I’m sure that the words “Thanatos” and “Kali” can be associated with “code names for controlled ops & social programmes” too, ya know?
I’m simply and merely enjoying this back and forth. It’s really fun 🤩 for me. And 😃😆😁 funny too.
The insult game is fun too. And so are your word choices. For example “… you are talking to folk far more experienced, articulate and erudite than yourself.” I realize this. I’m just tickled pink that I have finally attracted your attention. I find it refreshing that you admit to your sadistic tendencies and bring up masochism too. Groovy!! It seems as if I have hit the jackpot with you British warlocks and witches. I won’t ever join your coven, but it’s cool to finally meet some low level psychopathic sons and daughters of perdition online.
you masochism was noted in the earliest replies and you;ve only just noticed!
What a shallow sort you really are, though it's great you can laugh at yourself being fodder for Thanatos, while becoming a seriously addicted TIME VAMPIRE.
btw If you've never heard of Operation Chaos you should give up commentaries on these topics, you really are in a desperate mess it seems.
Now, after 3, raise those grubby little hooves to the heavens, and-
RE “seriously addicted TIME VAMPIRE”: Oh, is that what ennui is?
Darn it to Hades. I was mistaken about you being members of a coven. {sigh} On the other hand, maybe you’re lying.
As for Operation Chaos, the dweebs, who formulated that Op, borrowed the word from the ancients.
“you (sic) masochism was noted in the earliest replies and you;ve (sic) only just noticed!” Naaahh. I just commented on this word. I noticed it much earlier.
Thanks again for the fun chat. I’m glad that Ram or Ramona aren’t here to spoil it with their ingenious & highfalutin intellects. They’re way too into the esoteric and the occult. Effin’ mystery cults!!
However you have supplied us ALL the data we need regarding your narcissistic psychodynamics, and had us both in tears of laughter with you're inane delusion & conceits.
You were directly asked why you hate Pike so much, we doubt you really know anything about him except by the usual christian-right-shit-stirrers.
This entire slagging match is down to you being a bigot & being disrespectful towards people of differing opinion.
So Francis/Garynoid please share WHY Pike is so risible & why no-one should ever read a word he wrote? (I doubt you will, or can)
Until then, keep tROTTING ABOUT for anyone who cares,
Thanatos awaits when you come down from that artificial high you're on now.
Why shun the words of Albert Pike? “A prominent member of the Freemasons, Pike served as the Sovereign Grand Commander of the Supreme Council, Scottish Rite (Southern Jurisdiction, USA) from 1859 to 1891.” That’s a good enough start.
SO, from your infantile logic, we should all avoid reading any book written by anyone connected with Freemasonry?
We should ignore what the writings from the Club of Rome , Zbigniew Brzezinski, Hitler, Churchill, All the American presidents, Anton LeVey, Robert Anton Wilson, DoshunSo, Swift, Dickens, Yates, Blake, Stiener, Blavatsky, Crowley, M.P.Hall and most cultural commentators because they are freemasons.
Are you serious or really mentally ill?
Get a fkn grip shit for brains, how are you going to have a clue about what is going on if you don't consider what your potential 'enemies or allies' are thinking?
You are an apologist for being fkn stupid & pathetic, while bumwanking yourself into a fit of arrogant narcissism. 😂
Goodbye Garynoid Francis. You're a fkn waste of time, energy & space.
You are seriously telling us that L Ron Hubbard was a member of the Illuminati here?
Do you even have a basic foundation of proof for who the Illuminati are Gary ?
It is not happiness you bring - it is pure MIRTH at what a dangerously stupid poseur you are. You can't answer the important questions posed of you as you are pathetically shallow & simply opinionated rather than informed about anything.
''Sunday Times bestselling author Vernon Coleman'' ... says it all dumbo. Coleman was all over the news when ConVD was the big hype- with his miserable demeanor, he is basically the John Pilger of medicine- a useful stooge keeping your focus away from even more alarming facts regarding virology's lack of benefits.
The Star , the Sun, Observer ,The Economist,The Independent, & risible Guardian all think he's great. And more alarmingly he thinks it's great that they think he's great!
He dresses like Dr.Who , never names the real culprits & is probably used to tell us the horror so that the instigators can claim we were told all about it (via their controlled ops) , just like you never actually mention the real culprits ( old families from sea-king /slave trade roots) and use vague bogymen like the Illuminati instead.
I've not watched this video (yet) - but it may be some use to anyone seduced by these 'fear mongers that seem to be liberators'?-
Some of the children of the Illuminati include (politically, so-called) “democratic” revolutions, theosophy and the plethora of (so-called) “new age” religions.
I’m suggesting that the Church of Scientology is a grandchild of the Illuminati.
Given your bad manners and your immaturity and your trollish replies — with online trolls generally manifesting the dark tetrad of personality traits and online trolls having a greater affinity with sociopathic henchmen for the Pathocratic State rather than online trolls having an affinity with enemies of the State — I’ll bid you “Adieu”.
PS — I am not interested in videos you link to which you haven’t bothered to watch yourself.
I’m sure that the words “Thanatos” and “Kali” can be associated with “code names for controlled ops & social programmes” too, ya know?
I’m simply and merely enjoying this back and forth. It’s really fun 🤩 for me. And 😃😆😁 funny too.
The insult game is fun too. And so are your word choices. For example “… you are talking to folk far more experienced, articulate and erudite than yourself.” I realize this. I’m just tickled pink that I have finally attracted your attention. I find it refreshing that you admit to your sadistic tendencies and bring up masochism too. Groovy!! It seems as if I have hit the jackpot with you British warlocks and witches. I won’t ever join your coven, but it’s cool to finally meet some low level psychopathic sons and daughters of perdition online.
Warlocks & witches!
You really are some lost soul 😂
Keep tROtting about FrancisGarynoid,
you masochism was noted in the earliest replies and you;ve only just noticed!
What a shallow sort you really are, though it's great you can laugh at yourself being fodder for Thanatos, while becoming a seriously addicted TIME VAMPIRE.
btw If you've never heard of Operation Chaos you should give up commentaries on these topics, you really are in a desperate mess it seems.
Now, after 3, raise those grubby little hooves to the heavens, and-
tROT ON muleworm!
Thanatos is as eager as a beaver by a dam.
RE “seriously addicted TIME VAMPIRE”: Oh, is that what ennui is?
Darn it to Hades. I was mistaken about you being members of a coven. {sigh} On the other hand, maybe you’re lying.
As for Operation Chaos, the dweebs, who formulated that Op, borrowed the word from the ancients.
“you (sic) masochism was noted in the earliest replies and you;ve (sic) only just noticed!” Naaahh. I just commented on this word. I noticed it much earlier.
Thanks again for the fun chat. I’m glad that Ram or Ramona aren’t here to spoil it with their ingenious & highfalutin intellects. They’re way too into the esoteric and the occult. Effin’ mystery cults!!
you are an idiotic BORE
a Time Vampire Troll
and not worth a breath or thought Francis.
However you have supplied us ALL the data we need regarding your narcissistic psychodynamics, and had us both in tears of laughter with you're inane delusion & conceits.
You were directly asked why you hate Pike so much, we doubt you really know anything about him except by the usual christian-right-shit-stirrers.
This entire slagging match is down to you being a bigot & being disrespectful towards people of differing opinion.
So Francis/Garynoid please share WHY Pike is so risible & why no-one should ever read a word he wrote? (I doubt you will, or can)
Until then, keep tROTTING ABOUT for anyone who cares,
Thanatos awaits when you come down from that artificial high you're on now.
Why shun the words of Albert Pike? “A prominent member of the Freemasons, Pike served as the Sovereign Grand Commander of the Supreme Council, Scottish Rite (Southern Jurisdiction, USA) from 1859 to 1891.” That’s a good enough start.
What a pathetic cretin you keep proving to be.
SO, from your infantile logic, we should all avoid reading any book written by anyone connected with Freemasonry?
We should ignore what the writings from the Club of Rome , Zbigniew Brzezinski, Hitler, Churchill, All the American presidents, Anton LeVey, Robert Anton Wilson, DoshunSo, Swift, Dickens, Yates, Blake, Stiener, Blavatsky, Crowley, M.P.Hall and most cultural commentators because they are freemasons.
Are you serious or really mentally ill?
Get a fkn grip shit for brains, how are you going to have a clue about what is going on if you don't consider what your potential 'enemies or allies' are thinking?
You are an apologist for being fkn stupid & pathetic, while bumwanking yourself into a fit of arrogant narcissism. 😂
Goodbye Garynoid Francis. You're a fkn waste of time, energy & space.
There is plenty of good information in plenty of books NOT written by Freemasons and NOT written by members of the Illuminati.
What BOOK COMPANIES are NOT owned, run or staffed by freemasons or their ilk ?
I suggest that the people currently at the highest auditing levels in the Church of Scientology are examples of modern-day Illuminati.
You are seriously telling us that L Ron Hubbard was a member of the Illuminati here?
Do you even have a basic foundation of proof for who the Illuminati are Gary ?
It is not happiness you bring - it is pure MIRTH at what a dangerously stupid poseur you are. You can't answer the important questions posed of you as you are pathetically shallow & simply opinionated rather than informed about anything.
''Sunday Times bestselling author Vernon Coleman'' ... says it all dumbo. Coleman was all over the news when ConVD was the big hype- with his miserable demeanor, he is basically the John Pilger of medicine- a useful stooge keeping your focus away from even more alarming facts regarding virology's lack of benefits.
The Star , the Sun, Observer ,The Economist,The Independent, & risible Guardian all think he's great. And more alarmingly he thinks it's great that they think he's great!
He dresses like Dr.Who , never names the real culprits & is probably used to tell us the horror so that the instigators can claim we were told all about it (via their controlled ops) , just like you never actually mention the real culprits ( old families from sea-king /slave trade roots) and use vague bogymen like the Illuminati instead.
I've not watched this video (yet) - but it may be some use to anyone seduced by these 'fear mongers that seem to be liberators'?-
Some of the children of the Illuminati include (politically, so-called) “democratic” revolutions, theosophy and the plethora of (so-called) “new age” religions.
As for “the real culprits (old families from sea-king /slave trade roots)”, what do you want to know about them?
I’m suggesting that the Church of Scientology is a grandchild of the Illuminati.
Given your bad manners and your immaturity and your trollish replies — with online trolls generally manifesting the dark tetrad of personality traits and online trolls having a greater affinity with sociopathic henchmen for the Pathocratic State rather than online trolls having an affinity with enemies of the State — I’ll bid you “Adieu”.
PS — I am not interested in videos you link to which you haven’t bothered to watch yourself.
Wow. Eight laughing-to-tears emojis. I’m glad that I bring you happiness, Serge. Thanks for the attention.