Thank you very much for this Ian. And if may share another excellent resource, this fully-referenced article corroborates everything written here, and goes one step further. It is about who created and funds Hamas & ISIS as well as all other so-called 'islamic terorism'. A must read article, in my view.
The history of NeoCon/Zionist-generated "terrorism", not just since 2001, but really since 1948, has been a deception manufactured by Western and Israeli intelligence agencies. See
As for why the US-UK-zionist billionaire ruling class do that? That is discussed in this detailed and VERY important essay, which i think every human should read, every human who wishes to umderstand from where the world's tribalistic divisions hostilities and conflcts ACTUALLY come from (directed by the ultra-wealthy divide-and-conquer hierarchical anti-egalitarian ruling class)
And how this strategy is specifically applied in the case of sectarian supremacist Zionism and sectarian supremacist Hamas, can be seen here in this excellent article which explains quite well how Hamas and the Zionist ruling class operate according to the same ultra-conservative right-wing religious supremacist ideology and why they need each other; how each of them (Hamas and Zionist ruling class) take actions that strenghthen the other (in the eyes of its own public), and help each other keep a grip on its own people, each of them provides for the other with the perfect boogeyman - a cruel monstrous enemy - with which to frighten its "own people" into obedience and support for them, the rulers of each of the societies, who present themselves as "protectors of the nation" against the scary monstrous boogeyman enemy over there. A truly eye-opening article
I'm Israeli, by the way. With regard to why would the zionist ruling class do that (Both created Hamas AND ensure that the zionist forces inflict as much cruelty, inhumanity and trauma as possible on the local people in Palestine), the reason is this - like the United States, the Israeli government is run by a very wealthy zionist upper class that economically severely oppresses and exploits Israeli ordinary people (Israel has the third largest gap between rich and poor in the world and the highest poverty rate in the developed world. 18 families own 77% of the entire country's GDP, and same oligarch families also own almost the entire media spectrum). The right-wing zionist billionaire class uses tribal divide-and-rule to brainwash ordinary Israelis by pretending to be our righteous and patriotic "protector" against our boogeyman enemy-- those "evil scary monstrous" Palestinians.
To make the Palestinians be an effective boogeyman enemy, the zionist billionaire class needs Hamas (which it created and funds and keeps in power) to be as frightening to Jews as possible, it needs the boogeyman zionist-funded Hamas to espouse religious supremacist and exclucivist views that are threatening to non-muslims (and which are, by the way, a mirror image of the exclucivist sectarian religious views espoused by right-wing Jewish supremacists who are the mainstream in Israeli culture and make up the Israeli govt), and it needs Hamas to deliberately direct lethal violence against non-combatant Israeli civilians (i.e. to commit terrorism) in order to make it seem (to heavily propagandized & uninformed Israelis and others) as if ordinary Palestinians want to kill all the Jews..
Hamas plays the role of the scary monstrous Palestinian antisemitic terrorist perfectly; it is exactly what the right-wing zionist billionaire ruling class needs in order to scare ordinary Israelis into obediance (to not bring up grievances against the ultra-wealthy ruling class which screws us all, but to "patriotically unite" around our great leader and rally around the flag in a nationalist frenzy to "fight the evil monster enemy of the nation") and thus it is exactly what the right-wing zionist billionaire ruling class needs in order stay in power and continue to transfer society's wealth upwards from the people to the 0.1%.
And the reason that the right-wing Zionist billionaire ruling class wanted to weaken the secular PLO and strengthen religious fundamentalist Hamas (as you mention here, Ian) is because the Zionist billionaire ruling class intensely FEAR the possibility of Israeli have-nots (ordinary Israeli citizens) viewing Palestinians as human beings, as non-threatening human beings who want to live in safety & security just like them and to not be oppressed by the thieving heartless right-wing billionaire ruling class, just like them.
The ultra-wealthy hirarchical and anti-egalitarian ruling class intensely fear reconcilliation, equality and cooperation of Jews, Muslims and Christians, fear the possibility that the entire land between the Jordan river and the meditarranean sea be a secular democracy, a state of ALL its citizens (not a supremacist state where the immigrants/colonizers who were given at birth the label 'Jew' are superior to the local palestinian people of the land but) a secular democratic state in which Jews Muslims Christians other religions and the non-relgious would have equal rights under the law and live without war in dignity, respect, safety, prosperity, equality and freedom.
THIS is exactly the reason why the right-wing zionist billionaire ruling class began funding Hamas—to ensure that ordinary Israelis would (wrongly) perceive ordinary Palestinians as wanting to kill all Jews and therefore as their enemy, To ensure that ordinary Israelis & Palestinians would fear each other and so will never unite to create a thriving human-centered democratic state where we're equal under the law and where we can live together in mutual respect, dignity, security, freedom, peace, equality and prosperity (by throwing off our warmongering cynical manipulative billionaire ruling class that intentionally divides us and pits us tribalistically against each other, and screws us all by moving society's wealth into the hands of the anti-egalitarian fear-driven love-less ultra-wealthy class
The billionaire ruling class (in israel, in the muslim world and all across the globe) thrives on a world of tribalistic fear of the other, of nationalist division, hatred, conflict, violence and trauma. The more they can generate such a traumatic, violent and nationalist hate-filled reality, the more they can keep ordinary people divided and fearful of each other, and clinging onto them (the ultra-wealthy right-wing ruling class in each society) to be our so-called "protectors of the nation" from "those evil people" over there, that scary boogeyman over there who supposedly "just wants to kill us all"
And that is also why the right-wing supremacist zionist ruling class do everything in their power to inflict as much cruelty and inhumanity and traumatize the local people of Palestine as much as possible, because they know that the more they can cruelly traumatize the Palestinians, the higher the likelihood that the palestinians will feel deep anger and resentment and hatred towards the abusive terrorist zionist state and its citizens, and will lash out in retaliation to the constant abuse dispossesion violence theft dehumanization and cruelty directed at them, retaliation which is then cynically used by the zionist ruling class to further depict palestinians as "antisemite monsters" who hate jews for no reason (and the zionists can get away with such cynical manipulation because the billionaore-owned zionist media never shows the context of what palestinians are actually reacting to, but only show the reaction itself without any context, which makes it seem violent and hateful for no reason)
The nonstop cruelty, inhumanity, dispossesion, murder and abuse that the zionist supremacists inflict on palestinians, and the palestinian inevitable reaction, in turn make reconcilliation impossible, which is precisely what the billionaire ruling class wants (reconcilliation and peace between ordinary people is the arch-enemy and the greatest fear of the right-wing billionaire class) AND the palestinian anger & resentment at the constant abuse discrimination violence & dispossesion directed at them make Palestinians appear very threatening and scary to ordinary Israelis (which, again, ensures that no cooperation would be possible, but rather that hateful trauma-driven nationalism will always reign, ensures that ordinary people will keep being bamboozeled into believing that our enemies are the ordinary people of 'the other side' and thus keep voting for the representitives of the right-wing billionaire class to be our rulers (because these nationalist deceivers pretend to be "the patriotic protectors of the nation" against those 'scary evil monsters over there'; even though IN REALITY the ultra-wealthy ruling class and their vile sectarian tribaliatic representitives do THE EXACT OPPOSITE of providing security, but they are in fact the ones ensuring that the nation is in a constant state of hateful conflict antagonism & war against others (the scary monster enemy) AND ensure that people' wealth keeps flowing upwards to the ultra-rich, while the rest struggle just to keep the head above the water
PS. from the amount of links shared it might seem like that is my website, but it isn't :-) I just think it is a great resource and the author very wise and insightful. Here's his substack, by the way, for anyone interested
PPS. The term 'right-wing' above refers to BOTH the conservative & liberal wings of the global corporate-capitalist empire
On another substack there was a big misunderstanding so i'd like to just clarify that In my view the path forward out of this horror is not strictly in political arrangemnts (that's also important but secondary) but rather it lies in the heart of people, in the ability/capacity to see the humanity of another before viewing them as a label (palestinian, israeli, muslim, jew), as well as in coming to terms with and acknowledging the IMMENSE AND PROFOUND TRAUMA that each "side" has caused the other and in finding ways to heal together.
(and before I proceed I'd just like to saythat unlike most Jews, I'm fully aware and acknowledge that the trauma that supremacist zionists caused the local people over the last century - in their brutal ruthless cruel project of dispossesion, annihilation, dehumanization and ERASURE of the local people in Palestine - is many many orders of magnitude greater than the other way around. Some of it is detailed in this shocking documentary which i can confirm is 100% true based on my own personal experience. And then please please PLEASE don't miss this this short video that tells you the horrific TRUTH of what is being done, everything that the mainstream media don't dare to mention.. please please don't turn away, PLEASE watch this)
This capacity mentioned above, to step out of one's bubble and hear/see the humanity of another before seeing a label (and the stories attached to the label), requires having CONTACT between the "sides" so that they may hear each other's stories and each other's pain, but this contact is prevented and denied becasue of the incredible dominance of the sectarian nationalist divisive ideology in both sides.
As someone who was given at birth the label 'Jewish' and 'Israeli' (but have already long ago seen through their inaccurate, distorting, corrupting, limiting, imprisoning, divisive, sectarian and God-denying nature, and so have shed these labels) I notice that what allows this ongoing horror to happen (not only today but for more than a century now) is that there is such a total SEPARATION AND DISCONNECTION between the "sides" (this is one of the greatest successes of nationalism, to separate people) so that people from both "sides" have no full understanding of the life experience & trauma experience of those on the "other side".
From what I see, this total DISCONNECTION is exactly what allows people to cheer when "our hero fighters" (whom the other side calls terrorists or invaders/dispossesors) murder, torture, oppress, abuse, slaughter and bomb "them", because each side says "they are evil people who only want to harm us, take our land and kill us/kick us out", and each side has countless examples of actions by the other side that are supposed to "prove" the supposed rightness of their claim.
Each "side" is enclosed and contained within its own SECTARIAN BUBBLE and tells itself its own story, about its trauma and difficulties, and is completely unaware of the life experience and trauma of the "other side".
And so, when the other side reacts (in what it calls self-defense) then the first side interprets it as an attack (becasue of its DISCONNECTION from the stories and sense-making of the other side) and tells a story that "those people on the other side" are evil monsters who only want to harm our side for no reason
It's quite amazing how similar the story that each side tells itself to the story that the other side tells itself, it is practically the SAME STORY - we are the victims here who are only protecting ourselves from the aggression of those evil people over there who only want to harm us and hate us for no reason. We have no one to talk to and negotiate with, they are not human beings, they are sons of Satan who hate us from birth, who only want to destroy us and take our land and kick us out - each side speaks the exact same stories!!
And all this lack of understanding happens simply because there is NO CONTACT between the "sides". This is the tremendous success of nationalism/tribalism, there is a complete disconnection, so that I don't hear the story that the other side tells itself and how they make sense of things, I don't experience their life experience, I don't know anything about their pain, I don't realize how much the story they tell themselves is the same as the story I tell myself, and therefore there is no possibility of experiencing the HUMANITY (the fear, the search for security) that motivates the other, just as it motivates me, and therefore also indifference to the trauma that the other goes through at the hands of "our heroic fighters"
It seems to me that the main engine that drives all of this is that people in tje region (and especially Israelis) undergo a very deep conditioning/indoctrination from a very young age into a separative and SECTARIAN RELIGIOUS-NATIONALIST IDENTITY and learn to believe (contrary to what reality shows) that this separate and divisive identity is what will provide them with protection and security, even though it does THE EXACT OPPOSITE!!
This indoctrination into the separative exclucivist religious-nationalist identity is much more than just mental brainwashing, it's mainly the conditioning the of the nervous system & emotional system into IDENTIFICATION with a nationalist-religious label (this label equals me. This is me, This label is where my safety & security is to be found), which causes the emotions and the body to react very strongly to anything that they teach me is at odds with this identity.
Strong reaction that comes from the fact that the body/brain/nervous system has been conditioned to learn - through constant repetition in the first years of life (when the personality is formed), again and again and again, and without questioning - this is who I am, that I am this national-religious identity, therefore anything that questions or does not align with or appears to be at odds with this national-religious system of ideas is immediately perceived as a threat to my very existence, because I am this identity/the nationalist-religious label, this is me, and the people over there who do not carry this sacred label are my enemies, a threat to my existence..
It seems to me that those who have fallen into the abyss of sectarianism/tribalism/nationalism (and especially those whose tribalism also involves divisive, excluding, supremacist and God-denying sectarian religious beliefs) have been conditioned to believe our their security will be found through group separation & exclusion and a sense of uniqueness from the rest of humanity (a feeling that is deeply imprinted in those who believe that the label of "Jewish" is who they actually are), that security will be found through an attempt to ensure the safety of ONLY one group of people, only those who were born into the "correct" religious-national label (and anyone who was not born into the correct national-religious label can go to hell. She matters a little but not nearly as much as the Chosen People, the most valuable and important people in the universe). It sounds ridiculous, but this is a VERY common & mainstream worldview in the extremely nationalist, ethnocentric, fascistic & exclucivist Israeli society, and it plays a huge part in what brought about this conflict in the first place, since the very early days of sectarian exclucivist zionist nationalism, and its arrival in the middle east from (mostly) eastern Europe.
To me, this is precisely the blindness of the sectarian nationalist-religious identity: trying to create security ONLY for one group, only for a part of the whole (through division, exclusion, separation from the whole and working to secure the narrow interests of only one nationalist-religious identity), such an attempt - of trying to create security ONLY for the part and ignore what this does to the whole - such an attempt can NEVER ever lead to real security but exactly the opposite - this is the number one factor that creates constant conflict and INSECURITY!!!
To me, tribalism/nationalism and sectarian divisive exoteric religion (which is the POLAR OPPOSITE of what God/Consciousness actually is) is the great disease & blindness of humanity. Is the most destructive and deadly invention that humans have ever invented (not because we are bad, but because we have not psychologically matured yet, and are still blind, and in our ingnorance & blindness we believed that this is how we will find safety & security, without understanding what we are doing, without realizing that we are actually creating constant INSECURITY when we search for security through the sectarian divisive nationalist-religious identity, when we seek security only for the part and not for the whole).
To me it is absolutely clear that it is the number one cause of human division, separation, antagonism, hatred, conflict, violence, murder and war..
IMHO, the bloodshed can never stop and there will never be security for anyone unless we have the courage to step out of our sectarian bubble and actually listen and truly understand the profound trauma we inflict (this is true for both sides but especially so for Israelis who are incredibly brainwashed and ignorant of the UNSPEAKABLE HORROR CRUELTY INHUMANITY AND TRAUMA that supremacist right-wing zionist immigrants/colonizers inflicted and inflict on the local people.
Without feeling the pain endured and understanding what palestinians are actually reacting to, indoctrinated supremacist zionists will just continue with the dispossession, cruelty, pushing out and erasure of the local people, and keep telling themselves 'they are hostile to us for no reason, simply becasue they are evil antisemite monsters by nature
To all intents & purposes 'Russia' was considered the biggest 'Jewish' state or 'new homeland' among the deeper researchers for the past few hundred years, certainly since the 1900's.
I'm interested in what you think about how the 'Hebrews' originated.
I don't trust the official (& yet still strangely vague) origins-
for example how did 'Nomadic tribes' become in charge of the biggest architectural firms & construction companies for the past few centuries, when such buildings would be beyond their scope & means ? Its as if the taxi drivers became the passengers if you consider the medieval ages. The Phoenicians didnt build the cathedrals , but they ferried those that did.
Also, regarding Cain & Able. The alleged 'lucifarian' descendants of Cain appear to actually be the NAGA cults (ie the bizarre assumption Lucifer was also the Snake in the garden of Eden- re Mesopotamia ) , while Able's descendants (actually the more bloodthirsty by profession) became the Phoenicians- is it possible the Phoenicians didnt genocide the Canaanites (who were originally more powerful) and by inter-marriage the two became the same 'families'. Or even that the Canaanites actually control the Phoenicians - or did until relatively recently?
i think this is also symbolised in the St.George & the Dragon imagery with the 'skills of the Blacksmiths guilds' /FORGERS (literally the Armoured Man -re Freud to transhumanism etc) subduing the Dragon (Naga/Serpent cults; or esoterically the 'Beast' of our 'lower'/animal natures).
Maybe the biggest problem with any genuine unity, or at least empathy, is the contents of the various Abrahamitic religions texts- especially the Torah? How should other 'nations' deal with such an overtly evil, elitist & genocidal mindset of 'beliefs', where non-'jews' are non-people & mere fodder for exploitation & abuse?
Do you find many jewish people are compulsive liars for example, is lying a typical characteristic, or more a fashion of the times??
The only thing we can be sure of is that 'what we are encouraged to believe is always a lie'.
I'm not religious and don't know much about the Torah either, but from the little that I know (and observed in people who believe in it), I agree that it is extremely problematic in its sectatian, tribalistic, bigoted, exclucivist, elitist and extremely anti-wholistic perspective (and as such, God-denying).
Now, with regard to your historical queations above, I just remembered a resource that might be of interest to you - the Israeli historian Shlomo Sand wrote several books about 'the invention of the Jewish people'. You might find his work valuable with regard to your historical questions above (besides his books, there are also quite a few videos of him online)
Lets go back even further to how the ideology of Zionism was deployed as a way to permanently extricate Jews from Europe. It was basically a "Jew hating project" funded and nurtured by wealthy antisemitic Western Europeans. By the way, Theodor Herzl was an atheist who had a disdain for Judaism.
Moving forward to 1946 where the founders of Israel were no other than determined terrorists who
bombed the British administrative headquarters housed in the southern wing of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem. This underground Zionist organization was called the Irgun.
That being said, the British Empire was only to happy to establish a Jewish state. Centuries of experience at managing "the colonized" gave them a bit of expertise on knowing how to deal with the Jewish dilemma.
The state of Israel would kill many "strategic" birds with one stone. In fact, Israel was never intended to be merely a communal kibbutz where everyone would be singing Hava Nagila all day. It was to be a military outpost for the Western ruling elite also serving as destabilzing regional force. After all, guardians of every Empire know that the best way to sustain power is to maintain mayhem by having Semites killing other Semites.
And that brings us to 2023 where the IDF and US intelligence agencies are interwoven into a rabid vicious entity. It's laughable to think that Biden couldn't stop the slaughter of Palestinians with just one phone call.
The cognitive dissonance mainstream media news is spewing to its viewers is psychotic. Today on "Morning Joe" spook commentators had a lengthy segment demonizing Netanyahu about how his government funded Hamas via Qatar. However, during the next news segment the same commentators said they will always stand with Israel and complained that congress is not quickly sending aid/bombs to Israel so they can continue to kill Hamas. Hence, perpetuating the slaughter of Palestinians.
Interesting, that the Palestinians are being eliminated due to an Israeli/US false flag operation. Btw, the West turned a blind eye as Israel accumulated hundreds of nuclear weapons. "In 2009, Helen Thomas, asked Obama in the first month of his presidency if he knew of any country in the Middle East with nuclear weapons, he dodged the trapdoor by saying only that he does not wish to speculate."
I’m no friend of Israel. I know all about the history of Palestine and the Zionists and the Rothschilds.
I will never forgive or forget Israel’s responsibility for the atrocities committed on 9/11 (See Dancing Israelis). But Hamas deserves to be exterminated for the atrocities they committed on 10/7 against innocent Israeli civilians.
Something much larger than individual or even groups of nation states is coordinating all this engineered "chaos" at a time when out of necessity, those behind the old monetary system need to maintain their global control during the current transition into a new socio-economic & governance world order for the 21st century.
All nations are controlled through their membership to the UN & BIS private Central Banking systems, these are the twin-pillars that enable all the down-stream deceptions that captivate the minds of the People.
Going forward we're going to need to repeatedly focus attention on how the big-trick is performed.
Fantastic detail. So who are the supporters of the Israeli government and why? That is the next layer that would also be interesting to explore in the light of the current "4th Industrial Revolution" and the associated shifts in society that are being pushed on us.
Culture derives from Cults.As spelling derived from Spells.
and Art & Music were derived from Sympathetic Magic- no researcher or experienced soul can deny such basic facts.
Now unsympathetic/callous magic is all the fashion.
Domestication & then selective breeding is the process.
there is no 'singular' family or individual in control- there is a cabal of vested interests & inter-marriage & there always has been.
Read the TORAH and then ask yourself why would any sane society tolerate people who had a belief system that wanted to exploit & exterminate that society ? It would be suicidal. yet that is what occurred all over the world due to bullying, blackmail & other 'consolidations'. bribery waring, whoring, mental & physical enslavement.
Most of the commentators on this still cant face the un-appealing facts, with David Scott of UKColumn pleading for us all to' just tolerate other peoples belief systems'- which is fine unless their belief system is that ''anyone with any other belief system & 'genetics' than theirs'' is ripe for exploitation, and is in fact sub-human or soul-less... and they have the influence to enact upon that.
That's a pretty broad hint! I surmise that the family you named are not alone in this global heist nor are even at the top of the tree, as we know their name.
As usual an excellent piece, you never disappoint Iain. Behind it all has been the British intelligence and the Muslim Brotherhood and that we must not forget.
Evidence for a psy-op, a false flag operation as an excuse to genocide, get the Gaza gasfield, and the canal head-port from northern Gaza to the Red Sea? Time will tell their true intentions, though it's clear that saving the lives of the hostages isn't the priority at all !!!
Very informative! Impressive. However, despite trying to give a balanced picture, your bias shines through it all: you consequently use the word "terrorist" or "terrorism" only about Hamas/Palestinian actions against Israel, which has taken their land. The tenfold or nowadays hundredfold strong Israeli power misused against the Palestinians are "attacks", "assaults", "blockades", "killings" and the like. But never "terror". Despite Israel instigating, supporting and supplying Hamas, i.e. the "terrorist organisation", Israel or its actiona are NOT ONCE called "terrorist", despite starting and carrying on with this occupation and incarceration for 75 years, causing all this misery. As a military occupant, Israel has no right of "self-defense" according to international law. Conclusively, your post is pretty unbalanced as far as I can tell! That ruins my reading....
Iain is a good writer & thinker but has agendas and dubious alliances.
Over the past few years he has shown is is also ungrateful to those of us who supported & promoted his work- banning / deleting me from commenting here because he disagrees with 'whatever' and the comments are not the fashion he wishes to set, or would encourage others to think deeper. Instead you will find deranged gobshites like William Pritting sprouting his shallow agenda driven propaganda & before him an even worse agitator in Spangler.
He also has Charlotte RUSE & Francis LEADER playing the slightly reasonable while radical card - yet both reveal their naturally oppressive/manipulative natures over a few comments- at first they appear decent relative to the 'rubbish' they are arguing against.
The whole thing is some tactical game and training ground for 'operatives' as far as I can tell- while decent folk get caught up in these arranged confrontations. are commenting here and I haven't banned or deleted your comments. I can't can I? Are you seriously suggesting that I am an "operative" of some sort? Seems to me that you are making unfounded allegations because we disagree. About what I'm not entirely sure.
Well on another page of yours some comments did disappear, so someone did do a censoring job- though I apologise that I thought it was you on that if it wasn't.
Yet, on Twitter you (or whomever?) certainly did ban my friend Serge (DubSurgeOn) , despite never falling out as far as I'm aware. He did question the PigButt/HamAss attack that you seemed to fall for initially as involving real deaths, yet was most probably more theatre & CGI, with film crews, the SAS & AP journos mingling among the debris & pixels.
I enjoy & usually promote your work , and have no issue with difference in view- in fact I cant imagine a more dangerously inane world where we all agree all the time.
Some of the other commentators here certainly do have big issue though... and recently you've had far-right (left or WTF- who cares!) hate baiting influx from Spangle and others , and that was what I was referring to, along with F.Leaders and C.Ruses hypocrisy & navigations. Who got rid of Spangle's incessant hate baiting propaganda here that filled up almost every comment with the same links ? only one person seemed grateful, did you actually want him spewing his inane anal vomit all over your comments pages?
It is almost inevitable with anyone who has some bite in their opinions that some state control would be taking place to mitigate or channel it- why would the Espionage Circus not be all over folk like yourself , they've spent a whole heap of time, energy & manpower harassing me over decades & my profile is almost socially invisible !
You may well be an operative Iain, I dont know, and it doesn't particularly bother me if you are, as long as your content is inspiring, sincere & have merit/validity. The most insidious operatives are the ones who don't realise that they are, yet promote some vile agenda 'naturally' , such as the bogeyman of CND or Virus fanaticism... or the daily meteor strikes upon Earth.
Some of the folk you associate with are either operatives or poseurs though, Basil Valentine being a massive red-flag to any of us with esoteric interests.
The UKColumn is full of arrogant, smarmy right wing Christians, peddling the same misery mongering repeatedly.
David Scotts lack of esoteric awareness is utterly galling & hypocritical ( he takes Crowleys allegory about child sacrifice as real, rather than the ritual 'wank' it was!🙄😂) - especially when he calls for religious tolerance towards the most intolerant 'racist' religions .
Patrick Henderson is a decent geo-political pundit (as is Scott) , but wishy washy & on the fence about a lot of matters he should be more aware of , and also promotes the shallow B.Valentine (what an insult that name is!)
Corbett is an excellent commentator, yet suffers hubris & conceit on things beyond his usual scope, the past year or so he's become far too smarmy for many of his older viewers.... often it seems that these folk are actually gloating about our oppression, & exploitation. Most of them seem to have some deficiency of humour.
I'm disappointed in your lack of interaction though.... and incessant use of the term 'global' 🙄😅, yet appreciate what a busy man you are, & that you haven't really studied the Earths topology & geometric foundations,,,,, 'consensus conformity' can sometimes be a tactical benefit, however deluded it may be!
Anyways, I wrote what I did as primarily a catalyst for discussion, I have no beliefs & enjoy debate from many angles. As expected that discussion was uneventful & ignored by most here which cements my view that social media is fundamentally an echo-chamber & 'time vampire circus'.
btw- the RichPlanet court-case seems very staged, there are two photos of the plaintiffs daughter (taken at almost the same time) that undermine all credibility of the case. These were shared with D.Hall, his FB page (via friends) & on Twitter. Yet, he & none of his 'fans' have responded with interest.
I don't agree with everything, but the gist is certainly valid- UKColumn have become such a smarmy waste of time the past few years.
Basil V, is just a posh twerp who's demeaning the famous Alchemist. A sort of limpid mirror image with an utter lack of content.
HamAss / Pig Butt is an excellent insight. It is so surprising no-one made the connection before when it's staring them in the face!
Those conceited Phoenician shit stirrers really have some gall!
Explorer is still pondering & scratching her ass in indecision.
Some folk are slow, while others are mired.
Here she imagines various CIA FRONTS are 'all extremely censored propaganda outlets''......, talk about arse over tit . 😂🤣😂
I just watched Henderson & Basil Duff talking about John Pillager
('there's' 1,000's of starving, mutilated & murdered children everyday !, all in foreign countries- and women, and more children, and dogs... and even more children... despair u profane masses - cos u cant do FA about what about my BBC luncheon vouchers!? '')..
I take back what I said- you you were spot on, what a bunch of misery mongering clowns distracting the circus animals they are.
Basil Vaseline started wanking his phone when the others were talking... maybe he need more RF/EMF sublimation?! 😂🤣😂
Maybe he misspelt his name and it should be Basil Vaseline ?
It reminds me of all the hospital admissions back when mobile phones became ergonomically more compatible with human physiques. The amount of cases where folk came in and said they had accidently sat on their was worse due to the vibrating function on them..... before that hospitals had more than a few who had accidently sat on ketchup bottles & the like.,,,,,So at least Basil is apace with the times in some way!
btw- this may amuse you-from the urban dictionary
(my main source of contemporary knowledge after the local supermarket ladies!)
''in a pig's ass'' =
A way of saying that something is very unlikely or will never happen.
Polite version is in a pig's eye, which is used in mixed company.
the example is great-
Typical white kid at VEHS: "OMG I am so cool coz I can rap and I listen to Lil Wayne!!!1one1!
Me: "In a pig's ass you are! And Lil Wayne eats my nutsack!"
Hmm. Very interesting comment! Iain Davis hasn't responded to my criticism (yet), and Frances Leader presents a LOT of historical information, especially on the dubious power of Rome/the Vatican, which I read with great curiosity, but I wouldn't say she is oppressive; or why do you think she is?
I am a researcher and writer and can't always respond to comments in a timely manner, but I do try to do so when I can. With regard to the use of the word "terrorism" perhaps you would be interested in my recent post for Geopolitics & Empire which clarifies my position. If you think I am either pro-Israeli state or pro-Hamas I regret that I have not been able to elucidate my position in this piece.
''I am (n)either pro-Israeli state or pro-Hamas'', is that because they are both the SAME sourced death-cult scum playing the same old rancid games (just look at the founders of PigButt / HamAss & their offspring!) , so any differentiation is just hair splitting?
And do you still imagine that real deaths occurred at this photo-shoot opportunity for 'pay & display porn actresses & poseurs' , while the AP, SAS and other fear & misery vampires were poncing about like coke-addled prima donnas & gun gimps?
btw- you (or someone else who could) banned me interacting with you on Twitter for no apparent reason Iain.
Thank you, I read the second part first, but this one adds lots of important information. Nevertheless, with such a large part of it coming out of the New York Times, the Washington Post, the BBC, IDF and other ISRAELI media sources, all extremely censored propaganda outlets, I am still in doubt about much of this reconstructed snapshot battlefield picture.
Given the strangely "missing" IDF documentation of the initial phases as well as their regular use of "palestinian looking" infiltrators, I could even imagine that it was all theater arranged from the inside, i.e. by Israel, as some substack writers have indicated.
And finally, but not least: Hamas MUST have known there would come a hundredfold strong retaliation in response to their "small arms battle", so how in the world did they NOT count with the current genocidal devastation that is happening? Was this part of their plan, if it really was all theirs? Could it all be an Israeli plan to "take it all", since as we know, THEY have been planning for a couple of decades, at last to annihilate all of it?
Francis made a great comment/summary on the ConVD scam Inquiry on Iain's last substack post , and you'd think she would have empathy for those of similar outlook, however she doesn't. She is arrogant, petty, maliciously inclined and a misery monger- partially due to never realising that extent of the Nuclear scam, she peddles that unlikely bogeyman. Or, she's in on the scam & likes to depress & terrify the public. It's all fear-mongering & impotent wailing from her. She is in a way gloating about our oppression & lack of viable resolution via 'standard beaurocracy'.
Of course, her psychodynamic is that of a sado-masochist.
She's big on the Rome/Black Nobility because that distracts from the real culprits (Iain ignores these as well) and who the 'merchants' are that usurped the previous aristocrats.
They are the same families as the 'pirate-kings'/ slave traders who still pull the strings today (how much reimbursement did the slave traders get when 'abolished ?!) . They own the banks, arms trade, construction companies, media, MIC, and devised (almost all of) the Religions & Education systems today like a rancid Kraken on a millennial rampage across the world.
Rome, NewYork. London etc are all part of the same espionage Elite since the Medici's , Francis Bacons crew and the Death & Mutilation Cults were consolidated.
The Vatican was of course dominated by the Medici's & Templar families,
they were the CABAL (ie HORSE traders) who merged with the corrupt Kabbal-ists (sex magic) , perverting both.
Buckminster Fuller even touched on this topic, but its usually found within a lot of esoteric works, never intended for the public. However, now-a-days any decent researcher should be familiar with it.
Francis cant get that deep or coherent, and when these elements are mentioned she has a meltdown and wades in with insults.
Any decent or reasonable person would be grateful for this insight & make some effort to pursue this obvious gold-mine of knowledge. The fact she opposes it, & has to resort to drastic hypocrisy shows her for what she really is.
It was well known back in the 70's.80's & 90's that joining CND would instantly target you for attention, I've known many folk in them & they are all seem to be narks/shills/grasses. Controlled opposition.Of course, CND was instigated & founded by whom? 🙄😶
there seems to be a massive deficit of humour here as well!
this may entertain you in some way (link below) - It was how Francis & I fell out, validating what I wrote above- in case it seemed a bit unreasonable or without substance and others were wondering what the fheck I was referring to!
I think these 'confrontations' are actually a good thing- and glad they exist here still, rather than being censored /deleted ; as they show how divided & petty any 'opposition' to the horrors are. They are also a type of social litmus test & that can hopefully be factored or mitigated in some way?
Despite my dislike of her I still have the integrity to admit she has written some good things, tho possibly re-appropriated from someone else ? 🙄🤔😊
comments near end of the Thread- '...Haemorrhoids of Hysteria...'
I just looked at the exchange & it is clearly Francisco that is flinching.
She ignores your kind words, initial content & very useful overview, and instantly starts projecting; boasting; being prickly & precious; & quickly began unreasonable insults. She made no effort to find common ground or display any empathy.
Is Explorer Mis-dis-information Murkyanus Spring,
or one of her agents ? lol
Or is it Mis Leaders pet dog wagging its tail trying to type?
I love how you manage to trigger the intolerant & shallow minded so quickly with your comments. Explorer really has some serious mental constipation, finds langue aggressive when it is humorous & 'sparring', and seems to have an unreasonable big issue with organic farming.
Explorer doesnt have an issue with Mis (wannabe) Leaders slander of mental illness, stalking, misogony, antisemitism and whatever else she likes to fling out of her malicious mind. How surprising.
This great quote seems fitting;
''The net appears crammed with triggered wet arses taking offence at any sign of originality, or thought outside arbitrary boxes of Left & right & Science vs Religion etc…. or they resort to crass Black & white, Straight or poly-perverse, & pseudo feminist divisionary tactics.''
Explorer is obviously in that club whoevers pet they are.
Though if they have a good response to my questions then they may be decent at heart & just sheltered, let's see. My bet is that they don't or can't respond in any valid way, they will either ignore them or behave even more triggered.
...I thought it was all pretty obvious too. It just shows how twisted some folks sensibilities can become when vanity & hubris dominate their increasingly miserable lives?
I make the same bet as you- evasion or contempt.
It's kind of sad contemplating what Explorer imagines they have actually learnt from Mis-Leaders Black Nobility PR... maybe just various infusions of anal rage & intolerance ? Empathy & a broad sense of humour are almost extinct these days- while hypocrisy IS all the rage.
''Oh, how that aggressive language hurt'' 🙄😂... it's like the internet is full of precious & feeble folk who have spent their lives wrapped in cotton wool & Johnsons baby powder.
Oh, hell-oh there! I just read your flinch and find that the arrogant of you two, with the most aggressive and insulting language is YOURSELF! This is Ian's blog and not the place for this shit. Good luck with your organic farming, and please spare me of the pesticides too!
I thought Explorers 'Hell-o-there'' opener was quite hilarious;
it was as if they flounced into the room and did a tiny fandango before addressing the residents. Then hoisting their skirt & clambering onto a table they start screaming- ''this is Iains page, not the place for this shit!'' forgetting they began their comments with a criticism of his terminology in the article!
Hypocrisy is an epidemic these days.
BTW, Wasn't Iain Page the drummer for Deep Purple ?
If Fransesco Leader is so informative then can you tell us who the main CABAL families where among the Black Nobility , & who are they now, & who were & are the main KABALISTIC families ?
What does she have to say about the Death & mutilation Cults?
How is witchcraft involved in them & what influence does it have now?
Are Giants &/or Dwarfs (or Gnomes?) involved, and if so how?
For example Gog & Magog & Vulcan?
Are the Black Nobility 'Lucifurians' or 'Ahrimanic', and why do the later never get mentioned while the former are nearly always demonized?
Are the Black Nobility actually Merchants making the name oxymoronic?
Thanks for any help in advance on this , it will be of great use to so many inquisitive & exploratory minds .
I suppose "they" also created Islam, Jihad and it's child raping "prophet" Muhammed too some 2000 years ago... "Palestinians" of course dindu nuffin. The Neo Marxist framing of this dispute is as boring as it is lame. I could not care less and both sides are the bad guys. If you find yourself aligned with Islamists, the insane hard left and legitimate Nazi sympathisers (all are team "Palestine") you might want to rethink things.
But that didn’t give Hamas the right to cross the border, kill innocent Israelis, rape innocent Israeli women, burn to death innocent Israeli babies in oven, and take innocent Israeli civilians as hostages!
All those acts of savagery make Hamas terrorists!
Just because a person leaves their door unlocked, or even wide open, doesn’t give another person the right to enter the person’s home and commit atrocities upon the residents!
Israel set the trap, Hamas took the bait, and now Hamas is being exterminated like the vermin they are!
P.S. Not all Palestinians are Hamas, but all Hamas are Palestinians!
Hah. That is SO ignorant and so far from the real story. The IDF were ordered to shoot and bomb indiscriminately due to the Hannibal Directive given and so they were the big killers that day. Moreover, suggesting that Israel, being a military occupying force, has a right to "self defense" is nonsensical and outright ridiculous. Oct7 was their 9/11 moment to start their "war on terror" - except that THEY are the terrorists. Israel's long history is one of invasion, rape, plunder, slaughter, theft, land grabs and destruction of other peoples.
Thank you very much for this Ian. And if may share another excellent resource, this fully-referenced article corroborates everything written here, and goes one step further. It is about who created and funds Hamas & ISIS as well as all other so-called 'islamic terorism'. A must read article, in my view.
The history of NeoCon/Zionist-generated "terrorism", not just since 2001, but really since 1948, has been a deception manufactured by Western and Israeli intelligence agencies. See
As for why the US-UK-zionist billionaire ruling class do that? That is discussed in this detailed and VERY important essay, which i think every human should read, every human who wishes to umderstand from where the world's tribalistic divisions hostilities and conflcts ACTUALLY come from (directed by the ultra-wealthy divide-and-conquer hierarchical anti-egalitarian ruling class)
And how this strategy is specifically applied in the case of sectarian supremacist Zionism and sectarian supremacist Hamas, can be seen here in this excellent article which explains quite well how Hamas and the Zionist ruling class operate according to the same ultra-conservative right-wing religious supremacist ideology and why they need each other; how each of them (Hamas and Zionist ruling class) take actions that strenghthen the other (in the eyes of its own public), and help each other keep a grip on its own people, each of them provides for the other with the perfect boogeyman - a cruel monstrous enemy - with which to frighten its "own people" into obedience and support for them, the rulers of each of the societies, who present themselves as "protectors of the nation" against the scary monstrous boogeyman enemy over there. A truly eye-opening article
As well as here
As for why some palestininas voted for Hamas, that is discussed here
I'm Israeli, by the way. With regard to why would the zionist ruling class do that (Both created Hamas AND ensure that the zionist forces inflict as much cruelty, inhumanity and trauma as possible on the local people in Palestine), the reason is this - like the United States, the Israeli government is run by a very wealthy zionist upper class that economically severely oppresses and exploits Israeli ordinary people (Israel has the third largest gap between rich and poor in the world and the highest poverty rate in the developed world. 18 families own 77% of the entire country's GDP, and same oligarch families also own almost the entire media spectrum). The right-wing zionist billionaire class uses tribal divide-and-rule to brainwash ordinary Israelis by pretending to be our righteous and patriotic "protector" against our boogeyman enemy-- those "evil scary monstrous" Palestinians.
To make the Palestinians be an effective boogeyman enemy, the zionist billionaire class needs Hamas (which it created and funds and keeps in power) to be as frightening to Jews as possible, it needs the boogeyman zionist-funded Hamas to espouse religious supremacist and exclucivist views that are threatening to non-muslims (and which are, by the way, a mirror image of the exclucivist sectarian religious views espoused by right-wing Jewish supremacists who are the mainstream in Israeli culture and make up the Israeli govt), and it needs Hamas to deliberately direct lethal violence against non-combatant Israeli civilians (i.e. to commit terrorism) in order to make it seem (to heavily propagandized & uninformed Israelis and others) as if ordinary Palestinians want to kill all the Jews..
Hamas plays the role of the scary monstrous Palestinian antisemitic terrorist perfectly; it is exactly what the right-wing zionist billionaire ruling class needs in order to scare ordinary Israelis into obediance (to not bring up grievances against the ultra-wealthy ruling class which screws us all, but to "patriotically unite" around our great leader and rally around the flag in a nationalist frenzy to "fight the evil monster enemy of the nation") and thus it is exactly what the right-wing zionist billionaire ruling class needs in order stay in power and continue to transfer society's wealth upwards from the people to the 0.1%.
And the reason that the right-wing Zionist billionaire ruling class wanted to weaken the secular PLO and strengthen religious fundamentalist Hamas (as you mention here, Ian) is because the Zionist billionaire ruling class intensely FEAR the possibility of Israeli have-nots (ordinary Israeli citizens) viewing Palestinians as human beings, as non-threatening human beings who want to live in safety & security just like them and to not be oppressed by the thieving heartless right-wing billionaire ruling class, just like them.
The ultra-wealthy hirarchical and anti-egalitarian ruling class intensely fear reconcilliation, equality and cooperation of Jews, Muslims and Christians, fear the possibility that the entire land between the Jordan river and the meditarranean sea be a secular democracy, a state of ALL its citizens (not a supremacist state where the immigrants/colonizers who were given at birth the label 'Jew' are superior to the local palestinian people of the land but) a secular democratic state in which Jews Muslims Christians other religions and the non-relgious would have equal rights under the law and live without war in dignity, respect, safety, prosperity, equality and freedom.
THIS is exactly the reason why the right-wing zionist billionaire ruling class began funding Hamas—to ensure that ordinary Israelis would (wrongly) perceive ordinary Palestinians as wanting to kill all Jews and therefore as their enemy, To ensure that ordinary Israelis & Palestinians would fear each other and so will never unite to create a thriving human-centered democratic state where we're equal under the law and where we can live together in mutual respect, dignity, security, freedom, peace, equality and prosperity (by throwing off our warmongering cynical manipulative billionaire ruling class that intentionally divides us and pits us tribalistically against each other, and screws us all by moving society's wealth into the hands of the anti-egalitarian fear-driven love-less ultra-wealthy class
The billionaire ruling class (in israel, in the muslim world and all across the globe) thrives on a world of tribalistic fear of the other, of nationalist division, hatred, conflict, violence and trauma. The more they can generate such a traumatic, violent and nationalist hate-filled reality, the more they can keep ordinary people divided and fearful of each other, and clinging onto them (the ultra-wealthy right-wing ruling class in each society) to be our so-called "protectors of the nation" from "those evil people" over there, that scary boogeyman over there who supposedly "just wants to kill us all"
And that is also why the right-wing supremacist zionist ruling class do everything in their power to inflict as much cruelty and inhumanity and traumatize the local people of Palestine as much as possible, because they know that the more they can cruelly traumatize the Palestinians, the higher the likelihood that the palestinians will feel deep anger and resentment and hatred towards the abusive terrorist zionist state and its citizens, and will lash out in retaliation to the constant abuse dispossesion violence theft dehumanization and cruelty directed at them, retaliation which is then cynically used by the zionist ruling class to further depict palestinians as "antisemite monsters" who hate jews for no reason (and the zionists can get away with such cynical manipulation because the billionaore-owned zionist media never shows the context of what palestinians are actually reacting to, but only show the reaction itself without any context, which makes it seem violent and hateful for no reason)
The nonstop cruelty, inhumanity, dispossesion, murder and abuse that the zionist supremacists inflict on palestinians, and the palestinian inevitable reaction, in turn make reconcilliation impossible, which is precisely what the billionaire ruling class wants (reconcilliation and peace between ordinary people is the arch-enemy and the greatest fear of the right-wing billionaire class) AND the palestinian anger & resentment at the constant abuse discrimination violence & dispossesion directed at them make Palestinians appear very threatening and scary to ordinary Israelis (which, again, ensures that no cooperation would be possible, but rather that hateful trauma-driven nationalism will always reign, ensures that ordinary people will keep being bamboozeled into believing that our enemies are the ordinary people of 'the other side' and thus keep voting for the representitives of the right-wing billionaire class to be our rulers (because these nationalist deceivers pretend to be "the patriotic protectors of the nation" against those 'scary evil monsters over there'; even though IN REALITY the ultra-wealthy ruling class and their vile sectarian tribaliatic representitives do THE EXACT OPPOSITE of providing security, but they are in fact the ones ensuring that the nation is in a constant state of hateful conflict antagonism & war against others (the scary monster enemy) AND ensure that people' wealth keeps flowing upwards to the ultra-rich, while the rest struggle just to keep the head above the water
PS. from the amount of links shared it might seem like that is my website, but it isn't :-) I just think it is a great resource and the author very wise and insightful. Here's his substack, by the way, for anyone interested
PPS. The term 'right-wing' above refers to BOTH the conservative & liberal wings of the global corporate-capitalist empire
Thanks for some really excellent resources and vital; information.
On another substack there was a big misunderstanding so i'd like to just clarify that In my view the path forward out of this horror is not strictly in political arrangemnts (that's also important but secondary) but rather it lies in the heart of people, in the ability/capacity to see the humanity of another before viewing them as a label (palestinian, israeli, muslim, jew), as well as in coming to terms with and acknowledging the IMMENSE AND PROFOUND TRAUMA that each "side" has caused the other and in finding ways to heal together.
(and before I proceed I'd just like to saythat unlike most Jews, I'm fully aware and acknowledge that the trauma that supremacist zionists caused the local people over the last century - in their brutal ruthless cruel project of dispossesion, annihilation, dehumanization and ERASURE of the local people in Palestine - is many many orders of magnitude greater than the other way around. Some of it is detailed in this shocking documentary which i can confirm is 100% true based on my own personal experience. And then please please PLEASE don't miss this this short video that tells you the horrific TRUTH of what is being done, everything that the mainstream media don't dare to mention.. please please don't turn away, PLEASE watch this)
This capacity mentioned above, to step out of one's bubble and hear/see the humanity of another before seeing a label (and the stories attached to the label), requires having CONTACT between the "sides" so that they may hear each other's stories and each other's pain, but this contact is prevented and denied becasue of the incredible dominance of the sectarian nationalist divisive ideology in both sides.
As someone who was given at birth the label 'Jewish' and 'Israeli' (but have already long ago seen through their inaccurate, distorting, corrupting, limiting, imprisoning, divisive, sectarian and God-denying nature, and so have shed these labels) I notice that what allows this ongoing horror to happen (not only today but for more than a century now) is that there is such a total SEPARATION AND DISCONNECTION between the "sides" (this is one of the greatest successes of nationalism, to separate people) so that people from both "sides" have no full understanding of the life experience & trauma experience of those on the "other side".
From what I see, this total DISCONNECTION is exactly what allows people to cheer when "our hero fighters" (whom the other side calls terrorists or invaders/dispossesors) murder, torture, oppress, abuse, slaughter and bomb "them", because each side says "they are evil people who only want to harm us, take our land and kill us/kick us out", and each side has countless examples of actions by the other side that are supposed to "prove" the supposed rightness of their claim.
Each "side" is enclosed and contained within its own SECTARIAN BUBBLE and tells itself its own story, about its trauma and difficulties, and is completely unaware of the life experience and trauma of the "other side".
And so, when the other side reacts (in what it calls self-defense) then the first side interprets it as an attack (becasue of its DISCONNECTION from the stories and sense-making of the other side) and tells a story that "those people on the other side" are evil monsters who only want to harm our side for no reason
It's quite amazing how similar the story that each side tells itself to the story that the other side tells itself, it is practically the SAME STORY - we are the victims here who are only protecting ourselves from the aggression of those evil people over there who only want to harm us and hate us for no reason. We have no one to talk to and negotiate with, they are not human beings, they are sons of Satan who hate us from birth, who only want to destroy us and take our land and kick us out - each side speaks the exact same stories!!
And all this lack of understanding happens simply because there is NO CONTACT between the "sides". This is the tremendous success of nationalism/tribalism, there is a complete disconnection, so that I don't hear the story that the other side tells itself and how they make sense of things, I don't experience their life experience, I don't know anything about their pain, I don't realize how much the story they tell themselves is the same as the story I tell myself, and therefore there is no possibility of experiencing the HUMANITY (the fear, the search for security) that motivates the other, just as it motivates me, and therefore also indifference to the trauma that the other goes through at the hands of "our heroic fighters"
It seems to me that the main engine that drives all of this is that people in tje region (and especially Israelis) undergo a very deep conditioning/indoctrination from a very young age into a separative and SECTARIAN RELIGIOUS-NATIONALIST IDENTITY and learn to believe (contrary to what reality shows) that this separate and divisive identity is what will provide them with protection and security, even though it does THE EXACT OPPOSITE!!
This indoctrination into the separative exclucivist religious-nationalist identity is much more than just mental brainwashing, it's mainly the conditioning the of the nervous system & emotional system into IDENTIFICATION with a nationalist-religious label (this label equals me. This is me, This label is where my safety & security is to be found), which causes the emotions and the body to react very strongly to anything that they teach me is at odds with this identity.
Strong reaction that comes from the fact that the body/brain/nervous system has been conditioned to learn - through constant repetition in the first years of life (when the personality is formed), again and again and again, and without questioning - this is who I am, that I am this national-religious identity, therefore anything that questions or does not align with or appears to be at odds with this national-religious system of ideas is immediately perceived as a threat to my very existence, because I am this identity/the nationalist-religious label, this is me, and the people over there who do not carry this sacred label are my enemies, a threat to my existence..
It seems to me that those who have fallen into the abyss of sectarianism/tribalism/nationalism (and especially those whose tribalism also involves divisive, excluding, supremacist and God-denying sectarian religious beliefs) have been conditioned to believe our their security will be found through group separation & exclusion and a sense of uniqueness from the rest of humanity (a feeling that is deeply imprinted in those who believe that the label of "Jewish" is who they actually are), that security will be found through an attempt to ensure the safety of ONLY one group of people, only those who were born into the "correct" religious-national label (and anyone who was not born into the correct national-religious label can go to hell. She matters a little but not nearly as much as the Chosen People, the most valuable and important people in the universe). It sounds ridiculous, but this is a VERY common & mainstream worldview in the extremely nationalist, ethnocentric, fascistic & exclucivist Israeli society, and it plays a huge part in what brought about this conflict in the first place, since the very early days of sectarian exclucivist zionist nationalism, and its arrival in the middle east from (mostly) eastern Europe.
To me, this is precisely the blindness of the sectarian nationalist-religious identity: trying to create security ONLY for one group, only for a part of the whole (through division, exclusion, separation from the whole and working to secure the narrow interests of only one nationalist-religious identity), such an attempt - of trying to create security ONLY for the part and ignore what this does to the whole - such an attempt can NEVER ever lead to real security but exactly the opposite - this is the number one factor that creates constant conflict and INSECURITY!!!
To me, tribalism/nationalism and sectarian divisive exoteric religion (which is the POLAR OPPOSITE of what God/Consciousness actually is) is the great disease & blindness of humanity. Is the most destructive and deadly invention that humans have ever invented (not because we are bad, but because we have not psychologically matured yet, and are still blind, and in our ingnorance & blindness we believed that this is how we will find safety & security, without understanding what we are doing, without realizing that we are actually creating constant INSECURITY when we search for security through the sectarian divisive nationalist-religious identity, when we seek security only for the part and not for the whole).
To me it is absolutely clear that it is the number one cause of human division, separation, antagonism, hatred, conflict, violence, murder and war..
IMHO, the bloodshed can never stop and there will never be security for anyone unless we have the courage to step out of our sectarian bubble and actually listen and truly understand the profound trauma we inflict (this is true for both sides but especially so for Israelis who are incredibly brainwashed and ignorant of the UNSPEAKABLE HORROR CRUELTY INHUMANITY AND TRAUMA that supremacist right-wing zionist immigrants/colonizers inflicted and inflict on the local people.
Without feeling the pain endured and understanding what palestinians are actually reacting to, indoctrinated supremacist zionists will just continue with the dispossession, cruelty, pushing out and erasure of the local people, and keep telling themselves 'they are hostile to us for no reason, simply becasue they are evil antisemite monsters by nature
It's such a convoluted mess.
To all intents & purposes 'Russia' was considered the biggest 'Jewish' state or 'new homeland' among the deeper researchers for the past few hundred years, certainly since the 1900's.
I'm interested in what you think about how the 'Hebrews' originated.
I don't trust the official (& yet still strangely vague) origins-
for example how did 'Nomadic tribes' become in charge of the biggest architectural firms & construction companies for the past few centuries, when such buildings would be beyond their scope & means ? Its as if the taxi drivers became the passengers if you consider the medieval ages. The Phoenicians didnt build the cathedrals , but they ferried those that did.
Also, regarding Cain & Able. The alleged 'lucifarian' descendants of Cain appear to actually be the NAGA cults (ie the bizarre assumption Lucifer was also the Snake in the garden of Eden- re Mesopotamia ) , while Able's descendants (actually the more bloodthirsty by profession) became the Phoenicians- is it possible the Phoenicians didnt genocide the Canaanites (who were originally more powerful) and by inter-marriage the two became the same 'families'. Or even that the Canaanites actually control the Phoenicians - or did until relatively recently?
i think this is also symbolised in the St.George & the Dragon imagery with the 'skills of the Blacksmiths guilds' /FORGERS (literally the Armoured Man -re Freud to transhumanism etc) subduing the Dragon (Naga/Serpent cults; or esoterically the 'Beast' of our 'lower'/animal natures).
Maybe the biggest problem with any genuine unity, or at least empathy, is the contents of the various Abrahamitic religions texts- especially the Torah? How should other 'nations' deal with such an overtly evil, elitist & genocidal mindset of 'beliefs', where non-'jews' are non-people & mere fodder for exploitation & abuse?
Do you find many jewish people are compulsive liars for example, is lying a typical characteristic, or more a fashion of the times??
The only thing we can be sure of is that 'what we are encouraged to believe is always a lie'.
I hear you but i don't know much about this ancient history so cannot answer these questions. My apologies.
what a bout the Torah issue?
I'm not religious and don't know much about the Torah either, but from the little that I know (and observed in people who believe in it), I agree that it is extremely problematic in its sectatian, tribalistic, bigoted, exclucivist, elitist and extremely anti-wholistic perspective (and as such, God-denying).
Now, with regard to your historical queations above, I just remembered a resource that might be of interest to you - the Israeli historian Shlomo Sand wrote several books about 'the invention of the Jewish people'. You might find his work valuable with regard to your historical questions above (besides his books, there are also quite a few videos of him online)
thank you, I will have a look at his work.
All the best
Thank you and Iian for greatly widening my understanding here on this subject
Thank you for taking the time to think about the issues raised.
I still come back to the idea in the end that all wars are bankers wars in that they are FUNDED and rarely organic and tribal
Lets go back even further to how the ideology of Zionism was deployed as a way to permanently extricate Jews from Europe. It was basically a "Jew hating project" funded and nurtured by wealthy antisemitic Western Europeans. By the way, Theodor Herzl was an atheist who had a disdain for Judaism.
Moving forward to 1946 where the founders of Israel were no other than determined terrorists who
bombed the British administrative headquarters housed in the southern wing of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem. This underground Zionist organization was called the Irgun.
That being said, the British Empire was only to happy to establish a Jewish state. Centuries of experience at managing "the colonized" gave them a bit of expertise on knowing how to deal with the Jewish dilemma.
The state of Israel would kill many "strategic" birds with one stone. In fact, Israel was never intended to be merely a communal kibbutz where everyone would be singing Hava Nagila all day. It was to be a military outpost for the Western ruling elite also serving as destabilzing regional force. After all, guardians of every Empire know that the best way to sustain power is to maintain mayhem by having Semites killing other Semites.
And that brings us to 2023 where the IDF and US intelligence agencies are interwoven into a rabid vicious entity. It's laughable to think that Biden couldn't stop the slaughter of Palestinians with just one phone call.
The cognitive dissonance mainstream media news is spewing to its viewers is psychotic. Today on "Morning Joe" spook commentators had a lengthy segment demonizing Netanyahu about how his government funded Hamas via Qatar. However, during the next news segment the same commentators said they will always stand with Israel and complained that congress is not quickly sending aid/bombs to Israel so they can continue to kill Hamas. Hence, perpetuating the slaughter of Palestinians.
Muh Zionism is the root of evil. Reeeee
What happened in the past is history.
The atrocities that occurred on Oct. 7, 2023 are all that matters in the current Israeli justification for invading Gaza and exterminating Hamas.
No one is going to punish the Zionists for their atrocities in the past. They have nukes.
Interesting, that the Palestinians are being eliminated due to an Israeli/US false flag operation. Btw, the West turned a blind eye as Israel accumulated hundreds of nuclear weapons. "In 2009, Helen Thomas, asked Obama in the first month of his presidency if he knew of any country in the Middle East with nuclear weapons, he dodged the trapdoor by saying only that he does not wish to speculate."
No, Hamas is being exterminated for the atrocities they committed on 10/7.
I can't believe you're that naive.
I’m no friend of Israel. I know all about the history of Palestine and the Zionists and the Rothschilds.
I will never forgive or forget Israel’s responsibility for the atrocities committed on 9/11 (See Dancing Israelis). But Hamas deserves to be exterminated for the atrocities they committed on 10/7 against innocent Israeli civilians.
If it was a false flag which I believe it was, then the atrocities were committed by Israel/US.
Excellent research as always Iain!
Something much larger than individual or even groups of nation states is coordinating all this engineered "chaos" at a time when out of necessity, those behind the old monetary system need to maintain their global control during the current transition into a new socio-economic & governance world order for the 21st century.
All nations are controlled through their membership to the UN & BIS private Central Banking systems, these are the twin-pillars that enable all the down-stream deceptions that captivate the minds of the People.
Going forward we're going to need to repeatedly focus attention on how the big-trick is performed.
Fantastic detail. So who are the supporters of the Israeli government and why? That is the next layer that would also be interesting to explore in the light of the current "4th Industrial Revolution" and the associated shifts in society that are being pushed on us.
Its a cult thing.
Culture derives from Cults.As spelling derived from Spells.
and Art & Music were derived from Sympathetic Magic- no researcher or experienced soul can deny such basic facts.
Now unsympathetic/callous magic is all the fashion.
Domestication & then selective breeding is the process.
there is no 'singular' family or individual in control- there is a cabal of vested interests & inter-marriage & there always has been.
Read the TORAH and then ask yourself why would any sane society tolerate people who had a belief system that wanted to exploit & exterminate that society ? It would be suicidal. yet that is what occurred all over the world due to bullying, blackmail & other 'consolidations'. bribery waring, whoring, mental & physical enslavement.
Most of the commentators on this still cant face the un-appealing facts, with David Scott of UKColumn pleading for us all to' just tolerate other peoples belief systems'- which is fine unless their belief system is that ''anyone with any other belief system & 'genetics' than theirs'' is ripe for exploitation, and is in fact sub-human or soul-less... and they have the influence to enact upon that.
Here’s a hint....ROTHSCHILDS
That's a pretty broad hint! I surmise that the family you named are not alone in this global heist nor are even at the top of the tree, as we know their name.
It was a Rothschild who issued the Balfour Declaration.
It was a Rothschild who gave the Israeli government its Knesset.
As usual an excellent piece, you never disappoint Iain. Behind it all has been the British intelligence and the Muslim Brotherhood and that we must not forget.
You may appreciate this Iain?
Evidence for a psy-op, a false flag operation as an excuse to genocide, get the Gaza gasfield, and the canal head-port from northern Gaza to the Red Sea? Time will tell their true intentions, though it's clear that saving the lives of the hostages isn't the priority at all !!!
Very informative! Impressive. However, despite trying to give a balanced picture, your bias shines through it all: you consequently use the word "terrorist" or "terrorism" only about Hamas/Palestinian actions against Israel, which has taken their land. The tenfold or nowadays hundredfold strong Israeli power misused against the Palestinians are "attacks", "assaults", "blockades", "killings" and the like. But never "terror". Despite Israel instigating, supporting and supplying Hamas, i.e. the "terrorist organisation", Israel or its actiona are NOT ONCE called "terrorist", despite starting and carrying on with this occupation and incarceration for 75 years, causing all this misery. As a military occupant, Israel has no right of "self-defense" according to international law. Conclusively, your post is pretty unbalanced as far as I can tell! That ruins my reading....
this is a controlled area.
Iain is a good writer & thinker but has agendas and dubious alliances.
Over the past few years he has shown is is also ungrateful to those of us who supported & promoted his work- banning / deleting me from commenting here because he disagrees with 'whatever' and the comments are not the fashion he wishes to set, or would encourage others to think deeper. Instead you will find deranged gobshites like William Pritting sprouting his shallow agenda driven propaganda & before him an even worse agitator in Spangler.
He also has Charlotte RUSE & Francis LEADER playing the slightly reasonable while radical card - yet both reveal their naturally oppressive/manipulative natures over a few comments- at first they appear decent relative to the 'rubbish' they are arguing against.
The whole thing is some tactical game and training ground for 'operatives' as far as I can tell- while decent folk get caught up in these arranged confrontations. are commenting here and I haven't banned or deleted your comments. I can't can I? Are you seriously suggesting that I am an "operative" of some sort? Seems to me that you are making unfounded allegations because we disagree. About what I'm not entirely sure.
Well on another page of yours some comments did disappear, so someone did do a censoring job- though I apologise that I thought it was you on that if it wasn't.
Yet, on Twitter you (or whomever?) certainly did ban my friend Serge (DubSurgeOn) , despite never falling out as far as I'm aware. He did question the PigButt/HamAss attack that you seemed to fall for initially as involving real deaths, yet was most probably more theatre & CGI, with film crews, the SAS & AP journos mingling among the debris & pixels.
I enjoy & usually promote your work , and have no issue with difference in view- in fact I cant imagine a more dangerously inane world where we all agree all the time.
Some of the other commentators here certainly do have big issue though... and recently you've had far-right (left or WTF- who cares!) hate baiting influx from Spangle and others , and that was what I was referring to, along with F.Leaders and C.Ruses hypocrisy & navigations. Who got rid of Spangle's incessant hate baiting propaganda here that filled up almost every comment with the same links ? only one person seemed grateful, did you actually want him spewing his inane anal vomit all over your comments pages?
It is almost inevitable with anyone who has some bite in their opinions that some state control would be taking place to mitigate or channel it- why would the Espionage Circus not be all over folk like yourself , they've spent a whole heap of time, energy & manpower harassing me over decades & my profile is almost socially invisible !
You may well be an operative Iain, I dont know, and it doesn't particularly bother me if you are, as long as your content is inspiring, sincere & have merit/validity. The most insidious operatives are the ones who don't realise that they are, yet promote some vile agenda 'naturally' , such as the bogeyman of CND or Virus fanaticism... or the daily meteor strikes upon Earth.
Some of the folk you associate with are either operatives or poseurs though, Basil Valentine being a massive red-flag to any of us with esoteric interests.
The UKColumn is full of arrogant, smarmy right wing Christians, peddling the same misery mongering repeatedly.
David Scotts lack of esoteric awareness is utterly galling & hypocritical ( he takes Crowleys allegory about child sacrifice as real, rather than the ritual 'wank' it was!🙄😂) - especially when he calls for religious tolerance towards the most intolerant 'racist' religions .
Patrick Henderson is a decent geo-political pundit (as is Scott) , but wishy washy & on the fence about a lot of matters he should be more aware of , and also promotes the shallow B.Valentine (what an insult that name is!)
Corbett is an excellent commentator, yet suffers hubris & conceit on things beyond his usual scope, the past year or so he's become far too smarmy for many of his older viewers.... often it seems that these folk are actually gloating about our oppression, & exploitation. Most of them seem to have some deficiency of humour.
I'm disappointed in your lack of interaction though.... and incessant use of the term 'global' 🙄😅, yet appreciate what a busy man you are, & that you haven't really studied the Earths topology & geometric foundations,,,,, 'consensus conformity' can sometimes be a tactical benefit, however deluded it may be!
Anyways, I wrote what I did as primarily a catalyst for discussion, I have no beliefs & enjoy debate from many angles. As expected that discussion was uneventful & ignored by most here which cements my view that social media is fundamentally an echo-chamber & 'time vampire circus'.
btw- the RichPlanet court-case seems very staged, there are two photos of the plaintiffs daughter (taken at almost the same time) that undermine all credibility of the case. These were shared with D.Hall, his FB page (via friends) & on Twitter. Yet, he & none of his 'fans' have responded with interest.
Many great points,
I don't agree with everything, but the gist is certainly valid- UKColumn have become such a smarmy waste of time the past few years.
Basil V, is just a posh twerp who's demeaning the famous Alchemist. A sort of limpid mirror image with an utter lack of content.
HamAss / Pig Butt is an excellent insight. It is so surprising no-one made the connection before when it's staring them in the face!
Those conceited Phoenician shit stirrers really have some gall!
Explorer is still pondering & scratching her ass in indecision.
Some folk are slow, while others are mired.
Here she imagines various CIA FRONTS are 'all extremely censored propaganda outlets''......, talk about arse over tit . 😂🤣😂
I just watched Henderson & Basil Duff talking about John Pillager
('there's' 1,000's of starving, mutilated & murdered children everyday !, all in foreign countries- and women, and more children, and dogs... and even more children... despair u profane masses - cos u cant do FA about what about my BBC luncheon vouchers!? '')..
I take back what I said- you you were spot on, what a bunch of misery mongering clowns distracting the circus animals they are.
Basil Vaseline started wanking his phone when the others were talking... maybe he need more RF/EMF sublimation?! 😂🤣😂
Maybe he misspelt his name and it should be Basil Vaseline ?
It reminds me of all the hospital admissions back when mobile phones became ergonomically more compatible with human physiques. The amount of cases where folk came in and said they had accidently sat on their was worse due to the vibrating function on them..... before that hospitals had more than a few who had accidently sat on ketchup bottles & the like.,,,,,So at least Basil is apace with the times in some way!
btw- this may amuse you-from the urban dictionary
(my main source of contemporary knowledge after the local supermarket ladies!)
''in a pig's ass'' =
A way of saying that something is very unlikely or will never happen.
Polite version is in a pig's eye, which is used in mixed company.
the example is great-
Typical white kid at VEHS: "OMG I am so cool coz I can rap and I listen to Lil Wayne!!!1one1!
Me: "In a pig's ass you are! And Lil Wayne eats my nutsack!"
Hmm. Very interesting comment! Iain Davis hasn't responded to my criticism (yet), and Frances Leader presents a LOT of historical information, especially on the dubious power of Rome/the Vatican, which I read with great curiosity, but I wouldn't say she is oppressive; or why do you think she is?
I am a researcher and writer and can't always respond to comments in a timely manner, but I do try to do so when I can. With regard to the use of the word "terrorism" perhaps you would be interested in my recent post for Geopolitics & Empire which clarifies my position. If you think I am either pro-Israeli state or pro-Hamas I regret that I have not been able to elucidate my position in this piece.
''I am (n)either pro-Israeli state or pro-Hamas'', is that because they are both the SAME sourced death-cult scum playing the same old rancid games (just look at the founders of PigButt / HamAss & their offspring!) , so any differentiation is just hair splitting?
And do you still imagine that real deaths occurred at this photo-shoot opportunity for 'pay & display porn actresses & poseurs' , while the AP, SAS and other fear & misery vampires were poncing about like coke-addled prima donnas & gun gimps?
btw- you (or someone else who could) banned me interacting with you on Twitter for no apparent reason Iain.
Thank you, I read the second part first, but this one adds lots of important information. Nevertheless, with such a large part of it coming out of the New York Times, the Washington Post, the BBC, IDF and other ISRAELI media sources, all extremely censored propaganda outlets, I am still in doubt about much of this reconstructed snapshot battlefield picture.
Given the strangely "missing" IDF documentation of the initial phases as well as their regular use of "palestinian looking" infiltrators, I could even imagine that it was all theater arranged from the inside, i.e. by Israel, as some substack writers have indicated.
And finally, but not least: Hamas MUST have known there would come a hundredfold strong retaliation in response to their "small arms battle", so how in the world did they NOT count with the current genocidal devastation that is happening? Was this part of their plan, if it really was all theirs? Could it all be an Israeli plan to "take it all", since as we know, THEY have been planning for a couple of decades, at last to annihilate all of it?
Francis made a great comment/summary on the ConVD scam Inquiry on Iain's last substack post , and you'd think she would have empathy for those of similar outlook, however she doesn't. She is arrogant, petty, maliciously inclined and a misery monger- partially due to never realising that extent of the Nuclear scam, she peddles that unlikely bogeyman. Or, she's in on the scam & likes to depress & terrify the public. It's all fear-mongering & impotent wailing from her. She is in a way gloating about our oppression & lack of viable resolution via 'standard beaurocracy'.
Of course, her psychodynamic is that of a sado-masochist.
She's big on the Rome/Black Nobility because that distracts from the real culprits (Iain ignores these as well) and who the 'merchants' are that usurped the previous aristocrats.
They are the same families as the 'pirate-kings'/ slave traders who still pull the strings today (how much reimbursement did the slave traders get when 'abolished ?!) . They own the banks, arms trade, construction companies, media, MIC, and devised (almost all of) the Religions & Education systems today like a rancid Kraken on a millennial rampage across the world.
Rome, NewYork. London etc are all part of the same espionage Elite since the Medici's , Francis Bacons crew and the Death & Mutilation Cults were consolidated.
The Vatican was of course dominated by the Medici's & Templar families,
they were the CABAL (ie HORSE traders) who merged with the corrupt Kabbal-ists (sex magic) , perverting both.
Buckminster Fuller even touched on this topic, but its usually found within a lot of esoteric works, never intended for the public. However, now-a-days any decent researcher should be familiar with it.
Francis cant get that deep or coherent, and when these elements are mentioned she has a meltdown and wades in with insults.
Any decent or reasonable person would be grateful for this insight & make some effort to pursue this obvious gold-mine of knowledge. The fact she opposes it, & has to resort to drastic hypocrisy shows her for what she really is.
It was well known back in the 70's.80's & 90's that joining CND would instantly target you for attention, I've known many folk in them & they are all seem to be narks/shills/grasses. Controlled opposition.Of course, CND was instigated & founded by whom? 🙄😶
there seems to be a massive deficit of humour here as well!
this may entertain you in some way (link below) - It was how Francis & I fell out, validating what I wrote above- in case it seemed a bit unreasonable or without substance and others were wondering what the fheck I was referring to!
I think these 'confrontations' are actually a good thing- and glad they exist here still, rather than being censored /deleted ; as they show how divided & petty any 'opposition' to the horrors are. They are also a type of social litmus test & that can hopefully be factored or mitigated in some way?
Despite my dislike of her I still have the integrity to admit she has written some good things, tho possibly re-appropriated from someone else ? 🙄🤔😊
comments near end of the Thread- '...Haemorrhoids of Hysteria...'
Explorer isn't very exploratory then?
I don't think they can read properly.
I just looked at the exchange & it is clearly Francisco that is flinching.
She ignores your kind words, initial content & very useful overview, and instantly starts projecting; boasting; being prickly & precious; & quickly began unreasonable insults. She made no effort to find common ground or display any empathy.
Is Explorer Mis-dis-information Murkyanus Spring,
or one of her agents ? lol
Or is it Mis Leaders pet dog wagging its tail trying to type?
I love how you manage to trigger the intolerant & shallow minded so quickly with your comments. Explorer really has some serious mental constipation, finds langue aggressive when it is humorous & 'sparring', and seems to have an unreasonable big issue with organic farming.
Explorer doesnt have an issue with Mis (wannabe) Leaders slander of mental illness, stalking, misogony, antisemitism and whatever else she likes to fling out of her malicious mind. How surprising.
This great quote seems fitting;
''The net appears crammed with triggered wet arses taking offence at any sign of originality, or thought outside arbitrary boxes of Left & right & Science vs Religion etc…. or they resort to crass Black & white, Straight or poly-perverse, & pseudo feminist divisionary tactics.''
Explorer is obviously in that club whoevers pet they are.
Though if they have a good response to my questions then they may be decent at heart & just sheltered, let's see. My bet is that they don't or can't respond in any valid way, they will either ignore them or behave even more triggered.
where did that quote come from ! 🙄😂
...I thought it was all pretty obvious too. It just shows how twisted some folks sensibilities can become when vanity & hubris dominate their increasingly miserable lives?
I make the same bet as you- evasion or contempt.
It's kind of sad contemplating what Explorer imagines they have actually learnt from Mis-Leaders Black Nobility PR... maybe just various infusions of anal rage & intolerance ? Empathy & a broad sense of humour are almost extinct these days- while hypocrisy IS all the rage.
''Oh, how that aggressive language hurt'' 🙄😂... it's like the internet is full of precious & feeble folk who have spent their lives wrapped in cotton wool & Johnsons baby powder.
It's as if the beats & punkrock never happened.
No wonder society is in such a terrible state when terrible states destroy all sense of wonder.
Precious prats virtue signalling & swimming in hypocrisy while drowning in hubris seems all the rage & fashion these days.
Explorer was just another spineless poseur by the looks of it- or a sock account for a spineless poseur ?
Oh, hell-oh there! I just read your flinch and find that the arrogant of you two, with the most aggressive and insulting language is YOURSELF! This is Ian's blog and not the place for this shit. Good luck with your organic farming, and please spare me of the pesticides too!
snowflake 🙄😂🤣😂
the aggressive language wounded me
lets all be more polite about these atrocities
-what a poseur.
It's like punk never happened.
I thought Explorers 'Hell-o-there'' opener was quite hilarious;
it was as if they flounced into the room and did a tiny fandango before addressing the residents. Then hoisting their skirt & clambering onto a table they start screaming- ''this is Iains page, not the place for this shit!'' forgetting they began their comments with a criticism of his terminology in the article!
Hypocrisy is an epidemic these days.
BTW, Wasn't Iain Page the drummer for Deep Purple ?
If Fransesco Leader is so informative then can you tell us who the main CABAL families where among the Black Nobility , & who are they now, & who were & are the main KABALISTIC families ?
What does she have to say about the Death & mutilation Cults?
How is witchcraft involved in them & what influence does it have now?
Are Giants &/or Dwarfs (or Gnomes?) involved, and if so how?
For example Gog & Magog & Vulcan?
Are the Black Nobility 'Lucifurians' or 'Ahrimanic', and why do the later never get mentioned while the former are nearly always demonized?
Are the Black Nobility actually Merchants making the name oxymoronic?
Thanks for any help in advance on this , it will be of great use to so many inquisitive & exploratory minds .
British Creation and Control of Islamic Terror: Background to China’s Defeat of Terror in Xinjiang
Now do you understand why there are Palestinian protestors throughout college campuses and throughout the world?
It’s not about the creation of a Palestine nation, it’s about the creation of a One-World Global Empire.
Thanks Iain!
I suppose "they" also created Islam, Jihad and it's child raping "prophet" Muhammed too some 2000 years ago... "Palestinians" of course dindu nuffin. The Neo Marxist framing of this dispute is as boring as it is lame. I could not care less and both sides are the bad guys. If you find yourself aligned with Islamists, the insane hard left and legitimate Nazi sympathisers (all are team "Palestine") you might want to rethink things.
Thanks but no thanks
Yes....Israel created Hamas.
Yes....Israel left its border unprotected.
But that didn’t give Hamas the right to cross the border, kill innocent Israelis, rape innocent Israeli women, burn to death innocent Israeli babies in oven, and take innocent Israeli civilians as hostages!
All those acts of savagery make Hamas terrorists!
Just because a person leaves their door unlocked, or even wide open, doesn’t give another person the right to enter the person’s home and commit atrocities upon the residents!
Israel set the trap, Hamas took the bait, and now Hamas is being exterminated like the vermin they are!
P.S. Not all Palestinians are Hamas, but all Hamas are Palestinians!
more rubbish. You can not prove anything you write - its all based on spectacle & propaganda. Why do you even bother- is it an incurable sickness?
Hah. That is SO ignorant and so far from the real story. The IDF were ordered to shoot and bomb indiscriminately due to the Hannibal Directive given and so they were the big killers that day. Moreover, suggesting that Israel, being a military occupying force, has a right to "self defense" is nonsensical and outright ridiculous. Oct7 was their 9/11 moment to start their "war on terror" - except that THEY are the terrorists. Israel's long history is one of invasion, rape, plunder, slaughter, theft, land grabs and destruction of other peoples.