Psycho ProLie Prolapse still in web.

Repetition game of insanity obvious.


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The Encyclopedia Britannica is the BBC of 'research resources'.

ie only really ignorant, lazy, or devious shits would trust it, or quote from it as a valid source. Some of its claims regarding entomology are as deranged as reading EverLyin' Bumsucks essays here.

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Psycho ProLie Prolapse still in web.

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Stuck until Christmas instead of FOREVER as it previously threatened.

Yet, already it has run out of energy in its responses, just busy cut & pasting away in a angry delirium. So it will get the same in return mostly.


What a raging cluster of phuking psychos team Chronic Moronic are.

I doubt they will get a Christmas bonus at this rate, how many will disappear after a long walk on the Moors, or end up part of the fixtures & fittings in rehab/mental hospitals after this?

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Christmas 2025 will be great fun.

I don't think forever is going to be possible, as you two old men haven't got very long left.

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Excellent refreshing read ! Thanks

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Just a reminder of what PROLIE wrote on its previous account that was banned, in case anyone is confused about what a sick, pathetic, hypocritical hate-baiting psycho it really is.

These quotes are from its 6 weeks campaign in March/April-

The bit about posting minimally is impossible to reconcile with any angle on actual reality.😂


'''' I changed my name to make it clear why I continue to post here.

Simply to feed from you two fuckwits!

The whole team, that is - all 8 of me working in shifts, just keeping you on the leash - forever!


And I'll be here to feed from your juices forever, Flubby - I can't get enough of this nutrition.

Yum yum!

Cheers, mate!''


And I won't be 'stropping off' anywhere (nor me, or me, or me , or me or any of the other lads, girls or trans creatures on the night shift!).

I'll be here, just feeding at my own pace as I have the appetite., and I know you will be here on my leash always desperate to feed me.

Yum yum!

Cheers, mate!

------and more-----

Im still here feeding from you - every post you think is insulting me just makes me stronger and happier!

All you are useful for is feeding from.

So that is what will be happening.

I post minimally here.

And you feed me with your juices.

And we'll play some new games too.

Let's see how juicy you really are.

Yum yum!

Cheers, mate!

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Jun 14·edited Jun 18

Happy days!

It's been so much fun playing with you and watching you desparately trying to construct your victim narrative from any old bollocks.

I'm very much looking forward to this documentary you keep claiming to be making.

If you really do expend that much energy on this crap, it will be the custard on the cherry on the icing on the cake.

If you really are that dumb, I guess there's a possibility three mentally ill people and a dog might watch it - like the hordes who never read your insane essays. :-)

It's glorious watching such useless and vile creatures getting repurposed into an unwitting comedy act!

Just over a moth to go, and we will get to put a pale & grizzled face to all this bullshit you think you're doing.

Oh, that would be so much fun - if only you weren't a liar and a coward.


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Jun 19·edited Jun 19

Gloating in your decay & demise again Proteus 8 Prolapses.

How are you going to tell who Serge is ?

Are you going to confront all the 6'2" Dark skinned security personnel you see at the High Court ?


tROT ON , you pathetic goon.

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Not 'confront' no - all that aggresson is exactly the mindset you constantly DEMONstrate here.

The intention is to laugh at them - to laugh, and laugh, and laugh at them.

I think I might do a reading of the utter nonsense Blubby posted about Manchester & Eve Hibbert - and maybe some of his better posts here.

Your's too.

Think of it as a gift to the crowd who come to support Rich on the day but don't get into the courtroom, because of overcrowding again.

It's just a shame you won't be there too, but that's OK, as I have you nicely sequestered here for my own personal entertainment!

Cheers mate! :-)

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Are all your imaginary friends so cowardly or intangible to type any support for you HERE ProTwat ? If they are anything like you they are also pathetic losers without any substance or influence.

No one AT ALL wanted or supports your comments or opinions PROtwat, yet here you are with 4 months work & 1,000's of comments later still tROTTING about in some deranged spell of decomposition!


Keep on having public breakdowns for everyone's amusement, you cartoon goon.

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