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Lovely post - I think one thing that is often overlooked in all these discussions is that any political or geopolitical system is only as good as the people in control of it. At the moment, we have monsters in control, so the system benefits them, not the people. It's entirely possible to imagine a MWO in which the central actors are benevolent.

To say that 'the system is the problem' is to take a fundamentally Marxist - i.e. STRUCTURALIST - point of view, in which 'human/individual agency' has no bearing. This is demonstrable BS - EVERYTHING that happens in the world, economically, politically, or otherwise, is a product of the actions/decisions of individuals, or groups of individuals (the globalist cabal).

Therefore, the solution is really very simple - replace the monsters/parasites with 'normal' people, who are instinctively benevolent, and they will naturally enact the right solutions. And that right solution is, clearly, early detection and ostracism of evil monsters (as was practiced by humanity for several hundred thousand years before the neolithic revolution, of course).

So, when we think about 'multipolarity' we need to think psychologically about the people who are pushing it. It's not 'multipolarity' that is the problem - it's the psychology of the people who govern it.

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I generally agree except that I think one has to be a bit more proactive than just allowing normal people free rein. Corridors of power intensify vectors of motivation which attract the buzzards of ambition who aspire to rule the roost and connive and deceive to do so. So a 'system' - which as you rightly say depends upon good people not its (ideologically based) structure - must work to protect and foster goodness in its people which by definition includes warding off vice/evil. Evil exploits good, that is its nature and modus operandi. This has to be guarded against proactively. Goodness cannot be complacent or naive, indeed goodness, to be truly good, must see into the heart of evil without succumbing to it otherwise it is mainly milquetoast posturing, performative goodness. Evil exploits but does not truly understand good, but good must fully understand evil and thus be able to prevail by not buying into its BS. For it is always BS.

Something like that. But I really liked what you said about STRUCTURALIST. That is a real insight, one that is insufficiently 'grocked' these days. (Because, by and large, the materialist-marxists won!)

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Yep. I understand what you say about 'normal people' - quite true. Normal people are simply not capable of governing. If they were, evil wouldn't stand a chance and wouldn't be in the ascendancy. Thus, we need 'extraordinary people' to govern - and a system of education capable of detecting them.

So, this can partly be solved by a perfect education system - this requires a much, much longer explique (which i'll be giving in my own substack (in the liberal socialism section) at a later date.

At the same time, education alone can't solve innate idiocy.

Yes, 'mechanisms of power' will attract buzzards - i.e. bad guys/monsters. This is, in fact, the story of humanity. After the agricultural/neolithic revolution, the limits of Dunbar's number (knowing everyone to 100% within a group of 150) started to impact, as communities enlarged, so that the monsters, pretending to be human (mimicry - 'evil always pretends to be good'), were able to escape the ostracism they'd faced for the last million years, and, by 5000 years ago, got into these positions of expertise and turned them into positions of authority.

I absolutely loved what you said about 'guarded against proactively' - the word proactively being the most important word. It is perfectly possible for humanity to develop such a system, in which every young person would be assessed accordingly, and all the monsters would be, quite frankly, exposed for crocodile food. Unfortunately, most humans are too squeamish for that kind of thing (if we're going to be mystical here, this is the secret of the success of Atlantis).

Goodness's fault is being too 'good' - or rather, it misunderstands 'good'. Good can actually mean, in the name of self-defence. violent elimination of evil. Evil understands this. Evil has thus manipulated humanity to make them think that 'elimination' itself is a bad thing. Thus, the bad guys survive. The 'final solution' has been associated with 'nazis', after all.

This is going to end up being a really, really long thread!

I'm going to end this comment now, for that very reason! Otherwise I'll be here forever!

I'll just say, the story I'm writing (see my substack) has this precise idea at its heart. The central character will come across as a 'bad guy' but actually, as it turns out, she's ultimately good, just that she acts as someone that Dostoyevsky's Raskolnikov would call an 'extraordinary person'. Thus, she is misunderstood.

And that way lies dramatic narrative.

And, yes, I foresee I'm going to get into real trouble with it too!


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Fair enough! I've subscribed. Today I started a new series on my own (very small, unread) substack called 'Layers and Levels' which will go through different ways of viewing phenomena, systems and suchlike informed by several decades in Buddhist study and practice in an attempt to apply that sort of perspective to everyday and modern situations. The main idea, I think, is that although everything is indeed fundamentally simple and straightforward, it is not in the way we tend to conceptualize; in the latter case we oversimplify incorrectly and end up missing how even the simplest phenomonon, including an idea, involves limitless interconnections-relationships. So the idea will be to just take a look at different ways of looking things in ways with which perhaps some are not familiar.

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Ditto. I had a friend who did some I-ching a while ago, although he went a bit, erm, well, best not say (nothing to do with the i-ching, he was just a little fascist). Personally I don't think he really understood the holistic balance peace etc.; this is a seriously another story so I've just deleted what I wrote about it!

Personally I'm more of a tarot person (yes, I' do have the Crowley Thoth deck and I would advise anyone NOT to use it - it's seriously dark). I usually use the Cat People deck - they're lovely. I am aware that once the NWO types have been eliminated, humanity will be going back to learn their innate connections with the land and the system.

But there will be a necessary trauma to get there.

Not my fault! They brought it on themselves by tolerating evil.

Sorry, I'm listening to Slowdive at the moment and it's seriously affecting my brain.

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