Ha! When it comes to the fascist technocrats engineering social responses — and I think that they have their opposition pretty much figured out using game theory and psychological war games — my only response is to think cynically. “Scratch a cynic and underneath you will find a disappointed idealist.” If we cultivate the awareness of the triggering of internal strife (and I’m more in need of this life lesson probably than yourself), then we can realize that this is exactly what the enemy wants, in order to keep us feeling powerless. Powerful people organize. The enemy is extremely well organized, or so it seems to me. Impotent people feel isolated and withdrawn. Withdrawn people usually descend into despair and resignation.
Frankly, I don’t know how a resistance to the techno-fascists will materialize. It sure seems necessary to me. To not organize seems suicidal.
Exactly. They want the people who resist to feel alienated and depressed becoming either suicidal or drug addicted. The ghouls knew the lockdowns would result in tragedy for billions worldwide. And now the Gaza slaughter is creating intense internal social conflict.
Yep. And combine the Israeli state’s slaughter of the Gazans — with the Zionist-occupied American government’s aid, obviously — with the revelation that the CIA has been active in the Ukraine for ten years building military intelligence bases, the internal social conflict is only going to get more intense. And combine THAT with a huge influx of desperate economic refugees. (And who knows the motives of the migrants who are arriving for political and non-economic reasons?!) What happens if (when?) there’s another Great Recession and the government can’t pay welfare obligations combined with higher unemployment and inflation. Maybe America is just beginning to experience “intense internal social conflict.” And maybe, just maybe, this will be the catalyst for the commoners to organize.
Yuck! Regarding the “agendas that are pushing us all into a global, public-private panopticon”: Remember when the term “prison planet” was only used symbolically and figuratively instead of literally and physically? Privacy is already a thing of the past. Maybe freedom of movement is next on the agenda.
Francis Garynoid writes; 'I sure struggle with (and against) resignation and despair''...
No wonder ! When your as puerile & shallow as you appear here.
That is the ennui you are suffering due to your terminal hubris.
To claim you are an anarchist is about as desperate a lie as I've seen in these comments. Everything you write is tainted with reactionary , conformist agendas. The only way you could be serious is if you are some sort of Schizophrenic or mesmerised.
You might have missed the posts where I confess also to being a “fool”. What’s a fool? The Fool card in Tarot is numbered 0 or sometimes marked with a blank slate. It represents new beginnings, spontaneity, and the journey of life. The Fool is often depicted as a carefree individual about to step off a cliff, symbolizing a leap of faith or embarking on an adventure. The fool card symbolizes the embrace of new beginnings, the expansion of one's horizons, and the willingness to take risks guided by intuition. The fool represents new beginnings, having faith in the future, being inexperienced, not knowing what to expect, having beginner's luck, improvisation and believing in the universe.
I could have provided some mythology surrounding the Fool Archetype or provided the OED definition. If you reject various Tarot descriptions, that’s fine.
Because “anarchy” literally means “no rulers” and I would prefer a political system with no rulers and no leaders — in which everyone was self-governing — what types of “leaders” or “rulers” do you prefer, Ram? Someone like Albert Pike?
you really have no idea about basic psychology, sociology, history, vested interests, CROWDS & POWER or having intelligent debate do you MaggotClown,
We are actually living in an Anarchist system... it's where the biggest bullies run the 'games' and consumer/production dynamo. They use a gang called the security services that includes the police & military. The royal family, Rott-childs, Stanleys et al are basically the biggest GANG.
All the rules, regulations ,laws & inevitable technocracy are an IronMask & Moat to prevent any real confrontation.
It begins and ends with FAMILY .. Who makes the rules in the family, who has the POWER at the source? Not the winging babies full of self-centered entitlement like you MaggotBrain... you'd last five minutes in the system you imagine- you have 'victim' written all over your manner & mode..... yet what a turn up, that a snivelling masochist like you, who has never had an original thought of their own & FOLLOWS other idiots bigotry , doesn't seem to realise the majority of people actually want to be told what to do, & they want leaders.
It really does seem that all you are fit for is worm food....fodder for Thanatos.
Do you never feel any shame for being so pathetic & embarrassing ?😄
''What’s on my mind? An organized resistance movement......I think that there needs to be a rebellion.
( bizarre rhapsody over masochism!)
'' The masses love their chains. They love the whip of the overseer. They love to be led, coerced, dominated. They love — as a collective — to submit & to consent to their rulers. They are compliant and obedient. (And by “the mass[es]”... I mean “the public”,
(Gary clearly is full of stereotypes,cliched prejudice and self importance/elitism. /Gary hates the public as slave-minded masochists, and thinks he is different and somehow superior. Does he imagine they will turn to him to rule them?)
''The only resistance movement I have any expectation of, in terms of an organized rebellion, is an assembly of individuals who completely and adamantly object to the mindset of the mass AND who are willing to fight against the State to the death. Then maybe, just maybe, a benign form of government might manifest. But one where “the consent of the governed” is recognized as a gigantic lie.''
(He wants people who OBJECT TO THE MASS. ie he is AGAINST NORMAL PEOPLE and their inclinations. Gary imagines that governments JUST MANIFEST , he really is dangerously mentally ill.)
Is Gary serious ; '' fight against the State to the death''
Ironically Gary is close to a ' deathly state' himself.
Gary is fkn POISON everyone. Engage at your own risk !
What a snivelling, creep arsed shill and liability for decent debate.
Excellent find bro, how you had the endurance to wade through his rancid utterances is heroic! These maggotClowns are getting lazier, stupider & easier to spot. It must be some form of devolution .
Ooooh. I just love being called names like “ClownMaggot” by a Brit who claims to be intelligent. Yeah, “Thanatos is hungry ” for you members of the intelligentsia alright.
Thanks again for your replies. You’re both fun and funny, Ram (or Ramona).
It was fun to see that you searched my comments to find that I had written about my anarchist side and that I struggle with and AGAINST despair and resignation. Don’t read too much into it. You might come across as obsessive.
You've shown us all what a tenacious & deranged little bore you are Garynoid, Your troll like obsessive baiting is also overt. Both Ramona and I think you are a plant, you're a garish clown posing about, shouting all the predictable songs and going through the motions of the set dance steps.
Here you give yourself away as an idiot magnet (from a post by you 3 days ago) -
''What’s on my mind? An organized resistance movement. (So far, it’s not even in its infancy. Unless I’m missing something or blind or both.) I think that there needs to be a rebellion.
I’m not hoping for the masses to do anything. The masses love their chains. They love the whip of the overseer. They love to be led, coerced, dominated. They love — as a collective — to submit & to consent to their rulers. They are compliant and obedient. (And by “the mass[es]” I mean “the people”, as in the lying propaganda about “government of the people and by the people and for the people” and I mean “the public”, as in the lying propaganda that the form of government is [so-called] “republican”.)
The only resistance movement I have any expectation of, in terms of an organized rebellion, is an assembly of individuals who completely and adamantly object to the mindset of the mass AND who are willing to fight against the State to the death. Then maybe, just maybe, a benign form of government might manifest. But one where “the consent of the governed” is recognized as a gigantic lie.''
No, MaggotClown, you would be without company, just like now; because you are an insufferable poseur primed for shit stirring with recklessly stupid ideas and actions. How many have joined your lemming crusade for social rejects so far ?
Your Anarchist claims are hilarious. Especially when you followed them up with your dreams of a spontaneously benign GOVERNMENT manifesting after you murder all the state employees, and the MASS of everyday people ; the irony seemed as vacant as your compassion and reason tho!
Remember this is that words etymology/root-
The French word “governement”, means “control, direction, administration”. This term is derived from the verb “governer” which means “to steer, be at the helm of; govern, rule, command, direct”. The Latin equivalent of this verb is “gubernare”, which originally meant "to steer, to pilot" (https://www.etymonline.com/word/government)
And who runs the world?
The Navigators (Sea Kings) & Architects (Masons).
How coincidental that your muse & muppet master FRANCE(s) LEADER has a name with so much resonance with the etymological facts.
Also, you seemed indignant that we should insult you on Iains site,(yet you then wittered away yourself sprouting no content crap) but have no idea of his personality & inclinations. As far as I'm aware he is some kind of pacifist who doesn't consider violence a justifiable means for resolution.
It was no surprise to see you mention yourself and your 'intended profile' so often in your comments. It is really all about you isn't it? Your sense of privileged entitlement to over-ride the MASS and stage some 'suicide mission in the name of some (inevitably ineffectual) revolution' is totally in keeping with your masochistic desperation displayed here.
To then find that you are already dead, for over a month, was also strangely not that great a surprise. After all, you are obviously some time vampire /parasite whos brain has been masticated and mutilated by maggots. To find out you are a typing zombie, resurrected by FransecoFannyFace for controlled ops assignments on social media is almost what is expected these days.
tROT ON Maggot-breath, the circus is sinking into ancient sewers.
(Gary digs his own hole and lets himself go-This is what he wrote just after chatting with you here.)
''What’s on my mind? An organized resistance movement......I think that there needs to be a rebellion.''
'' The masses love their chains. They love the whip of the overseer. They love to be led, coerced, dominated. They love — as a collective — to submit & to consent to their rulers. They are compliant and obedient. (And by “the mass[es]”... I mean “the public”,
(Gary clearly is full of stereotypes,cliched prejudice and self importance/elitism. /Gary hates the public as slave-minded masochists, and thinks he is different and somehow superior. Does he imagine they will turn to him to rule them?)
''The only resistance movement I have any expectation of, in terms of an organized rebellion, is an assembly of individuals who completely and adamantly object to the mindset of the mass AND who are willing to fight against the State to the death. Then maybe, just maybe, a benign form of government might manifest. But one where “the consent of the governed” is recognized as a gigantic lie.''
(He wants people who OBJECT TO THE MASS. ie he is AGAINST NORMAL PEOPLE and their inclinations. Gary imagines that governments JUST MANIFEST , he really is dangerously mentally ill.)
Is Gary serious ; '' fight against the State to the death''
Ironically Gary is close to a ' deathly state' himself.
Gary is fkn POISON everyone. Engage at your own risk !
If you think about it cynically, it might be a deliberate way for the techno/fascists to segment populations triggering internal strife.
Ha! When it comes to the fascist technocrats engineering social responses — and I think that they have their opposition pretty much figured out using game theory and psychological war games — my only response is to think cynically. “Scratch a cynic and underneath you will find a disappointed idealist.” If we cultivate the awareness of the triggering of internal strife (and I’m more in need of this life lesson probably than yourself), then we can realize that this is exactly what the enemy wants, in order to keep us feeling powerless. Powerful people organize. The enemy is extremely well organized, or so it seems to me. Impotent people feel isolated and withdrawn. Withdrawn people usually descend into despair and resignation.
Frankly, I don’t know how a resistance to the techno-fascists will materialize. It sure seems necessary to me. To not organize seems suicidal.
Exactly. They want the people who resist to feel alienated and depressed becoming either suicidal or drug addicted. The ghouls knew the lockdowns would result in tragedy for billions worldwide. And now the Gaza slaughter is creating intense internal social conflict.
Yep. And combine the Israeli state’s slaughter of the Gazans — with the Zionist-occupied American government’s aid, obviously — with the revelation that the CIA has been active in the Ukraine for ten years building military intelligence bases, the internal social conflict is only going to get more intense. And combine THAT with a huge influx of desperate economic refugees. (And who knows the motives of the migrants who are arriving for political and non-economic reasons?!) What happens if (when?) there’s another Great Recession and the government can’t pay welfare obligations combined with higher unemployment and inflation. Maybe America is just beginning to experience “intense internal social conflict.” And maybe, just maybe, this will be the catalyst for the commoners to organize.
Whitney Webb has a good article about the motives surrounding the border crisis.
Yuck! Regarding the “agendas that are pushing us all into a global, public-private panopticon”: Remember when the term “prison planet” was only used symbolically and figuratively instead of literally and physically? Privacy is already a thing of the past. Maybe freedom of movement is next on the agenda.
Francis Garynoid writes; 'I sure struggle with (and against) resignation and despair''...
No wonder ! When your as puerile & shallow as you appear here.
That is the ennui you are suffering due to your terminal hubris.
To claim you are an anarchist is about as desperate a lie as I've seen in these comments. Everything you write is tainted with reactionary , conformist agendas. The only way you could be serious is if you are some sort of Schizophrenic or mesmerised.
tROT On ClownMaggot, Thanatos is hungry.
You might have missed the posts where I confess also to being a “fool”. What’s a fool? The Fool card in Tarot is numbered 0 or sometimes marked with a blank slate. It represents new beginnings, spontaneity, and the journey of life. The Fool is often depicted as a carefree individual about to step off a cliff, symbolizing a leap of faith or embarking on an adventure. The fool card symbolizes the embrace of new beginnings, the expansion of one's horizons, and the willingness to take risks guided by intuition. The fool represents new beginnings, having faith in the future, being inexperienced, not knowing what to expect, having beginner's luck, improvisation and believing in the universe.
You are an utterly hypocritical twat Gary.
1-Who designed the Tarot Cards you use? Is it the Waite Design or Crowleys or...?
2- Who devised the Tarot & what is it based on?
3-What is the connection between DOGS & DEATH MaggotClown?
4-Where is the FOOL walking towards?
4-What is the OMEGA & ALPHA?
5- What is GEMATRIA ?
6- What does the fool have in his sac- it's not a parachute is it?
7- What is Alchemy really about?
I don't CLAIM to be intelligent Gary, only morons and slaves to the mutilated deathcults like you claim I am not.
Here's betting you're a cluelessKunt when it comes to esoteric matters and evade the above questions (or at best give us ChatBotAI answers).
You savage PIKE for sharing practical magical knowledge & give us new-age wank about the Tarot !!! Hilarious, yet really very sad & pathetic.
I could have provided some mythology surrounding the Fool Archetype or provided the OED definition. If you reject various Tarot descriptions, that’s fine.
Because “anarchy” literally means “no rulers” and I would prefer a political system with no rulers and no leaders — in which everyone was self-governing — what types of “leaders” or “rulers” do you prefer, Ram? Someone like Albert Pike?
re Anarchy-
you really have no idea about basic psychology, sociology, history, vested interests, CROWDS & POWER or having intelligent debate do you MaggotClown,
We are actually living in an Anarchist system... it's where the biggest bullies run the 'games' and consumer/production dynamo. They use a gang called the security services that includes the police & military. The royal family, Rott-childs, Stanleys et al are basically the biggest GANG.
All the rules, regulations ,laws & inevitable technocracy are an IronMask & Moat to prevent any real confrontation.
It begins and ends with FAMILY .. Who makes the rules in the family, who has the POWER at the source? Not the winging babies full of self-centered entitlement like you MaggotBrain... you'd last five minutes in the system you imagine- you have 'victim' written all over your manner & mode..... yet what a turn up, that a snivelling masochist like you, who has never had an original thought of their own & FOLLOWS other idiots bigotry , doesn't seem to realise the majority of people actually want to be told what to do, & they want leaders.
It really does seem that all you are fit for is worm food....fodder for Thanatos.
Do you never feel any shame for being so pathetic & embarrassing ?😄
Francis Garynoid let themselves go as you predicted.
All the pressure & expanding bullshit exploded in this desperate call to arms (everyone thankfully ignored!)
---see comment/post below for full version---
(Gary digs his own hole and lets himself go-)
''What’s on my mind? An organized resistance movement......I think that there needs to be a rebellion.
( bizarre rhapsody over masochism!)
'' The masses love their chains. They love the whip of the overseer. They love to be led, coerced, dominated. They love — as a collective — to submit & to consent to their rulers. They are compliant and obedient. (And by “the mass[es]”... I mean “the public”,
(Gary clearly is full of stereotypes,cliched prejudice and self importance/elitism. /Gary hates the public as slave-minded masochists, and thinks he is different and somehow superior. Does he imagine they will turn to him to rule them?)
''The only resistance movement I have any expectation of, in terms of an organized rebellion, is an assembly of individuals who completely and adamantly object to the mindset of the mass AND who are willing to fight against the State to the death. Then maybe, just maybe, a benign form of government might manifest. But one where “the consent of the governed” is recognized as a gigantic lie.''
(He wants people who OBJECT TO THE MASS. ie he is AGAINST NORMAL PEOPLE and their inclinations. Gary imagines that governments JUST MANIFEST , he really is dangerously mentally ill.)
Is Gary serious ; '' fight against the State to the death''
Ironically Gary is close to a ' deathly state' himself.
Gary is fkn POISON everyone. Engage at your own risk !
A typing turd time vampire that is public poison.
Sound the alarm, Garys coming to town!
What a snivelling, creep arsed shill and liability for decent debate.
Excellent find bro, how you had the endurance to wade through his rancid utterances is heroic! These maggotClowns are getting lazier, stupider & easier to spot. It must be some form of devolution .
It’s fun to read you and Ram chatting.
I feel plenty of shame. As a matter of fact, I’m ashamed of myself for replying to you. 😊
Ooooh. I just love being called names like “ClownMaggot” by a Brit who claims to be intelligent. Yeah, “Thanatos is hungry ” for you members of the intelligentsia alright.
Thanks again for your replies. You’re both fun and funny, Ram (or Ramona).
It was fun to see that you searched my comments to find that I had written about my anarchist side and that I struggle with and AGAINST despair and resignation. Don’t read too much into it. You might come across as obsessive.
You've shown us all what a tenacious & deranged little bore you are Garynoid, Your troll like obsessive baiting is also overt. Both Ramona and I think you are a plant, you're a garish clown posing about, shouting all the predictable songs and going through the motions of the set dance steps.
Here you give yourself away as an idiot magnet (from a post by you 3 days ago) -
''What’s on my mind? An organized resistance movement. (So far, it’s not even in its infancy. Unless I’m missing something or blind or both.) I think that there needs to be a rebellion.
I’m not hoping for the masses to do anything. The masses love their chains. They love the whip of the overseer. They love to be led, coerced, dominated. They love — as a collective — to submit & to consent to their rulers. They are compliant and obedient. (And by “the mass[es]” I mean “the people”, as in the lying propaganda about “government of the people and by the people and for the people” and I mean “the public”, as in the lying propaganda that the form of government is [so-called] “republican”.)
The only resistance movement I have any expectation of, in terms of an organized rebellion, is an assembly of individuals who completely and adamantly object to the mindset of the mass AND who are willing to fight against the State to the death. Then maybe, just maybe, a benign form of government might manifest. But one where “the consent of the governed” is recognized as a gigantic lie.''
Is Gary serious ; '' fight against the State to the death''
Ironically Gary is close to a ' deathly state' himself.
Gary is fkn POISON everyone. Engage at your own risk !
If Gary was a pet I'd see the vet.
You’re a poet and you know it.
If I am (or become) an enemy of the State, I’ll be in good company.
No, MaggotClown, you would be without company, just like now; because you are an insufferable poseur primed for shit stirring with recklessly stupid ideas and actions. How many have joined your lemming crusade for social rejects so far ?
Your Anarchist claims are hilarious. Especially when you followed them up with your dreams of a spontaneously benign GOVERNMENT manifesting after you murder all the state employees, and the MASS of everyday people ; the irony seemed as vacant as your compassion and reason tho!
Remember this is that words etymology/root-
The French word “governement”, means “control, direction, administration”. This term is derived from the verb “governer” which means “to steer, be at the helm of; govern, rule, command, direct”. The Latin equivalent of this verb is “gubernare”, which originally meant "to steer, to pilot" (https://www.etymonline.com/word/government)
And who runs the world?
The Navigators (Sea Kings) & Architects (Masons).
How coincidental that your muse & muppet master FRANCE(s) LEADER has a name with so much resonance with the etymological facts.
Also, you seemed indignant that we should insult you on Iains site,(yet you then wittered away yourself sprouting no content crap) but have no idea of his personality & inclinations. As far as I'm aware he is some kind of pacifist who doesn't consider violence a justifiable means for resolution.
It was no surprise to see you mention yourself and your 'intended profile' so often in your comments. It is really all about you isn't it? Your sense of privileged entitlement to over-ride the MASS and stage some 'suicide mission in the name of some (inevitably ineffectual) revolution' is totally in keeping with your masochistic desperation displayed here.
To then find that you are already dead, for over a month, was also strangely not that great a surprise. After all, you are obviously some time vampire /parasite whos brain has been masticated and mutilated by maggots. To find out you are a typing zombie, resurrected by FransecoFannyFace for controlled ops assignments on social media is almost what is expected these days.
tROT ON Maggot-breath, the circus is sinking into ancient sewers.
Gary is busy doing what you advised -
(Gary digs his own hole and lets himself go-This is what he wrote just after chatting with you here.)
''What’s on my mind? An organized resistance movement......I think that there needs to be a rebellion.''
'' The masses love their chains. They love the whip of the overseer. They love to be led, coerced, dominated. They love — as a collective — to submit & to consent to their rulers. They are compliant and obedient. (And by “the mass[es]”... I mean “the public”,
(Gary clearly is full of stereotypes,cliched prejudice and self importance/elitism. /Gary hates the public as slave-minded masochists, and thinks he is different and somehow superior. Does he imagine they will turn to him to rule them?)
''The only resistance movement I have any expectation of, in terms of an organized rebellion, is an assembly of individuals who completely and adamantly object to the mindset of the mass AND who are willing to fight against the State to the death. Then maybe, just maybe, a benign form of government might manifest. But one where “the consent of the governed” is recognized as a gigantic lie.''
(He wants people who OBJECT TO THE MASS. ie he is AGAINST NORMAL PEOPLE and their inclinations. Gary imagines that governments JUST MANIFEST , he really is dangerously mentally ill.)
Is Gary serious ; '' fight against the State to the death''
Ironically Gary is close to a ' deathly state' himself.
Gary is fkn POISON everyone. Engage at your own risk !