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I love how team Chronic Moronic regularly have team members retire from breakdowns, have to reset their tactics, disappear for a few days due to exhaustion, and spend 4 hour shifts wading through the comments------ then they write the shit that Prolapse does below about not being exhausted , having mental breakdowns,implosions, resets; and instead make claims about us wading through the comments to find their crap (we dont, & we dont need to either as we just compare the day to day new additions from html comparisons ! 😂).

Look how triggered it is about it all, STILL 🙄

It got so excited it made 3 pointless comments no one cares about or will even respond to directly anymore !

Its been tROTTING about in a nightmare of its own making for 3 months doing exactly what we want, getting more & more wound up & frustrated, and still deludes itself it has any control over this.

What a pathetic psycho loser, cursed, crippled and chronic.


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Jun 6
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SNAP ! yet again

The hypocrisy is almost suffocating from you ProLie


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Jun 6
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All the best insults you use were from Dub etc aimed at you Prolie Prolapse originally .

You really don't have any creativity, imagination or self awareness do you, is that what happens when you become less than human, and also less than a functioning machine?

I just caught up with your PURE MANIA here PetFeltcher, and the CURSE really did hit you hard. You stopped long rambling self obsessed replies for several days. You resorted to wallpapering emojis despite your claim they made those that use them look like ''vocabularyless children''. You wrote out 'laughs' & expressions of hysteria. You resorted to infantile cut & paste repetition. You defiantly seemed to be shitting your pants in anal rage and frustration.

It is quite a sight and proves you are feeble minded, exposed your crippling hypersensitivity, triggered neurotic spelling fascism, and caused at least 3 breakdowns for you in the last fortnight.

When you work out what the word HYPOCRISY means then the joke on you will be all the more amusing.

tROT ON- It is your only love, reason to live and talent these days.

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Jun 17
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Now Proteus 8 Prolapses can't stop thinking about PET FELTCHING-proving we succeeded in mitigating their child molesting inclinations for the past few months.

Another victory admitted by their pathetic new team member.

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Jun 21
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Are all your imaginary friends so cowardly or intangible to type any support for you HERE ProTwat ? If they are anything like you they are also pathetic losers without any substance or influence.

No one AT ALL wanted or supports your comments or opinions PROtwat, yet here you are with 4 months work & 1,000's of comments later still tROTTING about in some deranged spell of decomposition!


Keep on having public breakdowns for everyone's amusement, you cartoon goon.

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