Mass migration and open borders is a Globalist policy, they want a one world government, a one world currency, a one world religion, and a one world citizenship with the end of nation states and sovereignty. Those who survive the recent depopulation agenda will all be culture-less, powerless global citizens, mass surveilled and controlle…
Mass migration and open borders is a Globalist policy, they want a one world government, a one world currency, a one world religion, and a one world citizenship with the end of nation states and sovereignty. Those who survive the recent depopulation agenda will all be culture-less, powerless global citizens, mass surveilled and controlled by the technocracy AI you speak of. Rudolph Steiner warned of this in the 1920s. The fact the migrants are powerless and dependent on their traffickers (Serco) for their survival is exactly the way the Globalist one world government wants them. They are not the Most powerless though, we are all powerless. Tri-lateral Kier with 20% of the vote is riding roughshod over us all. Labour use every minority they can get their claws into to control the majority. The useless eaters, elderly in care homes, are the most vulnerable, with the assisted dying bill being rushed through, the Midazolam murders during C19 will pale into insignificance. This is not far right, or racist, it's fact. I am shocked at how you have fallen into the left, right paradigm yourself and branded anyone complaining about Globalist policies as Far right or racist. We are trying to save humanity.
Mass migration and open borders is a Globalist policy, they want a one world government, a one world currency, a one world religion, and a one world citizenship with the end of nation states and sovereignty. Those who survive the recent depopulation agenda will all be culture-less, powerless global citizens, mass surveilled and controlled by the technocracy AI you speak of. Rudolph Steiner warned of this in the 1920s. The fact the migrants are powerless and dependent on their traffickers (Serco) for their survival is exactly the way the Globalist one world government wants them. They are not the Most powerless though, we are all powerless. Tri-lateral Kier with 20% of the vote is riding roughshod over us all. Labour use every minority they can get their claws into to control the majority. The useless eaters, elderly in care homes, are the most vulnerable, with the assisted dying bill being rushed through, the Midazolam murders during C19 will pale into insignificance. This is not far right, or racist, it's fact. I am shocked at how you have fallen into the left, right paradigm yourself and branded anyone complaining about Globalist policies as Far right or racist. We are trying to save humanity.