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While gobshite arse wankers like you Gary (''I’m not a mensch'') ponce about being a disingenuous little muleworm (😂cheers RAM) lost in virtue signalling & hyping the fear quota for oppressive scum .

Go on Gary, show us all what a busy little bigot you can be.

Amazingly you appear to be another Frances Leader clone; she's multiplying at an alarming rate these days.

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💩4 🧠’s & a 🤪🤡 is Dub SurgeOn

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Gary give it up- you gave away your clown credentials here, we know what you are. Shallow waters full of piss & grislily turds.... a busy little bigot clone of Fransesco Follower...🙄😂🤣😂

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Are you and Dub SurgeOn clones?

Again, you are an idiot for promoting Albert Pike’s book. Has Frances Leader called you out as an “idiot”??

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Ram has read Pikes book, and so have I (mostly!) . Neither of us found anything as vile in it as you and your attitude & actions here.You have never read it fully or 'properly' , yet have the arrogance to pass judgment on it. You admit you don't have the first clue as to what in is really about or how to interpret it.

So, why do you hate Albert Pike so much Gary ?

Do you not think any intelligent person may learn a great deal from Pikes book?

Do you not recognize that it contains many useful secrets of history mentioned in a 'candid' manner?

Why do you imagine you can call intelligent people like Ramona an idiot and not be perceived as a mental cripple, propelled by envy?

Do you not realize that people such as Pike (& ALL High Ranking Forces Personnel) HAD TO BE among some Masonic Order?

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Oh. The lies of the devil (who can appear as an angel of light) and the lies of the Illuminati and the lies of the Masons and Freemasons are hardly ever perceived as “vile”. More often than not, they are perceived as enlightening and learned. Poor pitiful fools.

As for me “hating” Albert Pike more than I hate other members of satanic and luciferian cults and secret societies, I hate their lies.

If you are a true believer that I’m “envious” of a person like Ram (or Ramona), you are one of the most self-deceived commenters I’ve had the pleasure to exchange words with. I don’t give a shit about any of the crap Ram (or Ramona) claims to have learned. Any. Of. It.


Additionally, I don’t give a shit about ANYTHING (so-called) “high ranking forces personnel” have to say, especially those who felt compelled to join a Masonic order in order to advance their careers. May they rot, the bloody fools.

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that was too deranged & dull to read Francis,

tROT ON, as you do.

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What a 💩🧠🤡 you are, Dub SurgeOn, for thinking I’m Francis. You and Ram/Ramona are meant for each other.

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Yes we are made for each other and have been close friends & neighbors for many years now. I can also almost perfectly mimic her writing style if I try hard enough & have a thesaurus at hand.

You are.the shite clown here though Francis Garynoid , as is rather overt for any intelligent person to see, just look at you now , trying to get little digs in and looking like some brain damaged, arse leaking useless tool.

You have no respect for esoteric concerns, the perennial wisdom, nor magic, and fail to recognize the correspondence between SPELLING & SPELLS never mind the greater convolutions of CULTS & CULTURE, or Curses & Cursing, and that is why you will be soon have prolapses & embolisms over this encounter.


Thanatos guides, while Kali rides.

So, keep tROTTING ON , it's a habit you can't resist.

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Thankfully, I know — because it’s as plain and clear and simple as the nose on one’s face — that I (Gary) am a completely different person from Frances Leader.

Thanks for the pretend insults. It’s a fun and funny game.

“ You have no respect for esoteric concerns, the perennial wisdom, nor magic, and fail to recognize the correspondence between SPELLING & SPELLS never mind the greater convolutions of CULTS & CULTURE, or Curses & Cursing, and that is why you will be soon have prolapses & embolisms over this encounter.” 😀 😁 😃 Yay! 🙌 🥳 👏 Yippee! 🥰 😍 😻 I love it! Bring on the spells and the curses and the prolapses and the embolisms, all as the result of magic and the wisdom from below and what you call “esoteric”. I can hardly wait. I’m so excited! 😆 This is my purpose in life, to be the recipient of the words of Ram, Ramona, Dub SurgeOn, and Serge. Bring it on!!

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Anarchy is about taking personal responsibility for yourself.

You gave your responsibilities away, and Serge found the arrogant incitement to self sacrifice you penned , and he has shared it here already. You've been outed again.

The game is over. You lost. No-one cares what you write or think...or do.

Goodbye Gary/Francis... you were always just shite & sadly will never be anything more- a compost with no generative capabilities, just rotting maggots & wingless flies.

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