The UK government yarn about the so-called 2018 Russian chemical weapons attack in the quiet Wiltshire city of Salisbury is one of the most ludicrous “state propaganda narratives” ever cobbled together.
Hmmm. I sat on that bench last year and worked through the logistics of the whole thing. I could have saved my time and just watched your video. Well summarised. You missed out the policeman who became 'ill' whilst searching the house tho ? his entire house had to be gutted i seem to recall ?
I was laughing out loud as I read the comments on the Daily Mail piece. PuppetMoatLegal is nailed on 77th. Either that or he's got a job application in with them. Pure comedy.
Leaving aside the idea the whole thing was fakery (there's far too much of that about these days), I would say the psychology behind the Skripal incident is clear and revealing, although it doesn't say much for the psychological maturity or self-control of the average Circus performer these days (no offence, if you're listening - take this with the usual mischievous pinch).
The timeline according to my wondrous old school espionage imagination goes something like this:
The two GRU men arrive in London and do a fair few things to get themselves noticed. Note, intriguingly, they were clearly allowed through customs to get here in the first place.
The next day they head down to Salisbury and wander around a bit, as tourists do. The most important part of their (superficially counter-surveillance) mission, however, is to wander about a few hundred yards distance from the Skripal (safe)house. After this, they head back to London and get on a plane back home.
MI6 take the bait, although it must've taken them at least 24 hours to mark the two GRU men (there's no evidence I'm aware of they surveilled them when in London - only at Salisbury). Obviously the third man (lol) responsible for the counter-surveillance clocks exactly when the Circus comes to town and wakes up, which is all s/he needs to know, at which point s/he returns to the Embassy (perhaps - other locations permitted) and sends the appropriate encrypted message back to Yasenevo.
Meanwhile, back in Moskva, the GRU's internal counter-espionage team have had full surveillance on a suspected British mole. The mole also takes the bait and swallows this tasty barium meal about two GRU guys on their way to Salisbury, nay, he veritably wolfs it down and makes contact with his Circus handler.
In other words, the entire GRU operation was a barium meal designed to flush out a SIS mole, using the GRU guys as a provocation. So what looks like a basic counter-surveillance test is, in fact, an excellently orchestrated provocation test.
It's probably only when the GRU men are back in Moskva that MI6 realise they've been well and truly beaten in this classic Russian counter-espionage trick, and their mole is compromised. So, rather than, in the manner of the old-fashioned sporting gentleman of the cold war, concede defeat and vow to get them back next time, this new breed of trapeze act decides that revenge is a dish best served on a doorknob. So they fabricate this absurd tale of hapless assassins and use it as further anti-Russian propaganda. Unfortunately, it seems to work, because the Great British Public know fuck all about espionage.
But then again, clearly most denizens of the House of Commons know fuck all about espionage either, judging by the gasps after the PM makes her statement. Theresa Mayhem somewhat gives the game away in that House of Horrors by publicly announcing the identification of the two men as GRU guys. How would they know this, one wonders, without an inside man? If that man had not been compromised, making a statement like this in the House would effectively tell the other side we have a mole (possibly with access to the personnel files). In which case that man is definitely compromised now.
All this would be fine, really (assuming the Russians didn't hurt the mole too much), if it weren't for the death of an innocent woman. I think, however, that we should perhaps treat that death as a separate incident and investigate it further, with regards to the potential involvement of the (allegedly) deceased with espionage. I think this is the more interesting angle. Then again, I haven't looked into it, but it's certainly not believable that 'two addict/tramps would rummage around in a bin for a little perfume bottle' - sounds like a cover story to me.
Great work Mr Davis ! This was certainly the shaggy dog story that kept on giving. (Maybe I blinked, but … ) As if there wasn’t enough non-sense to go ‘round, it seemed particularly impressive that although the official story was about poison on knobs, it was the house roof which was eventually replaced, a fact that was widely mainstream reported, including pictures. Further, the “magic garden” Yulia Skripal interview felt like a spooky hostage video. Surely no mistake? Did the same team film create the “Kate, alone on a bench” interview? What were those two Russian chaps actually up to? Where are the Skripals? So many unknowns.
This was one of your best videos, Iain! Made me laugh then and now! xx
Cheers Frances. It took up all of my time for weeks. I realised video editing wasn't very good use of my time for me. Glad you enjoyed it though.
Great Work, Iain!
Why is there a picture of Jeremy Corbyn put alongside Theresa May with both laughing?
It never made sense. Why would Russia use a rare toxin when they have many others that are more generic and widely used?
Same with the polonium poisoning before then.
If they really wanted to take someone out, they wouldn't be leaving their calling card 😂
Hmmm. I sat on that bench last year and worked through the logistics of the whole thing. I could have saved my time and just watched your video. Well summarised. You missed out the policeman who became 'ill' whilst searching the house tho ? his entire house had to be gutted i seem to recall ?
Whatever next? "Diner 'not 100%' after eating crispy duck at local Chinese."
I was laughing out loud as I read the comments on the Daily Mail piece. PuppetMoatLegal is nailed on 77th. Either that or he's got a job application in with them. Pure comedy.
Thanks for that video too Iain. Made me laugh. :)
On a more sombre note, I just hope that Sergei and Yulia are ok. Being disappeared by the Circus is not a laughing matter.
Leaving aside the idea the whole thing was fakery (there's far too much of that about these days), I would say the psychology behind the Skripal incident is clear and revealing, although it doesn't say much for the psychological maturity or self-control of the average Circus performer these days (no offence, if you're listening - take this with the usual mischievous pinch).
The timeline according to my wondrous old school espionage imagination goes something like this:
The two GRU men arrive in London and do a fair few things to get themselves noticed. Note, intriguingly, they were clearly allowed through customs to get here in the first place.
The next day they head down to Salisbury and wander around a bit, as tourists do. The most important part of their (superficially counter-surveillance) mission, however, is to wander about a few hundred yards distance from the Skripal (safe)house. After this, they head back to London and get on a plane back home.
MI6 take the bait, although it must've taken them at least 24 hours to mark the two GRU men (there's no evidence I'm aware of they surveilled them when in London - only at Salisbury). Obviously the third man (lol) responsible for the counter-surveillance clocks exactly when the Circus comes to town and wakes up, which is all s/he needs to know, at which point s/he returns to the Embassy (perhaps - other locations permitted) and sends the appropriate encrypted message back to Yasenevo.
Meanwhile, back in Moskva, the GRU's internal counter-espionage team have had full surveillance on a suspected British mole. The mole also takes the bait and swallows this tasty barium meal about two GRU guys on their way to Salisbury, nay, he veritably wolfs it down and makes contact with his Circus handler.
In other words, the entire GRU operation was a barium meal designed to flush out a SIS mole, using the GRU guys as a provocation. So what looks like a basic counter-surveillance test is, in fact, an excellently orchestrated provocation test.
It's probably only when the GRU men are back in Moskva that MI6 realise they've been well and truly beaten in this classic Russian counter-espionage trick, and their mole is compromised. So, rather than, in the manner of the old-fashioned sporting gentleman of the cold war, concede defeat and vow to get them back next time, this new breed of trapeze act decides that revenge is a dish best served on a doorknob. So they fabricate this absurd tale of hapless assassins and use it as further anti-Russian propaganda. Unfortunately, it seems to work, because the Great British Public know fuck all about espionage.
But then again, clearly most denizens of the House of Commons know fuck all about espionage either, judging by the gasps after the PM makes her statement. Theresa Mayhem somewhat gives the game away in that House of Horrors by publicly announcing the identification of the two men as GRU guys. How would they know this, one wonders, without an inside man? If that man had not been compromised, making a statement like this in the House would effectively tell the other side we have a mole (possibly with access to the personnel files). In which case that man is definitely compromised now.
All this would be fine, really (assuming the Russians didn't hurt the mole too much), if it weren't for the death of an innocent woman. I think, however, that we should perhaps treat that death as a separate incident and investigate it further, with regards to the potential involvement of the (allegedly) deceased with espionage. I think this is the more interesting angle. Then again, I haven't looked into it, but it's certainly not believable that 'two addict/tramps would rummage around in a bin for a little perfume bottle' - sounds like a cover story to me.
But then again, what do I know.
🤣🤣🤣 fantastic I needed that thanks Iain!
Hilarious Iain. Still laughing...hours later
Great work Mr Davis ! This was certainly the shaggy dog story that kept on giving. (Maybe I blinked, but … ) As if there wasn’t enough non-sense to go ‘round, it seemed particularly impressive that although the official story was about poison on knobs, it was the house roof which was eventually replaced, a fact that was widely mainstream reported, including pictures. Further, the “magic garden” Yulia Skripal interview felt like a spooky hostage video. Surely no mistake? Did the same team film create the “Kate, alone on a bench” interview? What were those two Russian chaps actually up to? Where are the Skripals? So many unknowns.
Brilliant video! It’s hard to believe that they put that shite out there, day after day wittering on and clutching their pearls. 🤣
Where are they?!
Amazing how the truth can be so bloody funny😂
Fabulous work🙌🙌
Thanks for the laugh Iain.