Points missed=

1st you are own mind, but conditioned from pre-birth.

or 1st you are product of parents ?

If product of parents then not free until after a decade & half etc of life.

Are you then independent really, or in illusion of such ?

Now consider, if of tight family you are never fully independent.

The bigger & richer the family the less freedom from them you will have.

Big family = a clan

Big family expand into TRIBE with CULTS of specialities.

Cults manifest CULTURES.

From culture grow society of now with rules & other parameters.

So who will ALWAYS CONTROL = most potent CULT = TRIBE = CLAN = FAMILY.

So you can chit chatter away in merry dream of autonomy, but you will always have Shepard's from same stock channeling the flock.

What clown nose Iaini Davisisi is leading you into here is same cage with new veneer (well, not that new) that allows 'family interconnections' to still dominate proceedings because only certain family have specific CRAFT/SKILL to apply such process or CONSTRUCTION = con-structures.

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If as seems likely, AI assisted direct democracy and community currency programs were always the plan, I don't see how this idea of voluntary democracy is any different from what the Public Private Partnership want.


Get rid of the pesky governments and replace them with citizens living in their own little worlds and communities but actually networked into the collective using emerging technologies. Are you thinking of not using their technology eg blockchain and cybernetics for your new system? They are.

The new economy demands everyone’s data. They will pay lip-service to the fact that you will own your own data and be able to participate in governance through awarded tokens, but the truth is that this is not a game created for the benefit of the masses. We shouldn't volunteer to participate without informed consent.

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Interestingly, however - the system you are describing here isn't much different at all from what existed in Britannia before 1066. The 'state' as you describe it only existed after 1066, since when we have been governed by a foreign occupying power. Thus, to call 'the state' itself the problem totally misses the point - it's not 'the state' - it's the type of people running that state.

To denigrate the state all the time is to fall into that deceptive trap echoed by 'power corrupts; absolutely power corrupts absolutely' - when the truth is no, it doesn't. It's only those who are already corrupt, or corruptible, who are corrupted by power. Good people aren't corrupted.

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The implementation of ideas first depends on the ideas. But ideas can be informed on what you are used to on what you have already seen or experienced as apposed to starting with a blank piece of paper or mind. The example of hospitals is given. Are hospitals a good idea. Is it good if you are ill to be surrounded by other people who are ill. There is the risk of transfer of disease be that by the reverse placebo effect of the mind or by other means we do not understand.

Hospitals seem to be a practical access to specialist equipment and people but that does not mean it is that only solution.

What about schools are they a good idea. They weren't for me. started when I was five finished when I was 15 attended eight schools lots of corporal punishment and bullying'

Many years after I left school I read Alvin Tofflers The third wave there he explained how at the start of the industrial revolution and the mechanization of agriculture produced a surplus of farm hands and a shortage of factory workers. But farm hands mostly deal in minutes and hours but factory hands need to deal in seconds. So they were sent to school and the most important lesson learn to be punctual . So the school day was divided up first arrive on time then go to short lesson in class the go to short lesson in a different class in a different part of school the take a break then repeat till lunch then repeat till next break then repeat till end of school.

I spent ten years learning to be punctual with out even knowing it. The second most important lesson of school was to be obedient to follow orders and not to ask questions not to talk back to do as you are told. Maybe changing school so often and being a loner who did not follow the crowd helped me to escape the regimented mind they were trying to create.

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Taxation is fixed in an easier way.

Corporate taxes, which are on profits.

If the company spends it's revenues on equipment or more employees, there's less profit to pay taxes for.

Remember, corporations are not people. Sadly, a lot of those who think tax is theft forget that corporations are legal and economic fictions.

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Sadly, too many people have been duped by the Banksters into believing that an independent sovereign nation needs to borrow other people’s money to fund its operations….it doesn’t!

Likewise, too many people believe that an independent sovereign nation needs to tax its citizens income and business’ profits to fund its operations….it doesn’t!

Perhaps the greatest fallacy and deception ever pulled on humanity is that an independent sovereign nation needs to borrow other people’s money in order to fund its operations. IT DOESN’T!

How to Unleash Growth with the American System 2.0


The American System 2.0 will only be achievable when President Trump understands that an independent sovereign nation-state, such as the USA, doesn’t need to borrow other people’s money to fund its operations.

Three examples from history:

1. The American Colonial Scrip


2. Lincoln’s “Green Backs.”


3. The British Bradbury Pound.


How To End The Federal Reserve & Erase The National Debt


A New Monetary System with A New National Bank


The Great Bankster Debt Scam!


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What’s the difference between a Voluntary Representative and an Elected Representative? Both are CHOSEN to serve in order to govern.

What does it take to be an Elected Representative?

First, a person has to want the job, which means working (living?) in a location different from their home, and working with others who also want to perform the job of governance. Then the Elected Representative has to get elected, which means raising a lot of money from donors to run a campaign. Then the Candidate has to convince the Electorate that they are the most qualified and best person to represent the Electorate’s best interests.

Very few people have any desire to be an Elected Representative and work doing the function of governance. Very few people even have any desire to understand how their government functions, or is supposed to anyways. Just look at how few people actually vote in an election, or how hard people try to be excused from performing their civic duty of serving on Jury Duty.

So long as elections are fair and honest, then Elected Representatives will serve their constituents, but the large campaign finance donors will always have their desires met as well.

So I would argue that there is a balance between being an Elected Representative and being a [S]elected Representative. The large campaign finance donors obviously have the connections throughout the local communities to identify potential candidates and to persuade them to run for office, but then the Electorate will decide if the Candidate is worthy of their vote. Of course this is all predicted upon fair and honest elections. If the elections are rigged and stolen by using electronic voting machines, electronic vote tabulating machines, not requiring voters to be citizens, not requiring voters to be registered to vote in their districts, not requiring voters to present a govt issued photo ID to accredited poll officials at their district poll location, and allowing the mass mailing of ballots to every address that can be harvested, fraudulently filled-out, and then stuffed into un-surveilled/un-attended Ballot Boxes, then all bets are off and the Republican Representative form of government doesn’t exist, and the people are no better than slaves in a Dictatorship.

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LOL. You have a rich fantasy life.

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Hi Iain, I really like your vision of the future and the ideas around what true democracy could look like. I thought you and the community may be interested in a conversation with Dr. Elisabet Sahtouris regarding similar ideas, go to 33 minute of interview to get her take on democracy in Nature https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ui547UcqATU Thanks!

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Again, the success or otherwise of this proposed system (or, for that matter, any system) depends entirely on the quality of the people running it.

So you would have to ensure one of the two following things: either 1/ eliminate all the gammas, deltas and epsilons from the world (or only allow alphas and betas to take places on your three branches - which is a far less messy solution - plus if you only had alphas and betas then who'd put the bins out? A similar problem arises with 2nd wave feminism), or 2/ have an education system which enables everyone to become fully rounded, emotionally, psychologically and socially mature human beings. By definition, however, number 2 is impossible for gammas, deltas and epsilons, because they do not have the capacity for that kind of maturity. Because that kind of maturity is the true definition of 'intelligence'.

Alphas and betas don't make mistakes, at least not serious ones. The other groups do. This is the reason why the existence of 'social systems' has become necessary - the historical problem with them is that they have not, in the main, been run by alphas and betas. Rather they've been run by and for gammas.

And here's the irony - fully mature human beings do not need 'laws' and so on to tell them what they can and can't do. They don't need a 'system' of any kind. They'd probably create one, for efficiency purposes, but by definition it would be the best possible (utopia, in other words).

As Aristotle said: "I have gained this through philosophy - I do without being asked what others do only through fear of the law."

Education, education, education.

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Isn't this how the Freemasons do it?

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Democracy (or demo-crazy) is a nice idea but seemingly unworkable in practice. I mean, what is there to stop trillionaire cabals from putting puppets in leadership positions in every country? Nothing. Thus: Biden, Starmer, BoJo, Ardern, Trudeaus 1 & 2, Clinton, Macron, Dragi, Albanese, Scholtz, Schmerkel, Rutte, Trump, etc.

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Dec 9
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No, there is no truth in what you write FartPresser, but you reveal your own horror of existence & admit you hate human beings.

Is cunt not a wonderful thing essential to exist.

Do you not love magic & wonderful cunt as all men should?

Why you use cunt (most magic & essential thing devised along with penis) as derogatory term of HATE.

To your sad & broken mind 'cunt= evil horror & hate'. Maybe you need help with existing?

I say to friends I think are brilliant women; 'you are fabulous cunt' & they (almost) never get annoyed.

I say to men friends who I admire; 'what a fabulous prick you are', & as they know me & my view they are thankful & proud I should think so.

So in your mind you are a horrible arsehole ?, resent other minds & beings, & want to project that back by painting cunts as evil that should be purged from existence?

What of pricks or COCK ? Do you hate cunts & LOVE COCK because you never critical of cocks here? Or arsehole, is that what you love more than generative facilities, sewage outlets?

Maybe, is this rage of yours all about being a fanatical cock lover & hater of fabulous powers of vagina?

Also I wonder why adult mind gets squeamish or shy about spelling out cunt here, I find it cultural hypocrisy from what is increasingly a very backwards western mind-set, crippled with delusions of history, deluded about human nature & hundreds of years out of date regarding oppressions of peoples minds. No wonder the Chineses would have nothing to do with your barbaric sensibilities for a very long time, & why they are always running rings around your silly politics & media.

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I will bet FartPress is more an arsehole lover, hence its name ?

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You would probably win that bet 🙄😂😆😂

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I actually don’t think most human beings are a bunch of asterisks. The asterisks are the ones at the top of the greasy pole who go to COLOSSAL lengths to confuse, dumb down, blind and downright subjugate regular folk - all at the regular folk’s expense, needless to add. Prior to the Norman partial coup d’etat

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Yeah.. fair comment.. I was a bit grumpy earlier so I got the asterisks out... feeling a bit better now they're out of my system..most people are pretty ok... I spoze.. thanks Steve 👍

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Thanks! I didn’t mean to post right then. Hadn’t quite finished. I’m new to substack and find it infernally difficult to navigate! Take care!

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And it seems you can’t edit a comment……? Maybe I’ll learn!

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You should be able to edit comments - click the three dots to the right of your comment

I agree with you about the post-Norman thing, by the way - see some of my other comments. Before 1066 we had a proper democracy - since then it's been feudalism

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