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'Poisoning the well' - now that's a far more succinct way of explaining the whole thing that any of my convoluted ramblings! I shall be using that phrase from now on if that's ok with you.

Absolutely get what you're saying about programmed responses. Rothschild-criticism must be anti-semitic etc. - in fact, even that 'removing the hyphen' to make the oldspeak itself look 'anti-semitic' - it's got to that level of absurdity - although as someone who has studied linguistics I well understand not just how that works but that it does work. Sapir-Whorf hypothesis and all that.

When it comes to Icke, my initial thoughts (must've been in the 1990s) were that he was simply 'pretending' to be a loony for self-protection - if he can be seen by the general population as 'a harmless nutter' then there's no need for the Establishment to bump him off, as it were. But yes, since then it's somewhat obvious that he is a controlled opposition/operation, precisely to discredit 'the truth movement' by association. They did that one very well because it sort of just crept up. What really gives it away though is the obvious dissonance between 'loony' and 'rational', in the sense of 'able to speak and reason logically and present oneself as sane' whilst spouting nonsense. That doesn't compute, Captain.

I've come to apply that basic insight to others too and it works - if there is a logical/cognitive disconnect between the 'idea' and the 'level of critical thinking ability' then that's a bad guy (aka 'liar'). The idea being it's not possible for a genuinely decent person capable of critical thinking to entertain bad ideas. At least, not for any length of time anyhow. We may all make reasoning errors to begin with, but an intellectually honest person corrects those errors (not to mention tests them and seeks out new information to do so - proper scientific method, so to speak).

Let me know how your photography experiment goes. I myself have a little telescope so I can pretty much confirm the existence of round objects outside the atmosphere. The flat earth resurgence is the same kind of psyop as the Icke stuff. Similarly terrain theory.

I shall watch that video in due course. I would always at least cast a vote, though. I think those who tell people not to vote are part of the problem and I simply don't trust them. A true 'anarchist' would in fact cast a vote simply for bedevilment! Obviously they'd vote for any anti-Establishment candidate. One of the most important points here is that the more people vote, the more difficult it is to rig the election without being obvious, getting caught, and provoking the revolution.

Ironically, I hear (in the last few minutes) Sunak has just called a general election for American Independence Day. So I shall just have to hope that in my constituency there is an anti-Establishment option. Otherwise I'll just have to think of something witty to write on the ballot paper.

Certainly for local elections voting (for indies) can make a real difference. I think I'll have a look at that video now, timely enough...

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May 22
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One of the issues with viruses is simply the 'characteristics of living things'. When I was taught biology at school (40 years ago) I think there were 7 prerequisites. Now, however, there are various disputed versions of the 'definition of life'. Which kind of makes sense. So, when it comes to 'viruses' I am getting the impression that even though these organisms demonstrably exist (electron microscopes etc.), what the conspiracy theorists have seized on is the idea that they don't satisfy the necessary characteristics of living things - so then they say 'oh, in that case, they don't exist' - obvious logical fallacy.

So the scientific fact is that there is such a thing as a 'virus' - in the sense of a string of RNA or DNA, which can, naturally, affect another lifeform. There is no real scientific doubt about that. But - it's true that 'retroviruses' (e.g. HIV) do not cause any disease in humans and, in fact, may have a symbiotic relationship.

Humans have been living with these most ancient of organisms for their entire existence. The fact they predate humanity kind of proves they can't cause humans any problems, because of something called 'the immune system'.

There are 2 aspects to the human immune system - adaptive and innate. Adaptive deals with foreign pathogens, creating memory B-cells and thus 'immunity'. Innate simply removes toxins. The bad guys play on the fact that most people don't understand the difference between the two. So, you give someone AZT, or 'the anti-covid jab' and oh, look, you have lots of 'antibodies' - 'therefore it works' - when the truth is 'you have poisoned someone and provoked the innate immune system'. A 'vaccine' would provoke the adaptive, not the innate.

So we're back to education again - teach people proper biology, none of this stuff becomes an issue anymore, and no one would ever get themselves injected with what these evil people have falsely called 'vaccines'.

Infecting someone with cowpox to create cross-resistance to smallpox - yes, that's a vaccine. Poisoning someone with a spike protein which the body doesn't recognise as a foreign pathogen thus not triggering the adaptive immune system to create lasting immunity via memory B-cells - no, that's called poisoning someone.

Oh I do love having knowledge about proper science stuff, don't you?!

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May 23
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May 24
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ProLie Team Chronic Moronic are off their tits on medication again, talking about muting people they have already blocked ! Instead Chronic Moronic team have been stalking Nushi's posts like they do ours !

The hypocrisy from Team Chronic Moronic is glaring, often hilarious & now expected. Inconsistency is their forte after pet feltching and getting fisted for fun.

How pathetic can they get- let us see-

tROT ON Prolapse Pet Feltchers, may you get lockjaw & choke.

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