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“Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry”, written by Albert Pike, is described as "a collection of thirty-two essays which provide a philosophical rationale for the degrees (membership levels) of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite. The lectures provided a backdrop for the degrees by giving lessons in comparative religion, history, and philosophy” and is way too occult and esoteric for my liking. Others’ mileage may vary. If (so-called) “the spirituality of comparative religions” is a real phenomenon, then it stands to reason (in my opinion) that there is spirituality which is of the devil and spirituality which is of God and the spirituality of philosophers who pretend that their (so-called) “wisdom” is enlightening. I am of the opinion that “the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry” and the Illuminati are BOTH of the devil AND human sophistry. I hate sophistry with a passion. I hate it with the same passion that I hate the eristic and the dialectic.

Since A. Pike was the head of a secret society and I consider all secret societies to be of the devil, then you can follow my logic that A. Pike was used (wittingly or unwittingly) by the devil. If this seems closed minded to you, I’m okay with not being too open minded. With too open of a mind, I would let in A LOT of garbage and negative psychic energy. Eff that!!

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Sadly you provide no logic & prove you are unfit to tackle a book such as Morals & Dogma with expressions (mental blockages) such 'way too occult'. Esoteric books are written for initiates. they are 'esoteric', which, if you know what that word means makes it self explanatory why the general public would be baffled or bored by Morals & Dogma and its like! It is not OCCULT as nothing is hidden , he's quite candid... however, as to what the words & images actually mean will vary for each readers level of comprehension, if it seems fairly overt then you know it means something else. It is not occult , it is typically esoteric & cyphered.

ALL over the world the initiate systems have overt correspondences, so that anyone ,of any language , class, creed etc can comprehend the 'science of nature' - or spiritual science you refer to. This system is possibly as old as the oldest known human communities and was the CORE of ALL communities.

ALL boys & girls entering puberty were once aware of these primal & potent symbols. In time they were demonised by psychopathic religious cults such as the modern 'Judeo' perversions and compromised with vested 'business' interests. In the last century the initiate system has been utterly abused & is now primarily another form of power game, I would imagine.

Albert Pike was not 'really' the Head of a secret society, he was the public face of administration. Freemasonry is not really a secret society, it is well known about and a very proud & public body of typically corrupt, nepotistic, conspirers. It has secrets , but so do the brownies & cubs, and all tradesfolk & craftsmen, along with roadies of rock bands, cooks, prostitutes, accountants and just about everything else! btw, All Masons, regardless of their degree, are considered equal in terms of their Masonic status.

As to the 'devil' and devil worship it seems you weren't closed minded enough & let in a whole heap of garbage. With your lack of theological foundation you appear either confused or dangerously ignorant. According to the Bible (I'm not suggesting you 'believe' the Bible btw!) God is the author of ALL GOOD & EVIL, and if you look at what Satan (TIME the adversary, sower & reaper) does he does nothing evil, nor does Lucifer (the Light Bringer). ALL evil acts in the Bible are committed by GOD in some petulant temper tantrum of intolerance usually. Read the boring book of JOB if in any doubt as to what the horrid 'god' of the Bibles personality is like, it also explains what 'gods' favourite creature is, and why!

All secret societies are not of the devil, that is rabidly ignorant to profess.

Your hang up about eristic and the dialectic has substance in this age of naive arrogance & conceits, you clearly have aptitude but will remain hindered with these childish concepts of the 'devil' (literally any 'doer of evil') as it is a relatively modern construct and initially devised to usurp reverence for the Moon towards Sun Worship, demonising all Moon correspondences in the process (SIN being the most overt).

I hope that helps in some way, and please excuse my cynical manner, no insult is intended, I'm just too old to be as diplomatic as the current fashions would like.

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I prefer my logic that Albert Pike was of the devil. I want nothing to do with apologists for Freemasonry and the Illuminati. That means you, Ram. Feel free to have the last word. I like the aphorism “Have the maturity to know that sometimes silence is more powerful than having the last word.” Here’s your opportunity to demonstrate your maturity and power. Byeeee.

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You are some arse dribbling cretin Gary, where did I apologises for the freemasons? 🙄😂🤣😂

You blather on about sophistry and write the shite above !!!! 😂

What a time wasting pathetic worm you really proved yourself to be....

here's your chance to learn something useful & instead you show what a smarmy little bigot you really are.

Back to the circus with you clown pony- your virtue signalling is transparent. No wonder that smug quote you used is a favourite- you don't have the substance to debate anything with any depth.

Byeeee-🙄😂 Thanatos is calling you wormmule , Kali wants a ride.

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GARY (I’m not a mensch) IS EITHER CONTROLLED OPS , OR SOME MENTAL LITTLE FREAK. I checked his profile out & its all adolescent virtue signalling, amazingly like Francis Followers posts. I think his use of Byeee gave him away like you say. What a smarmy muleworm (😂) he truly is. Cheers for the heads up.

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Gary is unbelievable- I did what you advised btw- what an overt plant Gary's profile proves to be.

I would bet its Francesco Follower as well. It's another no content clown who bleats all the fashions without any depth or nuance.

I would guess also that it is controlled ops AND a mental little freak....🙄🧐

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Too true.

GaryS is really desperate to discourage anyone to read Morals And Dogma, while keen to keep people hating Pike.

Gary also began the insults and didn't seem to actually read your response . Gary certainly didn't relate to anything it mentioned, nor appreciate its useful and concise substance; just like he treated Pikes work!

Any thoughtful person reading this exchange should be very interested in Garys motives on this. Gary is another troll that uses 'demonize-ation by association' to steer opinions that will forever confound folk and never resolve deep investigations due to bias and shallow thinking, just like his muse and model Franny Leadurn.

It may be Gary is really a type of trollBOT, as it is obvious (s)he evades comment content and thinks (s)he is on a podium as (s)he types.

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It is Francis- 🙄😂

Garynoid protests too much and has the same sensibilities.

(s)he may even imagine that (S)he isn't Francis when (S)he is typing tho- due to the programming, or a schizophrenic ability to immerse herself into a role....?

Or it may be some psychotic interlude, or even a state of mesmerism ?

What a sight (s)he is - with her entitlement & arrogance boiling over- while (s)he soils herself with anal agitation & terminal hubris. Imagine the stream coming out of her ears as she types with that useless truncated tool she has!


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It’s funny reading this intercourse between you (Ram/Romana) and Dub SurgeOn/Serge.

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Hey Gary (I’m not a mensch 😂) who gives a shit what you think about such things when you are clearly some triggered bigot having a bitch about matters beyond your influence, or even comprehension? I've known RAM for years , and I doubt you or anyone you know has had more grief from Masons over the decades, and here you are being a rancid muleworm dribbling crap.

You are a big part of the problem Gary- sort yourself out, apologies or face instant Karma for your transgressions.

From your manner it looks like you are another pathetic masochist gagging to be abused.

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Ram is an idiot for supporting Albert Pike.

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So, in your deranged mind 'I'm AN IDIOT BECAUSE I'VE ACTUALLY READ PIKE & judge him from his writting and actions in life ?!!!!


Maybe knobbing dogs all day has effected your sensibilities until you are now some snivelling masochist who deliberately causes abuse towards yourself Gary? Only an utter dead-end-dick or lemming tries the insult game with me, so keep going fodder for Thanatos, chase the carrot little muleworm...

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Both you and Dub SurgeOn (probably the same [mentally deranged, shit for brains, crazy clown] troll) are idiots for promoting the book “Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry” by Albert Pike. If you are so thin skinned that you can’t take getting insulted on social media, then you’re twice the idiot. You are especially fun & funny though, I’ll give you that, with the name calling. You — such the genius researcher on Freemasonry and Masonry and the Illuminati and who is so well read, with a journalist pass to the British Museum and everything — resorting to such childish and trollish insults on Iain Davis’s Substack is amazing to read. Please. Post more insults to me, especially about Thanatos. I love Death and the stories about the angels of Death.

Edited to add: And it’s so peachy keen that you are totally into “depth and nuance”. Extra special!!

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Hypocrisy strikes again from the arrogant ass-sucking worm for willfull ignorance & bigotry- Gary, (he's not jewish,,,,, really!)

Gary squeals - ''you are so thin skinned that you can’t take getting insulted on social media

resorting to such childish and trollish insults''

Well you keep missing the joke Gary, Ram IS BEING FUNNY, Creative insults are something we both love and indulge in, we are both from old punk sensibilities. We both get insulted all the time on-line from squealing trolls & typing turds like you Gary, with your posing & pretense.

Your comments have almost no substance, just some dollop of entitled, opinionated whinging. Just like Fransesco Leadbelly your muse & model.

So, any reasonable person will be thinking WHY is Gary so DESPERATE to discourage people from reading Morals & Dogma (it is actually an excellent book, beautifully written, insightful and full of very useful historical secrets revealed in a 'candid' manner).

Why is Gary so keen to demonize Pike, and discourage anyone to consider him in a more benign light ,especially considering the historical context of his times when their was a great war in many ways between opposing influential Esoteric bodies (this is never mentioned)?

Why is Gary so keen to call anyone who 'rates' Pikes Book an idiot?

Gary seems to be VERY scared here, and on the verge of hysteria, just like Fransesco Leadurn, his model and muse does when anyone opposes her poorly crafted views.

Trot on Gary, Thanatos guides while Kali rides you.

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Francis/Garyanoid the tedious conceited bore is firing on all her cylinders Serge!

Check out her hard hitting insults today- 'stupid head'' 🙄😂🤣😂

I bet she was quaking & quacking when she typed that with her useless, truncated tool.

What next, she'll accuse us of being devil worshipers... ?!

Or call us something really upsetting , left left-wingers /right wingers / claim we are angry when we type or are apologists for Hamas/PigButt...?!

What a sad sight it is dealing with these clown town fundamentalists.

She really does seem very scared anyone should even contemplate reading Morals And Dogma... Maybe she prefers Harry Potter for her 'esoteric' research?

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Francis Garynoid is a real gem of utter inanity- what a joy to encounter such a triggered bigot.

The best bit so far for me is; (s)he ''don’t give a shit about ANYTHING (so-called) “high ranking forces personnel” have to say '' 🙄😂😂😂

When all you did was mention the common sence fact (though never mentioned) that PIKE HAD TO BE IN some 'exclusive club' to become part of the high ranking forces personnel !!!

What hate and rage and misplaced abuse FrancisGarynoid is going through. Poor thing. Maybe we should call a vet and get her put out of her misery?

How many tissues does she need for all those issues?

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feeble Francis.

You didnt read any of the responses really, it's obvious.

Whoever programmed you must be in some state of terminal ennui from feltching pets all day , just like you Fransesco.

tROT ON worm-mule, Eros has abandoned you.

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By the way, regarding the term “worm-mule”, i like worms. I have an affinity for hell / Gehenna (Greek) ‘where their worm does not die and the fire is not quenched.’

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“tROT ON worm-mule…” Ram / Ramona uses the same phrase. More evidence that Ram / Ramona & Serge / Dub SurgeOn are the same person? If so, these two people in one have multiple personalities. Isn’t there a psychological term for this? Yes. Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID).

It’s pretty cool that you guys are into Eros and Thanatos. Let’s introduce Nyx (Night) and Erebus (Darkness) and Tartarus (the Abyss) and Chaos into the mix too, shall we? (See the myths of primordial gods as recorded by Aristophanes.)


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What a sanctimonious turd you keep proving yourself to be Francis Garynoid.

You must be very young to not realize you are talking to folk far more experienced, articulate and erudite than yourself.

You claim we are both idiots & we abused you back in kind, but you just can't stop can you- the prognosis of you masochistic compulsion was spot on!

Why bother? We think nothing of your opinions (you are proven to be willfully ignorant, prejudiced, and full of projected animosity), we are only responding because you are so feeble & desperate that it appeals to our mildly sadistic inclinations to abuse rancid. oppressive hypocrites.

Maybe its a coincidence (don't mention Jung) or maybe some hidden science akin to an orgonic attracter- (dont mention Wilhelm Reich) or just some animal impulse you had (don't mention Alder!) , but you mentioned several code names for controlled ops & social programmes in your list there.

Now either you are showing off, or far more incompetent than we could ever imagine- which would be tricky.

So, get off with you, and teach your granny to suck eggs instead of crusty old dogknobs, then you can put her teeth back in for her and she can trim your matted arse hair.

And Remember, Thanatos is guiding you while Kali is riding you.

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I’m sure that the words “Thanatos” and “Kali” can be associated with “code names for controlled ops & social programmes” too, ya know?

I’m simply and merely enjoying this back and forth. It’s really fun 🤩 for me. And 😃😆😁 funny too.

The insult game is fun too. And so are your word choices. For example “… you are talking to folk far more experienced, articulate and erudite than yourself.” I realize this. I’m just tickled pink that I have finally attracted your attention. I find it refreshing that you admit to your sadistic tendencies and bring up masochism too. Groovy!! It seems as if I have hit the jackpot with you British warlocks and witches. I won’t ever join your coven, but it’s cool to finally meet some low level psychopathic sons and daughters of perdition online.

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Frances is a Brit. I’m Gary. Born in Maryland, USA and raised in Illinois and spent my career in Utah. Now living in Michigan. That you can’t tell me from Frances Leader is proof positive that you are a verifiable stupid head.

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Feeble Francis.

You called me an idiot & Serge ''a stupid head'' and think that has upset either of us ? You must be a teenager with a religious kink to imagine we're as triggered as you obviously are. We both enjoy being as horrible as possible to lemming-like-masochists who are oppressive uptight turds.

You win last Months - Hypocritical bigot Award- for your incredible performance here of ass dribbling stupidity & conceit.

tROT ON mule-worm, As you are.

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By the way, your grammar is atrocious.

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By the way Ram (or Ramona), tell your buddy Serge (or Dub SurgeOn) that when it’s one o’clock in the afternoon your time, it’s seven o’clock in the morning in the time zone in which I’m residing. Thanks,

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“You called me an idiot & Serge ‘a stupid head’ and think that has upset either of us?” No. None of your (at least?) four personalities are “upset”. We’re merely playing the game.

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“You win…” 🥳 Yippee 👏 Some punk online has acknowledged I get a chicken nugget.

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This is like tag team professional wrestling, you and “Serge” (sic) switching back and forth. It’s both fun and funny. That’s how “triggered” i (Gary, not [so-called] “Frances”) am, Ram/Ramona.

It’s like I’m having a conversation with four personalities. Ram. Ramona. Serge. Dub SurgeOn. I pity Iain Davis if he’s reading these exchanges.

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“We both enjoy being as horrible as possible to lemming-like-masochists who are oppressive uptight turds.”

A textbook example of the unconscious psychological defense mechanism called “reaction-formation”, in which a person (presuming that this troll writing the above words is actually a person instead of a computer program) assumes an attitude that is the reverse of some infantile wish or impulse the person (or program) harbors.

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Sorting everything in love into “of these devil” or “of God” seems to me to be a very simplistic and limiting way of viewing the world. How many “devilish” things does a person have to do to move from the God category to the devil category? What if they just THINK it?

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“Sorting everything in [life] into ‘of the devil’ or ‘of God’ seems to me to be a very simplistic and limiting way of viewing the world.” It seems to me the polar opposite. Seeing the hearts and the minds and the souls of people as God and the devil sees them is expansive and complex. It takes a great deal of discernment, which is (ultimately) a spiritual gift.

“How many ‘devilish’ things does a person have to do to move from the God category to the devil category?” The default position is that people are naturally carnal and sensual and devilish. Naturally, people ALWAYS “think” with a carnal and sensual and devilish mind. It’s how this fallen world — whose ruler/prince/archon is the father of lies and a murderer from the beginning — programs and conditions us as soon as we are able to consciously formulate thoughts. This programming and conditioning is why people need to put off their old nature and put on the new man, who is fashioned after the image of Christ. Those who are not of Christ are of the spirit of antichrist. There’s no middle ground. No grey area. Therefore, it’s not as much a question of devilish doings versus godly behavior. It’s a question of what spirit characterizes you.

Here’s a video, in case you’re interested. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=BrUVRxUoJy4

She also has a Substack.

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*in life, not love

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