UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer is seemingly a serving member of the Trilateral Commission. If you check out the most recent Trilateral Commission membership record it lists Starmer as a “Former Member in Public Service.”
'Fifth stage capitalism is a mechanism for “constituting authority” in the hands of a modern corporate order to ensure “traditional and aristocratic values” maintain primacy because “democracy is only one way of constituting authority.” '
There you have it folks!
Up front for all to clearly see!
They want to RAM their agenda down our throats with stakeholder capitalism!
A spear (stake) through the heart if you do not go with the flow!
Technocracy - fascism on steroids!
All of government, all of society, all of the world, full scale, totalitarian domination!
Midgets like Starmer and the rest of the WEF low life, actually believe the gospel truth of technocratic salvation apparently.
The rule of omniscient, omnipotent man is a very old tragically flawed theology, destined for disaster because it is self-destructive, as history clearly demonstrates.
Yeah but now they have the technocratic tools to create a worldwide prison complex.
Cull the opposition, enslave the rest and you can have unlimited rule!
Starmer and Co intend to be among the rulers.
They may just be tragically mistaken.
Both puppeteers and puppets may have gravely underestimated the power of the major stakeholders - the people.
Democracy and aristocracy are only two ways of constituting authority.
I think you are underestimating the simple fact that power lies with the' powerful' & the most powerful have weaponry & wealth to buy more power through numbers of mercenaries & guard dogs & infiltrators/ turn coats.
The public is only powerful in force as a mass, & when as a mass it is also more easily manipulated. If you do not have weaponry then how will you win the battle against armour & machinery that does not even require in location oppressor, just their weapon?
The chit chat about ideology & morality is all useless when the biggest bullies have been bullying for millennia & anyone strong enough to overthrow them will by necessity be just as big a bully to keep that power & consolidations.
Also here you are communication with a lot of virtue signallers that are lions on the keyboard , but mice when it comes to real life interaction.
Fifth stage capitalism sounds a lot like fascism to me. Mind you, so do these other fancy terms the fuckers come up with, like 'stakeholder capitalism' and all that. It's the fact they don't have the balls to at least call it what it is that tells me that they're not really as powerful as they would like to think they are (or they would like us to think they are).
I believe it was Orwell who once noted 'when British fascism arrives it will not call itself fascism'.
On the same note, so to speak, Farage is clearly on precisely the same page.
And those 3 regions mentioned by the Trilateral Commission look suspiciously like, erm, what were the names of those regions in that book Orwell wrote again? I forget. Mind's not the same as it once was, you know. Still got all me teeth, though.
What was that book, by the way? My head's just been curiously memory-holed. Must be some kind of residual mind control programming trigger thing.
Oddly I get that way only if I'm in front of my computer or in heavy emf's. Francis Leader on substack or watch her video on Jerm Warfare on Odysee or Rumble, calls the two regions the core and the gap. After all, it is two players unless they've already mapped it out while pretending they are competitors.
The term “Fascist” and “Fascism” are 'dog whistle' weaponised terms (just like “racist”) to shame and mark opponents as social pariahs. According to Lenin’s 1902 pamphlet entitled “What Is To be Done,” - anybody who does not share communist ideas is to be labelled a “fascist”.
If communism can be defined from the 10 planks of Marxism/communist manifesto as 1) Abolition of Private Property, 2) Heavy or graduated income tax, 3) Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels, 5) Centralisation and monopolisation of credit by National Central Bank, 6) Centralisation and state control of the means of communication and transportation, 7) Centralisation and State control of factories, agriculture under a long term common plan, 8) Obligation of all citizens to work, 9) Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries, gradual abolition of the distinction between town and country by distributing people more equally over the country, 10) State control of the education of all children (aka abolition of the family). Therefore axiomatically the definition of “Fascism” must be the opposite of this agenda.
Checkout a show called “The Flipside with Monika” on Republic Broadcasting dated Nov 16th 2024 which covers this topic. The show is available on their archive. The Host’s name is Monika Schaefer.
A dictionary definition from 1921 states “Fascist (fæ-fist). 1921. [ad. It. fascista, f. fascio group.] One of a body of Italian nationalists organized in 1919 under Benito Mussolini to oppose Bolshevism. Hence Fa'scism, their principles and organization.”
I agree. Marx was a fascist. He was definitely an Establishment spy, that's for sure. And he did a very good job as one.
But Marxism has nothing to do with socialism. Marx's principal mission was to destroy socialism. Nowadays, very few people have any clue what socialism actually means, let alone the fact that socialism and freedom are inseparable. 'Marxism' as 'state control' as the definition of 'socialism' has been so forced on people that they reject any talk of socialism because they think it's fascism. The irony being, they're not rejecting real socialism, which would genuinely liberate them.
It's a very cunning, and very evil deception. Guess which group might be behind it? Clue: you're not allowed to answer that question in 18 countries.
Actually, the "scamdemic" revealed we're all living under global governance.
A 1973 Rockefeller think tank (the Trilateral Commission) only magnifies how determined wealthy international financiers are to resurrect a feudalist economy on every continent. In the 1970's, it was out of their reach as the creepos lacked the necessary technology. It's now available to make it all possible, enter artificial intelligence.
Controlling billions by setting up regional hegemony is a much more effective way of monitoring the upcoming biosecurity surveillance state.
The emphasis on restructuring education is not to develop an individual's potential, but to train for "compliance" by eliminating critical thinking.
The success of these programs will initially be monitored by utilizing various biometric devices worn by students. Eventually, the plan is to require mandatory devices permanently implanted, probably at birth.
It all sounds gruesome, however, don't despair it won't be adopted all at once it'll happen in phases. And like with the experimental toxic jab mainstream media news commentators will sell biometric implants to viewers "nonstop." I bet, eventually folks will be lining up around the block waiting to be "brainchipped." 😵💫
Of course, those who aren't chipped will be reviled and considered persona non grata, in the same way the "unvaxxed" were abused.
In fact, picture an earth similar to a 19th Century Appalachian mining town. The owners of the mines are the "lords of the manor" while emiserated workers aren't even compensated with cash. Instead, they're given coupons with which they could only purchase specific items at the "company store." 🤑
Twenty-first Century Technology allows for a virtual universal basic income monitored and restricted in its use.
Interesting, how
technology is never developed to enhance the lives of billions, but is deployed as a better "mousetrap" by oligarchs to control humanity.🤔
Feudalism is the right word - we should use it more often. I violate my own rule there myself sometimes by using fascism a lot (although in the Mussolini sense). We've had feudalism effectively for at least a thousand years or more. Most people don't recognise it as feudalism because they've been conditioned to have an image of feudalism as a bunch of medieval peasants and sheriffs of Nottinghams and suchlike.
Yeah - 'gov-corp' resonates with Mussolini's definition of fascism of course. So I'd say the 'technocracy' element is actually more so a description of the 'mechanisms of social control' which are used by the gov-corp, as opposed to an ideology or -ism in the strict sense of the word. So 'gov-corp' (or feudalism) is the ideology, and 'technocracy' is the method.
Lol. There is no point you reading my forthcoming articles because you and I are in complete agreement on this already. They won't tell you anything you don't already know.
One thing that it’s sparked me off on already is being able to differentiate between the ideology and the method. I think that’s a vitally important thing to keep in mind. This is one of the points where I have strong disagreements with a lot of the anarchists, like Paul Cudenec for example, who seems adamant that all ‘technik’ is bad. My view is that no, technik is neutral, it’s the ideology behind the use of it that’s the issue. So I think he may sometimes be mistaking the method for the ideology.
For example - your voluntaryist proposal would result in technik being used for the common good, and indeed some kinds of technik not being used. Like industrial farming & pesticides - there’s no way that would be allowed to continue in your system. Or private pharma companies and all the awful stuff they do.
Likewise - and this is ironic - I would imagine your system would have a benevolent counter-subversion organisation (intelligence services) which would employ technology specifically to prevent the minority of arseholes from conspiring together, forming a cabal, and taking everyone right back to where we are today. Tells you a lot about today’s intel services - a bad one uses the same technology to protect the bad guys from the people. People need to realise that. Obviously.
Anyway - there was my thought. I have no objection to the use of combine harvesters on organic farms… Plus as a lover & writer of sci-fi, I’m always imagining futuristic utopias with advanced technik. It’s simply a case of having mature people in control.
Yay! Although I’m sure you will be telling me some stuff I don’t already know - I can’t remember an article of yours where I didn’t learn at least one new thing. Perhaps not on the big picture side of things (we are mostly in agreement about that) but certainly when it comes to details (links & references and suchlike).
And of course, your series will surely be giving me more opportunities to hit the like button.
Who owns substack? Is it all part of the funnel system to slowly silence? I get few notifications from those I subscribed to now but it may be my mail server. Anyone else finding this to be so? Are we in one big washing machine spin cycle and the walls just keep squeezing in on us? Are there systems being worked on that can counter this? I hope so.
This is a concern. I have taken to copying my key Substack posts over to my own site in case I suddenly lose access or they are removed as happened to people on Patreon. -
Can't like any comments on substack unless I upgrade or whatever which I never do at all for anything anymore. Did Rumble just get sold? They buy and sell off platforms and more to each other and keep it all in the criminal family and do it to confuse. We don't need anymore evidence. The whole system now a cesspool and snake pit. How they did it is well covered on Greg Reece's latest video. We are 49 countries, not 49 states. State of California or any other is a tiny territory like DC within that state and the lawyer he interviews proves how they set up the whole con.
A nice selection of quotations from Bertrand Russell:
1. “…a scientific world society cannot be stable unless there is a world government.” – The Impact of Science on Society (Simon and Schuster, 1953), p.104.
2. “The need for a world government, if the population problem is to be solved in any humane manner, is completely evident on Darwinian principles.” – The Impact of Science on Society (Simon and Schuster, 1953), p.105.
3. “I believe that, owing to men’s folly, a world-government will only be established by force, and will therefore be at first cruel and depotic [sic]. But I believe that it is necessary for the preservation of a scientific civilization, and that, if once realized, it will gradually give rise to the other conditions of a tolerable existence.” – The Future of Science (Philosophical Library, 1959), p.34.
4. “A World Authority, if it is to fulfil its function, must have a legislature and an executive and irresistible military power. Irresistible military power is the most essential condition and also the most difficult to fulfil.” – Has Man a Future? (Penguin, 1961), p.73.
Good to read he was only interested in "humane" solutions and that life for the masses should at least be "tolerable".
I bet Starmer has wet dreams over this kind of stuff.
Interestingly Patrick wood’s late college Professor Antony Sutton would likely recognise Jake Sullivan as a Skull and Bonesman - has had ALL of the qualities Sutton mentions and also is a Yale graduate
" The Freemasons should control all men of every class, nation and religion, dominating them without obvious compulsion; uniting them through a strong bond; inspiring them with enthusiasm to spread common ideas; and with utmost secrecy and energy, direct them toward this singular objective throughout the world."
Yes. That's all good and well everyone, blah blah echo chamber,....but what the hell are we going to do about it!!! Rome is burning! These parasites have to go! We need a paradigm shift! We need a new system to live by. As sovereign individuals in cooperation. I'm racking my brain for a solution. I'm afraid... all I can come up with is... I'm a carpenter... and I know how to build a gallows... anyone got any better ideas????
In four years the Trilateralists should be relegated to the dustbin of history after the demise of King Charles III, the pope, Klaus Schwab, and George Soros.
Indeed Iain. My take on anarchy is better described as volunteerism or voluntarianism. My take on nationalism is the preservation of cultural identity. As you know, Democracy without the safety net of law, easily devolves into mob rule. As long as there is proper adherence to common law and transparency in whatever administration is established, voluntary democracy is a great idea. The constitutional republic of the US was a great idea but never really allowed to fully function. As long as power remains devolved to the sovereign individual, the system can function. The greatest challenge ultimately is suppressing the usurpers.
“The constitutional republic of the US was a great idea but never really allowed to fully function.”
If the US Constitution was never allowed to fully function, then what makes you think that a “voluntary democracy” will be allowed to function?
The same people (British Imperialist Fascist Oligarchy) that have been trying to abolish the US Constitution ever since it was signed in 1787 will have a much easier time abolishing any form of “voluntary democracy.”
In which ways has the US Constitution not functioned?
The truth is that the US Constitution has functioned perfectly as written, including its mechanism for change through the amendment process, and that is why the US Constitution remains in effect today, despite all of the abuses thrown at it by the Anglo-American Deep State Establishment Swamp ( that President Trump is in the process of obliterating).
“The constitutional republic of the US was a great idea but never really allowed to fully function.”
If the US Constitution was never allowed to fully function, then what makes you think that a “voluntary democracy” will be allowed to function?
The same people (British Imperialist Fascist Oligarchy) that have been trying to abolish the US Constitution ever since it was signed in 1787 will have a much easier time abolishing any form of “voluntary democracy.”
In which ways has the US Constitution not functioned?
The truth is that the US Constitution has functioned perfectly as written, including its mechanism for change through the amendment process, and that is why the US Constitution remains in effect today, despite all of the abuses thrown at it by the Anglo-American Deep State Establishment Swamp ( that President Trump is in the process of obliterating).
Except the 'nation' in 'nationalism' should be on a much smaller level (call it localism if you like), simply by virtue of the social cognition number (aka Dunbar's number), which creates a natural limit to homogenous social groupings (i.e. cultural identities). So it's actually about distinct cultural identities or social group identities. Nationalism is absolutely a method of social control projected onto the masses beyond the limits of the social cognition number, which is one of the fundamental reasons why it results in 'other-ing' people who are designated as not included in the narrow definitions of the 'norm' or the 'nation'. So you end up with bigotries like racism and homophobia and transphobia and all the rest of it.
Ironically this attitude also applies to certain ideologies like the monotheistic ideology/cult, which has a very narrow definition of conformity and others anyone who doesn't fit their definition. It's no different, psychologically, to racism in that sense.
And of course this is one key psychological insight to understand the so-called ruling caste - they are their own distinct social/cultural group, and everyone else is the other (the subhuman). And of course they have an ideology to accompany and justify it - we can call that feudalism or similar.
And yes, this does indeed have its roots in the monotheistic ideology, and it is indeed a cult.
That's how dark the rabbit hole goes. But if we want to make the world a better place, we need to see what's in that hole and expose it to the rest of the world, with honesty, and integrity.
Your national-anarchism actually is a real thing and I thoroughly reject it.
There is only one form of government that was designed to champion Personal Liberty and Personal Rights and Personal Prosperity and Personal Happiness and that government is the USA Constitutional Federal Republic. It isn’t absolutely perfect, but it does have a mechanism to improve through the amendment process.
Blimey! I read the wiki link you posted. That's not what I had in mind at all! Thanks for letting me know. Won't be suggesting that again!
I agree. The US constitutional republic is the best yet. It's unfortunate that it hasn't been fully practiced in recent years due to corporate, financial manipulation and the constitution has been bypassed or ignored in some cases, but there was never meant to be corporations. Thomas Jefferson warned us about that. Rockefeller lobbied and won the first charter and monopoly began. I did hear that many US businesses were cooperatives early on. That sounds like a much better setup under the constitution. I would be interested in your opinion.
Sadly, the US Constitution has been under attack ever since it was signed in 1787 by the Anglo-American Imperialist Establishment who have done everything they can to undermine and abolish the Constitution in their quest to re-subordinate Americans back under the British Crown.
One only has to look directly in their own small communities to see that they've put many of our government and non-government community leaders through a washing machine of one of their "community leaders" programs funded by all the same horrors. You can even hear how they speak that absolutely is NLP as they were all subjected to NLP in their training without them knowing it and trained to deliver NLP when speaking in their positions. So utterly creepy. One local school committee person said "stay on message" over and over again and I thought, there it is. No person holding a public office or serves any government organisation should be allowed to be a member of such billionaire funded fake philanthropy groups that have a political agenda. That is a massive conflict of interest and they should be forced to disclose such connections and training. Community Leader my foot.
Don't worry, I have a piece due to be published that has a go at Trump too. As for Starmer, and seeing as I am English not American, why wouldn't I have a go at him?
What a shock it would be if the main tools of oppression we see fronting government are ALL corrupt, connected & cretinous in some way!
What I never see anyone mention is who is mainstays BEHIND the leaders used to soak up all our animosity & contempt= the 'families' that are the Architects & Navigators for the CIVIL SERVICE , as they have the REAL POWER & are shielded by all the machinery ever devised for social control & cohesion.
Until they are revealed, all the scrutiny imaginable on 'public figures' will just be slowly sinking while treading water.
btw, are you not Welsh Cockney more so than simply English ?
It is a strong criticism of the Trump administration. Just as I have strongly criticised the UK government. A "hit piece" implies false or biased information designed to sway public opinion illegitimately. I have not written anything of that nature. So no, I have made no such admission.
Getting more than a bit concerned - alarmed more like.
So many of these wolves in sheep's clothing, actually think they are good shepherds apparently.
The self-deceived are very powerful deceivers.
Trouble is I am beginning to question all sheep!
Are they really sheep or wolves in sheep's clothing?
Are they good shepherds or bad shepherds?
Discernment is wise but constant distrust is not good.
How to tell a wolf from a sheep ...
Most sheep are basically white, some are black, or black and white.
Wolves can be white, grey or black.
Wolves are natural liars.
Most sheep are not.
Beware of all politicians!
Wolves are born killers.
Sheep are not.
Beware of all warmongers - bloodthirsty men and women!
Not easy to decisively discern if someone is really a sheep or a wolf.
The Fabians and the Freemasons and others; have long deceived the masses with their secret societies, lying misrepresentations and covert warmongering.
Some of the world's apparent saints are in fact very evil people.
Freedom is can only be maintained by constant vigilance.
Sheeps existing without the now long term breeding agenda forced upon them, are as smart as dogs,
I would not imagine talking to sheep would yield satisfactory results as they do not comprehend many human words & can not articulate them back even when they do know what you are asking.
Sheeps are many colours some that you miss, again it is because of specialised BREEDING that the problem occurs.
I do not wish to offend , but is it not inhumane & unemphatic to call other human beings sheep, just because they are less discerning about certain things than yourself.
In effect is it not even more inhumane to dehumanise that to simply try & go with the flow, which is what is really meant without having to resort to confused animalistic metaphors ?
Personally I find calling people sheep or apes very cruel & stupid act of arrogance & conceit,
For me & many of the friends I have , it is considered a horrible fashion only types of 'commentary sheep themselves' will repeat & use to make themselves feel elevated in some way. But that is the irony maybe ?! 🤔🤨😁
'Fifth stage capitalism is a mechanism for “constituting authority” in the hands of a modern corporate order to ensure “traditional and aristocratic values” maintain primacy because “democracy is only one way of constituting authority.” '
There you have it folks!
Up front for all to clearly see!
They want to RAM their agenda down our throats with stakeholder capitalism!
A spear (stake) through the heart if you do not go with the flow!
Technocracy - fascism on steroids!
All of government, all of society, all of the world, full scale, totalitarian domination!
Midgets like Starmer and the rest of the WEF low life, actually believe the gospel truth of technocratic salvation apparently.
The rule of omniscient, omnipotent man is a very old tragically flawed theology, destined for disaster because it is self-destructive, as history clearly demonstrates.
Yeah but now they have the technocratic tools to create a worldwide prison complex.
Cull the opposition, enslave the rest and you can have unlimited rule!
Starmer and Co intend to be among the rulers.
They may just be tragically mistaken.
Both puppeteers and puppets may have gravely underestimated the power of the major stakeholders - the people.
Democracy and aristocracy are only two ways of constituting authority.
The roots of legitimate authority lie elsewhere.
I think you are underestimating the simple fact that power lies with the' powerful' & the most powerful have weaponry & wealth to buy more power through numbers of mercenaries & guard dogs & infiltrators/ turn coats.
The public is only powerful in force as a mass, & when as a mass it is also more easily manipulated. If you do not have weaponry then how will you win the battle against armour & machinery that does not even require in location oppressor, just their weapon?
The chit chat about ideology & morality is all useless when the biggest bullies have been bullying for millennia & anyone strong enough to overthrow them will by necessity be just as big a bully to keep that power & consolidations.
Also here you are communication with a lot of virtue signallers that are lions on the keyboard , but mice when it comes to real life interaction.
Sometimes the most naïve & innocent views are popular while insight is ignored due to being unpalatable for weak stomachs?
Fifth stage capitalism sounds a lot like fascism to me. Mind you, so do these other fancy terms the fuckers come up with, like 'stakeholder capitalism' and all that. It's the fact they don't have the balls to at least call it what it is that tells me that they're not really as powerful as they would like to think they are (or they would like us to think they are).
I believe it was Orwell who once noted 'when British fascism arrives it will not call itself fascism'.
On the same note, so to speak, Farage is clearly on precisely the same page.
And those 3 regions mentioned by the Trilateral Commission look suspiciously like, erm, what were the names of those regions in that book Orwell wrote again? I forget. Mind's not the same as it once was, you know. Still got all me teeth, though.
What was that book, by the way? My head's just been curiously memory-holed. Must be some kind of residual mind control programming trigger thing.
Ah! - no, it's gone...
Oddly I get that way only if I'm in front of my computer or in heavy emf's. Francis Leader on substack or watch her video on Jerm Warfare on Odysee or Rumble, calls the two regions the core and the gap. After all, it is two players unless they've already mapped it out while pretending they are competitors.
The term “Fascist” and “Fascism” are 'dog whistle' weaponised terms (just like “racist”) to shame and mark opponents as social pariahs. According to Lenin’s 1902 pamphlet entitled “What Is To be Done,” - anybody who does not share communist ideas is to be labelled a “fascist”.
If communism can be defined from the 10 planks of Marxism/communist manifesto as 1) Abolition of Private Property, 2) Heavy or graduated income tax, 3) Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels, 5) Centralisation and monopolisation of credit by National Central Bank, 6) Centralisation and state control of the means of communication and transportation, 7) Centralisation and State control of factories, agriculture under a long term common plan, 8) Obligation of all citizens to work, 9) Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries, gradual abolition of the distinction between town and country by distributing people more equally over the country, 10) State control of the education of all children (aka abolition of the family). Therefore axiomatically the definition of “Fascism” must be the opposite of this agenda.
Checkout a show called “The Flipside with Monika” on Republic Broadcasting dated Nov 16th 2024 which covers this topic. The show is available on their archive. The Host’s name is Monika Schaefer.
A dictionary definition from 1921 states “Fascist (fæ-fist). 1921. [ad. It. fascista, f. fascio group.] One of a body of Italian nationalists organized in 1919 under Benito Mussolini to oppose Bolshevism. Hence Fa'scism, their principles and organization.”
I agree. Marx was a fascist. He was definitely an Establishment spy, that's for sure. And he did a very good job as one.
But Marxism has nothing to do with socialism. Marx's principal mission was to destroy socialism. Nowadays, very few people have any clue what socialism actually means, let alone the fact that socialism and freedom are inseparable. 'Marxism' as 'state control' as the definition of 'socialism' has been so forced on people that they reject any talk of socialism because they think it's fascism. The irony being, they're not rejecting real socialism, which would genuinely liberate them.
It's a very cunning, and very evil deception. Guess which group might be behind it? Clue: you're not allowed to answer that question in 18 countries.
Actually, the "scamdemic" revealed we're all living under global governance.
A 1973 Rockefeller think tank (the Trilateral Commission) only magnifies how determined wealthy international financiers are to resurrect a feudalist economy on every continent. In the 1970's, it was out of their reach as the creepos lacked the necessary technology. It's now available to make it all possible, enter artificial intelligence.
Controlling billions by setting up regional hegemony is a much more effective way of monitoring the upcoming biosecurity surveillance state.
The emphasis on restructuring education is not to develop an individual's potential, but to train for "compliance" by eliminating critical thinking.
The success of these programs will initially be monitored by utilizing various biometric devices worn by students. Eventually, the plan is to require mandatory devices permanently implanted, probably at birth.
It all sounds gruesome, however, don't despair it won't be adopted all at once it'll happen in phases. And like with the experimental toxic jab mainstream media news commentators will sell biometric implants to viewers "nonstop." I bet, eventually folks will be lining up around the block waiting to be "brainchipped." 😵💫
Of course, those who aren't chipped will be reviled and considered persona non grata, in the same way the "unvaxxed" were abused.
In fact, picture an earth similar to a 19th Century Appalachian mining town. The owners of the mines are the "lords of the manor" while emiserated workers aren't even compensated with cash. Instead, they're given coupons with which they could only purchase specific items at the "company store." 🤑
Twenty-first Century Technology allows for a virtual universal basic income monitored and restricted in its use.
Interesting, how
technology is never developed to enhance the lives of billions, but is deployed as a better "mousetrap" by oligarchs to control humanity.🤔
Feudalism is the right word - we should use it more often. I violate my own rule there myself sometimes by using fascism a lot (although in the Mussolini sense). We've had feudalism effectively for at least a thousand years or more. Most people don't recognise it as feudalism because they've been conditioned to have an image of feudalism as a bunch of medieval peasants and sheriffs of Nottinghams and suchlike.
Technofeudalism is also a good word.
I am going for "gov-corp Technocracy" but "technofeudalism" is equally appropriate.
Yeah - 'gov-corp' resonates with Mussolini's definition of fascism of course. So I'd say the 'technocracy' element is actually more so a description of the 'mechanisms of social control' which are used by the gov-corp, as opposed to an ideology or -ism in the strict sense of the word. So 'gov-corp' (or feudalism) is the ideology, and 'technocracy' is the method.
So I'm with you on that one.
Lol. There is no point you reading my forthcoming articles because you and I are in complete agreement on this already. They won't tell you anything you don't already know.
One thing that it’s sparked me off on already is being able to differentiate between the ideology and the method. I think that’s a vitally important thing to keep in mind. This is one of the points where I have strong disagreements with a lot of the anarchists, like Paul Cudenec for example, who seems adamant that all ‘technik’ is bad. My view is that no, technik is neutral, it’s the ideology behind the use of it that’s the issue. So I think he may sometimes be mistaking the method for the ideology.
For example - your voluntaryist proposal would result in technik being used for the common good, and indeed some kinds of technik not being used. Like industrial farming & pesticides - there’s no way that would be allowed to continue in your system. Or private pharma companies and all the awful stuff they do.
Likewise - and this is ironic - I would imagine your system would have a benevolent counter-subversion organisation (intelligence services) which would employ technology specifically to prevent the minority of arseholes from conspiring together, forming a cabal, and taking everyone right back to where we are today. Tells you a lot about today’s intel services - a bad one uses the same technology to protect the bad guys from the people. People need to realise that. Obviously.
Anyway - there was my thought. I have no objection to the use of combine harvesters on organic farms… Plus as a lover & writer of sci-fi, I’m always imagining futuristic utopias with advanced technik. It’s simply a case of having mature people in control.
Yay! Although I’m sure you will be telling me some stuff I don’t already know - I can’t remember an article of yours where I didn’t learn at least one new thing. Perhaps not on the big picture side of things (we are mostly in agreement about that) but certainly when it comes to details (links & references and suchlike).
And of course, your series will surely be giving me more opportunities to hit the like button.
Exactly, the "plan" by the oligarchy is to implement a techocracy that permanently enforces a feudalist economy.
When the Medici became popes it prove the same thing centuries ago!
How much longer is it going to take to sink in for some peoples ?!
Who owns substack? Is it all part of the funnel system to slowly silence? I get few notifications from those I subscribed to now but it may be my mail server. Anyone else finding this to be so? Are we in one big washing machine spin cycle and the walls just keep squeezing in on us? Are there systems being worked on that can counter this? I hope so.
This is a concern. I have taken to copying my key Substack posts over to my own site in case I suddenly lose access or they are removed as happened to people on Patreon. -
& way back machine is even more reliable?
Can't like any comments on substack unless I upgrade or whatever which I never do at all for anything anymore. Did Rumble just get sold? They buy and sell off platforms and more to each other and keep it all in the criminal family and do it to confuse. We don't need anymore evidence. The whole system now a cesspool and snake pit. How they did it is well covered on Greg Reece's latest video. We are 49 countries, not 49 states. State of California or any other is a tiny territory like DC within that state and the lawyer he interviews proves how they set up the whole con.
A nice selection of quotations from Bertrand Russell:
1. “…a scientific world society cannot be stable unless there is a world government.” – The Impact of Science on Society (Simon and Schuster, 1953), p.104.
2. “The need for a world government, if the population problem is to be solved in any humane manner, is completely evident on Darwinian principles.” – The Impact of Science on Society (Simon and Schuster, 1953), p.105.
3. “I believe that, owing to men’s folly, a world-government will only be established by force, and will therefore be at first cruel and depotic [sic]. But I believe that it is necessary for the preservation of a scientific civilization, and that, if once realized, it will gradually give rise to the other conditions of a tolerable existence.” – The Future of Science (Philosophical Library, 1959), p.34.
4. “A World Authority, if it is to fulfil its function, must have a legislature and an executive and irresistible military power. Irresistible military power is the most essential condition and also the most difficult to fulfil.” – Has Man a Future? (Penguin, 1961), p.73.
Good to read he was only interested in "humane" solutions and that life for the masses should at least be "tolerable".
I bet Starmer has wet dreams over this kind of stuff.
& I bet he is a Jaffa without juice.
How much can you afford?
Interestingly Patrick wood’s late college Professor Antony Sutton would likely recognise Jake Sullivan as a Skull and Bonesman - has had ALL of the qualities Sutton mentions and also is a Yale graduate
Any surprise that as Sutton says, they create conflict. Sullivan is a master at it
" The Freemasons should control all men of every class, nation and religion, dominating them without obvious compulsion; uniting them through a strong bond; inspiring them with enthusiasm to spread common ideas; and with utmost secrecy and energy, direct them toward this singular objective throughout the world."
Adam Weishaupt, Munich 1765.
Yes. That's all good and well everyone, blah blah echo chamber,....but what the hell are we going to do about it!!! Rome is burning! These parasites have to go! We need a paradigm shift! We need a new system to live by. As sovereign individuals in cooperation. I'm racking my brain for a solution. I'm afraid... all I can come up with is... I'm a carpenter... and I know how to build a gallows... anyone got any better ideas????
I suggest what I have called "Voluntary Democracy." -
I'll hold your ladder steady...
Is that an euphemism ?
Maybe the start of a lyric?
In four years the Trilateralists should be relegated to the dustbin of history after the demise of King Charles III, the pope, Klaus Schwab, and George Soros.
Nationalism is just another of their tricks in the dialectical game they play
Yes, they've captured that too for their agenda.
In the game of
Globalism Vs. NATIONALISM Vs. Anarchism
How about anarchic-nationalism under common/natural law? Then we could have nationalism without the tyranny. What you think?
How about voluntary democracy: -
Indeed Iain. My take on anarchy is better described as volunteerism or voluntarianism. My take on nationalism is the preservation of cultural identity. As you know, Democracy without the safety net of law, easily devolves into mob rule. As long as there is proper adherence to common law and transparency in whatever administration is established, voluntary democracy is a great idea. The constitutional republic of the US was a great idea but never really allowed to fully function. As long as power remains devolved to the sovereign individual, the system can function. The greatest challenge ultimately is suppressing the usurpers.
“The constitutional republic of the US was a great idea but never really allowed to fully function.”
If the US Constitution was never allowed to fully function, then what makes you think that a “voluntary democracy” will be allowed to function?
The same people (British Imperialist Fascist Oligarchy) that have been trying to abolish the US Constitution ever since it was signed in 1787 will have a much easier time abolishing any form of “voluntary democracy.”
In which ways has the US Constitution not functioned?
The truth is that the US Constitution has functioned perfectly as written, including its mechanism for change through the amendment process, and that is why the US Constitution remains in effect today, despite all of the abuses thrown at it by the Anglo-American Deep State Establishment Swamp ( that President Trump is in the process of obliterating).
“The constitutional republic of the US was a great idea but never really allowed to fully function.”
If the US Constitution was never allowed to fully function, then what makes you think that a “voluntary democracy” will be allowed to function?
The same people (British Imperialist Fascist Oligarchy) that have been trying to abolish the US Constitution ever since it was signed in 1787 will have a much easier time abolishing any form of “voluntary democracy.”
In which ways has the US Constitution not functioned?
The truth is that the US Constitution has functioned perfectly as written, including its mechanism for change through the amendment process, and that is why the US Constitution remains in effect today, despite all of the abuses thrown at it by the Anglo-American Deep State Establishment Swamp ( that President Trump is in the process of obliterating).
Except the 'nation' in 'nationalism' should be on a much smaller level (call it localism if you like), simply by virtue of the social cognition number (aka Dunbar's number), which creates a natural limit to homogenous social groupings (i.e. cultural identities). So it's actually about distinct cultural identities or social group identities. Nationalism is absolutely a method of social control projected onto the masses beyond the limits of the social cognition number, which is one of the fundamental reasons why it results in 'other-ing' people who are designated as not included in the narrow definitions of the 'norm' or the 'nation'. So you end up with bigotries like racism and homophobia and transphobia and all the rest of it.
Ironically this attitude also applies to certain ideologies like the monotheistic ideology/cult, which has a very narrow definition of conformity and others anyone who doesn't fit their definition. It's no different, psychologically, to racism in that sense.
And of course this is one key psychological insight to understand the so-called ruling caste - they are their own distinct social/cultural group, and everyone else is the other (the subhuman). And of course they have an ideology to accompany and justify it - we can call that feudalism or similar.
And yes, this does indeed have its roots in the monotheistic ideology, and it is indeed a cult.
That's how dark the rabbit hole goes. But if we want to make the world a better place, we need to see what's in that hole and expose it to the rest of the world, with honesty, and integrity.
Remember the slogan:
This is why the US Constitutional Federal Republic has survived 250 years of attacks by the Anglo-American Deep State Establishment Swamp.
Your concept of “Localism” doesn’t stand a chance of defending itself from a larger predator class, such as the British Imperialist Fascist Oligarchy.
nationalism = mob rule
Your national-anarchism actually is a real thing and I thoroughly reject it.
There is only one form of government that was designed to champion Personal Liberty and Personal Rights and Personal Prosperity and Personal Happiness and that government is the USA Constitutional Federal Republic. It isn’t absolutely perfect, but it does have a mechanism to improve through the amendment process.
Blimey! I read the wiki link you posted. That's not what I had in mind at all! Thanks for letting me know. Won't be suggesting that again!
I agree. The US constitutional republic is the best yet. It's unfortunate that it hasn't been fully practiced in recent years due to corporate, financial manipulation and the constitution has been bypassed or ignored in some cases, but there was never meant to be corporations. Thomas Jefferson warned us about that. Rockefeller lobbied and won the first charter and monopoly began. I did hear that many US businesses were cooperatives early on. That sounds like a much better setup under the constitution. I would be interested in your opinion.
Sadly, the US Constitution has been under attack ever since it was signed in 1787 by the Anglo-American Imperialist Establishment who have done everything they can to undermine and abolish the Constitution in their quest to re-subordinate Americans back under the British Crown.
Here’s the story:
Treason in America
How Andrew Jackson Destroyed the United States
Why the British Kill American Presidents
The British Oligarchy’s Fourth War on America
The Anglo-American Pilgrims Society (1902)
How the British Caused the American Civil War
Britain's Scheme to Partition and Recolonize America in the 1860s
The Hidden Story Behind Lincoln’s Assassination
How the British Invented Globalism
Modern globalism was born in Victorian England. The plan was to merge the British Empire and the United States into a single superstate.
How the British Sold Globalism to America
The Secret History of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Anglo-American Empire
One only has to look directly in their own small communities to see that they've put many of our government and non-government community leaders through a washing machine of one of their "community leaders" programs funded by all the same horrors. You can even hear how they speak that absolutely is NLP as they were all subjected to NLP in their training without them knowing it and trained to deliver NLP when speaking in their positions. So utterly creepy. One local school committee person said "stay on message" over and over again and I thought, there it is. No person holding a public office or serves any government organisation should be allowed to be a member of such billionaire funded fake philanthropy groups that have a political agenda. That is a massive conflict of interest and they should be forced to disclose such connections and training. Community Leader my foot.
On yer trike, Starmer!
Great idea to knock the Prime Minister given the current state of affairs. Much more important to have a go at him than at Donald Trump.
Don't worry, I have a piece due to be published that has a go at Trump too. As for Starmer, and seeing as I am English not American, why wouldn't I have a go at him?
What a shock it would be if the main tools of oppression we see fronting government are ALL corrupt, connected & cretinous in some way!
What I never see anyone mention is who is mainstays BEHIND the leaders used to soak up all our animosity & contempt= the 'families' that are the Architects & Navigators for the CIVIL SERVICE , as they have the REAL POWER & are shielded by all the machinery ever devised for social control & cohesion.
Until they are revealed, all the scrutiny imaginable on 'public figures' will just be slowly sinking while treading water.
btw, are you not Welsh Cockney more so than simply English ?
Have you just ruined the surprise conclusion of the magnum opus Iain is planning there Nushi 🙄😅 ?
Ah, so you admit that it is a hit piece you are writing about Trump!
It is a strong criticism of the Trump administration. Just as I have strongly criticised the UK government. A "hit piece" implies false or biased information designed to sway public opinion illegitimately. I have not written anything of that nature. So no, I have made no such admission.
Publish it and then we will know if it is a hit piece of false and biased information designed to sway public opinion.
Brilliant column as are the comments. In the USA we see Starmer as a POS.
The Markup Cult is Taking Over
...and deprogramming is an urgent priority
Here’s an excellent dose of reality for you and your subscribers:
A History of Conspiracies
Getting more than a bit concerned - alarmed more like.
So many of these wolves in sheep's clothing, actually think they are good shepherds apparently.
The self-deceived are very powerful deceivers.
Trouble is I am beginning to question all sheep!
Are they really sheep or wolves in sheep's clothing?
Are they good shepherds or bad shepherds?
Discernment is wise but constant distrust is not good.
How to tell a wolf from a sheep ...
Most sheep are basically white, some are black, or black and white.
Wolves can be white, grey or black.
Wolves are natural liars.
Most sheep are not.
Beware of all politicians!
Wolves are born killers.
Sheep are not.
Beware of all warmongers - bloodthirsty men and women!
Not easy to decisively discern if someone is really a sheep or a wolf.
The Fabians and the Freemasons and others; have long deceived the masses with their secret societies, lying misrepresentations and covert warmongering.
Some of the world's apparent saints are in fact very evil people.
Freedom is can only be maintained by constant vigilance.
Sheeps existing without the now long term breeding agenda forced upon them, are as smart as dogs,
I would not imagine talking to sheep would yield satisfactory results as they do not comprehend many human words & can not articulate them back even when they do know what you are asking.
Sheeps are many colours some that you miss, again it is because of specialised BREEDING that the problem occurs.
I do not wish to offend , but is it not inhumane & unemphatic to call other human beings sheep, just because they are less discerning about certain things than yourself.
In effect is it not even more inhumane to dehumanise that to simply try & go with the flow, which is what is really meant without having to resort to confused animalistic metaphors ?
Personally I find calling people sheep or apes very cruel & stupid act of arrogance & conceit,
For me & many of the friends I have , it is considered a horrible fashion only types of 'commentary sheep themselves' will repeat & use to make themselves feel elevated in some way. But that is the irony maybe ?! 🤔🤨😁
This is too confusing for generalised minds, who like simple clichés, to fathom Nushi,
you will have to restrain from writing pertinent things here , they will just get banned or blocked.
To call a person a sheep is as offensive as calling them a pig, dog, or maggot , for my sensibilities. To others it may be a compliment.
I live in hope & optimism.