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Francis/Garyanoid the tedious conceited bore is firing on all her cylinders Serge!

Check out her hard hitting insults today- 'stupid head'' πŸ™„πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚

I bet she was quaking & quacking when she typed that with her useless, truncated tool.

What next, she'll accuse us of being devil worshipers... ?!

Or call us something really upsetting , left left-wingers /right wingers / claim we are angry when we type or are apologists for Hamas/PigButt...?!

What a sad sight it is dealing with these clown town fundamentalists.

She really does seem very scared anyone should even contemplate reading Morals And Dogma... Maybe she prefers Harry Potter for her 'esoteric' research?

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Francis Garynoid is a real gem of utter inanity- what a joy to encounter such a triggered bigot.

The best bit so far for me is; (s)he ''don’t give a shit about ANYTHING (so-called) β€œhigh ranking forces personnel” have to say '' πŸ™„πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

When all you did was mention the common sence fact (though never mentioned) that PIKE HAD TO BE IN some 'exclusive club' to become part of the high ranking forces personnel !!!

What hate and rage and misplaced abuse FrancisGarynoid is going through. Poor thing. Maybe we should call a vet and get her put out of her misery?

How many tissues does she need for all those issues?

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