Both you and Dub SurgeOn (probably the same [mentally deranged, shit for brains, crazy clown] troll) are idiots for promoting the book “Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry” by Albert Pike. If you are so thin skinned that you can’t take getting insulted on social media, then you’re twice the idiot. Yo…
Both you and Dub SurgeOn (probably the same [mentally deranged, shit for brains, crazy clown] troll) are idiots for promoting the book “Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry” by Albert Pike. If you are so thin skinned that you can’t take getting insulted on social media, then you’re twice the idiot. You are especially fun & funny though, I’ll give you that, with the name calling. You — such the genius researcher on Freemasonry and Masonry and the Illuminati and who is so well read, with a journalist pass to the British Museum and everything — resorting to such childish and trollish insults on Iain Davis’s Substack is amazing to read. Please. Post more insults to me, especially about Thanatos. I love Death and the stories about the angels of Death.
Edited to add: And it’s so peachy keen that you are totally into “depth and nuance”. Extra special!!
Hypocrisy strikes again from the arrogant ass-sucking worm for willfull ignorance & bigotry- Gary, (he's not jewish,,,,, really!)
Gary squeals - ''you are so thin skinned that you can’t take getting insulted on social media
resorting to such childish and trollish insults''
Well you keep missing the joke Gary, Ram IS BEING FUNNY, Creative insults are something we both love and indulge in, we are both from old punk sensibilities. We both get insulted all the time on-line from squealing trolls & typing turds like you Gary, with your posing & pretense.
Your comments have almost no substance, just some dollop of entitled, opinionated whinging. Just like Fransesco Leadbelly your muse & model.
So, any reasonable person will be thinking WHY is Gary so DESPERATE to discourage people from reading Morals & Dogma (it is actually an excellent book, beautifully written, insightful and full of very useful historical secrets revealed in a 'candid' manner).
Why is Gary so keen to demonize Pike, and discourage anyone to consider him in a more benign light ,especially considering the historical context of his times when their was a great war in many ways between opposing influential Esoteric bodies (this is never mentioned)?
Why is Gary so keen to call anyone who 'rates' Pikes Book an idiot?
Gary seems to be VERY scared here, and on the verge of hysteria, just like Fransesco Leadurn, his model and muse does when anyone opposes her poorly crafted views.
Trot on Gary, Thanatos guides while Kali rides you.
Francis/Garyanoid the tedious conceited bore is firing on all her cylinders Serge!
Check out her hard hitting insults today- 'stupid head'' 🙄😂🤣😂
I bet she was quaking & quacking when she typed that with her useless, truncated tool.
What next, she'll accuse us of being devil worshipers... ?!
Or call us something really upsetting , left left-wingers /right wingers / claim we are angry when we type or are apologists for Hamas/PigButt...?!
What a sad sight it is dealing with these clown town fundamentalists.
She really does seem very scared anyone should even contemplate reading Morals And Dogma... Maybe she prefers Harry Potter for her 'esoteric' research?
Francis Garynoid is a real gem of utter inanity- what a joy to encounter such a triggered bigot.
The best bit so far for me is; (s)he ''don’t give a shit about ANYTHING (so-called) “high ranking forces personnel” have to say '' 🙄😂😂😂
When all you did was mention the common sence fact (though never mentioned) that PIKE HAD TO BE IN some 'exclusive club' to become part of the high ranking forces personnel !!!
What hate and rage and misplaced abuse FrancisGarynoid is going through. Poor thing. Maybe we should call a vet and get her put out of her misery?
How many tissues does she need for all those issues?
By the way, regarding the term “worm-mule”, i like worms. I have an affinity for hell / Gehenna (Greek) ‘where their worm does not die and the fire is not quenched.’
“tROT ON worm-mule…” Ram / Ramona uses the same phrase. More evidence that Ram / Ramona & Serge / Dub SurgeOn are the same person? If so, these two people in one have multiple personalities. Isn’t there a psychological term for this? Yes. Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID).
It’s pretty cool that you guys are into Eros and Thanatos. Let’s introduce Nyx (Night) and Erebus (Darkness) and Tartarus (the Abyss) and Chaos into the mix too, shall we? (See the myths of primordial gods as recorded by Aristophanes.)
What a sanctimonious turd you keep proving yourself to be Francis Garynoid.
You must be very young to not realize you are talking to folk far more experienced, articulate and erudite than yourself.
You claim we are both idiots & we abused you back in kind, but you just can't stop can you- the prognosis of you masochistic compulsion was spot on!
Why bother? We think nothing of your opinions (you are proven to be willfully ignorant, prejudiced, and full of projected animosity), we are only responding because you are so feeble & desperate that it appeals to our mildly sadistic inclinations to abuse rancid. oppressive hypocrites.
Maybe its a coincidence (don't mention Jung) or maybe some hidden science akin to an orgonic attracter- (dont mention Wilhelm Reich) or just some animal impulse you had (don't mention Alder!) , but you mentioned several code names for controlled ops & social programmes in your list there.
Now either you are showing off, or far more incompetent than we could ever imagine- which would be tricky.
So, get off with you, and teach your granny to suck eggs instead of crusty old dogknobs, then you can put her teeth back in for her and she can trim your matted arse hair.
And Remember, Thanatos is guiding you while Kali is riding you.
I’m sure that the words “Thanatos” and “Kali” can be associated with “code names for controlled ops & social programmes” too, ya know?
I’m simply and merely enjoying this back and forth. It’s really fun 🤩 for me. And 😃😆😁 funny too.
The insult game is fun too. And so are your word choices. For example “… you are talking to folk far more experienced, articulate and erudite than yourself.” I realize this. I’m just tickled pink that I have finally attracted your attention. I find it refreshing that you admit to your sadistic tendencies and bring up masochism too. Groovy!! It seems as if I have hit the jackpot with you British warlocks and witches. I won’t ever join your coven, but it’s cool to finally meet some low level psychopathic sons and daughters of perdition online.
you masochism was noted in the earliest replies and you;ve only just noticed!
What a shallow sort you really are, though it's great you can laugh at yourself being fodder for Thanatos, while becoming a seriously addicted TIME VAMPIRE.
btw If you've never heard of Operation Chaos you should give up commentaries on these topics, you really are in a desperate mess it seems.
Now, after 3, raise those grubby little hooves to the heavens, and-
RE “seriously addicted TIME VAMPIRE”: Oh, is that what ennui is?
Darn it to Hades. I was mistaken about you being members of a coven. {sigh} On the other hand, maybe you’re lying.
As for Operation Chaos, the dweebs, who formulated that Op, borrowed the word from the ancients.
“you (sic) masochism was noted in the earliest replies and you;ve (sic) only just noticed!” Naaahh. I just commented on this word. I noticed it much earlier.
Thanks again for the fun chat. I’m glad that Ram or Ramona aren’t here to spoil it with their ingenious & highfalutin intellects. They’re way too into the esoteric and the occult. Effin’ mystery cults!!
However you have supplied us ALL the data we need regarding your narcissistic psychodynamics, and had us both in tears of laughter with you're inane delusion & conceits.
You were directly asked why you hate Pike so much, we doubt you really know anything about him except by the usual christian-right-shit-stirrers.
This entire slagging match is down to you being a bigot & being disrespectful towards people of differing opinion.
So Francis/Garynoid please share WHY Pike is so risible & why no-one should ever read a word he wrote? (I doubt you will, or can)
Until then, keep tROTTING ABOUT for anyone who cares,
Thanatos awaits when you come down from that artificial high you're on now.
Why shun the words of Albert Pike? “A prominent member of the Freemasons, Pike served as the Sovereign Grand Commander of the Supreme Council, Scottish Rite (Southern Jurisdiction, USA) from 1859 to 1891.” That’s a good enough start.
Frances is a Brit. I’m Gary. Born in Maryland, USA and raised in Illinois and spent my career in Utah. Now living in Michigan. That you can’t tell me from Frances Leader is proof positive that you are a verifiable stupid head.
You called me an idiot & Serge ''a stupid head'' and think that has upset either of us ? You must be a teenager with a religious kink to imagine we're as triggered as you obviously are. We both enjoy being as horrible as possible to lemming-like-masochists who are oppressive uptight turds.
You win last Months - Hypocritical bigot Award- for your incredible performance here of ass dribbling stupidity & conceit.
Our grammar is atrocious because your reading ability is close to primary school level- a quick summary of word content shows you are no more than the age of 13 or 14 intellectually.
Also, we use a series of templates we devised to make the chore of ousting eejits like you much quicker. So, if I type in 'masochist, smarmy pet feltcher ' (for example) I get a list of correspondent terms & a checklist of previous targets- hence MissRuse & Franseco came up as well on this site.
By the time you catch up with whats going on it will be far too late for you- already you are addicted to the attention , which is about to suddenly stop.
My guess is that neither Charlotte Ruse nor Frances Leader get much employment interacting with champion troll destroyers who have been at it for decades. I’ve really only been on social media platforms — really only Disqus prior to Substack — since 2018, and the flame 🔥 wars have been quite mild.
I’m not sure what “xxXX” means on your side of the pond, but in the USA an “x” means a kiss 💋😘😚 while an “o” means a hug 🤗🫂.
Thanks for the fun chat. (And thanks also to you, Iain Davis, if you are reading along.)
By the way Ram (or Ramona), tell your buddy Serge (or Dub SurgeOn) that when it’s one o’clock in the afternoon your time, it’s seven o’clock in the morning in the time zone in which I’m residing. Thanks,
“You called me an idiot & Serge ‘a stupid head’ and think that has upset either of us?” No. None of your (at least?) four personalities are “upset”. We’re merely playing the game.
This is like tag team professional wrestling, you and “Serge” (sic) switching back and forth. It’s both fun and funny. That’s how “triggered” i (Gary, not [so-called] “Frances”) am, Ram/Ramona.
It’s like I’m having a conversation with four personalities. Ram. Ramona. Serge. Dub SurgeOn. I pity Iain Davis if he’s reading these exchanges.
“We both enjoy being as horrible as possible to lemming-like-masochists who are oppressive uptight turds.”
A textbook example of the unconscious psychological defense mechanism called “reaction-formation”, in which a person (presuming that this troll writing the above words is actually a person instead of a computer program) assumes an attitude that is the reverse of some infantile wish or impulse the person (or program) harbors.
But GaryFransecoTurdMuncher- you fail to realise that nothing we write is UNCONSCIOUS and our tactics have been very seriously psychologically considered well before being committed to the page. We have been champion troll destroyers for decades now,individually and in a team.
If you didnt note the psychological depth of seemingly puerile insults then you really are going to have some kind of embolism far sooner than we hoped.
You are scum Gary.
We only abuse tedious scum, and you keep 'demanding' that we react to your feeble goading, hence we are happy to oblige.
You must never read the comments here (properly), because for years we have treated scum like you in the same manner- well, you are disingenuous because you have read our replies to that agitated plant Charlotte RUSE. The last two years worth of Iains post has our comments throughout them, usually being informative and helpful, sometime just to get rid of petty fascists & bleating clowns-like you.
If Iain has any issues he can confront us directly, and we will respond in kind. ie if he politely asks us to refrain from taking the piss out of creeps like you , then we will do it outside of his pages.
Iain is about our age, so he may find our responses amusing, insightful, well deserved or just ignore them as he knows what they will probably consist of ,and the joke may not be to his tastes- you will have to ask him.
But for you to react to RAMs indepth comment as you did (smarmy, full of projection, dismissive, ungrateful) showed all of us here what YOUR NATURE is really like, and I don't see anyone coming to your defense on ANYTHING. Not even your alter ,muse & model Franny Leadurn.
So, tROT ON ClownWorm, you're entering a psychic desert & the only water available is an mirage.
Yes. I’m reasonably certain that you take your work very, Very, VERY seriously here on Iain Davis’s Substack’s comment section and elsewhere.
Is this REALLY, though, about trolls? Or does it go a bit deeper and higher than this? I think it has more breadth to it. If not, you can keep working as a (so-called) “decades long champion troll destroyer”. I think that I understand the psychological makeup of trolls: psychotic, deranged, sociopathic, psychopathic, narcissistic (and malignantly so), sadistic and Machiavellian. I’m sure that you can (extremely consciously) add to this list. Puerile. Scum. Creep.
“But dor (sic) you to react to RAMs (sic) indepth comment as you did showed all of us here what YOUR NATURE is really like, and I don't see anyone coming to your defence.” Why ought I “react” to Ram’s / Ramona’s “in-depth comment”? It was perfection. As for what MY NATURE really is like, I’m waiting for either you or Serge or Ram or Ramona (if you guys and gals can keep your personalities from getting mixed up) to tell me, with bated breath. Huff. Huff. Puff. Puff.
Edited to add: I don’t want anyone to come to my defense. I’m okay doing some things alone.
Why ought I have (so-called) “empathy” for someone who praises the writings of Albert Pike in the book “Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite” (1872)?
Both you and Dub SurgeOn (probably the same [mentally deranged, shit for brains, crazy clown] troll) are idiots for promoting the book “Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry” by Albert Pike. If you are so thin skinned that you can’t take getting insulted on social media, then you’re twice the idiot. You are especially fun & funny though, I’ll give you that, with the name calling. You — such the genius researcher on Freemasonry and Masonry and the Illuminati and who is so well read, with a journalist pass to the British Museum and everything — resorting to such childish and trollish insults on Iain Davis’s Substack is amazing to read. Please. Post more insults to me, especially about Thanatos. I love Death and the stories about the angels of Death.
Edited to add: And it’s so peachy keen that you are totally into “depth and nuance”. Extra special!!
Hypocrisy strikes again from the arrogant ass-sucking worm for willfull ignorance & bigotry- Gary, (he's not jewish,,,,, really!)
Gary squeals - ''you are so thin skinned that you can’t take getting insulted on social media
resorting to such childish and trollish insults''
Well you keep missing the joke Gary, Ram IS BEING FUNNY, Creative insults are something we both love and indulge in, we are both from old punk sensibilities. We both get insulted all the time on-line from squealing trolls & typing turds like you Gary, with your posing & pretense.
Your comments have almost no substance, just some dollop of entitled, opinionated whinging. Just like Fransesco Leadbelly your muse & model.
So, any reasonable person will be thinking WHY is Gary so DESPERATE to discourage people from reading Morals & Dogma (it is actually an excellent book, beautifully written, insightful and full of very useful historical secrets revealed in a 'candid' manner).
Why is Gary so keen to demonize Pike, and discourage anyone to consider him in a more benign light ,especially considering the historical context of his times when their was a great war in many ways between opposing influential Esoteric bodies (this is never mentioned)?
Why is Gary so keen to call anyone who 'rates' Pikes Book an idiot?
Gary seems to be VERY scared here, and on the verge of hysteria, just like Fransesco Leadurn, his model and muse does when anyone opposes her poorly crafted views.
Trot on Gary, Thanatos guides while Kali rides you.
Francis/Garyanoid the tedious conceited bore is firing on all her cylinders Serge!
Check out her hard hitting insults today- 'stupid head'' 🙄😂🤣😂
I bet she was quaking & quacking when she typed that with her useless, truncated tool.
What next, she'll accuse us of being devil worshipers... ?!
Or call us something really upsetting , left left-wingers /right wingers / claim we are angry when we type or are apologists for Hamas/PigButt...?!
What a sad sight it is dealing with these clown town fundamentalists.
She really does seem very scared anyone should even contemplate reading Morals And Dogma... Maybe she prefers Harry Potter for her 'esoteric' research?
Francis Garynoid is a real gem of utter inanity- what a joy to encounter such a triggered bigot.
The best bit so far for me is; (s)he ''don’t give a shit about ANYTHING (so-called) “high ranking forces personnel” have to say '' 🙄😂😂😂
When all you did was mention the common sence fact (though never mentioned) that PIKE HAD TO BE IN some 'exclusive club' to become part of the high ranking forces personnel !!!
What hate and rage and misplaced abuse FrancisGarynoid is going through. Poor thing. Maybe we should call a vet and get her put out of her misery?
How many tissues does she need for all those issues?
feeble Francis.
You didnt read any of the responses really, it's obvious.
Whoever programmed you must be in some state of terminal ennui from feltching pets all day , just like you Fransesco.
tROT ON worm-mule, Eros has abandoned you.
By the way, regarding the term “worm-mule”, i like worms. I have an affinity for hell / Gehenna (Greek) ‘where their worm does not die and the fire is not quenched.’
“tROT ON worm-mule…” Ram / Ramona uses the same phrase. More evidence that Ram / Ramona & Serge / Dub SurgeOn are the same person? If so, these two people in one have multiple personalities. Isn’t there a psychological term for this? Yes. Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID).
It’s pretty cool that you guys are into Eros and Thanatos. Let’s introduce Nyx (Night) and Erebus (Darkness) and Tartarus (the Abyss) and Chaos into the mix too, shall we? (See the myths of primordial gods as recorded by Aristophanes.)
What a sanctimonious turd you keep proving yourself to be Francis Garynoid.
You must be very young to not realize you are talking to folk far more experienced, articulate and erudite than yourself.
You claim we are both idiots & we abused you back in kind, but you just can't stop can you- the prognosis of you masochistic compulsion was spot on!
Why bother? We think nothing of your opinions (you are proven to be willfully ignorant, prejudiced, and full of projected animosity), we are only responding because you are so feeble & desperate that it appeals to our mildly sadistic inclinations to abuse rancid. oppressive hypocrites.
Maybe its a coincidence (don't mention Jung) or maybe some hidden science akin to an orgonic attracter- (dont mention Wilhelm Reich) or just some animal impulse you had (don't mention Alder!) , but you mentioned several code names for controlled ops & social programmes in your list there.
Now either you are showing off, or far more incompetent than we could ever imagine- which would be tricky.
So, get off with you, and teach your granny to suck eggs instead of crusty old dogknobs, then you can put her teeth back in for her and she can trim your matted arse hair.
And Remember, Thanatos is guiding you while Kali is riding you.
I’m sure that the words “Thanatos” and “Kali” can be associated with “code names for controlled ops & social programmes” too, ya know?
I’m simply and merely enjoying this back and forth. It’s really fun 🤩 for me. And 😃😆😁 funny too.
The insult game is fun too. And so are your word choices. For example “… you are talking to folk far more experienced, articulate and erudite than yourself.” I realize this. I’m just tickled pink that I have finally attracted your attention. I find it refreshing that you admit to your sadistic tendencies and bring up masochism too. Groovy!! It seems as if I have hit the jackpot with you British warlocks and witches. I won’t ever join your coven, but it’s cool to finally meet some low level psychopathic sons and daughters of perdition online.
Warlocks & witches!
You really are some lost soul 😂
Keep tROtting about FrancisGarynoid,
you masochism was noted in the earliest replies and you;ve only just noticed!
What a shallow sort you really are, though it's great you can laugh at yourself being fodder for Thanatos, while becoming a seriously addicted TIME VAMPIRE.
btw If you've never heard of Operation Chaos you should give up commentaries on these topics, you really are in a desperate mess it seems.
Now, after 3, raise those grubby little hooves to the heavens, and-
tROT ON muleworm!
Thanatos is as eager as a beaver by a dam.
RE “seriously addicted TIME VAMPIRE”: Oh, is that what ennui is?
Darn it to Hades. I was mistaken about you being members of a coven. {sigh} On the other hand, maybe you’re lying.
As for Operation Chaos, the dweebs, who formulated that Op, borrowed the word from the ancients.
“you (sic) masochism was noted in the earliest replies and you;ve (sic) only just noticed!” Naaahh. I just commented on this word. I noticed it much earlier.
Thanks again for the fun chat. I’m glad that Ram or Ramona aren’t here to spoil it with their ingenious & highfalutin intellects. They’re way too into the esoteric and the occult. Effin’ mystery cults!!
you are an idiotic BORE
a Time Vampire Troll
and not worth a breath or thought Francis.
However you have supplied us ALL the data we need regarding your narcissistic psychodynamics, and had us both in tears of laughter with you're inane delusion & conceits.
You were directly asked why you hate Pike so much, we doubt you really know anything about him except by the usual christian-right-shit-stirrers.
This entire slagging match is down to you being a bigot & being disrespectful towards people of differing opinion.
So Francis/Garynoid please share WHY Pike is so risible & why no-one should ever read a word he wrote? (I doubt you will, or can)
Until then, keep tROTTING ABOUT for anyone who cares,
Thanatos awaits when you come down from that artificial high you're on now.
Why shun the words of Albert Pike? “A prominent member of the Freemasons, Pike served as the Sovereign Grand Commander of the Supreme Council, Scottish Rite (Southern Jurisdiction, USA) from 1859 to 1891.” That’s a good enough start.
Frances is a Brit. I’m Gary. Born in Maryland, USA and raised in Illinois and spent my career in Utah. Now living in Michigan. That you can’t tell me from Frances Leader is proof positive that you are a verifiable stupid head.
Feeble Francis.
You called me an idiot & Serge ''a stupid head'' and think that has upset either of us ? You must be a teenager with a religious kink to imagine we're as triggered as you obviously are. We both enjoy being as horrible as possible to lemming-like-masochists who are oppressive uptight turds.
You win last Months - Hypocritical bigot Award- for your incredible performance here of ass dribbling stupidity & conceit.
tROT ON mule-worm, As you are.
By the way, your grammar is atrocious.
Our grammar is atrocious because your reading ability is close to primary school level- a quick summary of word content shows you are no more than the age of 13 or 14 intellectually.
Also, we use a series of templates we devised to make the chore of ousting eejits like you much quicker. So, if I type in 'masochist, smarmy pet feltcher ' (for example) I get a list of correspondent terms & a checklist of previous targets- hence MissRuse & Franseco came up as well on this site.
By the time you catch up with whats going on it will be far too late for you- already you are addicted to the attention , which is about to suddenly stop.
Just like that.
My guess is that neither Charlotte Ruse nor Frances Leader get much employment interacting with champion troll destroyers who have been at it for decades. I’ve really only been on social media platforms — really only Disqus prior to Substack — since 2018, and the flame 🔥 wars have been quite mild.
I’m not sure what “xxXX” means on your side of the pond, but in the USA an “x” means a kiss 💋😘😚 while an “o” means a hug 🤗🫂.
Thanks for the fun chat. (And thanks also to you, Iain Davis, if you are reading along.)
Oh good. You’ve given it up. What a relief!! The decades long champion troll destroyer has surrendered.
By the way Ram (or Ramona), tell your buddy Serge (or Dub SurgeOn) that when it’s one o’clock in the afternoon your time, it’s seven o’clock in the morning in the time zone in which I’m residing. Thanks,
“You called me an idiot & Serge ‘a stupid head’ and think that has upset either of us?” No. None of your (at least?) four personalities are “upset”. We’re merely playing the game.
“You win…” 🥳 Yippee 👏 Some punk online has acknowledged I get a chicken nugget.
This is like tag team professional wrestling, you and “Serge” (sic) switching back and forth. It’s both fun and funny. That’s how “triggered” i (Gary, not [so-called] “Frances”) am, Ram/Ramona.
It’s like I’m having a conversation with four personalities. Ram. Ramona. Serge. Dub SurgeOn. I pity Iain Davis if he’s reading these exchanges.
“We both enjoy being as horrible as possible to lemming-like-masochists who are oppressive uptight turds.”
A textbook example of the unconscious psychological defense mechanism called “reaction-formation”, in which a person (presuming that this troll writing the above words is actually a person instead of a computer program) assumes an attitude that is the reverse of some infantile wish or impulse the person (or program) harbors.
But GaryFransecoTurdMuncher- you fail to realise that nothing we write is UNCONSCIOUS and our tactics have been very seriously psychologically considered well before being committed to the page. We have been champion troll destroyers for decades now,individually and in a team.
If you didnt note the psychological depth of seemingly puerile insults then you really are going to have some kind of embolism far sooner than we hoped.
You are scum Gary.
We only abuse tedious scum, and you keep 'demanding' that we react to your feeble goading, hence we are happy to oblige.
You must never read the comments here (properly), because for years we have treated scum like you in the same manner- well, you are disingenuous because you have read our replies to that agitated plant Charlotte RUSE. The last two years worth of Iains post has our comments throughout them, usually being informative and helpful, sometime just to get rid of petty fascists & bleating clowns-like you.
If Iain has any issues he can confront us directly, and we will respond in kind. ie if he politely asks us to refrain from taking the piss out of creeps like you , then we will do it outside of his pages.
Iain is about our age, so he may find our responses amusing, insightful, well deserved or just ignore them as he knows what they will probably consist of ,and the joke may not be to his tastes- you will have to ask him.
But for you to react to RAMs indepth comment as you did (smarmy, full of projection, dismissive, ungrateful) showed all of us here what YOUR NATURE is really like, and I don't see anyone coming to your defense on ANYTHING. Not even your alter ,muse & model Franny Leadurn.
So, tROT ON ClownWorm, you're entering a psychic desert & the only water available is an mirage.
Thanatos awaits while Kali grates.
Yes. I’m reasonably certain that you take your work very, Very, VERY seriously here on Iain Davis’s Substack’s comment section and elsewhere.
Is this REALLY, though, about trolls? Or does it go a bit deeper and higher than this? I think it has more breadth to it. If not, you can keep working as a (so-called) “decades long champion troll destroyer”. I think that I understand the psychological makeup of trolls: psychotic, deranged, sociopathic, psychopathic, narcissistic (and malignantly so), sadistic and Machiavellian. I’m sure that you can (extremely consciously) add to this list. Puerile. Scum. Creep.
“But dor (sic) you to react to RAMs (sic) indepth comment as you did showed all of us here what YOUR NATURE is really like, and I don't see anyone coming to your defence.” Why ought I “react” to Ram’s / Ramona’s “in-depth comment”? It was perfection. As for what MY NATURE really is like, I’m waiting for either you or Serge or Ram or Ramona (if you guys and gals can keep your personalities from getting mixed up) to tell me, with bated breath. Huff. Huff. Puff. Puff.
Edited to add: I don’t want anyone to come to my defense. I’m okay doing some things alone.
Its over. Get a life. then learn some manners & empathy.
Why ought I have (so-called) “empathy” for someone who praises the writings of Albert Pike in the book “Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite” (1872)?
“Its (sic) over.” Oh. You’re leaving for greener pastures already. Okay.
“Get a life.” Like yours. How old are you, anyway?
RE “learning manners and empathy”: it seems as if you were having fun 🤩. Was it that unpleasant and tedious for you? If so, 😢😔😞 sad.