Our best form of defence is our critical thinking. Watch everything with scepticism and if someone in the alternative media are blowing large sums of money on fast cars and world travel, they probably don't really need your few shekels, that keep you drawn to them and blinkered, to information that might be important to your mental growth.
Your family is around you at home. You will only find emptiness in online situations in the end.
Absolutely, what matters is our family, love and our local community. This is the part of and aspects of our lives we can contribute most toward and exercise our duty to act responsibly most effectively. I agree, it is where our focus should be.
However, no matter how comparatively "small" our lives may feel, whether we like it or not, they are impacted by external influences such as national, international and global governance policies. We need to be aware of that influence and understand how such decisions change our lives.
One of the ways we can understand this is by accessing information "online." As long as we maintain critical thinking and apply it to all information we see, hear or read, then hopefully that will better inform the decisions we make in our homes and communities.
I also agree that if "someone in the alternative media is blowing large sums of money on fast cars and world travel, they probably don't really need your few shekels." I think we should only give what we can afford to give to those we wish to support. But let me explain why, in my view, we should support the independent media if we can.
Unlike the legacy media the independent media is almost entirely supported by its readers, viewers and listeners. It doesn't have access to large advertising revenue from global corporation or government funding.
So, if you find any value in independent media, I hope you will support it if you can, because it is under both legislative and corporate attack by the State and its corporate partners. The reason being that it is only in the independent media where questioning of State narratives occur.
For sure. Giving only what can be afforded, to a trusted source is well in order. My only concern would be setting up direct debits and feeling beholden in some way when money could be tight.. yet feeling these people, are extended family. Much as they chime with you, they may only see pound signs, or be getting orders from on high.. (Paranoia creeping in?) Ha!
Dear Iain: We live in a psychological war of the mind world. It is full of propaganda as you have discussed in past articles. It has people who are psychological operators, or we could say controlled opposition.
Here is an investigative article by Bob Blayone. He makes a very convincing discussion of what the globalists have been up to for the last eighty years.
Very interesting. He doesn't go back very far in history or mention those at the top of the tree but still gives enough detail to show that there is something rotten in the state of Canada!
When you mentioned Johnny Vedmore I immediately thought of Whitney Webb but then I read they have split up. It shows how out of their loop I now am, as that was news to me.
I have learnt a lot over the last 4.25 years and one of them is that there are limited hangouts and there are false flag events. It's obvious when you think about it. I guess some are able to dig deep into the details if they are allowed to, just like Iain was allowed to talk to Johnny.
So anybody who gets a platform on the internet and is plugged by other "investigative journalists/resistance fighters" has to be viewed sceptically.
The stories spun and details dug up may well be true but people like Whitney and Johnny play a role. As we all do in a way as here am I responding with a comment and Iain wrote the article so he plays a larger part than me! After all, any decent 'journalist' could have sussed out Whitney Webb long ago, as many did. And her asscociates can't have been daft nor blind unless they chose to be. We are playing a role on social media and enjoying it too.
As long as we are aware, we can choose to play or not. Or can we? Alison McDowell is one of the few online who warns of blockchain technology etc and points out we may already be playing in a game, even in the resistance movement which many seem to enjoy and make a living from. Crypto currency anyone?
The aim seems to be a biohybrid social computational system. I can see a day when nation states are gone and we have city states reporting in to a UN type structure. Unless we break free from their digital matrix.
"So anybody who gets a platform on the internet and is plugged by other "investigative journalists/resistance fighters" has to be viewed sceptically."
I agree completely. We need to engage in critical thinking--be sceptical--at all times. We need to apply that to all information, no matter what or who the source.
The independent media on the internet is no different in this regard. But we should also apply the same to the so-called mainstream or legacy media, all government statements and announcements and all "mainstream" narratives.
You also ventured:
"[. . .] any decent 'journalist' could have sussed out Whitney Webb long ago, as many did."
I haven't sussed out Whitney Webb. Could you please clarify what you are talking about and cite some evidence to backup whatever your claims are?
Thanks I've read all your linked articles and they seem reasonable in part. I think debating the evidence is a good thing, so nothing wrong with that. Where I diverge from the claims of Dianne and others cited here are their conclusions. Primarily the pretty large and consistent logical leaps that go from questioning evidence and sources to allegations of being shills, assets, gatekeepers etc. While we can all disagree about evidence and the interpretation of it, I think the tendency to turn disagreement into claims of deliberately misleading readers and audiences, without any clear evidence to substantiate those further allegations, is lamentable and rather undermines otherwise reasonable points about differences of opinion.
some controlled opposition seems to be unaware it is controlled - ie due to 'friends' family, colleagues having like-minded outlooks and sensibilities.
Almost all the long term controlled ops do GREAT work, they ARE informative, and insightful up to a certain degree, they HAVE to be otherwise they would not gain traction.
In effect most of them appear EFFECTIVELY independent, as much as ALL of us can & do make mistakes, bark up the wrong tree, make emotive judgement, have little sulks & tantrums etc .
Because someone is a controlled op doesn't mean their work is worthless or should be dismissed out of hand, often they themselves may be unaware of any deceit !
They typically will say NOTHING NEW tho, all their BIG scoops are already out there. They will also miss something of great importance, or misdirect over other topics. Or they will want you to take action(s) that compromise or incriminate their 'audience' - ie agent provocateurs.
I think RD HALL is one, and again I also would recommend much of his later work as it is well researched and informative, yet I also BELIEVE NOTHING , and KNOW he will have evaded something and maybe fudged other things. Is he aware that he is being 'channeled' , I don know, yet we are all free (still, just!) to speculate.
An early interview with HALL for the Lancaster post (or the like) printed decades ago is titled THE LITTLE GREY MEN ARE HERE, and instead of being the MEN IN BLACK (FEDS) the UK has these little grey men (agents) saying very important stuff (conVD, FalseFlag constructs, dangers to social liberties etc) yet mired with secret space BS, Aliens crud, and other 'impossible to validate time wasting. Much of Halls earlier work was very shoddy , and even in the good stuff he often has mundane questions .
However, compared to creepy slime like SAUNDERS and the other forgettable psycho above Hall is a HEROIC figure !!!
I know you have a different view on Hall, tho I hope you concur about what the controlled ops situation is like. They are either already primed to be 'actors against the state' or quickly become compromised or corrupted, even if it is their own egos that do most of the damage !
Webb is from one of the most powerful 'legacy' families originally .
That doesn't mean she holds the same values or is part of their agenda by default of course.
ALL the best controlled ops (and which BIG names aren't?!) have valuable information in their work, tho it is typically already available. It has to be so for obvious reasons.
So, if Webb is a shill of sorts (her name is a big tell for many! I would change my name if it was that ! ) the question is WHAT IS SHE EVADING IN HER WORK,
and/or what is she DEMONIZING that may not be actually 'demonic'.
For example some folk will be guilty by ASSOCIATION , that may be 'decent-ish' people.
btw- I've noticed that a lot of alt-media types have speech impediments and that is a common symptom of being abused as a child. Also 'bi-polar' issues plague many media personalities, so they can be angels by day, and the opposite at night. I think that may be a key to the controlled ops psychodynamic.
You are already terminally disturbed though Prolapse ,
Just look at your behavior the last 2 months !
What have you done to combat the evils you rail against here- nothing , and instead have tried to stalk and abuse folk who have spent decades fighting injustices.
You are a sick , compulsive liar thrashing about in anal hypocrisy for all to see. Already substack had to ban & delete your account due to the most insane desperate acts of social abuse.
It is now obvious what an insidious little plant you are, virtue signalling to incite entrapment, while pathetically desperate to silence & belittle genuine insight & research.
Now, have a little tantrum again and wank your ripped & torn ass into a tiswas ;like you always do given the opportunity.
Our best form of defence is our critical thinking. Watch everything with scepticism and if someone in the alternative media are blowing large sums of money on fast cars and world travel, they probably don't really need your few shekels, that keep you drawn to them and blinkered, to information that might be important to your mental growth.
Your family is around you at home. You will only find emptiness in online situations in the end.
Absolutely, what matters is our family, love and our local community. This is the part of and aspects of our lives we can contribute most toward and exercise our duty to act responsibly most effectively. I agree, it is where our focus should be.
However, no matter how comparatively "small" our lives may feel, whether we like it or not, they are impacted by external influences such as national, international and global governance policies. We need to be aware of that influence and understand how such decisions change our lives.
One of the ways we can understand this is by accessing information "online." As long as we maintain critical thinking and apply it to all information we see, hear or read, then hopefully that will better inform the decisions we make in our homes and communities.
I also agree that if "someone in the alternative media is blowing large sums of money on fast cars and world travel, they probably don't really need your few shekels." I think we should only give what we can afford to give to those we wish to support. But let me explain why, in my view, we should support the independent media if we can.
Unlike the legacy media the independent media is almost entirely supported by its readers, viewers and listeners. It doesn't have access to large advertising revenue from global corporation or government funding.
So, if you find any value in independent media, I hope you will support it if you can, because it is under both legislative and corporate attack by the State and its corporate partners. The reason being that it is only in the independent media where questioning of State narratives occur.
For sure. Giving only what can be afforded, to a trusted source is well in order. My only concern would be setting up direct debits and feeling beholden in some way when money could be tight.. yet feeling these people, are extended family. Much as they chime with you, they may only see pound signs, or be getting orders from on high.. (Paranoia creeping in?) Ha!
It's a balancing act at times.
JV! Is this the first episode? The bar set very high brother. Excellent interview.
Dear Iain: We live in a psychological war of the mind world. It is full of propaganda as you have discussed in past articles. It has people who are psychological operators, or we could say controlled opposition.
Here is an investigative article by Bob Blayone. He makes a very convincing discussion of what the globalists have been up to for the last eighty years.
He discusses what has been going on in Canada since 1945. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ENmk0hzK0sxQhIbK9EAq2drzfsRyS5T3LFsqlAmkMTQ/edit?pli=1 He backs up his comments with facts. I found it to be a very interesting and informative read.
Very interesting. He doesn't go back very far in history or mention those at the top of the tree but still gives enough detail to show that there is something rotten in the state of Canada!
Thank you Iain
When you mentioned Johnny Vedmore I immediately thought of Whitney Webb but then I read they have split up. It shows how out of their loop I now am, as that was news to me.
I have learnt a lot over the last 4.25 years and one of them is that there are limited hangouts and there are false flag events. It's obvious when you think about it. I guess some are able to dig deep into the details if they are allowed to, just like Iain was allowed to talk to Johnny.
So anybody who gets a platform on the internet and is plugged by other "investigative journalists/resistance fighters" has to be viewed sceptically.
The stories spun and details dug up may well be true but people like Whitney and Johnny play a role. As we all do in a way as here am I responding with a comment and Iain wrote the article so he plays a larger part than me! After all, any decent 'journalist' could have sussed out Whitney Webb long ago, as many did. And her asscociates can't have been daft nor blind unless they chose to be. We are playing a role on social media and enjoying it too.
As long as we are aware, we can choose to play or not. Or can we? Alison McDowell is one of the few online who warns of blockchain technology etc and points out we may already be playing in a game, even in the resistance movement which many seem to enjoy and make a living from. Crypto currency anyone?
The aim seems to be a biohybrid social computational system. I can see a day when nation states are gone and we have city states reporting in to a UN type structure. Unless we break free from their digital matrix.
Thanks, you wrote:
"So anybody who gets a platform on the internet and is plugged by other "investigative journalists/resistance fighters" has to be viewed sceptically."
I agree completely. We need to engage in critical thinking--be sceptical--at all times. We need to apply that to all information, no matter what or who the source.
The independent media on the internet is no different in this regard. But we should also apply the same to the so-called mainstream or legacy media, all government statements and announcements and all "mainstream" narratives.
You also ventured:
"[. . .] any decent 'journalist' could have sussed out Whitney Webb long ago, as many did."
I haven't sussed out Whitney Webb. Could you please clarify what you are talking about and cite some evidence to backup whatever your claims are?
Regarding Whitney Webb, Diane West wasn't impressed & wrote a 3 part article, unfortunately diannewest.net has disappeared, fortunately I've located part 1 here; https://barelyablog.com/diana-west-fact-checks-whitney-webbs-scandalous-deep-fake-journalism-part-1-what-facts/
Thanks I've read all your linked articles and they seem reasonable in part. I think debating the evidence is a good thing, so nothing wrong with that. Where I diverge from the claims of Dianne and others cited here are their conclusions. Primarily the pretty large and consistent logical leaps that go from questioning evidence and sources to allegations of being shills, assets, gatekeepers etc. While we can all disagree about evidence and the interpretation of it, I think the tendency to turn disagreement into claims of deliberately misleading readers and audiences, without any clear evidence to substantiate those further allegations, is lamentable and rather undermines otherwise reasonable points about differences of opinion.
some controlled opposition seems to be unaware it is controlled - ie due to 'friends' family, colleagues having like-minded outlooks and sensibilities.
Almost all the long term controlled ops do GREAT work, they ARE informative, and insightful up to a certain degree, they HAVE to be otherwise they would not gain traction.
In effect most of them appear EFFECTIVELY independent, as much as ALL of us can & do make mistakes, bark up the wrong tree, make emotive judgement, have little sulks & tantrums etc .
Because someone is a controlled op doesn't mean their work is worthless or should be dismissed out of hand, often they themselves may be unaware of any deceit !
They typically will say NOTHING NEW tho, all their BIG scoops are already out there. They will also miss something of great importance, or misdirect over other topics. Or they will want you to take action(s) that compromise or incriminate their 'audience' - ie agent provocateurs.
I think RD HALL is one, and again I also would recommend much of his later work as it is well researched and informative, yet I also BELIEVE NOTHING , and KNOW he will have evaded something and maybe fudged other things. Is he aware that he is being 'channeled' , I don know, yet we are all free (still, just!) to speculate.
An early interview with HALL for the Lancaster post (or the like) printed decades ago is titled THE LITTLE GREY MEN ARE HERE, and instead of being the MEN IN BLACK (FEDS) the UK has these little grey men (agents) saying very important stuff (conVD, FalseFlag constructs, dangers to social liberties etc) yet mired with secret space BS, Aliens crud, and other 'impossible to validate time wasting. Much of Halls earlier work was very shoddy , and even in the good stuff he often has mundane questions .
However, compared to creepy slime like SAUNDERS and the other forgettable psycho above Hall is a HEROIC figure !!!
I know you have a different view on Hall, tho I hope you concur about what the controlled ops situation is like. They are either already primed to be 'actors against the state' or quickly become compromised or corrupted, even if it is their own egos that do most of the damage !
Oh , I wonder why that insightful comment was ignored here ?!
Also , W.W. is linked to James Corbett.
The above link is from here; https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FKjXScNVfVdvXjG7UjwYzxbtNjnnwt33G9sPEwfrNuE/edit
And more iconoclasm here; https://dpl003.substack.com/p/discussing-the-gatekeepers-others
Sorry I've split that post into 3, but both times I tried to post it as one the computer crashed!
thats James Courgette to you and me !
He was once great, then hubris and ennui struck,
lets hope he pulls himself back out of the mire,
stops talking about NORMIES (pathetic elitist BS bum wanking arrogance & division),
and learns to evade talking of GLOBAL this & that- which will date and invalidate his out-look for future, better informed generations!
Andy is a fox, and also a decomposing turd... Fox Turds seem to be an epidemic on the internet these days.
Webb is from one of the most powerful 'legacy' families originally .
That doesn't mean she holds the same values or is part of their agenda by default of course.
ALL the best controlled ops (and which BIG names aren't?!) have valuable information in their work, tho it is typically already available. It has to be so for obvious reasons.
So, if Webb is a shill of sorts (her name is a big tell for many! I would change my name if it was that ! ) the question is WHAT IS SHE EVADING IN HER WORK,
and/or what is she DEMONIZING that may not be actually 'demonic'.
For example some folk will be guilty by ASSOCIATION , that may be 'decent-ish' people.
btw- I've noticed that a lot of alt-media types have speech impediments and that is a common symptom of being abused as a child. Also 'bi-polar' issues plague many media personalities, so they can be angels by day, and the opposite at night. I think that may be a key to the controlled ops psychodynamic.
The speech impediment insight is brilliant and totally valid-
again, no wonder it was ignored.
Do liars usually have big swollen , bloated noses as well , or is that some coke-side-effect ?
Yes, that is true, however, the report is an eye-opener to what is going on geopolitically.
You are already terminally disturbed though Prolapse ,
Just look at your behavior the last 2 months !
What have you done to combat the evils you rail against here- nothing , and instead have tried to stalk and abuse folk who have spent decades fighting injustices.
You are a sick , compulsive liar thrashing about in anal hypocrisy for all to see. Already substack had to ban & delete your account due to the most insane desperate acts of social abuse.
It is now obvious what an insidious little plant you are, virtue signalling to incite entrapment, while pathetically desperate to silence & belittle genuine insight & research.
Now, have a little tantrum again and wank your ripped & torn ass into a tiswas ;like you always do given the opportunity.