Mar 25Liked by Iain Davis

Our best form of defence is our critical thinking. Watch everything with scepticism and if someone in the alternative media are blowing large sums of money on fast cars and world travel, they probably don't really need your few shekels, that keep you drawn to them and blinkered, to information that might be important to your mental growth.

Your family is around you at home. You will only find emptiness in online situations in the end.


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Mar 26·edited Mar 26Liked by Iain Davis

JV! Is this the first episode? The bar set very high brother. Excellent interview.

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Dear Iain: We live in a psychological war of the mind world. It is full of propaganda as you have discussed in past articles. It has people who are psychological operators, or we could say controlled opposition.

Here is an investigative article by Bob Blayone. He makes a very convincing discussion of what the globalists have been up to for the last eighty years.

He discusses what has been going on in Canada since 1945. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ENmk0hzK0sxQhIbK9EAq2drzfsRyS5T3LFsqlAmkMTQ/edit?pli=1 He backs up his comments with facts. I found it to be a very interesting and informative read.

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Mar 26Liked by Iain Davis

Thank you Iain

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Mar 25·edited Mar 26

When you mentioned Johnny Vedmore I immediately thought of Whitney Webb but then I read they have split up. It shows how out of their loop I now am, as that was news to me.

I have learnt a lot over the last 4.25 years and one of them is that there are limited hangouts and there are false flag events. It's obvious when you think about it. I guess some are able to dig deep into the details if they are allowed to, just like Iain was allowed to talk to Johnny.

So anybody who gets a platform on the internet and is plugged by other "investigative journalists/resistance fighters" has to be viewed sceptically.

The stories spun and details dug up may well be true but people like Whitney and Johnny play a role. As we all do in a way as here am I responding with a comment and Iain wrote the article so he plays a larger part than me! After all, any decent 'journalist' could have sussed out Whitney Webb long ago, as many did. And her asscociates can't have been daft nor blind unless they chose to be. We are playing a role on social media and enjoying it too.

As long as we are aware, we can choose to play or not. Or can we? Alison McDowell is one of the few online who warns of blockchain technology etc and points out we may already be playing in a game, even in the resistance movement which many seem to enjoy and make a living from. Crypto currency anyone?

The aim seems to be a biohybrid social computational system. I can see a day when nation states are gone and we have city states reporting in to a UN type structure. Unless we break free from their digital matrix.


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As well as Richard Hall & Gemma O'Doherty being targetted with lawfare, Ryan Christian (The Last American Vagabond) is facing two court cases in the US too, the full details of which are not yet clear.

Reiner Fuellmich has recently been allowed to have a voice again, after six months being held in a German jail;


It's very concerning that the 'justice' system in many countries is being increasingly weaponised against anyone daring to attempt to expose corruption - this much is blatant.

However, the infighting and paranoia between and about various people and organisations in the 'independent media' (as a crude term to describe the different types of investigators, commentators, analysts, etc) is also getting worse over time - this actually disturbs me more even that the overt attempts by state actors to undermine and destroy independent voices.

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Yes, that is true, however, the report is an eye-opener to what is going on geopolitically.

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