
I was delighted to be invited by Sonia Poulton to discuss the evidence that exposes the alleged 2017 Manchester Arena bombing as a hoaxed false flag. It is absolutely essential that the independent media highlights the Manchester evidence. If ever there was an opportunity to expose the soft underbelly of the state monster, this is it.

Unfortunately, many of the larger independent media outlets have not only failed to report the evidence but have evidently not grasped why exposing the lawfare against Richard D. Hall—the first journalist to report the evidence—is so important to the entire independent media.

Sonia Poulton, alongside others such as the OffGuardian, Rick Munn, and Gareth Icke are committed to independent investigative journalism and have been willing to discuss the evidence exposing the Manchester Attack hoax.

Support Richard D. Hall’s ongoing legal battle.

Dr David Hughes essential exposure of the lawfare conducted against Hall.

Watch the interview on Odysee.

Watch the interview on Rumble.

Independent Media’s inexplicable failure to report.

Iain Davis website.

Sonia Poulton on Rumble.

Social Poulton’s website.