Fransesco Follower is an apologist & distractor Ramona. She will never get around to deeper research, its all regurgitation of other distraction agents and fear mongers.
I kind of like her 'Jahoviah Witness' penchant for end of the world scenarios & terminal misery, she's a woman of her times!
Fransesco Follower is an apologist & distractor Ramona. She will never get around to deeper research, its all regurgitation of other distraction agents and fear mongers.
I kind of like her 'Jahoviah Witness' penchant for end of the world scenarios & terminal misery, she's a woman of her times!
What explains your posts best is that you are pig-ignorant and sociopathic and imbecilic. Bye, Ram aka Ramona. I refuse to exchange any more comments with anyone as malevolent as yourself.
'' pig-ignorant and sociopathic and imbecilic'', he screams into the cobweb clouded mirror.
''I refuse to exchange any more comments with anyone as malevolent as yourself'', he spurts while prolapsing next to the sink.
A scabby reflection of Gary remains etched into the cobwebs, it mutely laughs as Gary spams with repeated embolisms... he assumes a series of symbolic postures, cyphered prayers calling for redemption or release..... lost in a dance macabre... twitching fodder for Thanatos.
Gary is in some state of terminal hysteria, resorting to animal-like mewling.
On his tedious posts (ignored by everyone except me & Serge seemingly) he writes like a self obsessed teenager , with peculiar statements such as this-
''Thankfully, I stopped trusting politicians and the political process a long time ago (or so it seems).''
...''or so it seems''.... wtf.... 🙄😂🤣😂
No one is convinced by Gary's posturing, even he can't restrain his own disingenuous nature about his own comments!
As I replied to you on the Note, the “or so it seems” refers to the timeframe, the passage of time. You really are stupid. No wonder you endorse a book written by a Freemason.
''No wonder you endorse a book written by a Freemason.'' Gary the maggot of Thanatos bitches about a book he's never read, that IS genuinely a brilliant work- irrespective of whether you love or hate freemasonary.
Gary- bitch-arsed clone of Francis, shows he has a massive bias, blinding blank spot & is willfully disingenuous due to his own bigotry.
Gary writes like a priggish virgin repulsed by the idea of sexual intercourse.
Gary is too dim and soul-less to realize he's been caught up in a magical process of cursing for the past week, and here we can see how that process works- how effective it was in unveiling
Garys malicious agenda, shown in his latest comments.... here are the main 9 steps towards revelation...
1- Gary gets on a high- someone cares enough to engage him in conservation. 'Wow' he thinks , 'this is just like flirting....'
2-Gary is a masochist, addicted to social injustice & misery. He plays it cool, acting arrogant and evades most of the content of the responses as a tactic to incite abuse, which he gets... Gary feel even higher and important.
3-Gary laughs at the insults ... he wants more so acts in an even more conceited and insufferable manner.
4- HE notices Thanatos is mentioned yet fails to realize that the people using the term know what it represents and all the psycho-dynamics involved with it's symbolism & history, as well as years of 'occult' studies. Gary is now so high, buzzing from the interaction that he is reckless and imagines he is untouchable .. 'it's just words', he rationalizes like a shallow twat.
5- Gary gets called an bum-wanker, a feltcher, inept, moronic, retarded, and various other degrading terms that have resonance with his disposition.... the best come-back Gary has is 'stupid head'- Gary is a simple thing, mired in adolescent presumptions & deluded about his own talents, or lack of such.
6-Gary begins pestering his tormentors with rapid fire goading... while he probably leaks in his soiled pants. This is becoming his life- his time vampire nature gets into full swing- his antagonists are giving him attention, energy and their time... content is meaningless to him, he just needs the time/energy factor.
7- something snaps inside Gary, a psychological mechanism breaks due to saturation of symbolic & phonetic factors. The spells (from Spelling) take effect and a massive decompression occurs inside him... Gary is heading towards some terminal state of hubris then ennui.
8- Gary becomes desperate, his new obsession dominates him too severely, he feels suffocated and can't catch a full breath. He can't become aroused when he would like, and instead finds himself turned on by previously taboo topics for him(Hitler in stilettos and a blond wig send him into fits of bitter Ecstasy, Churchill sodomizing himself with a cigar, Stalin feltching a fish, Maggot Thatcher with a strap on ; all produce convulsive states in him) . He is growing increasing perverse very quickly , people who know him notice.
9- Gary digs deep and starts direct insults in return. They are pathetic, feeble and useless... merely cementing his ineptitude in the eyes of any observer.
Gary has no more options.
Ennui saturates him. He is listless, unfocused, barely articulate in his raging comments online, and has chapped his ass with constant fiddling. He is in a mess and it will take years for him to reconcile the last few weeks behavior.. if he ever can.
10- Thanatos watches and waits- Gary has always been maggot fodder for it, doing the bidding for DEATH-CULT sensibilities and oppressive data miners most of his miserable and lonely life. Thanatos and Saturn set the measure and RULE THIS ARENA because of that. Gary thinks they are mere intangible allegories, without a clue that he is actually within them as much as they are part of him.
Since this was “written by Ramona & Serge” and since Dub SurgeOn has blocked me and has removed the Notes from our exchanges of commentary, perhaps Serge will use his (or her) influence on Ramona (or Ram) to block me too.
By the way, you and Ram (aka Ramona) are incurable stupid (i.e. incapable of learning certain facts & truths) and ignorant of facts & truths you two ought to have already learned and are malevolent (i.e. persons whose minds know what to do but do not do it, resulting in such acts as lying, cheating, stealing and taking advantage of the the people in your social circles without making sufficient contribution to these same people). You two are the classic triple threat: imbecilic, pig-ignorant and sociopathic.
yet again you offer no proof or example of your demented claims.
You write all that, yet still beg for our attention! What is wrong with you, are you some sort of pervert as well as a desperate masochist?
Where have I ever lied publicly Garynoid?
You will have to back up your claims on that last rant , it seems like you've resorted to cut & paste Troll scripts. Or been replaced by an even more inept agent of social Time Vampire tactics.
I doubt ANY of Iains readers are convinced by anything you utter. You are the lamest, dumbest controlled op/ agent provocateur in all printed history.
Sure. Sociopathic individuals — with multiple personalities — lie and then defend the lie by claiming “I was joking. It’s my sense of humor.” Ram, Ramona, Serge, Dub SurgeOn is one incredibly and incurably stupid git.
you think that I seriously believe dead people can type 🙄😂🤣😂
Get a grip psycho-clown.
You let everyone know you are not a person, nor a person of integrity Gary-
''the Yiddish word for a person of integrity is “mensch”. A mensch is always a Mensch, but a Mensch is not always a mensch. I’m not a mensch.''
You keep proving that is far more true than anyone could imagine.
Anyways , you've given a few folk a good laugh with your mental arsedribble here, yet your time vampire tactics are distracting me from listening to the second book of Will Sergeants Autobiography .... It's time to leave you for the attention of your god & guide Thanatos.
So long Francis, it can't get much worse for you can it ....
Gary doesn't realize that people listen to AUDIOBOOKS and don't read them. 😂😂😂
Gary has made me cry.. with laughter at his clown antics.
He recently started inanely repeating his feeble comments like a broken record, the curse worked faster than usual on him! He really has cracked from it all and is now making a right show of himself, some explosion of hysteria married with an urge for oblivion?
Fransesco Follower is an apologist & distractor Ramona. She will never get around to deeper research, its all regurgitation of other distraction agents and fear mongers.
I kind of like her 'Jahoviah Witness' penchant for end of the world scenarios & terminal misery, she's a woman of her times!
She really is akin to a Jehovahs Witness...😂... I imagine that if there were no problems in her life that she would cause some....🙄😂🤣😂
Imagination isn't necessary , just look at her outpourings !
Garys repeating himself now and resorted to the standard troll script.
It looks like he's totally cracked and been replaced by an ever bigger idiot.
What a surprise 🙄😂
Actually, your buddy Serge resorted to blocking me. Is this SOP for a (so-called) “champion troll destroyer”?
Maybe you ought to follow Serge’s lead and block me too, Ram/Ramona.
this may interest you- ''Gary Joseph Slabaugh
August 1, 1934 - January 13, 2024''
It also explains why Gary has so much trouble thinking & acting like a empathic human being he's actually a zombie!!!
What explains your posts best is that you are pig-ignorant and sociopathic and imbecilic. Bye, Ram aka Ramona. I refuse to exchange any more comments with anyone as malevolent as yourself.
Gary cracks-
'' pig-ignorant and sociopathic and imbecilic'', he screams into the cobweb clouded mirror.
''I refuse to exchange any more comments with anyone as malevolent as yourself'', he spurts while prolapsing next to the sink.
A scabby reflection of Gary remains etched into the cobwebs, it mutely laughs as Gary spams with repeated embolisms... he assumes a series of symbolic postures, cyphered prayers calling for redemption or release..... lost in a dance macabre... twitching fodder for Thanatos.
More tripe from a poseur of a pos
blahdy blah blech from a black-hearted imbecile
Gary is in some state of terminal hysteria, resorting to animal-like mewling.
On his tedious posts (ignored by everyone except me & Serge seemingly) he writes like a self obsessed teenager , with peculiar statements such as this-
''Thankfully, I stopped trusting politicians and the political process a long time ago (or so it seems).''
...''or so it seems''.... wtf.... 🙄😂🤣😂
No one is convinced by Gary's posturing, even he can't restrain his own disingenuous nature about his own comments!
''or so it seems''.
As I replied to you on the Note, the “or so it seems” refers to the timeframe, the passage of time. You really are stupid. No wonder you endorse a book written by a Freemason.
''No wonder you endorse a book written by a Freemason.'' Gary the maggot of Thanatos bitches about a book he's never read, that IS genuinely a brilliant work- irrespective of whether you love or hate freemasonary.
Gary- bitch-arsed clone of Francis, shows he has a massive bias, blinding blank spot & is willfully disingenuous due to his own bigotry.
Gary writes like a priggish virgin repulsed by the idea of sexual intercourse.
Gary is too dim and soul-less to realize he's been caught up in a magical process of cursing for the past week, and here we can see how that process works- how effective it was in unveiling
Garys malicious agenda, shown in his latest comments.... here are the main 9 steps towards revelation...
1- Gary gets on a high- someone cares enough to engage him in conservation. 'Wow' he thinks , 'this is just like flirting....'
2-Gary is a masochist, addicted to social injustice & misery. He plays it cool, acting arrogant and evades most of the content of the responses as a tactic to incite abuse, which he gets... Gary feel even higher and important.
3-Gary laughs at the insults ... he wants more so acts in an even more conceited and insufferable manner.
4- HE notices Thanatos is mentioned yet fails to realize that the people using the term know what it represents and all the psycho-dynamics involved with it's symbolism & history, as well as years of 'occult' studies. Gary is now so high, buzzing from the interaction that he is reckless and imagines he is untouchable .. 'it's just words', he rationalizes like a shallow twat.
5- Gary gets called an bum-wanker, a feltcher, inept, moronic, retarded, and various other degrading terms that have resonance with his disposition.... the best come-back Gary has is 'stupid head'- Gary is a simple thing, mired in adolescent presumptions & deluded about his own talents, or lack of such.
6-Gary begins pestering his tormentors with rapid fire goading... while he probably leaks in his soiled pants. This is becoming his life- his time vampire nature gets into full swing- his antagonists are giving him attention, energy and their time... content is meaningless to him, he just needs the time/energy factor.
7- something snaps inside Gary, a psychological mechanism breaks due to saturation of symbolic & phonetic factors. The spells (from Spelling) take effect and a massive decompression occurs inside him... Gary is heading towards some terminal state of hubris then ennui.
8- Gary becomes desperate, his new obsession dominates him too severely, he feels suffocated and can't catch a full breath. He can't become aroused when he would like, and instead finds himself turned on by previously taboo topics for him(Hitler in stilettos and a blond wig send him into fits of bitter Ecstasy, Churchill sodomizing himself with a cigar, Stalin feltching a fish, Maggot Thatcher with a strap on ; all produce convulsive states in him) . He is growing increasing perverse very quickly , people who know him notice.
9- Gary digs deep and starts direct insults in return. They are pathetic, feeble and useless... merely cementing his ineptitude in the eyes of any observer.
Gary has no more options.
Ennui saturates him. He is listless, unfocused, barely articulate in his raging comments online, and has chapped his ass with constant fiddling. He is in a mess and it will take years for him to reconcile the last few weeks behavior.. if he ever can.
10- Thanatos watches and waits- Gary has always been maggot fodder for it, doing the bidding for DEATH-CULT sensibilities and oppressive data miners most of his miserable and lonely life. Thanatos and Saturn set the measure and RULE THIS ARENA because of that. Gary thinks they are mere intangible allegories, without a clue that he is actually within them as much as they are part of him.
(written by Ramona & Serge)
Since this was “written by Ramona & Serge” and since Dub SurgeOn has blocked me and has removed the Notes from our exchanges of commentary, perhaps Serge will use his (or her) influence on Ramona (or Ram) to block me too.
Dub, the dribble of diarrhea, appears
By the way, you and Ram (aka Ramona) are incurable stupid (i.e. incapable of learning certain facts & truths) and ignorant of facts & truths you two ought to have already learned and are malevolent (i.e. persons whose minds know what to do but do not do it, resulting in such acts as lying, cheating, stealing and taking advantage of the the people in your social circles without making sufficient contribution to these same people). You two are the classic triple threat: imbecilic, pig-ignorant and sociopathic.
yet again you offer no proof or example of your demented claims.
You write all that, yet still beg for our attention! What is wrong with you, are you some sort of pervert as well as a desperate masochist?
Where have I ever lied publicly Garynoid?
You will have to back up your claims on that last rant , it seems like you've resorted to cut & paste Troll scripts. Or been replaced by an even more inept agent of social Time Vampire tactics.
I doubt ANY of Iains readers are convinced by anything you utter. You are the lamest, dumbest controlled op/ agent provocateur in all printed history.
make sure that your alter ego, Serge/Dub, chimes in too, you two dribbles of diarrhea
One of your public lies was claiming that my name is “Gary Joseph Slabaugh” born in 1934, you moronic imbecile.
ah, you didnt appreciate my sense of humour Francis, and have none yourself.
Who thinks actual zombies can type ?
You are a mental mess- seek help .... or solace away from social media.
Long walks on the moors is the usual method for your sort.
btw- What about all your other unsubstantiated claims about me that aren't an obvious joke, or wind up?... really dead people typing 😂
You really let yourself go there Francis !😂🤣😂
Sure. Sociopathic individuals — with multiple personalities — lie and then defend the lie by claiming “I was joking. It’s my sense of humor.” Ram, Ramona, Serge, Dub SurgeOn is one incredibly and incurably stupid git.
you think that I seriously believe dead people can type 🙄😂🤣😂
Get a grip psycho-clown.
You let everyone know you are not a person, nor a person of integrity Gary-
''the Yiddish word for a person of integrity is “mensch”. A mensch is always a Mensch, but a Mensch is not always a mensch. I’m not a mensch.''
You keep proving that is far more true than anyone could imagine.
Anyways , you've given a few folk a good laugh with your mental arsedribble here, yet your time vampire tactics are distracting me from listening to the second book of Will Sergeants Autobiography .... It's time to leave you for the attention of your god & guide Thanatos.
So long Francis, it can't get much worse for you can it ....
Gary is not a mensch or a Mensch... just MULTCH.
Gary doesn't realize that people listen to AUDIOBOOKS and don't read them. 😂😂😂
Gary has made me cry.. with laughter at his clown antics.
He recently started inanely repeating his feeble comments like a broken record, the curse worked faster than usual on him! He really has cracked from it all and is now making a right show of himself, some explosion of hysteria married with an urge for oblivion?
He will not be missed.
😂 😆 😝
Yeah, yeah, sure, sure. Your “curse using a magical spell” worked like a charm. It caused you to block me and make some of my Notes invisible.
So diabolically effective? Not.
I don’t trust ANY human being to be a “person of integrity”, 💩4🧠’s
because you have no integrity you are envious of those of us who do.
Snap Crackle & POP!
that was Gary, clone of Francis Leper. The Social Media Poison Club for boorish agitators and nark arsed provocateurs.
Goodbye Gary the spooky maggot. This may well be the most memorable thing you've ever been involved in!
Dub, the dribble of diarrhea, is back