If we should take your advice and trust no-one , why should we give your claims any more credibility than Iain's?
Your hectoring tone opens the door to the possibility that you're some sort of operative, or, at least, a vexatious commenter with a personal grudge.
Some of your specific claims are right at the fringe of, possibly well beyond, credibility.
For example, your assertion of photographic manipulation, with regard to Eve Hibbert, seems to me to be entirely without foundation. Please help me understand, if you think I'm wrong.
Iain has the distinction of only examining those things for which there is clear supporting evidence. If he withholds an opinion on a matter you believe to be manifestly obvious, that doesn't make him a shill, just properly cautious.
After all, he has a reputation to consider, whereas I don't think you do.
Some of the other stuff you've posted is very good, I'll grant you that.
Oh, dear, that was far too disingenuous, defensive, and deluded to really warrant a response, ''but still'', as they say in kung fu films.
They also say ''Your Kung Fu is Bullshit, Taste the wind of my flying dragon'' [*1]
So, there you went, with some lame assed hate-bait comment that ignores all the excellent, helpful & important points of Ramona's comment , and instead circles around in projections and reveals itself to be really a desperate sycophantic attempt at protection of Iain's credibility- that was never 'asserted' to be at fault, yet IS possible considering his evasion of so many issues within the two images.
Let's simply ask him about it shall we?
You originally seemed a decent person, so it's sad to see you behave in such a mean-spirited & dishonest manner on this.
Do you not find it very suspicious that there are two images & no commentators EVER mention the fact, despite HALL having them both projected 30 foot wide in his studio ?
That when it is pointed out to them they NEVER respond or comment on such facts ?
That the very creepy claim Hibbert makes about his daughter 'looking like a woman' is counteracted by the earlier 'make-up-less' image ?
I sincerely hope you can redeem your self on this , as at the moment YOUR credibility here is rapidly on the slide.
You claimed Ramonas comment was vexatious , bad-minded and grudgefull , yet it is laugh out loud funny - if you have a sense of humor. You also claimed that ''Some of your specific claims are right at the fringe of, possibly well beyond, credibility.
For example, your assertion of photographic manipulation, with regard to Eve Hibbert, seems to me to be entirely without foundation. ''
What claims were beyond credibility ?
You are clearly visually inept in your dismissal of the photographs statement is a lie, what ASSERTION did Ramona make about it ? ''may be computer generated/composite of a real child with Downs and someone else'' is not an assertion. It has a strong foundation if you compare it to the only other photograph of EVE available (that we could find) above the age of 5 ,available on her twitter page, and she looks like she may have Downs Syndrome.
Maybe an apology is in order ?
[*1] Anyone familiar with the FlyingDragonStance (as seen in' Warriors Two' for example) will appreciate this made up , yet almost stereotypical quote.
I have nothing to apologise for, even if I'm wrong. I've stated my views sincerely and without prejudice.
If there is good evidence to support photo manipulation, put it up here for all to see.
However, Iain has made it quite clear, in his recent response to another post, that the issue of manipulation has no material bearing on his argument. The whole point of the restaurant photo is that it does nothing to support Martin Hibbert's assertion that he and Eve must have attended the AG concert on the night of the bang.
what matters is that you are a shallow humorless and pathetic twat, in some tiswas of distraction games.
The photos are discussed in my NOTES section as Ramona mentioned.
''The whole point of the restaurant photos (plural you dimwit) is that they prove deliberate manipulation, Martin Hibbert is a liar, and call into question if the two people in the images even know each other, or one of them even exists as depicted.
Everyone who gets a bug up their backside over the TWO images proves themselves to be overt troll/shill scum very rapidly.
I dont care what you think after that projection of your own insecurities.
a 'hectoring tone' - get the phuk out of here you namby-pamby snowflake! 😂🤣😂
You are obviously another fanatic for CONFORMIST thinking and behaviour with that attempt at 'belittlement'.... oh, your psychic powers can tell how I feel while I type ! 🙄😂
DONT TRUST ME- look into it yourself.
I'm serious. TRUST NO-ONE on the internet, its full of poseurs, plants and dishonest people. Believe NOTHING- speculate all you like. You either KNOW or you speculate.
This is basic stuff beyond you scope it seems?
Hall was always a bit naff, obsessed with SECRET SPACE CRAP, dodgy Masonic mates, the fleabag Andrew Johnson, Spooky Saunders etc. Yet occasionally he did some decent things. My views on him and the case are no secret and have been expressed here before. I am also one of the few people who has seen almost all of his work over the years.
However, YOU have just made questionable your own integrity with your infantile little strop above.
Iain ALSO STATES TO NOT TRUST OR BLIEVE what he writes quite categorically- so grow up and get a grip, you are clearly on some slope on this, with your 'SO SIMPLE & triggered' outlook it is fukin moronic and creepy.
You made me laugh with your indignation tho- so strop on all you like!
and thank you for the 'fair' comment about my other 'work',
btw I'm older than Iain and have been involved in 'research' a lot longer as well.
Some of us HAVE TO be anonymous with these things because of work remits and other concerns. My sensibilities are not derived from HIPPIES, they are from 'punk' sensibilities, hence my candor, honesty and crude manner when necessary.
Loath it or love it or ignore it .... as you like.
'' your assertion of photographic manipulation, with regard to Eve Hibbert, seems to me to be entirely without foundation.'' 🦇💩🤡 indeed!
it misses all the excellent and important points you raise, almost all verifiable & many I doubt it was aware of; then goes on some 'over-reaction hate bait comment' calling you a vexed operative with a grudge ! Hilarious. How shallow and petty is that 😂
Is this another mask of the 4B MOB ?
Is any genuine person that overtly pig-shit-thick-fecal and fickle ?
and GoG seemed so intelligent, decent and sincere originally-
Pathetic and feeble baiting should be treated with compassion and empathy towards the wretched state of the insulting party,
...most are barley human, strung out on meds, cell-phone induced throbbing tumours pounding their egg-like skulls, cancerous growths flourishing under lifeless LED lighting... prolapsing at the slightest insult... or idea beyond their meagre scope and comprehension.
If they were sick mules, would you recommend we should even recycle them for glue and paint brushes?
If we should take your advice and trust no-one , why should we give your claims any more credibility than Iain's?
Your hectoring tone opens the door to the possibility that you're some sort of operative, or, at least, a vexatious commenter with a personal grudge.
Some of your specific claims are right at the fringe of, possibly well beyond, credibility.
For example, your assertion of photographic manipulation, with regard to Eve Hibbert, seems to me to be entirely without foundation. Please help me understand, if you think I'm wrong.
Iain has the distinction of only examining those things for which there is clear supporting evidence. If he withholds an opinion on a matter you believe to be manifestly obvious, that doesn't make him a shill, just properly cautious.
After all, he has a reputation to consider, whereas I don't think you do.
Some of the other stuff you've posted is very good, I'll grant you that.
Oh, dear, that was far too disingenuous, defensive, and deluded to really warrant a response, ''but still'', as they say in kung fu films.
They also say ''Your Kung Fu is Bullshit, Taste the wind of my flying dragon'' [*1]
So, there you went, with some lame assed hate-bait comment that ignores all the excellent, helpful & important points of Ramona's comment , and instead circles around in projections and reveals itself to be really a desperate sycophantic attempt at protection of Iain's credibility- that was never 'asserted' to be at fault, yet IS possible considering his evasion of so many issues within the two images.
Let's simply ask him about it shall we?
You originally seemed a decent person, so it's sad to see you behave in such a mean-spirited & dishonest manner on this.
Do you not find it very suspicious that there are two images & no commentators EVER mention the fact, despite HALL having them both projected 30 foot wide in his studio ?
That when it is pointed out to them they NEVER respond or comment on such facts ?
That the very creepy claim Hibbert makes about his daughter 'looking like a woman' is counteracted by the earlier 'make-up-less' image ?
I sincerely hope you can redeem your self on this , as at the moment YOUR credibility here is rapidly on the slide.
You claimed Ramonas comment was vexatious , bad-minded and grudgefull , yet it is laugh out loud funny - if you have a sense of humor. You also claimed that ''Some of your specific claims are right at the fringe of, possibly well beyond, credibility.
For example, your assertion of photographic manipulation, with regard to Eve Hibbert, seems to me to be entirely without foundation. ''
What claims were beyond credibility ?
You are clearly visually inept in your dismissal of the photographs statement is a lie, what ASSERTION did Ramona make about it ? ''may be computer generated/composite of a real child with Downs and someone else'' is not an assertion. It has a strong foundation if you compare it to the only other photograph of EVE available (that we could find) above the age of 5 ,available on her twitter page, and she looks like she may have Downs Syndrome.
Maybe an apology is in order ?
[*1] Anyone familiar with the FlyingDragonStance (as seen in' Warriors Two' for example) will appreciate this made up , yet almost stereotypical quote.
I have nothing to apologise for, even if I'm wrong. I've stated my views sincerely and without prejudice.
If there is good evidence to support photo manipulation, put it up here for all to see.
However, Iain has made it quite clear, in his recent response to another post, that the issue of manipulation has no material bearing on his argument. The whole point of the restaurant photo is that it does nothing to support Martin Hibbert's assertion that he and Eve must have attended the AG concert on the night of the bang.
Let's try and stick to what matters, shall we?
You avoid the questions .
You have lost all credibility on this.
Do what you like,
you look like a snivelling clown already.
yes lets-
what matters is that you are a shallow humorless and pathetic twat, in some tiswas of distraction games.
The photos are discussed in my NOTES section as Ramona mentioned.
''The whole point of the restaurant photos (plural you dimwit) is that they prove deliberate manipulation, Martin Hibbert is a liar, and call into question if the two people in the images even know each other, or one of them even exists as depicted.
Everyone who gets a bug up their backside over the TWO images proves themselves to be overt troll/shill scum very rapidly.
Now tROT ON!
it's what you seem destined to do.
Grub of Groot, If we take your comments here and compare them to who you argue against ,then due to your lack of empathy and honesty-
'''You dont matter, your opinions dont matter, and your lack of photographic analysis and even visual awareness is quite staggering.''
I dont care what you think after that projection of your own insecurities.
a 'hectoring tone' - get the phuk out of here you namby-pamby snowflake! 😂🤣😂
You are obviously another fanatic for CONFORMIST thinking and behaviour with that attempt at 'belittlement'.... oh, your psychic powers can tell how I feel while I type ! 🙄😂
DONT TRUST ME- look into it yourself.
I'm serious. TRUST NO-ONE on the internet, its full of poseurs, plants and dishonest people. Believe NOTHING- speculate all you like. You either KNOW or you speculate.
This is basic stuff beyond you scope it seems?
Hall was always a bit naff, obsessed with SECRET SPACE CRAP, dodgy Masonic mates, the fleabag Andrew Johnson, Spooky Saunders etc. Yet occasionally he did some decent things. My views on him and the case are no secret and have been expressed here before. I am also one of the few people who has seen almost all of his work over the years.
However, YOU have just made questionable your own integrity with your infantile little strop above.
Iain ALSO STATES TO NOT TRUST OR BLIEVE what he writes quite categorically- so grow up and get a grip, you are clearly on some slope on this, with your 'SO SIMPLE & triggered' outlook it is fukin moronic and creepy.
You made me laugh with your indignation tho- so strop on all you like!
and thank you for the 'fair' comment about my other 'work',
btw I'm older than Iain and have been involved in 'research' a lot longer as well.
Some of us HAVE TO be anonymous with these things because of work remits and other concerns. My sensibilities are not derived from HIPPIES, they are from 'punk' sensibilities, hence my candor, honesty and crude manner when necessary.
Loath it or love it or ignore it .... as you like.
You are too kind and gentle with GoG 😆😂
'' your assertion of photographic manipulation, with regard to Eve Hibbert, seems to me to be entirely without foundation.'' 🦇💩🤡 indeed!
it misses all the excellent and important points you raise, almost all verifiable & many I doubt it was aware of; then goes on some 'over-reaction hate bait comment' calling you a vexed operative with a grudge ! Hilarious. How shallow and petty is that 😂
Is this another mask of the 4B MOB ?
Is any genuine person that overtly pig-shit-thick-fecal and fickle ?
and GoG seemed so intelligent, decent and sincere originally-
let's see. what it's really up to ?😉😊😄
I am !
My restraint is almost more-than-human!
Pathetic and feeble baiting should be treated with compassion and empathy towards the wretched state of the insulting party,
...most are barley human, strung out on meds, cell-phone induced throbbing tumours pounding their egg-like skulls, cancerous growths flourishing under lifeless LED lighting... prolapsing at the slightest insult... or idea beyond their meagre scope and comprehension.
If they were sick mules, would you recommend we should even recycle them for glue and paint brushes?
the contamination is too great