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Jun 14
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Yes Proteus 8 Prolapses, you are still here, but you miss the point of the curse & assumed it was simply a 'death wish' because that is your nature, inclination, & shows your lack of creativity & imagination.

We may say what the curse involved to you. however why would we EVER be honest with you in this DRAMA ? You have shown every reason to never trust you or a word you write so many times already, so why do you expect us to be any more fair than your own actions.

Remember every battle YOU are in is one ultimately with yourself !

Who watches the watchmen ?

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Jun 18Edited
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Proteus 8 Prolapses,

If you read wghat was written instead of being lost in PURE MANIA,

then you would realise the friends of Serge are not there to protect HIM, but YOU, from propelling yourself into terminal troubles.

The only threat YOU pose to anyone is from suffocating them with the stench of you shitting yourself, & thrashing about having some kind of embolism.

Really what can some fanny battered decrepit farts, like Nickerless Kollostomybag, FannyCist Looser, bumwank Hall, Banshee Germy O.D.; James Mark Court Dingleberry or Flabby Plumface wasp psycho do; except 'rolling on the floor being hysterical' ?

Maybe you'll get Martin Hillbilly (your 'pink film' dungeon chum) to try & run Serge over in his wheel chair?



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Jun 20
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Serge doesn't NEED any colleagues there, they are there for standard security protocols regarding reportable events, and to make sure you do nothing criminal as you keep implying you will. You seem dangerously naive about what such important jobs and the training for them involve.

Calling all security personnel bullies is not going to do you any favours is it, especially outside a court of Law ?


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Proturd never turned up.

It was partly a game to make RICHARD D HALL 'fans' appear like the stalker he was claimed to be with Eve Hibbert.

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You are obsessing about all this most of the time then Proteus 8 ?

How is your imagination so trapped in childish insults that were cliched & crap in primary school, is it all from the script you use or can you add your own ?


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