To summarise comments I made on the odyssey post....

1. Hall would have been prudent in omitting reference to Eve Hibbard after he had discovered that she actually was disabled, as this information was not relevant in proving Halls hypothesis, but became very relevant for the prosecution in his court case.

2. The government do false flags to generate fear in the public domain. The idea that they did this Manchester event so they could prosecute an investigative journalist a few years down the line, inorder to restrict freedom of speech...is a stretch to say the least.

3. I would suggest that Halls case would never had come about without the BBC's Mariana Spring..in her new job at the time...pursuing and targeting Hall.

I'm surprised that this important point was not mentioned in this conversation.

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Good points. I'll respond to each.

1. I agree, as I said, in retrospect this was a mistake but, as I tried to highlight, we all make mistakes and it would have been very difficult, if not near impossible, for Hall to know how this might be used in the relatively distant future.

2. I agree, the state uses the strategy of tension all the time and not just with false flag terror events. One of the first responses to the attack, other the increased military intervention in Libya, was to set about establishing Martyn's Law. I think it entirely feasible that subsequent legislation was a n objective for the hoax. It often is, the Patriot Act in the US springs to mind. I agree that Eve's Law may not have been part of that litigation plan. However, I do think it notable that there is so much evidence exposing the hoax in the public domain. In particular the Barr footage. I do not rule out the possibility that this may have been an objective right from the start....

3. ....I agree that the case probably would not have come to trial were it not for the BBC. But let's not overlook the fact that the BBC are propagandists for the state. Let's also assume that litigation was always an objective, Martyn's law seems to suggest it. So, again, this suggests to me that enticing independent investigators to report the hoax may well have been an objective, though I accept your point this may be a bit of a stretch. I think it more likely that, with legislation in mind, the attack on Hall was opportunistic but the result of what appears to be a fishing expedition.

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Point 3 is not important as it predestined as part of Cov(ert)ID, Build Back Better Great Re-Set= 'total control initiative' Process = inevitable scenario practiced before here with obscenity trials in UK etc.

So then only actors need be chosen for resonance in symbolism.

Why Richard Damian Hall with his stag ring, sponsored by Mouse- Mesh & StoneHouse ?

Why Marianna C.lair Denton/Spring, who has tree roots of ancestors rule over Man-chester ?

Why Ariana Grande-Butera from Boca Raton ?

Why ST,MARTIN & WHY EVE, both mutilated & on wheels, chosen as catalysts ?

Why Mr Oakley ?

Why DAME FrankenStain from South Africa & Rhodes club ?

I could go on about guests discussing matter, but will only ask this=

Why is real name of Miri not what she claims but actually registered in 1982, as


Who happen to be connected to Professor John Anthony Solboda

What does he do ?

I give you many clues but you are not detective minded, unable to acquire intuitive esoteric keys with respect, & stuck in stinky mud still.

& I once liked you & had great hopes, now most all I see is amateur dramatics: from shallow clique of twittering insects about to devour themselves.

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Finch is Miri's married name! Miri is obviously a nickname. Her husband is Mark Finch. Professor John Sloboda is Miri's father https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Sloboda. Sloboda is a Slavic word meaning "freedom". What is your point?

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Poor JaneR, you prove instant troll credentials for being unable to see many points in the above comment.

Soboda is actually closer to 'free settlement' than simply freedom.

It is for those who EVADE TAXES & DUTY, so a signifier of an aristocratic (from merchants on the up) . And isn't po-faced Miri so super POSH!

Why do you useless baiters never have the wits to upload an avatar image & tend to all use the same colours when you enroll on your mission here?

The point is Miri was not BORN with the name she claimed , & more importantly who is her father with an OBE & what does he do apart from write Beyond Terror: The Truth About the Real Threats to Our World. London: Rider. (with Chris Abbott and Paul Rogers).

So Miris tall tale above is a RUSE isn't it JanusR ? Her daddy has an OBE, is very involved & would have certainly given little Miri some pointers that she never even mentions, including setting up business bases for her 'independent ' articles & research.

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JanusR.C.Twat, is so busy getting triggered she can't see any points even though they are all over that comment! 🙄😂😂😂

What useless baiting cretins are on the case now, apart from Jaffa Johnny , Pie , Chronicle of Retards & WTF 😂😂😂.

Who makes this crap up,

Oh, I remember, BBC Bitch MurkyAnus Spring & her chronic moronic team of ass wankers.

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It's completely normal for a woman to use her husband's name after marriage, not sure what point you're trying to make there, she's spoken before about who her father is so she's not trying to hide it.

John Anthony Sloboda OBE FBA (born 13 June 1950) is Research Professor at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama where he currently leads research on the Social Impact of Making Music.[1] He is also one of the founders of the Iraq Body Count project.[2]

Not a troll.

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That's fascinating Jane, & maybe what BSM was highlighting in her idiosyncratic way?

Can you link anytime Miri mentions her fascinating father ?...as I am new to her vast body of work & it's daunting where to start. I studied music & have encountered her dad briefly before, what a busy man!

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And name us one recent 'false flag event' that is not eye searingly obvious a feeble construct ?

I will state categorically they all are obvious for psychological/sociological quantification game, to upset sane people with vision, & perpetrate division.

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Thanks for your response Iain. I omitted to consider that, the state, when planning a psy op, would probably, carefully consider damage control should their involvement be discovered, wether it be character assassination of the dicoverer or denial of knowledge or involvement, as they have clearly demonstrated during the plandemic.

Thanks again for your exemplary work. 👍

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That is very confused mind just writing rubbish for sake of it-

see my query above & try to answer in honesty.

This event had even more dramatic signature on it than others, yet you seem to be in some cartoon circus world idea about exposure & occlusion.

And that has just been proven by your troll handbook scripted insult to me.

Did you give Iaini a big thumbs up because you have no genitalia to do such act with? You seem to be slurping a lot in these comments FartPress, is that because you have yet to grow any teeth to chew with & still have to suckle milk?

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Hi Iain

I'm thinking about the Barr video, in light of Miri AF's assertions about R D Hall being an agent of the state.

If Hall interviewed Barr, as he says he did, wouldn't you have thought that, at some point in their conversation, the lack of genuine blood and missing body parts would've come up?

Barr must've been on the floor for a further few minutes, after the video stops, so you'd think he would've had ample opportunity to study the carnage in front of him, especially as he himself was uninjured.

I wish Hall had asked Barr more questions in relation to this.

I think the best explanation is that there was a very bright flash and a very loud bang, both of which combined to disorientate the unwitting Mr Barr to the point where he was unable to dicipher much of what was going on around him. Later, he would've been all too receptive to the media lies about a real bomb.

I'm not sure whether we can put Barr down as a crisis actor. I think it's possible he was simply approached and offered an inducement to be present at the crucial time. He might even have been handed the mobile phone with which he captured those few infamous moments. The final instruction would've been to upload the footage once he got home - after someone else had checked it and confirmed its suitability in substantiating the official narrative.

(Edit. I'm struggling to be persuaded by this line of reasoning!)

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Where the heck did Hall 'discovered that she (EVE) actually was disabled' ?

His now deleted & never shared footage was inconclusive as to who it was in the wheelchair. To assume it was Eve is idiot considering the scenario- like assuming Christmas presents come from Santa because man in red suite & beard was noticed in the area !

Miri is neurotically confused, but still makes some good views worth considering, among silly assumption= her 'fantasy fiction confirmation' like Eve Hibbert is real person as portrayed in media.

Also 16 = young WOMAN with 4 or more years of fertile eggs for generation. Eve could be married with children at 16 , yet Miri imagines Eve is little sexless venerable girl who should be scared of middle age men specifically. With this Miri shows her own malicious agenda & shows she is bigger censor than state , oh the hypocrisy.

Miri never even query why Eve is invisible for court, never mind really exists.

Iaini Davisi write about Eve claimed injury ='Substantiating this could have provided categorical proof that Manchester was a hoax and he set about establishing the facts.'', how about proving she even exist to have any injury?!

All the pictures of Eve show constructs every-time, implying almost without doubt that spectacle of Eve is mere spectre.

Much more to mention, but I find no reason= due to sub standard thought shown on this now tedious drama between navigated parties.

This overview link below makes more concise & illuminating speculation than this pair of gloomy 'uniform of Saturn/Satan clothing' pied pipers on a podium; who both have ignored & never interact with, so proving lack of their own research abilities or aware sensibilities !


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I think Hall, by filming in Hibbards street, was trying to catch Eve Hibbard leaving her house able bodied, with no sign of disablement . A kind of gotcha, but was unable to do so, as Eve, or a double or a dummy or whatever, was in a wheelchair...that was my point.

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You did not make that point at all, you like ALL other recent commentators claimed Eve was witnessed in the wheel chair. 😆😂

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Yes I did make that point... just then..in my reply to you..and ok ..in my original post perhaps I should have put.. appeared to be..instead of actually was.. disabled. I certainly didn't claim 'Eve was witnessed in a wheelchair'. Frankly your petty knit picking and dissecting of comments, is quite annoying and distracting from the discussion being had by adults here and demonstrates your lack of maturity.

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Fartpress = TROLL ! TROLL ! TROLL!


Bare faced lies, etc etc etc

You are a snivelling moron maggot with mind like amoeba.

Another ProLie team member so fucking heck obvious it makes my eyes sting!


You have not even reached puberty, yet think your shrivelled organ can play a decent tune !

No one who has a brain can take you seriously Fartpress.

I am betting all your support comes from obvious ops here, let us watch the weeds grow.

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Oh dear..you appear to have thrown all of your toys out of the pram..😭

Isn't it away past your bedtime... you'll be late for school in the morning 🤣😂😁

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How do you know? Where’s the video proof of her existence, period?

This Eve character has never been seen outside of some doctored photos.

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I watched a video made by Hall on Rich Planet where he filmed a person leaving a house, claimed to be the abode of the Hibbards, in a wheelchair. I am not and never have claimed the existence of Eve Hibbard. Wether it was the possibly non existent Eve Hibbard or a crisis actor or your mum in the wheelchair is irrelevant. He was simply trying to catch the alleged victim with alleged disabilities.. faking it... to build evidence for his hypothesis and was unable to do so.

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Where is this alleged video? It’s never been published.

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It was on his rich planet show. It's been taken down.. I guess because of the court case. I was commenting on what I saw.

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So in your mind ; ' The idea that they did this Manchester event so they could prosecute an investigative journalist a few years down the line, in order to restrict freedom of speech...is a stretch to say the least.''

I suggest you actually learn to read & research. You appear to have a child like grasp of reality!

When was the event?

When was Halls trial announced?

How long between them ?

When did the Club of Rome publish its first book that mentioned the coming Climate Catastrophe propaganda?

When was its ideas embarrassed (by the media & MediaGovCorp) & implemented?

How long did it take?

When did WW1 end & WW2 begin, how long between when armaments were being built & amassed to enact WW2?

When was EVENT 2030 devised, mentioned & intended to be implemented?

Who was John Dee, Francis Bacon & Sir Francis Walsingham ?

What did they devise, implement & mature?

You seem to be a new ProLies member of the Chronic Moronic team of state fueld trolls here Fartpress. I doubt you will have any adult response .or just mire yourself deeper if you did.

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Why is real name of shallow posh brat Miri not what she claims, but actually registered in 1982, as



Miri so happen to be connected to Professor John Anthony Solboda

What does he do ? I found out, so should you I suggest.

Also she in cahoots with Michael William Daly- see his wikipedia entry!

I wonder how such mediocre commentator as Miri makes living, she claims via subs on stack, but that is unbelievable:

Here is all proof you need to think more proper about this event & the actors involved.


(Thanklings to Ross for investigation skills)

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"Sloboda is a Slovak surname. In Slavic languages the primary meaning of the word is "freedom", "liberty". As the surname it used to refer to "free men" (to distinguish them from "serfs"). The cognate surnames in other Slavic languages include Svoboda and Swoboda." Wiki

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Yes, in this instance freedom from coherent thought, & freedom of daddy's money funding great pose of mediocre entity.

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I can't find any Michael William Daly on Wikipedia.

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ah, because you inept moron & lying BBC Bitch Dave,

I am not 100% yet on this, it may be multiple variations in company house ?

but all clues point in his direction so far.


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An American politician and banker? Doesn’t seem very likely, somehow….why would he be involved with a nonentity such as Miri AF? Somewhat below his pay grade, don’t you think?

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No because if you follow clues I give you (& Ross uncovered about her ) will realise she is not non entity ,

Maybe you can show me better candidate from your skills, if so I will be grateful for alternative views?

I was going to think about her crow-like visage more, but she is so fucking boring as heck predictable clown there is no point after watching her yitter yatter with Ailing O'StrapOn & unfunny mrs slowcome impersonator Abi Rogered.

& then I see you Dave being troll entity here talking lies as usual, so keep waiting sad-boy 🙄😂🤣😂

Instead of rancid media poo, I will investigate more useful allegory like the two philosophical trees, & stones of Alchemy.

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I'll wait for your 'overview'.

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Like wow, what incredible brain you have !


Look at this & tell us what incredible thoughts distract the maggots from munching your mind while reading?

(thanks to Ross for proper investigation skill)


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2) Perhaps he's just part of the new plan, where they pick a narrative that is being challenged and Hall stupidly did what he did and became the scapegoat to promote the new censorship law narrative.

I find the UK censorship thing to be quite peculiar. There's plenty of violent speech, yet they went after people who said nothing bad. It's almost like they want to look like assholes that overstep.

The new narrative will be "under new management", like we are seeing in the USA with Trump and his "populist" campaign.

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I don't think anything Hall did was "stupid." He had to investigate because of the evidence he had in hand. In retrospect, with the massive advantage of hindsight, we can perhaps consider his reporting of his visit to the claimants house a mistake. But again, I stress, we all make mistakes and given the immense scope of Hall's investigation it is truly remarkable that he made so few. Further, I suggest it would be virtually impossible for Hall to envisage how his visit would subsequently be framed. Nothing he did was dodgy, there was no harassment of the claimants. This is a complete fabrication.

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Is it not ironic that Hall's biggest fan 'Protrue(! 🙄😂that name!) DID indulge in STALKING & eye blinding HARASSMENT on your comments pages though Iaini ?

Also indeed, is it not funny that you should chat to such shallow & hysterical 'researchers' as Mirianna Fink (! 🙄😂😆😂 That NAME!), Ailing O' strap on etc, yet ignore peoples who have over 40 years wisdom discussing this inside your comments.

No wonder it is taking you forever to get fully inside this symbolic drama of spectre.

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"2. The government do false flags to generate fear in the public domain. The idea that they did this Manchester event so they could prosecute an investigative journalist a few years down the line, inorder to restrict freedom of speech...is a stretch to say the least."

It is. Richard D Hall has never made this claim. Only someone on a mission to discredit him would.

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Well, this has confirmed my suspicions about Miri and also exposed her lack of logic and critical thinking skills.

1. She defines harassment as a ‘course of conduct’, quite rightly, and then says that RDH harassed ‘Eve’ by filming her once, possibly ill-advisedly.

2. When questioned by Iain as to her contradictory statements, she deflects onto the fact that RDH is a middle-aged man and ‘Eve’ was 16 at the time, arguing that ‘it didn’t look good’ and was a perfect event for the establishment to seize on. In the process, she did exactly what the establishment are doing and obsessing on a pretty insignificant event in the scheme of things.

3. Her point about RDH proving his own point by ‘proving’ ‘Eve’ had injuries is ridiculous. All he proved is that the person he’d been told was a victim of a bomb was disabled. And who’s to say disabled people can’t be crisis actors? Additionally, who’s to say that ‘Eve’ even exists? After all, there’s no evidence that she was at the Arena apart from a ticket stub in my understanding. I imagine ticket stubs aren’t that hard to get hold of.

4. She says that ‘Eve’ is off limits because she’s a child, but it’s my understanding that Hibberd exploits her in his book and the establishment has definitely exploited her. So why is she off limits to an investigative journalist investigating the narrative that’s exploiting her? Surely exposing that exploitation is a good thing.

5. Miri says that Convid wasn’t used to shut down free speech. She’s being incredibly myopic in saying such a thing. Convid was the crux in Australia and New Zealand for passing legislation prohibiting free speech. In Australia it’s called the Misinformation & Disinformation Bill (soon to be Act) and, unlike the UK, which still operates on the common law, they didn’t need a legal precedent to enact it.

From what I’ve read of the RDH case, which is mainly from you, Iain, as it hasn’t been covered in Australia at all to my knowledge, Miri has conspiracied her way into a cul-de-sac to the point that she herself looks like controlled opposition. She is effectively saying, anyone exposing a hoax or false flag that receives attention from the establishment, regardless of the fact that attention is on only one insignificant part of an investigation, is controlled opposition. This means Miri is doing exactly what she claims RDH is knowingly or unknowingly doing; that is, setting up the conditions to silence critical thought and speech by levelling unproven accusations at anyone daring to speak out.

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You miss the fact that HALL did not witness Eve= he could not tell if it was her, it was inconclusive, did he share footage so others with better vision skills could scrutinise it before (claimed) destruction by him, no..

It is a lie he filmed her, & that is what everyone here who is useless keeps repeating.

You are trying like desperate creatures in a cage to paint escape hatch over this.

None of you has a clue if Eve exists as depicted, at all or ever.

What proof that does exists also prove fact all images are constructs, implying no-genuine existence or artificial features of invisible girl.




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I never said he witnessed her at all. That is why I put the name in single quotes. I don’t believe she exists.

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''All he proved is that the person he’d been told was a victim of a bomb was disabled''

But I except your excuse because you did as you say about quotes.

Why then do you believe Eve not in existence?

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Again, that statement you quoted says, ‘the person HE’D BEEN TOLD was the victim of a bomb’. It does not at any point imply that I think she exists.

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You can't admit it can you ?

'' All he (Hall) PROVED is that ..... (EVE) was disabled'

You made a mess & are just wiping it about with this evasion.

From the line of reason you claim for Eve's phatasmagorical state can you please supply some example of ' made up people the media generated' , maybe in a Substack Post to give you some content, for a chronicle you seem surprisingly to have chronicled fuck all so far.

You also appear to be making a moral stance, yet when the ProLies account harassed us for saying Eves images are constructs & there is no proof of her existence (for several months) you never said a word.

In fact you bickered with us & got into a slagging match.

So what is your 'stance' here COR, what are you trying to achieve & what have you got to contribute?

From your long comment above (which I agree a lot with) it appears you are morally indignant about free speech, yet your behavior previously dispels that pose- you had a chance to do the honorable thing , yet instead joined in the petty hate games & dishonesty charade & still appear to be doing the same old routine of ingratiation, & steering discussion into cul de sacs.

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I don’t honour belligerent nonsense with a response.

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🙄Why then do you believe Eve not in existence?

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It totally does you insufferable lying piece of shit C.O.R.PSE !

At no point do you specify that in what you wrote , only after when Nushi pointed it out.

Maybe you should go back to school & learn the basics of how to express your thoughts in writing, here you appear either addled, challenged, or disingenuous.

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If you read my comment, I write: ‘Additionally, who’s to say ‘Eve’ even exists?’

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I've just read your opening post and the replies below it. I am amazed by what some people replying have said. It was patently obvious by the manner in which you referred to the character (i..e 'Eve') that you were not agreeing as to who she allegedly is.

If the repeated use of single quotation marks escaped the attention of those posting replies then it seems that they must have only read part of your post, given that you say the following under point 3:

"Additionally, who’s to say that ‘Eve’ even exists?"

I'm new to this substack so I don't know any of the people that have posted replies. However, my initial impressions are that I've seen more maturity and intellect from school children!

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Bill we all now know you are BBC Bitch team Prolies back more crippled than ever.

Your team even used the same avatar this time !

COR just stole idea from us, & we were playing game to see if it could be honest with any integrity & give credit, but it can not, so I think you miss the JOKE played back on it ?

As for immature & intellect challenged that is YOU who can not find post of two Hibbert images on SubSurgeOns pages!

Here it is obvious you so immature & mental cripple you want to take the side of liar thief posturing troll COR !

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Unfortunately for you, and the rest of the "we" (that you say you are speaking on behalf of), I am not "BBC Bitch team Prolies back more crippled than ever" (whatever that is supposed to mean in English). I am also not part of any team.

I'm not interested in any childish immature nonsense, particularly given that you've demonstrated that your preference is to make wild guesses, which are not only figments of your imagination but totally wrong. I prefer dealing in facts and engaging in mature & meaningful discussions.

So I suggest that you find somebody else to play your silly games with.

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Prolies, you made some great mistakes last time, & have made similar ones again.

No one here is convinced by your posing Bill. everyone who supports you will out themselves as plated trolls, again.

You pick the enemies you are not in sympathy with, while supporting obvious trolls Like COR - just read its NAME Bill.. retardis ... !

So..... you have either made an incredible mistake here......or you really are the BBC Bitch team we keep beating & making a laughing stock.

btw- What 'totally wrong wild guess' do you refer to Bill, you don't seem to be able to supply an example or any counter argument on that.

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I identified 2 of the wild guesses in my post (to which you have replied). I suggest that you read it again! If you want further examples of totally wrong wild guesses, here's a couple more:

1. I'm not "Prolies".

2. I have never made "some great mistakes last time" for the simple reason that there was no last time.

You seem to be somebody else that prefers figments of your imagination (fiction) as opposed to actual facts.

How many of you are in the "we" gang that The Blue Sky Maiden mentioned? Do you all behave like immature children?

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Nov 27Edited

Only to maggot eaten trolls & shills Bill.

Now go & bum wank yourself into some state of solace & re-evaluate your cliched & feeble posing here.

Your lack of articulation & text book baiting is so old it is stinking the place out !

If anyone has proven to be childish it is you with perverse alliance to 'Chronic Retardis'..... & baiting the only people here asking serious questions about the court theatre, & the pundits commentating so ineptly upon such 'performances'.

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Lol at Miri’s illogic. This reminds me of your interview with the other woman last time around. I don’t know if it’s a woman thing or what, but this type of reasoning is obviously fallacious. It’s not even primary school level.

Miri goes on around the 41:56 mark:

“You’re missing the point. He filmed her, by his own admission, to find out whether she was faking her injuries. That was why he said he filmed her, which would qualify it in his opinion as investigative journalism. But he then acknowledged, after having filmed her, that she’s not faking her injuries. –Oh, so do you think Manchester was real or not real? Oh, it’s still a hoax. So, do you see? It wasn’t investigative journalism. He admits it wasn’t because it wasn’t evidence either way”

Oh my god. I can’t stand this illogical drivel. It drives me nuts sometimes.

Ok, Miri, this is not hard to understand: if Eve is found to be injury-free, it means the story given by Martin is false, which would point to the ‘bombing’ possibly being a hoax (note this doesn’t even mean the bombing didn’t actually happen, it only means that the story as told by Martin can’t be true). On the other hand, if Eve is found with injuries that align with Martin’s story, this would constitute evidence that doesn’t contradict Martin’s story, therefore it wouldn’t point to the story told by Martin to be false. Does this mean we can definitely say after finding her with injuries in her body that the Manchester ‘bombing’ actually happened? Of course not. Injuries can also be faked, or injuries could have happened elsewhere at some other moment in time.

So, no. this doesn’t mean that “he admits… it wasn’t evidence either way”.

It’s pretty simple to be honest: if the physical evidence is in accordance with the story, you haven’t disproved the lie. If the physical evidence is contrary to the story, you have caught someone on a lie. Now, why did they lie? Does this lie mean that everything else is a lie? These are different questions, and trying to make it out as if “he admits… it wasn’t evidence either way” is silly.

Now that you have shown your ridiculous reasoning skills, I’m doubting how perceptive you actually are. Kind of like how you were trying to argue that ‘not-voting’ is the psyop. Ridiculous on its face. You just have to think for a minute to figure that one out.

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I’m a woman and Miri’s circular reasoning was doing my head in. But then, she thinks viruses are real, so I’m not at all surprised.

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COR ! You're a woman!?

Is that something that happened overnight or has it been brewing for a while?

Miri believing viruses are real does your fragile head in?

So then, for all your life until when , did you think viruses were a fiction.

Did you have a prolapse every time you had a computer virus warning, or when a viral catchy tune became popular among your friends, or a comedy catch phrase wormed like a virus into all the people around you, or when they were telling those viral jokes everyone used to pass about?

You sound, and act like a right proper precious little madam, so triggered & hyper-sensitive as to be dysfunctional. Maybe that's why you are locked in a malaise of typing tedious shite here?

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I don’t think I’m the one with that malaise 🙄 BTW, I’ve already told one of your stalker pals that I realised viruses weren’t real in mid-2020, tho’ I was not scared of them prior to that (oblivious really), unlike all the Covidiots who fell for it hook, line and sinker.

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Oh, how fucking clever and brave are you COR ?!


Who's the TROLL here? you deluded sanctimonious twat


You are new here yet have the audacity to claim 'we' are trolls while you are ? What ? Another mediocre Time Vampire with only old horse shit to share, the same worn out platitudes and some arse licking for Iain?

COR, we know what your team agenda is, so you may as well keep yourself busy!


you miserable dead soul with nowhere to go but Limbo.

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I didn’t say ‘trolls’. I said ‘stalker pals’.

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Well if you knew WTF you were talking about, and were familiar with what has occurred here the past year regarding genuine STALKERS, you would only use that term if you wanted a fight or to be humiliated until you realised what a rancid maggot you truly are.

How about after that smarmy, inversion of reality comment from you, it would be justified that I call you a child molesting dog fucker who keeps her daddys dick in her purse just in case you need to indulge in some incestuous rape fantasy after lunch or snacks ?

Now launch yourself off from that COR, let's see what a desperate masochist you really are today.

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Ignore these 'people'. They are a waste of human skin and time.

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Your reference to "illogical drivel" seems to be a very accurate summation of her thinking (if any) and her views/ opinions.

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''Bill Malcolm, 44, jailed for sex attacks on children, was gunned down at his flat in Forest Gate at about 2130 GMT on Wednesday night.

But many in the local community have expressed relief at his murder, and police are wary that some witnesses may not contact police because of sympathy for the killers.

Builder Roy Mahadoo said it was for the best that Mr Malcolm was dead.''

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What's your point (if any)?

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Are you back from the dead like some supernatural demonic entity, like in a horror film ?

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What do you think?

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Yeah, I reckon thats what you are in effect.

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Thanks, Charles! Miri must be smart enough to recognise that her logic is childish. She certainly recognised it in Aisling's

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Agree with you Iain, Richard had a massive viewer base and they decided to attack him. The media have always attacked people, look at the sad story of Brenda Leyland, did the reporter get prosecuted to make a new law against journalism? No…not in that case.

I think they want to get rid of people like Richard, and the government uses the weapon it has, the law, law enforcers…Because they have a monopoly on violence.

Increasing the popularity of people like Richard does nothing to the majority…80% are immunised from the truth by television ‘programming’.

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No, Hall never had massive audience, real figures = a few thousand.

You are in some dream of hype,

It is same on YouTube etc. 1 Million subs = 1500 views = 15 comments !!!

ie maybe a few hundred views topmost.

Hall was never a professional journalist, he is hobbyist with sociopathic inclination to be alternative media guru, sold some merchandise & did yearly chat around country, & did so as gatekeeper to channel views. He was never welcomed onto other platforms because of cranky, neurotic nature?

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Top views = about 3,500 according to some statistics sites back in the day.

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I can not compute how Hall existed without stable other working.

He had adverts from RAT CATCHER company then others, could they contribute £30,000 (?) a year for privilege of being associated to missing girl in sex ring, mutilated animal genitalia videos, scabby skellator Andrew Johnstone talking space travel fantasy etc.

His tours made how much once a year?

His books must make very little as production cost is very high on such runs.

T-shirts probably his biggest profit margin!

I imagine he must have always had extra funding from family death, donations from navigators, or selling his bottom to wealthy sadist ?

actually last speculation is very unlikely considered wrinkly age of him.

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From memory:


and Stonehouse (?) accountants.

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Mouse Mesh !

Matrix for mice = MAY TRICKS = Masonic Tricks for 'vermin' ?

STONEHOUSE = CONSTRUCTION = masonic skill = Prison ?



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Where you flom, Blue Sky Maiden? You Ingrish is velly wooden.

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Not as wooden as the splinters in your backside creeper ToeKnee.

University life must be so boring thinking all day of moral transgressions!

Is that why you sell out to BBC whoredom ?

tROT ON for me like a good little pony!

Thanatos must be your god & guide.

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Could somebody be so kind as to translate the above post into English for me?

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Is that all you've got Turdy Tony?

You must be new at being a butt buggered baiter, or an infant with warped sensibilities?

Let's look at the content here- & what we find is mention of the sponsors for Richard Damian Hall, how interesting......then we have you, a miserable, talentless 'architect' who makes flimsy crap for a company that isnt even registered.... so just another poseur troll, with no content of your own, being bitter & envious.

tROT ON Tony,

it's what you are here for after all.

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It's bad enough when trolls use multiple aliases to spam a message board. It's exponentially worse when they do so using the undecipherable language 'Iblithnick'.

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Nov 22Edited

I think you are missing the point. This isn't about Richard, it's about silencing speech, so that we are only allowed to hear what the honest government has to say. The government loves you.

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Tell me something I, & every one else here don't know Mr Truth Pie!


You state obvious including fantasy mistake (or lie?) of Richard Damian Stag Ring Hall, miss my point like troll bait, & now act out indignation.

You must be new here = all you write is ingrained & old comments already on every post about this court spectacle. , & also because otherwise you would see how censorship threat is not from court theater: but HERE ON COMMENTS OF SOCIAL MEDIA by narrative Sheppards & pied pipers.

My Government has never loved its people for eons, you are just catching up to what martial law fascism & slave mentality really is in your backwards culturally confused Island (but beautiful & full of many fabulous diverse & creative peoples !)

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Acknowledge that this case provides a very strong precedent that the crooked judges would use against us. Regardless what you think of RDH.

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I acknowledge that you can not acknowledge the content of my comment PIe by Phi.

The case sets a president to make people think it is enforceable, which it is not, except for sell out nark arses without a clue & boring little regurgitation clones.

While on the comments pages of Iaini Davisi here an actual serious event of malicious STALKING & HARASSMENT occurred for several months, & was handled with cruel & deserved humour in response by friends & me, who eventually defeated it (re- PROTRUE account of BBC controlled alt.media scum)

Now can you acknowledge that appear as stupid twat lost in virtue signalling malaise.

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Nov 22Edited

I don't agree that there was stalking or harrassment, since the police did not charge him with that.

Regarding alt media commentators, if we can spread the word on how corrupt the system is, maybe that could be a spark to awaken righteous indignation in the population.

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The real threat from this Court Theater is not from new laws that can not be honestly implemented:

It is here & on social media sites via moderators, site censors & profile owners having censorship spasms, bigotry blockage & channeled agendas.

Also I must add observation that everyone here & anywhere saying 'Hall saw Eve in wheelchair outside her house 'is lying. The footage was inconclusive & could have been someone else, a bag of shopping, pet in a coat, mannikin, or job lot bundle of Andrew Johnson shitty fleeces.

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Miri-anan Fink - Marianna C.Liar Denton/ Spring.

Spring= Fawcett?- remember Osterman Weekend?!

If that does not generate a groan of recognition then please go back to sleep.

What is a FINK ? (*1)


EVE =alleged 1st woman created by 'god'. (or for some 2nd partner of ADAM after

Lilith) in Bible. Catalyst for fall from grace of 'god'. Perpetrator of 1st act alleged of sin.

Evey Hammond, in excellent comic novel, & decent film- V for vendetta by Alan


Eve Harrington: The ambitious and calculating character in the classic film "All

About Eve," played by Anne Baxter.

EVE Online: A popular science fiction online game where players explore, trade, and

battle in a vast galaxy.

Parasite Eve: A science fiction novel by Hideaki Sena, which was adapted into video

games and a film, featuring a character named Eve.

EVE relates to EVENING of course. EVEN. EVENT. EVENTUAL.

Consider also ?

V = 22 nd letter of Alphabet.

22 in Masonry = ''In Freemasonry, the number 22 is associated with the Knight of the Royal Axe. It is also believed to represent creativity, vision, and access to higher knowledge''.

The number 22 is often associated with creativity and vision. It is believed to give one access to higher knowledge and understanding of life’s mysteries.

E=5th, so EVE= 5+22+5 = 32

32+ colel= 33

32-colel = 31 which reduces to = (3+1)= 4

22 in gematria reduces to (2+2) = 4

Weapon of God of thunder & lightning = AXE

God of Thunder & Lightning = THOR (phonetic FOUR=4)

I speculate that EVE is Spectre for Spectacle.

This is yet to be refuted in any serious way.

Here is abundance of implication & proof of constructed visage.


(*1) = A "fink" is a slang term often used to describe someone who is considered a traitor or informer, particularly someone who betrays a trust by providing information to authorities or other outside parties. It's a bit of an old-fashioned term but still carries a punch when used in the right context.

Interestingly, the word "fink" has its origins in the Yiddish word "finkl," which means "finch" (as in the bird). Over time, the term evolved in English to take on its current meaning.

Answer from slave robot Chat GPT, though also verified from proper old dictionary.

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Fascinating. Thanks!

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You're both missing the point. What were and where was she/he injured? Ascertaining the girl like the father were in wheelchairs-- was the Bomb responsible? Or some previous event. Which led RDH to question the other 20 fatalities/services- relocation possibilities etc. Peeling the onion. P.s. you are both correct of course, on the side of The Angels- with differing perspectives - RDH wont like being a Pawn. He's left cameras out before to film Alien landings!? in lake District etc so that could have been established too as a technique of his. No vendetta..just observation. Pps. The blast occurred during song #22 of set list. Yup. At 22 hours. Too heavy handed. A signature. A memorable name. Like Kiss. Or the Eye discoloration in the MM girl story. For all to confirm! should she return from some mystery kidnapping etc. I'm going Forest/Cult.

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Yes I agree, both miss point as do you !

Show me valid fact of EVE being real human being, show me she is likeness of media images shown, tell me why media images are constructed but almost no one noticed or mention, like the two pied pipers in video above?

I look forward to your evasion with wholesome mirth.

Proof implying EVE is constructed entity=


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Why is real name of shallow posh brat Miri not what she claims, but actually registered in 1982, as



Miri so happen to be connected to Professor John Anthony Solboda

What does he do ? I found out, so should you I suggest.

Then she also connect to this persona=


What an innocent thing is pretend to be, instead we see her a crow creature in deceits.

Iaini Davisis prove yet again he is fucking useless research tool who is interviewed with obvious actresses all the time. Maybe Davisis can not actually do proper research at all, & his content is supplied to attach to his rosy drunken face? Is Iaini Davisis really just front gnome for tribe of malicious trolls on distraction jiggle?

(thanks to Ross for proper investigation workings)

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Miri, Miri, Miri! WTF!

First of all, thanks Iain and Miri for having this debate.

1. Note that Martin Hibbert put Eve in the limelight long before RDH did or at least before he became aware of Richard's work.

2. RDH's reporting of his visit wasn't a mistake, a crime, or immoral. It was part of a valid investigation.

3. Miri asserts that RDH filmed Eve "in her home." This is of course untrue but Miri has a habit of falsely portraying this non-event as a perverted, immoral invasion of privacy which is exactly what the trial judge did. It seems to me that it's Miri's motivations that should be on trial.

4. Let's discuss bad optics. Miri's constant shouting over Iain with the same fallacious arguments is terrible optics. It's the same tactic that Aisling uses.

Constant assertions of "everybody knows", "no one would think" and "right minded people" (maybe not exact quotes) are also bad optics. Where's the evidence to support them? Does Miri expect us to believe that her beliefs overrule all others?

5. Eve, if she even exists, as a victim of child abuse? Having raised this, does Miri then suggest that nosy neighbours and journalists should mind their own business and not expose this abuse?

6. The longer this discussion goes on the more I have to question which side Miri is working for. She isn't exactly unknown herself. She's so intent on vilifying RDH that she repeatedly makes herself look foolish when challenged. Although she knows better, she still portraits RDH as making up the McCann case from nothing as though the Portuguese investigation didn't happen. Why else would she stylise it the way she does? When Iain overrides her lame arguments with sound logic, she changes the topic to avoid acknowledging his position.

7. Her message seems to be that we shouldn't raise our heads above the parapet lest we give the overlords ammo to use against us. Don't investigate anything cause they'll make a new law making it illegal to investigate anything. Anyone who does is then a shill working for the other side.

We don't fight evil by giving into it. If we continuously concede rights/territory to the genocidal terrorists running our countries, we're guaranteed to lose.

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How posh is Miri ?

What does her name signify ?

I need say no more 🙄😆😂🤣😂

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Bad optics !

what a smarmy useless twat Jaffaboy is here!

They are scrapping the arse end of the barrel with chortling goons like him,

what melodramatic polemic it can excrete with a serious face!

Johnny Jaffer feltching the gaffer again for a bonus.

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I agree with every point you make there.

Unlike Miri (and I would guess you are using the term as she used it), I won't refer to the parasite/predator class as 'overlords' - I prefer the term 'underlords' for putting them in their proper place.

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Well said

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What this interview exposed more than anything, for me, was that Miri, although being reasonably intelligent, seems to actually have quite poorly developed critical thinking skills.

She has posited a thesis that Hall is an asset, which she states as a certainty, when it is far from that, in my opinion.

When Iain put information to her which speaks against her thesis, such as that Eve Hibbert is only discussed in in a very minor way in his book, she totally ignored this very relevant observation without even commenting on it, and just restated her thesis.

This is not how building a reliable model of reality is done, and not how constructive debate is best engaged in.

All evidence has to be considered and assessed honestly - if one is just going to ignore or discard any piece of evidence which challenges one's thesis, one is likely to not build an accurate model, and debate becomes a somewhat futile activity.

The same is true of the argument about whether Eve actually exists or not.

There are multiple pieces of material evidence (two selfie photos on a twitter account from 2013/4, two versions of the photo in the San Carlo restaurant, and official identity documentary proof presented to the court of her existence & relationship to Martin), in addition to Hall's account of the video he captured of a disabled girl at the address where Eve was expected to live.

All of this must be ignored in order to claim that Eve doesn't exist.

This is not honest consideration and assessment of the available evidence.

The thesis is supported purely by the wish for it to be true and claims that all existing evidence is somehow fake - claims which are flimsy at best.

In terms of critical thinking and rational debate, the people on these pages who are asserting the thesis that Eve doesn't exist, are equally, if not more poor at modelling reality than Miri evidently is.

I have already had to block a number of accounts here as they cannot argue their points without resorting to aggressive ad hominem and what seems to me to be co-ordinated gang-trolling, which is unacceptable as a mode of communication among civilised folk.

At least Miri is able to debate in a civilised manner, and it would be good to see Iain talk further with her. Over time she may consider the points Iain made, and possibly even modify her thinking.

One observation I make is that she actually has appeared to move her position slightly on why she claims Hall investigated Eve at all.

In her talk with James Delingpole, she claimed he wanted to prove she wasn't injured.

In this talk with Iain, she says 'he filmed her to ascertain if she was faking her injuries OR NOT'.

I felt that was a step forward for her, and likely much closer to the truth of what Hall did, which was to try to discover the truth of Eve's injuries, aside from Martin's obvious lie about her having a hole right through her head, which nobody with any sense should have taken as true.

This alone seriously then challenges Miri's own thesis that Hall must have 'deliberately tripped himself up' by investigating Eve's injuries, as he had no reason to include his observation of her in his film and book.

He was, as I read it, 'fact checking', which is a vital part of investigative journalism. And having observed that Eve was indeed seriously injured, that much of Martin's story at least was true, but then the further question is raised from that observation, as to whether those injuries were actually sustained at the Arena, as there were still issues with Martin's story, such as him initially claiming that the blast occurred in the main arena, not in the City Room.

It was also good that Iain strongly pointed out Miri's error in her understanding of what the legal definition of 'Harassment' actually is, and that Hall's activities in no way satisfy confirmation of that charge.

If the Court of Appeal is not a corrupt institution, and there is far from any guarantee of that, Hall's appeal of Steyn's judgment ought to be successful.

If we want to help, in my opinion, we should remain optimistic but also realistic, and continue to raise awareness of Hall's plight in this serious miscarriage of justice, as well as the wider implications for independent investigative journalism, and the freedom to comment online or even in speech, when challenging the truth of events used in political propaganda, public perception management and social engineering.

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I haven't got my glasses to hand,

is that Iain Davis interviewing one of the CROWS from the jungle book, or Freddie "Parrot-Face" Davies wearing some lippy ?


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Regarding the 'Eve Hibbert doesn't exist' cult here,

I don't know if anyone has noticed, but the twitter account in her name (@EveHibbert) has very recently had all it's posts deleted, which includes the 2 selfies she posted about 4 years before the Arena event (how did they get there anyway? Were they digitally constructed in 2013 & set up in that account in preparation for the 2017 event and the 2024 High Court trial? Or was that whole account created after the 2017 event and inserted into the twitter timeline? Very risky to do that, as exposure of that corruption could easily have occurred).

I guess discussion here is being watched by either Martin or somebody close to the Hibberts - or perhaps the gang of trolls operating here are in fact working for 'the other side' and their job is to monitor & sow confusion and discord here?

If they aren't working for the state, they ought to be, as they're doing a very persistent job of trying to derail any constructive conversation and any support for Hall's legal battle, despite them claiming they're offering better legal advice than him just pursuing an appeal (I analysed/tore to pieces that load of chatbot garbage on a previous page.)

So evidence that she exists is being memory holed.

How interesting.

I wonder if this is to deliberately increase the speculation about whether she exists or not? (which, in the greater picture of Manchester Arena and Hall's appeal is very much a red herring of a topic for conversation, in my opinion).

Maybe Martin just found out the photos are being discussed and he told Eve & her mother to delete them? Or something else?

There are usually multiple possibilities with any observation.

Anyone claiming certainty of any conclusion is usually either not an intelligent researcher, or has an agenda.

Did anyone save those photos, by any chance?


You've been claiming they're digital constructs, so I would guess you've actually downloaded them in order to analyse & have them on record as evidence of the deception you keep claiming they represent...?

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I'm so pleased that you two had this chat. Thank you for that. Really important and very well done from both of you. It is good to respectfully disagree. I am of the opinion that Ian put forward that the BBC(establishment) used Richard opportunistically and not that he is in on it. He was not harassing Eve but gathering evidence and not as a pervey older man. Regarding Madelaine - I would suggest looking up the Deception Detective on You Tube. He is an attorney trained in statement anaylsis and really interesting! Thanks again.

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Occult simply means 'hidden', not some supernatural hocus pocus witchery and broomsticks balls.

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Who can not use a dictionary here?

If so call Dave Whitey, he is capable of giving definitions with only 2 days notice!

What does the word 'redundant' mean Dave ?

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Is even talking so much about the stories put out by the Establishment playing their game?

It would be great if such a good investigator such as Iain could look very closely at who is behind the curtain. Exposing the names of some of those who are powerful enough to initiate social change across the globe, may allow the rest of us to stop their plans, shoud we chose to so do.

Maybe we want to live like ants in an ant computer, all linked together using cybernetics, but informed consent doesn't seem to be their style. They have set up alternative media outlets to talk about stuff so they can control or to distract us.

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Nice dream. Davis proved he was part of the problem when he allowed & facilitated ProLIes account to run amok, then he deleted Nushis post proving no court claims can be made if worded properly. His time of credibility has passed, now you will see the real natures of these poseurs rise to the surface of the sewer fairly rapidly.

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I suggest you look at Iain's extensive work on Global Public Private Partnerships, for answers as to who are the high level puppeteers.

Some names will be familiar (Gates, Thiel, Musk), but many take great pains to remain 'occulted'.

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Those names are pushed forward by those at the top who don't seem to be named by the likes of Iain Davis.

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Perhaps, Iain genuinely does not know who the very highest level players are. That would seem perfectly plausible to me.

Are the activities of the Bilderburg Group any less nefarious, if we're unaware of precisely who attends their meetings?

It's what comes out of those meetings that matters more than the individual participants - policy, rather than people.

"By their fruits ye shall know them".

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Yes, I get your point but if the likes of Iain doesn't do the investigation, who does? They hide because they don't want us to know them and what they control, so it would be good if at least a section of the "resistance" tried to expose them to the light.

Thay way, their actions might be curtailed.

They are behind the big picture which is changing our society based on their lies. Whether we can use their tools eg technology for good, is debatable. Maybe we have to scrap it and live more like in the past.

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See you in the roundhouse, Munchy! ;)

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Is that your local pub? If so, sounds tempting!

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Frances Leader has been doing some deep diving on that front.

(Black Nobility, Orsinis, etc)

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Eye eye:


You played this scene before

You played this scene before

I the mote in your eye, eye, eye, eye

I the mote in your eye...


Upside down "V", symbol for male; circle; and phoenix (?). One lady wears a Maltese Cross:



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Incubus 🤗

'Kiss Me Black

Song by

The Birthday Party

(extraction from start)


now they put the stink on us

throw us to the sucubus

fed us to the incubus

and brung in the Saprophagus

c'mon and kiss me black

black as the pit in which you found me

she's like a dog you have to kick her

sleeps like a swastica

and says 'everyone's a winner now

cos everyone's a sinner now'



Incubus Succubus II

Xmal Deutschland


From heaven fell a morning star

Vom himmel fiel ein morgenstern

A new god

Ein neuer gott

For our powers

Für unsere mächte

Incubus succubus

Incubus succubus

Succubus incubus

Succubus incubus

Deep down where there is no more light

Ganz tief unten, wo es kein licht mehr gibt


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I always thought Nick Cave sang,

''incubus, succubus, never meant more than fuck to us''

I had the lp when it came out, I will have to download a copy & re-listen,

that song was my favorite on the whole record at the time.

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I prefer your version of lyric !

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I preferred Xmal Deutschland, they might better Marillion's.

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😊 I love the MarriLions lyric very much & it is new to me.

XMAL - mention witches sabbath in lyric & I am thinking things about MAY EVE of April 30 ?

I can not believe it (said like angry bald man in famous funny TV sitcom) !

The Prolies disease is back here with now FartPress & its 3 stupid questions Davisi pounced apon.

It is like Spice Girls break up, instead of one horrible manufactured clump of puppets there is now several all busy being sub-human wittering machines.

by wayside- Substack have not allowed me access to old posts & I am getting mad as heck about it. Soon I will shock them with action they must take notice of otherwise prove they steal 'creative works not belonging to them'.


CHECK OUT THE COMMENTS ON THIS - you will laugh or cry, maybe both?


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A.O'S talking about "black magic" in response!

Sheridan is back on the scene, worse luck! T0M Cahill did some videos about him some time ago:


In the first video, he mentions the "puff of smoke phenomenon" that I have mentioned.

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What a hairy grub Sherridin is!

He also do what James CobbleTit do with angry face, pulling fists & shouting YOU at audience when reprimanding world leaders. CobbleTit do it in lovely park in Japan, Sheridan do it in passenger seat of car !

Sherrydown also imagine he is Shaman, yet incapable of realising shoddy illusions in front of eyes. I laugh a lot reading what he & AOS (what initials!) bicker about, genuine hilarity of madness.

Now I go & get cosy to AOS & see how great her research skill can become! Then I read insightful TOM with obsession about Sherryman , how many videos, the hate must be strong! 😁😂

from Discogs

Thomas Sheridan

In Groups:

The Children's Zoo

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Everyone should read the post on the link above! Well done to the authors!

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The upside-down V could also be the Masonic compass......

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Dave we all know you are BBC Bitch team Prolies back more crippled than ever.

You state bloody obvious as usual.

Now you fill comments with your boring anal vomit wallpaer tactic.

You prove to be tiny lonely maggot with decomposing brain.

tROT ON Dave, you may be some use as manure, but as typing turd you are useless.


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My god, it’s the same old tedious thing with you over and over again. You’re so boring. So lacking in originality. Such a dullard.

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SNAP ! Dave BBC Bitch!

Now, go crack up & pop for us!


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Yes Dave IS PROLIES BBC Bitch back again !


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Indeed! Well spotted! I I was at least subconsciously aware of that; but hopefully, if there are others reading this with an open mind, your addition will help them too!

Of course, the Freedom Alliance will argue that it is an "A" intialling the word "Alliance"; although I would not accept that.

Although the electoral system is largely a con and frace, observing it is very revealing due to the cross-over between small party activists and the so-called "alternative" media.

Let's think hard about what the Libertarian Alliance 'party' has done:

They stood candidates where there were already anti-lockdown candidates. Example Senedd 2021 election: Reform UK (Brexit Party), UKIP were already anti-lockdown (one of them had a track record of voting against ALL of the lockdown measures in the Senedd, but received no publicity) and stood candidates; LA throws their hat in the ring with more candidates; and then a "No to lockdowns" party stands also.

What is the result? Anti-lockdown vote SPLITS. Anti-lockdown party airtime and publicity is DECREASED because there are now so many of them at it, broadcasting fairness conventions means they must all have a thin little bit of publicity; whereas if there were only one or two of them they'd get a large slice of publicity. Result: large chunks of votes and representatives for Welsh Labour, Conservative and Plaid Cymru (UN trojan horse).

Likely the same in the London elections with Reform UK/Brexit; UKIP; Kuerten's Heritage Party (publicised by UK Column latterly!! huge warning flag!!);English Democrats; Laurence Fox's Reclaim Party; MIT spook Brian Rose; maybe also LA and "no to lockdowns" and others; all standing against one another in the 2021 elections. Result: Sadiq Kahn and London Labour party win.

Dingleberry publicised the "no to lockdowns" party, he MAY have also publicised the Libertarian Alliance. So, he is publicising "vote splitting" parties, without stating his reasoning as to why he is doing so; did it not occur to him to research competitors and think about whether opertation "vote split" was in play? Libertarian Alliance, "no to lockdowns" party and Dingleberry, all doing sterling work from the point of view of Labour and Conservative parties, despite the fact they are supposed to be AGAINST their policies.

Mr Tilt the (former) leader of the LA, instead of persevering and building something after sucking anti-lockdown activists and energy in, then left the LA, as did MAF, thereby dissipating all of that energy and activism. This is remeniscent of how very small parties in the 70s and 80s and 2000s: build them up, suck in members and donations, act the pied-piper, then all the agents, cranks and others with dubious connections smash them down before they get momentumn.

Bashed out quickly - please tolerate the spelling and grammar.

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slurping away as you tROT ON Dave,

show us some dressage tricks while you are at it little maggot mule!

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