It'd be worth getting the RF signature of the Barr footage analysed by a forensic lab to establish the exact time it was taken

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It would but we don't need that in order to know that Barr's assessment of when he shot the footage is reasonably accurate. Ruth Murrell, a well known survivor, is seen strutting across the frame in the Barr footage. She is seen again, even in legacy media footage, wearing the same clothes with the same moulage stain on her jeans, sat at the Casualty clearing station. So she was definitely in the City Room when the bang was heard and was definitely walking through the alleged bomb scene---with a relatively fresh moulage stain on her jeans---in the Barr footage. We then have the BBC footage of the same scene where more debris and what appears to be smoke is observable. Later we have the evidence offered into the Sunders Inquiry, such as shrapnel damaged doors, none of which is observable in the Barr footage. Therefore, the Barr footage was shot on the night, after the bang but before the BBC footage and before the shrapnel damage was fabricated. Barr's account that he shot the footage less than 5 minutes after the bang is highly plausible and supported by all the evidence. That said, I agree. Nailing the time down precisely would be useful.

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I’d be interested to know what part the reality of human behaviour plays in your assessment of the event. For instance, we know for sure that if a group of people are asked to take part in a lie on behalf of the state, there will eventually be whistleblowers, or those that break ranks. Unless we assume that all the people involved in this particular event are incapable of exhibiting human traits such as courage or honesty. And if we assume that about them, then we must assume it about ourselves. Does that sound likely?

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Thanks Abi. Are you aware of anyone who "blew the whistle" on the Manhattan Project? 130,000 plus people were involved and none of them ever broke confidentiality. If NDA's or the Official Secrets Act were used, what part of "the reality of human behaviour" do you think would lead people to breach such agreements?

"UK security cleared crisis actors" (that is a real role btw, not my wording) would presumably be subject to such agreements. I don't know if any UK SC crisis actors were used in Manchester only that the evidence clearly indicates there was no bomb.

Of course, there are many Manchester whistleblowers. John Barr released that footage for some reason. We have witnesses who said they were coerced to falsify police statements, people who leaked audio recordings of police chatter on the night, people who said there was no evidence of a bombing, others who said there was no evidence of anyone with an active bleed, others who reported Abedi fleeing the Arena and so on.

The only reason they are not deemed to be "whistleblowers" is because the legacy media doesn't call them whistleblowers. But they are whistleblowers. There won't "eventually" be whistleblowers, we already have whistleblowers.

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😂🤣😂, hilarious, that is one of the funniest impressions of a cognitively crippled clown I've read here since the ProLies Team expired from Peritonitis!

Is that an extraction from your 'vagina having a monologue' with itself performance?

Some people can KEEP secrets Agent Abby (''I'm not a goody goody, I've done my share of drugs'' *1 ), heaven help anyone who confides in you though...... you've proven here, & elsewhere what a blabber mouth you will inevitably transpire to be.

Some people can keep secrets even more if threatened, blackmailed or bribed.

& if, as some have speculated, the Mancky 'Smoke without fire' Hoax event involves part of a child abuse network them the odds of that are probably even higher?

This is a gem of infantile conceit- ''Unless we assume that all the people involved in this particular event are incapable of exhibiting human traits such as courage or honesty. And if we assume that about them, then we must assume it about ourselves.''

Well, if you think ALL people are the same (only brain dead larva & liars image such a thing) & ALL are potential murderers, liars, rapists, abusers & exploiters: then you will manifestly become all those things. In your case it may be so though, to everyone else you just appear to be infected with the strawman gaslighting syndrome Assling Ol'StrapOn is terminally suffering from.

(*1) quote from the risible interview with Assling.... yeah we bet you have Abby! Jittering around the stage like some coke weevil on a hot hob calling everyone a kunt for laughs....you've done your share & probably pigged out on everyone else's share as well.

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'impression' ?

is that what she leaves when sitting down on soft wood or plastic?


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What an idiot Iaini Davisis become !

Visual evidence is not physical evidence, you are lost in Maya & seduced by the SPECTACLE.

You claim no bomb explode at arena event,& it is true the IMAGES do not support that any explosion can be verified, but what of tiny explosive in shoe box back stage, or in locker or as part of distraction exercise like smoke bomb etc? If that is case then obvious lies become a twisty truth for claimants of a 'bomb' making you look like liars to fussy asses.

You are also old enough to know that government legislation is not always enforceable by LAW !

so is legislation always enforceable as law?

''Legislation is intended to be enforceable as law once it is officially enacted. However, several factors can affect its enforceability:

Clarity and Specificity: Legislation needs to be clear and specific so that it can be understood and applied correctly.

Consistency: It should be consistent with existing laws and the constitution to avoid conflicts.

Implementation: The government and relevant authorities must have the means and resources to implement and enforce the law.

Judicial Review: Courts can review legislation to ensure it adheres to constitutional principles. If a law is found to be unconstitutional, it may be struck down or amended.

Public Awareness and Compliance: Effective laws require public awareness and compliance. Without public support, enforcement can be challenging.

In summary, while legislation is designed to be enforceable, its effectiveness depends on clear drafting, proper implementation, judicial oversight, and public acceptance.''

Again you are too shallow & busy with a FEAR & IMPOTENCY agenda to think clearly on this topic. Maybe you should retire to TYRE & let the new breed brats with horse face features take over like MiriMi daughter of Mr behavioural psychologist with an OBE & James Mark Court Dingleberry ?

This may be your last year as a credible commentator Mr Davisis, what a way to end it, mired in self induced anal anxieties & posing with pathetic clowns. What honour is there in this game you play?

I try & help you out of your pitiful state with short overview of what the ARENA is that you traverse like a blindman without compass or clue.


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It's great reading your responses to Davis' increasingly deranged excuses & feeble thinking on this. what a refreshingly original & valid alternative view.

Reading some of these comments it's no wonder he's become so lame, with the sycophants clinging on like bloated parasites & dragging him down to their own stunted level of mundane mediocrity.

While that dim bitch pighooey whinges about photo analysis but can't be bothered asking a professional photographer like The DubSurgeOn- whose 2 brief articles piss all over these TimeVampire poseurs attention seeking & distraction games.

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Brilliant interview - you definitely got the message across that its the evidence that matters, and that everyone should look at it and decide for themselves. That's my message too. About Gareth Icke - I wondered how he would handle this interview, and it seemed at first that he was trying to draw you into the “explain the deaths” trap, just as Aisling O’Laughlin tried so hard to do, but actually he let you speak freely, so I was somewhat reassured.

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Also, I have just uploaded my latest Manchester Arena Incident video. It touches on several of the points you raise in your interview. https://pighooey.substack.com/p/manchester-arena-incident-part-four

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Yep, this is the norm, re how Richard has been treated by The State.. The Scottish “authorities” did the same to The Englishman Robert Green, actually prosecuted and jailed him over his Holly Greig campaign, same as John Hill (Maud’Dib) over 7/7, jailed him while he was trying to get evidence to the cover up, sorry “inquiry.”

Robert was gagged after his release from jail and has subsequently died, not a coincidence me thinks… This is how they keep control, the whole system is rotten, from the bottom to the top…

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every dirty one of them!

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Here's John Hill (Muad'Dib) https://old.bitchute.com/video/OBhNrdEyZTFk/ talking to Richard Hall, basically same scenario...

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Hi AC, appreciate your like and comment, i tried to return the favour, re like your comment, but for some reason i am unable to do that on this site, hence this message... Thanks Chap....

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Gov.UK: The truth is what I say it is.

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The repeated use of the number 22 at Manchester is a signature that points to the Cult network. Maybe it is time that this network of control that includes people of every background and social strata is talked about and it’s existence acknowledged. The Divine guidance that this network aligns with can be represented by an upside down pentagram. The pentagram in its righted position points upwards and that point represents Truth and Right Action. Truth and Right Action sounds simple but it is a hard journey. It is the only journey for humanities survival. It is the creation of a new paradigm and it is to it that humanity needs to pledge allegiance to for it’s survival. Not allegiance to the Crown and not to Country. It is the spiritual journey and the Cult network of control who are responsible for countless acts of terrorism including JFK and 911 rely on ignorance to gain complicity to keep the existing paradigms trajectory. The alleged victims at Manchester will have Cult affiliations.

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7/7 was like 9/11 an inside job

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Excellent interview. You made your points very well. I wonder why Icke had a victim's mother on the show recently. I assume his angle at the time was that the gov let the bombing happen.

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