The only reason it continues is to keep you away from more sensitive or fragile souls and allow you to incriminate yourselves beyond any doubt, which you have already done.
Your priorities are very twisted. What grief have you given Hibbert, the man who is slapping his maggot in the face of RDHall and about to 'ruin his life' as badly as he has buggered his flappy fanny-like arse ? 🙄🤔
So ProLie you think supermarket attendants are pathetic sub human scum due to their profession?
You must be a Hyksos Zionist piece of elitist shit then.
BTW- Did you know that FannyCist Leader , despite her cockney actors voice is descended from PEERAGE stock, so that all her Black Nobility distraction is actually hype for her own BLOODLINE ?
Isn't it fascinating how everyone you 'support' is a shill, and your involvement with them instantly diminishes any credibility they may aspire for.😂😂😂
It so like a CURSE that it is impossible to distinguish if it is, or just your natural disposition to be a pathetic loser with a cancerous touch.
Prolapse Prolie,
We are bored with you, it has all been said.
The only reason it continues is to keep you away from more sensitive or fragile souls and allow you to incriminate yourselves beyond any doubt, which you have already done.
Your priorities are very twisted. What grief have you given Hibbert, the man who is slapping his maggot in the face of RDHall and about to 'ruin his life' as badly as he has buggered his flappy fanny-like arse ? 🙄🤔
So ProLie you think supermarket attendants are pathetic sub human scum due to their profession?
You must be a Hyksos Zionist piece of elitist shit then.
BTW- Did you know that FannyCist Leader , despite her cockney actors voice is descended from PEERAGE stock, so that all her Black Nobility distraction is actually hype for her own BLOODLINE ?
Isn't it fascinating how everyone you 'support' is a shill, and your involvement with them instantly diminishes any credibility they may aspire for.😂😂😂
It so like a CURSE that it is impossible to distinguish if it is, or just your natural disposition to be a pathetic loser with a cancerous touch.