An exceptional essay again, Sir.

There's a lot of blatant psychological projection in what these 'scientists-tm' say. Re-reading all their quotes assuming they are in fact talking about themselves should reveal this.

I think, from a long-term overview, what we're really dealing with here is kind of 'clean up operation'. What I mean is let's say a hundred years' ago when there wasn't an Internet and only a minority even had access to scientific information (let alone understanding), lying about it for 'nefarious and political gain' was so much easier. Even, say fifty years later in the 1960s/70s it wasn't that much different. So they - with their typical short-termist thinking - lied about this that and the other and, I guess, simply assumed that they could continue to deal with the fallout later. After all, they thought, they owned the media and the governments and the academic institutes and all the rest of it.

But... a hundred years ago they didn't foresee something called 'the internet'. Even fifty years ago perhaps they didn't fully realise what would or could happen to all their precious lies. And so first, they privatise the communications network so as not to invest in the infrastructure (see Thatcher selling off BT), meaning delaying high speed broadband long enough for them to get their shit together. And to do stuff like 9/11 before everyone has smartphones and social media so the 'conspiracy theory' goes viral within 15 minutes of the event itself. But they can't delay the inevitable, so then comes broadband and social media and smartphones and all that - and that necessitates 'cognitive infiltration'.

So this is the point when all this pesky mass communication creates a veritable army of truth seekers and proper scientists sharing information and threatening the 'consensus' and the 'epistemic authorities' and well, questioning a hundred years' worth of 'science' and 'historical narrative' and so on. Thus - what do they need - yeah cognitive infiltration.

Next stage, however, the only way they can stop it is outright censorship. The cognitive infiltration helps here, of course - by manufacturing psyops and strawmen and so on.

But like I say, what we are really witnessing here, almost in slow motion, is the long-term result of having to cover up a century-long litany of lies.

Yep - that's why we need to make paper copies, darlings! First rule of espionage in a digital age - the latest generation of spooks simply don't understand old-fashioned methods.

Oops - that shouldn't have slipped out.

But yeah - the first lie begets another to cover up the first. And then another. And another. And so on until the only method left available is to just shut everything down. But that's totalitarianism - and you can't hide that from the people. That's when they revolt...

And that's why - yeah - the endgame is a comin'....

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I'm clapping (virtually).

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This is a really good point. I guess it's something that has always been in the back of my mind but you just put it into words, so thank you. The moon landings is a good example Stefatanus. The way they are having to make all new 'lunar landers' out of tin foil with bicycle horn 'thrusters' to make it look like we nailed it in '69 just demonstrates how they're desperately trying to qualify the comedy of those Apollo days. They can't wipe that nonsense now it's out there so they have to somehow mould it in with modern day technology. It's utterly laughable. On that note, I recommend Dave Mc Gowans highly entertaining Wagging the Moondoggie if you haven't already read/listened to it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=etUgUJLmuGU

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I think a similar thinking applies to the (alleged) Mars landers/rovers - if the original Viking lander (1976 if I remember correctly) was a fake then one lie begets another and they have to keep repeating it, showing a surface of Mars that looks the same as the earlier faked images. With the original Viking lander someone must've forgotten to re-colour the sky in the image because it's all azure, whereas Mars would be pinky-brown because of all the rusted iron. With the more recent rover images they do even admit that they touch up all the photos before publishing them. It's absurd.

It's also quite upsetting, of course, because they are denying everyone the wonders that must be out there. I think that's the real crime here, and it is a crime against humanity.

I think I mentioned Moondoggie elsewhere - yeah, it's brilliant.

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I know Armstrong walked on the Moon 'cause I saw it on TV !🤪

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Slow boil?

No boil?


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I've never read such an immature,yet conceited perspective on the matter EverLyin' Pigswill !

'A century long litany of lies'... what planet have you been on ...oh, sorry, I forgot you are a multiple personality spy from another dimension !🙄 😂🤣😂

It seem you have been consuming the 'standard narrative' for so long you have missed the most pertinent facts of this.

let's have a quick look at your latest ramble , typically shallow and lacking SPECIFICS as always.

''a lot of blatant psychological projection'' such as ?

Everything involves psychological projection, it is how we perceive and interpret / quantify reality. They are more involved in projecting MARKETING HYPE / fundraising spiel.

'' they - with their typical short-termist thinking '' there is almost NO SHORT TERM THINKING - their over-sears are from a tradition (cult/clan etc) at least 2,000 years old , seemingly.

I worked in advertising and the process of that is based on very long term results by seeding and provoking desire & insecurities. The scientific ESTABLISHMENT is how old, and takes how long to revise its errors ? You still have folk mired in describing the Earth as a GLOBE when it has been revised at least twice in the pat 50 years ansd no-one actually knows for sure due to cruddy fake space images.

The point is they have already crippled most peoples consciousness, and even if you were to overthrow the present regime, you would only replace it with your own variation of their 'mercenary, death cult exploitation games', they have DOMESTICATED & CONDITIONED people far too drastically for that to change quickly.

''they thought, they owned the media and the governments and the academic institutes and all the rest of it.''... well they do because they ARE THEM - you must be really dim to not realise that.

Your comprehension of history is laughable.

''a hundred years ago they didn't foresee something called 'the internet'''

Actually they did, you are just unaware of it due to hubris and conceit again.

Since the 1920's society has been in serious economic decline, so now it is 99% maya.

When was the printing press introduced EverLyin' ? Did they not have an even bigger issue with that.. or do you think people were stupid because they couldn't read , or think without being told what to believe ? People were far moere sophisticated and aware in the late 1800's than now, if you read records of the time, or have very old relations who remember it.

'cognitive infiltration' is as old as people communicating with each other. It was a regular tactic in modern (after 4 AD) Christianity !!! What is TELEVISION Everlyin' ? You seem to be clinically deranged & naive with your outlook here.

''the only way they can stop it is outright censorship'' really ? Are they not aware of the 'rebellious' nature latent in humanity when pushed too far... of course they bloody well are.

Hence why gob-shite distractors like YOU are all over the internet wasting time and talking crap... with some sugar coated veneer, yet actually containing artificial sweetener, preservatives ; the usual slow poisons .

''the latest generation of spooks simply don't understand old-fashioned methods.''

How do you know? You have this pose going that you are a 'double agent', dimension travelling schizoid mind control puppet

(for anyone who thinks this is a joke- check her dire substack profile if you think I'm making this madness up)

.... and make sycophantic bleating's to the espionage dog-knobbed-arsehole you imagine are monitoring your posts.

So, you want to be a part of their team (due to your Elitist nature and contempt of others ?) , yet pose as if you were or already are. From what you write you either never will be ( low grade , inept, dangerously narcistic & sociopathic liability) or if you did, it would be as fodder, something they can sacrifice or toss in the bin as an offset.

'what we are really witnessing here, almost in slow motion..... having to cover up a century-long litany of lies' ......, the pace is hell for leather- not slow motion, and it's speeding up noticably the past 4 years.

They DO NOT COVER THE LIES they are blatant, such as space fakery (the last 3 moon mission had no realistic images AT ALL) . That is the conclusion of your guru at the moment as well- Miles- who makes it easy for anyone to apply common sense to any major event and see that it is a house of cards balanced in a sewer.

Conditioned conformity does all the things you witter on about here , and has done since the advent of modern Christianity , then INDUSTRIALISTION until most folk were in some way consolidated (typically through work or community pressure).

''the first lie begets another to cover up the first. And then another. And another. And so on until the only method left available is to just shut everything down''

that is utter crud. Lying is in their natures. They dont care about the truth, and it seems neither do you- what a hypocrite.

Of course you had to twist in the fear angle with your misery monger disposition-

''And that's why - yeah - the endgame is a comin'.'' ... it's been a comin' since humanity on this planet began and manic depressives could communicate , Ive been hearing it for nearly 60 years, from various hysterics, death tripping creeps, and religious fanatics.

There will be no revolt- a capitalist (exploitation) system, immigration, sublimation, domestication, etc have seen to that.... and there is presently nothing to replace the current oppressors except envious poseurs who would be just as bad or even worse.

The great change has to be INTERNAL.

The fact that you got 15 seals to clap along with this latest eruption of junk shows how feeble most folks thinking is these days. Though maybe 10 of those were you ALTERS.

If they read the self obsessed crud on your profile they may actually consider what you wrote a bit deeper and realise that, despite it's initial allure of reasoning, it is really fanciful musings from someone lost in hubris and addicted to simple-minded , child-like fantasies... no doubt arrested development of a precocious child who never had any genuine friends, so had to construct them from a limited imagination that is still the same mental age , even now.

You may be able to fool the inexperienced and gullible EverLyin' , however here you will find many folk can see through your games and lack of integrity or sincerity.

(Evelyn is a CONSTRUCTED PERSONA without any birth certificate in that name (fact) or past history- apparently)

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Stea is in that group of self-satisfied bigots so convinced of their own rectitude that ANY dissent MUST be wrong, deceptive, malicious.. probably all 3, maybe more. If he is on the public purse, he needs to be fired for deliberately misleading those paying for his upkeep. We need 'experts' such as Stea as much as a dog needs fleas.

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This is not about science, this is about pushing the globalist parasitical narrative. It is literally spin.

Science continually moves .. forwards and indeed backwards (in what we know, believe or told)... it is questioned, proved true or false, WITHIN OUR KNOWLEDGE AT THAT TIME.

Just a daft example.. CLIMATE CHANGE. No National or global weather (TV etc) forecaster can get the day's weather right ... but can predict the next 30 effing years !!!!....

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It’s not just “spin”…

It is utterly malevolent mendacity masquerading as the “savior of mankind”.

And all the while, our billionaire betters keep on pillaging the public coffers in the name of “altruism”.

It would be funny, if it weren’t so blatantly Satanic.

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As my departed dad (evolutionary biologist turned evangelical Christian) frequently used to say:

“A scientist is a trained skeptic.”

When “The Science” turned skepticism into systematic dogmatism… one might say that actual science ceased to exist.

See also: “The Illusion of Evidence Based Medicine” (Jureidini/McHenry)

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Thanks again Iain. Yes, I agree with you. To me, the modus operandi here is identical to what has happened to any who go against the official narrative of our past. The scientist who found traces of cocaine on Egyptian mummies , published and then was smeared saying she must've contaminated the samples is exactly the same as Andrew Wakefield and all the more recent opponents of covid narrative. From what I can work out, it all seems to go back to 1912. Prior to then, stories of large skeletons being found were very common, especially in North America. The Smithsonian has admitted to destroying that evidence. There are just so many examples of this method. When trying to work out why, I think its this : our "leaders" or perhaps most powerful people, like us to be fearful of them and to be grateful to them for getting humanity to this point. Any suggestions of different ways of being , which could be much better for everyone, are just not allowed as it would show that these people have been bettered by other previous civilisations. The evidence for this is stacking up all the time. These people are no different to us in ability, they just have a very perverted view on things which is based around them keeping their power, by clutching the megaphone with two hands whilst standing on a plinth with a load of rabid attack dogs to stop any who expose this. It's pathetic, the worst of humanity. It is based on their fear and insecurity and it's almost like each generation of them accepts the legacy with no thought about what they're actually doing. When viewed like this, I'm sure if we could get to a level of 40% non compliance, the rest would feel emboldened and we could end it quite quickly. The trouble is fear, fear of losing what you've already got. That's what keeps people in this subservient frame of mind. I really think it goes back to 1912, thats when they first own the press and have censored the news. Oh, so many things happened then.

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Great comment. I like that you mentioned those things about the ancients. Especially the giants thing - I read some time ago about how the people who lived in Atlantis were much taller than people are today. Possibly because the sea level was 130m lower.

The other thing I could've mentioned in my first comment was how alongside all this censorship, they have been busy destroying the historical record and also creating fake records/photos and so on in order to tell a different narrative (and using people like Mathis for that very purpose). Likewise, one thing they can also do is 'digitalise' all the information, and then wipe it all out in some end-of-the-world cyberattack or EMP blast yadda yadda yadda thing. Then they can make up whatever history they like to the people of the future. And there'll be no way to contradict them because there won't be any contradictory evidence left anymore. The only thing people will have to go on is intuition - because 'science' will be rationed.

You are spot on about how they can't possibly accept the existence of a superior ancient civilisation. But I do think they have come to realise that at some point in the future, however long that might be, they will be forced to accept the fact that there's always a bigger fish. It's a big galaxy out there!

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Even Western civilisation was superior in the past - contrast "modern" architecture to what was built before the World Wars.

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Spot on ! It occured to me yesterday that vinyl is probably EMP proof 👍😂 , time to cut a lot of vinyl !!

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Vinyl is like a SHELL

If there was an EMP wiping out all electronics , record players and vinyl could still be re-rigged. Tapes would be wiped, as would CDR, DAT, HardDrives etc.

However, vinyl does suffer from all sorts of issues/moulds and toxic deterioration from the inner sleeves and outer plastic 'protective' sleeves so make sure they are as decent as possible!

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Indeed. 'Caring for your vinyl collection' should be on the national curriculum.

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I will never, ever, ever get rid of my record collection...

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if the price is right ?

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Never! I tell you! Never! You won't even be able to prise it from my cold dead paws!

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“Giants” = Nephilim?

Interesting how similar descriptions seem to show up in historical accounts from widely disparate cultures…

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Fields of the Nephilim are one of my favourite bands, I should add... And yes, I've got it on vinyl...

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I know about the giants. Have been sniffing around Atlantis for sometime. Could you please share some sound links on it if you have researched it for long. Too much fabulous stuff out there can' t make out what is true.

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My suggestion about the taller size of Atlanteans is from books, actually, by Murry Hope, who remembered a previous life in Atlantis. Her description of it and its society rings much truer to me than some of the other, perhaps deliberately obfuscating stuff (Cayce etc.). Can't really supply online links as such. Maybe that ties in with what we're saying about old-fashioned methods of storing information... Books are great. I love them.

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Jim Vierra (?!) spelling could be an issue and Hugh Newman have written books. Randall Carlson has much knowledge about sacred geometry and there's a recent 2hr40 min vid of Randall Carlson and Ben von Kerwyck where the evidence for advanced knowledge is mind blowing. Recent scans of predynastic artefacts are indicating a extremely high tolerance and precision, yet no one can replicate these , in particular, vases.

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While I enjoy the work of JimV, it is very obvious that he is a controlled op.

ie History Channel, Ancient Aliens crud etc- all CIA distraction channels.

What actual proof is there , the skulls, can they be made like dinosaur bones in China? How old can bones survive before they rot, or can petrify into stone?

Do you really trust newspaper reports from any age, when has America had a genuinely independent press?

I do seriously think the Giants were real ages ago, mythologically almost every 'tribe' has correspondent tales and symbolism about them. Yet they also have similar resonant tales about Dwarfs and the underground realms- is this giants hype to distract from that more tangible concept?

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I get that to some people, this stuff is a way of earning money. Surely, it's the fact that these newspaper articles just stop at precisely the date that the Black Nobility take power is the smoking gun? Humans come in all shapes and sizes and the size of a Denisovan tooth is way too big to fit in a moden human's skull. I understand that the best place to look for such bones is in oxygen deprived non acidic soil. To me, it would make sense to have a look in the flood plains of old. Another thing that went suddenly quiet was Sarah Parcak and her LiDAR discoveries in Egypt in which she said during a TED talk that we've only seen 20% of Egypt. Now she's still involved with LIDAR but only to do with catching artefact looters. I feel bad about this red herring taking over Iain's substack and it's such an enormous topic it really isn't fair since we could go on for days. Yes, there's a lot of weirdness and unresolved stuff but I was only trying to show how the modus operandi for The Science™ isn't new.

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I don't think it's necessarily an off-topic red herring actually. In fact, given the importance of understanding history it's entirely relevant - the cabal's attitude towards rewriting historical narratives and imposing theirs on people, starting in school of course, is an absolute match with their machinations regarding science - and various other subjects too for that matter - psychology, neuroscience, environmental science, medicine, archaeology and so on.

I especially agree with you regarding Egypt/Egyptology, which has been another of my pet subjects. It's always befuddled me how they say they only know x% of what's there despite all these advances in technology - sounds like a lie to me. The same goes for deep sea exploration. And space exploration - I'll add that one to the list.

Anthropology - that's another one. I liked your statement about humans coming in all shapes and sizes - from pygmies (hobbits lol) to giants. Many of those sub-species may be extinct now, but the fact that they did, at one time, exist, just goes to show the variety made possible by nature.

I would say around 5,000 years ago is the cut-off date - for example there's really no evidence for war prior to that, thus demonstrating that normal humans are not warlike - conflict only gets going once bad guys get into power. This kind of thing requires a series of long essays of course but the essential thing is that the 'official anthropology-tm' (how did you do the superscript btw?) is yet another projection - the so-called 'bellicose' view of human nature versus the 'egalitarian, cooperative, peaceful etc.' view. That's why I say we have to stop thinking of the cabal as the same species as the rest of humanity - normal humans left to their own devices would never develop totalitarian systems - but the cabal want people to believe they are the same, which is why they have captured subjects like psychology and anthropology and tell lies about it in order to conceal their innate 'difference' to normal humans. If normal humans en masse became aware of this difference, and the danger posed by this monstrous other species, then innate and necessary self-defence would do the rest, and there would be liberation.

So when we talk about scientism we need to cast our net much, much wider. Anything to do with genuine human knowledge and self-awareness/enlightenment comes under the same banner.

I've had my dose of coffee already - that's why I'm quite astute in the mornings.

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Liars Lie.

Lying is an epidemic these days.

Science is a process of unveiling NATURE and quantifying what s discovered/uncovered.

Qualitative phenomena - the most important aspect of existence for most of us- is beyond the scope of science, it will always be limited.

Mutability of Nature is not a mutual matter among scientists.

Anyone claiming to own the science is a dangerously stupid, arrogant , deranged and lost in hubris.

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Hotez's autistic daughter was probably a victim of his science. Not to mention, the turbo cancers resulting from the computer generated experimental mRNA gene therapy. For decades this mess was tested in various CIA funded laboratories always causing cellular mutations, hence cancer. The Royals might even represent the end result of this atrocious concoction.🤔

That being said, RFK, Jr. or shall I say "Schmuley Zionist" has turned out to be quite a disappoint as his insane position on Palestine tends to descredit the courageous work he did fighting against Fauci and the criminal pharmaceutical industry. Not to mention, that his running mate is a techno/fascist.

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Yep, I hasten to add I am in no way promoting RFK jr.

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Two bits of irony that just occur to me. 1/ there was an article back end of last week I think in the Conversation (yeah - I know - that's the place to go to see what the epistemic authorities are saying this week) about how 'conspiracy theorists' tend to use 'intuitive' thinking (as opposed to 'analytical thinking'). Clearly they don't want people using their intuition - I mean, heaven forbid people might intuit that some people with a lot of power, money and influence are telling porkies, eh.

The second timely thing was that today I was busy writing something myself about the lies of science in this world, and in the parallel utopia, those lies were exposed, meaning in that world they are at least 10-15 years ahead in terms of technology. I think that's worth thinking about - I mean in terms of 'what they have stolen from us' - it's not just about 'conspiracy theories' - it's about the denial of better technology that would make everyone's lives so much better (also meaning 'liberation from authoritarian control'). I think you, Iain, did kind of hint about this in an article about the pharma industry. GcMaf or something as a treatment for cancer, I can't remember the exact name (please correct me here!). Anyway, I like to imagine a world in which there is no Cult of Scientism. It really would be a utopia.

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Well done.

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Funny they claim Putin lead disinformation about vaccines but Putin pushed his own clot shots 😂.

What a stupid idiotic system they are fighting to keep afloat!

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Bloody brilliant takedown Iain. Cheers.

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Well done Iain - nailed it!

Trouble is, they are a slippery lot these fake scientists, and nailing them down will not be easy.

Tragically, like many lawyers, they no longer regard the facts to be decisive.

What matters is "the narrative", and the facts must fit, be bent into shape, ignored, or outright denied.

We just have to keep exposing the lies, until the fake science fortresses crumble, and the castle of true science is rebuilt on solid foundations, with free access for everyone.

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Typo: "Dennis Rancourt" should be "Denis Rancourt".

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If someone who owns the science will sell it to me I will pay $0.99.


offer expires 4/1/2019

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They own the science? Why does this remind me so much of the same strategic and psychological manipulations of the church over the last thousand years, growing its power? The parallels are glaringly obvious.

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