Christmas is coming , yet you've been unable to even get a hard on for decades now, so no coming for you, just a day of anal vomiting on the internet, as usual.
What a fun life you lead !
tROT ON ! XMAS time is nearly here for you, only 6 and a half months more of this for you, then you can take that lonely walk on the moors!
You will probably look like this while you type with a broom up your soggy ass -
I love how team Chronic Moronic regularly have team members retire from breakdowns, have to reset their tactics, disappear for a few days due to exhaustion, and spend 4 hour shifts wading through the comments------ then they write the shit that Prolapse does below about not being exhausted , having mental breakdowns,implosions, resets; and instead make claims about us wading through the comments to find their crap (we dont, & we dont need to either as we just compare the day to day new additions from html comparisons ! 😂).
Look how triggered it is about it all, STILL 🙄
It got so excited it made 3 pointless comments no one cares about or will even respond to directly anymore !
Its been tROTTING about in a nightmare of its own making for 3 months doing exactly what we want, getting more & more wound up & frustrated, and still deludes itself it has any control over this.
What a pathetic psycho loser, cursed, crippled and chronic.
I'm trying to remember what did you say about emojis ?
Anyways Troll Hunter says you wish to meet up and laugh at one of us ?
If so unblock me on your account & we can arrange a time & place, bring a friend of course, to mop up all the dribble you'll void in the process.
I doubt you are sincere or serious & I doubt if arranged you will show up so it can be done via video link instead, maybe via Skype on facebook ?
I imagine you are just full of it and trying to show off as usual. I will ask Ramona or her sister to tag along, they have a bet between them about what a goof ball you will look like, ie wayward eye, speech impediment, rat -like teeth, stump for a leg etc.
I've unblocked you from my account so let me know, & hopefully we can see what each other looks like before Christmas ! You are probably deteriorating at such a rapid rate you wont be around for then anyway!
Great, see you at the Court case on the 22nd , with the gang you claim are going to do what exactly? try and stink the place out by going into some feltching frenzy while you wank your arse with a truncheon?
How will I know who you are , do you scoot about in a wheelchair, have facial hair that looks like a the bearded woman at the circuses muff, wear a Manchester United football kit, and call yourself MARTIN ?
great stuff, all the best with the Chronic Moronics, they look more phuked by the hour!
Christmas is coming , yet you've been unable to even get a hard on for decades now, so no coming for you, just a day of anal vomiting on the internet, as usual.
What a fun life you lead !
tROT ON ! XMAS time is nearly here for you, only 6 and a half months more of this for you, then you can take that lonely walk on the moors!
You will probably look like this while you type with a broom up your soggy ass -
I love how team Chronic Moronic regularly have team members retire from breakdowns, have to reset their tactics, disappear for a few days due to exhaustion, and spend 4 hour shifts wading through the comments------ then they write the shit that Prolapse does below about not being exhausted , having mental breakdowns,implosions, resets; and instead make claims about us wading through the comments to find their crap (we dont, & we dont need to either as we just compare the day to day new additions from html comparisons ! 😂).
Look how triggered it is about it all, STILL 🙄
It got so excited it made 3 pointless comments no one cares about or will even respond to directly anymore !
Its been tROTTING about in a nightmare of its own making for 3 months doing exactly what we want, getting more & more wound up & frustrated, and still deludes itself it has any control over this.
What a pathetic psycho loser, cursed, crippled and chronic.
Lost control again then ProLie 😂🤣😂
I'm trying to remember what did you say about emojis ?
Anyways Troll Hunter says you wish to meet up and laugh at one of us ?
If so unblock me on your account & we can arrange a time & place, bring a friend of course, to mop up all the dribble you'll void in the process.
I doubt you are sincere or serious & I doubt if arranged you will show up so it can be done via video link instead, maybe via Skype on facebook ?
I imagine you are just full of it and trying to show off as usual. I will ask Ramona or her sister to tag along, they have a bet between them about what a goof ball you will look like, ie wayward eye, speech impediment, rat -like teeth, stump for a leg etc.
I've unblocked you from my account so let me know, & hopefully we can see what each other looks like before Christmas ! You are probably deteriorating at such a rapid rate you wont be around for then anyway!
Great, see you at the Court case on the 22nd , with the gang you claim are going to do what exactly? try and stink the place out by going into some feltching frenzy while you wank your arse with a truncheon?
How will I know who you are , do you scoot about in a wheelchair, have facial hair that looks like a the bearded woman at the circuses muff, wear a Manchester United football kit, and call yourself MARTIN ?