Eve Hibbert is obviously incapable of bringing any court action against Hall.. does EVE even exist as 'portrayed'/imagined by the media ... I doubt it, all the proof shows a 'virtual construct' of iffy collage images. She has no REAL history of interaction on social media, at all, all the profiles/accounts by her are rush job 'markers/tags' without substance.

I read all of Martini Hibberts social media crap ('X'/Fakebook etc) for the past few years, and there is no proof he does anything with EVE ever. They have NEVER been on holiday together judging from the images & posts he shares. there are no images of them together except the 'double' restaurant images (uncannily evaded from the defence questioning... like... why does Eve have make up on one & not the other yet they appear to be taken at approximately the same time?!)

However, while poor ghostly Eve is huddled indoors unsupervised feeding off the internet, Martini is off galivanting about doing all sorts of wonderful things for himself & his haunted looking missus.

At no time at all is EVE ever involved, nor makes a comment on Martinis sociopathic indulgences. You would think Martinis main priority is to enrich EVE's life, & let her share some of the wonderful experiences & opportunities Martin has been presented with.... Instead we see Martini is a cold blooded mercenary shit, who is so accustomed to lies & so addicted to 'infantile gratification' that he will readily play along with any state devised oppression strategies if it masturbates his ego enough , or allows him deeper 'access' to vulnerable people he can 'influence' ?

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Feckin hell Iain. The plot thickens eh? It really does sound more and more like a put up job by Marianna and friends.

Here's hoping the (horribly captured) judiciary see it the same way.

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Glad that Richard at least appears to have a competent defence barrister (unlike Lucy Letby). Those were good questions.

Seems it's looking more likely you were right and it was a put up job by Agent Slazenger & the Aunties. Clear that Hibbert's decision to have a go at Richard only occurs after he meets with the Slaz.

I concur with some of the other commenters - really good reportage, Iain. I do like these little series of yours. You should do more of them.

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I had to remember to breathe while reading this latest installment. The mounting suspense is palpable!

It does seem, so far, that the defence barrister has got Hibbert on the run. I got the impression that the more Martin spoke, under cross examination, the more holes appeared in his testimony.

The notion of "harm" being explored in the case is so nebulous as to be effectively meaningless, at least in any legal definition.

And a law that cannot be adequately defined can hardly be said to be a law at all.

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Brilliant summary as always, precise and to the point. Thanks.

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Thanks for writing this detailed description. I don't know if you were in court Iain taking notes or someone supplied you were the information.

Some good questions were asked confirming to a large extent that Mr Hibbert had not viewed or directly read Richards work . It will be interesting to read the full transcript when it is ready.

I would have liked direct questions have you read Richards book and Have you watched Richards Film.

A number of obvious contradictions were highlighted Like when Mr Hibbert new about the neighbours . When Mr Hibbert new about Richards visit he did not take action then or even contact Richard to make a complaint or ask for a retraction only much later after his meeting with Marianna Spring did he take action.

The normal lie about Richards fans pestering Mr Hibbert that he could not support.

More could of been made of Mr Hibbert disagreement with the Kerslake Report

No Examination of what alleged harm Mr Hibbert has suffered . Not financially or in the public with the media , charity , friends supporting him.

But I expect there is more in the full transcript

I look forward to part 4 this is getting a bit like the The Perils of Pauline. In the next episode will Pauline escape the train while tied to the tracks.

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Exceptional reportage and comment. Thank you.

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I am trying to find a story that was linked to on Aangrifan about Salman Abedi being arrested in Mexico and being put on trial but somehow being released probably as he was being used by the British Secret Service not that long before the night of the bang.

I came across a story that I did not know about. In the long line of incredible stories of Salman Abedi

Rivalling The Adventures of Baron Munchause


Abedi and his younger brother Hashem were among about 100 British citizens plucked from the coast of Libya and taken on the HMS Enterprise to Malta for a flight home to Britain in August 2014, the Mail reported.

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I note these fake bomb hoaxes never seem to happen at an AC/DC concert. Perhaps those would be too loud for the crowd to hear the bang:).

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In the spirit of Richplanet shouldn't this series be called, "The Bob Lazar Trial of Richard D. Hall"?

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Thanks Iain. Richard Hall’s counsel is doing a great job.

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Until we have the full transcript we wont know fully

They should have asked Mr Hibbert why he did not want the CCTV image that he says exists and shows him at the arena before the bang being shown as requested By Richard.

If they had asked the answer I expect would be that he was shown the image but is not in possession of the image and does not know why it is not being released.

They should have asked Mr Hibbert why he did not want the medical details from the night of the bang being shown as requested by Richard . The answer I expect would be he does not know why his legal team have not included this.

They could have asked Mr Hibbert why when he was in the VIP box or any time at the arena on a very special occasion he either took no photo's or has not shared those photo's

They could have asked Mr Hibbert about his many contradictory statements although this was partly covered in the summery judgment trial.

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Your reports are brilliant Iain. I am so grateful.

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I attended the first two days of the trial and can attest to the accuracy of this report, Hibberts came across as a very vile man indeed and Oakley did a great job of letting him prattle on revealing the extent to which he himself and his publicity hunger are the real cause of his daughters distress if real.

Thanks Iain

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If it was a staged event, what were they hoping to acchive?🤝

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CIA asked MI5 to stage an event and the man responsible a Libyan. This was an excuse to bomb the hell out of Libya.

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Thank you👍

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Getting into Libya...

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Incredible. Essentially he is nothing other than a state puppet, regardless of the truth of the Manchester Bombinb and his efforts only for forward to undermine the BBC and the legacy media.

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I thought that y'all would appreciate this whether you agree or disagree:


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(regarding his videos, not the one linked specifically)

The commentator at first seems intriguing , yet is obviously another 'entitled bore' after he makes a few value judgements showing his conceit & inexperience. Then he gets into being a moral elitist !

I agree with him about much of what he says tho, sadly he has such a damaged personality it undermines his assertions.

He also is 'esoterically' another moron with a demonization agenda... it's so much easier than actually trying to comprehend or even read esoteric works!

In summary , another attempt by a limited commentator to commit more time vampire twoddle into the datasphere.

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Yep. On the specific video linked, there may be more truth than falsehood. His other videos have the deficiencies that you mention - and others. Given the limited range of topics that he is selecting - post-1975/80s area - that was always going to be the case.

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His views on 'Punk' has some elements of validity then more conceit, projection, intolerance & evasion of the important dynamics that many of us found inspiring , informative & liberating.

Punk wasnt a style of music (although it has become that ) it was an ATTITUDE that deservers much credit for almost all the WOKE, AWAKENED, AWARE movements today.

to keep belittling it without making the benefits clear is disingenuous & malicious.

The problem he misses is the inherent corruptions of the MUSIC INDUSTRY, & instead he focuses on inevitable & often spurious relationships... which needs doing, but demonises everything by association if made in a lazy, uniformed way.

His content & delivery defeats independent thought.

Which is what he keeps doing with..'this is pretty evil, nasty etc'... but make up your own minds !'' spiel.

The Situationists gave an incredibly important & usually valid over-view on the magic

& mechanisms of media maya. The original 'Psychoanalysis movement' did the same

(YET both are far from perfect, & have certain agendas that need confronting & correcting), and BOTH are essential to comprehend ( by being aware of their key ideas ) & to decipher the modern world, if you wish to. Just dismissing & demonising both is idiotic & shows contempt & wilful ignorance... which is what his work is utterly ruined by.

He does the same with the pathetically demonised Crowley. If you read Crowleys earlier writings no decent individual would find anything to disagree with & instead would be impressed with his humour, insight, candor & skills. Later megalomania, drugs, dangerous Tantra & 'fame' perverted the man into a compulsive trixter ... & something of a puppet, that needs to be questioned & corrected when needed, yet he still had much of 'resonance' to say if you are informed about his subject matter & 'modes'.

He did explicitly tell his 'students/readers' to BELIEVE NOTHING & most of his work encourages individuality & experiment of personal validity... how unlike most modern 'gurus' on the internet.

Yet to dismiss one of the most influential personalities among this obvious 'Age of Horus' (the petulant child who thinks itself a god) would be a typical reveal of controlled ops,...usually of religious disposition..., steering us away from the meat of the matter & into the maze of sewers of modern 'alternative views'.

This fact is something I know you are aware of in some way, & substack is a minefield of these incredibly limited commentators with the 'evade Freud, Punk, Crowley, Blavatsky, Steiner, Situationists, Surrealists, even Buckminster Fuller etc' precisely because if you read their works they do make the chaos of this age far more comprehensible, & they are all far more articulate, erudite & candid than their distractors... even Miles Mathis is guilty of wilful evasion of their actual CONTENT, yet admits there seems to be opposing fractions among the ubiquitous espionage game board.

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Also, his discussion of fake terror/riots, versus staged events, versus completley real events, was limited (his recent Watson video I think it was).

Where that videographer was right (in my opinion) was on his criticism of Lauder-Frost and other "right-wing" groups in past videos and their intermingling with funding sources that are just against the current thing: But he was saying things that I agreed with because I'd ALREADY found them out from largely non-internet sources.

And his discussion of the phenomenon of "NPCs" was okay: I had to look up its meaning - "Non Playing Characters". Apparently, they are FOR the current legacy media thing: Trans, employment HR lawsuits, far right bogeyman, etc, etc. But, consequently, they have created a whole group of equally boring and tiresome characters who he dubs "Inverse NPCs" - they are AGAINST those things, and are trotted out to speak on legacy and alt outlets - think Laurence Fox, Calvin Robinson et al.

Yes substack is full of limited commentators - not just on social and culture topics but also money, finance and others. Part of it might be the "monetisation model of research and writing". A substack commentator may want more paid monthly/yearly subscribers. In order to get that, it is likely more profitable for them to produce new clean full-articles, rather than fully engage with commentators on past/current articles. There are lots who I've tried to engage with commentary and/or questions and probably 10-20 percent engage. That is a back-of-envelope statistic in the past two years. I suspect the statistics would be more depressing if done over the current 6 months.

There are also points on substack commentary where I have to stop, and get on with things in non-internet life - and I always feel better doing that.

This podcast - while far from perfect - is a break from recent topics - and suggest competing factions in tech-intelligence-surveillience-capitalism circles - Gates, WEF on one side, Thiel et al. on another:


Probably right or alt-right characters in the UK and US side with the latter (Thiel et al.) and centre-ists-leftists tend towards the former group (Gates etc.). Part of the message of the podcast is that either wing of the bird is leading us into a surveilliance-mark-of-the-beast transhumanist future - it's just that the Gates-WEF-lot is selling it (or being smeared as selling it) as a dystopia, and the Thiel-Musk lot not.

Iain Davis did the Sheepfarm podcast (interesting title!) recently: His next article is looking at the riots and includes a discussion of the zygote of Nick-Lowles-Hope-Not-Hate-Gerry-Gable-Seachlight-Magazine apparently. I hope that he will be quoting Notes From The Borderland magazine and others on the latter topic extensively, as they have been in the game for a lot longer than him.

T0mcahill is back doing videos on youtube which I was pleased about: His delivery is not always perfect but is always worth a listen, and he has been in the game of looking at controlled opposition and other agitators for a long time.

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It seems to me that anyone with more than a few hundred regular 'viewers/readers' is most likely 'planted'. I know that seems a meagre amount but I've been on-line for over 25 years now & seen how consolidated it has become.

I've mentioned it several times & so has my brother (Serge) that the best we can hope for usually is a 'decent' angle of view from either side of the ops, among their AGENDA.

I remember Serge writing (some common sense & some security facts) about the drone fiasco at Gatwick on the BBC YT comments , & getting 250+ likes & dozens of interactions in less than an hour- then suddenly it just stopped... not one single comment after ...ever again.. also no subscribers at all from it !

We were both into & involved with 'conspiracy issues' since the mid 80's, via AMOK,Compendium, Loompanics, (Tom) Vague, Lobster, Luther Blisset, Tom Bearden, Wilhelm Reich/ Trevor James Constable & later Apocalypse Culture (Parfrey ), the now neglected DeepBlackLies, mkzine(Ron Paton) & others.

So, all this modern waffle is like a sad xerox of stuff 40 years ago. If I now mention to take caution over Tom Bearden (who will be more popular due to SCALAR impingements being recognised) I get 'new fanatics' calling me names & saying what a sad life I must have ! 🙄😄

I've had enough of it, as you mention above , the internet is tiresome, boring & full of precious, entitled, horrible people- who think they are morally superior & anyone who disagrees with their truncated view is trying to upset (rather than inform) them. How many of those 'people' are actually paid to be antagonistic, or 'artificial constructs' doesn't matter, the lack of support among like-minded, well-meaning folk is despicable.


Cahill has always been bigoted about certain things, yet he does appear SINCERE & says things others would not dare to, so has my interest.

Davis is good on some topics but we know he is limited & crippled with his own prejudice. The fact he could waffle on with PETRA, EverLyin' Bumsick (what a psycho clown full of shit!) & that other dim bint, yet ignore VALID views is sickening, yet now unsurprising.

PJWatson was amusing at first , but he only plays one song & is such a dunce over false flags that he is now redundant as a valid commentator of the times (except maybe for a 'racist' view on immigration, that is worth considering despite/because of its obvious prejudice, yet also resonance with so many 'self proclaimed natives' 🙄😶).


Now, there is a rift between Dr Sam Bailey (smug, slurpy playschool actress -with some really important no-virus information) & hubby; Vs some disgruntled, untrustworthy poseur who is just as arrogant & aloof... both sides are controlled ops playing theatre to demoralise & confound the public.

Sam's side is handicap with the utterly risible Eric Crappolla & Steve 'Karaoke' Falconer, both primarily PERFORMERS, like Sam.

While the other side has Petra (we did land on the Moon 🙄😂🤣😂 ), 911 Revisionist (yawn, D(j)EWs can de-atomise bricks, thermite was never used bollocks, Jewdy Wood is untouchable, Andrew Johnson is a genius !!!) & Ricky Rants with Francis (Fear the Nukes) Loser & other shallow propagandists..... who can all say VALID things, while they lead everyone into a quagmire or over a precipice.

Reading the comments of either sides 'fans' is hilariously predictable & proves that there is absolutely no difference between either camps shallow & nepotistic inclinations. Both resort to dehumanisation tactics without a thought... or any awareness of hypocrisy.

This is a great signifier I think. Neither side wish us to be fully informed... as you say, they have to spin the yarn out for longevity. They NEVER WILL liberate our thinking, & instead generate a NEW DEPENDANCY on being spoon fed & steered. ''Its pretty fukin evil... but you can make your own minds up about it'' spiel.

Most of it now sounds like entitlement & perverse envy.


The greatest horror is the biggest voice of dissent is the religious fraction (UK Column, & lumped bores like (at random 'cos I just watched it) They Live Truth (what a ludicrous twat) .

Most opposition voices are now 'righteous/ moral elitists', yet indoctrinated religion is the first thing most of us 'grow out of'.

Bizarrely with all the information available, these fanatics quote the Bible as an ultimate TRUTH, yet seem unaware the original form of it had no VOWELS or sentence breaks!


Living in London for decades many of my close friends are Afro-Caribbean & what surprised me most is their attitude to capitalism, slavery & 'elitism'.

In candid moments (& not so) many of them were all for all 3, as long as they were the 'elite'. They do not hate the 'west' either (if more Afro than 'English' ) but see it as something to emulate, this is because their mindset is entirely different... when beaten they do not mope about it, but see it as an inspiration to achieve status by using 'new-tactics'.

This fact should give everyone a lot of food for thought, & requires the 'moral gurus' to seriously re-appraise their overviews.... it seems they are actually indoctrinating their audience to be fodder for future tyranny by the same people they claim to be liberating!

(apologies for the length of this, I'm about to retire from the net interactions & hope these missives are found by some future dynamic individuals, & may contribute towards some greater good!)

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Internet commentary being "consolidated" is well described. It is across many dimensions. Across seeming interactions and likes: if you don't have a lot of them you don't get the attention or commentary at all. Across topics: As you say, MANY of them are a REHASH of conspiracy-Icke-right-left-parpolitics-that was going on on paper in the 60s,70s,80s and very slowly transitioned to internet thereafter; now it is all internet. If you are 'lucky' to get commentary, the commentary is largely limited to 'go on son', 'nice one', 'shut up, Nick Lowles, Brendan Cox and their mates organisations are better', 'great article', 'you are going too close to the boundaries of conspiracy', etc.

On that last point, there is something VERY VERY 'OFF' or 'ODD' or 'STRANGE' with the commentaries and articles on substack and eleswhere on the internet: Rarely, will an author say things like "hadn't thought of that, I'll look into it and get back to you", "I don't agree because X, Y, Z", "I missed that point, but I agree", "that piece of research is fair enough, I've missed it, I don't know what to say about it, but it is noted, do you have any thoughts?' (e.g. Serge and the photos). Also, rarely, will commentators, within someone else's article say that or similar. Moreover, the people mentioned in the articles don't respond by saying 'I put that photo on the gofundme page, and it is different to all of the others because X, Y, Z, and those reasons are all plausible, and you're wrong'. Ok fine - that last group might not be reading the articles. The other points stand though. Rarely are old texts, word coding or gematria discussed. The lack of article bibliographies and/or referencing is truly dreadful - and MIGHT BE a partial cause of the rehashing of similar topics.

Compound all of the above with the monetisation model of article writing/research (see my previous post) and we have the insipid boring internet that we have today. Legacy media is no antedote: arguably it is as bad or worse.

How much of this is people or organisations being planted where THEY THEMSELVES KNOW that they must put on this stage-show and they are FULLY CONSCIOUS of the fact, and how much of it is people/organsations perfoming those very actions subconsciously without being fully cognizant of those aims or having that intent, I do not know. i.e. Deliberate agents vs assets acting in a way that coheres with a controller's intent without being aware that they are. I incline to the former view, but could not prove it at any great speed.

By looking at the criticisms that different sides make about the other helps, because they never reveal all themselves, but keeps pushing me to the view that each side is treating us to a performative acting, stageshow drama in the alt media world. One thing that did stick with me from that videographer is his question in one of them: HOW DO Delingpole, Sheepfarm, Joseph-Watson, UK Column and other prominent podcasters KNOW that this person or that person IS THE NEXT BIG THING TO INTERVIEW - all with monetized substacks, gofundmes, etc set up PRIOR to the interview? Also, HOW does the UK Column let certain people in as commentors (seemingly at the drop of a hat), yet others not so? cf. Ian Puddick, Debbie Evans, the late Guy Taylor; but not Cahill; and why did Malcom Massey fall out of the picture?

The religious faction may be making some criticisms of the 'other side' but the fact that they cannot recognise that the bible itself is open-source coding is short-sighted or ultra-defensive. And now, the fact that we can make new words from existing words by flipping vowels; or mean the same thing with two different words which are distinguished only by different vowels ought to make them think.

So the level of debate and discussion is really poor quality; it is difficult for one to improve one's writing, views, analysis, or actions (e.g. be helthier, make an alt health device, use one's time effectively, beat controlled opps once and for all) in these circumstances. Which is why, like you, I'll likely be stepping back from internet debate and discussion for the time being.


A few other brief thoughts for those who have similar views to these exchanges:

This internet consolidation is happening on other platforms too: c.2008-2015 or thereabouts IF a person had Facebook or Twitter they would post highly individualised hings about their life, or day, etc. That does not happen anymore, now they just post a fax of usually highly politicised news topics and similar, everyone else posts the same. This is a massive change. It is not connecting people, IT IS STANDARDIZING THEM.

PJW seems to be copying Alex Jones/Infowars view on terror events, which marks a change from how they used to analyse them - Mathis has pointed that out several times.

Tony Pantellaresco and Power of the Pulse (Rumble) would hopefully get you past the Sam Bailey and alternative health quagmire. The former's view on some cultural and political issues might not always be fully developed - but I do not listen to him for that - I just extrapolate health advice. Both will stop you getting into expensive alt health regiemes that you do not need. Power of the Pulse is now more simple, forthright and less exploratory, which is helpful. Practical alt health solutions are suggested by these people which one can implement at one's own risk.

Miles Mathis - I read but I do not always agree. One thing he was wrong about was the Canadian Trucker's strike being wholly genuine. AS ALWAYS, there were controlled opp elements at the head of those protests; of, course, that does not imply that they didn't also include average putners that were genuine and sincere in intent too - my point is, not ALL of them were. See Joachim Bartool for a response to Mathis, where he points out coding in the truckers logs, etc.

Mathis criticisms of Ole Dammegard are interesting. But I do not always think Mathis is right. And, there are things of significance that Dammegard says. I don't always agree with Dammegard, he does a far bit for free, but also runs quite a monetized website.

Dennis Fetcho illuminatusobservor.blogspot.com for a little more on coding - I don't always agree; he also podcasts on non-gematria and I do not always agree with that either. He podcasts less on coding: I remember that he did two series which were scattered on various bits of the internet about 6 years back - it was two series' of about 8 episodes as I remember.

I hope that these remarks will be of use to people who track back through these threads sometime in the future.

Bashed out quickly - so please tolerate the spelling and gramamr errors.

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