Feb 3Liked by Iain Davis

Iain, I am so disappointed in this article. It is impossible to understand "the conflict" until you study the documented history of the Jewish land and the history of Mohammed.

"Islamic Jew-hatred began with Mohammed and has continued to this day. It is not the result of economics, foreign policy, the formation of the modern state of Israel, or anything else except the refusal of Jews to accept that he was their prophet.

After this rejection, Mohammed then claimed the Jews had corrupted their scriptures to hide the prophecy that Islam is the true religion and he was the last in the line of Hebrew prophets. All of their historical trials were punishment by Allah for this perceived treachery He turned against them and sought to annihilate or enslave them.

Since Mohammed is seen as the perfect model to imitate, the Islamic political doctrine has had a tradition of fierce Jew-hatred ever since. " CSPII

Hamas IS committed to the obliteration of Israel: they have said so themselves repeatedly. But this seems to be completely incomprehensible to those who believe in "the basic goodness of people".

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Feb 3Liked by Iain Davis

So sorry Iain, not agreeing with you on this one. Many holes in your argument. Not forgetting that it is the very same Imperialist colonialist dream that is responsible for this war from its onset. The British establishment. The Perfidious Albion to be exact.

"alluded to the obliteration of Israel". So sorry Iain, it was clearly stated in writing in its covenant not indirectly referenced to or inferred. Please look up the meaning of a covenant.

The claim it wasn't adopted is quite laughable when one looks at actions taken by HAMAS against all, not just Jewish people, but includes Christians and non-believers in the Islamic faith . Kidnapping people is not friendly either. They use it for extortion. It is a brutal act on its own.

"Nevertheless, as we have seen in Northern Ireland, South Africa and elsewhere, just because an organisation can be legitimately described as "supporting terrorism" that does not mean it cannot turn away from violence."

The situation South Africa cannot be compared to this and nor can Ireland. I add Rhodesia to this.

As a matter of fact the situation in South Africa has not changed and the minority of whites are still being attacked by the ANC (Marxist communist terrorists) from all sides. They have not relinquished violence, its just disguised under various veils. Here it is known as BBBEE and is a disguise for racism. They are using Legal Plunder. The Afrikaner in particular are being attacked, their history, culture is deliberately being destroyed as is their identity. It is retribution. Whites were lumped together as supporters of "Apartheid" a relabelling exercise by Marxists to ostracise a race. The Zionists origination is Lithuania.

Zionists are nothing more than neo-liberal communist Marxists simply put.

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Excellent again as always Iain

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Feb 3·edited Feb 3Liked by Iain Davis

Great stuff, getting closer to the root & catalyst with every article.

Some tricky questions that never get addressed-(I will only mention one theme for now- thankfully!)

What is wrong with Hate towards something- why should we be ashamed of hating something , or tolerant of things we hate ? I find my hatred towards various 'things' a very useful feeling and a natural, usually intuitive defence.

Is anti-hate propaganda akin to virtue signalling pacifism- actually a form of domesticated denial of essential emotional response?

When such sublimation/suppression of these natural emotions is too forced the result can often be psychotic interludes, where the 'anti-hate' pundit become an utterly rage filled, sadist nihilist ... just like pacifists pushed over the edge become the most brutal & uncontrollable murderers.

(re- the work WAR, SADISM & PACIFISM -THREE ESSAYS by EDWARD GLOVER, m.p. Director of Scientific Research, London Institute of Psycho-Analysis ).

Maybe humour is a good antidote or counter-balance to hate? I can think of endless great lyrics from songs that manage to combine the two.

Imagine a world where the expression of hatred is 'banned' ... what an insufferably frustrating place it would be, where the new puritans can slowly rupture themselves with parasitic gluttony & moral ennui.

If we hate nothing does that also imply we don't truly love anything either ?

Is hatred not essential for valid/practical judgements, aesthetics, survival & character?

Feelings/Emotions are being manipulated constantly by the media/gov/corp, while we are constantly being told to trust REASON & LOGIC , yet since the beginning of the 20C almost all the 'arts' were well aware that (the delusion of) Reason had manoeuvred us into the dilemma of the times - Hence DADA & the Surrealists, the later of which is still the 'fashion' of the ages ,with the increasingly fictitious world & events we are encouraged to assimilate. Basically we are being almost constantly invaded with other peoples nightmares via TV , the internet, pseudo-news services, film & increasingly cruddy books.

J.G.Ballard , William Burroughs & Jean Baudrillard all wrote plenty of insightful things about this hyper-real fiasco.

I hate hate and love everything else !

or I love hate and hate everything else

(re- Peter Bagge - cartoonist, for those uncultured souls out there !)

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Feb 2Liked by Iain Davis

Sadly this reads like a grad-school essay—well written, lots of research and citations, but completely disconnected from real world experience or wisdom. You can’t argue a point from negation: just because you didn’t find definitive proof that your thesis is wrong doesn’t mean that it’s right.

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Feb 2Liked by Iain Davis

Great article. Well researched. Well balanced. I learned a lot. You filled in a lot of gaps for me. Thank you.

Have you thought about sharing your article with Global Research here in Canada? They have a large readership as well.

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Feb 2Liked by Iain Davis

Zionism and the establishment of the state of Israel has always been a political, UK empire project. The designation of it as a religious state is insincere but has proved politically useful for decades. Manipulate well intentioned American evangelicals and the political support for the billions sent is assured. Military and corporate prescence in the belly of the world is strategic and excusable. That the Jewish populations and their leaders, political or religious, allow themselves to be used in this way by the Anglo empire builder cabal should be sobering to the idealists of the world.

We live in a realpolitik world all the way down baby.

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Important link here and account from commenter on this thread Mike Hampton. Thanks Mike.


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All this division and labelling! This article goes in to it in some detail but fundamentally, who is behind it and why?

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Israel cares so much for the Jews that they coerced their population to get the Pfizer clot shots and bragged that they gave the medical data to Pfizer.

I'm amazed that Israeli citizens still support the government that sold out their health and privacy.

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Sectarian violence triggered by theological fanaticism is a surefire ploy used by Empires for thousands of years. The Palestine/Israeli slaughter is the latest iteration of ruling elite diabolism.

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Fantastic piece Iain. However peace is not what the Hidden Hand wants so it will never happen. Each side is a pawn in the game. You must know this.

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Best of luck to Iain and this spiritual leftist attempted noble savage/it's "the Zionists"/Israel/the west trope. Unfortunately for him that narrative/assertion is predated and completely debunked by Islam and its "mostly peaceful" "Prophet" by millennia explicitly advocating and carrying out mass murder of Jews and non Jews alike. Islamic texts are explicit, hence Islamic actions were but who needs to acknowledge those facts. Roger Waters types won't ever reach the conclusion that Islam just might be a bit "iffy". No, it is the evil imperial west/"Zionists"/Israel. Islamic imperialism, meh who cares. Islam and Muslims dindu nuffin bruv. 2+2=5. Because reasons.

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Sue-ella Brave-man ... 🙄😂🤣😂

wot a name

Its almost as resonant as Virginia Bottomley

also with the great anagram of "I'm an evil tory bigot"

In he good old days we had Ronal Ray-gun , Maggot Hatcher, Tony B.Liar , Dick Swett, Tiny kox...

I will stop there as some subliminal pattern seems to be emerging.

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Iain, I appreciate your Hamas article (and your substack in general), so I'm hoping you find my links complimentary and not marketing, with the caveat that I'm less diplomatic and university-ish than you. I especially want to highlight the legal argument of "hearing the other side" which requires us to know more about who 'we're' killing in the Middle East.


'Oct 7: Hamas tells their side of the story' - https://mikehampton.substack.com/p/oct-7-hamas-tells-their-side-of-the

'The Hamas Charter' - https://mikehampton.substack.com/p/hamas-charter-constitution-ideology-flag-goals


'Biden's bomb run and his fog of war words' - https://mikehampton.substack.com/p/bidens-bomb-run-and-his-fog-of-war-iraq-syria

'West bombs Yemen for 11th time in 22 days' - https://mikehampton.substack.com/p/west-bombs-yemen-for-11th-time-in-22-days

'American and Al Qaeda assassins in Yemen sponsored by the UAE (and the CIA)?' - https://mikehampton.substack.com/p/american-al-qaeda-uae-assassins-in-yemen


'This is how the UN can bypass USA veto & bring Israel's killing of a 'nation' to justice' - https://mikehampton.substack.com/p/how-to-bypass-usa-veto-un-security-council-gaza


And then, on a different note, because religion should come after human rights, there's 'The Cow God War in the Middle East' - https://mikehampton.substack.com/p/red-cow-god-war-middle-east-al-aqsa

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Very well researched as usual and the only part I would question is the concept of ... regardless of self defence... the morality of right and wrong... et al. Resistance, all resistance in the context of fighting violent oppression and subjugation throughout history has carried the moral burden for actions carried out in the name of those enslaved. One man's freedom fighter is another man's terrorist as the dualistic tenet always reiterates.

As long as this is not resolved, then never shall the twains will meet. All historical complexities can never reveal the whole truth because there are very few who can walk in the shoes of those who are demonised and rebuked for breathing the air allotted by any State that believes God is on their side. This has always been true as long as a monopoly of truth is coveted, but it is the oppressed and relinquished who garner the logic of self-defence.

If the Nazis had occupied the UK would we as people who vilify Nazi horrors be questioning attacks on military targets or would we admonish these infiltrations as terrorist gangs who don't know how good they really have it? The fact is no matter how abhorrent violence is it is still a state of war. Must we decry the 12000 French civilian deaths during the D day landings which De Gaulle was only too aware of prior to this event? In the name of humanity of course we must but the alternative is even worse.

At the moment Hamas is the only credible resistance to the occupation while Zionism is the dominant force propped up by lobbies all around the world with collaborators for genocide writing out the cheques.

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