The fact that the people were deceived about the Manchester Arena event is not in doubt. The implications though are almost impossible to comprehend. They go way beyond the 'appalling vista' scenario outlined by Master of the Rolls, Lord Alfred Denning, in McIlkenny v Chief Constable of the West Midlands (1980).
Collusion by the monarch in the Manchester hoax, not to mention other collaborators lower down the pecking order, suggests a very high level of State involvement in its planning and execution. No wonder the State is doing all it can to prevent the truth reaching the general public. The stakes could not be higher for the powers-that-be.
The case against RDH reminds me of the seemingly endless litigation recounted by Charles Dickens in Bleak House. The plaintiffs seem determined to ruin a good man's life for no reason other than his shining a light on something they would prefer to keep hidden.
But RDH has truth on his side while his opponents are wrong - and they KNOW they are wrong. However this thing ends, if it ever does, that much is clear to anyone who examines the evidence.
The trend towards ever more insidious curtailments of our freedom, enabled through a continuous process of lies and propaganda, coupled with an apparently supine indifference on the part of the general populace, regarding this trend, does indeed make for an "appalling vista" when we stop to consider its potential end point.
The state want you to consider it utterly fake and unbelievable, if you are of a certain disposition or have any aptitude. It is a DIVISION GAME/STRATEGY.
As are all these pundits like Iain , Dick 'all, UK Colon, Corbett etc .. they are a hierarchy of awareness partitioning program. None will give the whole truth, all will give glimpses then distract or occlude the real meat of the matter.
Here Iain was given easy targets to boast his credibility. Just as Hall is getting sympathy and support for what appears to be a gross injustice, because if REAL it would be.
As it is THEATER (as even Iain admits, though still claims Hall is at financial/social risk- which appears possible) I suggest that Hall is at no real risk, and his MASOCHISTIC inclinations have allowed the facilitation of this series of SPECTACLES. Hall likes to be abused, he set himself up for it decades ago, as is proven in old interviews such as Lancaster Posts (?) 'The little Grey Men are Coming' , where he says he's ready to be ridiculed.
By avoiding all the Gematria, Esoteric foundations, Child Abuse networking and PSYCHO-DYNAMICS /psychology of the 'performers' Iain show his limitations and ,shallow nature on this, and instead has to shield himself with LOGIC & REASON as a form of Armour and ammunition.
This will never give a satisfying answer- it is reductionist and mired in materialism. Science QUANTIFIES, it has no remit to QUALITATIVE phenomena , which is what 'human beings' respond & have empathy with.
Now,lets see what sort of tantrum you have over that ?
or you may surprise me with being a 'thinking person' with some intuition intact?
Cherry picking quotes to belittle, and then make yourself seem more 'aware' again then PROLAPSE
'' None will give the whole truth, all will give glimpses then distract or occlude the real meat of the matter.''
Written May 8th
Then on the 14th Iain writes his hit piece on OCCULTISM !
You are out of phase poor thing.
Some people are natural catalysts (though uncredited)
while others can only copy, follow or creep behind in the shadows.
Funny that until the comment above you had no idea what qualitive phenomena was , and even now haven't been able to fathom what the last paragraph really means. If you had you wouldn't have made such a tit of yourself waffling 'nothing' about SYMBOLISM.
You miss the words most used by experts consistently, proving your shallow learning . You seem to never have encountered the use of comparative methodology used for hundreds of years!
Now, tROT off and play with your dollouse and tiny malleable mannequins, the adults are having a discussion.
Thank you Iain, few have the courage to take a stand against tyranny so publically, especially when the state has already demonstrated it's willingness to hound and harrass anyone questioning the story.
Returning to Murrell, besides the impossible walk on high heels minutes after shrapnel supposidly travelled 15cm through her thigh, consider the treatment a patient would recieve if those injuries had happened in the timeframe given.
Standard First Aid procedure: A tourniquet to stop uncrontrollable bleeding, insetion of tampons into the wounds on both entry and exit wounds to stop bleeding and prevent futher loss of blood, multiple dressings applied on top. Royal Marines in war zones are issued tourniquets and tampons in their personal first aid kits along with battle dressings for this purpose, tampons were invented for this purpose during WW1. This is what you would expect first aiders or paramedics to have done prior to evacuation to hospital.
After triage at hospital, it is likely a morphine 'block' would be given, this is a series of morphine injections around the wound for pain relief, it's a very painful procedure, often sending the patient into shock. A multi hour opperation to clean, and close the wounds. Absorbant dressings applied would be very thick, at least an inch thick, with bandages applied on top to secure the dressings.
Assuming the wounds were large enough to prevent complete closure, skin grafts would be planned in a subsiquent opperation, we can see where skin has been removed to provide skin graft material in the public picture of the injury.
Different protocols may be used in the period between initial emergency opperations, and subsiquent skin graft opperations. If bleeding had been controlled between these operations, and subsiquent skin graft opperation was within a short time, the wound may be left covered with only thin wet bandages, if this were the case the patient would be put on bed rest, likely with a cage above the leg to prevent the bedding touching the wound.
In either case the patient would be on morphine for pain relief, the dose would be quite high, leaving the patient very sleepy. Movement would have to be limited to prevent opening up the wounds, the patient would be on bed rest protocol. The limb would be immobile, likely with a split to prevent the limb bending at the knee to prevent antagonising and opening the wound.
What do we see? Zero first aid protocols were applied. 2 1/2 days later the patient is sat in a chair talking to the Queen, patients legs bent at the knees, legs are covered with a blanket, both legs have the same outline under the cover, no dressing outline can be seen, patient is cognisant, has normal speech, does not appear sleepy. This is stated to be prior to a second opperation before the wounds have been closed. A canular is fitted to the back of the wrist, covered with a bandage, this is another anomily, canulars are never covered with a bandage, so any issues can be seen by medical staff, there is a purpose designed sticking plaster to hold canulas in place. Was the bandage applied to hide the fact a canula was not inserted into the wrist?
Given these highlighted anomilies, it is improbable the patient was suffering the purported wounds at this time.
The Device: TATP is made with strong hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) at least 97% strength, strong hydrogen peroxide has been unavilable to purcahse on the retail market as a result of 7/7 2005. The strongest I can find is on the retail market 12.95%, I can find 50% strength at a scientific supply company, for which a regulatory declaration is required. It is not available to the public.
A detenator (AKA Blasting cap) is also required to set off the main charge of the device, these are made from highly volatile explosives, I very much doubt these can be DIY'd even by experienced explosive experts without highly technical equipment, it would be extremely dangerous to attempt to make these compounds without sophisticated laboratory conditions. These are only available under strict licensing conditions (for mining, demolition companies etc.) Storage is highly secured, transport is also under licence with strict conditions in specially designed explosive proof containers made from 10mm steel with lids that are bolted down. Detenators are very unstable by design, dropping one on the floor would be enough to set it off, static electricity could set one off, a nearby radio signal could set one off. It requires a high level of training to handle them, set procedures are required for handling, to avoid premature explosion during handling.
You cannot buy strong H2O2 on Amazon, you can't obtain or transport detonators anywhere without a licence, any theft of such items, besides requiring a sophisticated highly skilled team to pull off such a theft, would be immediately investigated by authorites.
Salman Abedi did not purchase the main ingrediants of the device on Amazon, I question the ability of anyone to obtain these items under any circumstances without being aided by authorities.
What is most concerning is that the apparent appetite for future legislation which will effectively criminalise questioning the Establishment view of ‘terrorist events’.
As there is arguably no proportionate justification for exchanging the protection of a few people’s ‘feelings’ for the very real risk that Government or Security organisations can then commit egregious acts without scrutiny, resisting this legislation might be the hill the free speech movement will need to die on.
On a positive note for Mr Hall, a successful outcome based on robust evidence proving previous ‘false flag’ events might give him grounds for a retrospective Appeal to the Courts.
As with all your work it is detailed well researched and concise. As it is easy to write a 1000 words without saying much. I do not agree that it would be possible for even for a trained bomb maker to concentrate hydrogen peroxide to make a stable bomb. This like the fictional liquid bomb plot where they were going to mix two chemicals on a plane and the reason we have the security at airports now.
Maybe more could be said in Richards work about the background of groups like the Libyan Fighting Group. Stories some times get lost. I have been following Aangrifan for a long time. That does not mean I agree with everything they post. They had a story about the Libyan Fighting Group and how an Irish Gangster was in control of a lot if the Crime in Manchester and after he was killed by a car bomb the Libyan Fighting Group took over a lot of the crime in Manchester and how the corrupt Manchester police left them alone. There was another story of Salman Abedi being arrested and put on trial I think in Mexico but then somehow released probably with intervention from the foreign office. Establishing Salman Abedi was an asset of MI5/6 helps to undermine the story.
How Salman Abed carrying a very large rucksack was able to confidently walk past the police and security. If he had been challenged it would have ruined all the plans. Also the magic blast proof bank card damaged but the name still clear. Comparing the blast damage like the floor tiles that looks very superficial with reports of a crater in the floor. We know Richards case is being used to help pass all the new laws that UKColumn is highlighting. If I was him I would sell his house to his mother for a pound so he has no assets when they come for his money.
The rich ( irony!) go bankrupt all the time with little effect.
then Do as you say, with a relation, and are back up and scamming in no time at all.
The court case is Theatre, the question is , is Hall aware and complicit with the Theatre/Script ,or an unwitting scapegoat. Many of us now consider it the former case.
He was always primed for ridicule and in his own life may have a penchant for it and a masochistic sensibility. Sadly for him almost all of his guests seem to be 'plants' , shills, or cranks, and much of his work is obviously distraction, such as the SECRET SPACE crap he's been pushing for decades.
Also, HALL does not appear working class at all (the accent misleads some) , how did he fund his first appearances - ON HIS OWN TV SHOW !
He is actually a bit rubbish, yet has done a few seemingly good bits of work.
I have friends who dealt with him directly -to help him out!, and he was smarmy, arrogant, narrow-minded, dismissive, disrespectful and petty.
So this is all justified Karma as far as I'm concerned- tho the court case (real or staged) should be confronted and denounced as a CRIME whover it is aimed at.
Where were the alt press when Chris Spivey was being prosecuted (seemingly) ?
On the Spivey events, my memory is not great focussing on those times, but I seem to remember a court case (or several) with Kollerstrom showing support and (God forbid) Belinda McKenzie. UK Column may have given the Spivey case (and the of urging crowds to show support) MORE encouragement than the RDH case. This was quite some time ago and I may be wrong.
About the number 22 - Another one: Martin Hibbert gave evidence to the Inquiry on 22 July 2021.
Iain wonders: "Are these "Easter eggs," inserted into the official account to cock a snook at those who know it was a hoaxed false flag? Do they have numerological or occult significance? Who knows, but I think the excessive repetition of 22 in a hoaxed terrorist bombing is a quite extraordinary coincidence."
I asked myself the same questions as I prepared my latest Substack piece about Hannah Fry's 2019 Royal Institution Christmas Lectures. The occult references and "teasers" to the 2020 Corona Show were too glaring to ignore. This freaked me out at first, but now I see it as nothing more than puerile attention seeking. My best guess is that it's put in to discredit anyone who calls attention to it - for sure, the average Joe dismisses any talk of this as bonkers, and the jokers behind the scenes know it.
I tend to agree. I don't know much about the more arcane, occult symbolism stuff but like you I suspect it is inserted into these narratives to poke those that do and to throw some distractions into the mix.
Nicely observed. And some good points. I've enjoyed your documentaries and articles in the past.
Another example, the Ikonic crowd (David Icke, sons, Lelani Dowding, etc.) reveal a small amount of truth and distract from many important things. They use a lot of symbolism and numerology in their social media postings: pyramids, one-eye, masonic handshakes, 666s, 33s and so on. There are some who(rightly) accuse them as being controlled opposition and blackwashers and point this behaviour out: i.e. that they (the Ickonic crowd) use the same esotericism that the dark forces whom they are supposedly opposing do. How do you think they react to that observation? They mock the observers and make a concerted effort to throw up all of that symbolism and numerology even more! I would guess in an attempt to discredit those who call them out as being contolled opposition and make those who are calling them out look like nutters. If they are effective, they give their audience a binary choice: Ickonic crowd or go back to legacy media, but do not opt for a more nuanced and textured view that involves choosing neither.
Didn't Fry push conventional (and quite disturbing) 'treatments' for cancer in a documentary several years later?
I watched the HF "Making Sense of Cancer" Horizon documentary, here's how it went...
Hannah gets bad news, Stage 3 cervical cancer. She tries to make sense of it using her knowledge of Maths and probability. She's told she needs "radical surgery to save her life." This includes removing lymph nodes that were swollen but they hadn't been tested for cancer. It turns out they were clear of cancer. Hannah then starts getting a build up of fluid in her legs. It is diagnosed as Lymphedema, a serious condition caused by the (unnecessary) lymph node removal. She is upset by this, and says that had she been told clearly in advance (informed) of the risks of lymphedema she might not have given her consent to have the lymph nodes removed.
Ironic since "informed consent" did not concern her in the least when she was pressuring the "Unvaccinated" to take the Covid jabs.
I have a feeling that the HF cancer story might return... I can see her being rolled out as an ambassador for personalised mRNA cancer "vaccines".
''now I see it as nothing more than puerile attention seeking''....only if you are a smarmy, conceited clueless poseur who is too ignorant to know what GEMATRIA is used for, and the ORIGIN of language and letters! 🙄😂🤣😂
' Of course ' all the most IMPORTANT rituals have arbitrary dates, random theatrics , make it up as you go along jargon and quantities of objects ... NOT !
you must be another clown desperate to diminish the correspondences and resonance of these events SwineWhore ? Do you think intel dont use codes ,ciphers and esoteric methodologies ..🙄😂🤣😂 ... who were the instigators of the UK secret service ? Did they hold the infantile outlook you portray here, did they dismiss arcane knowledge as 'bonkers'
You just proved you are some untrustworthy, unreliable and devious operative- or just a bit shallow , arrogantly stupid , and mentally crippled with that assertion above.
Maybe when you know what Architectonics is you will become more respectful and humble about the matter? Until then your work is probably redundant, a distraction or weighted with fear mongering agendas.
Ram, you say I'm "too ignorant to know what GEMATRIA is used for, and the ORIGIN of language and letters!"
so, where do I go for reliable information? I checked out your Substack and read your 2 articles - I learnt about "Tartary - Empire of Lies" and the "Media Medusa Programme", but I'm still none the wiser about Gematria or the origin of language and letters. You haven't posted anything since Dec 2023 - are you going to write some more? I hope so. In the meantime, could you point me at some sources that you endorse?
From the CANNON -1897 by (the pseudonymous free-masonic writer ) WILLIAM STIRLING . This book was written for Freemasons of higher learning, and never intended for the general public. It was plagiarized thoroughly for ALL the excellent work of John Michelle (New View over Atlantis & the Megalithomania UK founder).
''the investigation of what appears to be a clue to the method practised by the old architects in building the temples, may prove of some assistance in elucidating the principles, which were the common groundwork of the arts and sciences of the past. For it would appear, that there was an established canonical law underlying the practice of building as well as all other arts.
....we find the freemasons, or some body corresponding to the mediaeval freemasons, with exclusive privilege and secrets required for building the temple: under ecclesiastical authority, have always existed. And the knowledge which we possess of the mediaeval freemasons is sufficient to show that their secrets were the secrets of religion, that is of mediaeval Christianity.
It is these secrets of the old priests, carefull guarded by them, and only communicated to the authorized builders of the temples, that we propose to treat of in the following pages, and we shall endeavour to show that these secrets, comprise in the esoteric doctrine of religion, have been transmitted in unbroken continuity, at least from the building of the Great Pyramid, down to recent times.
It is well known to many people that certain numbers had an important place in the philosophical and theological system of the ancients. The Pythagoreans concealed their doctrines in a numerical and geometric system, which was the only form of their philosophy given to the outer world. The Jewish priests also elaborated an ex- tensive system of numeration in the Cabala, and the Rabbis frequently make use of it in the Talmudic commentaries on the Scriptures. The early fathers of the church have preserved considerable expositions of the system in their books controverting the heretical opinions of the various sects of Christian Gnostics.
Everybody knows that the Egyptians, Greeks, and other Eastern nations concealed the vital doctrines of their theology from the ignorant and vulgar, and it was only by a gradual process of initiation that the meaning of the sacred writings and ceremonies were explained. And then, after this preparation, the initiates were allowed to be full partakers in the religious rites.
Besides the ordinary services in the pagan temples, it is well known that there were in certain periods especially mysterious celebrations of the nature of dramatic shows or plays, in some cases apparently intended to form the concluding spectacle of the initiations.
The creed of the philosophers, however, was never openly avowed in the popular religion, but was concealed in the parables of which the old theology was composed. For the old priests never scrupled to believe, that history and philosophy " sufficed but for the chosen few," while the populace were carefully instigated to the practice of morality by being instructed in that kind of fiction which, in this country, emanates from Exeter Hall.
Thank you for your reasonable demeanour, and encouraging words, even after being insulted.... it shows you have a certain strength of character and integrity- or are being sanctimonious and deceitful for a bigger agenda😉😁
Lets hope its the former...
Every good 'older' (ie pre 2000 ) dictionary should give you the answers to those questions (on-line ones are a bit naff tho).
DubSurgeOn is going to do an overview covering that in a day or two.
It has been written about here by both of us before, yet is probably lost among the here is a brief overview...
"God built the universe on number." Pythagoras
"God built the universe on the letters of the alphabet." The Zohar
From the most primal examples Letters and Words were endued with VALUES & CORRESPONDNACES. The later is the MODE of though for ALL PRE INDUSTRIAL Peoples- it is usually found overtly in Medieval history and mentioned by scholars... it is also the fundamental concept of 'resonance ' involved in all magic and the catalysis for RITUAL & Iconography.
It was a well known fact (late 1800's) that Hebrew (originally not 'jewish'/cultural- rather a DESIGNATION of reverence ) and Coptic Greek ( origin being the Hellene's sourced via 'Egypt') ,Arabic , and overtly in the most ancient -Ogham- ALL letters have numerical values ,
'A' is the same structure as a PLOUGH, (see any pre renaissance art, and 'eastern cultures'- the 'A' shape Plough is still used). The plough was correspondent to an asterism and also TAURUS , via 'toroidal' processes such as TORNADOES , as they 'invigorated' the land and it actually looks like a BULLs penis in an act of violent coitus.... Hence 'A' is the ALPHA and has a numerical value of '1' , a phallic symbol..... It is now also portrayed as a double upright pyramid 'A' the Alchemical symbol for the element of AIR .
Most myths of the 'gods'/generative forces involve their decent from the air.
Air is real, yet often intangible - like consciousness . Consciousness is the source for most of Humanities creative and constructive acts. All living things BREATH, breath is AIR, and a 'wind'.
Breath needs Air, Birth needs generative organs and forces- that is the basic science.
Phallicism is still one of the most prevalent 'religions' , HERMS. Lingams, & BUDs (ie original Buddhism) are still revered, tho the later mentioned has had to hide its Tantric origin.
Realising the GEOMETRIC importance of the environment, objects within it, and 'flow' of invisible energies our ingenious, insightful and intuitive ancestors manged to construct buildings still standing today, all those building and the most impressive that followed are built using the same Templates/ RATIOS in their proportions, within certain parameters- mirroring the Heavens above, and 'internal landscapes' of the peoples ('scientific myths'/archetypes)
''Architectonics designates the study or character of various types of structure....the science of architectural design'' , and that is via RATIOs. The ratios represent macro/micro (FRACTAL) relationships and resonance.
Gematria can be interpreted from several angles (like ALL esoteric matters) , the most potent is the relationship between RATIOS - not hunting for 666 to prove the 'devil' is involved (666= Hephren =lower nature, or animal nature- not any 'devil') .
''(Yet) familiarity with the three Qabbalistical processes termed Gematria, Notarikon, and Temurah makes possible the discovery of many of the profoundest truths of ancient Jewish superphysics. By Gematria is meant not only the exchange of letters for their numerical equivalents but also the method of determining by an analysis of its measurements the mystic purpose for which a building or other object was constructed. ''
''.....Because they had embodied these cryptic devices in their sacred writings, the ancient priests admonished their disciples never to translate, edit, or rewrite the contents of the sacred books. '' - Secret Teaching of the Ages- MP HALL – pg 125/126
Ram, I've read through this a few times, but it's not going in. I think I'll take up your suggestion to start with a pre-2000 dictionary - pretty sure I've still got one in a box in the shed.
when Letters and Numbers were devised they were interchangeable, words represented certain numbers , numbers could represent words. This is a fact not disputed by any scholar. It was well known about 150 years ago, since then it has been occluded further.
The 'codes' were an initiatory secret (as it is not 1 to 26 for A-Z for example,) for higher level (very secret CRAFT knowledge) CORRESPONDANCES......... that last word is KEY to comprehending ALL THOUGHT before the Industrial revolution. After the renaissance REDUCTION / PARTITIONING is the main MODE of THOUGHT.
The great practical secret of GEMATRIA is that the names of the gods (etc) seen in a comparative manner ' provide RATIOs that are used in the proportions of BUILDING and correlate to the HEAVENS. This is seen as GEOMETRIC RELATIONSHIPS. All things function due to geometric relationships, from the 'atom' to the Galaxies and our own bodies.
Fractals are a brilliant example of such geometric flowering , if you KNOW what a fractal is , then an infinite line can be conceived in a finite space- such as a coastline.
The world is ruled by ESPIONAGE concerns (families) CODES and CIPHERS are intrinsic with such vocations. Freemasonry has several, the 'portcullis' one is pertinent here.
If that doesn't sink in then you will need more than a good dictionary, you will need a new consciousness. 🙄😂
The best overview on this is in Lionel Marches Book - Architectonics, tho as usual the general public were not intended to ever read it- I have never seen this book available for less than £40 which is what my brother paid for it 20 years ago in a sale near the British Museum..
That makes much more sense, thank you. I particularly like the line... "Fractals are a brilliant example of such geometric flowering , if you KNOW what a fractal is , then an infinite line can be conceived in a finite space- such as a coastline." I'm a big fan of fractals.
No, it's true that I don't know anything about this subject, so if I want to defend my claim that these Easter Eggs are part of an infantile game being played out in the global playground, I need to start learning.
More thoughts. If you are minded to learn about this kind of stuff then it's a really bad idea to jump in at the deep end, especially with the kind of dark stuff they are spewing out (there's a lot of early twentieth century theosophy-type stuff in there, including some Crowleyan mischief). One of the problems about those systems is that the unwary will interpret them literally. They are, in many cases, just 'made up' systems, and it's easy to come to the conclusion the entire thing was a kind of trap or honeypot, designed to misdirect people away from true ancient knowledge which is simply the old paganism which pre-dates the Judaeo-Christian dystopian social control ideology. The powers that be, after all, don't want people achieving enlightenment, so they would definitely establish all these little honeypots and traps.
If you do want to get into the old ways, then the word 'gently' is the most important - start with the gentle easy stuff like astrology, tarot, basic numerology (all inter-related), whilst also learning about ancient mythologies, which gives you the good grounding knowledge or foundation to then later learn about the holistic 'system'. In ancient Egyptian mythology, for example, the whole thing is very clear in terms of the part and function of each deity in the universe. The true art of 'magic' is simply working with all of these deities/functions with an understanding of how the system operates (combined with meditation work - again, this should be gentle to begin with).
So don't get drawn in to anything they have to say.
Having said that, a lot of the cabal do believe (or have been programmed to believe) this pseudo-occult (almost satanic) rubbish, and so they do insert random numbers into their operations, perhaps because they think they can turn these things into 'rituals' or 'spells' designed to give them more power. It's rubbish, of course, but if they believe it, then they will do it. So it is a legitimate avenue of analysis to take account of the symbolic numbers they use. Not because the numbers mean something in themselves, but because of what it says about the psychology of the people orchestrating these events.
Where the stooges are correct is in the link between those members of the cabal (going right to the top of the food chain, so to speak) and the 'satanic child abuse' network - because the worst of the cabal are, indeed, also right at the top of the Network. So I can understand why the stooges want people to think about that and take it seriously. Because it is an important investigative clue/avenue. So I'll give them that one.
''don't get drawn in to anything they have to say.''
you claim you KNOW a lot about the esoteric traditions when young- You lie overtly then- it is impossible to comprehend the most important teachings when young as your body & mind are not experienced to deal with such forces!
Everything I have written here can be checked and verified , while you dribble opinionated 'new-age' toss all over yourself.
Your advice is inane.
What a joke you are, for all to see.
Keep going - this is hilarious and very revealing of your real agenda here.
I have, contrary to what they might think, studied a significant amount of the esoteric/occult (especially when I was younger) and I can fully assure you that everything they say is just utter gibberish. It's essentially just a weird random mish-mash of various stuff they've picked up somewhere, most likely from quasi-medieval-esque 'pseudo-alchemical' (like pseudo-science) writings, with a bit of 'kabbalah' thrown in for good measure.
The Kabbalah, by the way, is not an ancient thing. They are completely wrong when they say that alphabets have some kind of encoding in them - this is not how etymology works! Any 'encoding' will have been projected backwards on to the alphabet (e.g. Hebrew alphabet). Alphabets actually originate in pictorial representations of objects, such as in the Egyptian (old Kingdom). Those pictorials then get slimmed down into a more cursive form (middle kingdom) whilst still retaining their recognisable reference to an object, but then as that evolves by the time you get to the new kingdom you have a recognisable alphabet in which the letters have lost any extra pictorial/symbolic reference.
The other way in which a non-pictorial alphabet evolves is by representations of the shapes the mouth makes when uttering that vowel or consonant. The Latin alphabet is like that, for example.
So that's that aspect debunked.
Likewise their 'numerology' - this is just base ten numbers games.
Then, perhaps more importantly, there are two basic tests for any 'system' - 1/ does it have any internal coherence, and 2/ does it have any practical benefits for the individual. A 'design for life' that is. Does it help the initiate develop their spirituality? Does it help you to understand the world or the universe? Does it have any basis in physics, for example? And is it verifiable by any observations/experiments and such like?
The answer to both of these questions with regards to the gibberish they're coming out with is a clear no. They are throwing out words there like 'gematria' just to try and look intelligent and knowledgeable - but they will only look knowledgeable to people who don't know much about the esoteric/occult. The truth is, it's all just an incoherent mess. And it has no practical benefit for understanding the way the world works, or navigating through life, let alone communing with higher powers.
Compare this to the ancient Egyptian system and you will see how amazingly coherent it is, how much internal logic and sense it makes, and how it really does help the individual to understand the spiritual world, the origins of the universe/life, and how to navigate it all and steer a holistic, mature pathway through life.
Another coherent and beneficial system is something like astrology.
So, please, don't get caught up in their ridiculous 'entrapment for the unwary'.
Part of me thinks it's either a sophisticated AI, or they really are victims of 'programming' and they've been fed all this rubbish during that programming.
You can give LONGER answers EverLyin', but they never have as much resonant content do they- because- basically you POSE, while we KNOW from experience and application.
Lets see what crud you dribble about Gematria then-
go on you decrepit old us what you're made of -..... and dont forget the mop & bucket to clean up after yourself.
The official story always seemed "shabby" to many in Manchester, but I have a question and a possible answer that I have not seen and may have missed (if so, apologies).
Simple but I think true, as we are the ones that will rise up (in general).
You have reminded me of another reason for the bad guys doing this false flag event - 'in the north'.
I also do think that the timing of the event during the election campaign to undermine Jeremy Corbyn (they were playing the 'terrorist sympathiser' card at that time) is more important than most people realise. Manchester of course would mostly have supported Jeremy's Labour Party (hopefully not Starmer's though).
So both of these are clear reasons for carrying out an event like this at that time in 'the north'.
I thought there were some interesting points raised by Sanders, if few and far between, the Corbyn coup being one of them. Given that people like Dearlove were raising the spectre of a coup if he was elected, a "Labour heartland" terror attack against young people does offer a potential rationale. That campaigning was suspended and then he was notably attacked for his alleged terrorist sympathies is worth thinking about at least.
Corbyn maybe could be the "link" - mentioned from memory in the series above; butfor me doubtful.
Just searched the "official versions" and just looking at wiki, it states "The perpetrator was motivated by the deaths of Muslim children resulting from the American-led intervention in the Syrian Civil War." ... which of course covers the tit for tat of the young people and again tries to spread racial or religious hatred...
Sure, but remember that's just the official narrative for 'the perpetrator's motivations' - if we are dealing with a false flag here, then that can be safely ignored, and we're dealing with the motivations of the establishment.
You wrote that only a few weeks ago , what a load of rubbish, as if Corbyn or the 'Laborious party' would do any good at all.
I notice you asked if Ariana Grande was mind controlled, you really are dim and lumpen!
It is obvious what you are EverLyin' from the old skool Francis Leader Fear Machine Division of controlled , partitioning ops.
The programmer was a useless tool, the operator is a useless tool, your entire AI 'enhanced' troll show is useless, juts look at how inept it has been here, and now you are mired in feedback loops , noise saturation, and crashes.
You life is one ongoing disaster of SYNTAX ERRORs and psychic bankruptcy.
"Biometric scanning and identification checks will be the norm when any of us go to a gig, a festival or a football match. It is likely that we won’t be permitted to attend without our digital ID’s. Thus ensuring our whereabouts can be more easily tracked. We’ll accept all of this because we will be constantly reminded that Salman Abedi supposedly killed 22 people in Manchester Arena". Tony Blair has been telling us since 2010 that we are going to have digital IDs and we know who he works for. I would like not to have one just to annoy him!
The root number is number 4 in my opinion. Think of the 22:31 time. How does the odd granular minute time of 31 make sense? It does if the root number is 4. 3+1=4. As well as 2+2=4.
MH filed one of his first documents against RDH on the 22nd (2+2=4) or the 13th (1+3=4) of December I believe, I forget which. Some of RDH's recent Manchester documentary releases are dated the 4th, 13th or 22nd I think.
Sanders has appeared on RDH's show 13 times (1+3=4) - I think that that one is probably co-incidence.
The root number of 4 is also in display in the recent Ammanford attempted stabbing event. That, and other esoteric numerology, is evident in the recent North East London/Essex stabbing: e.g. Masonic compass set to 47 degrees - 4 and then 7 police officers (or 7 and then 4) detained the stabber.
4 is not the only important root number in media events. When, Jayda Fransen, released a film knocking on Anjem Choudry's door (which he answered in a busy city in the middle of the night! not at all scripted!), what number was on display in front of the camera? Number 33.
When Tommy 'Ten names' Wasim Kempson did his YouTube knock on an idiot's door series (really knock on a stage actor's door) what door number was on display in all of the publicity? Number 33.
When the BBC did a documentary for Newsnight on run down English towns after Brexit, what door number was on display at the end? Number 333.
The function of the numerology in these media events may serve many purposes. Of course, a court of law, and people applying solely logical, not lateral thinking, are very unlikely to be persuaded by an analysis of it.
Another meaning of the number 31 is the harmonic series. Given we're talking music here, of course.
The number 22 is 'the Fool' in the Tarot, the immediate interpretation of which is somewhat obvious. However, the fool usually refers (in the tarot) to an intrepid young man setting out on a journey (the beginning of the lifecycle etc.) - so in this instance/context, the fool can refer to the word 'patsy'.
Gematria should be used as there is no '22 'card !
21 = 'The World' is the correct card if using Gematria principles with Colel.
This is proven by the 4 evangelical beasts/seasons in the corners !!!
Give it up 'Team Francis', you are a mess and a joke no one who KNOWS anything can take seriously - a multiple personality discorded, mind controlled, semi automated, sociopathic psycho(s).
Iain - you started this article by saying: "I know next to nothing about numerology. That said, even I noticed the staggering repetition of the number “22” in the official narrative of the alleged Manchester Arena bombing."
My thoughts exactly. So, if even us know-nothings can see it, does it mean that we are the intended recipients of this apparent signalling? Or are the elite sending messages to each other? Or is it both?
I ask these questions because you, RDH, UK Critical Thinker and others have made such a good job of picking apart the Manchester Arena incident, and yet you all seem to shrug your shoulders and shy away from this particular dead giveaway. I hazard a guess that you feel it's "a bit too out there", meaning cuckoo bananas, and that you'd lose credibility if you took it seriously... is that why?
No. I think the numerological and occult significance of the many terror attacks that occur on the 22nd is fairly clear. Crocus Hall in Russia on 3/22 2024 for example. I have no doubt that the possible links to the Kabbalah's 22 paths to the tree of life, for instance, has significance for these pond dwellers.
They value the arcane and the occult which only remains occult because they call it occult along with everyone else who calls it occult while openly discussing it, as we are. It is like the "secret" conspiracy that isn't a "secret" at all. It is called a "secret" because a "secret" cannot be known. Therefore, you are a conspiracy theorist if you write about the unknowable "secret" despite the fact that it isn't a "secret" at all. I suggest the "occult" is used in exactly the same way.
I have written a series to highlight the evidence that shows Manchester was a hoaxed false flag and that the case brought against Hall is a charade. The so-called "occult" has played no role in that whatsoever. The choice of date has "occult" significance because, as you rightly highlight, the turds behind Manchester want us to talk about that instead of the Barr footage and the Bickerstaff video. I won't do it.
The alleged "occult" matters to them, their wacky belief systems do not matter to me and I will not give them any credence, any more than I give them credit for faking deaths (perhaps having killed people). Given the discussions on this thread I think I should make that position clear.
I do not believe in gods and monsters and and cloaking these reprobates in mysticism only serves them. I despair at those who rambled on about Jimmy Savile being a wizard and a master of the occult. No he wasn't. His followers and fellow murderous paedophiles may have chosen to believe he was to justify their own sickness. He wasn't a mystic, he was a predatory, necrophiliac, paedophile child pimp. That is how I choose to describe him just as I choose to describe the State that orchestrated the Manchester hoaxed false flag as nothing more than "epistemic authorities" who make the false claim they have some sort of additional right to tell the rest of us what to do.
Their own claimed "right" to rule is also cloaked in the symbolism of Royalty, the esoteric and the occult. But I won't call a dictatorship anything other than a dictatorship. I don't care about their silly faith, their weird rituals or their symbols. It is all complete bullshit, no more credible than an episode of Jackanory and I haven't got time for any of it.
I'm guessing you'll be writing more about this in the next article I'm about to read 'The Occult Deception' - in which case, I'll probably post some comments there rather than let us all get sidetracked here (which is, as you say, one of the things they want us to do).
So , the symbols used in scientific writing (derived from esoteric practices and experiment usually) are complete bullshit ?
Esoteric organisations have no secrets ?
Animal Magnetism doesnt exist, nor mesmerism etc ?
There are no fields of energy that can be resonated with, for benign or malignant results?
There is no secret about the serpentine sexual energy all living things possess and has been studied for thousands of years - it is just a waste of time ?
The art of HORSE TRAINING is irrelevant, nothing to do with it is really 'occult' and the fact the arcane term for horse was CABAL is something we should all ignore, as is the word HORSE POWER utterly misleading and redundant as horses have no power in the modern age.
What next Iain ! You will be telling us The luminaries have no effect on us and ALL astrology is also Bullshit, and that's why it has been banned by the worlds most oppressive and influential powers while they employed it themselves?
You probably think all the work of Rudolf Stiener, Blavatsky, MP HALL, Fulcanelli, Crowley, AE WAITE, McGregor, the Churchward brothers,r Viktor Schauberger ,William Blake, Shakespeare/ Francis Bacon and John Dee, Cornelius Agrippa ,Swedenborg and TS Elliot etc, are just the ramblings of confused and deluded minds , despite their achievements and status .
It may have escaped your limited scope of comprehension that the OCCULT/ARCANE/ESOTERIC and perennial wisdom tradition had to go 'underground' due to an oppressive and intolerant fanatical CHURCH for centuries , yet again flourished as ALCHEMY the foundation of modern technologies and MEDIA !
I worked in advertising Iain. The occult is very real, effective, and potent.
There are plenty of secrets in the esoteric traditions, Freemasonary and Wicca are almost indistinguishable in parts, and ElectroMagnetic-sexual energy (prana/Chi/vril /Orgone etc) does exist and can be harnessed and directed, used and abused , and channeled like any art or craft.
Everyone I've ever met with a hang up about 'magic' is usually sexually frigid, short sighted, has a repulsive body , has a brittle mind, is smarmy & smug about topics they are willfully ignorant about, and invariably had terrible religious indoctrination.
Of course Catholicism is PURE OCCULT RITUAL for a cannibalistic death cult, so no other system of esoteric instruction need ever exist apart from it !
The most resonant & ancient Symbols are appropriated.
They are TEMPLATES of existence.
They exist in almost all cultures without any seeming migration in many cases.
Many are Archetypes.
What is CYMATICS Iain ? What do they prove about existence ?
What are FRACTALS, what do they prove about Order, seeming Chaos, RATIOS, HARMONY and NUMBER in PATTERNs including Generative Formations.
The 'gods' were KNOWN to be 'modes' of Nature or natures of Nature. They have numerical correspondences that are scientific (ie days of the year, degree of influence ).
'Myth' read with practical knowledge and as allegory is a science of Nature and Natures.
You dismiss the 'knowledge base- ciphered in allegory and symbolism' that the most powerful, consolidated, intrusively influential, and psychologically manipulative CULTS/CLANS/SECTS have employed to enslave us for millennia - because you don't care about it , and it is 'SILLY & WEIRD', yet gave you 'magical technology' like Musical scales, Dance, Theater, Radio, Film & TV, the Steam Engine, Cars, Jet Engines, Telescopes, Microscopes and all sort of imaging technologies ?
To 'rule' is to set measure - TIME is the ruler ultimately. And Time is Saturn/Satan - the sower & reaper, the ARENA for all life and events. That is the rulers 'satanism' you and others seem triggered by, while their actual evil is to do with Sadism derived from mutilator/Martial 'cults'- from circumcision to sodomy and mind control.
You appear a totally unreasonable, childish and deluded person from your out-burst above, it must be a very important topic for you that you feel the need to be so dismissive and disingenuous about it.
btw- SaVille was a disgusting ,depraved, genuinely evil, sick man, yet also (sadly for any justice in this world ) Charismatic and 'powerful' .
The worlds most popular musicians are all of 'esoteric/espionage' backgrounds & have interests in the 'occult' . Paul McCartney studied Crowley , Brian Gysons & William Burroughs work and incorporated their ideas into Beatles tracks. The Beatles were the 'silver Beatles' originally, a cult name= Scarabs. Their label was Apple, and then the computer CO took that , all esoterically inspired , and also world dominating in effect/influence.
Most modern music being promoted has a Crowley link (sadly, as his latter work is a mire of treasure & deceit to encourage fodder for the mill), or equally dubious Wicca connection (I blame Kate Bush & the Goth groups from the North East for that!) .
Anyways believe what you like,
but don't expect everyone else to hold the same beliefs, or any beliefs at all.
Another reason for carrying out the Manchester Event of course is the 'type of targets' being 'young people' - not just because they tended to support Corbyn and liberal socialist stuff (anti-establishment), but they are the 'new generation that needs to be schooled in the way the world works with all these terrorists and all the rest of it'.
Then, of course, as the stooges are trying to point out but everyone is ignoring because they don't want to engage with trolls, there is the clear 'trauma' aspect of the bombing (whether it was real or not it's the narrative/belief in it that counts).
So there is, indeed, an element of trauma-based mind control involved. This is likely a reason for the repeated esoteric numbers. Trauma-based MK requires a lot of repetition (along with a sequence of symbolism/imagery - often in the form of story-based pictures). And it often doesn't matter if the subject/victim is consciously aware of the repetition - their brain will be (peripheral vision etc.), and will receive the information. It will then go right down into the deeper parts of their brain, where it then requires resonance, echo, association with a desired object, and subsequent activation. It's a complex process on the one paw, but quite simple on another. From a psychological point of view, that is.
Whether Ariane Grande herself is a Monarch is a pertinent question (same applies to a lot of these modern manufactured pop stars, like Taylor Swift). As is the question of who came up with her setlist, what the lyrics are, and whether there is anything in that 22nd song which can then be used as MK triggers/training. Or any of her 'songs', for that matter.
One of the very serious reasons why they had to stop Corbyn is because if he'd been in government then the child abuse enquiry would not have been a whitewash. Expose the Network, and the entire Establishment comes crashing down. Not just nationally, but internationally, because half the people in all those 'NGOs' are involved.
Naturally, those 'conspiracy theorists' who talk about 'esoteric' stuff like numerology and sadistic/satanic mind control will always be portrayed as 'the maddest of all who shouldn't be listened to' (a similar less esoteric equivalent is the 'anti-semitic holocaust denier' canard, as Iain points out). This, perhaps, is one of the purposes of controlled opposition people like Icke. He exists to make these issues/subjects (or 'theories') look mad and ludicrous and so on. Same as the 'false memory syndrome' people used to try and discredit victims of the child abuse network. And the fact they spend so much effort into trying to distract people away from the Network just goes to show how important it is to them that it doesn't get exposed. it is, actually, their true Achilles heel.
So, in actual fact, there is something in the sinister child abuse angle to all this. It is, though, sensible for Iain not to get sidetracked by all of that stuff - it really would require an entirely separate analysis/investigation - partly because for that subject it doesn't matter if there was or wasn't a real bomb. This is why it's probably sensible not to allow the three stooges to create that sidetrack and 'discredit by association'.
Still, I wonder whether the stooges will acknowledge this comment or not, and what they have to say about it, if anything... Probably just more vitriolic abuse, no doubt, rather than something sensible.
You reveal while you conceal and distract as usual.
''everyone is ignoring because they don't want to engage with trolls''
is ironic- as you Team FranCess Co are the real trolls here.
Apart from Munchy and a few others the comments are typically lame here, dominated by devious bores like yourself. at least it stops you posting as Francis leader or Charlotte Ruse for a while.
Just a little initial comment - thank you very, very much for this exceptional series of yours, Iain. I've intellectually enjoyed every minute of it, even if it raises some emotionally upsetting issues. But it's incredibly valuable. So, thank you very much for all your work. And please rest assured that if I wasn't poor I would buy you a lot of coffee. And go paid. Maybe one day I shall, I hope, be able to do that...
Thanks Iain for the huge amount of effort you've obviously had to put into your complete destruction of their so called "debunking" of Richard's excellent and brave work.
Speaking for myself, there is no need to consider the esoteric or arcane. I know it pervades everything. That those at the pinnacle of evil on this earth are Satanists I find undisputable. Their goal is to bring as many of us to their eternal destiny. This is the most critical knowledge many are oblivious to. All other arcane knowledge is irrelevant.
This is not Iain's area of expertise, as he quite clearly and humbly states!
How many 'satanists ' have you met in life , did they wear a heavy metal T-shirt ?😁
Satan is TIME, the ARENA for all life. ie it is SATURN -the sower & reaper.
Satan does no acts of EVIL in the Bible, the stroppy, infantile and genocidal 'god' of the O.T. ''is the author of all good & evil'' read the book of JOB if in any doubt or denial on this.
The entire ManKey Event is seeped in esoteric concerns, catalysts and codes,
any commentator discussing it without some awareness of such systems is going to look a bit of an idiot. Anyone dismissing such systems is an utterly arrogant arsehole, clueless , and in a mental mess they are effectively irrelevant and redundant as a researcher or commentator in these times.
If Iain is so conceited, smug, lazy, channeled or otherwise inept to take notice of what we gave him , then 'likes' the utterly mental arse dribble of EverLyin' Pigsdick Brunswick/Karen (self confessed SPY from an alternate dimension !) then he is actually rather pathetic as well.
What a mundane and mediocre state so many are now lost in.
The DOB certificates show a very peculiar connection all these self proclaimed INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALISTS ( spotty arsed , computer interfaced- data stalkers ?! ) have missed. Why would that be ?
what a poor performance this transpired to be.
Great info on PANCHO VILLA , cheers, that is new to me, despite loving several films about him. He's like a TESLA isnt he- another hidden hand character constructed for the 'rebels and righteous'.
thanks Iain for your work on this and support for RDH. mine eyes have also been opened by the comments to all of your series enall. i have found that to scroll past mutton head and dumb sturgid comments is best. the vitriol for fellow man is disgusting and designed to sap your positive energy. scroll past 'em. God bless ya
pathetic and feeble stalking again from the internets greatest psychopathic loser !
Peter PAN Bone head- that looks like it could be a child molesters boast. No wonder you were so triggered when that aspect of the Manchester Bomb Hoax came up . It seems you have just confirmed the speculations inadvertently, or are you just arrogant and drunk on the power you imagine you have ?
How fasci-nating .... What a great waste of time & energy ultimately!
Here we see some ugly soul with decrepit vision try and counteract the work of other , even more ugly souls , who are counteracting another ugly soul... all of them lost in the conceits of LOGIC & REASON to bolster their 'belief's'.
None of them are aware of any 'magical'/esoteric factor(s) !
They are lumpen sorts. Mired in the materiality of it all.
Dishonestly 'unaware' of how the 'elite' conceive and construct such SPECTACLES,
the nature of the SPECTACLE is also evaded (see Guy Debords work for example ).
We are seeing relatively mediocre commentators miss the entire 'resonance' of this event, and what a boring chore it's been !
Iain knows nothing about GEMATRIA, and can't be bothered to learn anything about it either !
He has no 'esoteric' awareness and can't be bothered to ask anyone who does posses knowledge about it.
He has no depth of photographic knowledge (or experience?) and cant be bothered to consult anyone who does..... In fact, he ignores such knowledge and insight when given it.
He is in a rut of his own beliefs, and blindness, and due to sycophantic mewling's from some lame-brained, devious bigots, he thinks he's done a good job.... a good job distracting his audience from the meat of the matter.
Of course Iain is a better man than Lie'n Saunders & Bog-nob Levi.
Tho is HALL really as 'heroic' as he's been presented here?
The foundations and catalyst for the ManKey 'smoke without fire' events unveiling was by UK CRITICAL THINKER, who keeps getting left out of the debate, or acknowledgements. Hall primarily copied his work and then took the credit with a more expansive and rambling overview, then bodged various encounters he could have made by being 'a bit creepy', which is his natural disposition it seems?
False Flags are not new, and Iain doesn't seem aware of their fuller history, despite mentioning Gladio.
For example NUKE tests can be seen as a type of false flag/constructed event & footage for political ends (ie 'actual' nuclear weapons are a fiction for fear, and funding) , just like the alleged and shoddy Moon Missions have a funding , and fear (military application) factor.
The OLDEST filmed false flag is probably the PANCHO VILLA footage from the start of the Century and early days of film making. Although the whole film is allegedly lost (how convenient!) scraps survive and can be found via YouTube etc.
In it medicinal care is made upon a WOODEN LEG !
Bullet holes show no SEEPAGE.
Seemingly Dead bodies open their eyes, raise their heads , and move about !
The deaths of various horses is likely sadly real, but nothing else is.
This tedious slog by Iain, of facing overt bullshit and deceits by Lie'N Sauders and dog-knobbed-areshole Lee, is mostly just a GAME of 'superficial whimsies' between various operatives?
Hall is very likely 'a little grey man', a distraction agent focusing on toss like the imaginary SECRET SPACE PROGRAM , tho allowed more serious fodder like fake deaths/retirement games (JoCox)and pea-dough promotion (his McCann obsession) , revealing a decent amount , while occluding the important connections/correspondences ?
He seems semi-autistic , talks in a contrived and sanctimonious manner...really slowly... he knows most of his audience are simple-minded fodder ?
He isnt very bright, tho does have some engineering acumen.
He makes 'tells' that he is initiated into something akin to wicker or freemasonry- this could be programming tho.
His brother is a key component of why Hall does what he does, and his Brother is/was in the police , & possibly connected with a more devious department... and that is why Hall is worth listening to- because there is dissent in many walks of life, and 'decent' coppers may wish to reveal or combat some matters their colleagues and over-seaers have done or intend to do.
So, some folk here will be enraged I dare to insinuate Iain is controlled ops- so instead of clogging up the comments here I will write an overview of why I consider it so , in my notes. You can then bitch away about it there.
At first I though he was an unwitting dupe for more obvious ops, however yesterday he let the mask slip more fully , and his natural disposition of hypocrisy, petty strawman constructions and projection possessed him... then came the 'standard troll games by the usual baiters.
This is how the controlled ops work- setting up easy targets and building their own strawmen to be burnt down,
that is why Iain ignored our comments consistently, allowed the 'original FAWB to berate us for 6 weeks , in an attempt to distract and mire us in tedious abuse.
Then ignores all the esoteric correspondences, belittles comments about the TWIN PHOTOS, gets the trolls to make it seem 'un-important', instead of a key to the whole event.
He was so busy being finicky over professional liars like Lee & lie'N he had no reverence for 'real people, with skill and experience offering him help', just look at his smarmy responses and over-reaction yesterday, then his agreement with 'newbie' Grub of Grot .
It seems to me that the entire controlled op game is sinking fast, and very few real people bother listening to them - maybe a few thousand for every million claimed ?
On you tube it appears that about 100 people really exist behind channels with 90,000 subs !
I agree.... ''setting up easy targets and building their own strawmen to be burnt down ''
The stats you mention are about right- it is amplified 100 fold often.
The likes and comments are the best real gauge of popularity.
So, Iain may have thousands of subs , yet only about a hundred actually read his posts, about 25% - 40% of them tick the like box and a handful bother to comment.
Even higher profile 'opposition' prats like 20th Century Wire only have a few hundred genuine subs. Russel Brands stats are actually hilariously manipulated, as are all his fake comments he gets.
With regards point #15 (financial benefit) there was an interesting development last night on the Car SOS TV series shown the More4 channel at 7pm. The programme featured the family of Alison Howe who was apparently killed at the Manchester arena while waiting on daughter Darcy. Since the event, the daughter Darcy has apparently gone quiet and withdrawn into herself after loosing her mum at the arena.
The programme makers restored an old Citroen van that father Steve had bought for Alison prior to the event with intention of converting it into a snack van so that Alison would have a little business of her own, but that never happened. Steve Howe advised that Darcy survived but they lost Alison at the arena. The hosts described this as a disappearance!!! 🤔.
Anyway the programme did a beautiful restoration on this old van and kitted it out with all modern appliances. The van was then presented to the family at Manchester United football ground. The daughter Darcy seemed passively overwhelmed (no excitement at prospect of running her own business) and it was Steve who actually drove the van away. It could be said this was a significant financial benefit!
Terrific analysis, thank you.
The fact that the people were deceived about the Manchester Arena event is not in doubt. The implications though are almost impossible to comprehend. They go way beyond the 'appalling vista' scenario outlined by Master of the Rolls, Lord Alfred Denning, in McIlkenny v Chief Constable of the West Midlands (1980).
Collusion by the monarch in the Manchester hoax, not to mention other collaborators lower down the pecking order, suggests a very high level of State involvement in its planning and execution. No wonder the State is doing all it can to prevent the truth reaching the general public. The stakes could not be higher for the powers-that-be.
The case against RDH reminds me of the seemingly endless litigation recounted by Charles Dickens in Bleak House. The plaintiffs seem determined to ruin a good man's life for no reason other than his shining a light on something they would prefer to keep hidden.
But RDH has truth on his side while his opponents are wrong - and they KNOW they are wrong. However this thing ends, if it ever does, that much is clear to anyone who examines the evidence.
Well said. There's not a lot more to add.
The trend towards ever more insidious curtailments of our freedom, enabled through a continuous process of lies and propaganda, coupled with an apparently supine indifference on the part of the general populace, regarding this trend, does indeed make for an "appalling vista" when we stop to consider its potential end point.
And that is exactly what YOU have done recently as well - Grubs of Groot !
So, no surprises there on the hypocrite, ass-slurping front.
What fun it is to see such shallow and mundane commentators bleating their virtue here,
How many of you lot are part of 'team leader Francis' fear-factory fanatics'?
Thank you for reading and providing an excellent closing comment.
I think you are in some dream of delusions.
The state want you to consider it utterly fake and unbelievable, if you are of a certain disposition or have any aptitude. It is a DIVISION GAME/STRATEGY.
As are all these pundits like Iain , Dick 'all, UK Colon, Corbett etc .. they are a hierarchy of awareness partitioning program. None will give the whole truth, all will give glimpses then distract or occlude the real meat of the matter.
Here Iain was given easy targets to boast his credibility. Just as Hall is getting sympathy and support for what appears to be a gross injustice, because if REAL it would be.
As it is THEATER (as even Iain admits, though still claims Hall is at financial/social risk- which appears possible) I suggest that Hall is at no real risk, and his MASOCHISTIC inclinations have allowed the facilitation of this series of SPECTACLES. Hall likes to be abused, he set himself up for it decades ago, as is proven in old interviews such as Lancaster Posts (?) 'The little Grey Men are Coming' , where he says he's ready to be ridiculed.
By avoiding all the Gematria, Esoteric foundations, Child Abuse networking and PSYCHO-DYNAMICS /psychology of the 'performers' Iain show his limitations and ,shallow nature on this, and instead has to shield himself with LOGIC & REASON as a form of Armour and ammunition.
This will never give a satisfying answer- it is reductionist and mired in materialism. Science QUANTIFIES, it has no remit to QUALITATIVE phenomena , which is what 'human beings' respond & have empathy with.
Now,lets see what sort of tantrum you have over that ?
or you may surprise me with being a 'thinking person' with some intuition intact?
While you lost your bollocks years ago and now keep trying to get that tiny bean of yours to dance instead ?
Cherry picking quotes to belittle, and then make yourself seem more 'aware' again then PROLAPSE
'' None will give the whole truth, all will give glimpses then distract or occlude the real meat of the matter.''
Written May 8th
Then on the 14th Iain writes his hit piece on OCCULTISM !
You are out of phase poor thing.
Some people are natural catalysts (though uncredited)
while others can only copy, follow or creep behind in the shadows.
Funny that until the comment above you had no idea what qualitive phenomena was , and even now haven't been able to fathom what the last paragraph really means. If you had you wouldn't have made such a tit of yourself waffling 'nothing' about SYMBOLISM.
You miss the words most used by experts consistently, proving your shallow learning . You seem to never have encountered the use of comparative methodology used for hundreds of years!
Now, tROT off and play with your dollouse and tiny malleable mannequins, the adults are having a discussion.
Its a pleasure 😊
Thank you Iain, few have the courage to take a stand against tyranny so publically, especially when the state has already demonstrated it's willingness to hound and harrass anyone questioning the story.
Returning to Murrell, besides the impossible walk on high heels minutes after shrapnel supposidly travelled 15cm through her thigh, consider the treatment a patient would recieve if those injuries had happened in the timeframe given.
Standard First Aid procedure: A tourniquet to stop uncrontrollable bleeding, insetion of tampons into the wounds on both entry and exit wounds to stop bleeding and prevent futher loss of blood, multiple dressings applied on top. Royal Marines in war zones are issued tourniquets and tampons in their personal first aid kits along with battle dressings for this purpose, tampons were invented for this purpose during WW1. This is what you would expect first aiders or paramedics to have done prior to evacuation to hospital.
After triage at hospital, it is likely a morphine 'block' would be given, this is a series of morphine injections around the wound for pain relief, it's a very painful procedure, often sending the patient into shock. A multi hour opperation to clean, and close the wounds. Absorbant dressings applied would be very thick, at least an inch thick, with bandages applied on top to secure the dressings.
Assuming the wounds were large enough to prevent complete closure, skin grafts would be planned in a subsiquent opperation, we can see where skin has been removed to provide skin graft material in the public picture of the injury.
Different protocols may be used in the period between initial emergency opperations, and subsiquent skin graft opperations. If bleeding had been controlled between these operations, and subsiquent skin graft opperation was within a short time, the wound may be left covered with only thin wet bandages, if this were the case the patient would be put on bed rest, likely with a cage above the leg to prevent the bedding touching the wound.
In either case the patient would be on morphine for pain relief, the dose would be quite high, leaving the patient very sleepy. Movement would have to be limited to prevent opening up the wounds, the patient would be on bed rest protocol. The limb would be immobile, likely with a split to prevent the limb bending at the knee to prevent antagonising and opening the wound.
What do we see? Zero first aid protocols were applied. 2 1/2 days later the patient is sat in a chair talking to the Queen, patients legs bent at the knees, legs are covered with a blanket, both legs have the same outline under the cover, no dressing outline can be seen, patient is cognisant, has normal speech, does not appear sleepy. This is stated to be prior to a second opperation before the wounds have been closed. A canular is fitted to the back of the wrist, covered with a bandage, this is another anomily, canulars are never covered with a bandage, so any issues can be seen by medical staff, there is a purpose designed sticking plaster to hold canulas in place. Was the bandage applied to hide the fact a canula was not inserted into the wrist?
Given these highlighted anomilies, it is improbable the patient was suffering the purported wounds at this time.
The Device: TATP is made with strong hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) at least 97% strength, strong hydrogen peroxide has been unavilable to purcahse on the retail market as a result of 7/7 2005. The strongest I can find is on the retail market 12.95%, I can find 50% strength at a scientific supply company, for which a regulatory declaration is required. It is not available to the public.
A detenator (AKA Blasting cap) is also required to set off the main charge of the device, these are made from highly volatile explosives, I very much doubt these can be DIY'd even by experienced explosive experts without highly technical equipment, it would be extremely dangerous to attempt to make these compounds without sophisticated laboratory conditions. These are only available under strict licensing conditions (for mining, demolition companies etc.) Storage is highly secured, transport is also under licence with strict conditions in specially designed explosive proof containers made from 10mm steel with lids that are bolted down. Detenators are very unstable by design, dropping one on the floor would be enough to set it off, static electricity could set one off, a nearby radio signal could set one off. It requires a high level of training to handle them, set procedures are required for handling, to avoid premature explosion during handling.
You cannot buy strong H2O2 on Amazon, you can't obtain or transport detonators anywhere without a licence, any theft of such items, besides requiring a sophisticated highly skilled team to pull off such a theft, would be immediately investigated by authorites.
Salman Abedi did not purchase the main ingrediants of the device on Amazon, I question the ability of anyone to obtain these items under any circumstances without being aided by authorities.
Have these threads been hijacked with schizo-posts from chat bots? Some of these comments are sheer lunacy
What is most concerning is that the apparent appetite for future legislation which will effectively criminalise questioning the Establishment view of ‘terrorist events’.
As there is arguably no proportionate justification for exchanging the protection of a few people’s ‘feelings’ for the very real risk that Government or Security organisations can then commit egregious acts without scrutiny, resisting this legislation might be the hill the free speech movement will need to die on.
On a positive note for Mr Hall, a successful outcome based on robust evidence proving previous ‘false flag’ events might give him grounds for a retrospective Appeal to the Courts.
I think this is the most important point, as Iain suggests. I agree with him.
As with all your work it is detailed well researched and concise. As it is easy to write a 1000 words without saying much. I do not agree that it would be possible for even for a trained bomb maker to concentrate hydrogen peroxide to make a stable bomb. This like the fictional liquid bomb plot where they were going to mix two chemicals on a plane and the reason we have the security at airports now.
Maybe more could be said in Richards work about the background of groups like the Libyan Fighting Group. Stories some times get lost. I have been following Aangrifan for a long time. That does not mean I agree with everything they post. They had a story about the Libyan Fighting Group and how an Irish Gangster was in control of a lot if the Crime in Manchester and after he was killed by a car bomb the Libyan Fighting Group took over a lot of the crime in Manchester and how the corrupt Manchester police left them alone. There was another story of Salman Abedi being arrested and put on trial I think in Mexico but then somehow released probably with intervention from the foreign office. Establishing Salman Abedi was an asset of MI5/6 helps to undermine the story.
How Salman Abed carrying a very large rucksack was able to confidently walk past the police and security. If he had been challenged it would have ruined all the plans. Also the magic blast proof bank card damaged but the name still clear. Comparing the blast damage like the floor tiles that looks very superficial with reports of a crater in the floor. We know Richards case is being used to help pass all the new laws that UKColumn is highlighting. If I was him I would sell his house to his mother for a pound so he has no assets when they come for his money.
The rich ( irony!) go bankrupt all the time with little effect.
then Do as you say, with a relation, and are back up and scamming in no time at all.
The court case is Theatre, the question is , is Hall aware and complicit with the Theatre/Script ,or an unwitting scapegoat. Many of us now consider it the former case.
He was always primed for ridicule and in his own life may have a penchant for it and a masochistic sensibility. Sadly for him almost all of his guests seem to be 'plants' , shills, or cranks, and much of his work is obviously distraction, such as the SECRET SPACE crap he's been pushing for decades.
Also, HALL does not appear working class at all (the accent misleads some) , how did he fund his first appearances - ON HIS OWN TV SHOW !
He is actually a bit rubbish, yet has done a few seemingly good bits of work.
I have friends who dealt with him directly -to help him out!, and he was smarmy, arrogant, narrow-minded, dismissive, disrespectful and petty.
So this is all justified Karma as far as I'm concerned- tho the court case (real or staged) should be confronted and denounced as a CRIME whover it is aimed at.
Where were the alt press when Chris Spivey was being prosecuted (seemingly) ?
On the Spivey events, my memory is not great focussing on those times, but I seem to remember a court case (or several) with Kollerstrom showing support and (God forbid) Belinda McKenzie. UK Column may have given the Spivey case (and the of urging crowds to show support) MORE encouragement than the RDH case. This was quite some time ago and I may be wrong.
About the number 22 - Another one: Martin Hibbert gave evidence to the Inquiry on 22 July 2021.
Iain wonders: "Are these "Easter eggs," inserted into the official account to cock a snook at those who know it was a hoaxed false flag? Do they have numerological or occult significance? Who knows, but I think the excessive repetition of 22 in a hoaxed terrorist bombing is a quite extraordinary coincidence."
I asked myself the same questions as I prepared my latest Substack piece about Hannah Fry's 2019 Royal Institution Christmas Lectures. The occult references and "teasers" to the 2020 Corona Show were too glaring to ignore. This freaked me out at first, but now I see it as nothing more than puerile attention seeking. My best guess is that it's put in to discredit anyone who calls attention to it - for sure, the average Joe dismisses any talk of this as bonkers, and the jokers behind the scenes know it.
I tend to agree. I don't know much about the more arcane, occult symbolism stuff but like you I suspect it is inserted into these narratives to poke those that do and to throw some distractions into the mix.
Nicely observed. And some good points. I've enjoyed your documentaries and articles in the past.
Another example, the Ikonic crowd (David Icke, sons, Lelani Dowding, etc.) reveal a small amount of truth and distract from many important things. They use a lot of symbolism and numerology in their social media postings: pyramids, one-eye, masonic handshakes, 666s, 33s and so on. There are some who(rightly) accuse them as being controlled opposition and blackwashers and point this behaviour out: i.e. that they (the Ickonic crowd) use the same esotericism that the dark forces whom they are supposedly opposing do. How do you think they react to that observation? They mock the observers and make a concerted effort to throw up all of that symbolism and numerology even more! I would guess in an attempt to discredit those who call them out as being contolled opposition and make those who are calling them out look like nutters. If they are effective, they give their audience a binary choice: Ickonic crowd or go back to legacy media, but do not opt for a more nuanced and textured view that involves choosing neither.
Didn't Fry push conventional (and quite disturbing) 'treatments' for cancer in a documentary several years later?
I watched the HF "Making Sense of Cancer" Horizon documentary, here's how it went...
Hannah gets bad news, Stage 3 cervical cancer. She tries to make sense of it using her knowledge of Maths and probability. She's told she needs "radical surgery to save her life." This includes removing lymph nodes that were swollen but they hadn't been tested for cancer. It turns out they were clear of cancer. Hannah then starts getting a build up of fluid in her legs. It is diagnosed as Lymphedema, a serious condition caused by the (unnecessary) lymph node removal. She is upset by this, and says that had she been told clearly in advance (informed) of the risks of lymphedema she might not have given her consent to have the lymph nodes removed.
Ironic since "informed consent" did not concern her in the least when she was pressuring the "Unvaccinated" to take the Covid jabs.
I have a feeling that the HF cancer story might return... I can see her being rolled out as an ambassador for personalised mRNA cancer "vaccines".
''now I see it as nothing more than puerile attention seeking''....only if you are a smarmy, conceited clueless poseur who is too ignorant to know what GEMATRIA is used for, and the ORIGIN of language and letters! 🙄😂🤣😂
' Of course ' all the most IMPORTANT rituals have arbitrary dates, random theatrics , make it up as you go along jargon and quantities of objects ... NOT !
you must be another clown desperate to diminish the correspondences and resonance of these events SwineWhore ? Do you think intel dont use codes ,ciphers and esoteric methodologies ..🙄😂🤣😂 ... who were the instigators of the UK secret service ? Did they hold the infantile outlook you portray here, did they dismiss arcane knowledge as 'bonkers'
You just proved you are some untrustworthy, unreliable and devious operative- or just a bit shallow , arrogantly stupid , and mentally crippled with that assertion above.
Maybe when you know what Architectonics is you will become more respectful and humble about the matter? Until then your work is probably redundant, a distraction or weighted with fear mongering agendas.
Ram, you say I'm "too ignorant to know what GEMATRIA is used for, and the ORIGIN of language and letters!"
so, where do I go for reliable information? I checked out your Substack and read your 2 articles - I learnt about "Tartary - Empire of Lies" and the "Media Medusa Programme", but I'm still none the wiser about Gematria or the origin of language and letters. You haven't posted anything since Dec 2023 - are you going to write some more? I hope so. In the meantime, could you point me at some sources that you endorse?
From the CANNON -1897 by (the pseudonymous free-masonic writer ) WILLIAM STIRLING . This book was written for Freemasons of higher learning, and never intended for the general public. It was plagiarized thoroughly for ALL the excellent work of John Michelle (New View over Atlantis & the Megalithomania UK founder).
''the investigation of what appears to be a clue to the method practised by the old architects in building the temples, may prove of some assistance in elucidating the principles, which were the common groundwork of the arts and sciences of the past. For it would appear, that there was an established canonical law underlying the practice of building as well as all other arts.
....we find the freemasons, or some body corresponding to the mediaeval freemasons, with exclusive privilege and secrets required for building the temple: under ecclesiastical authority, have always existed. And the knowledge which we possess of the mediaeval freemasons is sufficient to show that their secrets were the secrets of religion, that is of mediaeval Christianity.
It is these secrets of the old priests, carefull guarded by them, and only communicated to the authorized builders of the temples, that we propose to treat of in the following pages, and we shall endeavour to show that these secrets, comprise in the esoteric doctrine of religion, have been transmitted in unbroken continuity, at least from the building of the Great Pyramid, down to recent times.
It is well known to many people that certain numbers had an important place in the philosophical and theological system of the ancients. The Pythagoreans concealed their doctrines in a numerical and geometric system, which was the only form of their philosophy given to the outer world. The Jewish priests also elaborated an ex- tensive system of numeration in the Cabala, and the Rabbis frequently make use of it in the Talmudic commentaries on the Scriptures. The early fathers of the church have preserved considerable expositions of the system in their books controverting the heretical opinions of the various sects of Christian Gnostics.
Everybody knows that the Egyptians, Greeks, and other Eastern nations concealed the vital doctrines of their theology from the ignorant and vulgar, and it was only by a gradual process of initiation that the meaning of the sacred writings and ceremonies were explained. And then, after this preparation, the initiates were allowed to be full partakers in the religious rites.
Besides the ordinary services in the pagan temples, it is well known that there were in certain periods especially mysterious celebrations of the nature of dramatic shows or plays, in some cases apparently intended to form the concluding spectacle of the initiations.
The creed of the philosophers, however, was never openly avowed in the popular religion, but was concealed in the parables of which the old theology was composed. For the old priests never scrupled to believe, that history and philosophy " sufficed but for the chosen few," while the populace were carefully instigated to the practice of morality by being instructed in that kind of fiction which, in this country, emanates from Exeter Hall.
from the Introduction as well
Thanks for the link. I'll keep hold of that one.
Thank you for your reasonable demeanour, and encouraging words, even after being insulted.... it shows you have a certain strength of character and integrity- or are being sanctimonious and deceitful for a bigger agenda😉😁
Lets hope its the former...
Every good 'older' (ie pre 2000 ) dictionary should give you the answers to those questions (on-line ones are a bit naff tho).
DubSurgeOn is going to do an overview covering that in a day or two.
It has been written about here by both of us before, yet is probably lost among the here is a brief overview...
"God built the universe on number." Pythagoras
"God built the universe on the letters of the alphabet." The Zohar
From the most primal examples Letters and Words were endued with VALUES & CORRESPONDNACES. The later is the MODE of though for ALL PRE INDUSTRIAL Peoples- it is usually found overtly in Medieval history and mentioned by scholars... it is also the fundamental concept of 'resonance ' involved in all magic and the catalysis for RITUAL & Iconography.
It was a well known fact (late 1800's) that Hebrew (originally not 'jewish'/cultural- rather a DESIGNATION of reverence ) and Coptic Greek ( origin being the Hellene's sourced via 'Egypt') ,Arabic , and overtly in the most ancient -Ogham- ALL letters have numerical values ,
'A' is the same structure as a PLOUGH, (see any pre renaissance art, and 'eastern cultures'- the 'A' shape Plough is still used). The plough was correspondent to an asterism and also TAURUS , via 'toroidal' processes such as TORNADOES , as they 'invigorated' the land and it actually looks like a BULLs penis in an act of violent coitus.... Hence 'A' is the ALPHA and has a numerical value of '1' , a phallic symbol..... It is now also portrayed as a double upright pyramid 'A' the Alchemical symbol for the element of AIR .
Most myths of the 'gods'/generative forces involve their decent from the air.
Air is real, yet often intangible - like consciousness . Consciousness is the source for most of Humanities creative and constructive acts. All living things BREATH, breath is AIR, and a 'wind'.
Breath needs Air, Birth needs generative organs and forces- that is the basic science.
Phallicism is still one of the most prevalent 'religions' , HERMS. Lingams, & BUDs (ie original Buddhism) are still revered, tho the later mentioned has had to hide its Tantric origin.
Realising the GEOMETRIC importance of the environment, objects within it, and 'flow' of invisible energies our ingenious, insightful and intuitive ancestors manged to construct buildings still standing today, all those building and the most impressive that followed are built using the same Templates/ RATIOS in their proportions, within certain parameters- mirroring the Heavens above, and 'internal landscapes' of the peoples ('scientific myths'/archetypes)
''Architectonics designates the study or character of various types of structure....the science of architectural design'' , and that is via RATIOs. The ratios represent macro/micro (FRACTAL) relationships and resonance.
Gematria can be interpreted from several angles (like ALL esoteric matters) , the most potent is the relationship between RATIOS - not hunting for 666 to prove the 'devil' is involved (666= Hephren =lower nature, or animal nature- not any 'devil') .
''(Yet) familiarity with the three Qabbalistical processes termed Gematria, Notarikon, and Temurah makes possible the discovery of many of the profoundest truths of ancient Jewish superphysics. By Gematria is meant not only the exchange of letters for their numerical equivalents but also the method of determining by an analysis of its measurements the mystic purpose for which a building or other object was constructed. ''
''.....Because they had embodied these cryptic devices in their sacred writings, the ancient priests admonished their disciples never to translate, edit, or rewrite the contents of the sacred books. '' - Secret Teaching of the Ages- MP HALL – pg 125/126
Ram, I've read through this a few times, but it's not going in. I think I'll take up your suggestion to start with a pre-2000 dictionary - pretty sure I've still got one in a box in the shed.
when Letters and Numbers were devised they were interchangeable, words represented certain numbers , numbers could represent words. This is a fact not disputed by any scholar. It was well known about 150 years ago, since then it has been occluded further.
The 'codes' were an initiatory secret (as it is not 1 to 26 for A-Z for example,) for higher level (very secret CRAFT knowledge) CORRESPONDANCES......... that last word is KEY to comprehending ALL THOUGHT before the Industrial revolution. After the renaissance REDUCTION / PARTITIONING is the main MODE of THOUGHT.
The great practical secret of GEMATRIA is that the names of the gods (etc) seen in a comparative manner ' provide RATIOs that are used in the proportions of BUILDING and correlate to the HEAVENS. This is seen as GEOMETRIC RELATIONSHIPS. All things function due to geometric relationships, from the 'atom' to the Galaxies and our own bodies.
Fractals are a brilliant example of such geometric flowering , if you KNOW what a fractal is , then an infinite line can be conceived in a finite space- such as a coastline.
The world is ruled by ESPIONAGE concerns (families) CODES and CIPHERS are intrinsic with such vocations. Freemasonry has several, the 'portcullis' one is pertinent here.
If that doesn't sink in then you will need more than a good dictionary, you will need a new consciousness. 🙄😂
The best overview on this is in Lionel Marches Book - Architectonics, tho as usual the general public were not intended to ever read it- I have never seen this book available for less than £40 which is what my brother paid for it 20 years ago in a sale near the British Museum..
good review -
That makes much more sense, thank you. I particularly like the line... "Fractals are a brilliant example of such geometric flowering , if you KNOW what a fractal is , then an infinite line can be conceived in a finite space- such as a coastline." I'm a big fan of fractals.
"Maybe when you know what Architectonics is you will become more respectful and humble about the matter?"
Maybe so. This is the first time I've heard the word "Architectonics" - tell me more.
I do hope you're just (literally) winding them up here?
You are the wind up 'creepy spy girl from another dimension' 🙄🥱
Which persona are you today-EverLyin' of ennui ,or Karen the crack-headed tentacle of the Kraken?
tROT ON and around that sinking ship.
as you do.
Shes getting totally desperate for attention now...
lets see how she messes up her Gematria 'essay'!
I will email you what I think her self referential count will be , we can bet on her narcissistic content count.🙄😂
No, it's true that I don't know anything about this subject, so if I want to defend my claim that these Easter Eggs are part of an infantile game being played out in the global playground, I need to start learning.
More thoughts. If you are minded to learn about this kind of stuff then it's a really bad idea to jump in at the deep end, especially with the kind of dark stuff they are spewing out (there's a lot of early twentieth century theosophy-type stuff in there, including some Crowleyan mischief). One of the problems about those systems is that the unwary will interpret them literally. They are, in many cases, just 'made up' systems, and it's easy to come to the conclusion the entire thing was a kind of trap or honeypot, designed to misdirect people away from true ancient knowledge which is simply the old paganism which pre-dates the Judaeo-Christian dystopian social control ideology. The powers that be, after all, don't want people achieving enlightenment, so they would definitely establish all these little honeypots and traps.
If you do want to get into the old ways, then the word 'gently' is the most important - start with the gentle easy stuff like astrology, tarot, basic numerology (all inter-related), whilst also learning about ancient mythologies, which gives you the good grounding knowledge or foundation to then later learn about the holistic 'system'. In ancient Egyptian mythology, for example, the whole thing is very clear in terms of the part and function of each deity in the universe. The true art of 'magic' is simply working with all of these deities/functions with an understanding of how the system operates (combined with meditation work - again, this should be gentle to begin with).
So don't get drawn in to anything they have to say.
Having said that, a lot of the cabal do believe (or have been programmed to believe) this pseudo-occult (almost satanic) rubbish, and so they do insert random numbers into their operations, perhaps because they think they can turn these things into 'rituals' or 'spells' designed to give them more power. It's rubbish, of course, but if they believe it, then they will do it. So it is a legitimate avenue of analysis to take account of the symbolic numbers they use. Not because the numbers mean something in themselves, but because of what it says about the psychology of the people orchestrating these events.
Where the stooges are correct is in the link between those members of the cabal (going right to the top of the food chain, so to speak) and the 'satanic child abuse' network - because the worst of the cabal are, indeed, also right at the top of the Network. So I can understand why the stooges want people to think about that and take it seriously. Because it is an important investigative clue/avenue. So I'll give them that one.
I joined substack to connect with other writers and exchange ideas. I didn't know what to expect, but Iain's site is proving a lively place to be.
''don't get drawn in to anything they have to say.''
you claim you KNOW a lot about the esoteric traditions when young- You lie overtly then- it is impossible to comprehend the most important teachings when young as your body & mind are not experienced to deal with such forces!
Everything I have written here can be checked and verified , while you dribble opinionated 'new-age' toss all over yourself.
Your advice is inane.
What a joke you are, for all to see.
Keep going - this is hilarious and very revealing of your real agenda here.
I have, contrary to what they might think, studied a significant amount of the esoteric/occult (especially when I was younger) and I can fully assure you that everything they say is just utter gibberish. It's essentially just a weird random mish-mash of various stuff they've picked up somewhere, most likely from quasi-medieval-esque 'pseudo-alchemical' (like pseudo-science) writings, with a bit of 'kabbalah' thrown in for good measure.
The Kabbalah, by the way, is not an ancient thing. They are completely wrong when they say that alphabets have some kind of encoding in them - this is not how etymology works! Any 'encoding' will have been projected backwards on to the alphabet (e.g. Hebrew alphabet). Alphabets actually originate in pictorial representations of objects, such as in the Egyptian (old Kingdom). Those pictorials then get slimmed down into a more cursive form (middle kingdom) whilst still retaining their recognisable reference to an object, but then as that evolves by the time you get to the new kingdom you have a recognisable alphabet in which the letters have lost any extra pictorial/symbolic reference.
The other way in which a non-pictorial alphabet evolves is by representations of the shapes the mouth makes when uttering that vowel or consonant. The Latin alphabet is like that, for example.
So that's that aspect debunked.
Likewise their 'numerology' - this is just base ten numbers games.
Then, perhaps more importantly, there are two basic tests for any 'system' - 1/ does it have any internal coherence, and 2/ does it have any practical benefits for the individual. A 'design for life' that is. Does it help the initiate develop their spirituality? Does it help you to understand the world or the universe? Does it have any basis in physics, for example? And is it verifiable by any observations/experiments and such like?
The answer to both of these questions with regards to the gibberish they're coming out with is a clear no. They are throwing out words there like 'gematria' just to try and look intelligent and knowledgeable - but they will only look knowledgeable to people who don't know much about the esoteric/occult. The truth is, it's all just an incoherent mess. And it has no practical benefit for understanding the way the world works, or navigating through life, let alone communing with higher powers.
Compare this to the ancient Egyptian system and you will see how amazingly coherent it is, how much internal logic and sense it makes, and how it really does help the individual to understand the spiritual world, the origins of the universe/life, and how to navigate it all and steer a holistic, mature pathway through life.
Another coherent and beneficial system is something like astrology.
So, please, don't get caught up in their ridiculous 'entrapment for the unwary'.
Part of me thinks it's either a sophisticated AI, or they really are victims of 'programming' and they've been fed all this rubbish during that programming.
But that's another question.
you are utterly mad
and a compulsive liar
as anyone can prove after that fantasy splurge
as usual with no substance nor references.
You won't learn anything from them. I have to go out now, but I'll give you a longer explanation later.
Im really looking forward to your contribution on that Everlyin'.
Lets see if you can top the Zohar & Pythagoras with your mound of waste fecal material !
''Go girl go !''
(quote from the film SOCIETY)
''You won't learn anything from them. '
Your team is getting REALLY DESPERATE NOW !
People have no free will in your world do they.
You can give LONGER answers EverLyin', but they never have as much resonant content do they- because- basically you POSE, while we KNOW from experience and application.
Lets see what crud you dribble about Gematria then-
go on you decrepit old us what you're made of -..... and dont forget the mop & bucket to clean up after yourself.
An excellent write up, thank you so much.
The official story always seemed "shabby" to many in Manchester, but I have a question and a possible answer that I have not seen and may have missed (if so, apologies).
Simple but I think true, as we are the ones that will rise up (in general).
You have reminded me of another reason for the bad guys doing this false flag event - 'in the north'.
I also do think that the timing of the event during the election campaign to undermine Jeremy Corbyn (they were playing the 'terrorist sympathiser' card at that time) is more important than most people realise. Manchester of course would mostly have supported Jeremy's Labour Party (hopefully not Starmer's though).
So both of these are clear reasons for carrying out an event like this at that time in 'the north'.
And the fact that the target was 'young people'.
I thought there were some interesting points raised by Sanders, if few and far between, the Corbyn coup being one of them. Given that people like Dearlove were raising the spectre of a coup if he was elected, a "Labour heartland" terror attack against young people does offer a potential rationale. That campaigning was suspended and then he was notably attacked for his alleged terrorist sympathies is worth thinking about at least.
Corbyn maybe could be the "link" - mentioned from memory in the series above; butfor me doubtful.
Just searched the "official versions" and just looking at wiki, it states "The perpetrator was motivated by the deaths of Muslim children resulting from the American-led intervention in the Syrian Civil War." ... which of course covers the tit for tat of the young people and again tries to spread racial or religious hatred...
Sure, but remember that's just the official narrative for 'the perpetrator's motivations' - if we are dealing with a false flag here, then that can be safely ignored, and we're dealing with the motivations of the establishment.
The perpetrator was motivated by the Security Services actor division to pranny about on CCTV for his job, blackmail or bribery.
They trained him well... he sure did a lot of prannying about for the cameras.
reminded ?!🙄😂😂😂
You wrote that only a few weeks ago , what a load of rubbish, as if Corbyn or the 'Laborious party' would do any good at all.
I notice you asked if Ariana Grande was mind controlled, you really are dim and lumpen!
It is obvious what you are EverLyin' from the old skool Francis Leader Fear Machine Division of controlled , partitioning ops.
The programmer was a useless tool, the operator is a useless tool, your entire AI 'enhanced' troll show is useless, juts look at how inept it has been here, and now you are mired in feedback loops , noise saturation, and crashes.
You life is one ongoing disaster of SYNTAX ERRORs and psychic bankruptcy.
So, in EverLyin's damaged mind the ManKey event was devised to keep Corbyn out of power....🙄😂🤣😂🤣😂
She gets funnier by the day, while ever more devoid of any semblance of reality or reason.
"Biometric scanning and identification checks will be the norm when any of us go to a gig, a festival or a football match. It is likely that we won’t be permitted to attend without our digital ID’s. Thus ensuring our whereabouts can be more easily tracked. We’ll accept all of this because we will be constantly reminded that Salman Abedi supposedly killed 22 people in Manchester Arena". Tony Blair has been telling us since 2010 that we are going to have digital IDs and we know who he works for. I would like not to have one just to annoy him!
The root number is number 4 in my opinion. Think of the 22:31 time. How does the odd granular minute time of 31 make sense? It does if the root number is 4. 3+1=4. As well as 2+2=4.
MH filed one of his first documents against RDH on the 22nd (2+2=4) or the 13th (1+3=4) of December I believe, I forget which. Some of RDH's recent Manchester documentary releases are dated the 4th, 13th or 22nd I think.
Sanders has appeared on RDH's show 13 times (1+3=4) - I think that that one is probably co-incidence.
The root number of 4 is also in display in the recent Ammanford attempted stabbing event. That, and other esoteric numerology, is evident in the recent North East London/Essex stabbing: e.g. Masonic compass set to 47 degrees - 4 and then 7 police officers (or 7 and then 4) detained the stabber.
4 is not the only important root number in media events. When, Jayda Fransen, released a film knocking on Anjem Choudry's door (which he answered in a busy city in the middle of the night! not at all scripted!), what number was on display in front of the camera? Number 33.
When Tommy 'Ten names' Wasim Kempson did his YouTube knock on an idiot's door series (really knock on a stage actor's door) what door number was on display in all of the publicity? Number 33.
When the BBC did a documentary for Newsnight on run down English towns after Brexit, what door number was on display at the end? Number 333.
The function of the numerology in these media events may serve many purposes. Of course, a court of law, and people applying solely logical, not lateral thinking, are very unlikely to be persuaded by an analysis of it.
Another meaning of the number 31 is the harmonic series. Given we're talking music here, of course.
The number 22 is 'the Fool' in the Tarot, the immediate interpretation of which is somewhat obvious. However, the fool usually refers (in the tarot) to an intrepid young man setting out on a journey (the beginning of the lifecycle etc.) - so in this instance/context, the fool can refer to the word 'patsy'.
Wasn't the JFK assassination on the 22nd?
you are the fool-🥱💩🤡
The fool is '0'
Gematria should be used as there is no '22 'card !
21 = 'The World' is the correct card if using Gematria principles with Colel.
This is proven by the 4 evangelical beasts/seasons in the corners !!!
Give it up 'Team Francis', you are a mess and a joke no one who KNOWS anything can take seriously - a multiple personality discorded, mind controlled, semi automated, sociopathic psycho(s).
22nd at 1pm. 1pm=13:00 hours. 2+2=4. 1+3+0+0=4.
Iain - you started this article by saying: "I know next to nothing about numerology. That said, even I noticed the staggering repetition of the number “22” in the official narrative of the alleged Manchester Arena bombing."
My thoughts exactly. So, if even us know-nothings can see it, does it mean that we are the intended recipients of this apparent signalling? Or are the elite sending messages to each other? Or is it both?
I ask these questions because you, RDH, UK Critical Thinker and others have made such a good job of picking apart the Manchester Arena incident, and yet you all seem to shrug your shoulders and shy away from this particular dead giveaway. I hazard a guess that you feel it's "a bit too out there", meaning cuckoo bananas, and that you'd lose credibility if you took it seriously... is that why?
No. I think the numerological and occult significance of the many terror attacks that occur on the 22nd is fairly clear. Crocus Hall in Russia on 3/22 2024 for example. I have no doubt that the possible links to the Kabbalah's 22 paths to the tree of life, for instance, has significance for these pond dwellers.
They value the arcane and the occult which only remains occult because they call it occult along with everyone else who calls it occult while openly discussing it, as we are. It is like the "secret" conspiracy that isn't a "secret" at all. It is called a "secret" because a "secret" cannot be known. Therefore, you are a conspiracy theorist if you write about the unknowable "secret" despite the fact that it isn't a "secret" at all. I suggest the "occult" is used in exactly the same way.
I have written a series to highlight the evidence that shows Manchester was a hoaxed false flag and that the case brought against Hall is a charade. The so-called "occult" has played no role in that whatsoever. The choice of date has "occult" significance because, as you rightly highlight, the turds behind Manchester want us to talk about that instead of the Barr footage and the Bickerstaff video. I won't do it.
The alleged "occult" matters to them, their wacky belief systems do not matter to me and I will not give them any credence, any more than I give them credit for faking deaths (perhaps having killed people). Given the discussions on this thread I think I should make that position clear.
I do not believe in gods and monsters and and cloaking these reprobates in mysticism only serves them. I despair at those who rambled on about Jimmy Savile being a wizard and a master of the occult. No he wasn't. His followers and fellow murderous paedophiles may have chosen to believe he was to justify their own sickness. He wasn't a mystic, he was a predatory, necrophiliac, paedophile child pimp. That is how I choose to describe him just as I choose to describe the State that orchestrated the Manchester hoaxed false flag as nothing more than "epistemic authorities" who make the false claim they have some sort of additional right to tell the rest of us what to do.
Their own claimed "right" to rule is also cloaked in the symbolism of Royalty, the esoteric and the occult. But I won't call a dictatorship anything other than a dictatorship. I don't care about their silly faith, their weird rituals or their symbols. It is all complete bullshit, no more credible than an episode of Jackanory and I haven't got time for any of it.
I'm guessing you'll be writing more about this in the next article I'm about to read 'The Occult Deception' - in which case, I'll probably post some comments there rather than let us all get sidetracked here (which is, as you say, one of the things they want us to do).
So , the symbols used in scientific writing (derived from esoteric practices and experiment usually) are complete bullshit ?
Esoteric organisations have no secrets ?
Animal Magnetism doesnt exist, nor mesmerism etc ?
There are no fields of energy that can be resonated with, for benign or malignant results?
There is no secret about the serpentine sexual energy all living things possess and has been studied for thousands of years - it is just a waste of time ?
The art of HORSE TRAINING is irrelevant, nothing to do with it is really 'occult' and the fact the arcane term for horse was CABAL is something we should all ignore, as is the word HORSE POWER utterly misleading and redundant as horses have no power in the modern age.
What next Iain ! You will be telling us The luminaries have no effect on us and ALL astrology is also Bullshit, and that's why it has been banned by the worlds most oppressive and influential powers while they employed it themselves?
You probably think all the work of Rudolf Stiener, Blavatsky, MP HALL, Fulcanelli, Crowley, AE WAITE, McGregor, the Churchward brothers,r Viktor Schauberger ,William Blake, Shakespeare/ Francis Bacon and John Dee, Cornelius Agrippa ,Swedenborg and TS Elliot etc, are just the ramblings of confused and deluded minds , despite their achievements and status .
It may have escaped your limited scope of comprehension that the OCCULT/ARCANE/ESOTERIC and perennial wisdom tradition had to go 'underground' due to an oppressive and intolerant fanatical CHURCH for centuries , yet again flourished as ALCHEMY the foundation of modern technologies and MEDIA !
I worked in advertising Iain. The occult is very real, effective, and potent.
There are plenty of secrets in the esoteric traditions, Freemasonary and Wicca are almost indistinguishable in parts, and ElectroMagnetic-sexual energy (prana/Chi/vril /Orgone etc) does exist and can be harnessed and directed, used and abused , and channeled like any art or craft.
Everyone I've ever met with a hang up about 'magic' is usually sexually frigid, short sighted, has a repulsive body , has a brittle mind, is smarmy & smug about topics they are willfully ignorant about, and invariably had terrible religious indoctrination.
Of course Catholicism is PURE OCCULT RITUAL for a cannibalistic death cult, so no other system of esoteric instruction need ever exist apart from it !
At least you got a laugh out of him,😉😊
the tears of it seem to have cleaned his face of that blood splash, and wiped his Janus faced logo clean of its schizophrenic 'dark half' .
For a man so adverse to symbolism and esoteric modes of expression he certainly does have a penchant to employ such tropes !
What a funny old world ,full of perverse people posing as moral authorities , cyborgs pretending to be people and people acting like cyborgs.
The most resonant & ancient Symbols are appropriated.
They are TEMPLATES of existence.
They exist in almost all cultures without any seeming migration in many cases.
Many are Archetypes.
What is CYMATICS Iain ? What do they prove about existence ?
What are FRACTALS, what do they prove about Order, seeming Chaos, RATIOS, HARMONY and NUMBER in PATTERNs including Generative Formations.
The 'gods' were KNOWN to be 'modes' of Nature or natures of Nature. They have numerical correspondences that are scientific (ie days of the year, degree of influence ).
'Myth' read with practical knowledge and as allegory is a science of Nature and Natures.
You dismiss the 'knowledge base- ciphered in allegory and symbolism' that the most powerful, consolidated, intrusively influential, and psychologically manipulative CULTS/CLANS/SECTS have employed to enslave us for millennia - because you don't care about it , and it is 'SILLY & WEIRD', yet gave you 'magical technology' like Musical scales, Dance, Theater, Radio, Film & TV, the Steam Engine, Cars, Jet Engines, Telescopes, Microscopes and all sort of imaging technologies ?
To 'rule' is to set measure - TIME is the ruler ultimately. And Time is Saturn/Satan - the sower & reaper, the ARENA for all life and events. That is the rulers 'satanism' you and others seem triggered by, while their actual evil is to do with Sadism derived from mutilator/Martial 'cults'- from circumcision to sodomy and mind control.
You appear a totally unreasonable, childish and deluded person from your out-burst above, it must be a very important topic for you that you feel the need to be so dismissive and disingenuous about it.
btw- SaVille was a disgusting ,depraved, genuinely evil, sick man, yet also (sadly for any justice in this world ) Charismatic and 'powerful' .
The worlds most popular musicians are all of 'esoteric/espionage' backgrounds & have interests in the 'occult' . Paul McCartney studied Crowley , Brian Gysons & William Burroughs work and incorporated their ideas into Beatles tracks. The Beatles were the 'silver Beatles' originally, a cult name= Scarabs. Their label was Apple, and then the computer CO took that , all esoterically inspired , and also world dominating in effect/influence.
Most modern music being promoted has a Crowley link (sadly, as his latter work is a mire of treasure & deceit to encourage fodder for the mill), or equally dubious Wicca connection (I blame Kate Bush & the Goth groups from the North East for that!) .
Anyways believe what you like,
but don't expect everyone else to hold the same beliefs, or any beliefs at all.
Another reason for carrying out the Manchester Event of course is the 'type of targets' being 'young people' - not just because they tended to support Corbyn and liberal socialist stuff (anti-establishment), but they are the 'new generation that needs to be schooled in the way the world works with all these terrorists and all the rest of it'.
Then, of course, as the stooges are trying to point out but everyone is ignoring because they don't want to engage with trolls, there is the clear 'trauma' aspect of the bombing (whether it was real or not it's the narrative/belief in it that counts).
So there is, indeed, an element of trauma-based mind control involved. This is likely a reason for the repeated esoteric numbers. Trauma-based MK requires a lot of repetition (along with a sequence of symbolism/imagery - often in the form of story-based pictures). And it often doesn't matter if the subject/victim is consciously aware of the repetition - their brain will be (peripheral vision etc.), and will receive the information. It will then go right down into the deeper parts of their brain, where it then requires resonance, echo, association with a desired object, and subsequent activation. It's a complex process on the one paw, but quite simple on another. From a psychological point of view, that is.
Whether Ariane Grande herself is a Monarch is a pertinent question (same applies to a lot of these modern manufactured pop stars, like Taylor Swift). As is the question of who came up with her setlist, what the lyrics are, and whether there is anything in that 22nd song which can then be used as MK triggers/training. Or any of her 'songs', for that matter.
One of the very serious reasons why they had to stop Corbyn is because if he'd been in government then the child abuse enquiry would not have been a whitewash. Expose the Network, and the entire Establishment comes crashing down. Not just nationally, but internationally, because half the people in all those 'NGOs' are involved.
Naturally, those 'conspiracy theorists' who talk about 'esoteric' stuff like numerology and sadistic/satanic mind control will always be portrayed as 'the maddest of all who shouldn't be listened to' (a similar less esoteric equivalent is the 'anti-semitic holocaust denier' canard, as Iain points out). This, perhaps, is one of the purposes of controlled opposition people like Icke. He exists to make these issues/subjects (or 'theories') look mad and ludicrous and so on. Same as the 'false memory syndrome' people used to try and discredit victims of the child abuse network. And the fact they spend so much effort into trying to distract people away from the Network just goes to show how important it is to them that it doesn't get exposed. it is, actually, their true Achilles heel.
So, in actual fact, there is something in the sinister child abuse angle to all this. It is, though, sensible for Iain not to get sidetracked by all of that stuff - it really would require an entirely separate analysis/investigation - partly because for that subject it doesn't matter if there was or wasn't a real bomb. This is why it's probably sensible not to allow the three stooges to create that sidetrack and 'discredit by association'.
Still, I wonder whether the stooges will acknowledge this comment or not, and what they have to say about it, if anything... Probably just more vitriolic abuse, no doubt, rather than something sensible.
I won't be engaging, though.
You reveal while you conceal and distract as usual.
''everyone is ignoring because they don't want to engage with trolls''
is ironic- as you Team FranCess Co are the real trolls here.
Apart from Munchy and a few others the comments are typically lame here, dominated by devious bores like yourself. at least it stops you posting as Francis leader or Charlotte Ruse for a while.
Just a little initial comment - thank you very, very much for this exceptional series of yours, Iain. I've intellectually enjoyed every minute of it, even if it raises some emotionally upsetting issues. But it's incredibly valuable. So, thank you very much for all your work. And please rest assured that if I wasn't poor I would buy you a lot of coffee. And go paid. Maybe one day I shall, I hope, be able to do that...
Appreciated thanks.
EverLyin' you are becoming inarticulate ... as the lies begin to strangle the life from you ?
What constipated sentences !
Just tiny slurps dribbling out like desperate gasps.....what a sight..... what a mess.
as you do.
Thanks Iain for the huge amount of effort you've obviously had to put into your complete destruction of their so called "debunking" of Richard's excellent and brave work.
Incomplete,....yet genuinely 'exhaustive'.
No esoteric material considered in an adult or serious manner.
Speaking for myself, there is no need to consider the esoteric or arcane. I know it pervades everything. That those at the pinnacle of evil on this earth are Satanists I find undisputable. Their goal is to bring as many of us to their eternal destiny. This is the most critical knowledge many are oblivious to. All other arcane knowledge is irrelevant.
This is not Iain's area of expertise, as he quite clearly and humbly states!
You are an idiot then...
Satanists do not rule the world- SADISTS do !
How many 'satanists ' have you met in life , did they wear a heavy metal T-shirt ?😁
Satan is TIME, the ARENA for all life. ie it is SATURN -the sower & reaper.
Satan does no acts of EVIL in the Bible, the stroppy, infantile and genocidal 'god' of the O.T. ''is the author of all good & evil'' read the book of JOB if in any doubt or denial on this.
The entire ManKey Event is seeped in esoteric concerns, catalysts and codes,
any commentator discussing it without some awareness of such systems is going to look a bit of an idiot. Anyone dismissing such systems is an utterly arrogant arsehole, clueless , and in a mental mess they are effectively irrelevant and redundant as a researcher or commentator in these times.
If Iain is so conceited, smug, lazy, channeled or otherwise inept to take notice of what we gave him , then 'likes' the utterly mental arse dribble of EverLyin' Pigsdick Brunswick/Karen (self confessed SPY from an alternate dimension !) then he is actually rather pathetic as well.
What a mundane and mediocre state so many are now lost in.
And possibly DESERVE to be.
Your hubris is breathtaking and your insolence offensive.
Is Maxine your sister ?
Maybe his daughter ?
He went quite after that ...
'' there is no need to consider the esoteric or arcane....I know it pervades everything.....All other arcane knowledge is irrelevant.''
And after that pathetic dribble he expects to be taken seriously !
Nothing matters when BELIEF can transcend reality is easily !
Look out for those satanists , they are everywhere dont 'cha know.
Did you think of this hilarious and witty retort all on your own? Or was it a team effort with your cowardly, little sidekick, Ram?
another outed PLANT, or lost soul acting like one.
I'm glad you were offended !
Cowardly little pricks like yourself don't have an issue offending from afar, it's par for the course, LOL!
Nor the obvious Child Abuse aspect.
The DOB certificates show a very peculiar connection all these self proclaimed INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALISTS ( spotty arsed , computer interfaced- data stalkers ?! ) have missed. Why would that be ?
what a poor performance this transpired to be.
Great info on PANCHO VILLA , cheers, that is new to me, despite loving several films about him. He's like a TESLA isnt he- another hidden hand character constructed for the 'rebels and righteous'.
thanks Iain for your work on this and support for RDH. mine eyes have also been opened by the comments to all of your series enall. i have found that to scroll past mutton head and dumb sturgid comments is best. the vitriol for fellow man is disgusting and designed to sap your positive energy. scroll past 'em. God bless ya
look at the handle- panbonehead !!!
pathetic and feeble stalking again from the internets greatest psychopathic loser !
Peter PAN Bone head- that looks like it could be a child molesters boast. No wonder you were so triggered when that aspect of the Manchester Bomb Hoax came up . It seems you have just confirmed the speculations inadvertently, or are you just arrogant and drunk on the power you imagine you have ?
How fasci-nating .... What a great waste of time & energy ultimately!
Here we see some ugly soul with decrepit vision try and counteract the work of other , even more ugly souls , who are counteracting another ugly soul... all of them lost in the conceits of LOGIC & REASON to bolster their 'belief's'.
None of them are aware of any 'magical'/esoteric factor(s) !
They are lumpen sorts. Mired in the materiality of it all.
Dishonestly 'unaware' of how the 'elite' conceive and construct such SPECTACLES,
the nature of the SPECTACLE is also evaded (see Guy Debords work for example ).
We are seeing relatively mediocre commentators miss the entire 'resonance' of this event, and what a boring chore it's been !
Iain knows nothing about GEMATRIA, and can't be bothered to learn anything about it either !
He has no 'esoteric' awareness and can't be bothered to ask anyone who does posses knowledge about it.
He has no depth of photographic knowledge (or experience?) and cant be bothered to consult anyone who does..... In fact, he ignores such knowledge and insight when given it.
He is in a rut of his own beliefs, and blindness, and due to sycophantic mewling's from some lame-brained, devious bigots, he thinks he's done a good job.... a good job distracting his audience from the meat of the matter.
Of course Iain is a better man than Lie'n Saunders & Bog-nob Levi.
Tho is HALL really as 'heroic' as he's been presented here?
The foundations and catalyst for the ManKey 'smoke without fire' events unveiling was by UK CRITICAL THINKER, who keeps getting left out of the debate, or acknowledgements. Hall primarily copied his work and then took the credit with a more expansive and rambling overview, then bodged various encounters he could have made by being 'a bit creepy', which is his natural disposition it seems?
False Flags are not new, and Iain doesn't seem aware of their fuller history, despite mentioning Gladio.
For example NUKE tests can be seen as a type of false flag/constructed event & footage for political ends (ie 'actual' nuclear weapons are a fiction for fear, and funding) , just like the alleged and shoddy Moon Missions have a funding , and fear (military application) factor.
The OLDEST filmed false flag is probably the PANCHO VILLA footage from the start of the Century and early days of film making. Although the whole film is allegedly lost (how convenient!) scraps survive and can be found via YouTube etc.
In it medicinal care is made upon a WOODEN LEG !
Bullet holes show no SEEPAGE.
Seemingly Dead bodies open their eyes, raise their heads , and move about !
The deaths of various horses is likely sadly real, but nothing else is.
This tedious slog by Iain, of facing overt bullshit and deceits by Lie'N Sauders and dog-knobbed-areshole Lee, is mostly just a GAME of 'superficial whimsies' between various operatives?
Hall is very likely 'a little grey man', a distraction agent focusing on toss like the imaginary SECRET SPACE PROGRAM , tho allowed more serious fodder like fake deaths/retirement games (JoCox)and pea-dough promotion (his McCann obsession) , revealing a decent amount , while occluding the important connections/correspondences ?
He seems semi-autistic , talks in a contrived and sanctimonious manner...really slowly... he knows most of his audience are simple-minded fodder ?
He isnt very bright, tho does have some engineering acumen.
He makes 'tells' that he is initiated into something akin to wicker or freemasonry- this could be programming tho.
His brother is a key component of why Hall does what he does, and his Brother is/was in the police , & possibly connected with a more devious department... and that is why Hall is worth listening to- because there is dissent in many walks of life, and 'decent' coppers may wish to reveal or combat some matters their colleagues and over-seaers have done or intend to do.
So, some folk here will be enraged I dare to insinuate Iain is controlled ops- so instead of clogging up the comments here I will write an overview of why I consider it so , in my notes. You can then bitch away about it there.
At first I though he was an unwitting dupe for more obvious ops, however yesterday he let the mask slip more fully , and his natural disposition of hypocrisy, petty strawman constructions and projection possessed him... then came the 'standard troll games by the usual baiters.
Believe Nothing
Trust no-one
Think for yourself
Time is precious
Make the most of it
I concur.
The veil has slipped.
This is how the controlled ops work- setting up easy targets and building their own strawmen to be burnt down,
that is why Iain ignored our comments consistently, allowed the 'original FAWB to berate us for 6 weeks , in an attempt to distract and mire us in tedious abuse.
Then ignores all the esoteric correspondences, belittles comments about the TWIN PHOTOS, gets the trolls to make it seem 'un-important', instead of a key to the whole event.
He was so busy being finicky over professional liars like Lee & lie'N he had no reverence for 'real people, with skill and experience offering him help', just look at his smarmy responses and over-reaction yesterday, then his agreement with 'newbie' Grub of Grot .
It seems to me that the entire controlled op game is sinking fast, and very few real people bother listening to them - maybe a few thousand for every million claimed ?
On you tube it appears that about 100 people really exist behind channels with 90,000 subs !
I agree.... ''setting up easy targets and building their own strawmen to be burnt down ''
The stats you mention are about right- it is amplified 100 fold often.
The likes and comments are the best real gauge of popularity.
So, Iain may have thousands of subs , yet only about a hundred actually read his posts, about 25% - 40% of them tick the like box and a handful bother to comment.
Even higher profile 'opposition' prats like 20th Century Wire only have a few hundred genuine subs. Russel Brands stats are actually hilariously manipulated, as are all his fake comments he gets.
Obsessed much ?
as you do.
Excellent analysis! 👍👏
With regards point #15 (financial benefit) there was an interesting development last night on the Car SOS TV series shown the More4 channel at 7pm. The programme featured the family of Alison Howe who was apparently killed at the Manchester arena while waiting on daughter Darcy. Since the event, the daughter Darcy has apparently gone quiet and withdrawn into herself after loosing her mum at the arena.
The programme makers restored an old Citroen van that father Steve had bought for Alison prior to the event with intention of converting it into a snack van so that Alison would have a little business of her own, but that never happened. Steve Howe advised that Darcy survived but they lost Alison at the arena. The hosts described this as a disappearance!!! 🤔.
Anyway the programme did a beautiful restoration on this old van and kitted it out with all modern appliances. The van was then presented to the family at Manchester United football ground. The daughter Darcy seemed passively overwhelmed (no excitement at prospect of running her own business) and it was Steve who actually drove the van away. It could be said this was a significant financial benefit!