The internet and the streets are awash with US Democrat voters moaning about the tyranny they fear will be imposed upon them by Republican voters. As recently highlighted by Larken Rose, their hypocrisy has reached the level of absurdity. If they don’t like mob-rule, why do they keep voting for it?
“Representative democracy” is not democracy. Demokratia is power exercised directly by the people, not a tiny gaggle of oligarch serving toadies who claim to represent the people. “Representative democracy” is just another term for oligarchy.
In a real democracy the legislature, the executive and the judiciary are exclusively formed from or controlled by a random, rotating sortition of the people. The people design legislation, the people enact legislation and, most importantly, the people judge the practical application of statute and precedent law in courts formed and led by randomly selected juries.
In a democracy, the jury is sovereign with the united and annexed power to annul any and all legislation or ruling wherever statute or precedent law is found wanting in a jury-led trials. The legislature, the executive and the judiciary are wholly subservient to the people through trial by jury.
The jury’s only concern is justice. It makes no difference to a democratic jury what the legislature seeks, what the executive deems necessary or what instructions the judiciary tries to assert. Wherever and whenever a human being breaks the written law, but the jury finds them not guilty of any injustice, then the failure lies with the law, as it is written, not with the innocent accused. In such circumstances, any democratic jury can overrule extant statute and precedent in the interest of justice—annulment.
Despite the existence of Common Law jurisdictions, which technically allow juries to annul, on neither side of the Atlantic does anyone live in a democracy. Democracy is not the model of government we allow to persist. Whether we call it a constitutional monarchy, a supranational political union or constitutional federal republic, democracy is exercised nowhere.
Democracy is governance by trial by jury and we don’t need any form of government to establish a democracy. Any other political system, no matter how vociferously its proponents demand we call it a democracy, is not democracy.
Instead of democracy, which demands that we each take full responsibility for every aspect of our society and serve justice, we prefer representative democracy—oligarchy. We take responsibility for nothing and are the willing slaves of oligarchs who we passively allow to rule us unjustly under the guise of government.
Every four of five years we participate in anointment ceremonies we call national elections. We reaffirm our slavery to the will of the oligarchs because we wrongly imagine, by choosing a different oligarch aligned mob, we are exercising some sort of sociopolitical choice. Assuming the election isn’t rigged—and they clearly are from time to time—the full scope of our so-called political choice is to determine which oligarch faction will rule us unjustly for the next few years.
While oligarch gangs vie for supremacy, they all agree on the policy trajectory they want to force us down. In our “representative democracies” we will all submit to Sustainable Development-based global governance—Technocracy; programmable digital currency, in one form or another, is inevitable; digital ID will be enforced somehow, whether we want it or not; the bio-security state and polycrisis state of exception are permanently fixed; construction of the digital gulag will be completed, either by deception or force; the new monetary system, that will be foisted upon us, will accelerate the transfer of wealth—of all kinds—from us to the oligarchs and terrorism, genocide, democide, war, propaganda and deception will remain the oligarch’s favoured tools to instill fear in us as they continue to rule us using the strategy of tension.
We can’t vote harder with any rational expectation of changing any of this. We have been comprehensively deceived and it is about time we recognised it.
None of us have the right to force anyone else to do anything. The only exception is our duty to ensure justice prevails when one among us causes harm or loss to others. While others live in peace and practice justice, our right to control others simply does not exist.
The oligarchs have convinced us we can elect their representative puppets to exercise authority, not just over ourselves, but over everyone else. The resultant governments claim they rule by consent, but it isn’t informed consent and therefore no consent at all. If it were, we would all realise that we cannot devolve to government authoritarian rule that none of us can exert in the first place. We cannot bestow upon government that which we do not possess.
The consent of the governed and the social contract are propagandist’s myths. We have never given our informed consent to be ruled and no one has even seen, let alone signed, any contract whereby they agreed to be ruled. The oligarchs deem that we have consented to their mythical authority and have agreed to their invisible social contract simply by virtue of the fact we were born or live in the jurisdictions they illegitimately claim for themselves.
The oligarch owned legacy media hammers home the illusion of the requisite choice in the run up to every anointment ceremony. They promote the fiction that it is our duty to impose the rule of our preferred mob on the people we don’t agree with.
Our only duty is to live in peace by safeguarding justice. The notion that we can do this by absolving ourselves of all responsibility and handing over all decision making power to a handful of corrupt, self-serving robber-baron sycophants is ludicrous. That, in any event, none of us has any right to do so only emphasises the insanity.
Having realised they have just lost the representative democracy game, what is most remarkable about the Democrat’s angst is their envisaged solution. They are determined to regain representative political power, despite recognising that losing power means they have to accept the diktats of what they consider a tyranny.
They, the Republicans and every other voter, are not opposed to mob-rule. On the contrary, they are all for it as long as only their chosen mob gets to control their own and other people’s lives. They are perfectly willing to have all their inalienable—unalienable—rights ignored by the violent enforcers of mob-rule, but only while they fantasize their favoured enforcers represent their purported values.
In the US, in 2028, the reaffirming symbolic razzmatazz will be hyped up once again to convince the slaves to vote for, and thereby submit to, their own slavery. Both Republicans and Democrats will obediently traipse off to the polls to crown their next representative dictator.
Government will remain an oligarchy in perpetuity as long as its subjects can be convinced to vote for it. Oligarchs don’t care who we vote for. If we look like voting the wrong way they’ll rig the election anyway. What they care about is that we continue to believe in their system. Anointment ceremonies—elections—will change nothing beyond the minor narrative shift preferred by the dominant oligarch clique.
Oligarchs don’t particularly care about how many of us vote either. As we saw in the 2024 UK “general election,” the fact that more than 82% of the electorate didn’t vote for the current government and almost half didn’t vote for any government at all, did nothing to deter government from claiming some sort of spurious electoral mandate.
Not consenting to mob-rule is the obvious, prudent position but, absent fostering our independence from mob-rule, we’ll still be subject mob-rule as long as one man and his dog vote for it. Oligarchs are enamoured with their representative democratic system for a reason. Our only feasible, practical solution is to ignore mob-rule.
Oligarchs are obsessed with maintaining our trust. This matters to them because they are powerless to do anything if they lose our trust in their representative political system. If we instead decide we want to live in a democracy, ultimately, their rule is finished.
While neither voting nor refusing to vote will change the iniquities of mob-rule, at least not voting signifies we do not consent to it. By not participating in the oligarch’s farcical ordination rituals and never wasting a moment on playing any part in them, we can devote our time to more productive endeavours.
It will then be for those who impose mob-rule upon us to argue that we consent. If we continue not to vote in sufficient numbers, at some point, this will become untenable.
In the meantime, rather that recognise that supporting mob-rule is humanity’s greatest undoing, the party faithful will continue to inflict it on the rest of us and then complain bitterly when their inhuman strategy fails. Those of us who appreciate this will have to strive for something better regardless.
The good news is that pretty much everything we do today is done on an entirely voluntary basis. For example, farmers grow food, hauliers take it to market and we buy it without anyone telling anyone else what to do. Everyone involved in this complex, global demand and supply chain is motivated solely by their own interest. No one needs to be ordered to do anything. We are perfectly capable of organising our society spontaneously, without coercion or other forms of force being applied. In fact, we already do, most of the time.
The mob-rule favoured by voters and oligarchs empowers government. Government’s role is to protect the interests of oligarchs. Hence, proposing legislation to tax independent farmers out of business and force them to sell their life giving assets to the corporations owned and controlled by oligarchs. Controlling our lives and empowering themselves is what oligarchs are all about.
Of course, the solution to all of this is for us to actively refuse to comply with any of it. We can and we must maximise our independence from the villainous control system called “representative democracy” if we want humanity to survive. Real democracy would enable us to defeat the malevolent oligarchy at every turn. Which is why advocating real democracy is called extremism and considered tantamount to terrorism by governments.
Some minarchists will argue that engaging in representative democracy at the local level remains worthwhile. It is certainly more useful if the full extent of your concern is to influence local planning decisions. But local politics is controlled by national government decree and national government policy is engineered by global governance touting oligarchs.
While local elections—in the UK at least—probably aren’t rigged so frequently, they are susceptible to gerrymandering and still produce local officials with no electoral legitimacy. What’s worse, oligarchs have extended their reach—certainly in the major urban areas—to local representative democracy.
Local representative democracy may provide an avenue to more effectively express our views but it doesn’t make a jot of difference to the policy trajectory that controls our lives. Furthermore, voting is morally reprehensible and there are better practical solutions if we want to exercise genuine “choice.”
We can and, I suggest, should focus on our improving our local communities. If we build self sustaining, independent communities and work with other similarly minded communities to collectively meet our needs then, over time, we could gain the economic power necessary to make a national or even an international political difference. If, for one moment, we aim to achieve this by merely voting we’ll remain condemned to the oligarchs’ mob-rule.
It is an immense irony that those of us who point this out are accused of offering nothing but black-pills. In truth, recognising the problem is the first step to liberation.
By maximising our independence and actively engaging in non-compliance we are moving toward something better. Blindly paying homage every few years, while preposterously insisting this is the only peaceable mechanism by which we exercise agency in our own lives, is the abject surrender of the genuinely black-pilled.
It is up to the rest of us to get on with constructing the kind of society we want to live in. Hopefully, liberating more of the mob-ruled along the way.
The argument against breaking free is that the ruling mob will persecute us for doing so. It undoubtedly will. Such is the nature of the violent, oppressive mob people keep voting for, though they only support it if their mob wins.
This is a brilliant piece of writing Iain. You have surpassed yourself. I agree with every point and with your proposed solutions.
I believe this is the first time I have no intention whatsoever of clicking the 'like' button to one of your posts, Iain.
This kind of devious, subversive shit simply reeks of the security state. 'don't vote!' - isn't that what Russell Brand said?
Consider this - what if you put all of your article in a fucking manifesto and enough people voted for it such that no amount of vote rigging could stop that majority? There is a limit to vote rigging, after all, beyond which it becomes obvious, at which point the people are finally woken up and realise their deception and you have a fucking revolution.
There is only one outcome of the call to 'not vote' and that's the Oligarchs continuing to govern.
You see, there's a logical absurdity in what you say. Because what you advocate can only happen if a majority 'drop out of the system' and 'organise themselves' in the allegedly 'democratic' way you advocate. If it's a minority, the cabal use force to prevent it. So, if you have such a majority, then like I say, the best way to achieve it is to form a fucking political party and put it in the fucking manifesto and then, hey, if a majority vote for it, you have democracy!
One thing's for sure - if you don't vote, the government wins. And if you are seriously trying to tell people not to vote then qui bono? clue - it's not the people, that's for sure.