It is important to me that the comment sections on my Substack posts are places for robust, open debate. I do not expect nor ask that anyone agrees with either myself or anyone else who posts a comment.

Personal attacks are not welcome. Any account which persists in launching personal attacks will get one warning and will subsequently be blocked if their abusive behaviour continues. If you want to be abusive, do it on your own page.

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Thank you for confirming outlook & sensibility.

I now comprehend that when I get attacked here from very obvious troll things that I now should not defend my integrity & honour from such attack by attacking back. Instead I should let the abuse from Greed of Groot, Johnathon etc etc etc just float about as bait, which I can happily do now I know how upset it makes you currently.

I will now no longer respond in 'like ways', & will not help provoke you with alternative valid views you always ignore anyways.

I would like you to apologise though, as you have called myself & friend TROLLs which is obviously very untrue & also is gang mentality encouraging abuse towards us unfairly, maybe a step too far in hypocrisy ?

It is sad seeing changes of nature like seasons, but still sadder still to see diminishment of intuitive minds & depth of thinking in these times. I very hopefully wish this will improve in the exciting year ahead!

For myself I hope to be encouraging in loveliness all the mean natures I find, & will be working hard to remain upfull & positive about living hell world is becoming for humane humans.

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If I see anyone using abusive language directed at you I will issues them a warning just as I have issued one to you. Of course you can defend yourself and your opinions. Just don't be abusive if you want to continue commenting on my articles. "Alternative" views, valid or not, are welcome while they do not stray into personal abuse.

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Hi Iain and all smart and right thinking people.

I've followed and totally agreed with RDH for several years and not only agree with him on the Manchester hoax but on the McCann case and nearly everything he has covered.

Thank you for your support of him and and what he proves.

I am ashamed to be living in this country with its shameful politicians and legacy media, both lack any morality and ought to be in prison.

Keep going and keep on the right side of truth.


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What did MrHall conclude in the MCcann case? Also what important topics had he covered with which u agree (except Manchester as not very important but more a "usual hoax op" which was exposed quickly by dozens of researchers including me and long before RDH jumped on this already exposed case)

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I'm still not sure what we can do but the time to do it is NOW. Thanks for all your work on this, Iain, and thank you so so much Richard for keeping on. He deserves all the love and support we can give him. bless you both.

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I understand he is working on some new projects, where he can, at the moment. But he is also still working on the appeal, despite expected resistance from the courts. Obviously, the ruling is extremely damaging for him and he is also busy dealing with subsequent practical and domestic concerns but, I understand, is holding up OK.

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He has done no work almost for 4 years !

How is that keeping on. It is hiding & being coward sell out to my eyes.

This is time he should have been doing his most important works, where are they?

instead he want s you to donate money to Hibbert to pay massive lawyer fees!

The time is not NOW , the time was when you were born & your idiot parents signed you into being 'dead person finance unit' ripe for exploitation & dehumanisation agenda that make you so dumb you disappear into iaini Davisis underparts.

& yes, my parents were just a idiotic as yours, but we are adapted to sublimation due to being already far more advanced in our culture than you in UK, who are still infantile with commodity capitalism as ideology.

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Look at www.probityco.com and do something which might work. Lawful tax rebellion/refusal is meaningful resistance. It feels good to send off the Trust.

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Anne , who is the biggest gang?

Do you take that link seriously, & imagine it will work?

It would be wonderful if it had any teeth...

However, is it not also true that by the oldest agreements between people on this land that the Taxes expected of us should not be there at all ?

Then from Danegeld, Feudal Dues, Port & Border Custom Duties & Church Tithes, the UK has been under the forceful (if needed... & also sadly when unnecessary ) thumb of the biggest gangs since when, millennia now ?

It's a great topic to bring up though.... whatever we personally think its validity is.

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Is this something you've actually done, or intend to do?

I agree with the principle. Tax rebellion is the most direct way we can demonstrate our resistance to tyranny.

However, my fear, like any other rational person, is that I'd shortly be faced with potentially ruinous financial consequences and even, ultimately, prison.

I'm afraid I'm simply not brave enough to make such a stand, alone.

If I knew there was a coordinated body of like-minded dissenters, I might be persuaded to have the courage of my conviction, in this regard.

Other than that, I feel all I can do is keep talking to those who'll listen and encourage them to seek the truth of what's happening to us, in all its gruesome detail.

I know I'm only one drop in a vast ocean, but what is an ocean other than a multitude of drops?

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😂🤣😂... ''we are adapted to sublimation due to being already far more advanced in our culture than you in UK, who are still infantile with commodity capitalism as ideology.''

I wonder how many people will get irate... with that maybe 'not so subtle' serious joke ? Classic! 😂

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The Guardian, which was sometimes readable twenty years ago but is now an establishment rag, would do well to review Pastor Martin Niemóller's "First they came for...." piece. All journalism will ultimately suffer from this law. People like Richard and you Iain, will be among the first to be purged. But any dissent will be quashed with increasing efficacy going forward. We'll go back to carrier pigeons tho, if needed!

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Yep, ultimately I think anyone who questions official state narratives will be subject to Eve's Law if the state considers them troublesome enough. I think the notion of it being applied to any "crime" or "tragedy" is an extremely concerning potential development.

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Nah, they are both here to peddle the fear & injustice angle, Anne.

Hall has been OX'd ... & even has nothing to give the kind folk who sponsored his ludicrous court song & dance to the sum of over £100,000.

Meanwhile Davis is busy conspiring among the same troll tag team that thought the PROTRUE account would be a great idea.

This is a controlled area & only the controlled get the traction.

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Excellent article. For me, this is the key point: "...the official Manchester account is absolutely central to the state’s planned attack on independent journalism. In this regard, Manchester is not just another terrorist attack."

The official Manchester Account is central to the State's attack, and it's their Achilles' Heel because it has been exposed as a heap of crock in the Hibbert v Hall trial transcript. Anyone wanting to use the Law will have to be familiar with the case, and they will soon realise that the judgement doesn't bear up to even the slightest scrutiny. I think that the State severely miscalculated when singling out RDH for their Lawfare game - they are out of their depth, but unable to change course. They'll keep pushing on no matter how farcical the whole situation becomes... and it's not over yet.

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I think the whole thing has been poorly planned. A MIHOP or LIHOP would have been wiser and, like you, I don't think they anticipated that RDH would be able to mount any kind of defence. Hence the complete debacle of the trial. If the Streisand effect was a consideration they royally screwed up.

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Notice how all 'terrorist attacks' in the UK in recent decades are always directed at the general public, never public figures.

Public figures seem to have sme form of immunity.

Since the IRA murdered Tory MP Ian Gow in 1990 there have been only 2 attacks on public figures & 1 of them is highly questionable.

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Have you included David Amess?

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Yes. He & Jo Cox. I think I missed Stephen timms stabbed in 2010.

That's all in 30+ years.

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They’re all obvious hoaxes. Only the most unaware could possibly believe them as they’re scripted, masonic, mass media, staged rituals that enable the belief and power of the state which is unlawful since HMgov and all gov services corporations including courts and police are privately owned corporations the public has no shares of, and no stake-holding in whatsoever.

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Hi, you might find this funny...it is from fakeologist (by psyopticon...): "Maybe not common knowledge that RDH's barrister, Paul Oakley of 1EC Chambers, is no stranger to media controversy himself; Oakley was the former General Secretary of UKIP, failed UKIP candidate for Clacton-on-sea and author of the 2019 book No One Likes Us But We Don't Care. What was it about Oakley that attracted Hall?

https://www.amazon.com/No-One-Likes-Don ... B07R4431D1


. I opended also the 1EC barrister site... and seems they are not specialists in such cases.. but also ofc note the phone number :)) Funny numbers following me around the nets it seems.

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Proof Hall lied. Was never outside Eve Hibbert’s address. Incriminated himself needlessly. Because he’s an agent of the Crown TEMPLE.

Paragraph 141 of the judgment:

“Richard Hall was shown on the film pulling up outside an

address and preparing to secrete a security camera in the garden of an address which he purported to be the garden of the Hibberts and that he intended to catch them walking from the address.

As such, DI Michael Russell and DS Claire Waring attended the home address of Eve Hibbert, on 21 July 2021, and were able to establish that this was NOT THE ADDRESS that Richard Hall had been parked outside when he planted the security camera in the garden on the film.”

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Yes the evidence that MrH is "in on it" gets meanwhile overhelming...and as u know I am a very fair and friendly person, so gave him the benefit of doubt for a while. But this time has run out now. Btw. I find it funny , Frances L being dissapointed to not been included in the Tommies list :)) Scroll down for the posts...

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Hall was very clear in the film clip the judgment is referring to that the garden shown was at his mother's house.

This proves nothing about whether Hall is honest or not, or whether he was at Eve Hibbert's address.

But it does show, yet again, that the judgment is full of inaccuracies.

It also shows that, as a self-proclaimed 'researcher', you are drawing wrong conclusions.

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I knew u would like this one :=)

There is even more, i link the thread :


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The Amess murder seemed real (unlike many other events).

Maybe you saw holes in that narrative I didn't find?

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Yes, the Joke Ox fiasco! Hall dismantled that one pretty thoroughly, too.

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What did MrHall conclude in this case?

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Another hoax. Of course Hall promotes hoaxes as real. Which is his purpose as a limited hangout.


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Yes pushing fake as real is a big sign of conops - shills. I also chatted shortly with Mark Tokarski of "Piece of Mindful blog" fame and he suggestes Hall pushed the McCann (=33) case as real like other limited hangouts have done w/ another case he covered at his blog. This was a girl "Jo Bennet Ramsey" most likely also a fake like the McCann one.

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Whow, thx for this one.... lots of "funny" insider joke names... ofc when main person has the COCKs already. .. but I may compile a list of the others I found. Also was re-visiting the JFK hoax and there we have lots of asses too :) Eg. the AZ can also be a code for as(s) (here PLAZA and ZAPRUDER for example)

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The A-Mess hoax is even dumber and more obvious.


“The Crown” is THE CROWN TEMPLE SYNDICATE. It’s not the monarchy.


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The only thing he asserted with confidence was that the murder couldn't have been done by Thomas Mair.

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I guess this is already some good reserach from him - i have not "followed" his work for years. Was put off by his support for the Jewdy Woods/Hutchison DEW/Starwars beams bullcrap and then forgot about him. And then suddenly here found him back this time at this trial... :) The "crowd" named above seems to be like a rabid dog in trolling people questioning their "theories" and this word is already a very friendly description. And also was suprised it still has traction here at this SS.. and seems MrH never distanced himself from it, but seem even in 2021 he was "pushing" it.

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I've never known quite what to make of Judy Woods' 9/11 research. She's sound on the problem of the 'missing' towers - where did all that material go? - but I can't see how a highly secret, previously untested on such a scale, yet 100% reliable, directed energy weapon of unimaginable power could've been solely responsible for their destruction.

But, as I've said elsewhere, the same rationale applies to 9/11 as to the Manchester Arena case. All we need to demonstrate is that the officially proffered explanation is bogus and cannot be true. That has been done multiple times in respect of 9/11 and now R D Hall, Iain Davis and David Hughes have provided us with a similar level of confidence that Abedi was not the MA bomber, because there simply was no bomb!

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Yes.. I wrote 2 "notes" for the Woods stuff here one of them, leading to Francis substack and a "blast from the past" website " (visibility 911 proving JW is an agent of sorts (and a very bad one cuz she does not even know the basic details of her "theory" LOOL): https://substack.com/@schlafschaf77/note/c-73543398

So we need to ask WHY would RDH promote all these shady figures-.. another one ofc is A.Johnson and even the barrister he used in this case is "strange" :P Plus like i heard he pushes fake events as real..

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This is horrific and undoubtedly backs up the state agenda to 'authorise narratives'. The agenda to get the public to accept digital ID is relentless and is, in essence, a form of grooming.

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Gas-lighting too.

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UK Column could have exposed the Manchester bang properly and they have the capabilities to do so but they are trembling cowards in reality, masquerading as independent media. I no longer subscribe or watch them

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I fear it won't be too long before I join you.

Brian Gerrish, in particular, is responsible for this unforgivable oversight.

Yet, he tells viewers he wants us to "understand the deep state".

It's not good enough, Brian.

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What are you doing to expose the deep state? I'm genuinely interested.

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Do you imagine he is reading your every little whimper & groan here GOG ? 🙄😂

Brian &UK Column do what they do, it's weary old eyes on the same old 'spectacles & constructions', with some commentary on valid serious oppressive strategies. that the public should be informed about.

Now, suddenly ALL of their work & views, that you've fed off for years are worthless ... because they didn't do a song & dance about Hall & Manchester every broadcast?

They mentioned it, then they went back to their usual fodder. Your attitude is exactly the same as a petulant childs, or a fanatic who expects their guru to do magic tricks on command.

Did it not occur to you that they are more informed than you about Hall (& his possible faults & foibles) & that is why they chose not to go out-of-their-way supporting him, & that is also true of many inter connected alternative channels ?

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What have Hall's "possible faults and foibles" got to do with anything? We all have them, even you Ram. The issues is not about Hall, it is about the evidence which shows a UK domestic hoaxed false flag and its use as the basis for draconian legislation. Some of which is intended to effectively silence outlets like UK Column by exploiting the lawfare conducted against Hall. Hall is just the canary in the coal mine. The likely gas is going to suffocate all independent journalists.

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Halls (real or imagined) faults & foibles are what may have encouraged UKC to be wary of making an effort to highlight the case.

For example the 'stalking claim' seemed to touch a lot of people (even though it is farcical) & we saw that with Ben Rubins attitude, Miri, Petra, Ailling & the duplicitous Neil Saunders. All of them found it a hurdle too high.

I agree the issue shouldn't be about Hall , it is about the legal THREAT & I have said that from the start, if you can remember that far back. I think I was one of the most vocal opponents of such oppressive intent here, making the point explicit that Halls personality was immaterial to the importance of the THREAT. I also stated that I do not like Hall myself, nor trust him & gave reasons for that view, as I am familiar with most of his work over many years.

Now I have adapted my view, & I do not think the THREAT is one that can be enforced among 'non consolidated individuals', it is simply a threat, although one we should be acutely aware exists as such.

Also over time & the interactions I received here (from Halls biggest fan!) I now consider Hall an 'actor' in a 'court theatre', so therefore also complicit. This does not change the importance of 'the threat', however it does change the entire dynamic of such.

UKC is to my eyes a controlled/channelled front that will only ever be moderate in its critiques, & Garrish admits this openly himself in interviews, I do not see them crossing any lines in the near future. They are GOOD at what they cover & a great stepping stone to a more advanced view, like most 'alternative sources with a large audience'.

I think the 'gas' on this will disperse & any genuine expressions will not be persecuted - as the 'threat' of Martins & Eves laws are unenforceable .... & easily dismissible in any 'genuine' court environment.

I could be in error on this, but I have spoken to many 'involved' people about it & that is my present view....it may change again, as is my fundamental right !

One thing that does niggle me is the OPERATION PLATO aspect of this.

Hughes exhausting work implies it is what the emergency services went into as the 'event' transpired, yet from what I am aware of it is an 'ACTUAL DRILL/ Exercise', not an 'event mitigation strategy'. So the emergency services were actually in 'exercise mode'. If so both your work & his is in error on this important component?

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While I don't agree with your perception of Hall or his alleged complicity, with regard to your view on the "threat" I hope you're right. It will be interesting to see how Eve's Law progresses.

I'm not sure I understand your Operation Plato (OP) point. In the event of a marauding terrorist attack OP can be declared and trigger a set of Joint Operating Principles (JOPs). A bit like a METHANE message, OP isn't an "operation" as such, it is a kind of service wide alert to set JOPs in motion. Hence Smith declaring OP "hot," "warm," and "cold" status for the City Room and the wider Arena.

This is how OP is intended to be used in a live terrorist shooter attack, not a suicide bombing. But declaring OP doesn't put the emergency services into any kind of training or exercise mode. Is that what you are suggesting?

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Well, It seems to me that MAYBE the entire 'smoke without fire/bomb hoax' EVENT is in effect 'Operation Plato', ..... as it is a 'mode of reaction/strategy' in this instance irrespective of any actual threat.

I realise there are discrepancies as it is devised for an armed maniac, more than for a suicide bomber who has already exploded themselves (allegedly).

By using 'Operation Plato' it would be possible to usurp usual command protocols to activate emergency measures (including levels of secrecy/distraction etc otherwise unnecessary).

For example, typically what the public is allowed to know of Operation Plato is not what those 'in the loop' know.

The idea we can be fully informed of a counter terrorism strategy is rather unbelievable is it not, & defeats the entire concept of having an emergency measure if the terrorists (sic) are already informed how the emergency services/forces are going to react in advance?

Once upon a time people seemed far more canny & aware of methods such as bluffs, double bluffs, triple crosses & the distraction games of parlour tricks & stage magicians... in many ways, taking things at face value seems to be encouraged more than ever, when social masks have become ever more the standard.

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So what are you doing to expose the dangers we face? Just curious.

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Talking to anyone who'll listen.


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'Talking to anyone who'll listen.' , about what though? 😂🤣😂

Do you mean 'writing to anyone who'll read it'

Do you confuse the two ..or when you are writing here you are also talking out loud ?

Can you please explain, as this is the first thing you've ever written here that has really interested me?

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Just a note on the first part of this article discussing digital ID's.

Yes, the powers-that-shouldn't-be would love to roll out a comprehensive digital ID that enables total surveillance and control - but is it really possible? I don't think so, for the following reasons:

A digital ID would have to be integrated into an external device, like a SMART device - or incorporated into the body via a subdermal chip.

The problem with external SMART devices is that they run out of power, they wear out and breakdown, they are easily broken, they can get hacked, they get stolen, etc.. So making an external digital SMART device as an essential component of getting by in society is a non-starter.

Incorporating a digital ID as a subdermal chip would solve the shortcoming of external devices but is it really feasible to get enough of us to consent to such an invasion of our physical bodies? I don't think so. Yes, dog owning idiots here in Wales have consented to chipping their pets but when that "safety device" moves to children and adults I think we would witness enough of a push back to render it a nonstarter.

I'd be interested to hear other opinions on this subject.

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That is why the combination of Martyn’s Law and the state’s push for “biometric” digital ID is so insidious. Your face, your iris or your fingerprints will be your “biometric digital ID.” The scanning devices will be located in the premises you wish to enter. The local supermarket for example. No phone, card or implant required, simply “registration.”

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Won't we still need some way of being identified when accessing online shopping and social media? I guess that fingerprints might suffice?

The requirement to prove that we are over 18 is becoming law in Australia but, try as I might, I could not convince my Aussie friend that this is digital ID on the whole population. She kept saying "Oh no, it is just for the kids!"

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Dunno Frances. I guess once you have registered your face, iris, fingerprints or dna - whatever - they might issues you an app, card or a QR code or something so you can "login." It's voluntary and protects you privacy though, so I'm sure it will be just fine--as long as you don't want to use the internet that is.

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(Giggling....) I am so glad they haven't thought of smearing inaccessible body fluids on long Q tips and waiting a fortnight for confirmation.... oh wait.... 😨

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I was going to mention this, given I’m living in the blighted country you speak of. While many Australians have fallen for the ‘it’s for the kids’ BS, the vast silent majority are completely opposed to this law, not least because it’s one more, very obvious, act of removing parental rights. There’s a slowly growing pushback here, thankfully, as the laws and the proposed laws get ever more extreme.

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My first response was - touché - he's got me there! But on reflection, perhaps not.

I remember listening to an interview with a long serving fingerprinting forensics expert (sorry, forgot his name) and was surprised at how this evidence gathering technique was not as exact or as foolproof as we are led to believe. Far from it.

I've also been reading papers exposing DNA science as little better than virology when getting down to the basics - lacking proof.

We all know that iris or face scans are foolproof. Or do we? Other than learning about them from scary documentaries on modern surveillance or on sci-fi films, do we have any real proof?

There are a number of independent journalists who delve into all the frightening technologies being funded with lots of research papers. But given what people are slowly learning about the lies of man-made climate change and pandemics, one realises that billions of dollars of research can create entire industries around false narratives.

I presume our would-be technocrats would like us to believe they have all amazing technology to control and kill us. And they probably believe they do themselves. But do they really? Or do they just create gravy train industries based on wishful thinking?

I don't know for a fact how effective these purported surveillance technologies actually are. But given that it's being largely created and delivered via the digital realm, I remain quite sceptical.

The digital realm is the battleground for our minds. It's very effective in directing our thoughts and beliefs. But how effective is it in the 99.99-% non-digital / real world? I suspect we have been led to overestimate its power. It could be a paper tiger.

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I think facial recognition is extremely dodgy, as are many other of these supposedly foolproof biometric ID technologies. We've already seen that they don't work so well for black and brown skin types. Iris scanning has faltered in places like India and Africa where older people have found themselves excluded from services due to macular-degeneration.

I agree that a lot of these technologies are touted as something they are not. My work is not intended to promote the use of such technologies and I have written about the failings I just mentioned. I hope we will all oppose the intended rollout and reject their use.

Unfortunateley, the oligarchs pushing all this stuff don't care imho. If it is 70% effective that will do for their purposes. They don't give a damn if 30% of the population suffer as a result. Controlling the personal data and monitoring the movements and opinions of the majority is their ambition.

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Building hope ( the Guardian) at the cost of truth.

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Without truth, hope is merely self-delusion.

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This is gobsmacking! The UK is even putting the US to shame - and that is speaking volumes! It started with Assange & now the entire planet is becoming locked into a dystopic, technocratic gulag. I highly recommend to everyone the brilliantly insightful work of Joshua Stylman who writes for the excellent Brownstone Institute as well as on Substack. Do yourself a favor & follow this link: https://brownstone.org/author/josh-stylman/

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Thanks for the recommendation, Kathy!

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https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=QgWIjqVWREM&t=1910s&pp=ygUdbWFyayBwYXNzaW8gd29laWggZXBpc29kZSAyMTQ%3D Hopefully I have pasted Mark Passio podcast 214. Scroll to 15min and watch from there. Probably don’t have to watch all of it but try to watch until he finishes explaining the tenets of Satanism. This network ‘is’ real. I know them well and as he says they are every social strata. They comprise the ‘alleged victims’ in the State sponsored fake terror events. They are born into the network. They are easily compromised for that reason and they keep their mouths shut for that reason also. They can be tapped at any time to take part in some operation. This information is not something that Richard has considered, neither did the maker of the brilliant Boston Unbombing consider it but it really has that flavour ( cult network) at Sandy Hook don’t you think? Just leave you with that. Thank you for being part of True humanity.

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The state would not be bringing in all the new laws if they were not having difficulty controlling there narrative's. Google can no longer be used to find alternative truth the way it could 5 to 10 years ago. You have to find individual websites but much is hidden and hard to find.

Courts are just one way to restrict freedom. Child courts are the an extreme example.

They try to tell us most people accepted the Covid lie but there were protests of over half a million. I like many others have never joined a mass protest preferring non compliance and make fun out of stupid rules on many occasions.

They know extra security would not stop a determined bomber so it is all show. Most terrorists have some connection with intelligence agency in some country. Part of the UK economy is based on making and selling arms directly or indirectly to almost anyone. Countless tv/films about serial killers that may kill a few , terrorist acts may kill a few more but international arms trade helps kill many tens of thousands.

They are locking people up for harmless tweets anything can be said to be incitement or hatred.

Do they need this new Eve law is just another threat that they hope will make people self censor.

I have read some web sites are talking about closing as they are worried about fines.

Like when Richard was taken off sky tv due to threats from Ofcom.

Others will close comments to protect themselves. I have often found interesting nuggets of information in comments.

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I agree, often the point of these proposed initiatives is to scare us into compliance. I wrote a series of "Armchair rioters" articles stressing this point.

In this case however, the state is serious in my view. Martyn's Law is dictatorial and I don't see any notable parliamentary resistance to enacting it. I think Eve's Law is equally intended. It will be sold as protecting victims from those awful "conspiracy theorists," but the effect will be as I have described in my opinion.

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Steyn had form long before the farce of her perverse judgment in Hibbert v Hall.

Here for example..


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What a massive liar & farcical idiot Iaini Davisis now is , as if some terrible curse has effected him to be babbling moron playing out 'opposition figure' to facilitate horrors.

'Legacy media' is stupid name used by stupid people in spell of word virus epidemic, so I am thinking Davisis is obsessive addict to his own humiliation. Legacy media is simply 'corporate' media & that is same as 'establishment'.

There is no informed democratic debate. There is agenda pushing & pulling & bigotry & intolerance because very simple minded & uniformed people shout the loudest & discourage 'genuine' thinking from occurring , we see this with almost every post Iaini ,makes. & when good debate arise trolls from 77B BBC bitchling descend & Davisis will chit chat with them!

While Richard Damien Hall was doing his dancing fairy performance for the sham court accusation of being stalker, what was occurring here on Davisis comments pages? PRO-LIES team running amok with Davisis blessing trying to waste time & destroy reputation & great work of one of the few voices saying something sane & resonant about all this, & ProLies BBC 77B team actually being STALKERS with threats of life harassment (now all deleted by Substack) !

& what did that great work(*1) PROVE beyond reasonable doubt= Martin Hibbert is a liar & UNTRUSTWORTHY WITNESS.

So, rewind !!! & if that had been taken seriously (it was laughed at many times & ridiculed with strawmen & gaslight) there could have been no serious court action.

SO if idiot Davis & his mostly idiot fan-club (there are a few great exceptions!) were really decent ,democratically inclined minds, were was ANY constructive debate? The same occurred when myself & friend supplied dozens of ways to overturn, or void case against HALL. Silence resulted from wimpy Davisis fan club - except for ridicule & abuse from PRO-LIES team (who got banned in process by substack moderators!)

Does Eve Hibbert even EXIST ! Iaini is clueless about such lack of facts & never considers them , despite proof again that all her public images are constructions.

The Guardian is pathetic paper, but Davisis is being disingenuous, as in its article it just regurgitates the 'tale' it is not encouraging it to manifest. Yet look at Davisis own actions during court fiasco & comments hysteria, neither are trustworthy, neither have honour, integrity or desire for reasonable debate.

As for surveillance Davisis mentions = the threat has become reality many years ago in 2020 with 5G complete control monitoring matrix , with plasma detectors array I never see Davisis confront.

$ill Gates Patent 2020060606 whatever, says how it is done via bio,neuron sensitivities, this is similar to KIRLEAN detectors governments used in the 1960s (at airports etc) but have NEVER until this instance mentioned to the public as far as I am aware, but I will mention now to make you realise you are being lied to by Davisis etc. They have never needed to micro chip or digital data you as he threatens , it is already possible with Kirlean 7 other PLASMA resonations.

Davisis calls on people to wake up from some somnambulist cage he is in! If his fan-club did then they would quickly realise he is selling them some old rope, & he has little children & mental patients adding to the ends of it so it will never run out!

(*1) two works prove this if your brain is still flexible & works as it should.



$ ill Gates Patent for human being to be cryptocurrency


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This is your first warning! (see pinned comment). Please continue to offer any criticism you like but do not stray into personal abuse. If your abusive behaviour continues you will be permanently blocked.

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Are you on the sauce? Asking for a friend. This is incoherent, grammatically dodgy and not useful, IMHO. Have you any solutions? Asking for the readers.

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Beware of feeding the trolls.

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Can you be specific Anne ?

It certainly isn't incoherent to my eyes, but I'm familiar with reading so maybe have broader scope & comprehension than many modern minds?

I also found it a useful view, mentioning the important matter of Eve's potential or unlikely existence,something I haven't noticed you being able to comprehend yet in your work, if you have please link for me , thanks.

Your comment above seems somewhat incoherent though, you do not make it clear to whom you addresses or why you are commenting- for example are you asking 'your question' for a friend, or claiming BSM is asking 'for a friend' ?

Is grammatical perfection a requirement on the internet? I think it is actually rather trivial unless causing serious confusion, or confounding any intended meaning, or intent.

I hope we are not now all expected to provide solutions when criticizing any issues facing society, it should not have to be a perquisite , sometimes it is a bonus when possible. However, sadly it is typical that the solutions supplied are no solution at all, & often instead will plunge us deeper into a more entangled contrivance.

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Tell it like it is Blue Sky Maiden !

Davis could have interviewed you & Serge about this, but instead talked to Assling Ol'StrapOn & Miri ArseFucker ! 🙄😂😂😂

So much for 'informed' democratic debate!

What a poseur Iaini Davis has become

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This is your first warning! (see pinned comment) Please continue to offer any criticism you like but do not stray into personal abuse. If your abusive behaviour continues you will be permanently blocked.

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Just do it, Iain. These trolls have long since exhausted their credit.

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Can I take exception to that insult as we (Ramona & myself) both have works that prove we are not trolls, we just have a different view than you ?

I will now happily not be abusive here because Iaini no longer likes to see such actions, but what you write is actually being offensive & is is also a provable lie. We do not need a big discussion but I think you should apologise for calling us trolls unless you can prove that is so .

& please explain if we are trolls how has The Dub SurgeOn written one of the most damming overviews of Martin Hibbert on the internet, far more so than you or Iaini or anyone else! Would it not then be obvious that anyone attacking Serge was very obviously a state funded troll?

I know you are very impassioned being GOG, & ask now in spirit of loveliness to be reasonable & not have to be OTT in attitude. Maybe this year will be a year of tolerance when needed & intolerance when essential?

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Taking offence isn't anything that concerns me. Calling people things like Arsefucker or directly accusing people of lying is the kind of thing I don't want to see in my comments section.

As for DubSurgeOns alleged "evidence" supposedly exposing Hibbert, having read it and thought about it, personally I didn't find it remotely convincing or even particularly intelligible. You may find it plausible and be convinced by it, but I'm not.

I note you see yourself a member of a group. Do you have any collective objective? If so, what is it and who do you count as being part of your group?

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Ah,so that is why upset,

my apologies,

AssFeker is what MIRI herself says her name means ! (*1)

It is also what Mr James Delingphole says her name means, it is THEIR joke i just copy because I think it have resonance to situation, again I will not share their joke if it is upsetting to sensibility.

I am in group with friends but do own thing as well: & I am popular cook with happy YT channel 😉!

On substack we are called = 極道, or 忍び, our objective is total control of the Gallic Seas & Uni-Verse !

= sorry poor taste joke, maybe !

Here we were called=

イアン デービス ファン クルブ

but after bad times I now consider it =


Our objective is to make content that informs, entertains & is not the same of miserable plop that is now epidemic. Have a look & have some fun for a change ? : Maybe consider Tardigrades overview first ?


or very short revelation of BIOTHEOLOGICAL SCIENCE OF RELIGION

or latest ''The Dimensions Dilemma''= very quick & profound destruction of stupid DIMENSIONS lies from modern science.

I did hope you to digest longer post of comparative MAYA = Hyper-reality that is at the moment the best overview on internet of such (if not please link me better one, thank you) . I work hard & hope it is good food for your mind as at the moment you lack nutrition about such views in your good works.

I am surprised you do not find Serges view of Hibbert useful, it show great chasm in awareness & research between you, but still that is how it is & will probably remain.

He has been looking at these acts of trickery probably longer & with more knowledge of processes involved, especial with symbolism obviously. Also as professional photographer & FX person he is more familiar with illusion of Maya. Unintelligible is funny word to use as it can also mean reader is inarticulate, not the writer ?

(*1)I know it is also Ann Finck as well, but that is what she & he say!

see here for candid chat on such= @48 seconds in: https://rumble.com/v2xkkdk-miri-af.html?e9s=src_v1_upp

I have now by a friend been told that this may be a translation, clear speaking issue ?

& it is not 'ass' but it is 'AS' ! IF this is so I apologise for confusion!

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Well said, Iain, and absolutely spot on. This is a crucial time for the alternative media to unite and resist state tyranny. I can hardly believe this is the state of the U.K. today but unfortunately there is no denying it.

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