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Jun 5
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Prolapsing ProLie the pet feltcher has proven it has no moral compass, no reason to exist, and no content.

It simply tROTS about being a TIME VAMPIRE and imagines it is immortal.

What sort of drugs is it on to imagine what it is doing is worthwhile or endearing in any way - it has admitted to being a crack head for over 30 years since Glastonbury, when it smoked a josh stick and 'went a bit funny', then found itself being gang banged by rottweilers in some (guy richiesque )gypsy porn film.

Since then it has a disposition to be dog knobbed while feltching the decomposing carcass of her grand-dad, or other family member who spent a life of generational gas lighting for oppression.

Here we see how those debauched youthful experiences have led ProTurd into this predicament and inspired her searing wit , insight & irresistible humors,

! opps, spelling mistake again !

Not 'humors' - it should be TUMORS .

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Jun 14
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''IsnтАЩt it, though, a little perverse to imagine that the universe may have some twisted-doughnut shape rather than having the simplest possible topology of infinite size? Not necessarily. Going from nothing to infinity in the big bang is quite a step. тАЬItтАЩs easier to create small things than big things,тАЭ says Jaffe. тАЬSo itтАЩs easier to create a universe that is compact in some way тАУ and a nontrivial topology does that.тАЭ

Besides, there are theoretical reasons to suspect that the universe is finite. There is no agreed theory of how the universe originated, but one of the most popular frameworks for thinking about it is string theory. But current versions of string theory predict that the universe shouldnтАЩt have just four dimensions (three of space, plus time) but at least 10.

String theorists argue that maybe all the other dimensions became highly тАЬcompactifiedтАЭ: they are so small that we donтАЩt experience them at all. But then why would only six or so have become finite while the others remained infinite? тАЬI would say it is more natural to have a compact universe, rather than four infinite dimensions and the others compact,тАЭ says Akrami.

The ideal case will be to combine everything that is observable and hopefully that will give us a large signal of the topology

Yashar Akrami, cosmologist

And if the search for cosmic topology showed that at least three of the dimensions are indeed finite, says Aurich, that would rule out many of the possible versions of string theory.

тАЬA detection of a compact universe would be one of the most staggering discoveries in human history,тАЭ says cosmologist Janna Levin of Barnard College in New York. ThatтАЩs why searches like this, тАЬthough they threaten to disappoint, are worthwhile.тАЭ But if she had to place a bet, she adds: тАЬI would wager against a small universe.тАЭ

Will we ever know the answer? тАЬIt is quite likely that the universe is finite, but with the topology scale larger than what we can probe with observations,тАЭsays Cornish. But he adds that some odd features in the CMB pattern тАЬare exactly the kind you would expect in a finite universe, so it is worth probing furtherтАЭ.

The problem with seeking patterns in the CMB, Cornish says, is given how each of the 18 flat topologies can be varied, тАЬthere are an infinite number of possibilities to consider, each with its own unique predictions, so it is impossible to try them all out.тАЭ Maybe the best we can do, then, is decide which possibilities seem most probable and see if the data fits those.

Aurich says that a planned improvement of the CMB map in an international project called CMB stage 4, using a dozen telescopes in Chile and Antarctica, should help the hunt. But the Compact researchers suspect that, unless we get lucky, the CMB alone may not allow us to answer the topology question definitively.

However, they say there is plenty of other astronomical data we can use too: not just whatтАЩs on the тАЬsphereтАЭ of the CMB map but whatтАЩs inside it, in the rest of space. тАЬEverything in the universe is affected by the topology,тАЭ says Akrami. тАЬThe ideal case will be to combine everything that is observable and hopefully that will give us a large signal of the topology.тАЭ The team wants either to detect that signal, he says, or show that itтАЩs impossible.

There are several instruments now in use or in construction that will fill in more details of what is inside the volume of observable space, such as the European Space AgencyтАЩs Euclid space telescope, launched last year, and the SKA Observatory (formerly the Square Kilometre Array), a system of radio telescopes being built in Australia and South Africa. тАЬWe want a census of all the matter in the universe,тАЭ says Jaffe, тАЬwhich will enable us to understand the global structure of space and time.тАЭ

If we manage that тАУ and if it turns out that the cosmic topology makes the universe finite тАУ Akrami imagines a day when we have a kind of Google Earth for the entire cosmos: a map of everything.''

''тАЬPrevious analyses do not rule out there being possibly observable effects due to the universe having a nontrivial topology,тАЭ says astrophysicist Neil Cornish of Montana State University in Bozeman, who devised one such analysis 20 years ago. Ralf Aurich, an astronomer at Ulm University in Baden-W├╝rttemberg, Germany, also says:тАЬI think that nontrivial topologies are still very much a possibility.тАЭ''

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ProLie, what a poor mess of a thing you have so quickly become, like roadkill in the gutter, animated only by maggots writhing about inside .

As the insightful lady wrote-''

You entertained by being called a Pet Feltcher everyday.

You entertained by being called a Chronic Moronic everyday.

You entertained by being reminded that you admitted contemplating child molesting everyday.

You entertained by being called a crackhead everyday.

You entertained by being called a fucking psycho stalker everyday, & keep proving that fact.

You entertained by being called a miserable desperate masochist , addicted by getting attention everyday.

You entertained by being proven massive bloody anus loser everyday & proving it!

Yes, thank you for that confirmation, now you fully addicted, obsessed & unable to live without all that we will leave you to gloat a while.

What a amazingly pathetic team of pervert maniac psychos!



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So here you claim to be intent on stalking how many people ? for the next 19 months. However you are just being made a laughing stock in the process & are so deranged that you claim their 'mental stability has fallen to bits', with no proof at all, but endless proof your own mental state has NEVER been stable.

Again you try the petty spelling fascism game wile being so triggered you mis-spelt two words in one hysterical outburst; 'but son't seem to realise that resentment is like taking poison yourself & expectin your enemies to die.'

What does 'SONT' mean? Are you typing as you talk with 'EXPECTIN' ? Maybe you are drunk or on the crack pipe again?

What a peculiar & desperate mess you really are in here Proturds. It really is obvious that you are cursed ta feck & rotting in your delusions. What to you hope to achieve beyond what you've already claimed- to prove you think people who disagree with you should be stalked & hounded because you found it offensive, and that justifies your over-reaction & hypocritical game of vengeance ?

Where are all the people derogatorily laughing at the comments against you made by Dub,Ram & Co, there are none and you have no support at all for anything you've written. However quite a few people are laughing ALONG with Dub & co. Especially the funny & insightful The Blue Sky Maidens replies. She has better 'command' of language than you could ever fathom or appreciate, saying in 2 paragraphs what takes you half a page of self obsessed lies & waffle, deference & transference.

tROT on some more though, it's is you LIFE & LOVE now.

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ProLie writes they are NOT stalking !


So, it is obviously another compulsive lying 'Hixos' piece of shit who hates humanity and is working for the same old oppressive sterile tossers as Zionists, Banking Cartels, troll/shill teams and all the other cointel cursed kunts & rancid kocks everyone is sick of. No surprises there then.

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Jun 14
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Jun 15
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How did I miss that, what a great film, & how true,

Chronic Moronic Team sired by Proteus IV Demon Seed.


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Jun 11
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That seems to be why they are decomposing so quickly, they did the curse upon themselves and imagined it was a death threat, because that is their SENSIBILITY and would be their INTENT ! There is no curse come back possible on us, because they used their own energy and minuscule imagination to lay it upon themselves!

They really are born to lose, and claim they enjoy the fact, like only proper crack head masochists & pet feltching maniacs would.

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Jun 15
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Absolutely Nushi!

Did you read Iain Davis' last essay, where he imagines that pathetic tory politician was actually killed by a terrorist (he cant see through a false flag like that ?!) & that genuine terrorists really exist outside of state funded controlled cells.

The irony of that essay with what he's allowed Proteus Prolapse to act like here is quite flabbergasting. While he says it is the platforms that evoke censorship, it is usually up to content providers on Substack. Here he has validated Proteus Proturds 'stalking forever' threat as a psychological warfare game on informed debate & speculation, effectively encouraging it to 'anal vomit wallpaper' these comments.

He has also been unusually quite for a month now, while everyone he gets interviewed by is more overt controlled ops & bad actors than ever before. I wonder when he's getting the Dingleberry interview from YUM YUM J.Ames ?ЁЯШЙЁЯШБ

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