I believe this is the first time I have no intention whatsoever of clicking the 'like' button to one of your posts, Iain.
This kind of devious, subversive shit simply reeks of the security state. 'don't vote!' - isn't that what Russell Brand said?
Consider this - what if you put all of your article in a fucking manifesto and enough people voted for it such that no amount of vote rigging could stop that majority? There is a limit to vote rigging, after all, beyond which it becomes obvious, at which point the people are finally woken up and realise their deception and you have a fucking revolution.
There is only one outcome of the call to 'not vote' and that's the Oligarchs continuing to govern.
You see, there's a logical absurdity in what you say. Because what you advocate can only happen if a majority 'drop out of the system' and 'organise themselves' in the allegedly 'democratic' way you advocate. If it's a minority, the cabal use force to prevent it. So, if you have such a majority, then like I say, the best way to achieve it is to form a fucking political party and put it in the fucking manifesto and then, hey, if a majority vote for it, you have democracy!
One thing's for sure - if you don't vote, the government wins. And if you are seriously trying to tell people not to vote then qui bono? clue - it's not the people, that's for sure.
It obtains its authority from the people when they carry out their act of consent by voting. Just because the people have been deceived into voting against their best interests doesn't delegitimate the system. You could, after all, imagine the same system in which there was no deception, and the government genuinely cared about the people.
What Iain is doing - whether intentionally or not - is misdirecting people from the real explanation and truth about all this, which is HISTORY. Before 1066 we had a true democracy. There wasn't 'voting' per se, but everyone agreed to it. We had pretty much autonomous communities who would have an agreed representative (the thane) who would speak for them at the Moot, presided over by the King (as a kind of speaker of the house/chairman type of role). At these moots they simply discussed the issues of the day, came up with obvious common sense solutions, and then implemented them. The reason this worked is because all the people were part of the same socio-cultural group - and as the saying goes, you don't shit on your own doorstep. Human beings naturally care about other members of their own perceived social group, so no one subjugates anyone else. There is, after all, no real evidence of major 'war' during the Anglo-Saxon period (or the previous Celtic period, for that matter, and little war between Celts and Anglo-Saxons).
What happened in our country was that in 1066 we were invaded and occupied by a bunch of foreign, racist psychopaths, who immediately installed a feudalist system. This same social group (as defined by their psychosocial/cultural identity and attitude towards us, the people - which is indeed the same as 'racism') has been exercising power ever since. Of course they don't call it 'feudalism' anymore but it is. In fact they have successfully deceived the people into not realising it's feudalism by presenting an image of feudalism as 'medieval peasantry' etc. No, feudalism is governance by a small group of oligarchs. It might not superficially look the same (because of technology etc. mainly), but it is the same.
This is why I say if we want our democracy back we have to form a liberal socialist political party (which would look very much like the old Anglo-Saxon system - i.e. localism) and a majority votes for it. By voting, we consent to it. Everyone (except the feudalist cabal) would be happy and prosperous and so on. I do wonder whether Iain and the others would be so complaining if we had a benevolent government! I doubt it.
To say that 'all government' is bad is clearly wrong. That's precisely the kind of thing which creates 'learned helplessness', and it's the height of subversion - in fact, it's the kind of (cognitive infiltration) subversion for which the feudalist oligarchs would be very, very grateful, because the kind of people who read Iain's stuff are the real dissidents who alone know we are 'governed' (i.e. subjugated) by a bunch of evil monsters. So if you can convince the dissidents to 'not engage' then you have won a massive victory.
Same considerations apply to the likes of all these other fake anarchists. They're not anarchists, they're reactionaries at best, and cognitive infiltrators at worst.
So what I'm saying is you have to understand history if you wish to understand all of this. The current state of play is nothing to do with any 'theory' about 'democracy' or 'not democracy'. We were invaded and occupied by an evil foreign group in 1066 and they have been in power ever since. It's that simple. It's got fuck all to do with 'political theory' or 'political philosophy'.
Rubbish. They have the power to begin with via money, weapons, personnel to draw from; & avenues such as media ; education; medicine etc. The civil service is the biggest employer in most countries!
They ALLOW parameters of dissent, meagre options of policy & a freedom to indulge in products all to keep us pacified & compliant as far as they require.
Basically it boils down to the biggest gangs, who are family connected & have the most resources to sublimate other gangs. Hence why Anarchy is a great philosophy yet so dangerous to implement without a constructive environment to develop in.
The oligarchs are not a small group as their family connections are effectively ubiquitous & are entwined in all social sectors & professions.
I agree completely that voting at a higher level is immoral and at the very least it gives consent to these evil SOBs.
I always had an internal conflict with regard to local elections. On the one hand, local elections do affect you directly, and numbers tend to be small enough that with enough engagement, some 'change' or 'resistance to change' can be effected. On the other hand, what you say is so true: these local elections are under the purview of the larger national scope, and anything that happens within them will ultimately abide by the national/higher scope and their march towards madness, making any change inconsequential to the behemoth's agenda.
Sadly, some people will cling to the delussion that voting does matter, up to the point that they believe that not voting is the psyop. How dense can these people be? "After decades and centuries of people voting, these bad people got into power either directly as representatives or covertly as puppet masters, therefore the only way out of this mess is by voting". Ludicrous. Makes you wonder if these midwits aren't controlled themselves...
Pre-covid I may have agreed with your assessment but my eyes have been opened. Local elections is one tool still available to us that we can use against them.
I do think local elections (in many cases) are consequential for each of us, and if some influence can be exerted on it, that is a great thing
I just think any local election issue is limited in scope and when push comes to shove, the local system exists within the super State's framework, making it subject to it to a large extent, and when the super State comes knocking at the door, the local power will (most likely) submit
What a load of boring old bum wank, for bum wanking old bores.
The only good from this tedious essay is that it made EverLyin' Bumsick manically type 'fucking' several times in exasperation, & possible remorse that the ProLies account was purged from substack for the second time this year after going completely psychotic.
while I hope you refrain from your child molesting fantasies, lurking about parks trying to play with other peoples pets, & your inclination to try & feltch both of the decomposing corpses of your parents !
It must be humiliating being unable to upload an image for your profile picture, maybe you are too decrepit to be much use here. I also imagine you are crippled with loneliness & encumbered by prolapsing when you get too excited, so feel the need to bait folk like myself to abuse you for the fact ?
I wonder if the problem is that we live in large enclaves of human masses. Maybe if we lived in smaller towns and villages, we would be able to manage our existence more sustainably. At this point we in the Western world have become so large and expansive, we are more like a herd that needs to be controlled so as to keep some semblance of order. While I do agree wholeheartedly with Larken Rose in terms of our dangerous superstition, I still can't seem to wrap my brain around a viable alternative, other than dismantling the extensive conglomerate of industrial cacophony of caliginous junk. The industrialize world kills us slowly, destroys the eco-system, causes extinction of vulnerable life forms, foments destructive competition and instills a deep sense of powerlessness to control it without some great oligarchy to reign over it. We degenerated from God-men, to Kings & Queens to political representatives, none of which truly represent each and every one of us.
I don't vote either, haven't voted for years as my little protest and my stance of "I do not comply". However, I do realize that even though I don't vote, I am still covertly complicit because on so many levels, I do benefit from what this government does. If I travel anywhere in the world, and tell the folks I visit, I am from America or the United States, those I meet will uniformly and rightly so, see me through the lens of being a part of and/or in agreement with, what my government has done, here and around the world. It's quite a conundrum that cannot be easily fixed as it has been the "thing" for centuries if not millennia.
Brilliant assessment of our dilemma. It's sad so many still fall for the voting system promulgated by those who wish to exploit us. Local mutual support groups does seem the only way out of this mess. John Spritzler at pdrboston.org and on twitter is excellent at interpreting our dilemma in an historical context. Do please read him. Thanks Iain.
A eugenics agenda, digital slavery, monetizing nature, controlling the food system, brainwashing the public, censorship, social credit score...What a perfect system, for the oligarchs. Your vision, not theirs. Do not comply. Do not obey...Kman, DIGILEAK WORLD
Why do you keep wasting your time chasing the windmill of Anarchism in the impossible dream of everybody living together in peace and harmony without the structure of a government???
You obviously have no idea what just happened in the USA with the election of Donald Trump, and the MAGA Republican Party winning control over the trifecta of the White House, the Senate, and the House of Representatives. Add to that the MAGA Republican control over the Supreme Court, a majority of State Governorships, and a majority of State Legislatures.
Only in a small City-State, like Athens at the time, is a true Democratic government possible.
A nation of 350+ million people requires a Federal Republic of locally elected representatives.
Pardon me William but I do not think you have much of a clue about Anarchism. If you had, you wouldn't be dismissing it out of hand. Check out details of the CNT/FAI before and during the Spanish Civil War where millions were involved in the movement. Check out Jose Peirats and Gaston Lavalle just for a start.
Where in the world can you learn about anarchy when we learn about Marx, Hegel, Spinoza. Socrates et al. I wonder why that is?
Absence of any cohesive principle, such as a common standard or purpose.
Absence of government; the state of society where there is no law or supreme power; a state of lawlessness; political confusion.
Hence, confusion or disorder, in general.
The state of a society being without authorities or a governing body.
Anarchism; the political theory that a community is best organized by the voluntary cooperation of individuals, rather than by a government, which is regarded as being coercive by nature.
A chaotic and confusing absence of any form of political authority or government.
Confusion in general; disorder.
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition
I think you are too lazy to really find out and have to rely on establishment propaganda to give you some false flag answer. If you can't be bothered to do the work then maybe a video can help do the work: shattertheswarm.com
I wonder what American Heritage says about the Native American Genocide?
Not lazy, just a proud American who cherishes the US Constitution and Bill of Rights, and is content and happy and grateful to live in the greatest country that ever existed. MAGA
Not sure that's a helpful definition of 'anarchy' - very politically biased.
an-archy - 'the absence of rulers', is more how I would define it.
This doesn't preclude having group representatives or even political systems.
I understand it, at it's root, more of being a political philosophy where 'power' is replaced by 'responsibility'.
It seems to mean different things to different people though, and there are a range of sub-flavours, such as anarcho-capitalism, anarcho-syndicalism,, green anarchism, etc.
How practical an idea it is, given various human tendencies, is somewhat moot however.
Maybe 'in an ideal world', but that goes for all other political ideologies too.
''How practical an idea it is, given various human tendencies, is somewhat moot however.''
Is an all too typical troll comment from someone who has no integrity, moral compass or social ideals.
Anarchism is SELF RULE over the dependence of state rule etc.
Yet human beings are predominantly social creatures (this is changing rapidly since the WWWeb became common place) so Anarchism should effectively be a balance of self rule, for the benefit of the community- hence the popularity of anarcho syndicalism a few decades ago.
The sad fact is that many people wish to be comfortably enslaved & will fight against anyone trying to liberate them from their cosy prisons.
These schyzoliberals are all mk ultra via TV.. have noticed a regular bbc and the ilk .they are all fully vaxed worry about climate change hate putin and trump . Etc etc . When trump said PUSSY and 100s of femminists marched round cardiff . Thier faces morphed into myra Hindley rose west in a gargoyle kinda way .they were seriousley triggered .I had to ask is it ok if I call my pussys cunts if they had A no 2 on my rug .. then along came the chinese eating bat soup in thier wet markets ..SIGH
What we feared will happen no matter what we try to do to head it off. It is inevitable.
"In our “representative democracies” we will all submit to Sustainable Development-based global governance—Technocracy; programmable digital currency, in one form or another, is inevitable; digital ID will be enforced somehow, whether we want it or not; the bio-security state and polycrisis state of exception are permanently fixed; construction of the digital gulag will be completed, either by deception or force; the new monetary system, that will be foisted upon us, will accelerate the transfer of wealth—of all kinds—from us to the oligarchs and terrorism, genocide, democide, war, propaganda and deception will remain the oligarch’s favored tools to instill fear in us as they continue to rule us using the strategy of tension."
Masterly essay.You are now articulating eloquently what is so needing to be made clear and fully understood by those of us desiring to see the future generations live and work in a just society
.But sadly, there`s a major problem to be solved and it`s one that`s becoming now virtually feral.
Next comment. The kind of 'democracy' you are advocating can only happen on a small scale (network of 'city states' etc.). This is because of the fundamental psychosocial limits to human social organisation resulting from the social cognition number (also known as 'Dunbar's number'), which in humans is around 150. The maximum size for a human society beyond which monsters/psychopaths/sociopaths (i.e. the oligarch cabal) can no longer be detected and ostracised is 150-squared, or 22,500. Even that is a little large because we're talking the maximum 2 degrees of separation, or 'friends of friends' (SIDS). SIDS can be trusted because individuals are only friends with people they know they can trust. That also means trusting their opinion, so if your friend has a friend you don't know (i.e. isn't part of your 150 FIDS/first degrees) but says 'you can trust this guy because he's part of my 150', then you can, indeed, trust him.
So the mathematics is quite clear - 150 times 150. Beyond this, as I say, you have third degrees of separation, and that's where trust can't be assured, and sociopaths can 'conceal themselves from detection'. If you have a load of sociopaths getting together in such larger societies, conspiring, then eventually taking power, then, well, you have today's world. This happened around 5k years ago. There's a reason why there was no war before then, and that's because of 22,500 and the social cognition number.
'Democracy' as you put it, which is a natural way of being (it's actually better termed liberal socialism), because it's hardwired into human social brains, can thus only function on a small scale, as I have outlined.
Thus, the best way to assure this happens is to form a political party (I'm calling it the Liberal Socialist Party) and then break up social groups into 22,500. You would still need a central state, however, to make sure that system doesn't get infiltrated by sociopaths and undermined. This is why you still need a Liberal Socialist government. This is why you MUST vote - but ONLY if you vote for Liberal Socialism. Anything else is a wasted vote - which includes not voting. Besides, wouldn't it be poetic justice and ironic to beat the fuckers at their own game and vote them into extinction?
This is a brilliant piece of writing Iain. You have surpassed yourself. I agree with every point and with your proposed solutions.
Yes, I agree! Iain leaves no stone unturned. It tells us all we need to know and WHY we should know it. Hats off to you Mr Davies!
I believe this is the first time I have no intention whatsoever of clicking the 'like' button to one of your posts, Iain.
This kind of devious, subversive shit simply reeks of the security state. 'don't vote!' - isn't that what Russell Brand said?
Consider this - what if you put all of your article in a fucking manifesto and enough people voted for it such that no amount of vote rigging could stop that majority? There is a limit to vote rigging, after all, beyond which it becomes obvious, at which point the people are finally woken up and realise their deception and you have a fucking revolution.
There is only one outcome of the call to 'not vote' and that's the Oligarchs continuing to govern.
You see, there's a logical absurdity in what you say. Because what you advocate can only happen if a majority 'drop out of the system' and 'organise themselves' in the allegedly 'democratic' way you advocate. If it's a minority, the cabal use force to prevent it. So, if you have such a majority, then like I say, the best way to achieve it is to form a fucking political party and put it in the fucking manifesto and then, hey, if a majority vote for it, you have democracy!
One thing's for sure - if you don't vote, the government wins. And if you are seriously trying to tell people not to vote then qui bono? clue - it's not the people, that's for sure.
I hear you. But we need to ask - where does government obtain its authority?
It obtains its authority from the people when they carry out their act of consent by voting. Just because the people have been deceived into voting against their best interests doesn't delegitimate the system. You could, after all, imagine the same system in which there was no deception, and the government genuinely cared about the people.
What Iain is doing - whether intentionally or not - is misdirecting people from the real explanation and truth about all this, which is HISTORY. Before 1066 we had a true democracy. There wasn't 'voting' per se, but everyone agreed to it. We had pretty much autonomous communities who would have an agreed representative (the thane) who would speak for them at the Moot, presided over by the King (as a kind of speaker of the house/chairman type of role). At these moots they simply discussed the issues of the day, came up with obvious common sense solutions, and then implemented them. The reason this worked is because all the people were part of the same socio-cultural group - and as the saying goes, you don't shit on your own doorstep. Human beings naturally care about other members of their own perceived social group, so no one subjugates anyone else. There is, after all, no real evidence of major 'war' during the Anglo-Saxon period (or the previous Celtic period, for that matter, and little war between Celts and Anglo-Saxons).
What happened in our country was that in 1066 we were invaded and occupied by a bunch of foreign, racist psychopaths, who immediately installed a feudalist system. This same social group (as defined by their psychosocial/cultural identity and attitude towards us, the people - which is indeed the same as 'racism') has been exercising power ever since. Of course they don't call it 'feudalism' anymore but it is. In fact they have successfully deceived the people into not realising it's feudalism by presenting an image of feudalism as 'medieval peasantry' etc. No, feudalism is governance by a small group of oligarchs. It might not superficially look the same (because of technology etc. mainly), but it is the same.
This is why I say if we want our democracy back we have to form a liberal socialist political party (which would look very much like the old Anglo-Saxon system - i.e. localism) and a majority votes for it. By voting, we consent to it. Everyone (except the feudalist cabal) would be happy and prosperous and so on. I do wonder whether Iain and the others would be so complaining if we had a benevolent government! I doubt it.
To say that 'all government' is bad is clearly wrong. That's precisely the kind of thing which creates 'learned helplessness', and it's the height of subversion - in fact, it's the kind of (cognitive infiltration) subversion for which the feudalist oligarchs would be very, very grateful, because the kind of people who read Iain's stuff are the real dissidents who alone know we are 'governed' (i.e. subjugated) by a bunch of evil monsters. So if you can convince the dissidents to 'not engage' then you have won a massive victory.
Same considerations apply to the likes of all these other fake anarchists. They're not anarchists, they're reactionaries at best, and cognitive infiltrators at worst.
So what I'm saying is you have to understand history if you wish to understand all of this. The current state of play is nothing to do with any 'theory' about 'democracy' or 'not democracy'. We were invaded and occupied by an evil foreign group in 1066 and they have been in power ever since. It's that simple. It's got fuck all to do with 'political theory' or 'political philosophy'.
Rubbish. They have the power to begin with via money, weapons, personnel to draw from; & avenues such as media ; education; medicine etc. The civil service is the biggest employer in most countries!
They ALLOW parameters of dissent, meagre options of policy & a freedom to indulge in products all to keep us pacified & compliant as far as they require.
Basically it boils down to the biggest gangs, who are family connected & have the most resources to sublimate other gangs. Hence why Anarchy is a great philosophy yet so dangerous to implement without a constructive environment to develop in.
The oligarchs are not a small group as their family connections are effectively ubiquitous & are entwined in all social sectors & professions.
Why aren't you mobilizing people against Labour ? You guys threw out the bums and worst people showed up . Why is that????? that's normal ?????
That is the fashion for the past few hundred years here Kellzilla.
It is a game of diminishing returns.
In the whole commonwealth yeah. The parliamentarian system has been such a dead end.
My whole issue is "framing the debate" . . . . its rejecting any new concept ideas by design.
I agree completely that voting at a higher level is immoral and at the very least it gives consent to these evil SOBs.
I always had an internal conflict with regard to local elections. On the one hand, local elections do affect you directly, and numbers tend to be small enough that with enough engagement, some 'change' or 'resistance to change' can be effected. On the other hand, what you say is so true: these local elections are under the purview of the larger national scope, and anything that happens within them will ultimately abide by the national/higher scope and their march towards madness, making any change inconsequential to the behemoth's agenda.
Sadly, some people will cling to the delussion that voting does matter, up to the point that they believe that not voting is the psyop. How dense can these people be? "After decades and centuries of people voting, these bad people got into power either directly as representatives or covertly as puppet masters, therefore the only way out of this mess is by voting". Ludicrous. Makes you wonder if these midwits aren't controlled themselves...
Pre-covid I may have agreed with your assessment but my eyes have been opened. Local elections is one tool still available to us that we can use against them.
I don't disagree with you
I do think local elections (in many cases) are consequential for each of us, and if some influence can be exerted on it, that is a great thing
I just think any local election issue is limited in scope and when push comes to shove, the local system exists within the super State's framework, making it subject to it to a large extent, and when the super State comes knocking at the door, the local power will (most likely) submit
What a load of boring old bum wank, for bum wanking old bores.
The only good from this tedious essay is that it made EverLyin' Bumsick manically type 'fucking' several times in exasperation, & possible remorse that the ProLies account was purged from substack for the second time this year after going completely psychotic.
Oh dear ,I`m so sorry.... must be awful for you at times?
But, you know . you can get the help ?
Have a quite chat with your GP.
PS Best first limit your "wanking"though . LOL.
I will Ted,🙄😂🤣😂
while I hope you refrain from your child molesting fantasies, lurking about parks trying to play with other peoples pets, & your inclination to try & feltch both of the decomposing corpses of your parents !
It must be humiliating being unable to upload an image for your profile picture, maybe you are too decrepit to be much use here. I also imagine you are crippled with loneliness & encumbered by prolapsing when you get too excited, so feel the need to bait folk like myself to abuse you for the fact ?
I wonder if the problem is that we live in large enclaves of human masses. Maybe if we lived in smaller towns and villages, we would be able to manage our existence more sustainably. At this point we in the Western world have become so large and expansive, we are more like a herd that needs to be controlled so as to keep some semblance of order. While I do agree wholeheartedly with Larken Rose in terms of our dangerous superstition, I still can't seem to wrap my brain around a viable alternative, other than dismantling the extensive conglomerate of industrial cacophony of caliginous junk. The industrialize world kills us slowly, destroys the eco-system, causes extinction of vulnerable life forms, foments destructive competition and instills a deep sense of powerlessness to control it without some great oligarchy to reign over it. We degenerated from God-men, to Kings & Queens to political representatives, none of which truly represent each and every one of us.
I don't vote either, haven't voted for years as my little protest and my stance of "I do not comply". However, I do realize that even though I don't vote, I am still covertly complicit because on so many levels, I do benefit from what this government does. If I travel anywhere in the world, and tell the folks I visit, I am from America or the United States, those I meet will uniformly and rightly so, see me through the lens of being a part of and/or in agreement with, what my government has done, here and around the world. It's quite a conundrum that cannot be easily fixed as it has been the "thing" for centuries if not millennia.
Brilliant assessment of our dilemma. It's sad so many still fall for the voting system promulgated by those who wish to exploit us. Local mutual support groups does seem the only way out of this mess. John Spritzler at pdrboston.org and on twitter is excellent at interpreting our dilemma in an historical context. Do please read him. Thanks Iain.
A eugenics agenda, digital slavery, monetizing nature, controlling the food system, brainwashing the public, censorship, social credit score...What a perfect system, for the oligarchs. Your vision, not theirs. Do not comply. Do not obey...Kman, DIGILEAK WORLD
Spoken Word: We Don’t Comply, We Don’t Obey!
Why do you keep wasting your time chasing the windmill of Anarchism in the impossible dream of everybody living together in peace and harmony without the structure of a government???
You obviously have no idea what just happened in the USA with the election of Donald Trump, and the MAGA Republican Party winning control over the trifecta of the White House, the Senate, and the House of Representatives. Add to that the MAGA Republican control over the Supreme Court, a majority of State Governorships, and a majority of State Legislatures.
Only in a small City-State, like Athens at the time, is a true Democratic government possible.
A nation of 350+ million people requires a Federal Republic of locally elected representatives.
The American System of Political Economy
Vs. Fascism and Socialism
When are you back from LUNCH?? Ever?
HaHaHa….I have no idea what you are trying to convey to me.
Expound a little, please.
Pardon me William but I do not think you have much of a clue about Anarchism. If you had, you wouldn't be dismissing it out of hand. Check out details of the CNT/FAI before and during the Spanish Civil War where millions were involved in the movement. Check out Jose Peirats and Gaston Lavalle just for a start.
Where in the world can you learn about anarchy when we learn about Marx, Hegel, Spinoza. Socrates et al. I wonder why that is?
Absence of any form of political authority.
Political disorder and confusion.
Absence of any cohesive principle, such as a common standard or purpose.
Absence of government; the state of society where there is no law or supreme power; a state of lawlessness; political confusion.
Hence, confusion or disorder, in general.
The state of a society being without authorities or a governing body.
Anarchism; the political theory that a community is best organized by the voluntary cooperation of individuals, rather than by a government, which is regarded as being coercive by nature.
A chaotic and confusing absence of any form of political authority or government.
Confusion in general; disorder.
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition
I think you are too lazy to really find out and have to rely on establishment propaganda to give you some false flag answer. If you can't be bothered to do the work then maybe a video can help do the work: shattertheswarm.com
I wonder what American Heritage says about the Native American Genocide?
Not lazy, just a proud American who cherishes the US Constitution and Bill of Rights, and is content and happy and grateful to live in the greatest country that ever existed. MAGA
Not sure that's a helpful definition of 'anarchy' - very politically biased.
an-archy - 'the absence of rulers', is more how I would define it.
This doesn't preclude having group representatives or even political systems.
I understand it, at it's root, more of being a political philosophy where 'power' is replaced by 'responsibility'.
It seems to mean different things to different people though, and there are a range of sub-flavours, such as anarcho-capitalism, anarcho-syndicalism,, green anarchism, etc.
How practical an idea it is, given various human tendencies, is somewhat moot however.
Maybe 'in an ideal world', but that goes for all other political ideologies too.
''How practical an idea it is, given various human tendencies, is somewhat moot however.''
Is an all too typical troll comment from someone who has no integrity, moral compass or social ideals.
Anarchism is SELF RULE over the dependence of state rule etc.
Yet human beings are predominantly social creatures (this is changing rapidly since the WWWeb became common place) so Anarchism should effectively be a balance of self rule, for the benefit of the community- hence the popularity of anarcho syndicalism a few decades ago.
The sad fact is that many people wish to be comfortably enslaved & will fight against anyone trying to liberate them from their cosy prisons.
These schyzoliberals are all mk ultra via TV.. have noticed a regular bbc and the ilk .they are all fully vaxed worry about climate change hate putin and trump . Etc etc . When trump said PUSSY and 100s of femminists marched round cardiff . Thier faces morphed into myra Hindley rose west in a gargoyle kinda way .they were seriousley triggered .I had to ask is it ok if I call my pussys cunts if they had A no 2 on my rug .. then along came the chinese eating bat soup in thier wet markets ..SIGH
The plutocrats, techno/fascists, and the security state creepos all shouted make neofeudalism great again! 😁
"If voting changed anything, they'd make it illegal."
Emma Goldman
DemoCrazy may be a better spelling of the word:).
What we feared will happen no matter what we try to do to head it off. It is inevitable.
"In our “representative democracies” we will all submit to Sustainable Development-based global governance—Technocracy; programmable digital currency, in one form or another, is inevitable; digital ID will be enforced somehow, whether we want it or not; the bio-security state and polycrisis state of exception are permanently fixed; construction of the digital gulag will be completed, either by deception or force; the new monetary system, that will be foisted upon us, will accelerate the transfer of wealth—of all kinds—from us to the oligarchs and terrorism, genocide, democide, war, propaganda and deception will remain the oligarch’s favored tools to instill fear in us as they continue to rule us using the strategy of tension."
Masterly essay.You are now articulating eloquently what is so needing to be made clear and fully understood by those of us desiring to see the future generations live and work in a just society
.But sadly, there`s a major problem to be solved and it`s one that`s becoming now virtually feral.
Let's not forget about history.
The ideal system we are talking about here is the same one that executed socrates for asking inane questions and being a public nuisance.
The same one which killed talented generals for losing battles, and ultimately elected a tyrant into power who dissolved the system.
The court was just as arbitrary, corrupt, and asinine as any other.
Public sentiment, opinion and beliefs will drive the decision making.
The problem is that many people don't think logically, fail to grasp obvious truths when it conflicts with their ideology, and are easily manipulated.
All it takes to break the system is propaganda and indoctrination camps for the youth labelled, "journalism" and "education".
What we actually need is to collect all the people who are rational, intelligent and not susceptible to brainwashing.
People who think for themselves cannot be corralled into witch hunts based on emotional appeals.
There is no ideal system, but any system composed of insane stupid people will always be terrible no matter what.
Next comment. The kind of 'democracy' you are advocating can only happen on a small scale (network of 'city states' etc.). This is because of the fundamental psychosocial limits to human social organisation resulting from the social cognition number (also known as 'Dunbar's number'), which in humans is around 150. The maximum size for a human society beyond which monsters/psychopaths/sociopaths (i.e. the oligarch cabal) can no longer be detected and ostracised is 150-squared, or 22,500. Even that is a little large because we're talking the maximum 2 degrees of separation, or 'friends of friends' (SIDS). SIDS can be trusted because individuals are only friends with people they know they can trust. That also means trusting their opinion, so if your friend has a friend you don't know (i.e. isn't part of your 150 FIDS/first degrees) but says 'you can trust this guy because he's part of my 150', then you can, indeed, trust him.
So the mathematics is quite clear - 150 times 150. Beyond this, as I say, you have third degrees of separation, and that's where trust can't be assured, and sociopaths can 'conceal themselves from detection'. If you have a load of sociopaths getting together in such larger societies, conspiring, then eventually taking power, then, well, you have today's world. This happened around 5k years ago. There's a reason why there was no war before then, and that's because of 22,500 and the social cognition number.
'Democracy' as you put it, which is a natural way of being (it's actually better termed liberal socialism), because it's hardwired into human social brains, can thus only function on a small scale, as I have outlined.
Thus, the best way to assure this happens is to form a political party (I'm calling it the Liberal Socialist Party) and then break up social groups into 22,500. You would still need a central state, however, to make sure that system doesn't get infiltrated by sociopaths and undermined. This is why you still need a Liberal Socialist government. This is why you MUST vote - but ONLY if you vote for Liberal Socialism. Anything else is a wasted vote - which includes not voting. Besides, wouldn't it be poetic justice and ironic to beat the fuckers at their own game and vote them into extinction?
There, humans - I've fixed your problem for you.