Hi Charlotte. I remember you posting using Disqus and also posting on OffGuardian. It’s good to “see” you on Substack.
I noticed that you too had a short run in with the commenter “Ram”. I realize that it’s simply online drama, but sometimes posting about such things is a distraction from very serious geopolitics. (I used to post using th…
Hi Charlotte. I remember you posting using Disqus and also posting on OffGuardian. It’s good to “see” you on Substack.
I noticed that you too had a short run in with the commenter “Ram”. I realize that it’s simply online drama, but sometimes posting about such things is a distraction from very serious geopolitics. (I used to post using the screen name “Mensch59”. I wasn’t to be taken seriously back then, nor now.) Cheers! 😊
Okay. That’s where I remember you from too. The commenter “Elizabeth Hayes” and you got (unjustly) banned from Truthdig, when we were commenting there using Disqus. Did you post on the Common Dreams comment section too?
Yeah. I agree with you that there ought to be more mensches. There seems to be a dearth of integrity and virtue these days. Heck, if I’m accused of virtue signaling, I might reply “I don’t have any spare virtue to signal with”. 😊
Oh yeah! A major disappointment. Like so, so many on the (so-called) “left” who are deeply closeted (?) statists. When I consider various labels, I’m more anarchistic than anything.
“Every crisis reveals contradictory ideologies.” Ain’t that the truth! Many of us are dealing and coping with major internal struggles and contradictions and opposition. I sure struggle with (and against) resignation and despair.
Ha! When it comes to the fascist technocrats engineering social responses — and I think that they have their opposition pretty much figured out using game theory and psychological war games — my only response is to think cynically. “Scratch a cynic and underneath you will find a disappointed idealist.” If we cultivate the awareness of the triggering of internal strife (and I’m more in need of this life lesson probably than yourself), then we can realize that this is exactly what the enemy wants, in order to keep us feeling powerless. Powerful people organize. The enemy is extremely well organized, or so it seems to me. Impotent people feel isolated and withdrawn. Withdrawn people usually descend into despair and resignation.
Frankly, I don’t know how a resistance to the techno-fascists will materialize. It sure seems necessary to me. To not organize seems suicidal.
(Gary digs his own hole and lets himself go-This is what he wrote just after chatting with you here.)
''What’s on my mind? An organized resistance movement......I think that there needs to be a rebellion.''
'' The masses love their chains. They love the whip of the overseer. They love to be led, coerced, dominated. They love — as a collective — to submit & to consent to their rulers. They are compliant and obedient. (And by “the mass[es]”... I mean “the public”,
(Gary clearly is full of stereotypes,cliched prejudice and self importance/elitism. /Gary hates the public as slave-minded masochists, and thinks he is different and somehow superior. Does he imagine they will turn to him to rule them?)
''The only resistance movement I have any expectation of, in terms of an organized rebellion, is an assembly of individuals who completely and adamantly object to the mindset of the mass AND who are willing to fight against the State to the death. Then maybe, just maybe, a benign form of government might manifest. But one where “the consent of the governed” is recognized as a gigantic lie.''
(He wants people who OBJECT TO THE MASS. ie he is AGAINST NORMAL PEOPLE and their inclinations. Gary imagines that governments JUST MANIFEST , he really is dangerously mentally ill.)
Is Gary serious ; '' fight against the State to the death''
Ironically Gary is close to a ' deathly state' himself.
Gary is fkn POISON everyone. Engage at your own risk !
Hi Charlotte. I remember you posting using Disqus and also posting on OffGuardian. It’s good to “see” you on Substack.
I noticed that you too had a short run in with the commenter “Ram”. I realize that it’s simply online drama, but sometimes posting about such things is a distraction from very serious geopolitics. (I used to post using the screen name “Mensch59”. I wasn’t to be taken seriously back then, nor now.) Cheers! 😊
I got booted off Truthdig just before it collapsed.😁
PS More people should be a "mensh."
Okay. That’s where I remember you from too. The commenter “Elizabeth Hayes” and you got (unjustly) banned from Truthdig, when we were commenting there using Disqus. Did you post on the Common Dreams comment section too?
Yeah. I agree with you that there ought to be more mensches. There seems to be a dearth of integrity and virtue these days. Heck, if I’m accused of virtue signaling, I might reply “I don’t have any spare virtue to signal with”. 😊
Thanks for the reply. It’s fun “seeing” you.
PS — for old times sake. My favorite Chris Hedges article on Truthdig. https://www.truthdig.com/articles/saying-goodbye-to-sam/ One of the best articles on friendship I’ve read.
To tell you the "truth" Hedges did disappointi me during COVID. He simply went along with the official security state narrative, go figure.
Oh yeah! A major disappointment. Like so, so many on the (so-called) “left” who are deeply closeted (?) statists. When I consider various labels, I’m more anarchistic than anything.
I call them Chomsky gatekeepers. 😁
If you made that into a meme, I’d steal it. 🎯
The gates to hell, or is that being a bit too judgemental?
Btw, it was also awful to discover that many in the Medical Freedom Movement are Zionists.
Every crisis reveals contradictory ideologies.
“Every crisis reveals contradictory ideologies.” Ain’t that the truth! Many of us are dealing and coping with major internal struggles and contradictions and opposition. I sure struggle with (and against) resignation and despair.
If you think about it cynically, it might be a deliberate way for the techno/fascists to segment populations triggering internal strife.
Ha! When it comes to the fascist technocrats engineering social responses — and I think that they have their opposition pretty much figured out using game theory and psychological war games — my only response is to think cynically. “Scratch a cynic and underneath you will find a disappointed idealist.” If we cultivate the awareness of the triggering of internal strife (and I’m more in need of this life lesson probably than yourself), then we can realize that this is exactly what the enemy wants, in order to keep us feeling powerless. Powerful people organize. The enemy is extremely well organized, or so it seems to me. Impotent people feel isolated and withdrawn. Withdrawn people usually descend into despair and resignation.
Frankly, I don’t know how a resistance to the techno-fascists will materialize. It sure seems necessary to me. To not organize seems suicidal.
Gary is busy doing what you advised -
(Gary digs his own hole and lets himself go-This is what he wrote just after chatting with you here.)
''What’s on my mind? An organized resistance movement......I think that there needs to be a rebellion.''
'' The masses love their chains. They love the whip of the overseer. They love to be led, coerced, dominated. They love — as a collective — to submit & to consent to their rulers. They are compliant and obedient. (And by “the mass[es]”... I mean “the public”,
(Gary clearly is full of stereotypes,cliched prejudice and self importance/elitism. /Gary hates the public as slave-minded masochists, and thinks he is different and somehow superior. Does he imagine they will turn to him to rule them?)
''The only resistance movement I have any expectation of, in terms of an organized rebellion, is an assembly of individuals who completely and adamantly object to the mindset of the mass AND who are willing to fight against the State to the death. Then maybe, just maybe, a benign form of government might manifest. But one where “the consent of the governed” is recognized as a gigantic lie.''
(He wants people who OBJECT TO THE MASS. ie he is AGAINST NORMAL PEOPLE and their inclinations. Gary imagines that governments JUST MANIFEST , he really is dangerously mentally ill.)
Is Gary serious ; '' fight against the State to the death''
Ironically Gary is close to a ' deathly state' himself.
Gary is fkn POISON everyone. Engage at your own risk !