An exceptional essay again, Sir.

There's a lot of blatant psychological projection in what these 'scientists-tm' say. Re-reading all their quotes assuming they are in fact talking about themselves should reveal this.

I think, from a long-term overview, what we're really dealing with here is kind of 'clean up operation'. What I mean is let's say a hundred years' ago when there wasn't an Internet and only a minority even had access to scientific information (let alone understanding), lying about it for 'nefarious and political gain' was so much easier. Even, say fifty years later in the 1960s/70s it wasn't that much different. So they - with their typical short-termist thinking - lied about this that and the other and, I guess, simply assumed that they could continue to deal with the fallout later. After all, they thought, they owned the media and the governments and the academic institutes and all the rest of it.

But... a hundred years ago they didn't foresee something called 'the internet'. Even fifty years ago perhaps they didn't fully realise what would or could happen to all their precious lies. And so first, they privatise the communications network so as not to invest in the infrastructure (see Thatcher selling off BT), meaning delaying high speed broadband long enough for them to get their shit together. And to do stuff like 9/11 before everyone has smartphones and social media so the 'conspiracy theory' goes viral within 15 minutes of the event itself. But they can't delay the inevitable, so then comes broadband and social media and smartphones and all that - and that necessitates 'cognitive infiltration'.

So this is the point when all this pesky mass communication creates a veritable army of truth seekers and proper scientists sharing information and threatening the 'consensus' and the 'epistemic authorities' and well, questioning a hundred years' worth of 'science' and 'historical narrative' and so on. Thus - what do they need - yeah cognitive infiltration.

Next stage, however, the only way they can stop it is outright censorship. The cognitive infiltration helps here, of course - by manufacturing psyops and strawmen and so on.

But like I say, what we are really witnessing here, almost in slow motion, is the long-term result of having to cover up a century-long litany of lies.

Yep - that's why we need to make paper copies, darlings! First rule of espionage in a digital age - the latest generation of spooks simply don't understand old-fashioned methods.

Oops - that shouldn't have slipped out.

But yeah - the first lie begets another to cover up the first. And then another. And another. And so on until the only method left available is to just shut everything down. But that's totalitarianism - and you can't hide that from the people. That's when they revolt...

And that's why - yeah - the endgame is a comin'....

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Mar 26Liked by Iain Davis

Stea is in that group of self-satisfied bigots so convinced of their own rectitude that ANY dissent MUST be wrong, deceptive, malicious.. probably all 3, maybe more. If he is on the public purse, he needs to be fired for deliberately misleading those paying for his upkeep. We need 'experts' such as Stea as much as a dog needs fleas.

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Mar 26Liked by Iain Davis

This is not about science, this is about pushing the globalist parasitical narrative. It is literally spin.

Science continually moves .. forwards and indeed backwards (in what we know, believe or told)... it is questioned, proved true or false, WITHIN OUR KNOWLEDGE AT THAT TIME.

Just a daft example.. CLIMATE CHANGE. No National or global weather (TV etc) forecaster can get the day's weather right ... but can predict the next 30 effing years !!!!....

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As my departed dad (evolutionary biologist turned evangelical Christian) frequently used to say:

“A scientist is a trained skeptic.”

When “The Science” turned skepticism into systematic dogmatism… one might say that actual science ceased to exist.

See also: “The Illusion of Evidence Based Medicine” (Jureidini/McHenry)

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Mar 26Liked by Iain Davis

Thanks again Iain. Yes, I agree with you. To me, the modus operandi here is identical to what has happened to any who go against the official narrative of our past. The scientist who found traces of cocaine on Egyptian mummies , published and then was smeared saying she must've contaminated the samples is exactly the same as Andrew Wakefield and all the more recent opponents of covid narrative. From what I can work out, it all seems to go back to 1912. Prior to then, stories of large skeletons being found were very common, especially in North America. The Smithsonian has admitted to destroying that evidence. There are just so many examples of this method. When trying to work out why, I think its this : our "leaders" or perhaps most powerful people, like us to be fearful of them and to be grateful to them for getting humanity to this point. Any suggestions of different ways of being , which could be much better for everyone, are just not allowed as it would show that these people have been bettered by other previous civilisations. The evidence for this is stacking up all the time. These people are no different to us in ability, they just have a very perverted view on things which is based around them keeping their power, by clutching the megaphone with two hands whilst standing on a plinth with a load of rabid attack dogs to stop any who expose this. It's pathetic, the worst of humanity. It is based on their fear and insecurity and it's almost like each generation of them accepts the legacy with no thought about what they're actually doing. When viewed like this, I'm sure if we could get to a level of 40% non compliance, the rest would feel emboldened and we could end it quite quickly. The trouble is fear, fear of losing what you've already got. That's what keeps people in this subservient frame of mind. I really think it goes back to 1912, thats when they first own the press and have censored the news. Oh, so many things happened then.

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Liars Lie.

Lying is an epidemic these days.

Science is a process of unveiling NATURE and quantifying what s discovered/uncovered.

Qualitative phenomena - the most important aspect of existence for most of us- is beyond the scope of science, it will always be limited.

Mutability of Nature is not a mutual matter among scientists.

Anyone claiming to own the science is a dangerously stupid, arrogant , deranged and lost in hubris.

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Mar 26Liked by Iain Davis

Hotez's autistic daughter was probably a victim of his science. Not to mention, the turbo cancers resulting from the computer generated experimental mRNA gene therapy. For decades this mess was tested in various CIA funded laboratories always causing cellular mutations, hence cancer. The Royals might even represent the end result of this atrocious concoction.🤔

That being said, RFK, Jr. or shall I say "Schmuley Zionist" has turned out to be quite a disappoint as his insane position on Palestine tends to descredit the courageous work he did fighting against Fauci and the criminal pharmaceutical industry. Not to mention, that his running mate is a techno/fascist.

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Two bits of irony that just occur to me. 1/ there was an article back end of last week I think in the Conversation (yeah - I know - that's the place to go to see what the epistemic authorities are saying this week) about how 'conspiracy theorists' tend to use 'intuitive' thinking (as opposed to 'analytical thinking'). Clearly they don't want people using their intuition - I mean, heaven forbid people might intuit that some people with a lot of power, money and influence are telling porkies, eh.

The second timely thing was that today I was busy writing something myself about the lies of science in this world, and in the parallel utopia, those lies were exposed, meaning in that world they are at least 10-15 years ahead in terms of technology. I think that's worth thinking about - I mean in terms of 'what they have stolen from us' - it's not just about 'conspiracy theories' - it's about the denial of better technology that would make everyone's lives so much better (also meaning 'liberation from authoritarian control'). I think you, Iain, did kind of hint about this in an article about the pharma industry. GcMaf or something as a treatment for cancer, I can't remember the exact name (please correct me here!). Anyway, I like to imagine a world in which there is no Cult of Scientism. It really would be a utopia.

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Mar 26Liked by Iain Davis

Well done.

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Funny they claim Putin lead disinformation about vaccines but Putin pushed his own clot shots 😂.

What a stupid idiotic system they are fighting to keep afloat!

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Bloody brilliant takedown Iain. Cheers.

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Mar 26Liked by Iain Davis

Well done Iain - nailed it!

Trouble is, they are a slippery lot these fake scientists, and nailing them down will not be easy.

Tragically, like many lawyers, they no longer regard the facts to be decisive.

What matters is "the narrative", and the facts must fit, be bent into shape, ignored, or outright denied.

We just have to keep exposing the lies, until the fake science fortresses crumble, and the castle of true science is rebuilt on solid foundations, with free access for everyone.

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If someone who owns the science will sell it to me I will pay $0.99.


offer expires 4/1/2019

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Typo: "Dennis Rancourt" should be "Denis Rancourt".

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They own the science? Why does this remind me so much of the same strategic and psychological manipulations of the church over the last thousand years, growing its power? The parallels are glaringly obvious.

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