Is that why you were banned a few weeks ago after 1,000 insane comments, shitting all over the place like the PRO-LIE PROLAPSER you are now trapped being ?
That was very funny little sister, and Prolapse-the Maniac 'dancing goblin fairy' took the dyslexia bait - swallowing it whole just as more poison to feast on. Also, just like it has with so many deliberate spelling mistakes to get its attention focused onto certain words, it latched on and wouldn't let go, with over reactions.
What did it do with such ammunition? It showed everyone here what a malicious piece of conceited shit it was without any room of doubt . since when has dyslexia equated to lack of intelligence, intuition or benign characteristics of personality?
What power MAGIC has 'within and from' words themselves.
Anyone scoffing at magic has none, or is lying due to habit & vocation.
Prolapse has now given up endless essays of indignation, except with its ALTER EverLyin', a marriage made in Media Hell. It has had another breakdown and a 6 hour holiday in a tent before it couldn't resit spending Friday night alone, furious, and sickly obsessed hunting for comments here , to sabotage in its typical anal vomit wallpaper.
What a sight and state Team Chronic Moronic are in now!
Like you have here - how many reports have you made ?
No one gives a shit about your views and opinions and why you are upset.
Because you INCITE IT ALL., like some shrieking masochist desperate for some abuse and attention.
I've read all you psychotic diarrhea here as a favour to my sister, and was amazed you have the bare faced insanity to make the claims you do here. You seem unable to read , have no skill in punctuation, and lack an adult vocabulary!
This is obviously the most important you've ever felt. Getting a handful of talented people to spend their time unpacking your psychotic behaviour.
Sadly for you they did that 2 months ago, and only needed to know what MPD programmes effected you most predominantly.
Ramona & Serge stated before your rancid resurrection that they were leaving Iains pages , due to his rapid deterioration as a useful commentator.
You are a boring ,tediously insane waste of time, it has nothing to do with any fear of getting banned - they both have CONTENT , while you have nothing except proof of your obsessive stalking and compulsive lies.
It is you who will get banned if anyone does. LIKE BEFORE.
They want you to take this matter to the authorities/court, they look forward to seeing what your claim would be , and make you a laughing stock in such an arena. . GO for it - try and sue T.Hunter & me too !
Go on if you have the guts to do as you keep threatening.
I would love to see what a decomposing evil visage you have.
You wont do anything , because you are a pathetic poseur full of gaslighting, hoodwinking, strawmen and insanity.
Ramona and Serge only needed to know what MPD programmes effected you most predominantly.
You gave that away yesterday and today I've instilled your OMEGA directives.
Happy reading , and I hope you appreciate all the TRIGGERS you will find, maybe EverLyin' can give you some aids as condolence ?
You over-estimate your own shallow abilities while constantly underestimating everyone else. It seems that you never really came down from that CRACK-HIGH you admitted to . What sort of soul-less jerk gamble with such substances- one with a rotting spirit invariably.
Of course everyone will probably think you're a crack head anyway,.
As my Kin would say to the like of you and the sell out Sanders of the world.
tROT ON maggot mule,
it looks like you're ready to split in half again!
That you are a self confessed sadistic child abuser obsessed about Ram & Serge to such an extent that you have stalked them for 2 months explains all anyone would need to know about you PROLAPSE.
If anyone wants screen shot confirmation of that statement just message me and I will post a link.
PROLAPE, that was your account until you have a breakdown/ Systems crash and quickly multiplied you personalities and account names into brain damaged infantile blubberings. FAWB came to us for help and re-integration/catharsis or whatever the technical term is . Ram knows a friend of Ellana Freeland (?) who knows people who could help restore MPDs back into their core selves (I dont know the proper terminology you will have to ask Ramona)
Your original 6 week stint of abuse was all there for everyone to see & still will be accessible again because I archived it.
We are certainly laughing at you, while we also take this matter very seriously - what you are attempting to do is psychological torture and social lynch mobbing. Your hypocrisy is glaring and proven through these comments and your LAST ACCOUNT, that was an open admission of STALKIING and being a TIME VAMPIRE.
Keep going if you like, as is your right to attempt, but you will get nowhere with it because your basic premise of who you are dealing with is at fault- therefore the entire construct of what you imagine is occurring is even more at fault.
Your gaslighting convinces no real people. Plenty of my neighbors have read your insane baiting and are all amazed Dodgy Davis has done nothing, said nothing, and sub-stack are allowing you to carry on humiliating yourself with playground taunts.
Your self inflicted curse hit you harder than expected then.
Another team member retires so quickly this is a weekly event for you to have to recoup & then come back unable to do anything but anal vomit wallpaper the comments with the SAME emoji hysteria.
''All three of you use far too many emojis too - as has been said before, it makes you appear like vocabularyless children.''
Who is inarticulate, lacks eloquence and erudition ?
Who can't make a coherent sentence and uses 'too' repeatedly when it is just extra verbiage?
Are you still tooting crack Glamstoneberry girl, did you ever come down from it?
What arse dribbling moron talks of symbolism and doesn't realise emojis are symbols and signs ?
You are a lost cause. Ramona & Serge have wiped their hands of you and wont entertain your insanity.
I find you hilarious , especially when you write self-delusion justifications for the use of 'vocabularyless''
Your brain must be as maggot filled and decomposing as the rest of you ?
Fodder for Thanatos in actions and deeds.
It is easy to mock you, you invite it by being a petty, hypocritical, anal sadist desperate for attention and in need of masochistic abuse.
Is that why you were banned a few weeks ago after 1,000 insane comments, shitting all over the place like the PRO-LIE PROLAPSER you are now trapped being ?
Serge is dyslexic you malicious pathetic priceless squealing goon.
Despite that he has more eloquence than you , and that can be quantified.
You can not even spell YOU , what was it OYU YOU OUY ?!!
You write like Johnny Vendmoron talks - as if your're gurgling maggot spunk.
That was very funny little sister, and Prolapse-the Maniac 'dancing goblin fairy' took the dyslexia bait - swallowing it whole just as more poison to feast on. Also, just like it has with so many deliberate spelling mistakes to get its attention focused onto certain words, it latched on and wouldn't let go, with over reactions.
What did it do with such ammunition? It showed everyone here what a malicious piece of conceited shit it was without any room of doubt . since when has dyslexia equated to lack of intelligence, intuition or benign characteristics of personality?
What power MAGIC has 'within and from' words themselves.
Anyone scoffing at magic has none, or is lying due to habit & vocation.
Prolapse has now given up endless essays of indignation, except with its ALTER EverLyin', a marriage made in Media Hell. It has had another breakdown and a 6 hour holiday in a tent before it couldn't resit spending Friday night alone, furious, and sickly obsessed hunting for comments here , to sabotage in its typical anal vomit wallpaper.
What a sight and state Team Chronic Moronic are in now!
tROT ON in actions and nature.
Like you have here - how many reports have you made ?
No one gives a shit about your views and opinions and why you are upset.
Because you INCITE IT ALL., like some shrieking masochist desperate for some abuse and attention.
I've read all you psychotic diarrhea here as a favour to my sister, and was amazed you have the bare faced insanity to make the claims you do here. You seem unable to read , have no skill in punctuation, and lack an adult vocabulary!
This is obviously the most important you've ever felt. Getting a handful of talented people to spend their time unpacking your psychotic behaviour.
Sadly for you they did that 2 months ago, and only needed to know what MPD programmes effected you most predominantly.
Ramona & Serge stated before your rancid resurrection that they were leaving Iains pages , due to his rapid deterioration as a useful commentator.
You are a boring ,tediously insane waste of time, it has nothing to do with any fear of getting banned - they both have CONTENT , while you have nothing except proof of your obsessive stalking and compulsive lies.
It is you who will get banned if anyone does. LIKE BEFORE.
They want you to take this matter to the authorities/court, they look forward to seeing what your claim would be , and make you a laughing stock in such an arena. . GO for it - try and sue T.Hunter & me too !
Go on if you have the guts to do as you keep threatening.
I would love to see what a decomposing evil visage you have.
You wont do anything , because you are a pathetic poseur full of gaslighting, hoodwinking, strawmen and insanity.
Ramona and Serge only needed to know what MPD programmes effected you most predominantly.
You gave that away yesterday and today I've instilled your OMEGA directives.
Happy reading , and I hope you appreciate all the TRIGGERS you will find, maybe EverLyin' can give you some aids as condolence ?
You over-estimate your own shallow abilities while constantly underestimating everyone else. It seems that you never really came down from that CRACK-HIGH you admitted to . What sort of soul-less jerk gamble with such substances- one with a rotting spirit invariably.
Of course everyone will probably think you're a crack head anyway,.
As my Kin would say to the like of you and the sell out Sanders of the world.
tROT ON maggot mule,
it looks like you're ready to split in half again!
Whatever are you on about now EverLyin'
you mind controlled muppet
That you are a self confessed sadistic child abuser obsessed about Ram & Serge to such an extent that you have stalked them for 2 months explains all anyone would need to know about you PROLAPSE.
If anyone wants screen shot confirmation of that statement just message me and I will post a link.
PROLAPE, that was your account until you have a breakdown/ Systems crash and quickly multiplied you personalities and account names into brain damaged infantile blubberings. FAWB came to us for help and re-integration/catharsis or whatever the technical term is . Ram knows a friend of Ellana Freeland (?) who knows people who could help restore MPDs back into their core selves (I dont know the proper terminology you will have to ask Ramona)
Your original 6 week stint of abuse was all there for everyone to see & still will be accessible again because I archived it.
We are certainly laughing at you, while we also take this matter very seriously - what you are attempting to do is psychological torture and social lynch mobbing. Your hypocrisy is glaring and proven through these comments and your LAST ACCOUNT, that was an open admission of STALKIING and being a TIME VAMPIRE.
Keep going if you like, as is your right to attempt, but you will get nowhere with it because your basic premise of who you are dealing with is at fault- therefore the entire construct of what you imagine is occurring is even more at fault.
Your gaslighting convinces no real people. Plenty of my neighbors have read your insane baiting and are all amazed Dodgy Davis has done nothing, said nothing, and sub-stack are allowing you to carry on humiliating yourself with playground taunts.
Your self inflicted curse hit you harder than expected then.
Another team member retires so quickly this is a weekly event for you to have to recoup & then come back unable to do anything but anal vomit wallpaper the comments with the SAME emoji hysteria.