Frankly my dear I don't give a damn about whichever megalomaniac is currently being shoehorned into a position of political power. It's all choreographed BS to deflect our attention away from the really dangerous nutters running things everywhere. We should be concentrating on them and leave this sort of charade to the likes of the BBC
Frankly my dear I don't give a damn about whichever megalomaniac is currently being shoehorned into a position of political power. It's all choreographed BS to deflect our attention away from the really dangerous nutters running things everywhere. We should be concentrating on them and leave this sort of charade to the likes of the BBC
Frankly my dear I don't give a damn about whichever megalomaniac is currently being shoehorned into a position of political power. It's all choreographed BS to deflect our attention away from the really dangerous nutters running things everywhere. We should be concentrating on them and leave this sort of charade to the likes of the BBC