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Just a reminder of what PROLIE wrote on its previous account that was banned, in case anyone is confused about what a sick, pathetic, hypocritical hate-baiting psycho it really is.

These quotes are from its 6 weeks campaign in March/April-

The bit about posting minimally is impossible to reconcile with any angle on actual reality.😂


'''' I changed my name to make it clear why I continue to post here.

Simply to feed from you two fuckwits!

The whole team, that is - all 8 of me working in shifts, just keeping you on the leash - forever!


And I'll be here to feed from your juices forever, Flubby - I can't get enough of this nutrition.

Yum yum!

Cheers, mate!''


And I won't be 'stropping off' anywhere (nor me, or me, or me , or me or any of the other lads, girls or trans creatures on the night shift!).

I'll be here, just feeding at my own pace as I have the appetite., and I know you will be here on my leash always desperate to feed me.

Yum yum!

Cheers, mate!

------and more-----

Im still here feeding from you - every post you think is insulting me just makes me stronger and happier!

All you are useful for is feeding from.

So that is what will be happening.

I post minimally here.

And you feed me with your juices.

And we'll play some new games too.

Let's see how juicy you really are.

Yum yum!

Cheers, mate!

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Jun 14Edited
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Gloating in your decay & demise again Proteus 8 Prolapses.

How are you going to tell who Serge is ?

Are you going to confront all the 6'2" Dark skinned security personnel you see at the High Court ?


tROT ON , you pathetic goon.

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Jun 20
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Are all your imaginary friends so cowardly or intangible to type any support for you HERE ProTwat ? If they are anything like you they are also pathetic losers without any substance or influence.

No one AT ALL wanted or supports your comments or opinions PROtwat, yet here you are with 4 months work & 1,000's of comments later still tROTTING about in some deranged spell of decomposition!


Keep on having public breakdowns for everyone's amusement, you cartoon goon.

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