I wonder what triggered them, maybe you saying you weren't bothered with continuing to respond to their miserable decay here?
So far Proteus IV, or 8 (?) has fantasied about you being a man, a man flashing in the park; a man on whelks- I mean wheels; a man on broken trolley wheels; and a man on broken trolley wheel with a whore for a mother .Next it will be fantasizing you are a man with a beard, & legs like deflated flippers, spinning about in a wheel chair- just like it does after getting feltched out by El Riccardo 'Stag Ring' Hall! Is it possible Proteus Prolapse is also Nickerless Kollostomy-bag as you suggested waaaaaay back? Who cares Time (SATAN/Saturn for some!) is Great the Reveler & Concealer!
Let's look at Proteus laugh itself into a state of hysteria with an emoji frenzy!
Look out , here it goes again!
- Like a typically useless no content cock without any balls, & and a double vagina arse.
Proteus 8 Prolpases, what a rage you are in again!
Look at your rapid decay here after your self -inflicted curses & loss of team members. All you can do is emoji like a psycho-bitch-in-heat desperate for any sort of attention.
Your rapid decay & escalating hysteria is a warning to all clown trolls like yourself & decent people navigating the sewers of on social media. Magic is more powerful than any pretence of REASON.
Thank you for you eternal participation in this experiment, proving the social disruption ALGOL AI you use is utterly pathetic, & in thrall to Thanatos.
Proteus 8 Prolpases, what a rage you are in again!
Look at your rapid decay here after your self -inflicted curses & loss of team members. All you can do is emoji like a psycho-bitch-in-heat desperate for any sort of attention.
Your rapid decay & escalating hysteria is a warning to all clown trolls like yourself & decent people navigating the sewers of on social media. Magic is more powerful than any pretence of REASON.
Thank you for you eternal participation in this experiment, proving the social disruption ALGOL AI you use is utterly pathetic, & in thrall to Thanatos.
So, this is ALL FOR US, and the lie of you doing this for Dick Anus Hall & grumpy goblin Davis was all a FRONT for your personal indulge of acts involving petty sadism & induced masochistic satisfaction.
Thanks for making it overt. Remember what you said of EMOJIS being the expression of 'vocabularyless children;'. Why did you mention CHILDREN in that sentence, are they in your mind all the time, like some molester & playground lurker unable to separate reality form on-line fantasies?
Look at your rapid INARTICULATE decay here after your self -inflicted curses & loss of team members. All you can do is emoji like a psycho-bitch-in-heat desperate for any sort of attention.
Your rapid decay & escalating hysteria is a warning to all clown trolls like yourself & decent people navigating the sewers of on social media. Magic is more powerful than any pretence of REASON.
Thank you for you eternal participation in this experiment, proving the social disruption ALGOL AI you use is utterly pathetic, & in thrall to Thanatos.
Hey Proteus 8 enema creatures, Is that reply an image of you overdosing on sleeping pills while trying to escape from the horror of your pathetic, miserable existence ?
Proteus Prolapse is really in a rage tonight.😂
I wonder what triggered them, maybe you saying you weren't bothered with continuing to respond to their miserable decay here?
So far Proteus IV, or 8 (?) has fantasied about you being a man, a man flashing in the park; a man on whelks- I mean wheels; a man on broken trolley wheels; and a man on broken trolley wheel with a whore for a mother .Next it will be fantasizing you are a man with a beard, & legs like deflated flippers, spinning about in a wheel chair- just like it does after getting feltched out by El Riccardo 'Stag Ring' Hall! Is it possible Proteus Prolapse is also Nickerless Kollostomy-bag as you suggested waaaaaay back? Who cares Time (SATAN/Saturn for some!) is Great the Reveler & Concealer!
Let's look at Proteus laugh itself into a state of hysteria with an emoji frenzy!
Look out , here it goes again!
- Like a typically useless no content cock without any balls, & and a double vagina arse.
Proteus 8 Prolpases, what a rage you are in again!
Look at your rapid decay here after your self -inflicted curses & loss of team members. All you can do is emoji like a psycho-bitch-in-heat desperate for any sort of attention.
Your rapid decay & escalating hysteria is a warning to all clown trolls like yourself & decent people navigating the sewers of on social media. Magic is more powerful than any pretence of REASON.
Thank you for you eternal participation in this experiment, proving the social disruption ALGOL AI you use is utterly pathetic, & in thrall to Thanatos.
Now, tROT ON!
Proteus 8 Prolpases, what a rage you are in again!
Look at your rapid decay here after your self -inflicted curses & loss of team members. All you can do is emoji like a psycho-bitch-in-heat desperate for any sort of attention.
Your rapid decay & escalating hysteria is a warning to all clown trolls like yourself & decent people navigating the sewers of on social media. Magic is more powerful than any pretence of REASON.
Thank you for you eternal participation in this experiment, proving the social disruption ALGOL AI you use is utterly pathetic, & in thrall to Thanatos.
Now, tROT ON!
So, this is ALL FOR US, and the lie of you doing this for Dick Anus Hall & grumpy goblin Davis was all a FRONT for your personal indulge of acts involving petty sadism & induced masochistic satisfaction.
Thanks for making it overt. Remember what you said of EMOJIS being the expression of 'vocabularyless children;'. Why did you mention CHILDREN in that sentence, are they in your mind all the time, like some molester & playground lurker unable to separate reality form on-line fantasies?
Look at your rapid INARTICULATE decay here after your self -inflicted curses & loss of team members. All you can do is emoji like a psycho-bitch-in-heat desperate for any sort of attention.
Your rapid decay & escalating hysteria is a warning to all clown trolls like yourself & decent people navigating the sewers of on social media. Magic is more powerful than any pretence of REASON.
Thank you for you eternal participation in this experiment, proving the social disruption ALGOL AI you use is utterly pathetic, & in thrall to Thanatos.
Now, tROT ON!
Hey Proteus 8 enema creatures, Is that reply an image of you overdosing on sleeping pills while trying to escape from the horror of your pathetic, miserable existence ?
Yeah, Proteus 8 Prolapses,
you really have lost it again.
Another holiday to rehab tomorrow then ?
What a terminal curse you are so overtly in, what a warning to anyone reading your anal vomit here.