I love how team Chronic Moronic regularly have team members retire from breakdowns, have to reset their tactics, disappear for a few days due to exhaustion, and spend 4 hour shifts wading through the comments------ then they write the shit that Prolapse does below about not being exhausted , having mental breakdowns,implosions, resets; and instead make claims about us wading through the comments to find their crap (we dont, & we dont need to either as we just compare the day to day new additions from html comparisons ! 😂).
Look how triggered it is about it all, STILL 🙄
It got so excited it made 3 pointless comments no one cares about or will even respond to directly anymore !
Its been tROTTING about in a nightmare of its own making for 3 months doing exactly what we want, getting more & more wound up & frustrated, and still deludes itself it has any control over this.
What a pathetic psycho loser, cursed, crippled and chronic.
Yes I do , because you agree with what I wrote 100%, Proturd.
What a total cretinous creep you keep proving yourself to be!
nice one !
Christmas is coming, only almost 7 months to go Protwot robot !
Great work, thanks Nushi.
I love how team Chronic Moronic regularly have team members retire from breakdowns, have to reset their tactics, disappear for a few days due to exhaustion, and spend 4 hour shifts wading through the comments------ then they write the shit that Prolapse does below about not being exhausted , having mental breakdowns,implosions, resets; and instead make claims about us wading through the comments to find their crap (we dont, & we dont need to either as we just compare the day to day new additions from html comparisons ! 😂).
Look how triggered it is about it all, STILL 🙄
It got so excited it made 3 pointless comments no one cares about or will even respond to directly anymore !
Its been tROTTING about in a nightmare of its own making for 3 months doing exactly what we want, getting more & more wound up & frustrated, and still deludes itself it has any control over this.
What a pathetic psycho loser, cursed, crippled and chronic.
15 hour stint search for comments again there you again pro-turd lie bot. what a miserable existence you have!
tROT on as you do so tediously all day anyway.
ProFeltch dog knobbed arseholes in team Chronic Moronic-
You are utterly phuked and cant even recognize the fact !
Enchanted, Spellbound, Entranced and in LIMBO.
Hey Prolapseing ProLiar !
Heres a song InJury wrote about you slag assed rancid twot of a mother FannyCist Loser! 😂😂😂