Iain May I thank you for defending Richard in his attempts to expose the corruption and deceit which emanate not only from the Government but the Judiciary as well.

The most harrowing fact about all of this is not only are the Lamestream Media Outlets Aiding and Abetting the aforementioned so are Alternative Media Outlets.

Over to you UK Column, Unity News, The Light etc,etc.

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It has occurred to me that the establishment is binding Richard D Hall in this labyrinth of lawfare for another reason, so far unstated.

The establishment intends further faked events which must be accepted as real by the public. Engaging Richard, yourself and other astute citizen journalists with this fiasco discourages or even prevents us from working on exposing them when they happen.

They are wearing us down because they cannot produce air-tight faked events because they have to use actors and amateurs who invariably slip up.

What we euphemistically call the 'establishment' is under orders from a global criminal syndicate and there is a timetable and an international plan underway. I think I know what that plan is:


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Francis Leader is so dim witted & decrepit that she here perpetrates the idea that a Labyrinth is akin to a MAZE !!! You can't get lost in a labyrinth Francis , it is a type of psychic machinery /psychogeographical device, devised to stimulate internal senses with its windings .

''A labyrinth typically consists of a single, winding path that leads to a central point and then back out again, symbolizing a journey of self-discovery or spiritual enlightenment''.

No wonder she's so deluded & deranged about so much when basic forms have become confabulated in her bigoted imagination.

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Nov 7
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A Labyrinth is not a MAZE.

You yet again miss content & project your own uppity anality into the situation.

Now go & suck your dead dog dick keyfob Sarahahah, it's the only time you have a smile on your face these days.

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Nov 7
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Projecting your own feeble disposition onto others never worked for you in the past, present or any probable future Sarahahaha,

Back to school for you, maybe for the rest of your miserable life ?

now, tROT ON !

Thanatos is your guide & it probably wishes you to get lost.

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Nov 7Edited
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Wing wafting is an essential skill! Thanks a lot for taking the time to read my work and comment so comprehensively. I agree with every point you make and foresee a quickening pace of totalitarian brutality ahead. I certainly do not underestimate the determination of our enemy.

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Francis you are my enemy, I genuinely hate you for your fear mongering & blind arrogance.. the naive or malicious promotion of Nuclear threat scenarios & evasion of taking the ideas of Freud seriously, resulting in a cowering & ignorant fanbase you've amassed.

So if it was a choice between the oppressive shits we have now, or YOU I wouldn't be able to chose either of you as allies.

So who are you really fighting for Francis..yourself, or a diverse population that will probably resent you & what you keep promoting?

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Nov 7Edited
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Only virtual twats like you are my enemy Sarahahaha,

Real life is mostly joyful & empathic. Something you are so obviously devoid of from any angle of approach.


as you so gleefully do for me here.

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Nov 7
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But there is no proof NUKES exist except as a massive funding swindle.

Here your fear factory agenda is again revealed for the bogeyman & infantile fantasy that has crippled everything you affirm here Prolies.

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Nov 7
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You said ?

You wrote.

The confusion in your decomposing mind is a sight to behold here.

Have you been painting in both directions again Sarahahah?

Maybe like Francis , you are lost in a Labyrinth !


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Nov 7
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Really , 😂🤣😂.....you dont even know what colour my hair is.

More lies & perverse fantasies... the break down is drawing close...

painting in BOTH directions !!!

tROT ON you feeble goon,

Thanatos is your god & guide, yet even it doesnt want to be associated with you or your like.

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Being founded on the fallacious notion that a 33kg bomb exploded at the event, Dame Steyn's 'blueprint' is, in truth, a lawful and logical nullity. It needs to be rejected as the piece of excrement it is.

Whilst I'm not one to blow my own trumpet, here's the material evidence that I called out the Manchester Arena False Flag for the BS it was at an early stage. https://roguemale.org/2017/06/01/manchester-bombing-collection-anomalies/

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Nov 7Edited
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The state you are in Prolie!

Richard is such a good mate you haven't got a phone number for him.

More self elevating BS from you, more lies & the inability to be honest or have integrity,

and who was it who claimed to be helping Dick All with his legal representation!

tROT On Clown Maggot, you really are a sight to see here, thrashing about in denial & delusions.

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Nov 6Edited
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Prolie , you are proven wrong almost every time you affirm anything!

''I would dearly love to be proven wrong though.''

Another classic brain strain anal eruption from you !

Now, tell us all why 'vocabullaryless' is a word you use instead of inarticulate... & how did BRAT become this years new trendy word for the academics?

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Nov 7Edited
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Prolie, you really are an inarticulate arse wanking clown,


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"“Lawfare” is defined as “the use of legal action to cause problems for an opponent.” It is the illegitimate use of claimed legal authority to persecute and punish those who challenge power."

That is very correct Iain. Frédéric Bastiat called it Legal Plunder so we must always refer to Lawfare as an act of Legal Plunder

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Richard D. Hall could have simply ignored this nonsensical claim and watched from afar as the legal process ground on to its inevitable conclusion. But, being the smart guy that he is, he probably hoped that any publicity the case received would alert the general public to the reality behind the so-called Manchester bombing. So he chose to defend himself in court and thereby, as Iain Davis rightly states, wrongfooted the Establishment.

Maybe a few people are asking the right questions as a result of learning about this case? Maybe something has started that will only grow and grow? Time will tell.

Personally I would love to see Richard D. Hall return to exposing the many other lies being perpetrated on the people. But he has done his bit - more than done his bit I would say. So who could blame him if he now decides to call it a day?

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Nov 6
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the Prolie rhetoric is excruciating & soooo cliched!

'This fight (and others) will continue, no matter what.'

Go & have a nap Prolapse, no one wants you on their team.


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Nov 7
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I don't USUALLY read you comments all the way through, as they are predictable & infantile...& often full of lies & derangement.


I'm a sadist (when engaging on controlled ops platforms such as this) who enjoys watching maggots like you squirm about, hence why I know your psychodynamic inside out Sarahahah... I used to whip people like you (your dad &his chums etc) for payment when I was younger, so I know your self hatred & self destructive inclinations & why you have them. I also dealt with lots of politicians & power brokers, so comprehend the psychology & sodomy that made them what they are.

You are worthless scum in elitist fantasies, the sort of narcistic sociopaths that are unimaginative, uncreative & in thrall to Thanatos when not undergoing an Electra or Oedipus complex.


Thanatos is your god & guide.

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Superb. Thank you for your superb defence of journalism against lawfare. The judiciary are a necessary part of the encroaching totalitarian nightmare, and are happy to play their part.

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A travesty...a show trial..

Richard should bring a counter plaint against the BBC and Mariana Spring for harassment...and we should crowd fund it.

This is one of many places where we should and can resist the establishment, resist the manipulation of the law for political purposes.

I feel we must do this before the door of opportunity closes on us all.

Democracy is not at all perfect. It simply doesn't exist without freedom of speech and journalism. 17% of the voting population established this government. This makes a mockery of democracy. Effectively a vote of no confidence from the vast majority.

If we don't succeed in the courts..... I have some excellent, reasonably priced pitch forks for sale if anyone's interested 😁

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Nov 6
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Prolie will bring the torches!

Any excuse for a witch hunt.. is that a key ring torch you'll bring,

...or did you actually mis-spell the word 'touches' , which is more likely with your molesting & stalking inclinations.

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Nov 7
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Claim the case VOID I wrote ... and look what followed...🙄😂🤣😂

Thank goodness that useless old kunt of yours has long since died up & retired from action, the idea that you could have ever reproduced anything in your image or likeness is almost terrifying...

tROT ON Sarahahah,

you know what you are & why.

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A new verb has entered the lexicon: HIBBERTED=to be done-over by the state. I feel sorry for the gullible, attention and sympathy seeker who has shot himself in the foot and shortsightedly played his part to target and stain [steyn--geddit] the honourable Richard who has produced a monumental body of work investigating the cover-ups and suppression of free energy/over unity devices for the benefit of his fellow man [whomever or whatever gender, they have the protected freedom of whim to call themselves] including buffoons like Hibberk.

This stooge, who likes to take selfies on top of a mountain* with his chair pushing mates but hadn't exhibberted [geddit?] the same idea of taking a selfie with his gorgeous and precious daughter in a vip box at some tawdry teeny bopper gig;has produced nothing for his human cohorts apart from his narcissistic desire to get his mush in as many gutter rags masquerading as 'news' (but as news entertainment), to "inspire others"..(barf noble prat)

The miraculous victim deludes himself that his selfless cause, the case, he himself has brought about; his crusade against the stalking truth hounds that has given us the opportunity to "take no prisoners" (barf noble prat) to end the careers of those naughty bad men, who use frighty names as a substitute to bone breaking, when it is just an easy ride he willingly partakes in. A media personality with all the attributed shallowness of a Zlister.

Richard has produced rich, thoughtful material that we are thankful and truly grateful for. His place is secure in the akashic rolls of history. Hibbert has unconsciously and unwittingly [witless puppy ] afforded more people to recognise the state's characters of corruption. That is something positive we can benefit from at least

*pushing a fridge freezer to the top of a mountain linkhttps://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c8v3556pgpgo

Thank you Iain for your superb work.

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inhibberted might be more accurate eh?

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Nov 9
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thanks Protrue. fibbert is a good one too. his handlers desire is to shut down RDH's work so 'pro-hibberted' (sic, sick, sick). if fibberts and burn'em's plan to instigate 'eve's law' is successful, i hope everyone will insert: eve-that girl from the manchester arena-'s law. now there's the irony ho ho.

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Ole Dammegard on Staged Terror: Manchester, London & more


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Worth hearing Ole's take again now, thanks for the reminder!

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Ole is a phenomenon:).

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I suggest that what Ole says is taken with a very large "pinch" of salt.

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Right you are:).

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"After that I have been able to publicly predict, I think about four, international radio where I have pointed out the exact location and the most probable time. And many times, I hit spot on - bullseye. And another four, five, six, I 'don't know how many other ones also that I predicted and they come up."


BTW that is not my main reason for my pinch of salt post.

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Sure you aren't talking a kilo of salt here?:).

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Excellent extrapolation of the motives of the Establishment that lie behind all of these false flag events. In Australia, Port Arthur and the poor patsy, Martin Bryant = tougher gun laws; Lindt Chocolate Factory = tougher anti-terrorism laws; Bourke Street Mall = heightened surveillance networks, and I could go on and on.

If only the general public had the ability to step out of their (engineered) state of fear for one moment and see how each of these ‘events’ has, over a long period of time, stripped them of more of their freedoms, leading right up to the massive hoax/false flag that was Convid.

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"LONDON, Nov 8 (Reuters) - Two survivors of a bombing that killed 22 people at the close of an Ariana Grande concert seven years ago were on Friday awarded 45,000 pounds ($58,212) in damages after successfully suing a conspiracy theorist who claimed the attack was staged"

I know Richard has put a lot of work on his house to make it more independent I hope he did something I suggested in an email to him and that was to sell his house four a pound to some one he trusts so that when they come for his assets the cupboard is bare.

They are passing lots of laws to restrict freedom but I do not think that means they are going to start arresting lots of people for breaking these laws. They could if they wish come after Iain for what he has published but they wont. It has always been possible for the state to target any individual for supposed

breach of some law . Nothing has changed . They are already restricting much more alternate information on youtube . All actions have consequences sometime they have unintended consequences. The Lockdown was a form of extreme austerity that was required to delay the bank crash before central bank digital currency is ready. But a lot of people having worked from home or not worked have reevaluated there lives and do not want to return to the old way.

Peoples viewing habits are changing no longer TV and newspapers they are trying to publish on line

but once people start looking outside the established media you can not stop them no matter what scary new laws you invent.

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thank for your service to truth and support of Richard Hall, a truly principled and courageous man.

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Convincingly put. Thanks.

Disturbingly, currently there appear to be orchestrated and concerted efforts worldwide to implement online harms control legislation in as many Developed territories as possible. This just happens to be the UK’s current flavour.

So I am drawn to agreeing with your analysis that it was the State, not the Hibberts, that initiated this action against Hall for the deeper reasons you have highlighted, especially enfolding emerging citizen journalism into the control matrix through judicial precedent.

If true, it’s a clever strategy, and you are a clever man for seeing it.

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Quite fascinating to see how mentioning a certain lady scientist never fails to compel those with a tentative grasp on reality, to mindless drivel.

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I can only find references in the transcript to John Barr's video. Did RDH (or you) ever review and comment upon the circa 10 seconds of video footage of the foyer (from a different camera angle) that BBC broadcast (but masked out a lot) in a documentary in circa May 2018?

It is just after the 37:30 mark. Below is a link to the BBC documentary (not very good quality):


There may be better quality versions available but the BBC must hold a better quality version that is unredacted

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Another spot on article Iain. Having worked in housing I've been involved in a few Protection from Harassment cases. The thing that struck me about this case is that at the very worse there was one incident of harassment but zero evidence of sustained harassment. On that basis alone the decision is surely challengeable and unlikely to be upheld.

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