I've read what you wrote and there is nothing I disagree with there. I have for a while thought that their endgame is an extinction level event, which they will 'end' after about a year (i.e. end the nuclear winter after 95-99% of the population are dead, then remerge from their superbunkers and take control). They have the tech to do th…
I've read what you wrote and there is nothing I disagree with there. I have for a while thought that their endgame is an extinction level event, which they will 'end' after about a year (i.e. end the nuclear winter after 95-99% of the population are dead, then remerge from their superbunkers and take control). They have the tech to do this now. This is going to happen as soon as they are ready - there will be no warning. So yeah, all this misdirection about 'conspiracy theories' and 'oh there's going to be a NWO with CBDCs and yadda yadda yadda' is exactly what they want. They love watching people arguing the toss about all this.
When the fact is, the plan is so beautifully, and malevolently simple.
really - I think you are mistaken to assume they developed Nuclear capabilities - so far there is not convincing proof, and in fact the claimed Nuclear detonations ALL transpire to be primarily Theatre, special effects/models, or old fashioned carpet bombing. Just like travel beyond 55 miles from the Earths surface- there is no actual valid footage, yet a MASSIVE money making game is the result.
However, this doesn't preclude the possibility that a nuclear weapon is scientifically possible, even if one hasn't been used. Yes, there is a certain degree of bluff, or at least semi-bluff in all this, but the psychology is certainly there.
Or indeed, if not nuclear weapons, some other kind of extinction level event weapon.
That's the point I was making - psychologically evil psychopaths would have to come up with a kind of blackmail weapon of last resort. Whether the higher powers would ever allow them to use such a weapon, however, is another matter entirely...
The real war is not to make us extinct (they need slaves, whores, and entertainers ie Sport & War), it is to sublimate our spirits , corrupt our souls & harden our hearts. It is to destroy our imaginations & cripple our consciousness. It is designed to turn everyman into an Island of aberrant psychopathologies- severing & diminishing communities, families & even individuals into schizophrenic appendages of control systems.
We are what we 'EAT' (Consume) physically & Mentally, & if we consume shite we become shite. We live in an environment that is predominantly toxic . As ElectroMagnetic beings all that is needed is detrimental impingements (ie dirty electricity, excessive positive Ions , HF/RF manipulations via 'telecommunications' etc) , long exposure to high EMF etc.
The psychopathology of power is not a simple psychopathic disposition, it is institutionalised & part of the entire etiquette/ritual/Processes of the ancient 'influential families'- The ruling elites are more enslaved and brainwashed than the general public - and this is the Key to many mysteries. Of course they have more leeway & opportunities in their enslavement.
Devious people have used bogeymen/masks, smoke & mirrors et al for eons, PRETENDING to be forces of non-human or supernatural origin. Sadly, it seems that in many ways the real architects & navigators of this realm are effectively non-human... (& I'm not implying they are 'aliens' from outer space... more probably some form of psychic parasite from inner space).
I've read what you wrote and there is nothing I disagree with there. I have for a while thought that their endgame is an extinction level event, which they will 'end' after about a year (i.e. end the nuclear winter after 95-99% of the population are dead, then remerge from their superbunkers and take control). They have the tech to do this now. This is going to happen as soon as they are ready - there will be no warning. So yeah, all this misdirection about 'conspiracy theories' and 'oh there's going to be a NWO with CBDCs and yadda yadda yadda' is exactly what they want. They love watching people arguing the toss about all this.
When the fact is, the plan is so beautifully, and malevolently simple.
really - I think you are mistaken to assume they developed Nuclear capabilities - so far there is not convincing proof, and in fact the claimed Nuclear detonations ALL transpire to be primarily Theatre, special effects/models, or old fashioned carpet bombing. Just like travel beyond 55 miles from the Earths surface- there is no actual valid footage, yet a MASSIVE money making game is the result.
I hear what you're saying, sure. I would agree that the early nuclear tests were most likely faked. Miles Mathis is quite convincing on that:
However, this doesn't preclude the possibility that a nuclear weapon is scientifically possible, even if one hasn't been used. Yes, there is a certain degree of bluff, or at least semi-bluff in all this, but the psychology is certainly there.
Or indeed, if not nuclear weapons, some other kind of extinction level event weapon.
That's the point I was making - psychologically evil psychopaths would have to come up with a kind of blackmail weapon of last resort. Whether the higher powers would ever allow them to use such a weapon, however, is another matter entirely...
nothing so melodramatic is needed though.
The real war is not to make us extinct (they need slaves, whores, and entertainers ie Sport & War), it is to sublimate our spirits , corrupt our souls & harden our hearts. It is to destroy our imaginations & cripple our consciousness. It is designed to turn everyman into an Island of aberrant psychopathologies- severing & diminishing communities, families & even individuals into schizophrenic appendages of control systems.
We are what we 'EAT' (Consume) physically & Mentally, & if we consume shite we become shite. We live in an environment that is predominantly toxic . As ElectroMagnetic beings all that is needed is detrimental impingements (ie dirty electricity, excessive positive Ions , HF/RF manipulations via 'telecommunications' etc) , long exposure to high EMF etc.
The psychopathology of power is not a simple psychopathic disposition, it is institutionalised & part of the entire etiquette/ritual/Processes of the ancient 'influential families'- The ruling elites are more enslaved and brainwashed than the general public - and this is the Key to many mysteries. Of course they have more leeway & opportunities in their enslavement.
Devious people have used bogeymen/masks, smoke & mirrors et al for eons, PRETENDING to be forces of non-human or supernatural origin. Sadly, it seems that in many ways the real architects & navigators of this realm are effectively non-human... (& I'm not implying they are 'aliens' from outer space... more probably some form of psychic parasite from inner space).