What do we call "Them"? Elitists, plutocrats, farmers? Or a group of super rich unlikable nerds who have never come to terms with the limits of their flesh and mortality?

And here's the rub: They may be 'farming' us, but only digitally. It's virtual farming. Not real. The end of their influence is as close as the power switch. That includes their ever-inflating fake fiat bank-credit debt-bubble money supply. It can simply be turned off. Or ignored. And will be as soon as They fail to maintain the illusion that it is serving us.

Sooner or later the world of muscle, stomachs and dirt will reassert itself and the Nerds' digital empires will shrink into digital clubs. The real world moves on driven by needs, instincts and common-sensibility the Super Rich Nerds cannot control.

Or so it seems to me.

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Nov 1, 2022Liked by Iain Davis


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Nov 1, 2022Liked by Iain Davis


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Finally! You have arrived! What took you so long? xx

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I love your work Iain. I have your book (phew) and watch as many interviews with you as I can. This is gonna be great!

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Iain? BIg fan, of UKCN, C20W, Patrick, Alex, Brian et al. You absolutely belong on substack. I read hundreds per day/week.. I just posted this hashrag type rant on FB to encourage or intrigue anyone you read the C21 link. This is long but please grasp the nuances. Our governments are trying to kill and / or enslave us This happening to us right now. We will be economically be starved, frozen, constrained and confined completely before too long and it will be voluntary. We have been propagandised (GOVERNMENT BBC ITV SKY = ALL MEDIA?) and manipulated into a traumatised raped and abused compliant trance for 3 years by the behavioural scientists while they contemplate instant annihilation via the Covid depopulation scam, injury denying, autoimmune sabotaging, immune system decimating killing machine, NATO / UK / Ukraine WW111 nuclear game of chicken going wrong/ right. OR, play a longer game? 2025?, 2030, 2050? Net Zero Lemming Suicide ND Pain for us in any event. ALL BY DESIGN. BUILD BACK BETTER. https://21stcenturywire.com/2022/11/01/will-sunaks-big-bang-bust-britain/

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Identifying the exact ways in which these people are planning to exploit everyone is likely not possible but definitely not necessary.

I believe there is a simple way to escape from this process and that is to copy their methodology:

The creation of organisations whose actual activities differ from stated objectives while superficially resembling them.

Whose proposed goals appear benevolent or at least benign to a casual observer.

The formation of secret groups who will protect eachother from harm due to mutual interests.

The acquisition of strategic resources including land, knowledge and equipment.

The development of an education program that pre-emptively counters enemy propaganda, and instills desired qualities into future generations.

With this it would be possible to, for instance, avoid vaccine mandates. How? If the nurse who administers the vaccine is someone you know, they can accidentally miss your arm with the syringe and then accidentally record you as having received it. Oops, we are all very incompetent too.

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Landed here from your blog. Excellent and concise rant. I'm subbed.

[BTW signed up but can't get your psuedopandemic book off your blog. Any other options?]

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Everything you never wanted to know about CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency) and Digital ID and Social Credit Scores:


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Caution...being an anti-NATO shill could be detrimental to your health and safety.

“…campaign to get anyone deviating from the NATO narrative about the Ukraine-Russia conflict declared an “information terrorist” and tried as a “war criminal”—or to be killed by Nazi hit squads.”

CCD Issues New Hitlist Against International Figures Seeking a Peaceful End to Ukraine Crisis

The notorious Center for Countering Disinformation (CCD), operating under Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s National Security and Defense Council, today posted on its website an expanded version of its hitlist against “Speakers Who Promote Narratives Consonant with Russian Propaganda.” The CCD first published a hitlist on July 14, 2022, as the first shot in its campaign to get anyone deviating from the NATO narrative about the Ukraine-Russia conflict declared an “information terrorist” and tried as a “war criminal”—or to be killed by Nazi hit squads. At least five of those fingered in the CCD’s first list were also found to be included in the fascist “Myrotvorets” list of enemies to be “liquidated,” two of them (Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche and Schiller Institute spokesman Harley Schlanger) explicitly on the basis of their having been singled out on the CCD hitlist.


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Hello, Iain, and welcome to rantville! LoL!

Well, actually rants are welcomed, without dominating the dialogue here. I'm enjoying being here too and have recently ranted in comments. Yes, cathartic. And then to do some yoga and meditation to restore equanimity in the face of a kind of craziness we used to read about. We are living history being made! OMG, so exciting. So interesting, in the Chinese curse sort of way, while keeping my peace of mind, one piece at a time.

Love the curve image, thank you.

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are we meant to be flat-earthers?

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I really enjoyed hearing you speak about your long-held feeling that people were keeping the truth from you. If it makes you feel any better, they probably didnt have much of a clue what was going on either! But as a big fan of your writing, I appreciate hearing things in which you reveal more of your humanness... Personally, I´m always curious about what makes the writers I admire tick, and so I hope you stick with the stream-of-consciousness thing, take risks, and experiment here!

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Welcome to Substack, Iain!!! You´re in the right place!

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