the crucial question about this is 'have they finally developed the tech to disperse the soot to end the nuclear winter and also repair the ozone layer following a mass nuclear event?'
If yes, then this is their perfect, final way of solving the 'depopulation problem' - 99% of people would die within a year.
the crucial question about this is 'have they finally developed the tech to disperse the soot to end the nuclear winter and also repair the ozone layer following a mass nuclear event?'
If yes, then this is their perfect, final way of solving the 'depopulation problem' - 99% of people would die within a year.
But also, if yes, then countries who have also developed this technology can simply call their bluff...
Have you dived into the abyss for the reasons they want to wipe out all life?
I could share a short summary what I found, they are driven by kind of Gnostic Demiurge evil creation thought, which really originates with Plato. They regard life a pollution of the pure void. They want to clean the impure.
This summary doesn't really cut it, it would take much longer explanation, but that's their general drive. They have a very warped misunderstanding of ancient metaphysics and what we call physical reality.
I don't want to go into field theory, and what light really is here.
It is almost impossible to explain all this in a single comment or even blog post. It would take an entire series.
The main problem is, people are stuck in Atomism, quantum nonsense, particle cult.
It takes quite a while to explain what eg magnetism is, what the dielectric field is, of which magnetism is a modality.
We had to define "space", "force", "wave", "time" which all are undefined in modern physics and taken as things of their own. Eg time is just a measurement, it is not a thing. Similarly, space has no properties, but you can measure eg a distance, an attribute of space, but space is also not a thing.
A wave is not a thing, but what something does, and on and on it would go to lay the foundation for people to conceptually and logically able to follow.
People first need the intellectual tools, and that's the difficult part, due to indoctrination in school and uni, media and 'mistakes' everywhere around.
How these small hat people, who try to wipe out life, arrive at their insane view is directly related to the above.
Yes, Eric Dollard & Thomas E. Bearden's work has become quite an influence via Ken Wheeler (Theososophis or whatever) in recent years.
Rudolf Steiner and his like also had intriguing ideas that explore what the four main formative Ethers are -the source of these scalar processes you touch on.
Many folk comprehend it very deeply, and that technology has been used for quite a while , tho the public are mostly blissfully ignorant of such facts... such as Kirlean sensors being used at airports in the 1960's. It's esoteric don't cha know?! 🙄😉
You would be an idiot to image TIME is not a 'thing' tho (despite all the propaganda & linguistic trickery telling you it is) .. Time is SATURN & Saturn is the ARENA , it is the SOWER & REAPER, the great adversary SATAN. Forget the alleged/symbolic baby eating depravities, Satanists are typically initiates who recognise the importance, generative/resurrectional forces, & necessity of TIME/ SATAN . Without which none of us would be here , nor would anything else.
Everyone who has studied esoteric matters is well aware of this fact (unless some raving bigot or crippled by utterly corrupted theology). That Ken & Co don't make it more explicit shows they are playing games with their audience & being disingenuous.
''“Consciousness is time, specifically time delay.” ~ Tom Bearden ''
Sounds rather Jesuitical to me. Or some kind of ancient mystical secret (Chaldean) knowledge. I don't trust any of it when Scripture calls it foolishness (1 Cor 1:20-21 kjv).
I've read what you wrote and there is nothing I disagree with there. I have for a while thought that their endgame is an extinction level event, which they will 'end' after about a year (i.e. end the nuclear winter after 95-99% of the population are dead, then remerge from their superbunkers and take control). They have the tech to do this now. This is going to happen as soon as they are ready - there will be no warning. So yeah, all this misdirection about 'conspiracy theories' and 'oh there's going to be a NWO with CBDCs and yadda yadda yadda' is exactly what they want. They love watching people arguing the toss about all this.
When the fact is, the plan is so beautifully, and malevolently simple.
really - I think you are mistaken to assume they developed Nuclear capabilities - so far there is not convincing proof, and in fact the claimed Nuclear detonations ALL transpire to be primarily Theatre, special effects/models, or old fashioned carpet bombing. Just like travel beyond 55 miles from the Earths surface- there is no actual valid footage, yet a MASSIVE money making game is the result.
However, this doesn't preclude the possibility that a nuclear weapon is scientifically possible, even if one hasn't been used. Yes, there is a certain degree of bluff, or at least semi-bluff in all this, but the psychology is certainly there.
Or indeed, if not nuclear weapons, some other kind of extinction level event weapon.
That's the point I was making - psychologically evil psychopaths would have to come up with a kind of blackmail weapon of last resort. Whether the higher powers would ever allow them to use such a weapon, however, is another matter entirely...
The real war is not to make us extinct (they need slaves, whores, and entertainers ie Sport & War), it is to sublimate our spirits , corrupt our souls & harden our hearts. It is to destroy our imaginations & cripple our consciousness. It is designed to turn everyman into an Island of aberrant psychopathologies- severing & diminishing communities, families & even individuals into schizophrenic appendages of control systems.
We are what we 'EAT' (Consume) physically & Mentally, & if we consume shite we become shite. We live in an environment that is predominantly toxic . As ElectroMagnetic beings all that is needed is detrimental impingements (ie dirty electricity, excessive positive Ions , HF/RF manipulations via 'telecommunications' etc) , long exposure to high EMF etc.
The psychopathology of power is not a simple psychopathic disposition, it is institutionalised & part of the entire etiquette/ritual/Processes of the ancient 'influential families'- The ruling elites are more enslaved and brainwashed than the general public - and this is the Key to many mysteries. Of course they have more leeway & opportunities in their enslavement.
Devious people have used bogeymen/masks, smoke & mirrors et al for eons, PRETENDING to be forces of non-human or supernatural origin. Sadly, it seems that in many ways the real architects & navigators of this realm are effectively non-human... (& I'm not implying they are 'aliens' from outer space... more probably some form of psychic parasite from inner space).
While gobshite arse wankers like you Gary (''I’m not a mensch'') ponce about being a disingenuous little muleworm (😂cheers RAM) lost in virtue signalling & hyping the fear quota for oppressive scum .
Go on Gary, show us all what a busy little bigot you can be.
Amazingly you appear to be another Frances Leader clone; she's multiplying at an alarming rate these days.
Gary give it up- you gave away your clown credentials here, we know what you are. Shallow waters full of piss & grislily turds.... a busy little bigot clone of Fransesco Follower...🙄😂🤣😂
Ram has read Pikes book, and so have I (mostly!) . Neither of us found anything as vile in it as you and your attitude & actions here.You have never read it fully or 'properly' , yet have the arrogance to pass judgment on it. You admit you don't have the first clue as to what in is really about or how to interpret it.
So, why do you hate Albert Pike so much Gary ?
Do you not think any intelligent person may learn a great deal from Pikes book?
Do you not recognize that it contains many useful secrets of history mentioned in a 'candid' manner?
Why do you imagine you can call intelligent people like Ramona an idiot and not be perceived as a mental cripple, propelled by envy?
Do you not realize that people such as Pike (& ALL High Ranking Forces Personnel) HAD TO BE among some Masonic Order?
Oh. The lies of the devil (who can appear as an angel of light) and the lies of the Illuminati and the lies of the Masons and Freemasons are hardly ever perceived as “vile”. More often than not, they are perceived as enlightening and learned. Poor pitiful fools.
As for me “hating” Albert Pike more than I hate other members of satanic and luciferian cults and secret societies, I hate their lies.
If you are a true believer that I’m “envious” of a person like Ram (or Ramona), you are one of the most self-deceived commenters I’ve had the pleasure to exchange words with. I don’t give a shit about any of the crap Ram (or Ramona) claims to have learned. Any. Of. It.
Additionally, I don’t give a shit about ANYTHING (so-called) “high ranking forces personnel” have to say, especially those who felt compelled to join a Masonic order in order to advance their careers. May they rot, the bloody fools.
the crucial question about this is 'have they finally developed the tech to disperse the soot to end the nuclear winter and also repair the ozone layer following a mass nuclear event?'
If yes, then this is their perfect, final way of solving the 'depopulation problem' - 99% of people would die within a year.
But also, if yes, then countries who have also developed this technology can simply call their bluff...
Now that's patriotism...
The object of the exercise is to annihilate all of nature - not just humanity.
Then, when the final microbe has been fried away, they will replace nature with their own design. Please read my article.
Have you dived into the abyss for the reasons they want to wipe out all life?
I could share a short summary what I found, they are driven by kind of Gnostic Demiurge evil creation thought, which really originates with Plato. They regard life a pollution of the pure void. They want to clean the impure.
This summary doesn't really cut it, it would take much longer explanation, but that's their general drive. They have a very warped misunderstanding of ancient metaphysics and what we call physical reality.
I don't want to go into field theory, and what light really is here.
Sounds immensely nasty to me! Why didn't you just share the short summary? It isn't as if we would bite your head off!
It is almost impossible to explain all this in a single comment or even blog post. It would take an entire series.
The main problem is, people are stuck in Atomism, quantum nonsense, particle cult.
It takes quite a while to explain what eg magnetism is, what the dielectric field is, of which magnetism is a modality.
We had to define "space", "force", "wave", "time" which all are undefined in modern physics and taken as things of their own. Eg time is just a measurement, it is not a thing. Similarly, space has no properties, but you can measure eg a distance, an attribute of space, but space is also not a thing.
A wave is not a thing, but what something does, and on and on it would go to lay the foundation for people to conceptually and logically able to follow.
People first need the intellectual tools, and that's the difficult part, due to indoctrination in school and uni, media and 'mistakes' everywhere around.
How these small hat people, who try to wipe out life, arrive at their insane view is directly related to the above.
Yes, Eric Dollard & Thomas E. Bearden's work has become quite an influence via Ken Wheeler (Theososophis or whatever) in recent years.
Rudolf Steiner and his like also had intriguing ideas that explore what the four main formative Ethers are -the source of these scalar processes you touch on.
Many folk comprehend it very deeply, and that technology has been used for quite a while , tho the public are mostly blissfully ignorant of such facts... such as Kirlean sensors being used at airports in the 1960's. It's esoteric don't cha know?! 🙄😉
You would be an idiot to image TIME is not a 'thing' tho (despite all the propaganda & linguistic trickery telling you it is) .. Time is SATURN & Saturn is the ARENA , it is the SOWER & REAPER, the great adversary SATAN. Forget the alleged/symbolic baby eating depravities, Satanists are typically initiates who recognise the importance, generative/resurrectional forces, & necessity of TIME/ SATAN . Without which none of us would be here , nor would anything else.
Everyone who has studied esoteric matters is well aware of this fact (unless some raving bigot or crippled by utterly corrupted theology). That Ken & Co don't make it more explicit shows they are playing games with their audience & being disingenuous.
''“Consciousness is time, specifically time delay.” ~ Tom Bearden ''
Sounds rather Jesuitical to me. Or some kind of ancient mystical secret (Chaldean) knowledge. I don't trust any of it when Scripture calls it foolishness (1 Cor 1:20-21 kjv).
well if you trust scripture you are already a lost soul, so it doesn't matter at all.
I've read what you wrote and there is nothing I disagree with there. I have for a while thought that their endgame is an extinction level event, which they will 'end' after about a year (i.e. end the nuclear winter after 95-99% of the population are dead, then remerge from their superbunkers and take control). They have the tech to do this now. This is going to happen as soon as they are ready - there will be no warning. So yeah, all this misdirection about 'conspiracy theories' and 'oh there's going to be a NWO with CBDCs and yadda yadda yadda' is exactly what they want. They love watching people arguing the toss about all this.
When the fact is, the plan is so beautifully, and malevolently simple.
really - I think you are mistaken to assume they developed Nuclear capabilities - so far there is not convincing proof, and in fact the claimed Nuclear detonations ALL transpire to be primarily Theatre, special effects/models, or old fashioned carpet bombing. Just like travel beyond 55 miles from the Earths surface- there is no actual valid footage, yet a MASSIVE money making game is the result.
I hear what you're saying, sure. I would agree that the early nuclear tests were most likely faked. Miles Mathis is quite convincing on that:
However, this doesn't preclude the possibility that a nuclear weapon is scientifically possible, even if one hasn't been used. Yes, there is a certain degree of bluff, or at least semi-bluff in all this, but the psychology is certainly there.
Or indeed, if not nuclear weapons, some other kind of extinction level event weapon.
That's the point I was making - psychologically evil psychopaths would have to come up with a kind of blackmail weapon of last resort. Whether the higher powers would ever allow them to use such a weapon, however, is another matter entirely...
nothing so melodramatic is needed though.
The real war is not to make us extinct (they need slaves, whores, and entertainers ie Sport & War), it is to sublimate our spirits , corrupt our souls & harden our hearts. It is to destroy our imaginations & cripple our consciousness. It is designed to turn everyman into an Island of aberrant psychopathologies- severing & diminishing communities, families & even individuals into schizophrenic appendages of control systems.
We are what we 'EAT' (Consume) physically & Mentally, & if we consume shite we become shite. We live in an environment that is predominantly toxic . As ElectroMagnetic beings all that is needed is detrimental impingements (ie dirty electricity, excessive positive Ions , HF/RF manipulations via 'telecommunications' etc) , long exposure to high EMF etc.
The psychopathology of power is not a simple psychopathic disposition, it is institutionalised & part of the entire etiquette/ritual/Processes of the ancient 'influential families'- The ruling elites are more enslaved and brainwashed than the general public - and this is the Key to many mysteries. Of course they have more leeway & opportunities in their enslavement.
Devious people have used bogeymen/masks, smoke & mirrors et al for eons, PRETENDING to be forces of non-human or supernatural origin. Sadly, it seems that in many ways the real architects & navigators of this realm are effectively non-human... (& I'm not implying they are 'aliens' from outer space... more probably some form of psychic parasite from inner space).
Wow. The psychos really desire to murder the biosphere. That’s intense!
While gobshite arse wankers like you Gary (''I’m not a mensch'') ponce about being a disingenuous little muleworm (😂cheers RAM) lost in virtue signalling & hyping the fear quota for oppressive scum .
Go on Gary, show us all what a busy little bigot you can be.
Amazingly you appear to be another Frances Leader clone; she's multiplying at an alarming rate these days.
💩4 🧠’s & a 🤪🤡 is Dub SurgeOn
Gary give it up- you gave away your clown credentials here, we know what you are. Shallow waters full of piss & grislily turds.... a busy little bigot clone of Fransesco Follower...🙄😂🤣😂
Are you and Dub SurgeOn clones?
Again, you are an idiot for promoting Albert Pike’s book. Has Frances Leader called you out as an “idiot”??
Ram has read Pikes book, and so have I (mostly!) . Neither of us found anything as vile in it as you and your attitude & actions here.You have never read it fully or 'properly' , yet have the arrogance to pass judgment on it. You admit you don't have the first clue as to what in is really about or how to interpret it.
So, why do you hate Albert Pike so much Gary ?
Do you not think any intelligent person may learn a great deal from Pikes book?
Do you not recognize that it contains many useful secrets of history mentioned in a 'candid' manner?
Why do you imagine you can call intelligent people like Ramona an idiot and not be perceived as a mental cripple, propelled by envy?
Do you not realize that people such as Pike (& ALL High Ranking Forces Personnel) HAD TO BE among some Masonic Order?
Oh. The lies of the devil (who can appear as an angel of light) and the lies of the Illuminati and the lies of the Masons and Freemasons are hardly ever perceived as “vile”. More often than not, they are perceived as enlightening and learned. Poor pitiful fools.
As for me “hating” Albert Pike more than I hate other members of satanic and luciferian cults and secret societies, I hate their lies.
If you are a true believer that I’m “envious” of a person like Ram (or Ramona), you are one of the most self-deceived commenters I’ve had the pleasure to exchange words with. I don’t give a shit about any of the crap Ram (or Ramona) claims to have learned. Any. Of. It.
Additionally, I don’t give a shit about ANYTHING (so-called) “high ranking forces personnel” have to say, especially those who felt compelled to join a Masonic order in order to advance their careers. May they rot, the bloody fools.
that was too deranged & dull to read Francis,
tROT ON, as you do.
What a 💩🧠🤡 you are, Dub SurgeOn, for thinking I’m Francis. You and Ram/Ramona are meant for each other.