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The intentional, well-coordinated promotion, funding and facilitation of significant numbers of criminal elements from 150+ nations across the northern and southern borders of the U.S. is already producing some of the expected (desired) outcomes: importing mercenary, military-aged criminals from third world cultures to conduct infrastructure and societal disruption is already evident in multiple areas. While today it is Venezuelan gangs, it is a large cross-section of the "thug" class (who create chaos and fear) and those in more seasoned and practiced ranks (CCP representative troops well organized and dispersed throughout the nation) who have pre-planned their more tactical, targeted, multi-facted vectors upon from which they will focus their conquests. What matters is the rationale for U.S./U.N., NGOs of many stripes and creeds, IOM, Jewish Immigration and other heavily subsidized and affiliated agencies (like Catholic Charities) that are working in tandem to expedite, by pass and reward those who heed the invitation, follow the well-crafted maps, obtain the prized money and privileges visited upon them as they cross into a land rife with opportunity -- whether by force & domination, or by sheer ineptitude and purposeful surrender as the longed-for and well orchestrated fall of western civilization is accomplished. Western nations who are presently operating under the illusion of sovereignty will be neutered to enable to rise of the global technate so earnestly sought and so long planned and codified. Once electrical grid systems are disabled and the illusion of the "two-party" dialectical constructs have been destroyed, the unleashing of all manner of chaos and deprivation has taken its intended toll, economic and societal underpinnings destroyed and the clamor for a solution -- ANY solution -- has been raised en masse by those who survive the initial culling, whether from manipulated climate excesses, kinetic or electronic warfare, demoralization of the masses (psychological warfare) and the use of biological terrorist measures in concert with famine and desperation promoting dystopian conditions imposed, a heavy-handed, totalitarian globalist cabal and its many sycophants will happily surface to complete the selective culling of the undesirables (those resisting the inevitable) and to establish (or unveil preexisting) methods for control of every facet of every life, without exception (other than the privileged few who will leverage their considerable data, AI-assisted resources and access to and control of the world's resources to complete the electronic/biodigital panopticon for those deemed necessary for preservation as the new slave class/caste. The new transnational global governance, if established as contemplated, will be a culmination of secular and mystery religious alchemys -- the enthroning of evil and the attempted dissolution of any and all manner of good/God. This is a war from the creation forward that cannot end, in the end, as those aspiring and plotting intend, but instead must produce from the disruption and distraction, the disaster and the widespread fear and deprivation, the emmergence ofthe final unveiling of the true KING, LORD & all-powerful GOd -- the One who has restrined Himself for just such a time as this. WE who hope for that day and remain steadfast in our trust and faith in the unveiling instead of His eternal Kingdom and the destruction of the machinations and systems of mankind, especially of those who have been placed in temporal places of power to expedite the ultimate contrast between the light and the darkness will have their justice and those who have remained faithful to their LORD will receive theirs. This world is a shadow, a pretext, a matrix and the one that awaits us is far more genuine and tangible and trustworthy than the one that is rapidly decaying and vanishing into a lapse of moral, ethical and humanitarian degradation and the failed attainment of the wet dreams of those who have long sought to displace the eternal with their dark, faux replica that in the face of reality will fail and cease to exist except as a memory and reminder of the depravity if humankind apart from an indwelling Savior/LORD who replaces love of world for love of God.

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