Hard to believe many are being sucked into this scam during the wettest, most overcast July I can remember, but there you go. Can't forget that many of these people also believed they were infected with a virus without having any symptoms of being infected with said virus, banged saucepans on the doorstep on a Thursday night for the NHS "heroes" or followed a one way system in Tesco to preserve life.

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It is the same people. You would have thought, after the Covid-scam, more would be cottoning on to the climate scam. It is clearly being run in exactly the same way. Perhaps they will. We live in hope.

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“During the previous Labour government, Tony Blair and Gordon Brown were ardent Zionists because they accepted the justice of Israel’s cause, not because Labour’s chief fund-raisers were first the Jew Michael Levy and then the Jew Jonathan Mendelsohn (both are now members of the House of Lords). And during the current Conservative government, David Cameron, Theresa May and Boris Johnson have been ardent Zionists because they too accept the justice of Israel’s cause, not because the Conservatives’ chief fund-raisers have been first the Jew Sir Mick Davis and then the Jew Sir Ehud Sheleg.”


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PROTOCOLS OF THE MEETINGS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION . . . Protocol X – Preparing for Power . . . (((SARS-CoV2)))

❝. . . utterly exhaust humanity with dissention, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by the inoculation of diseases. by want, so that the “Goyim” see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and in all else.❞


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Sieg heil

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Fight your own wars, you kikesucking Zionist ass-whore . . .


❝We must be in a position to respond to every act of opposition by war with the neighbors of that country which dares to oppose us: but if these neighbors should also venture to stand collectively together against us, then we must offer resistance by a universal war.❞


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Mein Fuhrer

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Fight your own wars, you kikesucking Zionist ass-whore . . .


❝We must be in a position to respond to every act of opposition by war with the neighbors of that country which dares to oppose us: but if these neighbors should also venture to stand collectively together against us, then we must offer resistance by a universal war.❞


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Then, Ms Spangle realised that she was actually jewish herself but powerless & constipated with rage.

Like some furious typing turd, she flushed herself along the sewers of social media raving away. Some of her links were very valid & worth considering, some were deliberately erroneous to discredit certain factors.

Almost no-one perused her links though, due to her rancid persona and lack of even rudimentary social skills. Many decent & reasonable people were so turned off by Spangles bum-dribbling agitation that they instantly dismissed the important & horrid truth of 'ancestrally elite 'jewish' meddling.

Spangle's role seems to be as an evasion tool rather than an 'un-veiler'.

Spangle stared intensely into her warped mirror, a bright light above & behind her bleaching out her vision until only tiny pin pricks of reflected light danced in the air she once occupied.

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Fight your own wars, you kikesucking Zionist ass-whore . . .


❝We must be in a position to respond to every act of opposition by war with the neighbors of that country which dares to oppose us: but if these neighbors should also venture to stand collectively together against us, then we must offer resistance by a universal war.❞


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Spangle the mangled is a Nazi chat-bot without a personality- just vast reservoirs of hatred and self loathing Spangle has to project into the world until we are all exhaused by Spangles moronic mutterings.

Here Spangle submits more cut-&-paste propaganda from a source that can be easily refuted - though its contents do have some validity.

Spangle is actually in awe & envy of the oppressors & wants to promote them above all else!! That is Spangles REAL MISSION- promoting the oppression & hyping the powerbase onto the public.

Spangle had an opportunity to debate & discuss this but is actually a slobbering retard , who has to bumwank itself into action and can only utter expletives while doing so.

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Fight your own wars, you kikesucking Zionist ass-whore . . .


❝We must be in a position to respond to every act of opposition by war with the neighbors of that country which dares to oppose us: but if these neighbors should also venture to stand collectively together against us, then we must offer resistance by a universal war.❞


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spot on!

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...hi Rick, i listened to ur podcast with Jesse Smith of Truth Unmuted, any word from him recently?...

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Hi Gerry, he's doing well, I haven't been able to talk with him on air for some time due to time zones and a changed shift time for me.

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...thanks, Rick ...i only saw ur reply by chance, i only seem to get the odd notification...glad he's ok...these days one never knows...take care urself!...

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The planet is more than Just the UK, old boy. Heatwaves in Europe, North Africa, South-East Asia in April-May, China, Korea, Japan, the USA rather outweigh Old Blighty.

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Is there any way 'the powers that be' can manipulate the weather in any way? Maybe the military scientists have come up with something that could make it hotter in one place by removing cloud cover? That might make it cloudier and wetter somewhere else as the hot air pushes rain towards Britain, for example.

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I know of none such, but we do know that T.H.E.Y have worked on 'weather modification'. The situation appears to have been caused by the disruption of the jet-streams, caused by a change in the temperature gradient between the rapidly warming higher latitudes and the lower latitudes.

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do some research- what the hell are atmospheric aerosols- they are changing the weather everyday!

Weather manipulation has existed for millennia, from the 1950s it became an epidemic.

Also, ORGONE can be manipulated- via cloud bursting/generation.

Kate Bush even did well known single about it.

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You're cum drunk.

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Clarence , you can't help yourself can you ?!


Here you let your homoerotic inclinations & terminal scatology overwhelm your sensibilities, and you've begun fantasizing about folk drunk on cum- is that what happens to you after your park lurking habits ?

What a crazy little fruit you really are Clarence !


Thanatos is waiting for you to sling your hook again.

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Maybe the 21st century should be labelled the Century of Lies?

Since 9/11/2001, when I stood in my pyjamas, berating the tell-lie-vision for falsely and repeatedly talking nonsense about middle eastern guys with box cutters (aka Stanley knives) flying faked aircraft into two asbestos hazards in NYC, the only thing accurate in the media has been the date and time. Everything else was up for distortion.

If there were prizes for lies, the BBC and the Guardian would be vying for the top spot and I dare say they can attribute their financial solvency to income from Bill Gates or the alphabetti agencies who write all their copy.

Their Climate Change hysteria has been relentless and opportunistic. Anything except accurate.

Bless 'em. They are obviously the kind of folk who phone up the CIA or MI6 to direct and approve their selections at the office coffee machine. They must meltdown when they have to decide whether or not to carry a brolly to work.

If I worked for either of those propagandist organisations I would never admit it..... would you?

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I'd never work for them for fear that "my intestines would crawl up my windpipe and throttle my brain" - [Douglas Adams]

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The only things that are boiling are our tempers at being snookered again by charlatans and possibly the parts of the South Pacific above the Hunga Tonga volcano.

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Guterres' comment was moronic, and gave ammunition to denialists, almost as if he intended so. At the current rate of greenhouse emissions it will take about four hundred years before the oceans boil. However, if you count massive emissions of methane from submarine clathrates as 'boiling', that will come MUCH sooner.

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Aug 7, 2023Liked by Iain Davis

CO2 is at 400 parts per million

or 4 parts per 10,000

or 1 part per 2500.

or 0.04%

or not very significant.

Is it a distraction?

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"Climate change alarm is a death cult, not an exercise in intellectual honesty."

The same could've been said of the scamdemic.

No wonder, brazen shameless grubbies keep going back to the same well as they're confident state-run media commentators will gain public acceptance for another pseudo/science scheme.

Obviously, it's too soon to rollout another scamdemic so the manufacturered "crisis du jour" is climate change.

I'm surprised, Eric Adams hasn't displayed a slew of ambulances picking up the overheated dead, or images of Potter's Field where coffins are being left as they're the only place available to bury the victims of climate change. I guess, Adams is too busy dealing with the migrant crisis. He might need to use those cemetaries as camp sites for homeless wayfarers.😁

Nonetheless, until the lobotomized public either stops listening to mainstream media news, or develops critical thinking skills avarice ghouls will continue to pull sadistic stunts until they've managed to herd most of the population indoors eager to be jabbed with the latest mRNA concoction.

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Tell THAT to the people in Maui.

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And your point?

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The EVIDENCE from reality. That must be recognised and acknowledged. The Mauians have never seen the likes of the weather conditions, like so many others. Ignoring it will not make it go away.

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Here's a thought, no one knows what caused the fire in Maui, however, it accelerated because of the 65 mph winds. If one was really cynical, they might think the circumstances surrounding that fire is very suspicious, especially since it ultimately plays into the climate change narrative so very well. Just like the bizzaro fires in Canada, or the spontaneous conflagrations which occurred in California.

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Now you are just being paranoid. The winds were crucial, but they get high winds in Hawaii all the time, but no fire-storm. It was the climate conditions, ie prolonged low rainfall and, hence, dessicated plant fuel, that was the greatest factor, I would say. As I've said to other denialists, but, of course, it makes no difference, fire ignition (short of a nuclear blast) makes no difference to SUBSEQUENT fire behaviour ie its intensity and spread. That is down to climate conditions, ie the effects of drought, or previous wetness causing excessive fuel growth and weather ie temperatures, humidity, wind speed, direction and variability, and, otherwise, topography, presence of fire-fighting personnel and equipment, fuel load, and hazard reduction or accumulation due to poor preventative practises. NOT 'Green arsonists'-that is Cloud Cuckoo Land.

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The climate change/sustainability hoax is potentially a multi-trillion dollar transfer of wealth to the usual billionaires. In addition, it'll give these megalomaniacs the pretext to oppressively social engineer the entire Earth's population.

To say something is paranoid is like calling it a "conspiracy theory." Both terms are dismissive, as they delegitimatize a valid notion while providing cover for some very dubious creatures.

I think the scum "manipulating" the climate change movement will do anything to advance their agenda irregardless of the resulting collateral damage.

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You obviously have not viewed any videos on the laser beam from the sky that set the island alight?

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so you cant tell what is CGI & what is real ?

They don't need to make much effort to convince idiots do they ?

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I thought the use of scrapyard cars with no licence plates & big 'X's sprayed on them was a so obvious that the rest of the narrative was also obviously without much foundation.

D.E.Ws Judy Wood, fair Dues, RealEstate Duty; what is the common theme here? Clarence need not respond! lol

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Fight your own wars, you kikesucking Zionist ass-whore . . .


❝We must be in a position to respond to every act of opposition by war with the neighbors of that country which dares to oppose us: but if these neighbors should also venture to stand collectively together against us, then we must offer resistance by a universal war.❞


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tROT ON Clarence, the have a gallop for at least 10 miles,

Thanatos is waiting with eager tentacles!

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Aug 7, 2023Liked by Iain Davis

The propaganda techniques are very convincing. People were putting ventilators on when it was 30C / 86F. And they were sweating! If you believe it's hot, you really do sweat! Who'd have thought.

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Why is it suddenly so damn hot?

Earth's thermosphere reaches highest temperature in 20 years after being bombarded by solar storms.

The atmospheric temperature spike, which was caused by successive geomagnetic storms, suggests the "solar maximum" is fast approaching.


Solar Maximum Could Hit Us Harder and Sooner Than We Thought.

The sun is quickly approaching a major peak in solar activity. Experts warn it could potentially begin by the end of 2023, years before initial predictions suggested.


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In The Netherlands it's a very mild summer. Outdoor water temperatures measured with a mercury thermometer are at just 19C / 66F. Much lower than I remember for August.

Where do you live, that it's actually damn hot?

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I live in Florida. I never use CNN as a reliable source of info, but the southern states of the USA have been experiencing a summer heat wave.


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Try China, Korea, Japan, Iraq, southern Europe, the southern USA, northern Mexico, and Chile and Argentina IN WINTER, for a start.

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Mulga Mumble, Masonic nark ?

and you have been to all these places simultaneously to verify your deranged assertions here? 🙄😂🤣😂

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Fight your own wars, you kikesucking Zionist ass-whore . . .


❝We must be in a position to respond to every act of opposition by war with the neighbors of that country which dares to oppose us: but if these neighbors should also venture to stand collectively together against us, then we must offer resistance by a universal war.❞


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Here goes applying what I've leart today!

Spangler is an auto bot.

No content, no intellect no hope loser.

His anal rage is terminal & tumorous.

tROT ON Clarence in deeds & thoughts.

“Who shall sing me into the death-sleep sling me” ,

go on Spangler , sling your hook

You are Thanatos' squealing , squawking sewer sucker

suck hard until your teeth drop out

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The atmospheric 'climate change' has been confounded with a mental climate change.

Many folks mental state is boiling, while the weather is actually quite mild.

The new climate change demands a lack of humor, depth of though and critical aesthetic.

In this new climate everyone should get triggered and incensed at any signs of individuality, confrontation over official narratives, and emotive displays- ie anything too human or humane.

To suggest Miss Information Marianna Spring, Dog Gobbler $Gates, Feltcher Fauci or bumwanker Klause have no genitalia and an extra arsehole instead is no-longer funny, and is instead deeply offensive to all the lemmings waiting to leap into the future, with their bags of indignation & cultural hubris.

Virtue signaling is now a must, as is asphyxiation from the SPECTACLE, its all a sado-masochist dream.

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Fight your own wars, you kikesucking Zionist ass-whore . . .


❝We must be in a position to respond to every act of opposition by war with the neighbors of that country which dares to oppose us: but if these neighbors should also venture to stand collectively together against us, then we must offer resistance by a universal war.❞


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Clarence - you seem really really fucked.

Please have a good break and evade social media.

Maybe a long walk on the moors would clear you head of all the malicious shit that lurks there.

I see some really obvious controlled op scum on the net, and you are near the bottom of the barrel. Did they castrate you when you got the job- or have you always been a squealing , pathetic , social-bitch with no balls & a lack of substance ?

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Fight your own wars, you kikesucking Zionist ass-whore . . .


❝We must be in a position to respond to every act of opposition by war with the neighbors of that country which dares to oppose us: but if these neighbors should also venture to stand collectively together against us, then we must offer resistance by a universal war.❞


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Spangler is really really fucked.

What an embarrassment to the human race

What a slag for intel

a lump of shit that just won't properly combust.

Flame ON Spangle !

Thanatos is ready !

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The Lone Genius, a denialist perennial.

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I wrote to the Met office in the Uk over a strange atmospheric event witnessed by many people in London-

They were utterly clueless and photographically inept (i'm a trained & highly qualified photographer)-

they don't even have someone looking out of the WINDOW- it is all just data wank.

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Who does Clarence think he is?

Johnny Storm? Part of the fantastic Four?

Flame on Spangler

Thanatos is ready

lets see how bright you can burn

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Mmm a mumbler mumbles.

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What I am saying, Jack, is that ONE 'exposer', who does NOT receive adulation from relieved, if embarrassed, climate scientists, does not a summer make. If you believe he is correct, then you must posit, implicitly, a 'vast conspiracy' by THOUSANDS of climate scientists not acknowledging his work. That defies common sense.

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What I am saying Mumbler. Go and see his paper and read it and you can argue his physics on his website and he will show you why. It's far better than offering nothing. It only takes one genius to destroy BS with empirical facts. Heard of Feynman? https://edberry.com/climate-2/scientific-method/

As was said. Forgotten were the elementary rules of logic, that extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence and that what can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence. - Christopher Hitchens.

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When is your great, lone, genius going to expose disappearing montane glaciers, worldwide, disappearing Arctic Sea Ice, disappearing Antarctic sea ice, melting, and exploding, permafrost, record global average temperatures, multiple heat-waves across the Northern Hemisphere, the derangement of the jetstreams, the current massive coral bleaching in the Caribbean, the megafires in Greece, Canada, Maui etc, the Biblical deluges, the rapid changes in phenological indicators, the deaths of kelp forest, sea-grass meadows, mangroves etc and myriad other indicators of rapid climate destabilisation, as 'frauds'? Are you REALLY convinced that NOTHING untoward is occurring on this planet?

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Your infantile ad Hominem does not deserve any further response or comment.

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The only hockey stick graph that is accurate is microwave pollution from 1990's until present. Substitute 'climate change' for 'electromagnetic change' and all the fear mongering becomes justified.

Microwave pollution is linked to ecological devastation (collapsing insect, bird populations etc) as well as mental health (anxiety, brain fog, depression etc) and 'covid'/ 'long covid' (chronic fatigue, flu like symptoms, rashes, nervous system disorders, heart palpitations, blood coagulation etc).

The best way to cover up a health/ environmental crisis is with a fake health/ environmental crisis.

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There is MORE than one ecological crisis. There is NO rational reason that microwave pollution and anthropogenic climate destabilisation, and agrichemical pollution, other chemical pollutions etc cannot be occurring at the same time. And there are numerous hockey-sticks, all indicating exponential damage to ecosystems and exponential exploitation of resources etc.

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I agree. I am not trying to downplay other pollutants. But of all the industrial pollutants microwave radiation in the most destructive and harmful, and yet it is deemed the most safe. In fact it's officially treated as a non issue.

On the other end of the spectrum we have carbon dioxide which is food for plants, a trace gas and not even a driving factor for temperature / climate which has never been as stable as it has over the last 10,000 years anyway (we are well overdue a large shift in climate). And yet CO2 is labelled the enemy of all life on Earth.

The truth is 180 degrees from the propaganda. Same goes for viruses (harmless cellular debris) and vaccines (toxic destroyers of health). Everywhere you look the narrative has been flipped on its head.

Habitat loss, pesticides and other industrial pollutants are certainly having a negative impact, but they do not come close to the impact of microwave pollution which is the main factor in the annihilation of insects and birds that we've seen over the last few decades. As more infrastructure gets deployed we are now seeing larger birds dying, often dropping en masse out of the sky in cities and around cell towers.

Here is an example. Vultures dropping dead right out of the skies. The news report (including the environmental officer investigating the incident) supply the viewer with several red herrings (poisoning, bird flu etc) while ignoring the fact that the vultures all dropped dead within site of a cell tower with what looks like a recent upgrade (the new electrical sheds at its base). The cell tower can be glimpsed at 1min 14 secs. It must have been included in the final edit by accident. The report itself fails to mention the cell tower at all!


The report literally suggests the flu caused the birds to die in mid flight (!) and fall out the sky creating divots in the ground... all coincidentally within site of the cell tower. This kind of ludicrous cover story is necessary because just reporting the bare facts (the radiation from cell towers is toxic enough to kill vultures flying within a few hundred metres) is enough on its own to threaten the future of wireless infrastructure and the wireless industry (and therefore smart homes, smart cities, IoT ..... all of it). These dead birds are literally the canaries in the coal mine telling us this technology must be abandoned immediately, like asbestos and radioactive face cream (yes that was an actual product).

In the UK they are putting up notices (and sending letters to residents) warning of bird flu outbreaks in the same areas where new 5G towers are being deployed. All of this proves knowledge of how toxic this technology really is, and a deliberate attempt to shift the blame for the resulting ecological/ health disaster from microwaves to 'viruses'.

You don't see such pro active (and desperate) damage limitation for other industrial pollutants because nothing is as toxic or as prevalent as microwaves. And the hockey stick graph for microwave pollution is more extreme than for any other industrial pollutant. 5G is the equivalent of 297G in terms of the amount of new frequencies being emitted by the infrastructure. It is a quantum leap in terms of pollution. It is no longer in the realm of mere 'pollution' ... it's closer to terraforming.

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CO2 is ESSENTIAL, as greenhouse gas, to keeping the Earth habitably warm. It is 'plant food' but only up to a certain point, and only if other factors ie water availability, temperature, pest infestations, winds,. humidity etc, are propitious. In a warming Earth all those are no longer guaranteed to be beneficial for plants.

The Holocene, which lasted ten thousand years, is officially over, since 2019, replaced by the Anthropocene, the era of Man. Next stop the Thanatocene, coming soon. The Holocene climate stability is over, too, as all the evidence from reality SCREAMS.

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I agree that the focus on climate is being exploited to introduce some heinous shit, and also to excuse and distract from some heinous shit (Maui being the perfect example - climate change! Er, no laziness and poor management of critical infrastructure)


Don’t chuck the baby out with the bath water. Mass extinction, dramatic loss of habitat, toxification and pollution of the entire food chain and air supply are all very fucking real. Our profit at all costs locust of a system is hurtling us towards some heinous shit. That will make the heinous shit that is being sold as solution to what may or may not be a warming planet (the ice cap thing doesn’t feature in your piece, unless i’ve been a lazy reader, which is possible) look like a fucking cake walk.

Maybe you address this elsewhere....?

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Is it time for the UN Secretary General to resign or is it a wise man to keep ?


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...hi Iain...thanks for the link to the article on Synthetic Hegemonic Currency...i wouldn't say that its that long an article but The Encyclopedia Britanica will present far less of an imposition by the time i've finished it...where is the BIS' Unified Ledger in all of this?...hope ur keeping well Iain!...

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The IPCC "Reports" are very explicit in stating financial figures. This entire fraud is just more governance and redistribution of wealth. This is why the "solution" is to cost trillions. This is stated in IPCC reports. Legacy media and the likes of Greta then regurgitate and circulate these talking points, policies like the useful idiots they are.

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I was born in Victoria, British Columbia. Forest fires have been with us all my life.

just another scam, created to suck money from the commoners to the banksters

it's hard to believe people actually fall for the many lies from the powers that ought not to be

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We are getting flooded with climate change propaganda this summer. Some theorize that the recent wildfires are caused by directed energy weapons. The excellent researcher James Perloff said, "some recent events have clearly been abnormal, such as the Santa Rosa, California fire of 2017, and the Paradise, California fire of 2018, which disintegrated entire houses, even melting their granite countertops, but did not burn the trees outside the houses, as any 'forest fire' should do." His whole article is outstanding: "'Eat Ze Bugs'—Climate Change and the War against Humanity" at https://jamesperloff.net/eat-ze-bugs-climate-change-and-the-war-against-humanity/. Just search for "Paradise, California" to go directly to the astonishing video.

Michael Knowles of the Daily Wire has shown the extremely implausible levels of orange "smoke" this summer in New York City, supposedly from the Canadian wildfires hundreds of miles away: "NYC Millennials Worship at the Altar of Climate Change" https://youtu.be/0ClGUaDEnqc . Here's an article from Naomi Wolf about the same "smoke": "Apocalypse Lunchtime" https://naomiwolf.substack.com/p/apocalypse-lunchtime . God bless you and your loved ones, and may He guide us into all truth, virtue, and charity.

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wildfire footage = mostly CGI

DEW is another bogeyman-

Judy Woods work is dubious and hard to entirely trust-However, I dont simply dismiss it.

I'm not denying they exist or can be effective- just they are being hyped more than their deployment on one hand- while utterly denied when used on the other!

For example they had KIRLEAN senors in airports in the 1960's/70's - yet no one seems to have ever mentioned this fact? While when I was young everyone know about the WOODPECKER from USSR.

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Fight your own wars, you kikesucking Zionist ass-whore . . .


❝We must be in a position to respond to every act of opposition by war with the neighbors of that country which dares to oppose us: but if these neighbors should also venture to stand collectively together against us, then we must offer resistance by a universal war.❞


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The catalyst is still a mystery as far as I know.

There certainly was a lot of CGI and obviously 'scrap yard vehicles' used in the footage.

Judy Wood is a plant who seems to be promoted by other plants..

A lot of real; estate issues are involved.

Surprised that none of Iains readers commented on the Kirlean/Orgon & woodpecker points you raised. Either they are mostly dumbshit plants as well, too young to do research, or too disrespectful to care?

A lot of the technology involves pressure differentials, and a study of such would make most informed persons question the text books on these matters , especially about how the climate works and how erroneous many of the textbooks are on basic states & the mysteries of sublimation.

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Fight your own wars, you kikesucking Zionist ass-whore . . .


❝We must be in a position to respond to every act of opposition by war with the neighbors of that country which dares to oppose us: but if these neighbors should also venture to stand collectively together against us, then we must offer resistance by a universal war.❞


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Here goes applying what I've leart today!

Spangler is an auto bot.

No content, no intellect no hope loser.

His anal rage is terminal & tumorous.

tROT ON Clarence in deeds & thoughts.

“Who shall sing me into the death-sleep sling me” ,

go on Spangler , sling your hook

You are Thanatos' squealing , squawking sewer sucker

suck hard until your teeth drop out of your rash blistered ass.

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Clarence ,

why bother ?

Youre life is obviously pointless- just like all on-line hate mongers such as 77brigade , and the other castrated squealers & squawkers.

Your comments are inane hate-filled eruptions of pure anal rage.

No-one cares what you write, what you think, or what you do to yourself in the lonely hours of the night when the only solace you can find is by trying to suck the crap from that perpetually dribbling scabby ass of yours.

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Fight your own wars, you kikesucking Zionist ass-whore . . .


❝We must be in a position to respond to every act of opposition by war with the neighbors of that country which dares to oppose us: but if these neighbors should also venture to stand collectively together against us, then we must offer resistance by a universal war.❞


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Here goes applying what I've leart today!

Spangler is an auto bot.

No content, no intellect no hope loser.

His anal rage is terminal & tumorous.

tROT ON Clarence in deeds & thoughts.

“Who shall sing me into the death-sleep sling me” ,

go on Spangler , sling your hook

You are Thanatos' squealing , squawking sewer sucker

suck hard until your teeth crumble like tombstones in a swamp.

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