You have hit upon a number of really important points here. One of them is about convincing the masses that 'the occult' is a load of rubbish - meaning the cabal can then research it ('secretly') and anyone who says they're researching it can be easily portrayed as a loony. This is of course one of their classic tactics to debunk 'conspi…
You have hit upon a number of really important points here. One of them is about convincing the masses that 'the occult' is a load of rubbish - meaning the cabal can then research it ('secretly') and anyone who says they're researching it can be easily portrayed as a loony. This is of course one of their classic tactics to debunk 'conspiracy theorists'. Which, as you suggest, is one reason why they imbue their 'events' with inherent debunkability or straw men (which, naturally, shows it was a false flag).
One of the great things you do in the first part of this essay is talk about genuine science (Tesla etc.). I'm interested to know why you didn't mention Miles Mathis' science (the charge field and so on) - is this simply because you're not familiar with it yet? One thing I find sinister about Mathis of course is that alongside his very rational science he indulges in a whole raft of ridiculous conspiracy theories (like the (manufactured) 'false events' narrative) - it's as if this stuff only serves to discredit the science. Which has led me to suspect that Mathis was made the proverbial offer you can't refuse and is now working in one of their secret facilities, and it's a committee writing his false events rubbish. I do find it difficult to accept how someone with such clear intelligence can also write rubbish. There's a cognitive dissonance there, of course.
I totally agree that there are so many 'inventions' (if I can put it that way) that must be being withheld from the general public. This is part of the point of the DEXOS thing on my substack (the parallel world I describe is one in which the occult tech is now un-occult, and available to the public). The 'occult' is partly to give the cabal an ever widening advantage over the tech that is 'publicly accessible', but it's also because if this tech was publicly/commercially available then it would be liberating for humanity and thus the cabal wouldn't have any control anymore. Medical treatment is one such (e.g. GcMaf).
You are absolutely correct to call these monsters pond life. Normal human beings have a natural desire to share all this wonderful stuff. But they don't behave like normal human beings. It's why I do in fact think they are a different species. Behaviour is governed by the brain, after all, so their brains must be sufficiently different (or differently wired) to constitute a different species (fMRI comparisons would demonstrate this). Utopia will only happen if and when these monsters are exterminated. Unfortunately, normal human beings are 'good' and so they waiver or baulk at the idea of 'extermination'. And the bad guys know this.
See, I'm really good at launching into digressionary rambles.
you are really adept at uttering an endless stream of utter bullshit
and are now actually unreadable EverLyin' !
for those unfamiliar with EverLyin's ways - DEXOS is her 'invention/group' in her other dimensional place of origin (she claims !) , while here it is engine oil by GM !!!!
Also Miles Mathis is renowned for his 'false flag' work - which is superb usually.
his 'charge field' concept is not original at all ,and his science is questionable.
You have hit upon a number of really important points here. One of them is about convincing the masses that 'the occult' is a load of rubbish - meaning the cabal can then research it ('secretly') and anyone who says they're researching it can be easily portrayed as a loony. This is of course one of their classic tactics to debunk 'conspiracy theorists'. Which, as you suggest, is one reason why they imbue their 'events' with inherent debunkability or straw men (which, naturally, shows it was a false flag).
One of the great things you do in the first part of this essay is talk about genuine science (Tesla etc.). I'm interested to know why you didn't mention Miles Mathis' science (the charge field and so on) - is this simply because you're not familiar with it yet? One thing I find sinister about Mathis of course is that alongside his very rational science he indulges in a whole raft of ridiculous conspiracy theories (like the (manufactured) 'false events' narrative) - it's as if this stuff only serves to discredit the science. Which has led me to suspect that Mathis was made the proverbial offer you can't refuse and is now working in one of their secret facilities, and it's a committee writing his false events rubbish. I do find it difficult to accept how someone with such clear intelligence can also write rubbish. There's a cognitive dissonance there, of course.
I totally agree that there are so many 'inventions' (if I can put it that way) that must be being withheld from the general public. This is part of the point of the DEXOS thing on my substack (the parallel world I describe is one in which the occult tech is now un-occult, and available to the public). The 'occult' is partly to give the cabal an ever widening advantage over the tech that is 'publicly accessible', but it's also because if this tech was publicly/commercially available then it would be liberating for humanity and thus the cabal wouldn't have any control anymore. Medical treatment is one such (e.g. GcMaf).
You are absolutely correct to call these monsters pond life. Normal human beings have a natural desire to share all this wonderful stuff. But they don't behave like normal human beings. It's why I do in fact think they are a different species. Behaviour is governed by the brain, after all, so their brains must be sufficiently different (or differently wired) to constitute a different species (fMRI comparisons would demonstrate this). Utopia will only happen if and when these monsters are exterminated. Unfortunately, normal human beings are 'good' and so they waiver or baulk at the idea of 'extermination'. And the bad guys know this.
See, I'm really good at launching into digressionary rambles.
you are really adept at uttering an endless stream of utter bullshit
and are now actually unreadable EverLyin' !
for those unfamiliar with EverLyin's ways - DEXOS is her 'invention/group' in her other dimensional place of origin (she claims !) , while here it is engine oil by GM !!!!
Also Miles Mathis is renowned for his 'false flag' work - which is superb usually.
his 'charge field' concept is not original at all ,and his science is questionable.