“We both enjoy being as horrible as possible to lemming-like-masochists who are oppressive uptight turds.”
A textbook example of the unconscious psychological defense mechanism called “reaction-formation”, in which a person (presuming that this troll writing the above words is actually a person instead of a computer program) assumes an at…
“We both enjoy being as horrible as possible to lemming-like-masochists who are oppressive uptight turds.”
A textbook example of the unconscious psychological defense mechanism called “reaction-formation”, in which a person (presuming that this troll writing the above words is actually a person instead of a computer program) assumes an attitude that is the reverse of some infantile wish or impulse the person (or program) harbors.
But GaryFransecoTurdMuncher- you fail to realise that nothing we write is UNCONSCIOUS and our tactics have been very seriously psychologically considered well before being committed to the page. We have been champion troll destroyers for decades now,individually and in a team.
If you didnt note the psychological depth of seemingly puerile insults then you really are going to have some kind of embolism far sooner than we hoped.
You are scum Gary.
We only abuse tedious scum, and you keep 'demanding' that we react to your feeble goading, hence we are happy to oblige.
You must never read the comments here (properly), because for years we have treated scum like you in the same manner- well, you are disingenuous because you have read our replies to that agitated plant Charlotte RUSE. The last two years worth of Iains post has our comments throughout them, usually being informative and helpful, sometime just to get rid of petty fascists & bleating clowns-like you.
If Iain has any issues he can confront us directly, and we will respond in kind. ie if he politely asks us to refrain from taking the piss out of creeps like you , then we will do it outside of his pages.
Iain is about our age, so he may find our responses amusing, insightful, well deserved or just ignore them as he knows what they will probably consist of ,and the joke may not be to his tastes- you will have to ask him.
But for you to react to RAMs indepth comment as you did (smarmy, full of projection, dismissive, ungrateful) showed all of us here what YOUR NATURE is really like, and I don't see anyone coming to your defense on ANYTHING. Not even your alter ,muse & model Franny Leadurn.
So, tROT ON ClownWorm, you're entering a psychic desert & the only water available is an mirage.
Yes. I’m reasonably certain that you take your work very, Very, VERY seriously here on Iain Davis’s Substack’s comment section and elsewhere.
Is this REALLY, though, about trolls? Or does it go a bit deeper and higher than this? I think it has more breadth to it. If not, you can keep working as a (so-called) “decades long champion troll destroyer”. I think that I understand the psychological makeup of trolls: psychotic, deranged, sociopathic, psychopathic, narcissistic (and malignantly so), sadistic and Machiavellian. I’m sure that you can (extremely consciously) add to this list. Puerile. Scum. Creep.
“But dor (sic) you to react to RAMs (sic) indepth comment as you did showed all of us here what YOUR NATURE is really like, and I don't see anyone coming to your defence.” Why ought I “react” to Ram’s / Ramona’s “in-depth comment”? It was perfection. As for what MY NATURE really is like, I’m waiting for either you or Serge or Ram or Ramona (if you guys and gals can keep your personalities from getting mixed up) to tell me, with bated breath. Huff. Huff. Puff. Puff.
Edited to add: I don’t want anyone to come to my defense. I’m okay doing some things alone.
Why ought I have (so-called) “empathy” for someone who praises the writings of Albert Pike in the book “Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite” (1872)?
Garynoid Francis has proven what a TROLL it is, What a time vampire it is, what a petty bitch arsed creep it is, and when called a PET FELTCHER became utterly addicted to keeping our attention.
So, what CONTENT did Garynoid Fransis share with us among these petty little quips- NOTHING apart from some stinky mess of its own psychopathology.
And yet, still, it thinks it has achieved something.
Garynoid Francis poses as a 'goodguy' someone who cares & wants the world to be a better place. We have discovered here that Garynoid Francois actually CREATES bogeymen & horrors for its self. It RELISHES the horror & if it didnt exist would create it themselves. Garynoid Demonizes anything beyond its meager scope, is virtually inarticulate yet hung up on punctuation. And has no friends or social life- THIS (trolling and bullshitting on social media) IS Garynoid Francis LIFE !!!!
Here we see a feeble, shallow, petty bitch callled Garynoid Francis attempt to waste time & energy of genuine researchers, and just look at the mess Garynoid is in.
Go on Francis - bleat some more you cursed sniveling bore.
What an opinionated,yet shallow bigoted bore Francis Garynoid really is. A quick review of its demented comments shows no insights,or any real substance at all, just staggering hypocrisy & conceit.
Unless you are a dribbling, mentally constipated arsehole , Pikes book Morals & Dogma is a fascinating read, and beautifully written (as you know) . It reveals several important historical secrets- one of which throws out all the modern TARTARIA crud.
Even if the reader hates the idea of Freemasonry they should gain much from reading that book. In fact if anyone does hate the idea of freemasony they SHOULD read it even more so!
Pike as far as I'm aware never did anything that deserves our hatred or contempt, all the abuse leveled at him is from proven to be right wing Christian bigots or their like, most of it consists of overt lies that are easily refuted, such as the JOKE letter about world war 3- all hyped into existence by the bigots already mentioned.
Yet Garynoid Francis thinks just because a person was in the freemasons they are automatically despicable.
Maybe that is true for the past few decades, but seems hard to take seriously for ALL previous members- especially when it is well known in most communities that many great folk joined them only to be fucked over by their more conniving brethren.
So when is Garynoid Francis Leadbelly going to start slagging off Christopher Lee for being a Templar, Jean Cocteau for being a 'head' of the priory of Zion, Luis Bunuel for being a Jesuit or Dali for being an initiate of the 'hidden flowering Rose'?
My bet is Garynoid Francis Shuttlebut is intimately connected with Masonry & this is a distraction game... primarily to discourage anyone reading Morals & Dogma and discovering what it is really about- rather than the 'devil worship' hyped by so many idiotic gobshites on the internet.
Garynoid Francesco Follower sees devils in everything that isn't part of the Judeo Christian Conditioning Complex, I doubt (s)he even really knows how to define what a devil is though.
The joke here may be missed by many. Simply put- GarynoidFrancis Fuckwit is an oppressor , labeling 'esoteric' liberators oppressors. All the sensibilities displayed by Garynoid are troll-like, disingenuous; simplistic to the point of being retarded; unnecessarily divisionary; childish/inane; shallow; hypocritical; a time vampire exercise. Basically an anally obsessive, petty, opinionated bore.
This confrontation is possibly the most exciting thing that has ever happened to her, and almost as memorable as when she caught her bean in the zip of her jeans.
Garynoid/Francis is a fkn mess of mentally crippled spasms & spume. They keep proving it here while contributing nothing of any value, interest, or even deliberate humor.
I think this nails it so far- '' Garynoid Francis Shuttlebut is (in some way) connected with Masonry & this is a distraction game... primarily to discourage anyone reading Morals & Dogma and discovering what it is really about- rather than the 'devil worship' hyped by so many idiotic gobshites on the internet.''
It certainly appears to have far too much free time on their hands, that they use trying to waste other peoples time. At least it stops Garynoid from feltching pets for a few hours a day. We should be thankful for such small mercies.😅
Is Garynoid the latest mess of a soulless gimp 77B are using to antagonize and depress the public with? It wouldn't surprise me.
“We both enjoy being as horrible as possible to lemming-like-masochists who are oppressive uptight turds.”
A textbook example of the unconscious psychological defense mechanism called “reaction-formation”, in which a person (presuming that this troll writing the above words is actually a person instead of a computer program) assumes an attitude that is the reverse of some infantile wish or impulse the person (or program) harbors.
But GaryFransecoTurdMuncher- you fail to realise that nothing we write is UNCONSCIOUS and our tactics have been very seriously psychologically considered well before being committed to the page. We have been champion troll destroyers for decades now,individually and in a team.
If you didnt note the psychological depth of seemingly puerile insults then you really are going to have some kind of embolism far sooner than we hoped.
You are scum Gary.
We only abuse tedious scum, and you keep 'demanding' that we react to your feeble goading, hence we are happy to oblige.
You must never read the comments here (properly), because for years we have treated scum like you in the same manner- well, you are disingenuous because you have read our replies to that agitated plant Charlotte RUSE. The last two years worth of Iains post has our comments throughout them, usually being informative and helpful, sometime just to get rid of petty fascists & bleating clowns-like you.
If Iain has any issues he can confront us directly, and we will respond in kind. ie if he politely asks us to refrain from taking the piss out of creeps like you , then we will do it outside of his pages.
Iain is about our age, so he may find our responses amusing, insightful, well deserved or just ignore them as he knows what they will probably consist of ,and the joke may not be to his tastes- you will have to ask him.
But for you to react to RAMs indepth comment as you did (smarmy, full of projection, dismissive, ungrateful) showed all of us here what YOUR NATURE is really like, and I don't see anyone coming to your defense on ANYTHING. Not even your alter ,muse & model Franny Leadurn.
So, tROT ON ClownWorm, you're entering a psychic desert & the only water available is an mirage.
Thanatos awaits while Kali grates.
Yes. I’m reasonably certain that you take your work very, Very, VERY seriously here on Iain Davis’s Substack’s comment section and elsewhere.
Is this REALLY, though, about trolls? Or does it go a bit deeper and higher than this? I think it has more breadth to it. If not, you can keep working as a (so-called) “decades long champion troll destroyer”. I think that I understand the psychological makeup of trolls: psychotic, deranged, sociopathic, psychopathic, narcissistic (and malignantly so), sadistic and Machiavellian. I’m sure that you can (extremely consciously) add to this list. Puerile. Scum. Creep.
“But dor (sic) you to react to RAMs (sic) indepth comment as you did showed all of us here what YOUR NATURE is really like, and I don't see anyone coming to your defence.” Why ought I “react” to Ram’s / Ramona’s “in-depth comment”? It was perfection. As for what MY NATURE really is like, I’m waiting for either you or Serge or Ram or Ramona (if you guys and gals can keep your personalities from getting mixed up) to tell me, with bated breath. Huff. Huff. Puff. Puff.
Edited to add: I don’t want anyone to come to my defense. I’m okay doing some things alone.
Its over. Get a life. then learn some manners & empathy.
Why ought I have (so-called) “empathy” for someone who praises the writings of Albert Pike in the book “Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite” (1872)?
“Its (sic) over.” Oh. You’re leaving for greener pastures already. Okay.
“Get a life.” Like yours. How old are you, anyway?
RE “learning manners and empathy”: it seems as if you were having fun 🤩. Was it that unpleasant and tedious for you? If so, 😢😔😞 sad.
Garynoid Francis has proven what a TROLL it is, What a time vampire it is, what a petty bitch arsed creep it is, and when called a PET FELTCHER became utterly addicted to keeping our attention.
So, what CONTENT did Garynoid Fransis share with us among these petty little quips- NOTHING apart from some stinky mess of its own psychopathology.
And yet, still, it thinks it has achieved something.
Garynoid Francis poses as a 'goodguy' someone who cares & wants the world to be a better place. We have discovered here that Garynoid Francois actually CREATES bogeymen & horrors for its self. It RELISHES the horror & if it didnt exist would create it themselves. Garynoid Demonizes anything beyond its meager scope, is virtually inarticulate yet hung up on punctuation. And has no friends or social life- THIS (trolling and bullshitting on social media) IS Garynoid Francis LIFE !!!!
Here we see a feeble, shallow, petty bitch callled Garynoid Francis attempt to waste time & energy of genuine researchers, and just look at the mess Garynoid is in.
Go on Francis - bleat some more you cursed sniveling bore.
What an opinionated,yet shallow bigoted bore Francis Garynoid really is. A quick review of its demented comments shows no insights,or any real substance at all, just staggering hypocrisy & conceit.
Unless you are a dribbling, mentally constipated arsehole , Pikes book Morals & Dogma is a fascinating read, and beautifully written (as you know) . It reveals several important historical secrets- one of which throws out all the modern TARTARIA crud.
Even if the reader hates the idea of Freemasonry they should gain much from reading that book. In fact if anyone does hate the idea of freemasony they SHOULD read it even more so!
Pike as far as I'm aware never did anything that deserves our hatred or contempt, all the abuse leveled at him is from proven to be right wing Christian bigots or their like, most of it consists of overt lies that are easily refuted, such as the JOKE letter about world war 3- all hyped into existence by the bigots already mentioned.
Yet Garynoid Francis thinks just because a person was in the freemasons they are automatically despicable.
Maybe that is true for the past few decades, but seems hard to take seriously for ALL previous members- especially when it is well known in most communities that many great folk joined them only to be fucked over by their more conniving brethren.
So when is Garynoid Francis Leadbelly going to start slagging off Christopher Lee for being a Templar, Jean Cocteau for being a 'head' of the priory of Zion, Luis Bunuel for being a Jesuit or Dali for being an initiate of the 'hidden flowering Rose'?
My bet is Garynoid Francis Shuttlebut is intimately connected with Masonry & this is a distraction game... primarily to discourage anyone reading Morals & Dogma and discovering what it is really about- rather than the 'devil worship' hyped by so many idiotic gobshites on the internet.
Garynoid Francesco Follower sees devils in everything that isn't part of the Judeo Christian Conditioning Complex, I doubt (s)he even really knows how to define what a devil is though.
The joke here may be missed by many. Simply put- GarynoidFrancis Fuckwit is an oppressor , labeling 'esoteric' liberators oppressors. All the sensibilities displayed by Garynoid are troll-like, disingenuous; simplistic to the point of being retarded; unnecessarily divisionary; childish/inane; shallow; hypocritical; a time vampire exercise. Basically an anally obsessive, petty, opinionated bore.
This confrontation is possibly the most exciting thing that has ever happened to her, and almost as memorable as when she caught her bean in the zip of her jeans.
Garynoid/Francis is a fkn mess of mentally crippled spasms & spume. They keep proving it here while contributing nothing of any value, interest, or even deliberate humor.
I think this nails it so far- '' Garynoid Francis Shuttlebut is (in some way) connected with Masonry & this is a distraction game... primarily to discourage anyone reading Morals & Dogma and discovering what it is really about- rather than the 'devil worship' hyped by so many idiotic gobshites on the internet.''
It certainly appears to have far too much free time on their hands, that they use trying to waste other peoples time. At least it stops Garynoid from feltching pets for a few hours a day. We should be thankful for such small mercies.😅
Is Garynoid the latest mess of a soulless gimp 77B are using to antagonize and depress the public with? It wouldn't surprise me.