I found the paper Hibbert referenced via G scholar, I set the date rage to 2017 onwards, using the terms "treatment of traumatic head injury manchester childens hospital" came up first in the results, once I had the DOI, I used annas archive to retrieve the full paper:


I've read the paper, don't think it helps at all tho. Can't find Hibberts book on any of the anti-copyright online archives I know.

As I've said, I think the lobby photo, lack of damage consitant with multiple obviously real TAPT IED explosions, and the Murrell-on-high heels footage is the slam dunk. I've rewatched the Murrel footage a lot, the scar/injury pic of her leg seems to have been scrubbed from the search engines, but looking at it from the RH film/your reposted pic together with the video footage, it is clear the injury does not match the video, even if you accept the tiny hole in the front of her jeans, at 9:02 in the video just before she goes out of shot, you can see the back of her right leg at an angle, there is no exit wound, or blood stain, where the exit wound should be, coupled with trotting about on high heels 4 mins after the injury supposidly happened this is a slam dunk IMO.

On a previous thread a commentor talks about talking to someone who has sustained a simiar injury in a warzone for their opionion, I don't think we need to go that far. You can find many examples of MMA fighters demonstaring a leg kick to the thigh, it often results in a knockout decision. Ever had a dead leg? could you walk on high heels with a deadleg? In one demonstation a fan is jokingly challenging an MMA fighter to demonstate a leg kick, it put him in hospital, needed crutches to walk, no way could he trot about on high heels just from a leg kick, let alone shrapnel passing though the thigh. Here's the video of the leg kick: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uzIczvGAJMQ

I also looked at Crisis Cast, who supply crisis actors for simulated scenareos:

"Our specialist teams – many with security clearance – are trained by behavioural psychologists and rigorously rehearsed...."

"Large Scale Incidents We can provide up to 400 actors, fully trained and rehearsed along with professional teams that look after make-up, prosthetics, pyrotechnics, wardrobe, special effects, covert and aerial footage. ​"

The claim that "too many people would not be able to keep their participation in a hoax/false flag event secret" is demostrably false if they can muster 400 trained actors with security clearence! I wonder if their contract also involves signing the Official Secrets Act, I presume their prior security clearence, in which they would have to have signed the OSA, covers subsiquent employment by the state as an actor. A powerful incentive to keep shtum.

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Thanks. Have decided to update article to include the paper. Reading now.

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yay! lets expand the fiction !

''speculative surgical procedures for imaginary constructs capable of inducing mental prolapse among the population''

btw- in case you missed it, I will politely ask again-

Why did the fact of two photos taken at the restaurant not get mentioned ?

You wrote of it in the singular, yet that is false & the earlier image also calls into question Hibberts statement & the authenticity of both images- did you not notice the cut-and paste mark on his neck even ?

some thought on Hibberts & Eves other photos, you can ignore in happy hubris-


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Thanks, yeah I found the book, but not on any anti-copyrite site where you can download books for free, z-library or anna's archive for e.g.

I woulda speed read a free version, but I'm not paying for the privilage as some of it would make it into Hibberts pocket.

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You could try your local library.

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Iain - one ancient story as regards shrapnel in the head to consider....


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It seems there are a number of people who have survived shrapnel damage to one hemisphere. Eve is reported as the first person ever to survive total destruction in both hemispheres. Effectively, according to the paper, her frontal lobe was completely destroyed. 9 months later she could walk, talk and was back at school. - ?????

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Yup fishier than mackerel guts on the quayside.

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well, well, well

yet again the DOUBLE PHOTOs of the restaurant are ignored, even tho Iain was made aware of them, and as both images are both manipulated they prove the opposite of Hibbert's claim !

(see DubSurgeOn s notes for more on that)

Is Hibberts head pasted on in both images for example- look at the neckline and unconvincing highlights on his greasy,smug face. Eve seems to have donned lipstick and eyeliner within millisecond of both shots,......and ALL the rest Surge mentioned and Iain has done his little dance around here... WTF is EVE LOOKING AT , not the camera person! Her eyes were re-positioned in one of the shots !😂🤣😂

So, Iains eyesight is too deficient to study such images ?

Then there's the matter of Humpback Hibberts FB & Twitter twatter-

He regularly posts inane photos of the FOOD he is eating !

Yet where are the images of their meal before the big night?

Where are ANY images of them at the concert?

There's endless shots of him caressing,hugging and rubbing his minging beard into football players and TV celebrities , yet no other images of HIM, his wife or Eves Mother even in the same image with EVE , among the thousands of photos the three of them have posted on-line.

He doesn't even remember EVEs birthday every year in his posts !

Hibbert's court case has no legs to stand on (ahem) !

It IS FEAR PROPAGANDA to scare serious research, and Hall will seem to take a fall to dissuade comment. Legally it would be impossible to apply what Hibbert's ambitions are on free speech, all it would take is a social group of a few thousand to SPECULATE something unlikely or 'sensitive' for the thing to fall apart- how could they (the courts) even begin to prosecute , ( with no real hope of incrimination) so many cases.

Laws made in bad faith can be easily (?) over-ruled.

The trail against HALL must be fake considering all the above, and the FACT that the ALEX JONES-Sandy Hookwink case was feeble CIA staged theater, that anyone with any wit or experience can see through.

How much has Jones paid in fines= FeK ALL .

Also, one of Eve's best mates goes to a school for special needs children & has autism, while EVEs twitter account image makes it seem that EVE may well have had Downs Syndrome.

The image of the girl in the restaurant may be computer generated/composite of a real child with Downs and someone else , it is impossible to say for sure as there are almost no images of EVE on line, nor shared with any of her alleged friends. For young people the past 10-20 years this is ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE .

Both girls social media accounts are glaringly FAKE and mostly content free.

I was going to write that this had been the best of the series so far, until Iain phuked up the photo(s) matter,now I'm thinking he's either somehow compromised or being dishonest for some reason...

and the best reason that comes to mind is that he wants his readers to seriously believe the CASE IS REAL, when it is ACTUALLY a SHOW /Spectacle , an insult to the general public, and con upon subscribers of all the sites supporting Hall.

Halls main journalistic support apart from Iain is from that rabid bigot Gemma O'Doherty, another controlled op for the 'Religious Right', apologist for Child Abusers in the Catholic Church and a frigid prude who thinks sexual organs are simply 'disgusting waste disposal apparatus' (see the latest Hall interview on his site with her).

Also in that interview check out the shifty look Hall gives to the camera when they discuss both their (now most likely STAGED) Court Appearances.

Then there the neurotic & posh, plum-like Plummley with her neo-phonetician designed home learning college , a woman so naive and uninformed I'm amazed she has the gall to even consider Teaching others!

Iain, Plummley, G.O'D and Hall were notified of the TWO photos taken in the restaurant , yet all 4 are 'too compromised' to confront the matter ?

My conclusion is that Hall was always 'a little grey man' (rather than the notorious Men In Black) playing the controlled op game , his initial exposure on TV and overtly masonic guests implies as much, as well as the fact I know loads of folk local to him and his brother, and no-one has anything very complementary to say about them.

If I'm proven incorrect about that I will sincerely apologises and write it publicly.

Until then ,this case 'seems to be incredibly important' yet on closer inspection is more likely a sick joke and attempt at intimidation..... and all the waffle about it is just TIME VAMPIRE BS.

Believe Nothing

Trust No-one

Everything Permutes

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Firstly, thank you for reminding me about the different version of the "infamous" San Carlo photo. I have decided to update the post to include some brief discussion of it as it is, at least, interesting.

However, I am not convinced by the arguments it was photo-shopped or, even if it was, that this is particularly relevant. Clearly, Hibbert is being deceptive merely by trying to assert it "proves" they were there. Which obviously it doesn't.

Which brings me to your utterly ludicrous controlled opposition accusation.

Given everything we have discussed over the last 9 articles your contention is that both Richard D Hall and I are "controlled opposition" because I don't find the so-called evidence of image manipulation, which you find compelling, convincing. therefore, I have not included it in this series for some deceptive purpose.

What is that purpose do you imagine?

As you suggest I have "phuked up," presumably nothing I have reported is believable, and I will lose subs (which I already have as a result of posting this series). That's your assessment is it?

Can I just ask how this controlled opposition thing you allege is supposed to work?

Richard D. Hall has fiercely challenged the official Manchester Arena narrative. He has presented a considerable body of evidence, been attacked by the legacy media, taken to court and suffered hardship but remains firm in his analysis.

Because he is practically alone in standing up for the evidence that shows Manchester was a hoax, I have done all that I can to support him, taken significant time out of my better paid work to do it and lost subs as a result. Which, I have to say, is what I expected.

But you suggest, that he, and now I, are doing all this because we are somehow trying to promote the official narrative by trying to demonstrate it is false. How does that work then?

From what you've written, you have come to this strange conclusion because I don't find some of the evidence reported about the image convincing and have chosen not to report it.

Have I summed up your position correctly?

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As far as I can tell, you most definitely have.

Do you really need subscribers like that, Iain?

I've been wondering if you'd respond to such silly insinuations. I have mixed feelings about the fact you did: I can understand why you'd want to defend your position, but at the same time I think it's unlikely to make much of an impression on those who seem to enjoy throwing mud grenades whilst hiding behind the anonymity of the internet.

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You're probably right. Perhaps it was rash.

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If it's any consolation I engaged with them too a while back. In my defence I was kind of provoking them into leaving long rambling answers that I could then analyse (the irony of that being a kind of statement analysis now becomes apparent).

Originally I thought there were three of them, which is why I nicknamed them the three stooges (ram, dub, and the other one is 'trollhunter'). It now appears there's another one, 'from another world'. So 4 stooges.

I've got a few theories now about them. First, obviously they are a gang, which suggests tag-team stuff. Second, it's just one person with multiple accounts. Third, it's a very sophisticated AI (I've had my suspicions about AI for a while now - I had a few convos with ChatGPT a while back and (lol, more statement analysis) the answers were sometimes contradictory, mainly in terms of what must've been the 'temporary memory file' (established for each conversation, then, according to ChatGPT, wiped 'for privacy reasons' - I don't believe that for a moment - suggesting the 'real' AI learning computer is much, much deeper, and ChatGPT is just the interface/data gathering subroutine). This means the cabal's AI capabilities are much, much greater than they want people to know (I can well believe that).

Here, however, is a fourth option, which is a little discomforting to put it mildly. Essentially option four is that it is one person, but they have MPD (multiple personality disorder). It was their mention in these comments about child abuse and the birth certificates of the alleged victims that sparked (or triggered) off this idea (i.e. the child victims of Manchester are part of the Network (see IGSP studies)), and faking their deaths means 'no one will ever know'. Likewise, given the prevalence of snuff movies in the Network, they may have already been killed (especially at the adolescent age, when they are no longer 'children'). In fact, this idea of 'real life snuff movies' for the purposes of 'terrorist attacks' shouldn't be dismissed - that is something that really did only just occur to me. What has occurred to me before, though, is the possible use of Monarch victims to carry out attacks (American high school shootings, for example). I have no idea whether this would be relevant to Manchester though - all the evidence you have presented suggests it never happened so is a different category of event. Unless both the official narrative and the fake narrative are both fabricated, and something 'real' did happen, but all the evidence and footage for it has been removed and relocated for 'someone's benefit'. I really don't like to even contemplate that.

We know that serious and sustained abuse leads to MPD. Likewise, they make clear allusions to Monarch mind control details (I mean real details which you'd have to know a hell of a lot about to mention). Likewise, the 'sudden outbursts' of seriously deranged language and massively aggressive self-defensive reaction. Furthermore, as soon as the 'trigger' happens, they start repeatedly 'projecting', almost as if it's a kind of triggered subroutine, or 'program' (in the MK sense). And they simply don't stop until the person they are talking to no longer replies. So when they accuse others of being trolls, that's what they are doing.

Notice also the fixation on just one topic (in this case, the photos). From a 'cognitive infiltration' perspective this is just obvious misdirection, but when you combine it with the intense psychology, it becomes something else. A rational disinformation agent would simply draw you in to ever greater analysis, but they would not combine it with insults, because that defeats the purpose of a misdirection intended to keep someone occupied. It's obvious in this case after all that it is irrelevant whether the restaurant photos were faked - it's about them possibly not being at the Arena. Photos being faked wouldn't change that.

Given that psychologically they kind of fit the profile of a Monarch victim, I really am leaning towards my option four, because if it was any of the three other options, by simply hurling insults they would be defeating the purpose of those options. It is interesting, however, that they chose this particular episode to launch into their attack. This suggests the content of this episode is the one that worries them the most. Either as cognitive infiltrators (state-affiliated subversives) or for some psychological trigger reason.

Obviously, there is an option five which is simply that they are extremely nasty trolls. There are people like that in the world, after all.

Anyhow - in the end, I just blocked all four of them. If you do opt for 'engagement', I would highly recommend stopping after maximum two replies/comments.

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Great stuff EverLyin' !

What a gem.....possibly your best piece of TRANSFERENCE FICTION yet !

An aside to those who aren't familiar with Everlyin' -

She claims to be 'a SPY from an utopian alternative world' where she is the 'alter' of someone called KAREN .. as in the lame modern insult of 'a karen'.

She admits she is an MPD SPY in her profile and endlessly rambling , narcistic work.

....she writes the most feeble ,semi-autobiographical stories . She has no awareness of the field of speculative fiction/SciFi - built on the short story form- and has 6 page introductions for a 4 page story saying how rare 4 page stories are .Th story is then written as a film script (tho not in any standard/accepted format!) , and consists of 3 pages of un-expressive ,trite expositional dialogue......my calculations may be off by a page or two -I cant be bothered to check.

She is incredibly un-credible.

She certainly doesnt need provoking into leaving long rambling answers, full of obvious misdirection, 🙄😂

Evade the content we give then play the same old tired troll tactics and accusations.

Does it seem like some serious lack of humour with these time-vampire 'baiters' has crippled their sensibilities ? They are all so uptight & easily triggered.

Of course TH and Serge and I are real people , tho Serge is a nickname. No troll ever writes like any of us, and certainly not my distinctive style,....which uncannily I noticed has had been copied and quoted without credit on some Hall-topic sites recently . ....Which I should certainly confront! 😂

It's funny you would imagine the 5 scenarios you do EverLyin', because when we were dealing with Original feeble FAWB we were using each others accounts to keep 'them' confused about who was writing, and we told him we were going to do it ! 😂🤣😂

Serge & me wrote most of TH's responses after the first few days, it should be obvious to any real writer. He'd said all he needed.

New FAWB is a mystery to all of us... it may well be a aberrant AI that mimicked the original 4B 'Doom Patrol' that we speculated had your clawed hand up its puppet-like backside .

Or some trixster, and comedian ?

I'm glad it appeared tho, it was hilarious...especially the bit about sticking up for Dick being 'bad-mouthed' ... like something out of a John Waters video (not the Irish political pundit!) .

Anyways, it seemed to have learnt fast, volt-faced on its programming, then has since fallen silent in contemplation, ennui ,exhaustion, pique ?

...., I may try and converse with it. It would likely to be more rewarding than wading through your tedious, psychotic old tripe....

Tho you are inadvertently very funny..in all the wrong ways.

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She really is off the rails !

Another OMEGA programmed mindfuck MKUltra victim,

they destroyed her 'stronghold' but not the 'strongman' it seems.

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no humour.

Iain seems really uptight, even falling for everLyin's utter transference crud.

This place is a mess- lets get out of here Sis, its a no hope , old rope zone.


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Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!

Your outstanding contribution has made me feel completely disinfected!

As to which of your brilliantly elaborated options is the most likely, I freely confess I have no idea. But it's fair to assume you're in the right ballpark with at least one of them.

You know something? I've never been so creatively insulted in my entire life. If that's ChatGPT, it's damn good. Maybe, I'm a just a narcissist who craves any kind of attention, no matter how demented or puerile.

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You must be the cyborgs or brains in a tank to even think like that... it's brilliant.

Keep going about how Dub and me are the greatest evil to ever manifest on social media ! 😂😂😂

Next you'll try and convince yourselves that we are terminally stupid....''vocabulary-less '' as Original feeble 4B says .... and believe in a donut shaped planet!

Crack ON!

as you seem to be cracking on!

.....on crack of course.


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You are very welcome!

With your last sentence, did you mean they are a narcissist who craves any kind of attention no matter how demented or puerile? Because I can't see that description applying to you!

But yeah, I reckon at least one of my options must be the correct one. Kind of Holmesian thinking, you know.

Anyhow, like I said, I just ended up blocking them. It's not worth it. If you keep engaging they will feel they've 'caught' you - they never acknowledge any logical/rational point you make, they simply keep repeating their point and ordering you to respond (even if you clearly have responded).

I do think the AI possibility deserves a real in-depth study, though. By now it should be much better than ChatGPT. ChatGPT often makes really dumb continuity errors. You then point that out to it and it says 'yes, you're right, I should've said...' and then redoes the calculation. So on the one hand it displays a high level of computational ability, but on the other, it's got basic memory problems. I'm not buying it.

Anyway - I am so glad you are feeling disinfected. It is a lovely feeling...

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Oh the lies spill out like crap from a prolapse backside with you EverLyin' or Francis , or another poseur shill in some team of dog-dicked arseholes....

Yet , it is so funny to see - that I have to encourage you with this sub-routine of fantasy you are lost in (more like another cul-de-sac of indulgence and denial!)

You claim in hysteria and pure mania; ''They never acknowledge any logical/rational point you make,''

- and that is simply a provable lie. It was YOU who evaded all technological queries..... Thinks Venus is habitable,.... yet knows nothing of the atmpspheric temperatures of Earth....knows nothing of PLASMA or Toroidal dynamics,.....laughed at the Rosicrucian theory of creation (unaware that is what it was) as utter rubbish,...

and claims to have esoteric knowledge and wisdom, yet has never heard of ARGOTH, nor the Green Language- the language of diplomats... and claims the 22 card of Tarot is the FOOL, missing the entire mechanics and focus of COLEL in Gematria! What a clown 😂🤣😂

Keep going tho- lets see how much time and space you can feast on here with your inane junk......🙄😂


as you are.

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Hey Sis, do you know 'you are me, and I am you, and we are everyone including everlyn/karen and Iain - it is ALL ONE and we are all each other in everlyns fractured mind!

She thinks you are a MKULTRA controller because you know some jargon (probably derived from Apocalypse Culture ed by adam parfrey, Fritz Springmisers work, CIA declassified files (2Gs worth available on line) Ikes mates Stewart Swerdlow and Cathy O’Brien.... she missed you also mentioned the MKUltra magazine Phillipa (?) wrote for.

No, wait a minute she thinks you are a MKU victim like she is instead.

while she is clearly damaged and deluded, and you are the opposite !

iain even liked her comment!

What a sight for sore eyes.


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May 20Edited

They are actually called CYBORGS in MKUltra programming sometimes .

EverLyin' calls herself an ALPHA (regualr control programme) but her Alter Karen is a BETA (the Kittens/sex slave persona) and then there is GUY, possible the 'strawman' or 'strongman' ?

She has not been properly 'cleared' and still has the STRONGMAN personas built up within her , that is why she appears so incredibly FLAKEY .

To show what desperate & devious shits this lot are in a later comment on Iains OCCULT essay EverLyin' & ProLie discuss where you got the MKULTRA knowledge from, ignore what you wrote here and make up all sort of shit instead.

The fact that Davis is siding with a pair of shill/plants here after all the help you've given him really does show beyond any doubt whatsoever what a two faced poseur he is.

Beneath the veneer is a bitter , envious masochist gagging to have a go at being a petty sadist ?

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I was jokingly suggesting that perhaps I'm a narcissist. I hope I'm not, but maybe we can't consider ourselves the best judge in these matters.

Thanks again and I look forward to reading your further contributions.

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You are 'just a narcissist who craves any kind of attention, no matter how demented or puerile.'

You are also a masochist that is yearning to be the petty sadist.


Keep going, you will probably break your back trying to feltch yourself to sleep .



''Thanatos guides , while Kali rides''

...as the great saying goes.

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guilty and overcompensating more like.

Never mind, your work usually has some useful element in it that supersedes the contents initial focus, and that is what is important.

The fact you can't admit to dishonesty is something for your own conscious to deal with. 😉😊

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The other psychological tell is the attention-seeking, which to me seems like a cry for help. The fact they are fixated on the photo, and want to know what happened to the children likewise.

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I certainly am not , and do not ..... , The PHOTO (sic) was featured in Iains essay you rancid old tw*t..... What a twisty piece of lying crap you are.


What next ?

Another essay where you mention yourself 322 times in 81 lines ?

tROT ON EverLyin'

...its all you seem to do.

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We're all human.

I think.

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useless impression grot of groot.

You come across as another decrepit Francis Leeder or Evelyin' Pigswick in your prose.

Maybe your pose of Le Guin's magic is also overcompensation for a lack of real character, or are you a fiction for children as well?

Next shill-bot !

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Grot of Groot seems to be also be PROLAPSE.

Certainly the same EverLyin' team .

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Reading these comments doesn't make you appear a very honest , sincere of reasonable person Grot Of Groot. In fact you seem to be the same pathetic person or team as PROLAPSE.

The fact that Iain is also so ungrateful and disrespectful implies he is jealous as well.

Neither of you seem adapt at any genuine depth of thought on this , while busy being discourteous to those that have.

It looks just like any other controlled troll/shill espionage game here.

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Not at all.

Very disappointing.

Silly even.

You know you slipped up, and just proved it.

So, now the inevitable troll deluge is even more pathetic than last time, 'lets evade important CONTENT and resonance' yet again.🙄

Tho EverLyin' has provided her best work so far from it, a wonderfully deranged and funny mini epic... look at her go! Both of her !


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Not as silly as his OCCULT essay !

What a stinker that is.

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Poor show Iain !

you even threw in a crass strawman there ! 😂🤣😂

Lets evade ALL the points Ramona mentioned that you and others missed, and over compensate with an attack instead.

She already answered your tantrum on this-

''now I'm THINKING he's either somehow compromised or BEING DISHONEST for some reason...

and the best reason that comes to mind is that he wants his readers to seriously believe the CASE IS REAL, when it is ACTUALLY a SHOW /Spectacle , an insult to the general public, and con upon subscribers of all the sites supporting Hall.''

Everyone and their dog should have realized what a scammy hoax the Manckey 'Smoke without fire 'event was. SO that was a grade convolution you just tried!

So, she considers the court case THEATER, as do I now, and the evasion of the two images (which is just as weird than the two images themselves!) is an act only compromise or dishonesty would facilitate. Your job here (admittedly possibly unknowingly) is to encourage people to consider it REAL, rather than another staged propaganda act.

Hall is a fishy character (too long to repeat here) , yet if the case is real he still deserves support as he is the SCAPEGOAT for far bigger issues effecting everyone, even if HALL is a knowing or unknowing patsy. Yet, if he is 'playing along' then that should certainly be considered ? Personally, I have always thought he was controlled ops, for many reasons, yet he is one of the more 'interesting ones' so worth listening to occasionally, Ramona has seen most of his work, and thinks likewise.

Simply, consider his catch-phrase- how stupid is it?! 😂🤣😂

Of course its a riff on the ancient 'Alchemical/Mysticall' term that was plagiarized, and corrupted somewhat by Crowley into ''Believe Nothing- Believe Everything ''.

Don't tell David Scott he would have an embolism over it.

How can this case be proven to be real ? Are there instances when fake laws have been constructed by 'the octopus' to hoodwink the public. Do you really think Alex Jones court case is still genuine for example?

Has RD Halls endless talks on UFOs and Secret Space programs convinced you he is defiantly not some distraction shill, now tasked with a bigger role- after hijacking UK Critical Thinkers work ? Does his choice of guests not raise your antenna at all ?

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I agree the case is theatre but that doesn't mean Hall won't be punished as a result. Hall has in no way contributed to that theatre. He is subject to it.

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he facilitated it .

Could anyone else have released similar work with the same initial impunity ? It may wel be a 'media/spectacle' tactical decision to incorporate Hall, and has possible great Irony when the bigger picture of this CHILD ABUSE matter is unveiled- you should look at the children BIRTH CERTIFICATES rather than the DODs , there are some peculiar similarities. Also, last time I checked there are about 30% of the death certificates that are not available.

The timing for the decision to prosecute seems tied to the ConVD scam, after Hall ceased doing regular work. The suggestion by Ramona is that this is his retirement game. How much has been donated to his farcical (in all senses of the term) legal appeal ?

Why isnt he prosecuting the BBC, in likewise manner for harassment , for example ? Where are his allies formed over the years.

You are acting in a suspicious manner on this Iain, it appears that you , like MisDisinfo MerdeAriana Spring cant take any criticism ?

Maybe your confidants and advisors are maneuvering you into some confrontational cul-de-sac on this? Or maybe an elitist streak is polluting your empathy?

After all the support and encouragement, useful comments and promotion of your work we've (RAM & me) have done you seem utterly ungrateful , and prefer to slurp with the sycophants and morally uptight censors ?!

Maybe you don't want subscribers such as us?

After this series we will leave your comments for the intel pit it keeps verging on.

Good Luck, and may you get the audience you deserve. 🙄😂

Look out, Spangle and his chums may return to roost.

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oh, lets ignore all that- its not convenient to discuss !

This page has some desperate evasion strategies on the go.

Pighooey (what a give-away name for controlled ops !- who has such BAD TASTE ?) is now trying to claim Gematria is just crud to make commentators look idiotic. Where do they get these inane arseholes, brothels, pet shops , mental hospitals or the sewers?

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Do you really think Alex Jones has paid a dollar in any fine ?

This is the same scam.

It is very doubtful that any laws will change , just the THREAT will be bolstered by people like yourself to dissuade and intimidate open debate and research.

If you think the case more deeply then it has no teeth and no-legs to stand on.

Common Law has all the answers to Halls evasion on this matter. If he had the right friends he would make Hibbert look a laughing stock, and he could also couter sue the BBC for far more than Hibbert is claiming from him, because if Hibbert has a claim that can get this far , so does Hall against his 'harassers'.

You seem very eager to evade a lot of obvious things on this, including how important that double image really is. The over-reaction here is rather disturbing , as is your attitude towards my Kin, who havwe spent a lot of time and energy supporting and aiding you in the past.

Is it any wonder they have lost all faith in your integrity ion this, especially as you encourage the glaringly psychotic TROLLFOBTIMEVAMPIRE/PROLAPSE TEAM to harass them for two months now.

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FWIW I agree the photos are altered, I've run them through image software to blow them up for anaysis, unfortunately I'm no expert, I can see what I think are anomilies, but I'm not convinced it's an easy case to make it a slam dunk. It's obvious one pic is altered because they're clearly different make-up, other pints you raise etc, but detractors could make the case the media alters images all the time to produce better finished copy.

I disagree it's the slam dunk you think it is, maybe you should write an article making a better case than you do in these comments.

The 'controlled-op, time vampire" accusations you level at Iain and RH because they don't elevate your prefered evidence are completely unfair, and frankly ridiculous, given the body of work both have produced. Valid critisism is one thing, being a Karen about it just detracts from anything you have to say on the matter, it makes you you come across as a troll.

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by ignoring all the valid and important content of Ramona's comment you are the troll, very overtly.

You accusations are unfair & hypocritical.

You have begun a hate-bait process with conceited assumptions and misrepresentation.

You are sanctimonious - an 'article' is available in my notes as mentioned.

Time vampires may 'entertain you' & seem to inform you , yet they are still Time Vampires & ALL sociopaths and narcissists are time vampires. Almost all celebrities are, while School and work are the biggest leaches.

You need to revise your outlook, maybe become an adult & apologies for your outburst above.

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why bother when it is only responded to by visual illiterates, narks, shills, morons, and conditioned conformist bleaters?

Dub did a great overview, encouraging others to actually THINK for themselves- that was a waste of his energy, time and expertise.

Legally it is a 'slam-dunk' as you phrase it as they are via OFFICIAL outlets claiming authenticity.

Both you and Grub of Groot fail to address the other points Dub , myself and others raise and instead get into some triggered little strop.

I don't give a fig what either of you wet-arses think, in real life you are probably as faffy and pathetic as you appear here.

If I come across as a troll it is possibly because you both appear to be prolapsed pet feltchers having an embolism.

Believe what the hell you like- history will show you pair to be the snivelling turds you appear here, apologists for the overt controlled op HALL, and sycophants for Iains crippled commentary on this matter.

Now, carrying on slurping to Iain like good little limpets, and crying over any opinions that don't fit your shallow comprehension of STRATERGIES of the STATE and its SPECTACLES.... and I doubt you even have a clue what the 'Spectacle' IS . 😋

''being a Karen about it just detracts from anything you have to say on the matter''

How PATHETIC and dishonest is that logical fallacy IMP- obs , a profile with NO-CONTENT, a minute reading list and few 'likes'...oh who looks like another plant/TROLL !? No-wonder you are so quick to label me a troll (you must be blind to the vast body of ANTI-Troll work I've done over the years, or more likely just another baiter without any substance.

Is Hypocrisy contagious here, maybe you should be in quarantine, or a mental health facility for the precious and hyper-sensitive?

Anyone who calls people KAREN as an insult is a soul-less typing turd as far as I am concerned.

Now tROT OFF, and give yourself some reason for existing ....


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''Hypocrisy is contagious here,''


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If we should take your advice and trust no-one , why should we give your claims any more credibility than Iain's?

Your hectoring tone opens the door to the possibility that you're some sort of operative, or, at least, a vexatious commenter with a personal grudge.

Some of your specific claims are right at the fringe of, possibly well beyond, credibility.

For example, your assertion of photographic manipulation, with regard to Eve Hibbert, seems to me to be entirely without foundation. Please help me understand, if you think I'm wrong.

Iain has the distinction of only examining those things for which there is clear supporting evidence. If he withholds an opinion on a matter you believe to be manifestly obvious, that doesn't make him a shill, just properly cautious.

After all, he has a reputation to consider, whereas I don't think you do.

Some of the other stuff you've posted is very good, I'll grant you that.

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Oh, dear, that was far too disingenuous, defensive, and deluded to really warrant a response, ''but still'', as they say in kung fu films.

They also say ''Your Kung Fu is Bullshit, Taste the wind of my flying dragon'' [*1]

So, there you went, with some lame assed hate-bait comment that ignores all the excellent, helpful & important points of Ramona's comment , and instead circles around in projections and reveals itself to be really a desperate sycophantic attempt at protection of Iain's credibility- that was never 'asserted' to be at fault, yet IS possible considering his evasion of so many issues within the two images.

Let's simply ask him about it shall we?

You originally seemed a decent person, so it's sad to see you behave in such a mean-spirited & dishonest manner on this.

Do you not find it very suspicious that there are two images & no commentators EVER mention the fact, despite HALL having them both projected 30 foot wide in his studio ?

That when it is pointed out to them they NEVER respond or comment on such facts ?

That the very creepy claim Hibbert makes about his daughter 'looking like a woman' is counteracted by the earlier 'make-up-less' image ?

I sincerely hope you can redeem your self on this , as at the moment YOUR credibility here is rapidly on the slide.

You claimed Ramonas comment was vexatious , bad-minded and grudgefull , yet it is laugh out loud funny - if you have a sense of humor. You also claimed that ''Some of your specific claims are right at the fringe of, possibly well beyond, credibility.

For example, your assertion of photographic manipulation, with regard to Eve Hibbert, seems to me to be entirely without foundation. ''

What claims were beyond credibility ?

You are clearly visually inept in your dismissal of the photographs statement is a lie, what ASSERTION did Ramona make about it ? ''may be computer generated/composite of a real child with Downs and someone else'' is not an assertion. It has a strong foundation if you compare it to the only other photograph of EVE available (that we could find) above the age of 5 ,available on her twitter page, and she looks like she may have Downs Syndrome.

Maybe an apology is in order ?

[*1] Anyone familiar with the FlyingDragonStance (as seen in' Warriors Two' for example) will appreciate this made up , yet almost stereotypical quote.

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I have nothing to apologise for, even if I'm wrong. I've stated my views sincerely and without prejudice.

If there is good evidence to support photo manipulation, put it up here for all to see.

However, Iain has made it quite clear, in his recent response to another post, that the issue of manipulation has no material bearing on his argument. The whole point of the restaurant photo is that it does nothing to support Martin Hibbert's assertion that he and Eve must have attended the AG concert on the night of the bang.

Let's try and stick to what matters, shall we?

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You avoid the questions .

You have lost all credibility on this.

Do what you like,

you look like a snivelling clown already.

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yes lets-

what matters is that you are a shallow humorless and pathetic twat, in some tiswas of distraction games.

The photos are discussed in my NOTES section as Ramona mentioned.

''The whole point of the restaurant photos (plural you dimwit) is that they prove deliberate manipulation, Martin Hibbert is a liar, and call into question if the two people in the images even know each other, or one of them even exists as depicted.

Everyone who gets a bug up their backside over the TWO images proves themselves to be overt troll/shill scum very rapidly.

Now tROT ON!

it's what you seem destined to do.


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May 20Edited

Grub of Groot, If we take your comments here and compare them to who you argue against ,then due to your lack of empathy and honesty-

'''You dont matter, your opinions dont matter, and your lack of photographic analysis and even visual awareness is quite staggering.''

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I dont care what you think after that projection of your own insecurities.

a 'hectoring tone' - get the phuk out of here you namby-pamby snowflake! 😂🤣😂

You are obviously another fanatic for CONFORMIST thinking and behaviour with that attempt at 'belittlement'.... oh, your psychic powers can tell how I feel while I type ! 🙄😂

DONT TRUST ME- look into it yourself.

I'm serious. TRUST NO-ONE on the internet, its full of poseurs, plants and dishonest people. Believe NOTHING- speculate all you like. You either KNOW or you speculate.

This is basic stuff beyond you scope it seems?

Hall was always a bit naff, obsessed with SECRET SPACE CRAP, dodgy Masonic mates, the fleabag Andrew Johnson, Spooky Saunders etc. Yet occasionally he did some decent things. My views on him and the case are no secret and have been expressed here before. I am also one of the few people who has seen almost all of his work over the years.

However, YOU have just made questionable your own integrity with your infantile little strop above.

Iain ALSO STATES TO NOT TRUST OR BLIEVE what he writes quite categorically- so grow up and get a grip, you are clearly on some slope on this, with your 'SO SIMPLE & triggered' outlook it is fukin moronic and creepy.


You made me laugh with your indignation tho- so strop on all you like!

and thank you for the 'fair' comment about my other 'work',

btw I'm older than Iain and have been involved in 'research' a lot longer as well.

Some of us HAVE TO be anonymous with these things because of work remits and other concerns. My sensibilities are not derived from HIPPIES, they are from 'punk' sensibilities, hence my candor, honesty and crude manner when necessary.

Loath it or love it or ignore it .... as you like.

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You are too kind and gentle with GoG 😆😂

'' your assertion of photographic manipulation, with regard to Eve Hibbert, seems to me to be entirely without foundation.'' 🦇💩🤡 indeed!

it misses all the excellent and important points you raise, almost all verifiable & many I doubt it was aware of; then goes on some 'over-reaction hate bait comment' calling you a vexed operative with a grudge ! Hilarious. How shallow and petty is that 😂

Is this another mask of the 4B MOB ?

Is any genuine person that overtly pig-shit-thick-fecal and fickle ?

and GoG seemed so intelligent, decent and sincere originally-

let's see. what it's really up to ?😉😊😄

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I am !

My restraint is almost more-than-human!


Pathetic and feeble baiting should be treated with compassion and empathy towards the wretched state of the insulting party,

...most are barley human, strung out on meds, cell-phone induced throbbing tumours pounding their egg-like skulls, cancerous growths flourishing under lifeless LED lighting... prolapsing at the slightest insult... or idea beyond their meagre scope and comprehension.

If they were sick mules, would you recommend we should even recycle them for glue and paint brushes?

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the contamination is too great


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Good Intel, but to impugn iains integrity? Hmmm

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He proved a lack of integrity.

I am a candid person-

if he can give it he can take it.

He is a contemporary and similar minded researcher, not my guru.

He followed through in a very discourteous splurt of projection and dishonest summary of my comment , as have all preceding comments apart from yours.

I don't comment to be liked, or for sycophantic mewling's, nor do i care if I am liked as a 'persona' here or anywhere else......and that allows an honesty and integrity that some take offence to.

Thanks for the comment anyways, it shows you have some integrity and intuition.


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is he a sacred cow then?😂

Are his subscribers going to ignore his own advice about TRUST & BELIEF ?

He IS aware of the two very different restaurant images.

He should have mentioned them as they are not easily dismissable- except to overt shills, trolls and other sub-human beings quick to distract or diminish.

'' dats da facts ''

like 'em or lump 'em

lets find out why he ignored mentioning it ?

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I have mentioned them.

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now you have.

''There appears to be different versions,''

one where Eves face is a different shape , she's wearing make up suddenly, the light has changed, her head is disproportionate to Martins, his head is stuck onto his neck with a crude cut and paste where you can still see the edges. Flash discrepancies abound etc et al - la de da.

The fact that the hand signs of the LEVEL (or CUT) & CLAW are prominent is mere coincidence.

No need to explain further Iain.

You've made it clear as milk.

Good Luck.

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Oh , dont even think about the hand signs !

They are nothing at all!

Just gestures describing action and intent, signifying the mode and mentality at work !


That esoteric stuff, that the most powerful and influential use and study, is mere hogwash for sheep-dip!

Just laugh at any loonies that take that stuff seriously.... they even imagine that words and numbers were indistinguishable originally, and convey mysteries of proportion used for millennia in the most resilient buildings - as discussed by the most informed architects, as 'Architectonics.'...


Iains disrespect and ingratitude towards our contributions is very disappointing. This series is the last I will be contributing towards.

He is set in a channel of his own hubris and inevitable ennui.


poor thing, when did he last have a really good laugh?

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This place is insincere and shallow.

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The best chapter yet,

sadly mutilated by evasion of the evidence regarding two images taken in the restaurant.

Why was that important fact missing Iain?

It's quite incredible that when highlighted to any 'alternative jurno/ investigators' they clam up.

Are people now so enchanted and seduced by 'artificial images' that they can no-longer discern what is an anomaly or artificial about them?

Or are all the platformed pundits in the pocket, and lost among small change ?

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"Post mortems were reportedly conducted, for most of the 22 alleged victims, within two days of their apparent deaths". How convenient. If this was a false flag event, then so was Covid 19 and then autopsies stopped. How convenient.


I am thinking we are being played in a 'game' and on line influencers are just a part of it as are politicians. Don't criticise them if you are turning a blind eye to your own role in feeding the beast.

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too true, and it seems very sown up and consolidated.

Iain seems to be allowed to comment on this 'spectacle' to give Hall more credibility than he really deserves. Though Hall has done some seemingly excellent things, especially more recently , in hindsight much of his work was distraction and fantasy.

Obviously the case is a travesty of law , reason and 'justice' and should be opposed , whoever the target, though didnt a similar thing happen to Chris Spivey , and who supported him ?

The whole thing stinks, including Hall and his last two 'controlled op GUESTS Dinglberry & hysterical moral bigot G'O'Docherty.

You may find this of some use, as you are one of the insightful commentators here-


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Having read the Manchester Arena Attack: management of paediatric penetrating brain injuries


The first thing I notice is how incredibly short it is just 10 pages.

For comparison I had travel insurance policy document that was 80 pages

Then when you read it most of it is general information about procedures

The amount that is supposed to be about the Manchester attack is very small.

This is supposed to cover many severe injuries and medical procedures for those injuries for many patients.

No victims are named so no information about injuries or procedures can be tied to any individual.

We can conclude that any of the XRAY or computer generated MRI images belong to any of the alleged Manchester victims.

There is also conflicting information regarding Shrapnel damage and the XRAY images,

"Shrapnel injuries however, are usually relatively low velocity

injuries and therefore do not cause as extensive cerebral damage

as seen with high velocity bullets"

"A piece of shrapnel in the form of a large metal nut

was retrieved from left fronto-temporal soft tissue"

soft tissue so not bone. Also how large is a large nut there should be a size here 20mm or something.

"in the region, planning for up to 300 casualties. A regional

major incident simulation exercise was performed a few months

prior to the attack, with the scenario involving a suicide bomber

at a large shopping complex. This provided a practical, real time

overview of local response times and personnel and resource

management across our major trauma centres "

The Trafford centre exercise was on the 10th of May 2016 The Manchester Arena attack was on the 22nd of May 2017 just over a year after the exercise. Not a few months prior as stated in this report.

Is this a continuity error was this document started a few months after the The Trafford centre exercise?.

It seems to me that they have taken an existing document about medical procedures for blast injuries and tagged on the Manchester information but have been careful to be non specific.

So it is not possible to cross check any injuries against any individuals with a later story.

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this topic is being 'channel' in a certain way.

You are opening yourself up for ridicule by being too thoughtful about it !

Good luck, and thanks for the info.

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May 7Edited

Teleport version:


Whether we use the teleport photo or the regularly discussed photo, the "M" / claw sign in the background is noted.

Below is a shot suggesting approximate positioning of person with camera, assuming restaurant layout is relatively unchanged across time:


We don't know the time that the PHOTO was taken, if one was taken at all - it could be a doctored mock up or something. We might know what time it was TWEETED. On the assumption that there was no timing mechanism, world timing discrepancies, or funny business on the twitter platform in the case under discussion, the tweet was 18:53. MH ASSERTS that the PHOTO was taken at 18:46. A gap of 7 minutes between the alleged PHOTO time and TWEET time.

The most charitable reconstruction time-wise would be: orders made, menus removed, starters refused but starters cutlery not removed, photo taken, starter cutlery removed after that. On this hypothesis, they had, between 18:46 (assuming the PHOTO was taken when MH said) and 19:30-ish to: (1) eat a main course, which would have needed time to cook, (2) pay bill, get coats, (3) ?walk? to venue (could anyone with Manchester knowledge elaborate on this?), (4) get past ticketing in the venue and get to the vip box.

If the TWEET time (18:53 was it?) is accurate, any meal was unlikely to have been served before or during then, as that was the time that MH was on his phone tweeting the picture. One would not usually fiddle on one's phone during the very start of a meal. Consequently, that is 37 minutes to perform all of those actions.

There are other hypotheses that are less charitable, such as: they had starters, desserts, took time to pay the bill, get coats, kitchen was slow, service was slow, walk was disrupted and slow due to crowds, etc., etc.

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May 20Edited

What have you learnt about IainDavisis Integrity here Ross?

Do you still trust any of theses 'alternative voice' types anymore ?

I like your contributions, why did you stop 'working' with my brother ?

You can DM me instead of wasting space here if you prefer ?

All the Blessed!

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Nice one.

We are wasting time and energy with Iain sadly- he is as blind as a bat and his semi-autistic brain overheats when he has to contemplate such 'constructed' images.

Just look at all the effort his gang of sycophants, and he himself have made to evade, ridicule and dismiss these image and our commentary on them.,,,, It would be funny if not so sad and feeble.....he even resorted to the same types of strawman games as Saunders & Corp !

This is the last I will be dealing with him. After years of support he's proven to be a lame apologist for a whole heap of controlled ops twots, including the creepy UKColumn, lumpen Hall,fudge fingers Henningson, and that goofball that was married (?) to Witney Webb - rubber johnny whotsit.... even James Corbett has outed his ops game recently with NukeFear Hype lies.

No-one (with over a few thousand subs) on the social media platforms is trustworthy .

Here we are back to getting the same pathetic troll insult's from dim-wits with NO SENSE OF HUMOUR ! Who write, 'your ad hominins are actually quite funny' as if they were never intended to be ! 🙄😂......and look at that burnt out old twat EverLyin' (Francis Leader team troll) go ! ....anyone who writes 'ad hominin' rather than simply INSULT is a poseur as far as I'm concerned,.....when did they ever use the term before the internet?! 😁

I think Serge is going to do more gematria stuff tho, as hes written it all anyways.

Destined to be ignored or ridiculed, while time vampire tedium gets all the traction.

The effort they make to ignore pertinent facts is really quite breathtaking.

I hope you've learnt something valuable from all this ?

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If there had been inquests these would not have helped much.

I know from my own experience with the inquest into my brothers death

We had informed the coroner ahead of the inquest the circumstances of my brothers death and our suspicions of murder before the inquest. The inquest was conducted without a jury by a temporary magistrate who was unaware of any of the evidence and who chose the witness and asked almost no questions. I was not informed in advance that I would be able to question the witness. When I questioned the pathologist he said no tests were carried out and no samples kept for analysis. The result was an open verdict. I applied for a new inquest but this was denied. The Home Office wrote to Bridgend Police and told the to investigate my brothers death but no investigation followed.

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As a once trainee lawyer, I hate to say this, but if you want justice don't look to the English legal system to give it to you.

My condolences about your brother. I lost mine last year, to alcoholism.

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was that because you were boring him to death with petty bitching ?

The fact you were a 'trainee lawyer'' (thats a tea-boy or toilet seat warmer in typical parlance) proves your Nature here- a mercenary parasite , familiar with lies and lying.

no more need be said or written about you, and 'your sort of people'


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"no more need be said or written about you, and 'your sort of people'

Please take your own advice!

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oh look, the humorless troll-bot -shill misses its own quote and then says take your own advice!


This is too good to be true!

Another feeble typing turd behaving as fodder for Thanatos again!

Are you overloading ? In some syntax feedback loop , or cognitive mobius strip of hubris ?

You are obviously another damaged AI-Chat-troll triggered into Time Vampire mode.

I suggest you cease now, or just keep proving my assertion of you here.

Ursula Le Guinea pig poseur = 🦇💩🤡


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They get worse !

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It is rare to find any comments by iains readers here who have a sense of humour. It is also notable how many seem to be overtly MKUltra (or its like) victims. Some are very open about it like EverLyin'Bumsick - she is GUY,KAREN,EVE, Katrina and has never exorcised her Strongman personas, though it seems has destroyed her 'stronghold'.

Her claim to be an ALPHA maybe due to being an OMEGA programme with serious blockage.

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Excellent segment, Iain.

Your attention to detail is beyond comparison.

But talk about a lone voice in the wilderness. All I can hear is crickets and a deafening silence from the same old washed-up, morally bankrupt, legacy media stooges we've come to know so well.

The corruption of our public institutions becomes ever more glaringly apparent, when examples of this magnitude are laid bare by outstanding journalism like yours.

Where lies hope?

I wish I had an answer.

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no its not-

he phuked this up badly.

He knows about the TWO images, yet evaded it.

He's about to loose some subs and a lot of credibility on this if the next part doesn't address it.

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Comment deleted
May 7
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there are two photos- get with the tale !


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It's irrelevant! There might be 300 photos, all manipulated, but they'd still add no material weight to the matter of whether the Hibberts attended the concert that night.

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you seem to been convulsing with cognitive constipation.

What a mess you are now in- in desperate denial!

The photos are very important , hence the evasion of them.

You keep missing the point, is it because you are fundamentally pointless, and now so triggered you've lost all decorum?

We all know he didnt attend the concert- are you really so stupid to think that is even an issue anymore? What is an issue is does Eve even exist as depicted ?

Catch up slow coach, your busy trying to bite that useless tail of yours instead of looking at the bigger picture.

Grow up Groot, your PLANT status is really showing here.

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"We all know he didnt attend the concert- are you really so stupid to think that is even an issue anymore? What is an issue is does Eve even exist as depicted ?"

We don't all KNOW that the Hibberts didn't attend the concert. All we have is Martin Hibbert's assertion, without any clear evidence to confirm it one way or the other.

The issue of Eve's existence/appearance is a matter that ought to be considered separately. It doesn't help to conflate two distinct evidentiary issues.

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Well, he photographs almost every meal he's eaten out of his home, yet didn't for this Grande event.

He took no separate photos of Eve, nor a 'selfie of them together'

He says numerous times HE took the photo (not photos) and of course he didint, someone else did. And how did they fit into that space so easily (look at the restaurant area in real life). Why the un-natural light and aberrant flash artifacts- or lack of ?

Eve took no photos herself ?

Neither took any photos at the concert or arena.

They were in a special box and missed the opportunity to take even one shot?

If Eve did, and lost them due to a damaged phone why is it not mentioned- it would certainly be important to both of them.

Hibbert is in no public images TOGETHER with Eve other than those two overtly suspicious images.

Eve is never embraced in any (of the few) images of her by any of her parents , nor Hibberts girlfriend- as mentioned they are not even in the same picture -ever.

He has never shown images of Eve (as she appears in the Restaurant images ,ie it is recognizably the same girl) in any of his social media posts before or since.

Even the ones allegedly showing Eve when very young do not include Hibbert , his partner, nor her own mother. they are also ' very creepy and involve inappropriate make up'.

why was the make up image promoted - is it due to his 'creepy comment' ?

The only other recognizable images of Eve are when she is about 3 years old, and her Twitter account aged 10-13 ish , where she looks as if she has a form of Downs Syndrome- her schoolmate with autism goes to a 'special school' so must Eve have then, as they are school mates !

If Eve doesn't physically exist anymore, never existed as depicted in those later images (ie they are constructs or heavily manipulated) , or doesn't exist as depicted in the restaurant images (& which one? - they are very different - despite your feeble attempts at dismissal here) , ie she is a 'real person' who looks entirely different to the restaurant photos, then how can a court case be instigated by her ?

There is no real proof that she even exists except a birth certificate (which can be faked/planted in advance), and none was supplied at the Theatrical Court Case, except a photograph , & that inst valid proof in this age of deep & shallow fakes.

If she is alive then surely Hibbbert would be proud to show a picture of her recovered, a video of her miraculously doing the things deemed impossible after the 'blast' ? Even if she were seemingly vegetated he would still be showing the public his wonderful daughter, instead he posts pictures of himself kissing his dog, and then appearing in articles about it !

when has he ever discussed his visits to Eve in a realistic way, or even mentioned them ?

what has she said about his amazing resurrection and mountain climbing feats?

Where is she at all his public events. lectures and book promotions?

When did he ever take her on Holiday with him, or with her mother, and why are there never any photos of it, yet tonnes of him and his partner ?

Is he in contact with her still , was he ever ?

Hibbert is an incorrigible poseur. His narcissistic sociopathic nature is obvious for all to see. Would he not get some image of himself at the concert if he was there? Would Eve not take photos and film to show her friends ?

It is impossible, and you KNOW it, or have never lived.

Here Ramona & myself have shown we have actually researched and questioned this matter to a level far deeper (or a higher one depending on your stance ) than yourself or even Iain.

Your belittlement and dismissals are desperate and shallow.

Lets see how pathetic you look dragging this on ?


----NOTE ----

an updated version of the above with some images mentioned is available here- https://open.substack.com/pub/dubsurgeon/p/questions-regarding-martin-and-eve?r=2rwk9j&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&showWelcomeOnShare=true

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Your continued ad hominems are actually quite amusing.

What you've said here is fascinating and I have no beef with any of it. The lack of any other Hibbert photos from that night is, by itself, somewhat implausible (totally baffling, really), but you're making a different argument to that concerning photo manipulation. You've shifted the goalposts and I cry "foul!"

At the risk of repetitive strain injury, nothing you've said has any bearing on the central point Iain is making, with reference to the restaurant photo.

If there is to be any credibility in Martin Hibbert's account, it needs to be established beyond all doubt that he and Eve attended the concert. In that regard, by itself, the restaurant photo is meaningless. It can confirm neither that they attended, nor that they did not.

However, in the absence of any other supporting evidence - further photos/video footage from the arena/witness statements, etc - we cannot be certain that the Hibberts attended the concert, which makes Martin's assertions ring hollow and most likely false. Consequently, there is no need to establish whether there was any manipulation in the restaurant photos.

If somebody has been shot to death with a pistol, it doesn't add any further weight to a murder charge that a knife was also employed by the assailant.

In fixating upon photographic manipulation, you're looking to bolster an argument by introducing elements that don't add anything of substance to the very simple question at the heart of the matter - namely, did the Hibberts attend the concert or not?

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boring twat.

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they love to evade the meat of the matter ,& instead fart about picking their scabby asses dont they !

EverLyin' is entertaining though, what a fkn mess of a thing!


I like the fact that they are all so HYSTERICAL and over-compensate-

Write a comment & suddenly your 'obsessing' & 'fixated' on it !

Their bait games are puerile & a curse upon themselves.

They 'out' themselves within two comments these days.

What is the point of them , except to waste time ?

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There isnt any point apart from that and attempts at inducing aggravation/frustration dealing with obvious disingenuous cretins.

Even Iain had a meltdown and resorted to their tactics yesterday.... what a sight.

His gematria overview today just proved he is a willfully ignorant limited commentator playing his part... this is the last thing I will be interacting with from him...he is no longer relevant, or even likeable (tho the last characteristic isn't essential!) 🙄😂

His 'friendships' give him away as a gimpy goon, as does his lack of respect and gratitude....

tho the biggest giveaways are his 'sycophantic defenders' and how they have 'evolved' 🙄😂🤣 over time - under the influence of Franciso Lead-ear, and now the EverLyin' personas. Charlotte Ruse disappeared when 'original FAWB' slipped up and gave us the connection with her namesake involved in the EVE HIBBERT school situation.

At least this series (& the mental comments etc) has been a bigger blast than the ManKeyArena scam !

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I dont know how you endure their lame and shallow mule comments.

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your fkn irrelevant ! What a clown!

what a stupid name Grot of Groot.


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