Hey Proteus 8 enema creatures, Is that reply an image of you overdosing on sleeping pills while trying to escape from the horror of your pathetic, miserable existence ?
Your rapid decay & escalating hysteria is a warning to all clown trolls like yourself & decent people navigating the sewers of on social media.
Thank you for you eternal participation in this experiment, proving the social disruption ALGOL AI you use is utterly pathetic, & in thrall to Thanatos.
Laughing to yourself in hysteria still ProLie.
And you thought that was worthy of a comment. 🙄😂
You values are as redundant as your opinions.
What a curse you must be in.
That is hysteria Proturd!
Hey Proteus 8 enema creatures, Is that reply an image of you overdosing on sleeping pills while trying to escape from the horror of your pathetic, miserable existence ?
The next one they supply has a portrait of their entire
Team, including Mal & Mol Lester, Abe & Abbie Normal, FannyCist Loser & even gippy gnome Davis ?
Proteus 8 Prolapses,
Your rapid decay & escalating hysteria is a warning to all clown trolls like yourself & decent people navigating the sewers of on social media.
Thank you for you eternal participation in this experiment, proving the social disruption ALGOL AI you use is utterly pathetic, & in thrall to Thanatos.
Now, tROT ON!