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Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!

Your outstanding contribution has made me feel completely disinfected!

As to which of your brilliantly elaborated options is the most likely, I freely confess I have no idea. But it's fair to assume you're in the right ballpark with at least one of them.

You know something? I've never been so creatively insulted in my entire life. If that's ChatGPT, it's damn good. Maybe, I'm a just a narcissist who craves any kind of attention, no matter how demented or puerile.

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You must be the cyborgs or brains in a tank to even think like that... it's brilliant.

Keep going about how Dub and me are the greatest evil to ever manifest on social media ! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Next you'll try and convince yourselves that we are terminally stupid....''vocabulary-less '' as Original feeble 4B says .... and believe in a donut shaped planet!

Crack ON!

as you seem to be cracking on!

.....on crack of course.


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You are very welcome!

With your last sentence, did you mean they are a narcissist who craves any kind of attention no matter how demented or puerile? Because I can't see that description applying to you!

But yeah, I reckon at least one of my options must be the correct one. Kind of Holmesian thinking, you know.

Anyhow, like I said, I just ended up blocking them. It's not worth it. If you keep engaging they will feel they've 'caught' you - they never acknowledge any logical/rational point you make, they simply keep repeating their point and ordering you to respond (even if you clearly have responded).

I do think the AI possibility deserves a real in-depth study, though. By now it should be much better than ChatGPT. ChatGPT often makes really dumb continuity errors. You then point that out to it and it says 'yes, you're right, I should've said...' and then redoes the calculation. So on the one hand it displays a high level of computational ability, but on the other, it's got basic memory problems. I'm not buying it.

Anyway - I am so glad you are feeling disinfected. It is a lovely feeling...

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Oh the lies spill out like crap from a prolapse backside with you EverLyin' or Francis , or another poseur shill in some team of dog-dicked arseholes....

Yet , it is so funny to see - that I have to encourage you with this sub-routine of fantasy you are lost in (more like another cul-de-sac of indulgence and denial!)

You claim in hysteria and pure mania; ''They never acknowledge any logical/rational point you make,''

- and that is simply a provable lie. It was YOU who evaded all technological queries..... Thinks Venus is habitable,.... yet knows nothing of the atmpspheric temperatures of Earth....knows nothing of PLASMA or Toroidal dynamics,.....laughed at the Rosicrucian theory of creation (unaware that is what it was) as utter rubbish,...

and claims to have esoteric knowledge and wisdom, yet has never heard of ARGOTH, nor the Green Language- the language of diplomats... and claims the 22 card of Tarot is the FOOL, missing the entire mechanics and focus of COLEL in Gematria! What a clown πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚

Keep going tho- lets see how much time and space you can feast on here with your inane junk......πŸ™„πŸ˜‚


as you are.

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Hey Sis, do you know 'you are me, and I am you, and we are everyone including everlyn/karen and Iain - it is ALL ONE and we are all each other in everlyns fractured mind!

She thinks you are a MKULTRA controller because you know some jargon (probably derived from Apocalypse Culture ed by adam parfrey, Fritz Springmisers work, CIA declassified files (2Gs worth available on line) Ikes mates Stewart Swerdlow and Cathy O’Brien.... she missed you also mentioned the MKUltra magazine Phillipa (?) wrote for.

No, wait a minute she thinks you are a MKU victim like she is instead.

while she is clearly damaged and deluded, and you are the opposite !

iain even liked her comment!

What a sight for sore eyes.


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May 20Edited

They are actually called CYBORGS in MKUltra programming sometimes .

EverLyin' calls herself an ALPHA (regualr control programme) but her Alter Karen is a BETA (the Kittens/sex slave persona) and then there is GUY, possible the 'strawman' or 'strongman' ?

She has not been properly 'cleared' and still has the STRONGMAN personas built up within her , that is why she appears so incredibly FLAKEY .

To show what desperate & devious shits this lot are in a later comment on Iains OCCULT essay EverLyin' & ProLie discuss where you got the MKULTRA knowledge from, ignore what you wrote here and make up all sort of shit instead.

The fact that Davis is siding with a pair of shill/plants here after all the help you've given him really does show beyond any doubt whatsoever what a two faced poseur he is.

Beneath the veneer is a bitter , envious masochist gagging to have a go at being a petty sadist ?

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I was jokingly suggesting that perhaps I'm a narcissist. I hope I'm not, but maybe we can't consider ourselves the best judge in these matters.

Thanks again and I look forward to reading your further contributions.

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You are 'just a narcissist who craves any kind of attention, no matter how demented or puerile.'

You are also a masochist that is yearning to be the petty sadist.


Keep going, you will probably break your back trying to feltch yourself to sleep .



''Thanatos guides , while Kali rides''

...as the great saying goes.

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