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There is the occult - termed from bigoted religious fanatics.

Then there is the esoteric & exoteric - ie CRAFTLORE for practical crafts-folk to retain trade secrets- the education system of today is akin to this- with the esoteric reserved for actual company research, and the school system being the exoteric medium of learning. Also things beyond mere 'physical description' often have an esoteric environment to convey various states of 'truth'.

Then there is the ARCANE....

Of course some things should absolutely remain secrets among certain groups , only indignant idiots would imagine otherwise, or those using devious subversion tactics.

While many secrets are actually in plain sight- via HERALDRY and Symbolism.

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May 24
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May 25
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Love u Blue Sky Maiden, Blessings🙏🌎

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Fuck that was some real illiterate shit I just read. Couldn't understand a thing you said mate.

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Ah you poor mess of a thing Decrepit Warwhore.

Are you mentally crippled .... or just a disingenuous liar?

What did Nushi write above was clearly stated-

'What should be secret fucking obvious to child -

IMPORTANT DATA & resources /STRATIGIC Matters- such being: military locations, weapons quantity, designs,components and manufacture, latent & manifest in the field ability, personnel identity's, sensitive family data.

FAMILY CONCERN CRAFT SKILLS, source of materials or ingredients & types, preparation, actual making of tricks learnt from experience, costs involved.'

& you couldn't grasp that ?

Get the fuck out of here you pathetic time sucking piece of shit !

I've read some of your posts & you are a fake ass poseur playing the smug anarchist role, yet with no clue that you are in an Anarchist system where the 'bloodline; families are the biggest gang & can make up whatever social 'rules' & constraints they like.

Your content is as shallow as your tolerance for informed opinion. It is clearly you who is triggered here while busy projecting your own disposition & insecurities onto others.... you must be so full of HATE & frustration

Nushi is laughing at you, & yet you claim shes angry & hateful towards a non-entity gob-shite goader such as yourself... what a sad existence you seem to be trapped in?!

Get a grip Ancient Warrior, you look like a dribbling goon writing such junk .... or TALKING it out loud as you type as you seem confused as to what mode of communication you are using.

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Cool story. Whatever you say.

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🥱...yeah cool maaaaan.

Phuking hypocrite hippie ....🙄😂🤣😂

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Jul 29Edited
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Ancient festering arsehole connects to this clart faced bore


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Funny you say all that. I was referring to your content and not your persona. But since you are going to pursue in throwing ad hominems at me, I already won this argument. Not that there is anything of me to win, or that it is even a contest, but more of a personal challenge you lack in reading something without taking offense or taking it too personal.

Thanks for projecting your own hate.

Good luck with that.


You might want to use less emotion and reread what you are about to say. Don't be afraid to use a little bit more punctuations too.

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and who is Ancient Warwhore to pontificate about such matters ?


Put your mask back on your spoilt posh twat, the anarchist pose is so shallow & feeble that it is obvious you only exist to give anarchism a bad reputation & waste the time of your readers -stating the obvious while evading the meat of the matter.

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May 26
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Prolapsing still ProLie-

What a curse you are in.



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And no one AT ALL wanted your comments or opinions, yet here you are with 3 months work & 1,000's of comments later still tROTTING about in some deranged spell of decomposition!

Look at how many people like your comments, NONE. What a pathetic worthless loser you truly are ProLie.

What a desperate , no-life Psycho on a anal vomit wallpaper mission.

tROT ON Sucker. It is you LOVE & LIFE now.

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Jun 14
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Jun 18Edited

3 month stalker pervert obsession from the Proteus 8 Prolapses Team of Dingleberries. is light entertainment!

No wonder you'll never get married or have children, thank god you are a dried up sterile old jaffa.


You've been in a obvious rage since you returned, is that the crack pipe effecting your mood?

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May 26
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May 27
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ProLie demands- ''Why do you bother breathing, Trolley Collector?'

Is that another death-threat from you ProLie ?😂

What do you have against supermarket assistants, why are you so elitist and conceited, who is the trolley collector here. It seems an ironic insult as you are obviously one of histories greatest SHIT SUCKERS .


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Jun 12
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Jun 14
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You are doing a wonderful job of proving what a CURSE you are in here PROTEUS 8 PROLPASES.

You seem obsessed with ME because I've been 'defeating' TROLLs for decades & it is obviously a challenge for you to try & take me on, but look at what a laughing stock you are,with no support AT ALL.

You've been defeated many times here, the first time resulted in your account being deleted after 6 weeks of malicious lies & stalking. Now you are back & more pathetic than ever. Sometimes you are hilariously inept & puerile, mostly you are a tediously repetitive, anally vomiting bore.

What you have done is prove that RAM,Serge, Nushi & Myself are funny (if you have a broad, real life experience sense of humour), creative & insightful, while you are humourless, manically deranged, have no creative fire, are terminally triggered, & a nasty piece of psycho shit that should be locked up.

Who goes camping & says they were in paradise eating gorgeous meals in May during middling weather- you, while sitting in your mums basement eating beans on toast & cannibalising fried maggots.

btw - we have known who your team is since the start (the main contributors) & the real names of some of the people that are typing for you are;

Mal & Molly Lester.

Abbie & Abe Normal

Petra Feltcher

& the EverLyin' Bumsick Virus

tROT ON as you do,



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Jun 15
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Jun 18Edited

It hilarious that Proteus Proturd talks of shit then writes 'Hmmmmm'

I'm surprised it didn't add its old refrain of YUM YUM CHEERS MAAAATE ! When Fannycist Loser & JMCDinglebutt were more involved.

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May 27Edited
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May 30
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It was affirmed that you were some kind of mental patient, or deficient machinery, & possibly some crime against nature hybrid when you began your campaign of feeble terror here 3 months ago ProLie.

It seems you are making no progress, and you are now instead rapidly regressing. All the ANAL curses upon you & spell-craft have obviously taken a terrible toll upon you, and where you are now is one of Freuds more useful insights within his work.

Of course you are indoctrinated to deny Freud as a crank, & irrelevant to the modern age.

The work of the Marquis de Sade is even more resonant with your dilemma, and you have certainly entrapped yourself in rather vile prison here, all manifested from your latent masochism & desperate cries for attention in a petty sadistic manner.

BTW - T.Hunter is retired, is a grandfather, and still living an exciting eventful life. You were a novelty freak for him to begin with & have wormed your way into becoming the most crystallized archetype of trollish/shill phenomena, while displaying all the most notable psychopathologies of spinal regression possible. And that is why we are happy to spotlight your psycho-mania and quite often now actually look forward to seeing your latest public decomposition here.

Your recent outbussrt about you mum was rather short lived & seems to have exhausted you again, Maybe a good long walk on the moors would help, or a regime of hourly enemas should be able to clear you out after a few months?

Christmas is only just under 7 months away now!

Get ready to rock n roll & I don't mean get your crack pipe out !


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Jun 5
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Prolapsing ProLie the pet feltcher has proven it has no moral compass, no reason to exist, and no content.

It simply tROTS about being a TIME VAMPIRE and imagines it is immortal.

What sort of drugs is it on to imagine what it is doing is worthwhile or endearing in any way - it has admitted to being a crack head for over 30 years since Glastonbury, when it smoked a josh stick and 'went a bit funny', then found itself being gang banged by rottweilers in some (guy richiesque )gypsy porn film.

Since then it has a disposition to be dog knobbed while feltching the decomposing carcass of her grand-dad, or other family member who spent a life of generational gas lighting for oppression.

Here we see how those debauched youthful experiences have led ProTurd into this predicament and inspired her searing wit , insight & irresistible humors,

! opps, spelling mistake again !

Not 'humors' - it should be TUMORS .

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So here you claim to be intent on stalking how many people ? for the next 19 months. However you are just being made a laughing stock in the process & are so deranged that you claim their 'mental stability has fallen to bits', with no proof at all, but endless proof your own mental state has NEVER been stable.

Again you try the petty spelling fascism game wile being so triggered you mis-spelt two words in one hysterical outburst; 'but son't seem to realise that resentment is like taking poison yourself & expectin your enemies to die.'

What does 'SONT' mean? Are you typing as you talk with 'EXPECTIN' ? Maybe you are drunk or on the crack pipe again?

What a peculiar & desperate mess you really are in here Proturds. It really is obvious that you are cursed ta feck & rotting in your delusions. What to you hope to achieve beyond what you've already claimed- to prove you think people who disagree with you should be stalked & hounded because you found it offensive, and that justifies your over-reaction & hypocritical game of vengeance ?

Where are all the people derogatorily laughing at the comments against you made by Dub,Ram & Co, there are none and you have no support at all for anything you've written. However quite a few people are laughing ALONG with Dub & co. Especially the funny & insightful The Blue Sky Maidens replies. She has better 'command' of language than you could ever fathom or appreciate, saying in 2 paragraphs what takes you half a page of self obsessed lies & waffle, deference & transference.

tROT on some more though, it's is you LIFE & LOVE now.

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Jun 11
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You are doing a wonderful job of proving what a CURSE you are in here PROTEUS 8 PROLPASES.

You seem obsessed with ME because I've been 'defeating' TROLLs for decades & it is obviously a challenge for you to try & take me on, but look at what a laughing stock you are,with no support AT ALL.

You've been defeated many times here, the first time resulted in your account being deleted after 6 weeks of malicious lies & stalking. Now you are back & more pathetic than ever. Sometimes you are hilariously inept & puerile, mostly you are a tediously repetitive, anally vomiting bore.

What you have done is prove that RAM,Serge, Nushi & Myself are funny (if you have a broad, real life experience sense of humour), creative & insightful, while you are humourless, manically deranged, have no creative fire, are terminally triggered, & a nasty piece of psycho shit that should be locked up.

Who goes camping & says they were in paradise eating gorgeous meals in May during middling weather- you, while sitting in your mums basement eating beans on toast & cannibalising fried maggots.

btw - we have known who your team is since the start (the main contributors) & the real names of some of the people that are typing for you are;

Mal & Molly Lester.

Abbie & Abe Normal

Petra Feltcher

& the EverLyin' Bumsick Virus

tROT ON as you do,



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Jun 21Edited
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Jun 25Edited

Yeah right Sarah, your miserable whinny voice comes through on everything you do . What a sanctimonious flabby old twat you are!

Are all your imaginary friends so cowardly or intangible to type any support for you HERE ? If they are anything like you they are also pathetic losers without any substance or genuine influence.

No one AT ALL wanted or supports your comments or opinions in these comments, yet here you are with 4 months work & 1,000's of comments later still tROTTING about in some deranged spell of decomposition!


Keep on having public breakdowns for everyone's amusement, you cartoon goon.

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May 30
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May 30
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ProLie Prolapse. you have no hook, just a demon maggot oozing excrement .

The insightful Ms Ayako here is doing a wonderful job of humiliating you like the pathetic pervert you are- lost in some S&M pink film dungeon of your own psyche. She fully comprehends your psycho-dynamics and desperate need for debasement, and look at you crawl about here for her !

She mentioned WHITEHOUSE and here are some more of their lyrics written with you in mind-

tROT ON while you Twot ON shit sucker.


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May 31Edited
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